The Power of Your Own Light – A Must See!
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Channel: Moojiji
Views: 857,904
Rating: 4.8051586 out of 5
Keywords: peace, spirituality, awareness, Shiva, enlightenment, Ramana, I Am, nirvana, seeker, self-inquiry, bliss, Jesus Christ, wisdom, eternal, Satsang, sahaja, love, God, devotion, Papaji, sacred, soul, surrender, Self-realization, being, meditation, prophet, Buddha, Mooji, spirit, freedom, guru, duality, maya, divine, awakening, mantra, non-duality, truth, Liberation, time, philosophy, supreme, Monte Sahaja, Portugal, self, Krishna, reality, ego, presence, yoga, contemplation
Id: BEE0fqbcjlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 47sec (9467 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2017
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