Testing 50 IMPOSSIBLE Myths In 24 Hours

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worried pandas shake and hide their faces during storms all right server you know what to do make it storm no way look they're even shaking you can see them they're kind of doing this oh no wait do they do it if I build what if I build them a little house this panda is fully covered and still hiding his face hey it's okay it's just it's just weather it's not going to be okay can you clutch with a lava bucket this one came from our beautiful Fire Nation Discord which you can join Link in the description ad ham 2.0 not Adam add ham uh I don't think this is going to work but let's get it three two one go if you don't manage to make it it's going to be sad and ye I made it we all know that you can clutch with one person on the Cel but can you do it with two or more the famous line from Z one of you may die but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make all right we're going to we're going to just shift off okay no jump 3 2 1 go oh no I dropped I don't know what I'm doing oh no you got a camel clutch go oh my gosh Come on this I'm in I'm coming you can clutch with two but I don't think you can clutch with three can camels jump over 10 blocks with two people riding them Joe come over here we're going to start with a nice little five block jump and easy easy oh okay here we go oh 10 blocks make that come on C yes we're pushing we're pushing the max here buddy yes oh and yes 12 freaking blocks no way can you clear 13 though I mean this is got to be pixel perfect lining up to the edge 3 2 1 no no he cannot jump 13 blocks I hope this is true but snippers can't be hit in the head because of their hit boxes come on snipper no way no way look at this you can't hit him in the head still not hitting in the head still not still not oh close what that is crazy naming a Vindicator Johnny causes it to attack nearby mobs you know from like the horror movies like here's Johnny all right Johnny take it easy hey yo he's going nuts oh my gosh why he's killing all the passive mobs for no reason this is a regular Vindicator not named Johnny and this is a Vindicator that has the name tag Johnny why I genuinely didn't think it would work so foxes can pick up items in Minecraft but if you give them a fire aspect sword will they make cook chicken oh you know what actually I got an idea here we go take the sword okay I to take the sword and now server turn the grass to Hoppers perfect come on come on here we go kill the chickens yes okay so the reason why you want to put the Hoppers beneath is because otherwise he'll pick up feathers in his mouth or the cooked chicken but check it out somewhere in here yeah we got cooked chicken baby but now turn it back to Grass but's see look if we spawn two chickens he'll kill one of them but then he'll drop the sword for the cook chicken that's why you need to put the Hoppers beneath them but it does work confirmed so if you have bees on one side of your crops and flowers will they grow faster due to pollination come on pollinate use the flower pollen and make those veggies grow oh oh I think they just fed this plant something they are definitely helping it grow look at this look at them look at them they're filling this up with honey they're taking the honey and the pollen I mean it's still a little slow but Dad Gum it it works now I got so many more farming tips like genuinely put beehive nests next to your crops thank you later can we Force the sniffers to grow into adults by feeding them the torch flower seeds we know this works on camels with cactuses but we don't know if it works with the baby sniffers homie just grow come on I've gone through almost two stacks of seeds yes you can do it but it requires the amount of seeds it would take to feed an entire Army we got bad Elman because we want to see if pillagers will attack baby villagers I hope hope this works for your sakes because this Village has a lot of babies in it oh here they come I'm going in creative mode oh so far no babies they're not even looking for the babies they're going for the adults there we go oh oh the vindicators are coming in now look at them look at them they're just letting the babies run wild they don't even care dang I think I've got more respect for pillagers now considering they'll leave the babies alone but this is confirmed unlike other moms Campell and sniffers cannot ride in boats uh I need you to go to the boat sir please try to get in the boat boat oh no he did not like the boat uh oh he's on it he's oh he oh he okay I think the snipper is not compatible with the boat but what about my boy the camel get inside of here come here what about a baby camel baby camel come on baby camel hey baby camel oh but the the adults can't ride though wow I can't believe it that is so sad okay give me a baby sniffer all right baby sniffer you're leaving your parents behind yes dude the baby sniffer is so big he's glitching into me now you can be sniffed while you drive can you break in crystals with eggs if you can this is a speedrunning classic this came from one of our other Fire Nation Discord members uh their name is Scooby-Doo go crazy I want to know the lore behind that name but after I test this yes dude why are we wasting bow and arrows when we could just do this this this is excellent now I got a question wait snowballs snowballs snowballs snowballs what guys what are we doing with our lives stop using bow and arrows to break these end crystals do Beast die in 1 minute after stinging a player that's technically what happens in real life look there's the Stinger all right look it's for your own good I have now been stung and the Stinger is gone now we must follow this be come on come on oh the bee looks so sad come on be don't do it I don't know why I've never thought to test this before cuz this definitely makes sense but so far RB is fine he doesn't look unhealthy at all no there's a way of damaging Endermen with water without them teleporting I got to figure this out okay like if I just put water beneath them they teleport they do not like water they're like cats what if I put you in a hole all right get in the hole and no ooh lingering bottle of water splash bottle oh it's got to be one of these you're not going to like this lingering we're going to do the splash bottle first no oh no they teleport with the splash what about the lingering dang it is it a cauldron what you can take a bath no I don't think it's possible let's see baby do camels drop leather when they die camels I don't think you would drop leather because you're made out of fur but I need to know Thanos snap them I freaking knew it man I mean think about it camels are all fur so it stop killing camels unnecessarily sniffers change color depending on what biome there spawn them starting with the desert no you look very normal to me but that's only the first biome what about the jungle no you're letting me down sniffers come on one of these biomes has got to change how you guys look no not even the PLS okay but last but not least swamp come on come on no sniffers are all created the same fishing rods can light TNT on fire you just have to throw it through Lava no can a natural ortal spawn with 12 Eyes of Ender already inside of it yes but these are the chances so most likely it will never happen to you unless you're drink so if you pick up a totem of undying as you die you survive so we're going to throw the totem of undying down all right we got to wait we get the totems got to go all the way down then we jump no shot this works this is mindblowing okay you can jump two blocks without any effects you just have to use damage and timing it's kind of weird but I swear this is possible I don't know you guys want have to rate this one in the comments if it's rare or not I would say this one is like medium rare but not that rare if you crouch as soon as you hit the ground you take no fall damage I'm calling BS on this one yeah I don't I don't know man no shots wouldn't this okay if this actually worked I I feel like this would be used so much oh I'm going to try to get this one we're going to be here for [Music] hours oh I'm done no I'm done that one's fake I mean we just probably died a 100 different times there and it didn't work you can make text on signs glow because they released the glow squid thanks dream I also voted for the glow squid U but that's beside the point there was a time when Minecraft was going to add a couple different mobs and the glow squid one and he drops a glow ink sack so what you do you can literally write whatever you want I'm obviously not going to write anything that's self-promotional anyways now all you have to do is once you have the text that you like you just right click it with the glowing sack and boom it looks so much better and you even get an advancement glow and behold water will stop skull veins from spreading anything you kill next to the skull does this you even get an advancement saying it spreads but the myth is that you can use water to stop it so I'm going to place water all around these skull veins will it contain the skull vein spread oh my go it doesn't contain the spread what are we going to do what do we do there's an infection and it's going to destroy everything do not come out a Lae can't take damage if they're holding something all right and I'm assuming it's going to die wow big shocker all right we're now we're going to give this one a diamond and then see if it takes any damage oh okay don't move stay right there you need to take damage what all right now I've given this one TNT just to double check all right now you can't move no no no stop Flying and flopping dude all right there's no way you're surviving that this one's got to be dead you got to be kidding me so it doesn't even matter what item they're holding they can just survive anything very rare but it's not beating the totem of a nying vers so if a cat spawns inside a witch hut it will always be a black cat all right so as you see we have the Hut all right I'm going to make a nice slight incision from the top over here so as you can see wait that's on the roof we're not even in so oh that's so weird no no even baby black cats so the witch's Hut is so powerful that it even works in a one block radius around it but as soon as you go two blocks away you're getting all sorts of different cats and it has to be the Hut so if we take the Witch and we're going to put the witch in this tree it spawns regular cats around the witch no black cats we're going to kill the witch inside the hut and then we're going to spawn the cats are they still black cats they're still black you can summon any stru in Minecraft using a command and the command is slpl structure wa but you can place a tiger Village let's see how does it know where to place it I think it just uses you as like a Center Point there's even villagers what and the chests are full as well to really test this we got to play something different beached shipwreck oh wow that's so it does I mean it's a little glitchy cuz it doesn't really know exactly where to place it oh my just placed a man mention this is pretty good and the best thing about this is it's not just the structure it's everything that would also be inside of the structure even the chests have everything inside of them pretty rare but still not rare enough to defeat our totem of undying men you can run underwater only on mud so here we have dirt when we try to run here's what happens if we just start swimming but now we have mud now here's the interesting thing this worked in a previous version and here's us doing it but will it work in the newest version 1192 H this is a big moment right now no they fixed it Mojang can't keep getting away with this he can't keep getting away with this thanks Mojang there's a myth that you can make an infinite source of lava this is going to be my helper today to test and see if the lava is real or not so here's the resources that you need to try this myth you need a cauldron to collect the lava and then on top of it you just need blocks all right drip Stone goes beneath and then all you have to do is build something that can hold the lava and Bam lava goes down in the center and it should th oh we have our first little drip you can even hear the drip sound effects so if it takes away from this it's not truly infinite cuz it's just taking it from one place and putting it into another I would say though if this works it is way more rare than the totem of undyed so obviously it takes a while and I'm going to beg you all to like this video every time you see the dripstone drip because that would make my video look extra drippy funny joke this is a controversial one because there is legend that there is a Red Enderman and the way to get him to come out of the nether you make the corners of your nether portal with nether rack I'm calling straight cap on this one but then what you do inside of the Overworld is you set your day toight and then you get a campfire of each color put them in front and then you wait he set a bu got you if you got scared you have to subscribe the myth is that you can turn mud into water not as impressive as Jesus turning water into wine but still impressive nonetheless we are going to put mud right here oh actually we want to put this one a little bit higher I'm going to wa what the heck is that I'm going to build over here so obviously the mud has water in it but if you put the dripstone beneath it it's supposed to drip all of the water out of the mud and turn it into a regular clay block kind of like if you put a sponge into a furnace look blo ancient debris is just condensed warped logs left from Minecraft since 2011 I mean when you think about them okay we're going to look at these side by side they do look very similar because of the fact ancient debris has this spiral top it looks almost identical to the Warped stem almost not quite but doesn't it like oh I don't know man now that I'm looking at these side by side I feel like this could be true this is more of a conspiracy theory myth you have to help me decide in the comments I I can't decide for myself okay we still don't have any lava yet but our lava up here has not dissipated that's a good sign but oh oh wo did you see that though there's like six drops that came out of the dripstone all simultaneously we got nothing else better to do might as well eat some lunch epic amazing I felt bad for a second but I realized this burrito has chicken in it it does not have beef so ow you're fun any day now that'd be fantastic oh oh it happened no way dude I literally have so look at the sauce on my hands I can I can't even use my mouse hand hold on I'm doing this with one hand now the big question is did it take the lava source block that's what I want to know no way so you can genuinely get an infinite lava source these days we still have to wait for this mud block to turn into clay oh oh we suck dude okay we technically did this myth incorrectly I feel really dumb right now so you technically need a stone buffering for whatever reason it buffer I don't know how this works but apparently the only way to test this myth correctly is to do it this way mud Stone drip Stone this is a spicy myth the myth is that villagers are just ravagers that have been scientifically mutated and have had test ran on them because if you look at the face of a villager it isn't that far off from the ravager I mean look at these guys side by side I don't know and then if you spawn a Pillager like look at this they don't have the same eyebrows look at that they don't have a unibrow that unibrow is what unifies the fact that ravagers are villagers I'm actually convinced about this one without cap that later in Minecraft they're going to reveal that ravagers are villagers if you mine every single obsidian pillar in the end you get a secret achievement and here we go did not mean to do that oh you got to get the bottoms too oh my wow what I didn't realize that these have like the roots of the pillars go this deep this is just going to make it that much longer for me to break every single one of them one 2 three 4 and five six and this is the last one okay oh my God how deep is it why is it so deep Joe come help me break it manually we're going to I'm calling in backup this myth cannot be busted alone I'm going I got to be careful just not to break the last block cuz here it is the last block three 2 one that's I think that's perfect you you get it when a village has a well inside of it there's a 1 million chance that there's a button on it and it opens a secret room underneath the well um I'll tell you this I've been playing Minecraft for way too long and I've never seen a button on anywhere in the well it just doesn't exist has this always been here I'm going to click it I'm pretty sure this is just a planted button because I didn't hear anything trigger when I activated it but I'll swim to the bottom of the well what is that what is it what's in here there's a Lecter here villagers manual do not ever give a good deal don't speak in front of humans only huh emeralds is life understandably make sure to subscribe or we will steal all your emeralds I promise you I didn't do this this was the production team okay if you're angry with me right now you should get mad at them frogs can eat slimes I've really never ran into a lot of frogs in Minecraft they're kind of gross looking but apparently they'll eat the Slime no why would why would would you eat the Slime I mean okay so if they'll eat a slime will they eat a Magma Cube there's no shot oh there's also a myth too that frogs can poop out lights is that a light wait did he just eat the Magma Cube and give me a light source a pearlescent okay I got to make sure this isn't fake did that really just happen where you go frog don't leave oh look at him walk out he just poops out of light and thinks that this guy owns the entire world huh so does he do it with any other Hostile Mobs all right here's a skeleton what do you think no interest huh I still don't think it can beat the infinite lava source cpes will grow into different colored frogs depending on which biome they grow up in snow desert warm wither skeletons can spawn with any item in their hand including a bow I've genuinely never seen a wither skeleton without anything except for a stone sword but there is a very tiny chance that they can spawn with a bow or other types of weapons in their hand that is false but in previous versions of Minecraft you could push a skeleton through a nether portal and it would turn into a Wither with the bow but you can still spawn them with a command block and they are terrifying if I go into game mode survival I'm way less scared U look at this guy he's a flame bow terrifying and the it was vers my cats can survive Max fall damage the height limit in the newest version of Minecraft is 319 blocks I'm going to spawn the cats right here and I'm going to push it off cats are always supposed to land on all four legs and not supposed to die I'm going to follow this cat oh God where did it go wow now I know why there's so many furries at conventions the jungle villagers are hiding the crabby patty formula inside of their temples don't try to run away from me I know you've got the formul onlyi see sometimes you try to make things peaceful and they just don't want it to be that way there it is you know how important this is to me we even made an entire video on our real life Channel with over 10 million views trying to figure out what's inside of the secret formula for a Krabby Patty there it is the temple with the secret formoli get out of my way villagers like lights on ah much better okay come on really this is all you have protecting the secret formula oh I'm going to read you so good what was that was that TNT there's a secret biome in Minecraft the upside down from stranger things and this is it now it might look normal but look at the particle effects that are surrounding this place and most of these village houses are upside down once you enter the village look at the purple even the water's upside down oh this is weird ooh I don't like the sounds I don't like the sounds okay get me out of here you can breed frogs with slime balls which would make sense because technically they eat slimes no you guys are literally slime balls look I can't see what's beneath the frogs you know what I'm saying so I don't know which one's which are those the tadpoles don't walk on the eggs you're going to break the warden is just a mutated iron Golem who was fed A Notch Apple trying to heal him they definitely have similar body shape and the warden doesn't even have any more eyes what do you think is this lore cap or fact there is a secret trapo underneath Snow Village Igloo you know I mean this place is pretty small and I don't see anything inside of here unless wait a second no surely not surely this no okay I'm opening it three to Al will bring their items to the note block instead of you if the note block is activated for 10 or more seconds and as you can see the LA just betrayed my trust entirely and brought his items to the note block instead of me if you eat 37 carrots in 1 minute you gain permanent night vision you know I could see this working they do say that carrots are very very good for your health why would you get permanent night vision for eating 37 Kats I feel like this would already have been shown at some point in time that heroen would have patched it but I'll eat the 37 carrots okay I know you guys want to see it that's right I mean I'm smun we're almost through Noob wants a new home go buy them at firem merch.com I'm eating these carrots God and busted what did I tell you nothing happened I've been dying to bust this myth because you can save yourself from drowning by sleeping in a bed oh no I'm drowning oh but I have a bed boom oxygen how sick is that and then you just swim away like nothing ever happened I hate to say this that's going to take off the infinite lava source for me the fact that a bed can save your life from drowning that's number one now okay that is the rarest myth that's been true so far today if you shoot your bow and arrow beneath a cauldron filled with lava it will turn your normal arrows into fire arrows meaning if there are mobs on the other side you can actually set them on fire so like there you see his toes okay don't put this on weaky feet don't be weird oh that's so cool wait wait why does it work by going underneath that doesn't make any sense that's so weird I mean I don't know a bunch of like circumstances where this would be actually useful but it does work rain will melt snowmen basically killing them Joe do the rain dance I know you Britain know how to do it that's what I'm talking about all right we're seeing some movements I'm still waiting for the rain Joe oh my Joe Stop The Rain Dance Stop The Rain Dance what have we done what have we done you did this you're complicit in the murder of six snowman you can make an overpowered Wither Skeleton farm with charged creepers as we all know if a mob dies to a Charged Creeper their head always drops so with this we spawn in the withers and with this we spawn in the supercharged creeper and then when it explodes and you're too close you die but if we teleport back look at what we're left with oh look at 24 heads with this you could Farm Withers all day every day you can mine reinforce deep slate if your pickaxe has efficiency 255 oh there's a crack but the real question is does it actually drop the block yo yes no it doesn't drop what's the point if you kill a goat with looting 255 they drop a secret goat horn sorry goats but this is for science yeah all right dude I have been told that this makes probably the best sound that anybody has ever heard and this is coming from an audio file those are people that really like sounds and purchase those expensive headphones called Apple airpods Macs or whatever you know I'm talking about be ready to witness the greatest sound in 3 2 [Applause] 1 turn it off if you die in a hardcore World your pets die with you as you can see cat has collar now I just need to die Iron Golem please do me the favor oh oh where' my cat go it's still there it's got the collar around its neck it's going to be there it's frozen forever ah it's fine it's a cat when dolphins are fed rockot or salmon they swim to the nearest treasure all right dolphin come here come on just right here take some of this yeah yeah there you go you like it don't you all right now take me to treasure if this dolphin leads me to treasure you got to give me a treasure by subscribing it's only fair this is very valuable [Music] no just when I was about to give up the dolphin said hold my juice because I brought you to a chest yeah dolphin I love you one of my favorite Studio ji movies of all time is Castle in the Sky and because of that movie Sometimes Iron Golems will hold roses in front of the villagers come on hold the rose hold the rose oh oh you look like you want to Rose out huh come on they only hold the rose out for a second so you got to be on the look come on iron golems you got this show us show us the rose oh my God he's doing it he's doing do it where next to this house over here oh he's doing it we saw it for a split second but he did it he gave the flower and if Mojang likes anime so should you
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 1,825,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, preston, brianna, gaming, funny, family friendly, ssundee, unspeakable, mrbeast, aphmau, canman, lankybox, cash minecraft, nico mc, stokestwins, gametoons, maizen, eyestreem
Id: E6V8657yx2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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