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do you think you're good at something wrong there's always going to be a Japanese person who's going to do it much better than you this is 24 hours Japanese com food with a population of over 14 million people Tokyo is one of the biggest cities in the world there's no City that feels as futuristic as Tokyo and it comes with a cost it's an incredibly busy City with an insane work culture and to feed a busy and hungry population the answer convenience stores and today I'm going to eat only Japanese convenience store food for 24 hours Let's dive in it's a cold day here in Tokyo and we are starting off our 24 hours Japanese comini food in front of Lawson let's go in [Applause] [Music] so when you walk in you have this like toiletry skin care meds like it also kind of acts as a pharmacy and they're open 24 hours so if you're sick during the night you can come to a kumin and get your meds as well and this is really a allinone shop for a lot of people I'm going to grab some breakfast because I haven't had anything to eat yet it's a little cold so I think I'm going to grab a warm cup of coffee I'm going to get this Craft Bros coffee they have the cold drink section as well as a hot drink section so these are all warm you have Tok cha you have green tea Ros they even have like two different types of green tea depending on how strong The Brew is and that's just dedication the options man it's so crazy Taco some rolled egg omelette they even have options like bolog spaghetti some carbonara even some udon and pen and Yaki udong and Yaki SOA you also have the selections of miso soup I think I'm going to start with something a little mild I want to try this okra miso soup actually to have with my onigiri I'm going to get a spicy po BR onigiri so this is called meno and it's fermented cadro KATU Sando I want to try this toraki that's filled with sweet potato and whipped cream looks like a UFO I want to get a pizza bun uh can I get a pizza bun I I must [Laughter] I started pressing all the buttons and this lady was like you don't like this the Japanese old ladies are just so cute I just want to squeeze them well look at this miso soup look at this so much goodness in side there's like three different varieties of seaweed in there as well as the okra and you can see kind of like the inoi tops as well Sesame this is such a healthy looking soup honestly if I kept my eyes closed I wouldn't be able to tell that this is instant miso soup so hot Japanese people like their soup hot like scaling hot the water temperature on the soup was 98ยฐ 98 I'm going to have it with my onigiri you can keep it warm by putting on the lid like this too Japan living in 2050 instructions for wrapping onigiri the right way just follow the numbers so that's one two and three you can see that there's two layers of plastic one is for the outer layer and the another is to separate the rice from the seaweed so that the seaweed is super crispy and it doesn't get damp from the moisture of the rice [Music] M inside is a little salty it's a little bit spicy but more salty Umami and I love the little granules that the meno has like all the little fish eggs screaming like I was never born and the rice in Japan it's almost sweet and subtle it's not too sticky it's not too scattered it's just that perfect consistency so good with the E soup sorry sorry wait you can't I'm talking to Kevin [Music] time of course it's already pre-cut I forgot this is Japan smells like nothing actually oh it's a little sweet super moist it's not really that eggy it's more like custardy actually Korean is much more Savory and more charred whereas the Japanese tamaco uses a lot of Dashi and sugar and make it sweet and very moist Mei I'm just a wee deep down in my heart if you're a lover of food you fall in love with Japan immediately if there was a zombie apocalypse and I got locked inside a convenience store I wouldn't complain I think I would just entertain myself McDonald's are convenience store McDonald's are convenience store convenience store easily McDonald's is great but it's limited whereas convenience store you could actually find like good food doesn't make you feel shitty afterwards like I would consider this miso soup to be like quite healthy and like I would love to have some of it like stocked up when I'm too lazy to cook kando wow white bread almost like Crouch with a bit of mayonnaise the katsu looking crispy as ever and on the bottom is some Bulldog sauce got St this one there is definitely a difference between like fresh katuo because you can't beat that it's okay but not the best a mega s this is the Megatron of sandwiches the sweetness of the tago with the saltiness of the KATU it works well this is actually quite nice I can see myself living in Japan coming down to a convenience store and it's just a paradise for people who live alone because doing things alone is not really looked down on here I like that I got very full so I'm going to save the toraki for later let's go actually before I leave I think I'm going to stock up on a few more snackies so that I can enjoy it in the hotel oh this is my childhood these like Kye veggie sticks so good I love these so seaweed flavored potato chips I want to try this tomato pretzel which one do you want Kevin this is Kevin's favorite sweet potato jerky cuz I like sweet potatoes green onion flavored SBE wasabi flavored one so many options always I like how they even sell wine like this here wikinson it's the sparkling water brand from assai and it's so good Yuzu tea and it's really warm hi hi [Music] let's head back to the hotel and warm up snack time these are bat salts I'll be trying them all strictly for research purposes I swear sparkling water first one thing amazing about Japanese sparkling water is that no matter what it will never ever go Japanese food scientists ladylike is a social construct that doesn't exist in my world shall we Feast oh and I also have this one that I was drinking earlier was really good so it wasn't actually Yuzu it was lemons the charm about buying heated drinks in Japan is being able to use them as hand warmers I'm going to start with the smallest one the Nei SBE Tada so SBE is a toasted rice cracker outside is roasted soy sauce M yummy oh you can see a little bit of Nei right here green onion I don't get a lot of the green onion notes but it's a really really good rice cracker seven out of 10 if you say that you are going to give me some green onion you better give me some green onion tomato prets I don't think this is the right way to do it but we'll pretend it is a little pretzel ship what the heck it tastes so much like a Marinaro I feel like I'm Downing like a whole prao sauce in my mouth and there's no tomato to be seen anywhere what is this sorcery M it's good ah so scary what they can achieve with junk food I like it though it's fun to eat I like eating it one by one though it's a little acidic a little sweet also and you get a really strong sense of parsley at the end I don't know how I don't know how 6.9 out of 10 I'm going to try the kid next these I grew up eating so often here take some all right you're not in Japan with me m I haven't had them in so long but it's on another dimension of crispiness it's so loud when I crunch on it that all my inner deeper thoughts are just completely muted out so good so these are made with potato starch and that's how they achieve like this incredibly crispy like pseudo potato stick just the right amount of vegetables to make you feel like ah you know in the realm of junk food this might not be so bad because fiber eight out of 10 because Nostalgia always wins in the realm of pseudo healthy I'm going to have these dehydrated Sweet Potato Sticks oh it smells really nice smells like sweet potato and Autumn M it's really good it's healthy it's chewy it is a little bit dry though but if I'm in a hurry and I want like a quick and healthy snack to tie me over this and like two softboiled eggs on the go 6.5 out of 10 let's do the Wasabi one now very pretty packaging I already know I love these so they kind of look like mini bananas roasted in Caramel kind of looks like a Banana Foster actually and there's also some peanuts in this one m oh spicy it hurts but in the best way possible so it's the same rice cracker style as the first one that I ate called asbe and this is also made from rice and then puffed up glazed with soy sauce laced with Wasabi it's super spicy it looks small but it is mighty and if you have too many at the same time you're going to feel like there's fumes coming out of your nostrils like a dragon so a good alternative for allergen 7.5 out of 10 I don't know why ASMR channels do this I just wanted to do it ASMR Nori potato chip beautiful I love the amount of nori that's embedded into to the potato chip a lot more than I expected my preschool teacher his name was David he was from Canada and he was a ginger man he had a lot of freckles after the first day of preschool I apparently went to my mom and asked do you think teacher David also has freckles on his pee PE and this child grew up to be doobie doop whoa I think I just discovered my favorite potato chip if you like Savory Foods this is going to be right up your alley the amount of umami crazy super salty super sweety crispy but oily at the same time this is definitely something you need to try when you come to Japan cinnamon flavored apples from aori and they're dehydrated apples coated in cinnamon sugar Splendid is a word I would use around October at the itha farmers market where I went to college this Amish family from Pennsylvania would ride their horse carriages from their apple farm and make cider donuts that memory is what it tastes like I'm in Asia but I have the Amish with me right here nor chip I give it 8.2 and the Apple I'm giving it a high high 8.8 I love it that much now moving on to the chocolates the alfor mini chocolate and I think it's slightly bourbon flavored obviously double packaging and beautifully wrapped cuz we're in the land of packaging a sailor ship on top on rough waves it's a Renaissance painting on a chocolate I think these are my favorite it has like both textures the creamy chocolate as well as the crunchy biscuit it's like a really really good mix of sweet and salty I love a little saltiness in all of my sweets I can just finish a whole pack without thinking 8.6 macademia from Mai will you marry me this does kind of remind me of a airplane meal though so like this I'm going to take the middle piece I was expected very good it's like milk chocolate covered macadamia nuts and it's one whole Macadamia that they put in per piece and Macadamia is expensive it's good it's really good but I do like the Alfred mini chocolate better and this one I'm giving it a seven melty kiss that was fabulous I like that that was a nice experience a little note from the melty kiss family right here until the time is up let's melt wo oh do what you like together melty with me a holiday afternoon melting it to whatever time you want what shall we do next sweet wrapped in the scent of cacao and caramel Mai melty kiss is this an intro to a porno are we are we about to kiss we keep it PG here at ddba melty kiss the slightly erotic chocolate candy oh it's like a chocolate truffle it's coated with cacao powder and covered with chocolate ganache so it's chocolate with a bit more heavy cream W look at the crot section on this one a lot of caramel I've tried the other ones I've never tried this one this one's too much caramel that I don't get any of the chocolate surprisingly disappointing 6 out of 10 we are going to go and grab some dinner now at Family Mart or 7-Eleven see you later alligators I had to quickly change because it got so cold I'm here in front of a 7-Eleven and it's a Sunday night and it's honestly pretty Rowdy I think it's a little bit of a party District where we are it's like in the heart of kinza so a lot of people drinking and then getting some snacks at 7-Eleven you know what I've been seeing everywhere in the Billboards in Tokyo is 0% alcohol so it's basically going to be like lemon water but it looks like and it will taste like alcohol lemon Sawa taste ah the ramen section I'm glad that I don't live in Japan because this is all I'm going to eat I just know I want to try a Ramen flavor that I can't get in Korea Curry Ramen this is a pretty classic looking tonku Ramen let's try this one I'm also going to get some spicy pork dumplings as my side and because I haven't had any vegetables today I'm going to get this tuna corn and veggie salad I'm going to get a fried chicken also this in here Chopstick section there we go 7-Eleven actually surprisingly doesn't have that many places to eat this is a feast it tastes like a proper lemon sour but without the alcohol it's really refreshing I like beer I like lemon sa um Sawa cuz I like sour and high balls so juicy and crunchy and the breading is perfect too which is something that I just don't understand how they're able to acheve and remember this has been sitting on the counter for a while and it's still super crunchy and warm and really juicy and moist inside it's so good I'm going to heat up my Curry Ramen oh this one the spice packet is like already in it like instead of being a separate packet it's already mixed in and a lot of toppings that's what I'm realizing with a lot of Japanese ramen is that it's very very topping heavy you can see some dehydrated corn leaks cabbages meat carrots it's a lot I'm going to just let this heat up and I'm going to put my Curry Bread on top of my Curry Rabin heating up both at the same time I'm feeling it's really dark super strong smell of Curry it's like crunchy but creamy with strong curry paste inside I like this better than the pizza bread that I got earlier because it's fried and it's Curry wow this is seriously so good it's like spicy real spice intense Curry FL flavor that's super good I'm really excited for this Curry Ramen it's gorgeous oh brought this really nice the curry flavor is not as strong as I expected it to be it's more of like a little bit of Curry added to a sh Ramen it's sweet corn oh this is so good I'm going to do this I'm going to put the karag inside so that it absorbs the curry broth and some of the fattiness gets out of the broth even better W the fried chicken batter kind of like absorbs all the ramen broth with a nice Curry flavoring this is a combo you need to try when you visit Japan it's a cabbage salad is there no dressing though am I supposed to Raw Dog this maybe dressing is separate am I stupid dressing is separate but the counter here closes at 9:00 so we're going to change locations back to the hotel where I can enjoy it a little bit more leisurely 2 minutes [Music] I'm going to eat this in my hotel [Music] room almost there come on in this part needs to be blurred cuz it's very messy back in our cozy setup oh wo this looks super proper though has like MMA Nei green onion cashew on top the noodles look nice [Applause] nice w Wait the broth looks super nice what the heck this is a sound of good women and round men [Music] wow I'm sorry to say this but this is better than 40 % of the ramen shops out there I'm shocked this is shocking the chash is definitely on the thinner side it's on the same like thickness level as a bacon and the broth is also very mushroomy it has really strong notes of shetu considering that this is convenience store Ramen I'm so shocked what I do wish it had though is an ajitama the soy broiled egg on top that would have made it bomba bomba but today we have GZA on the side side so that will do it's a big boy it's a big juicy dumpling who's a good little big juicy dumpling me wow so good the wrapper is like the perfect consistency also and it's actually quite spicy from all the chili oil that they've put on top again I think this is another food where if you didn't tell me it came from a microwave in a convenience store I wouldn't be able to tell if this is restaurant quality or instant food quality I'm going to do something probably super illegal which is put this in the ramen because I think the chili oil will be really nice for it and I like to see that chili oil just float on top hey food was invented by being experimental M and the filling is really nice it's pork and chives and everything is really really nicely textured I could imagine myself just grabbing a quick dinner from a convenience store watching like a Japanese TV show I love watching Midnight Diner shim shoko in Japanese and um K I think solitary Gourmet the translation is and it was one of the earliest Inspirations for me for food content to be in Japan and trying all these Foods it's been it's been really amazing I'm actually shocked that dressing is separate my favorite dressing in the whole wide world Sesame Super Fresh not soggy at all not a lot of people people cook to my understanding in Japan especially young people because with work and you know life in general people don't have time to really prepare go grocery shopping prepare it cook it and do the dishes so convenience store has become kind of like a one stop for all where you can eliminate a lot of the daily chores of life and I can see it kind of as like a cafeteria for all especially in Japan and on that note oh yes me I'm going to grab a final breakfast tomorrow morning and I'll see you then [Music] family March I think I'm going to go for sushi and Yaki SOA and egg Sando these are going to be my what I go for today a warm milk tea sounds so good and I'm going to get sushi Min tuna nacto one these two and Yaki I'm also going to get a little fish on the side ooh noou style grilled black cod with miso sauce and a beef tender and can I get two Yakitori the thigh one two would be great I got and young dues sorry for the jump scare I know my hair really really looks like hackd okay I I'm using a new shampoo and it's clearly not working out right now okay but just to give a little explanation as to why I'm here so I got very very self-conscious in this 7-Eleven because it was very quiet and it was lunchtime and everyone was eating and I really didn't want to disturb their peace so I thought that it would be best to do a voiceover slash commentary as we're watching this video together and I can do some supplemental information on what you're seeing on screen So yeah thank you so the dish I ordered is oding it's usually fish cake simmered in dashi broth but the cut that I've got here is suji which is beef tendons and I know it looks a little freaky but when you simmer it down in warm dashi broth it takes on this soft chewy texture and this was honestly so surprising because I would have never imagined to be sold in a convenient store of all places and this is a natto Maki natto is fermented soybeans the mold that is inoculated on top of the soybeans it creates this really stringy texture similar to nutritional yeast s/ blue cheese but in a good way it's definitely like an adult flavor and it's really great for helping you poop the nocto one is definitely super slimy an acquired taste but personally as somebody who loves nacto and like fermented products this is right up my alley a little stinky but you know it's going to be good then and because it's always bulking season the protein of my choice was grilled miso black cod and yes very very similar to noo I've never been to noou but this was a banger this was so good so tender and all the fish flakes is that weird to say it fell apart beautifully and the Miso was like nice and salty and sweet sweet on top and it was incrusted where the skin was so it just had so much flavor and it was fatty so it was a really nice compliment to have with some of the other dishes that were more lean the Yaki giri was good it wasn't my favorite um I personally prefer the normal onigiri to the Yaki one I love Yaki onigiri when it's made at home or in an isaya setting but in a convenience store a lot of that smok was lost but that nice salty crunchy texture was really fun there's no filling in the the oii it's just grilled it's definitely missing a little bit of protein but inside is like glutenous sticky rice like a little bit of a salty fish with the Oni kind of like this on top is so good and this big block here is akadashi tofu so akadashi tofu is medium silken tofu that's been deep fried and then simmered in dashi broth and what was really smart and this is something that I've never seen before was putting it into the big oing broth along with other fish cakes so with that time the the tofu really absorb all the juices and by deep frying it the outer coating loses moisture allowing therefore to absorb that juicy nice dashi broth who would have thought that they would sell deep fried tofu that's been simmered in dashi broth for hours is sold at convenient stores only in Japan and this interesting little pouch here is mochi kinchaku so Mochi kinchaku is an Inari which is deep fried tofu that's usually braced in soy sauce and sugar and stuffed with AO inside and it almost has like a Cheesy consistency cuz it's like melting wow this is really good it was something that I've never tried before and oh my gosh I think it was one of the most memorable bites that I've had from doing this convenience series and as for the yakis SOA I really got creative and added my chicken Yakitori because it was missing some protein and it's what am I going to say it's always buling season boys oh yakis SOA is actually so good and this yakis SOA was exactly what I wanted in yakis SOA it was greasy it was salty it was a little sweet and it had a lot of noodles so it was like a carb overload such a good idea to supplement it with a little bit of Yakitori too I just love how everything tastes so fresh here I actually prefer the family March xando over the 7-Eleven one because it's eggier and creamier and it just tastes more strongly of the filling you can't come to Japan without having a convenience store egg salad [Music] house [Music]
Channel: Doobydobap
Views: 436,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japan, convenience store, junk food, food, mukbang, noodles, ramen, japanese convenience store, 24 hours, fast food, cheap, onigiri, japanese food, japan travel, travel, tokyo, what to eat in japan, anime, manga, food anime, tokyo food, japanese convenience store food, korea, korean, rice, cup noodles, instant food, asmr, snacks, japanese snacks, funny, try guys, buzzfeed, korean englishmen, korean students, future, sandwich, egg, sushi, miso soup, nobu
Id: DWDulptHfLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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