Inside Japan's DEEPEST Station

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bit of a special walk today this is what is known asai station we've come out here before on the main Channel but never on the Explorer Channel and I wanted to give you guys a feel for what the whole area looks like including the random pullup bar covered in Rust outside there's some abandoned buildings at one point this place was popping but that time is not now you can get us a view for the outside tracks from here I love this little enclosure and there's one track going One Direction Up Above here and then there is another one that goes deep deep underground and that's going to be down that way before we head there I want to show you guys doai house and what this station looks like from the outside so this here is doai station from the outside big triangle entrance and as you can see today this is probably the most people that we're ever going to see here almost every single time that I've ever come out to this place it has just been completely empty void of people for the most part the very first time was on the unnamed adventure with Victor back in I don't know somewhere around 2020 and then I came back with Kiki this here we're not going to be able to get to it because of all the snow this here is doai house and DOI house I'm guessing was originally like a like a care house and restaurant and everything but it has long since gone abandoned the other side of it has all but Fallen apart and today we are going to make our way down the 400 plus stairs of do Ice Station as you can see this area is right out in the mountains there is a mountain nearby that is really popular for climbing and actually it's one of the more dangerous you'll see there like people's climbing gear here and it is one of the more dangerous mountains in Japan for climbing there has been a lot of incidents a lot of this is where the like this is where you would come and like get your tickets and everything originally it was later turned into a cafe and then you can push this here and rather than getting like a ticket you get a thing that says what station you're at so right there it says dwai station it's coming into this here would then when you come out at whatever station is you would hand that to the staff and then you would pay whatever the appropriate fee is or if you're coming out from here your used tickets would go in there a lot of this is done on the honor System because they there's no way for there's no like digital thing for them to to track and do the tickets so people are trusted to just do it properly now coming around here here we get our first long tunnel here and this is like the first area of like big impact when it comes to coming to doai station there's a bunch of stairs that lead down this way but it's basically just this long tunnel and it looks like they have turned this area into a camp Zone there's there's little places you can set up camp that is incredible wow okay so we're going to head down this way the real big impact one is when we get to the very end through the doors but let's turn this around for a second I can't stop coming to this place because every single time I come out here I feel like there's this old part of Japan there's this adventure inside of just coming out here and it's one of the places that I highly and strongly recommend people to come and check out it does take a you can't get out here by train from Tokyo but it is several hours and so as usual I've come out today by car our main door is right there and there's going to be a river once we get across there I'm still just I actually kind of now want to come back and stay at this campsite I'm very very in I should have looked that up never expected them to turn this into a c campsite now when the train comes through this area turns into a giant wind tunnel and it gets very very strong and so to break that wind they put this in here but here is the access to the main stairway like look at the glass on the Windows look at this and then actually down here there's some very beautiful water but I don't think there's a clear enough window to actually see it through there you go but the impact shot the the thing that everybody comes to deai for is this set of stairs right here it's really hard to show the scale of it it looks believe it or not a lot smaller on video than it does in real life but these here does this know let me put up the screen does this give us nope I zoomed in does this give us any sense of scale it doesn't it doesn't so this here will show you 1967 September and then over here 462 steps 460 and then is just a countdown all the way down now I personally have done these steps a total I think of six or seven times the very first time I came out we kind of did a scouting run and we recorded that on camera I wanted to see like the initial feel of it and then we recorded going up and was it'll exhaust you but then let's turn this back around when I got up to the top I realized you know what this place would sound absolutely amazing for shamien and so I ran all the way back up and got my shamien and came back down just to play a little bit of music on the and it does it sounds absolutely incredible which is why I brought the shamien girls out here to do an entire song in this station and in a station just down the road called yubiso now I don't know how much it's getting picked up by the mics right now but there is a constant Breeze as well as a like there's an echo that was what I was trying to show I wasn't saying that there's ah I'm saying that there's an echo and at this point we are at the 320 step Mark we've got about this much more to go and I'm just trying not to fall to be honest this has always been one of my favorite little spots not just because of the station the station and these stairs and the visuals of it are love it but the area itself matches the station this entire area gives you this like this Vibe of abandoned but not abandoned so you come through here and again all of this looks like it's a Ed but this is actually an active station there are trains that come through here every single day not very many but still every single day you got trains coming through here as I'm recording this right now it is end of winter back end of winter beginning of Spring and so it is not as humid in here which means the Moss up on the walls is suffering a massive decrease if you come here in the depths of Summer there's a ton of moss around the lights and you can access in here like 24 hours a am I hearing a train there's no way the train is coming now what I feel like no way I'm going to try and make it down there I don't think we'll make it on time but I feel like I hear the train and God I'm running now just going to try not to fall down the stairs oh it depends on how long it's going to stop for there are so few trains a day let to actually get the train in the station is a bit of a treat and there it is oh the train is there oh this is some lucky timing there we go guys doai station with the train look at all the people too it's so weird to be out here in the middle of nowhere and just see this train that runs from Tokyo with all these people in it everyone coming up to the doors to get their shots we honestly could not have been luckier with our timing on this and then that is just spectacularly lucky I'm holding back for a second cuz I don't want to get in people's photos and then when you get down here you've got your standard Jr sign that just says there it is you so is the one before just fantastic okay so everyone's down here getting their shots and their photos and everything having a great time one of the things you know we'll check that out in a minute coming over this way there's a little rest area and years ago I left a note for anybody who comes here and put it in the book and no the table's that explains it I used to get DMS from people being like hey I'm at doy station and I found your note and now the uh the book is gone this brings us down there's a whole platform down over here it amazes me the the people who will actually come out here by train this guy's practicing his slip back and just absolutely amazes me that the people who will come out here by train and I always wonder where they're coming from as well now it really doesn't seem like much you're like okay so you're on excuse me you're on a train platform but there's something about being down here that when you get down here you're like yeah I could I could spend 10 minutes here I can spend 15 and then before you know it you've spent half a day here the entire day is gone and you've just been hanging out on a train platform for anybody wondering it is considerably cooler down here than it is up there we've got snow but it's it's like well into the snow should be melted kind of season and you can take it right to the end here so here's the staircase and there's the tunnel from which the train comes I still can't believe we got lucky enough to get that train but the Big Challenge and if you want to stick around for it I invite you to do so is getting back up those stairs we got down them pretty quick I just did not want to miss that train but also just coming around here and the stairs revealing themselves as you go up it's also again I know I'm repeating myself but it's wild to see so many people here every single time I've come it has been all but empty and if you zoom in a little and you look up those stairs there are just so many people and so here we go we are starting right at the bottom stair number five this is stair number 10 and along the sides here you notice there's like a stream of water that's going along that runs all the way up over here since we had to rush by it all there's a t kchi no entry sign right here there's just something about the door itself it's just it is freaky also this entire thing is just being shot on an action cam the Ace Pro definitely not sponsored this thing has a ton of handling noise and it's one of my biggest stresses with it but it's the only action cam I have that can handle low light like it's actually somewhat dark in here right now and we're still able to record this but I didn't escape from a temple video and the temple was absolutely massive but there was so much handling noise of the camera in the video I limited out what I could in post production but it was it was a lot and I'm very quickly becoming aware of how many stairs I have ahead ahead of me but I've been training for this if you've watched any video on this channel you know I've been training for this and we have to do our stair rating so as we come up here you'll notice there's also these little areas of water just spewing into the stream running down the these stairs here honestly probably will get one of my best ratings yet at fairly solid 9.8 out of 10 now you might be like wow that's it's a really high rating for some stairs and yeah there's a ton of water on the ground they're on a bit of a weird angle there's definitely way too many of them but they have Landing points and benches along the way that you can use to take a break break visually they're also really beautiful with the lights in the Moss and the sound profile of this place is spectacular one of the reasons that I brought the shamien girls out to here is because we did a show in Vancouver many years ago 2019 and they played a song that I had never heard them play before and the echo to this song was incredible and the second I heard it I knew we had to come record it at doai station now we didn't quite get the lighting and the shots we wanted at doai I might have to upload that one still that's on the shami sand in Tokyo Channel but in ubis so we got this beautiful shot of the girls recorded the song and it was just spectacular we are currently just over half way at 240 steps still holding strong and it's crowded there are so many people this time again keeping in mind this is my third or fourth time out here and not once have I ever seen this many people I think on my first visit we saw a gentleman who was jogging up and down the stairs is that the right word jog we'll say jogging for exercise but he's one of the only people I've ever seen here other than Travelers and hikers with bells don't usually have this many tourists and families and everything so as I'm recording this right now I'm setting up for our next big live stream Adventure an adventure on both Tokyo lens yeah I'm running out of breath we're at 350 stairs now running out of breath our Next Big Adventure on Tokyo lens and Tokyo lens explore is coming up in just a few weeks actually and I'm doing pre- scouting for some ideas kind of searching for inspiration what are we at almost 400 steps that wasn't halfway anyway I've had the patreon crew giving any and every idea of places that they want to see we did a similar Trip 2 or 3 years ago where we traveled across the country and did new videos and live streams pretty much every single day and one big final video to wrap the whole thing together and it was so much fun that now the main channel has hit a million subscribers I wanted to do the same thing to celebrate no matter how out of breath I am and here we are we are almost at the end here coming up here our last 460 462 steps and we are up and for the most part I think that gives us a pretty good overview of what dwai station looks like every single time that I've ever come out here it's been clips into a video that's been cut into pieces see the audio profile instantly changes as soon as we get through here a lot of the echo is gone the whole thing just cleans up a lot more the the camera I'm using again fantastic for low light and overall videography but 100% no good on the mics so always been one of the struggles with insta 360 cameras except for the actual 360 camera which is weirdly completely usable even with the mics but these action cams that they make are great but just terrible mics the DJI has better mics and better isolation but can't handle low light as well there's going to be a sign right up here that shows us just how few trains there are during the days and so you'll be able to see just how incredibly lucky we were to get that train and while I'm still slightly out of breath I feel weirdly energized now from that rather than tired so there we go it's saying the kaat the ticket gate is 17 M from here so incredibly detailed and that would be it right here now there is a train schedule somewhere here so let's go see if we can't find it oh no way it actually it shows us I was talking about the ticket gate earlier but it actually shows us where the oh no way okay so yubiso and doai are just out of the sua area this here if you can't read it says sua idia and sua is your like pass card that you can use for stuff but come in here we've got the train schedule right here just absolutely nuts that's it for the whole day that is so I feel like we just managed to I don't it's not even on there like as I'm doing this right now it is just noon it is noon so whatever train just passed through what guys I'm I'm I'm confused it's not on here 8:40 12:42 1:41 p.m. 9:52 none of those were our train so we got insanely lucky with that train and then over here I think this is locked now but we got a bunch of wood and stuff in there also recorded a video for the chummies and girls out here there's so many videos I've recorded with them that just never ended up getting uploaded I need to get on of that but what I do want to do is kind of show you guys the entrance of the the front side of doai house which has just been absolutely obliterated like it's I'm surprised they haven't torn it down tearing things down and disposing of it can be quite expensive this area here is in so much worse condition than it was the first time that I ever came out here there was actually a bit of a building here and there just isn't now and then ah this is it here okay so if you're interested and you're wondering what the uh the camp site is here at dwai and you didn't want to have to look it up this is it right here it is the pass Mina Mina Kami glamping Park oh and Cafe there's a bus so if you want to take a bus out here you can do that too we'll try and come up this way and come around oh God the snow is so oh my foot went right in that is very soft snow this is the doai house over here such a beautiful space but there's just it's truly unfortunate how much of Japan has gone abandoned some of it is you know that like loss of population and people moving into the bigger cities but a lot of it is also Japan over built in the80s during the bubble they built way more than they needed and this is what I was talking about when I said from the other side DOI house was just absolutely obliterated the entire thing is just destroyed like this here was an udon shop right here but look at that that is in terrible terrible condition but I wanted to put this up for you guys today as a little bit of a a teaser a bit of excitement for the upcoming Adventure who knows you might be finding this way later and there might be a bunch of content for you to watch that that's already there and uploaded and ready to go or you might be watching this right as it comes out either way do me a favor let me know in the comments what you thought of doai station do you want to visit here it is a 10 out of 10 recommendation for me thank you and I will see you again real soon
Channel: Tokyo Lens Explore
Views: 57,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Japanese, Livestream, Japan live, Tokyo Lens, Tokyo Lens Explore, Norm Tokyo Lens, Exploring Japan, Walking Japan, Walk Japan, Japan Walk, Japan views
Id: ooflfztA8pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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