My husband left me alone in the car while I was having a baby and went on a trip with his parents.

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you'll be fine going to the hospital alone right I swear I'll send you straight to hell my name is Lisa and I'm currently 9 months pregnant it's my first time giving birth so while I'm filled with anxiety I feel truly blessed about welcoming a new member into our family my husband David is a white collar worker and has weekends off however he doesn't offer much support around the house or help with shopping this is because he usually goes back to his parents' home on weekends David has a deep bond with his in-laws and since their home is nearby he spends almost every weekend there without any specific reason since becoming pregnant I've been cautious about lifting heavy objects for instance when buying heavy items like rice understanding friends often help out my daily routine starts by waking up early preparing breakfast for David and seeing him off to work afterward I do the cleaning and laundry and then head out for any necessary shopping once I return home I start prepping for dinner only after finishing these tasks can I finally have some relaxation time since taking maternity leave I've taken up a new hobby blogging every day I write a diary accompanied by photos I take such as meals the Blue Sky flowers blooming in the garden and more many friends and acquaintances leave comments and these moments of journaling have become small daily joys for me one evening as I Was preparing dinner my husband returned home as usual he carelessly placed his bag and jacket on the sofa and I tidied them up hanging them on a coat hanger welcome back I made hamburgers for dinner I'm going to take a bath I said responding curtly he headed straight for the bathroom 3 years have passed since we got married and there has been little kindness or consideration from him I occasionally wonder if this is truly what a marital relationship should be like but I've resigned myself to it when David returned in his pajamas I handed him a drink where's the beer he asked glancing at the bar I hve sorry I forgot to buy it today I'll get some tomorrow seriously go to the convenience store now his demeanor changed immediately and he spoke with evident anger I was irritated why was he asking his pregnant wife to do this if you want it so badly why don't you go get it yourself it's hard for me to move around with this big belly at that moment he became even angrier and started shouting you're the one who forgot to buy it it's your job to fix that mistake just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you get special treatment my mother always said it's important to keep moving for the sake of Health knowing that he doesn't calm down easily when he's angry I reluctant ly decided to go to the convenience store Once I arrived I bumped into Sarah a neighbor oh Sarah good evening good evening Lisa did you forget to buy something too I ran out of sauce as I came here Sarah's cheerful voice slightly lifted my spirits my husband really wanted beer and he told me to buy it why didn't he just go himself that's what I said but it didn't get through to him it sounds like you're having a tough time Lisa after walking together for a bit Sarah and I parted ways at a crossroad when I returned home David was lounging on the sofa watching TV having not even cleaned up after dinner why did it take you so long what were you dobling around for give me the beer David's disgruntled voice and his insensitive remarks made my heart ache however I handed him the beer without a word and began cleaning up after the meal how could he say such such things to me especially when I'm pregnant I felt the urge to retort but I didn't want another shouting match so I remained silent afterward I had my dinner took a relaxing bath and headed to the bedroom the next morning David acted as if nothing had happened it seems he's the type to forget everything after a good night's sleep however I couldn't forget his words from the previous night and I consciously ignored him why are you making that face so early in the morning don't take it out on me I'm heading to work now so be a bit considerate you know the importance of appreciation right due to what he said I was filled with the urge to retort that applies to you doesn't it but out of shock and disbelief all I could do was sigh deeply and see him off be careful right I want e dinner tonight see you without any explanation David left in a hurry after seeing him off I took care of household chores and went shopping as usual however since David mentioned he wouldn't be having dinner I decided to prepare something simple just for myself then as I was about to start my meal alone in the evening I heard David's unexpected return and rushed to the entrance I'm back thanks for your hard work but you said you didn't need dinner today right yeah but my drinking party got cancelled I'm hungry you have something to eat right well I only prepared a meal for myself today upon hearing this David's face contorted with anger didn't you even consider the possibility I might come back this is unbelievable saying that he moved to the dining table and upon seeing the dinner I prepared his mood worsened what do you call this a meal I seriously question if you're properly doing your duties as a housewife don't waste the money I'm working for I quickly prepared something for myself please don't get mad like this maybe you should learn proper cooking from my mom honestly I've always found your cooking lacking again he always Compares me to his mother doesn't he realize how hurtful these comparisons can be I can't eat this go buy something hearing this my heart sank further what does he think of me it's already night and I've taken a bath can't you go buy it yourself forget it you for got to buy beer yesterday didn't prepare dinner today it's so frustrating I'm going back to my parents place David stormed out and left alone in the house I strangely felt a sense of relief the next morning as I expected I received an angry call from David's mother how can you not serve David a proper meal this feels like moral harassment if not worse I explained what happened yesterday but she wasn't accepting it so I apolog ized and ended the call after the call my mood plummeted since David wasn't home I decided to have a leisurely late brunch however the thought of David coming back tonight weighed on my mind considering yesterday's events I decided to make tonight's dinner special I shopped with more care than usual picking out ingredients and adding David's favorite beer to the cart I was determined to prepare a dinner that would earn David's praise I shortened my blog update time a bit to allocate more time to cooking after dedicating ample time to preparations the table was set beautifully as if it was a special occasion looking at it I felt a sense of accomplishment and couldn't help but praise myself with this he should definitely be satisfied I waited patiently in the dining room for David to come home but as time passed there was no sign of him I tried contacting him several times via my smartphone but there was no response and I became more worried as the clock continued to tick 1 hour then 2 hours passed and I began to get anxious did he possibly go to his parents house thinking this I called David's parents to check but they said he hadn't come there either I tried calling David multiple times but still there was no response as midnight approached just when I was considering contacting the police a staggering David returned home he seemed clearly drunk I'm home hiup I rushed to the entrance in concern and found David lying on the hallway floor what happened are you okay hearing my voice he responded angrily too loud go away he then staggered towards the dining room when I tried to support him he forcefully shook off my hand don't touch me don't come Mir me with that ugly face to think you're my wife in his drunken State he spat out those words and then just just lay down right there those words were Beyond shocking why why can't he consider others feelings his remarks hurt me deeply and I was filled with thoughts of maybe he no longer sees me as family tears welled up in my eyes I put so much effort into cooking it was all for nothing with that thought I had my dinner alone and enveloped in loneliness the next morning David woke up as if nothing had happened my head hurts I guess I drank too much but why did you leave me in the hallway you chose to lie down there David it's not my fault aren't you my wife at least take care of me when I'm drunk David's words made me wonder why he always blames me right away if you weren't going to eat at home you could have at least let me know I have prepared a nice meal and I called you multiple times why didn't you answer then David replied nully my drinking party from the day before got rescheduled to yesterday do I have to report everything besides you know how hard it is to pick up the phone during a gathering think about my situation with every word David said my heart got colder and my expectations of him diminished that way I won't feel hurt or disappointed anymore this thought lingered in my mind that I'm taking a break and going back to my parents home tomorrow being with you lately feels unpleasant and boring seeing David's attitude of looking down on me made me increasingly consider the option of divorce our baby is due soon and my heart races in anticipation even though I've heard stories about the Pains of Labor from friends my excitement to meet the new life inside me overshadows those concerns the neighbors often encourage me with words like it's just a little while longer which brightens my mood hey want to go on a family trip soon after David returned home he made a surprising suggestion really but I'm talking about a family trip my mom and dad want to join I was taken aback why would parents make such a proposal tensions exist between me and David's parents whenever there's an issue concerning David they tend to blame me like the previous phone call incident however the sudden idea of a trip left me doubtful I'm about to give birth soon and traveling a long distance might be a bit risky David replied how many times do I have to tell you you just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you're sick my parents are thoughtfully inviting us but what if something happens it'll be fine everything's already decided we'll go for two nights and 3 days next week what next week is my due date that's a bit just do as you're told prepare for the trip end of discussion David just expressed his opinion and then left the room I in trouble now I thought to myself then the next day I sought advice from a close friend and explained the situation she was concerned and said that's a bit too much while I was contemplating how to decline the offer the day of the trip suddenly arrived actually I'm not feeling well today I'm worried about the baby so I'm going to rest at home I tried to use that as an excuse but David didn't seem convinced anyway you can just rest in the car and you'll be fine right come on braing a luggage we're heading to my parents house so hurry up as we headed to the car I was worried and asked is this really okay after loading our luggage into the car and sitting in the passenger seat I felt warmth at my feet looking down I noticed water spreading around them oh my my water broke I immediately informed David David I think my water just broke please take me to the hospital quickly taken and back by the situ situation David exclaimed are you serious yes I'm serious we need to go to the hospital now the baby might be coming while trying to clean up the water with a towel in the car David suddenly opened the passenger door David what are you doing we need to go to the hospital get out you're going to make a mess in the car I was in complete shock what are you saying I said get out I need to clean the car then David forced pulled me out of the car in this unbelievable situation David said I can't believe this we were supposed to be on a family trip just go to the hospital by yourself I was too shocked to say anything as I called out to David wait how can you leave me here like this he drove away leaving me behind feeling overwhelmed I quickly dialed for an ambulance when someone approached asking Lisa are you okay it was Sarah looking concerned Sarah immediately recognized my predicament and arranged for a special taxi comforting me throughout grateful for her kindness tears streamed down my face soon after I safely arrived at the hospital thanks to Sarah's help on the way she held my hand and cheered me up staying by my side until I was taken to my room while being transferred I made a silent vow I will make him pay for this even as labor pains grew Sarah kept holding my hand furthermore she contacted my parents who soon arrived at the hospital and looked deeply concerned Sarah whispered to them there's something I want to discuss the three then left the room as the labor pains intensified my smartphone vibrated from a corner of the room who is it I asked and my parents responded with David's name they looked displeased but I took the call anyway as soon as I answered answered I heard a panicky David help me however I was in no state or mood to converse with him and promptly ended the call despite my parents turning off my phone David continued to send messages as labor intensified I was finally moved to the delivery room after enduring the pain for some time I finally heard my baby's cries exhausted I saw my parents and Sarah standing before me with warm Smiles relieved I closed my eyes and rested when I woke up after a few hours of sleep I found myself lying in the hospital bed rubbing my eyes I noticed my parents sitting next to me their faces filled with concern are you okay my mother asked gently still feeling the weight of exhaustion I couldn't muster the energy to sit up while my father looked teary eyed my mother consoled him saying the postpartum period can be exhausting witnessing this heartwarming scene a smile formed on my face house a baby I inquired my parents informed me that the baby was undergoing some tests but would be back in the room soon however I noticed Sarah wasn't present responding to my unspoken question my mother remarked Sarah left a little while ago thinking about how things might have turned out had Sarah not been there a feeling of gratitude settled over me I made a promise with my parents that after being discharged I would visit Sarah to express my gratitude turning on my smartphone to inform my friends about the birth I was met with an overwhelming number of Miss calls mostly from David the sheer number left me momentarily stunned but I felt no hope or expectation from his calls so I closed the notifications without hesitation one of my friends visited the hospital room to congratulate me on the birth as she rejoiced and extended her genuine wishes I i' opened up about the recent incidents with David after hearing the story she expressed both shock and anger half jokingly saying she'd like to punish him a bit but she also emphasized that my health and rest were Paramount chatted with me for a while and then left my parents already briefed by Sarah about the whole episode asked what are you planning to do next I shared my thoughts about my relationship with David and told my parents I'm considering divorce they respected my decision and provided their support upon my discharge I planned to stay at my parents house where they had prepared a room for me meanwhile David seemed to have visited the hospital but as I had informed the hospital staff that I didn't wish to see him he wasn't allowed in the next day Sarah came to my hospital room holding a fruit basket Sarah you came I exclaimed with delight you seem to be recovering well but remember not to overexert yourself postpartum fatigue can be quite profound she advised feeling comforted by Sarah's words I side with relief taking the fruit basket from her Sarah thank you so much for helping me I don't know what would have happened if you weren't there I expressed my deep gratitude as I bowed deeply Sarah gently laughed saying what's most important is that both you and the baby are healthy I just want a small hand regardless I'm forever grateful once things settle down I'll come over to thank you properly Sarah laughed warmly in response you know I've talked to my husband about what happened he seemed quite Furious from her words I could somewhat todu David's situation Sarah I'm truly sorry for dragging you into this mess I admitted don't worry remember who you owe for being able to work at your current company this incident is truly hard to forget give at that moment I heard a Stern tone in Sarah's voice for the first time Sarah was actually the wife of the CEO at the company where my husband worked when we first moved to this residential area I had no idea about this fact however as we frequently encountered each other at the local supermarket shops and occasionally at convenience stores we gradually became closer we even began to enjoy tea together and during these sessions I learned about the nature of her husband's job on the other hand my husband was completely unaware of this background this was because he didn't even accompany me for our initial neighborhood greetings and didn't prefer interacting with our neighbors Sarah had previously told me gently I don't want to cause any trouble so don't tell your husband and I have respected that request knowing that I was pregnant and still being forced to endure my husband's unreasonable behavior Sarah had several times suggested should I talk to my husband about this however I had always declined not wanting to trouble her but with this recent incident perhaps even Sarah reached her limit that's why my husband kept calling Sarah I really can't thank you enough for everything Sarah's strong words made me realize how fortunate I was to have someone who'd go to such links for me I couldn't help but tear up seeing my reaction Sarah once again gave me a warm smile Lisa you're a dear friend to me I can't just stand by and watch when something like this happens to a friend our conversation was filled with heartfelt Smiles however my husband's messages didn't stop despite the barriage of notifications online I consciously ignored them all thinking about the divorce made my mind clear and all I wanted was to think about how to live my life with my baby as I Was preparing to leave the hospital a close friend visited my room handing me her smartphone and saying I want you to see this displayed on her phone was a post that had become a major topic on a certain social media platform when I asked what it was about she informed me that she had posted about my husband's recent actions on social media my friend had a significant influence on social media with a massive follower count one day she received a reply to one of her posts the follower who replied had by chance captured a video of the scene where I was yelled at by my husband after being L out of the car the follower wanting to protect my privacy blurred my face in the video and with my friend's permission shared it online the video spread like wildfire and as a result personal details about my husband and even his company were identified currently my husband seems to be under a beage of criticism online what I had no idea it had escalated to this level my friend smiling gently remarked well they brought it upon themselves didn't they my husband's actions and their consequences were all a result of choices he made furthermore when one of my husband's friends confronted him about the incident he reportedly excused himself saying I had a prior travel commitment with my parents that day so I had no choice because of the statement not only my husband but also his parents began to face criticism online the story spread even in the vicinity of my in-law's home and there seemed to be various topics related to my husband's parents circulating on social media suddenly my phone started raining when I checked the screen it was a call from my mother-in-law that's for my mother-in-law my friend I am the screen of my phone with interest suggested why don't you pick up and give her a piece of your mind however I was so fed up that I felt no words to do so and decided to ignore it before I knew it the Miss calls log was filled with names of my husband father-in-law and mother-in-law ever since the incident was highlighted on social media even the hospital staff seemed to be aware of my situation and started offering genuine support whether my husband or in-laws came to the hospital or called multiple times the hospital staff didn't allow any contact with me as my discharge date approached I had one pressing worry whether my husband and in-laws might be lurking outside the hospital my parents reassured me saying you have nothing to worry about but the thought of my precious baby being in danger left me anxious however that concern was quickly dispelled on the day of my discharge as my parents were helping me with my belongings I heard my husband's voice shouting Lisa followed by the loud voices of my in-laws suddenly men in black suits surrounded me forming a protective barrier as I tried to understand what was happening one of the men approached me gently opening the car door and said don't worry we're here on sir's request to protect you it seemed my parents were already aware of this as my mom said smiling didn't I tell you there's nothing to worry about believing her words I felt relieved and smoothly got into to the car all the while my husband and in-laws overwhelmed by the presence of the bodyguards couldn't come any closer I can't find the words to express how grateful I am for Sarah supporting me like this the only thing occupying my mind was how to reciprocate Sarah's kindness my parents felt the same saying in unison we have to find a way to show our gratitude to Sarah although my new life began smoothly and pleasant days continued the contacts from my husband and in-laws never ceased I mailed them the divorce papers but there wasn't even a hint of acceptance one day my in-laws called our home it seems my father answered and they addressed him with the attitude of she became a part of our family so no matter how she's treated she shouldn't complain when my father angrily retorted to their statement it seems they were taken back and quickly hung up while discussing how to handle this with my parents I decided that seeking professional assistance was the best course of action and resolve to consult the lawyer coincidentally my father was acquainted with a lawyer and when we explained our situation he graciously promised to help I informed the lawyer about the video circulating on social media and detailed past events when the lawyer reached out on our behalf my husband was initially taken aback however over time he became defiant we'll solve marital ISS issues ourselves we don't need a lawyer he argued in a fled tone however the lawyer calmly responded I'm acting upon Lisa's request any future communication should be directed to me it's up to Lisa my client to decide whether or not she wants to involve a lawyer my husband was at a loss for words though initially refusing to divorce when mediation and the possibility of a court case were suggested the word Court seemed to shake him and he reluctantly agreed to the divorce I have no interest in the child and have no intention of seeing them in the future so I don't see why I should pay child support as for property distribution I did nothing wrong he claimed irrationally the lawyer calmly explained from a legal perspective but my husband still seemed unconvinced in that case it seems will meet in court the lawyer suggested my in-laws who were listening nearby a appeared to panic and immediately agreed when I was informed of this by the lawyer I was shocked that I had ever married such a man I had been communicating with Sarah since returning to my parents home and when I told her about the recent events she playfully and gleefully suggested how about seizing your ex-husband's retirement pay garnishment is one way right feeling overwhelmed by Sarah's astuteness a while later I was contacted by the lawyer who conveyed that my husband wished to apologize in person wanting a satisfactory conclusion I agreed to converse over the phone under the supervision of the lawyer the day of the scheduled call arrived on that day I was accompanied by my parents and the lawyer from the other end of the line I heard finally you answer apologize now and I'll forgive you so come back home let's be a couple again the house is a mess I might lose my job and everyone's looking at at me coldly all of this is your fault so take responsibility he continued to bombard me with accusations without being overwhelmed I calmly chose how to react when he said see you can't even reply properly truly a woman with no redeeming qualities I finally responded just so you know this conversation is being recorded I'll keep it as evidence goodbye hearing this my husband's voice revealed his shock wait you recorded it that's not fair right I was joking I'm sorry I can't live without you let's start over we truly loved each other right I promise I'll try harder from now on after hearing those words I immediately hung up the phone with the recorded David in hand I handed it to the lawyer and asked Can you utilize this audio as evidence shaking his head in disbelief the lawyer remarked he truly is an encourageable man my parents feeling the same as me have firmly decided to seever ties with him seeing his behavior filled them more with astonishment and disappointment than anger at some point I realized I was slightly enjoying this drama clinging to the little devilish side of me that emerged the divorce procedures with my husband concluded smoothly both the property distribution and child support agreements went forward without a hitch and the turmoil began to subside due to the information Sarah shared with her husband the president of my ex-husband's company he was promptly disciplined the president known for his family oriented values believed that an employee who couldn't protect his family couldn't be trusted by the company David lost his job couldn't make housing loan payments and returned to his parents home his reputation was tarnished by the viral video and he struggled to find stable employment barely making ends meet with short-term part-time jobs rumors spread about his parents too and according to reports from Sir friends in the neighborhood they seem to Live In Perpetual unease the cold societal judgment they faced which exceeded my expectations made me think that surprisingly this ostracization might be harder for them than any legal repercussions with most matters settled and my health recovering my parents my baby and I visited Sarah's home to express our gratitude both Sarah and her husband seemed genuinely happy and doed on my baby making us feel warm and welcomed after that Sarah and my mother became close friends similarly Sarah's husband and my father got along very well and our families grew close furthermore Sarah and her husband's son was around my age and to everyone's surprise our relationship began to develop in an unexpected Direction a few years later the idea that I might actually become a part of surf family was something no one could have ever predicted life truly is full of surprises
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 276,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: Ov-oa-sl3QQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 8sec (1868 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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