My Brother Called Me a 'Parasite,' Threw Me Out of Our Parents' Home Without Knowing I Support Them

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it's like you're not wanted here you should go even though my brother said mean things to me my sister-in-law sitting next to me quietly squinted her eyes and smiled enjoying my surprised face when I looked at our mother who I lived with for a long time she sadly said living with your brother and his wife who went to a really good University and works at a top company seems better than living with you Linda you always stay inside the house she said calmly my mother sister-in-law and brother didn't seem to realize how much I've helped with money and worked for our family even though it hurt I said okay I'll go don't ask me for help again and started packing my things she watched me and sarcastically said with a smug smile giving up so easily Linda but nobody knows who will have a harder time in the future ignoring this could cause problems my name's Linda and I've done really well with online businesses my journey here was unexpected back in University I thought I'd end up with a regular job at a typical company but something changed everything during my second year my dad got sick and needed someone to take care of him every day my mom wasn't great at housework so we hired caregivers but they couldn't be there all the time so my mom had to step in sometimes she ignored my dad's needs telling him to wait I had to help him out whenever this happened seeing this made me worry about the future when I start working who will take care of my dad I couldn't rely on my mom alone so I started looking into ways to make money from home I study online business stuff during University using what I learned in economics I teamed up with friends who knew about management and economics and then with others who were good with computers that's how we started our online business project we had a nice office where staff could work if they found it hard to concentrate at home or for new employees to learn the ropes but personally I hardly ever went there my main workspace is at home where I can be with my dad I do most of my work there one day my dad asked me if I gave up on a full-time job for him or if it was hard to find one after graduating it made me emotional but I explained how I've been running my online business since College it's doing well and I can work from home without any problems my dad was proud of me and grateful for what I do he said I've become a responsible adult which meant a lot to me I'm actually not the only child responsible for taking care of my father I have an older brother named Tom who's two years older than me Tom tends to be selfish and doesn't often think about others he's always been really smart and did great in school after he graduated from a top university he easily got a job at a really good company when we found out about his job we were surprised but happy for him we all tried to reach out to congratulate him but his response wasn't what we expected he said he was starting a new life in the city and didn't plan to come back home he wanted us to believe he was doing well on his own then he hung up the phone abruptly since that day we couldn't get in touch with Tom at all he cut off all communication with us ignoring our calls and messages even though our dad had supported him financially through college and living on his own Tom never seemed grateful and distanced himself from us both my dad and I felt shocked and disappointed by his behavior we started to wonder if our mom was secretly talking to Tom but even with Dad's health getting worse and needing care every day Tom's complete silence sh he didn't care about his responsibilities as part of the family then one day we got some unexpected news from Mom Tom called me out of the blue he said he's thinking of marrying someone and asked if we could give them a wedding gift he wants $999,000 mom told Dad and me about this looking a bit worried because of our finances mom mostly stays home except for her part-time job 3 days a week she usually spends her salary on lunch and shopping with friends so she doesn't save much I was surprised that mom wanted to give Tom so much money especially since we hadn't heard from him in a long time Dad was first calm but then got really mad why should we give him all that money when he hasn't even talked to us since he left home he was upset with mom who looked unhappy and glanced at me for support mom tried to explain but think about it Tom's getting married I want him to have a good life and maybe even give us grandchildren it's what parents want please understand she said calmly the main reason I didn't go for a regular job was because of mom so it hurt to hear her say those things dad was also upset with Mom Linda stays home to take care of me because you didn't help enough I supported Tom a lot but he's never thanked me how can you ask for such a big gift for him that day there were loud arguments between Mom and Dad I listened from the Next Room worried about Dad's health mom always favored my brother and praised him but she didn't understand why I stayed home to care for Dad it made me really sad after Mom left to go out for dinner dad said to me Linda thank you for always being here for me it's okay Dad I've known for a long time that mom favors Tom I'm used to it I know I've asked a lot of you I wish I could do more to help you Dad you've done so much for me you've supported my education and always encouraged me if it wasn't for you I might not have started my online business my father's smile brought me some comfort but I couldn't understand why mom who had such a caring father acted so selfishly and my brother who hadn't talked to us for years suddenly asking for a big wedding gift was hard to swallow but the most shocking thing happened shortly after one morning I found my father wasn't moving I called an ambulance but it was too late he had passed away many people came to his funeral to pay their respects showing how luck he was normally the wife would arrange the funeral but mom says she was too busy and left left it all to me she was always on her phone seeming more concerned about that than about Dad's passing I felt angry and unsupported I focused on arranging the funeral to give Dad a proper send off then something surprising happened my brother showed up at the funeral with a woman in a flashy dress he was dressed casually which wasn't right for the occasion everyone was shocked but Mom greeted him with a smile I'm glad you're here Tom now your father's inheritance will be ours mom boldly stated the atmosphere in the hall changed completely after mom's sudden statement everyone was shocked and Confused honestly I don't think Linda should expect any inheritance she's been at home taking care of dad Tom said loudly with a hint of sarcasm I was surprised and sighed deeply he must have known about our family situation and Dad's health from Mom but Mom seemed to ignore the fact that I contributed a lot to our family's finances and whether there was actually any inheritance from Dad whom did care dad used to have a good job but making such comments at a funeral was disrespectful the funeral felt gloomy and tense should we leave now Tom we'll get the inheritance anyway mom said pulling on his arm as soon as I saw the woman with my brother I knew she was his wife she had a similar vibe to Tom and I figured she must have a personality like his to marry him I wish they would leave soon surprisingly even mom seemed to agree with them shall we go get some Sashi she said and the three of them left other relatives were also surprised some spoke out in shock but I suggested let's stay composed for dad's sake I kept my irritation to myself and carried on with the funeral returning home I found a messy dining table with three boxes of sushi likely ordered for delivery from the living room came the sound of voices and laughter mom Tom and his wife Jessica were having a good time drinking hey you're late Linda can you make some snacks and grab more alcohol my brother asked I was shocked by their insensitivity especially during dad's funeral it seemed they didn't realize their behavior was wrong even with the shocked looks from other relatives mom who should have corrected them was joining in their laughter making me feel Justified and staying I wondered if they would have even bothered with a proper funeral if I wasn't there so I told them there's no inheritance for you I refuse to get more drinks or snacks for them Tom now drunk got upset what do you mean Linda you've always been at home causing trouble for Dad it's only fair we use his assets considering that Tom relied on dad for all his college expenses I couldn't understand why he felt entitled to Dad's assets it frustrated me to see him act like he didn't owe Dad anything isn't this house dad's Tom asked as the eldest son it should be mine why is Linda who does nothing all day living here Mom and Tom seemed to agree the warmth mom used to have for me was gone this house is mine Tom said firmly I want Linda out his wife didn't seem bothered by this mom spoke next I feel more comfortable living with my son and his wife who have done well in life than with you Linda they didn't realize how much I contributed to the house I felt sad and disappointed I sighed and decided to speak up I'll leave please don't ask anything of me anymore as I packed my things in my room I heard my sister-in-law mocking me she's really poor don't you think they all laughed at me but I just smiled bitterly to myself yes right now I might seem like the most miserable one but there's something they don't know this house has been legally mine since Dad was alive he entrusted it to me even though Mong still lives here and might say she spent most of her life here legally it's mine however seeing her cold behavior during dad's funeral made me think about what to do with the house I felt tired of our relationship and saw her presence as a burden living alone in this big house would be lonely and maintaining it would be hard so I decided to sell it seeing mom and my brother's family enjoying my situation without knowing my decision make me feel pity for them expecting inheritance from dad seems ridiculous to me before my mom got sick she had a stable income but when her health declined she couldn't work anymore so she used her savings to hire someone to help her every every day she spent her savings on daily expenses and even when Dad got sick and needed more care mom kept spending like usual so her savings dwindled when I realized dad's savings were gone I started giving $3,000 each month to help with household expenses mom did the housework but wasn't good at managing money when Mom went shopping she often bought expensive things impulsively even if we didn't need them she didn't pay attention to sales or budgeting she used the money she earned from her part-time job for her hobbies and fun stuff she also took more money than needed for daily expenses to enjoy herself dad felt bad about it in the end the money he saved was spent by mom as I prepared to leave the house I withdrew all the money I had been giving for household expenses I couldn't bear to let my mom keep using it the next day something unexpected happened did you take the household mining Linda mom's voice came through the phone one quiet morning she sounded surprised and a bit upset said Mom what household money dad's savings those were all gone when I checked did you forget that you used them up I left the Ledger on the table it shows how you kept taking money from Dad's savings dad knew about it too after his savings ran out I was the one giving $3,000 every month to support the house I heard mom rushing around probably looking for The Ledger I mentioned then I heard the living room door open Mom what's going on wasn't there supposed to to be inheritance after Dad passed did you use it all my brother sounded angry and disappointed his wife's voice echoed in the background I can't believe this mom did you really call us back home expecting us to support you financially that's really harsh no that's not what I meant it was clear mom had called them back because of the inheritance hearing this I knew they wouldn't trust her anymore we left our stable jobs to come here expecting to get Dad's inheritance how are we supposed to live now what Tom I didn't know you made such a big decision this was on news to me too my brother used to have a good job but I wasn't really bothered by their decision because it didn't affect me directly and what about the $2,700 you've been getting every month my brother asked Mom you kept saying Linda wasn't working right Mom suddenly looked at me with shock and guilt what Linda what's going on she asked I smiled a little and said you should look into remote work these days you can have a job without leaving home I never told them about my successful online business I knew if they knew they'd start relying on me worse they might interfere with my business please come back let's be a family again mom's voice was small as if she hadn't blamed me all but I had no intention of going back Mom you just want to rely on my money right and about the house while Dad was alive I took a over ownership because of the property taxes it's mine now I don't plan to live there anymore so I asked my uncle who runs a real estate agency to sell it he was really mad about what happened at dad's funeral so if my brother and his family stay there he'll kick them out losing our home was something I never imagined mom sounded shocked and I could hear my brother's voice on the phone asking what's going on feeling too overwhelmed to answer my brother's question I decided to leave everything to Uncle he promised to handle things and explain everything to Mom and my brother's family so I trusted him goodbye I'm cutting ties with you and Mom I won't be using this phone anymore farewell with that I ended the call I imagined their surprise and felt a brief sadness it would be hard for them to find me I had plans to move abroad a dream I never shared not even with Dad I always wanted to live in a warm tropical country with a diverse culture when Mom and my brothers family asked me to leave the house after dad died I saw it as the perfect chance to make my dream come true after being evicted from the house I immediately started packing and searching for a place abroad I wanted somewhere quiet near the beach so I focused on finding the perfect spot now I'm living alone in a short-term rental apartment close to the city center with good Transportation links which is great for getting ready for my move abroad with my brother his wife and mom busy looking for a new place to live after the event eviction they probably haven't had time to think about me by the time I heard they were cramped in a small apartment taking up part-time jobs to get by I was already settling into my new life abroad my uncle hired a detective agency to discreetly monitor them they found out my family was struggling financially still spending beyond their means and even borrowing money from Risky lenders if things continue like this they might face even more trouble with debt collectors I've cut ties with them and avoided getting involved it's unlikely I'll ever see them again after everything that's happened
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 4,551
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Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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