Fusion 360 — Mold Design - Cavity & Core — #LarsLive 80

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doing welcome to livestream number 80 today we're gonna talk about spotting lines on plastic injection molded parts that's a long title thank you so much for taking the time to watch today's livestream it is Thursday it's the 19th of October 2017 still waiting for people to come in here they will come trickle in but definitely appreciate you guys who are taking the time to watch the recording today's topic I gotta set this up so just bear with me two seconds probably about a year ago I was talking to somebody about doing a plastic injection mold infusion 360 and one of my friends was like yeah you know Fusion is not really not really the tool for that kind of you know they can be very complex and I decided to pay watch me man so I created a video series on how to do plastic injection mold you will find that link down in the description area of the video now so I did that series how I would design a plastic injection mold infusion 360 so if you've never come across that or you have to design a mold this is how I would decide and pretty much how I would design it in any type of CAD software not just in an infusion of course some of the comments I got was that well that mold was way too easy he was a simple mold and yes I admit that but it was more of course to show the whole the whole story so today we're gonna talk about creating potting lines but is really the hard thing to do when it comes to creating plastic injection molds in any CAD software now some people would say that well fusion 360 don't have mold tools in it and that's true however most of these moles that other CAD programs are using really doing the same thing as we're gonna be doing today we're just gonna do it a little bit rolling up our sleeves but get to the same kind of a salt so enough talking got people in here in the live stream we'd appreciate it and for you guys again watching recording thank you give me a thumbs down if you if you if you like this and if it goes a little bit too fast don't forget that the recording is up on YouTube you can always go back and watch it again and I'll be talking let's jump into a fusion 360 so there we go here is a plastic part that we are going to create a parting line on and I just brought it in here right out of the get-go so you can see that there is a little bit more to go on and this one then in the one that I did previously in the mold series now a couple of things like I literally just brought this pot in without doing anything to it so there's a couple of things I want to start out by doing first thing I want to go up here and right click and say that I want to capture the design history right so now we're kind of capturing things that things are going down in the history tree down here that is extremely helpful another thing that I just noticed when I bring this pot in is it's kind of like gray on white or white on gray this is one of the things that I used to do all the time when I was working in the shop floor doing Kent and cam I would throw new appearances on my models so I'm just gonna go ahead oops I'm gonna go ahead and do that this is not needed at all but it's just like one of those things for me that I've always you know made live a little bit and I used to I used to play around with it right why not throw some some bamboo on your pot makes it a little bit more interesting to look at you would like to see that we get some original colors there too so those makes it a little bit nicer to look at though that I'm sure the customer don't want this pot plastic pot made out of bamboo okay let's get to it so the first thing we gotta talk about now and a lot of the things that you've seen me doing here somewhat the same as I did in that video series just with a little bit more complex pot but we're looking to create is a insert that that kind of like surrounds this power fall for this mold and and if you haven't I've used other tools while the CAD tools since the SolidWorks on vendor you know that there are certain steps you have to go through if you're using those mold tools so we're just gonna go through and use kind of like the same tools as we are going through here now the first thing I'm not gonna worry about um I looked at this part and it looks like that is added some draft to it now be aware of that if you go out to inspect up here there is draft analysis tools inside of effusion so we could definitely check on that that could be another live stream if we if we need to do that and of course you have draft tools inside of fusion too so if you do have to add some draft and draft is just so the part can come out of the mold if you have like long straight walls the plastic will kind of like bind inside of the inside of the steel molds we'll be adding a little bit of draft the other thing that many people have asked me about is the strength factor of the the plastic so when you put plastic into a mold it normally shrinks and the way to do that in CAD is to really just add a scale factor to it so you can really go in here and you can select your part and then you can add a scale factor depending on what what plastic you're gonna be using and that is it's not in your CAD software that's something depending on you know the material published gonna use so many times you will just add a scale factor to the part right out of the gate and have that sitting on here so with that we can stop creating some of the tools we need now there is a couple of things we need to do before we get into before we can divide this up the first thing is we can kind of pluck any holes that is inside the part where the normal would be like core pins or something inside the part so you know through holes for example that's a through hole in the center of this part so we will block those off and then the second thing we will do is we will create what is called a padding surface and you will see that just in a second as we get to it so first thing first let's talk about clocking up any holes that is in here now I have said before that you know I like to be lazy when it comes to Canon cam but you know that the more complex your model is the more the software is gonna have to handle a lot of different things and this part is you know it's fairly complex it's not totally crazy but it again there's a lot of stuff going on in this on this model so one of the things that I would do when I'm looking at the top down here is all these holes that is in this area right here as a bunch of them twelve or so of them here if you look at them a little bit closer they're clearly screw holes for something to be screwed in to something else and there's counterbored screw holes now we could start creating single surfaces to block these holes off but because it's pretty obvious to me what this is I can make my life easier by actually eliminate the holes in this core for this first step and the way I'm going to do that is I'm gonna select the inside of the face here and hit the Delete key on my keyboard and just by that infusion is smart enough to close up that hole in there and it just gives me a less data now I know that when I get further down to working with the insert blocks after I have done the hole splitting I know I gotta come back here and add these holes but that's that's fairly simple so think about if there's any ways when you're looking at models like this where you can go in and you can select areas where you can simplify the model it will just help you know you will just make it easier for the software and again another thing that isn't important to say when we as I'm talking while I'm going through deleting these faces other than this part is that you know it's this is really like good things in good things out or an American saying you know bad things in bad things out you know if your model is full of trouble you probably will have a little bit of a headache doing some of the of these techniques here so I'm just gonna go in here hold down control and I pretty much selected all those remaining faces I'm gonna hit delete and you will now see that all those holes have been been clocked up there so I'm just simplifying whatever I can I can simplify here now there is some of them that I definitely want to keep so one of them is these this big center hole because there's gonna be a split there that's also hold up a light comes in on an angle right here I'm gonna leave that and then there's kind of two four holes two on each side over here that I'm gonna leave now these here are actually just gonna probably have some sliders coming in there could be another knife stream so let's crack these up now I'm gonna go into the patch area the surface area inside of fusion to do this if this starts to get really complex for you look go into the playlist for the live streams and if you do ctrl F then you can literally search through and then if you search like services or something like that in there you will find we have colored this in the past so I'm gonna go up and do just a simple patch and I'm just gonna create a pads right around that face right there and hit okay that is how I'm gonna close each of these it's just with a little patch right click create repeat patch and I'm just gonna select that little pets right down hit okay another thing you will see when I'm working with things like this is that I lie I don't like to move to select as many things as possible sometimes when you're doing some of these things it can it's a little bit easy take that extra mouse click to say ok and actually get an extra feature down here so right click and peak patch select face hit ok so now would kind of like block these up here let's go in and do this hole over here right click repeat patch most likely right underneath the the radius there and then I'm gonna do the big opening here but problems gonna take a little bit more than just one click just follow the edge around like that there and I get that patch there so now we got all that it's a little bit hard to see in this background here I'll let's go back in oh let's go right click let's go to appearances and you will see that the it's kind of like we can overwrite the different ones just like that ok now they're all they're all good color and we can kind of see the delacro stuff so that was the first step that we need to do is close all the holes inside the model so we can kind of create that now of course also another thing maybe a good thing to do is to save up here as you're going along right so we can go in here click Save put a comment in those holes just as a step in there ok another thing I want to tell you is that you've seen these operations down here we have also now in our bodies for all the we have the body but was the part itself and then we have then we have older the surface in there now what we wanna end up with is when I end up with two blocks and I'm not gonna be able to come well I'm not gonna be able to complete to do the both of them here because it takes a little bit of processing time but I actually did do it before before so I can learn cooking show pulling this one out of the oven so this is what we want to end up with I just wanted to show it because I think it's important so this is our plastic part and we have a call and we have a cavity in here so this is where we want to end up now if you have watched the livestream before I'm a big fan of the combined tool so let me just go in here and talk about that a little bit so I'm gonna make an offset plane from the bottom here just gonna draw a plane down use the offset command let me start a sketch on that and I'm just gonna use the s key and the center rectangle and I'm kind of like gonna draw out the boundary of that of that insert that I want to create so now you will see me have a sketch down here now if you have watched before and I'm using that combine tool what we're gonna and I'm gonna I'm kinda like jump a little bit ahead here but I just think that this makes maybe make sense of some of them if I go back into a model space and I do in a press pull and I put well now it's gonna want to cut because it sees all the material but if I pull with Q up like this here and instead of doing a cut I actually go over here and just say new body so now I'm actually gonna end up with this body here's the pot itself I hit OK again and we now have another body what I want to end up using is I want to be able to use this combined tool and when I'm gonna do that I'm gonna select the box that we just created and the tool bodies I'm gonna select the plastic part itself and I'm just gonna say keep the plastic part don't consume it hit OK and it doesn't look like anything happened on your screen but if I turn the part of itself and we go into the inspection tool and we do a section analysis you will see that something happen inside the block we subtracted ah there we did not subtract it what did I do now what I probably had an adjoining edit feature I have a join cuts cut between the two pots oh yeah there we go so we have the box select them and we have the deposit select it and hit make it uncut yeah we go all right let's go begin that's very little again that's kind of funny section analysis click on that and then when I'm dragging here you see how how we exit now it might be hard to see if you're looking at it from here but we kind of like have subtracted apart from the block that's what we want when we when we create a mold right we now have like kind of this cavity inside of this part here if I do a section analysis you can kind of like see how it is there the problem the chaplains we don't have any problems the problem is the challenge is that this part we cannot split it straight across we actually have to kind of like create a parting line that follows around here so that's what we're gonna do that's what we're gonna do next here so we can use that potting line and we're gonna create a surface to split that box ok enough talking so the way we're gonna do this the same way that's that in vendor or SolidWorks how their mold tools are doing this we're just gonna do it like I said we're gonna roll up the sleeves and do it ourselves so I'm gonna do an offset plane from this side over here and I'm just gonna draw it out some kind of eight you should probably do good distances right so I'm gonna do like I don't know let's do mine is 150 millimeter cm and metric again I sent my defaults or metric so now I have this plane sitting on either side now all I'm gonna do on that is I'm gonna right click and create a sketch like that and I'm gonna use P for project ok people Jack and I'm gonna project this that I want to be my potting line I'm gonna click on that and I'm also gonna snap this ready the to radius is in each and on here and hit OK now if this went a little too fast for you don't worry I'm gonna have to repeat everything here in this in here so what I have now is I have this projected adds that is just projected at just from the model out to that face aren't creative okay now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna create a surface between this and that edge that is really all that your your mold tools are doing so I'm gonna go back into my patch now here I'm gonna use revolve they revolve tool we've talked about the revolts will be fall and it's not really difference between the surface revolve and the solder bevel besides the one is a southern want to say a surface so I'm gonna select the edge here on our pot and the edge of our profile and we will get a a surface plane right there now you could be tempted here to select the next edges and get this whole row but again I like to somewhat simplify this so I'm gonna hit OK and I'm gonna take the my sketch goes away pretty much gets back on I'm gonna take my time here and actually select each edge individually and create them like that and the reason I'm doing this it might not matter for this but sometimes when you create multiple edges your surface starts pulling in itself and it might not be as precise so here's the first surface we are going to create now you could be tempted to mirror this and revolve this and you might get away with it but but again I don't know where this model comes from so I'm gonna just repeat the same thing I just did before over on the other side here make it 150 out right click create a sketch here and I'm gonna use that same P for project and just project these edges over on that plane right there you know K so now I kind of like have the same thing over here and I'm gonna do but you just saw me before I'm gonna go in here and create a loft and select this edge to this edge hit okay right click get my sketch back right click right there and hit okay so that's and do the last one okay so we are kind of creating this surface that we want to split along that adds we're creating that manually here now I'm going to repeat the process on the end though there's gonna be a couple of trimmings we got to do so I'm gonna right click oh no I want to go up and create an offset plane I could exit on that for a right-click but what the heck and make one down in the end here let's go - 300 and I'm gonna start a sketch there create a sketch I just like to look at it a certain way don't mind me I'm gonna select this edge up here as a projected I'm also going to select this vertical edge here almost vertical I'm gonna select this radius the one on the other side right here and the top here so now I got these hit okay I'm gonna spin it around you can kind of see these here let's go into our evolve no sorry loft and select that edge to that that's easy enough it okay now then I'm gonna select that's where the trimming comes in I am going to select this edge and that projected line there so we get those now we're gonna have to trim these to each other we'll do that just in a second Pete loft from this edge to this edge yes it's like that so I mean this is you know this is work but actually if you have used I will say this we talked about using moles let's just finish this I come back to that so we have this created here now we got a trim you see how we get this piece here and this piece there sticking down so we're going to trim them so there's a neat trim tool inside of the pets environment and it works really well first it's just looking for a surface trim tool so I'm gonna say I want to trim to this surface and then I spin around and I select in here if it turns red here that means that the rent is gonna go away I hit okay and you will see that now I just trim that I'm gonna repeat that right click repeat trim this is my trim tool this is what I want to go away hit okay so that's how it's trim those okay so now what are the exact same thing down in the other hand we're getting there folks we're almost done construction plane out and I said 300 right and right click say we're gonna create a sketch or rotate it and I'm just gonna do the the p4 project so what I was saying before was I used the SolidWorks mold tools a lot in the past and good stuff definitely you know made some some neat stuff with it I will say though that if you do a lot of molds you should really check out the in vendor mole tools too because they are really I was really impressed with those I'm actually thinking that I might just have to do a video on the inventor mole tools because they were they were pretty neat and it's gets back on yeah I was kind of impressed with with how inventor does that I had to admit that I hadn't looked at that so almost done here right click repeat loft so let's go in here this surface to this surface okay and this surface here to this surface just again modified shrim and we're gonna use this as our our tool and this is the surface when I get rid of I'm gonna right click repeat trim I wanna say this is my tool and this is the surface I want to get rid of so I can selectively hey oh that's interesting there you go get rid of that and so now we have this trim now the last thing we need to do of these surfaces we actually got to create you see we're missing a 90-degree kind of thing right here you know what tool will be nice for that we just talked about it that would be the suite tool so we can actually use the sweep tool a single path I'm just going to turn off chain selection so my profile doesn't really matter whether you select this a profile is this and my path is going to be this and then we get a nice flat surface for that so we talked about the sweep the other day so yay for getting a chance to actually use it we're almost there and I will also ask this if any of you guys have a lot of mold knowledge have anything to answer this do me a favor put it in the commons area all in the live stream if you are live absolutely you know I know there's some people out there where some lot of knowledge with this kind of stuff that is really what we need to create to split this mold here these surfaces now I want to show you a little trick because as you can see that I ended up with a lot of surfaces in here in in this kind of process here's a neat trick if you select the bottom surface and you hold down shift and you select the top surface then you will select them all what does it neat windows trick but here's something else if you right-click you can say you want to create a selection set so you selected them all you right click click selection set and you end up with a folder up here that is called selection set and what you can do now if you want to select all these just go up to that folder click that little icon and now you've selected them all that makes life a lot easier okay last step we're gonna do here is I'm gonna you see how I rolled the timeline backwards here so maybe how I created that little combine divide feature before sand I'm just rolling back to to that so now we have our block back here again the way we're gonna create the cut between our surfaces and I can turn off the model itself the plastic pot itself so now we have all the services we just created and the block around here that was that was the one we created before where we used the boolean option of combine I hope this makes sense what we can do now is there's a neat feature in the model space that is called boundary fill and I've used it before on the live stream execution if you search you will find it may be a little bit simpler video using at the boundary field but what we're gonna do is we're gonna say that we want to create find out where they can make watertight models between our block the big gray block and then all those surfaces we just created now this is gonna be a little bit of a system that's gonna be some system you know I'm gonna go up and select our pots here this is gonna take some some process power uh to do this so you I would recommend if you got a do if you got to split something like this that is a little bit advanced you might want to do it at the end of the day because it can sit and think a little bit after that but what I get out of this is actually I'm just going to go over here and so I selected all our surfaces and our solid body gonna click on select you see how I have three checkboxes on the screen and whatever checkboxes I'm selecting fusion will make a water-tight marvel now the center one is actually our kind of Alpine shape itself so I'm not really interested in that but what I do get is I get a a bottom a cavity and a core this will be the core and I get a a cavity up here so all I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hit the check box and then when I hit OK it's gonna start processing this now I'm gonna say this again this does take a little bit of resources and your computer might sit for a little bit thinking about this I'm gonna go ahead and okay here when I tested this last time it did take probably about three or four minutes to just do one half because what fusion I have to do is it has to figure out all these watertight surfaces or these work all these surfaces and make a watertight model I got showed you three before I probably can't so it's over now but if you go back to the beginning of the way I showed you that I did those two halves so that is kind of the stats to go through and and do something like this now I'm going to keep this running while I'm I'm wrapping this live stream up number 80 folks this live stream up here I hope this was somewhat useful again if you're watching the recording I really appreciate it don't forget you could go back and re-watch it and you can actually inside of YouTube you can set it to like speed it up and play it at one and a half or two times speed so you can get food a little bit a little bit quicker um so I hope this was useful don't forget down the description area you will find the video series so if you are kind of interested to see how I would attack a full plastic injection mold inside of fusion that's what that is also my email address is in there if you are looking if you have any specific topics you would like to see in the live stream tell me if it will send an email that I really appreciated folks I've got 76 people in here just hitting the half an hour right now this is awesome this computer is working I'm just gonna let it work but Eero Saarinen smart smart scam tomorrow we're gonna talk about how to pick up on you CNC machine we're gonna talk about work offset with G 54 G 55 and all that so that is tomorrow at 2 o'clock guys thank you so much oh I hope you like this thumbs up thumbs down and and if you haven't already of course I was really appreciative subscribe I'm gonna add the broadcast and jump into the livestream to say hi everybody thank you so much
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 52,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, CAD, 3D, CAM, Manufacturing, CNC, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, akn_include, Mold, Design
Id: fRS0ZeXabaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2017
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