Online Weekend Retreat with Mooji 26 -28 June 2020
(with subtitles) Bring Your Mind Inside Your Heart
and the World Will Not Trouble You 27 June 2020 / Session 1 [Mooji] 'Dear Mooji,
Thank you for your teachings. You have changed my life.' This is from Adele.
Adele, where are you? Adele! Ah, wonderful! Thank you. Thank you for joining today. Very good. Thank you for being in the room. 'Thank you for your teachings', you write here, 'You have changed my life. My question is regarding
food and shelter for the body. Moving in the awareness, how do I know when to trust that
things will work out? Or when to work to make things work out?
Adele.' OK, it is a fair enough question. Again, 'Thank you for your teachings.
You have changed my life. My question is regarding
food and shelter for the body.' Caring for one's life, one's, 'Food and shelter', you put. 'Moving in awareness' is going to change for you
to, 'Moving as awareness'. But let me stay with your words.
'Moving in awareness', meaning that you are aware
and somehow you are moving. Who are you who is moving in awareness? Are you someone who is moving with awareness? 'I'm moving in awareness. I'm somebody, but now I've become aware.' This is fine up to a point. 'How do I know when to trust that
things will work out?' Actually, in this life, left alone,
things work themselves out. Not at your schedule, so to speak, but life does take care of life. The arrogance in the human kingdom stems, actually,
from ignorance of our true nature. And because of that, fear comes, 'If I don't take care of me,
who is going to take care of me?' So, many questions come from there. If I surrender all my efforts and all my energy
to the Isness, will the Isness take care of me? Well, you are not apart from the Isness. In fact, when we come to the recognition and acceptance
of who we truly are, it is only then
that you will be able to confirm and see that life takes care of life, in a mysterious way
to the sense of the person. Because the person is always trying to work out where the next meal is coming from. We have been trained and habituated to identify that we are the doers of our actions and the thinkers of our thoughts, and the one responsible for life, and so on. But as you grow out of that limitation, you will see that it is the person
and the mind-person that keeps getting in the way somehow. And so, we have come to not trust life, because we often meet life with fear, 'If I don't act, nothing will happen'. But that is really not true. So, if we are very stubborn in that way, sometimes life brings you to a situation where you may have an accident and cannot work, can't look after your family. And it turns out that the thing you most fear creates an opening by which you come to see, 'My gosh, everybody is doing well. I would not have imagined that
these things would have come to play. How did they come to play?
Who knew that I needed this help? Where did this help come from?' This help comes from the pure Being itself. It's not even that ...
Many times ... [Adele] Mooji, can I say something?
[Mooji] Yes, please. [A.] Thank you. Thank you so much for answering my question. I really appreciate it. I just wanted to ask about that grape parable that you talked about. If I trust life and I trust the universe, that it will work out
and something will look after me, where do I start to move to catch the grape? [Mooji] Where do you move to catch the what? [A.] The grape. [Mooji] Oh, to catch the grape.
[A.] Yes. [A.] Where does the universe or God stop
and I start? [Mooji] It doesn't work like that. You are trying to use your mind
to be spontaneous. And the mind is not spontaneous. The mind is very impulsive,
but not intuitive or spontaneous in that way. When you trust, if you truly trust, and by trusting I'm not saying just blind faith, somebody says, 'Trust', and, 'OK, I trust'.
No. As you keep listening and discovering
the fruit of your understanding ... When I say, No, leave that alone,
just observe and see ... Because the mind tells you, 'If you let that go,
it is going to crash over there'. I say, Wait, just watch,
don't interfere, only look. You see that it goes there,
and it goes like this [points up]. And you say, 'Whoa! How did that happen?' I say, you need to spend more time
and look like this. Because what our trained identity does is that it works on fear and projecting fear. That is why we become fearful that
if we don't act early, which incidentally means
we are acting prematurely, very often, then you never see the outcome
that life would have offered. We only see the outcome of our projection. And this is why we have so little faith in a life that we should trust, in fact. But while you have this suspicious nature
and fearful nature, you are missing your gifts all the time! Because life is taking care. Just like the sun doesn't shine
just on the beautiful flowers, it shines on poo equally, on everything! It is so generous in its shining. So you may feel,
'If I am like this, life may forget about me. How do I know when to act?' No, no, no. This one, knowing when to act, is the one who is causing you a lot of stress. Just be. As you come to relax in your being, relax in your being, then you will find that
you automatically feel OK about life. You don't have to say, 'I trust, I trust'. You automatically feel integrated with life. And somehow the fear of life begins to just thin away. You say, 'I don't know how this happens'. And it is true. You don't know how it happens. It's just that you stop molesting your own peace
with the mind. The mind is telling you, 'Look, you are going to miss out.
Go now, go now!' And this is why I say,
You are pulling the parachute open too early. You are still in the plane.
Do you understand? Some people are opening the parachute
and they are on the ground! We are just so misplaced in our own being. So, this is what happens. My words are not going to tell you how to go and make a life. I don't have to waste your time on that! You are life itself! You don't realise that.
You think that life is a challenge! No. You are life! And also the witness
of the life that is unfolding. You are right here also. It is a mystery that human beings miss. We miss the best part of being human,
by being personal. The human is a divine manifestation. If you remember what I am pointing to, you will bear witness to the truth of it. I am not asking you to make-believe something. You don't have to make-believe. But you must trust sufficiently to stop rushing, and pay attention a little bit. If I had to tell people, 'OK, now you believe, now, when God throws you the grape,
you must go this way' ... Then I have not helped you. I am saying, relax.
Relax a little bit and feel your being. Accept you being. [Adele] It should be effortless and spontaneous. [Mooji] It is already effortless and spontaneous. But the mind is thinking, 'Oh, it should be. One day I am going to be ...'
It is in fact, saying, 'One day I am going to be
what I have always been, but failed to see'. And really, I want to tell you this. Adele, this is something that ... It is a pointer, a truth, that so many miss! This is why people come
expecting to find techniques and tricks, and how to manoeuvre, how to control,
how to get over something. I say, relax. Get to know your Self. Get to know your Self. And I don't mean to know yourself like you are some object that you have to study. To know your Self,
start, I say, by just leaving everything. If you have even five or ten minutes to do it, you start by, just now, like I say ... Do it with me now, also. We'll just start again like that. Right now, you are here. So, you don't have to come here. You are here. Don't hold on to anything at all. Let's just try and be empty
for the rest of today's satsang. Just relax. You are not losing your chance, 'But I have a question I have to ask!' Yes, yes, don't worry. After. Now just let everything just ...
Leave it alone. Try and see if ...
Just try to be totally empty. It's not difficult. This is one of the natural gifts
every human being has. You can be. We don't use it enough. Just be totally empty,
even of any ideas about who you are. Let go, even of the effort to be empty. Don't hold onto any shape, to any idea at all. Just do that now. How simple! Empty, empty, empty. Don't save any 'buts'.
'But, but, but ...' No. Leave all the 'buts'. Just be empty. Give yourself permission simply to be empty. It is very safe right now. Empty, empty, empty, empty. As though everything that
you have ever believed, or are likely to believe,
has just been taken out for a moment. Just for now. Afterwards, it can come back. But right now just be very empty. Be as empty as you can be. No ideas about what is to come in the future, or even how you will benefit from this talk. Nothing, just empty! Fully empty! Don't save any favourite concepts or ideas. Empty, empty, empty.
What an opportunity! Empty, empty, empty. And don't pick up any new ideas. Just be empty. Because only when you are really empty, I can ask you some simple questions about this. If I say that anything that was put in, at any period of time, any information, or feeling, or memory, or ideas, or attachments that came to you were now taken out, notice that you feel totally empty. Yet, there is something
that cannot be taken out. It cannot be taken away. [Mooji] Are you aware of this or not?
[A.] Yes. [Mooji] This is an open question
for everybody now. [Mooji] Now, no hypnosis is needed. No creative thinking is needed. No imagination is needed. Simple, simple, sober willingness to simply not hold on to, or combine the sense of self
with anything at all. So, I don't have to ask you now to imagine. Right where you are. Even any history that
you might be holding on to about yourself, any self-beliefs,
leave everything for a moment. Any roles you may play,
mother, father, daughter, children, pastor, priest, doctor,
thief, beggar, whatever it may be, none of those things
were with you from the beginning. Everything is drained away, left away. So you are not just blank. Something is here. A kind of something-nothing. Are you aware of it or not? So This, This that is here,
can anything remove it? Nothing can remove it. Look. Just look. Even with your eyes closed,
you can look from where I am speaking. Can you come to any place
in all of the universes, where you come to the edge or the end of this, beyond which it is not? Can there be such a thing? Just in your emptiness now,
I am not asking you to go back to things you learned at college and university. Just from now, from your total, total emptiness, I am asking you this question. Are there any boundaries
for what is really here? And did you create this? I call it the 'Isness' or the 'What Is'. I am not going to give it
a religious name right now. It is just whatever it is. Can you throw it away? Does it have a beginning or an end? Please look. The questions I am asking, to respond to me,
do you have to go anywhere at all? All of you give me some sign
that you understand. And This that I am referring to, can it be touched? Can it be manipulated in any way at all? Could you define it as merely a feeling? I mean, is it a feeling? Is it a mood? Is it meditating? Is it meditation? Stay with it. Just stay here. That is all. I am not asking you to go and pick up a book,
or to Google anything. Right where you are, empty as empty, beyond even the concept of empty. I feel, totally, that it is available,
to ask you these questions. This, This, whatever it is, the What Is itself, can it be killed? Does it have parents? Was it created? How do you know? I am not asking you to think about it. Was it created through thought or activity? Does it judge you or anything? Does it have a form or a shape? Please check, because only you can know this. Can it be captured inside some book? Is it limited to what are called
holy places and mountains? Does it have a name? And may I ask you, can it die or disappear? So, right now I will tell you this, I will ask this question, how far away from you is it? Do you need to travel to be where it is? Can anything exist outside of it? Even the mind, even the ego,
can it exist outside of this? Can this, What Is, be upset with you? Is it a colour? Or a shape? Are you imagining it? Is there some practice that you have to do
to be there? I want to share this thing with you. This is your Self. It is not what we have been taught. Not even in the temples,
or the churches, or the synagogues. But this is the only thing, a thing-less thing, that deserves the title of 'Eternal'
or 'Timeless', 'Uncreated', 'Undying', 'Perfect', the source of all that you perceive
in the mind and being. Do you have to believe in it to make it real? No. You only needed to recognise it. It seems as though all our life, by taking on the personal identity and involvement in all emotions, became like a distraction
from this simple recognition. Can you see now? All of you, wherever you are. Wherever you are! Wherever you are. Even if you were on another planet, are you separated from this? In fact, the greatest word you can use
in any language is that word which indicates This,
when you say 'I'. 'I' arises in this. If 'I' has any sense of being a someone ... Is This, that I am pointing to,
is it a somebody? Is this too much for you to hear and to bear? Because this is your Self. If something feels, 'Oh, this is too much', I will guarantee that
that just comes from your mind. Somehow, to even come to a point where you are stunned, somehow, or something feels stunned in hearing this, or something feels,
'How can I accept this to be my Self?' That is only coming from the habit of the mind to limit what you are into the shape of a body and a style of thinking. Knowing this to be the root
of all perceiving and all existence, and allowing this understanding
and this recognition to marinate in itself, meaning, just to love being itself! To be aware of itself. Do this. Stop working out your problems for a minute! This is what it really means to enjoy yourself. To be in the joy of your Self. And right now, at this point of recognition, for many people it can feel ... As I asked you before,
Is it merely an experience? Bearing in mind that all experiences
have a beginning and an end, does this have a beginning and an end? This is the very root
of the life that you call your life. When all the shows and the play of existence and life are finished, this will not finish. It cannot finish, because it never started. It always just is. And that we can be sitting together, sharing this pointing together, recognising this together, I would say ... The mind is going to somehow feel ...
It wants to say, 'This is a great experience,
but can we move on now to other things?' Because that is its play, to distract you from your own Self. Knowing this beyond knowledge, knowingness, recognising this, be one with it. Move in your natural way and observe how life unfolds when you are one with your own Self. You see, we have been trained,
educated and conditioned, to look at what the mind presents as a problem,
to try and figure it out. But these things don't really exist. They only exist in our mind
while we are in the belief of it. But I am telling you this now, put your attention here. This is the God place. It is not a religion, but it is your God place. It is your awareness place. You don't have to speak about it. Greater than speaking about it is just continuously confirming it
within yourself. Not mechanically, but just in the joy of affirming and confirming
your true nature, your life automatically adapts to it. I always longed
to be able to talk with you in this way, to share in this pointing, to be present with you in your seeing. Because the mind is waiting
to bring many questions, 'Yes, that is all very good and well, but is it going to help me to pay my rent?' Such trivial talk! Do you think that you came into this world simply to be worried about paying rent? Oh, yes, we can do that. We can worry. We are Olympic worriers. Not warriors!
Worriers, about any little thing. But here, I ask you, if you trust my word, just be with this. This seeming move of seeming passivity generates tremendous power. And its fruits are peace, love, harmony,
wisdom and joy. So all it is, is a change of focus. While we are in the state of personhood, we are slaves to our own thinking. But when you begin to observe, just like this as I have asked you ... First of all, learn that
before you move in the mind ... We have a saying in the Caribbean. We used to cook a lot of green bananas. In those days, as a child growing up,
we used to have iron knives. Whenever you use an iron knife
to peel a green banana, there is some chemical reaction somehow, and the iron goes black and the banana gives off this stickiness. You have to put in a lot of time to try to clean this stickiness off your hands. So the people who cook
this kind of food regularly, what they do is, before they start,
before they even pick up the knife, they cover their hands in coconut oil. Then they can peel as many bananas as possible and nothing sticks to them. They only have to wash it off
with a bit of soap afterwards. Before you engage with the world, oil yourself with consciousness and silence. Bring your mind into your heart and the world will not trouble you. Meet the world as a person and so many things you will have to deal with. Come from your heart, from the place of conscious awareness, and you will experience your existence
in pure harmony. Yes, yes, of course,
some little things will go off here and there, but they won't ever be too much for you. Because you are centred inside your own joy. And this is not an encouragement to the person! This is not an encouragement to your person. It is an encouragement to your Self, your being, who has been living, for however long, in states of distractedness
from your own purity. This is radical! It is a peaceful revolution. May I ask you, has it gone? Can it? [A.] My question? [Mooji] No, your questions were gone long ago! [Adele laughs] [Mooji] This,
that I have pointed you to recognise, has it gone? [Adelle] No.
[Mooji] No. [Mooji] Can it go? It will appear to go
when your attention is distracted again to the past or to your person. Please understand that.
That is all that is happening! I have to reduce these things
to their simplest form, because in their simplest form,
we stand a chance to grasp them. Don't follow any concept,
or any philosophy that is too complex. It is only food for the mind. The reality is very simple. Even a child can grasp it without using too much brain power. If you understand, you see. But if you believe in the concepts
that you have learned, 'Oh, but you've got to try, and never give up, you must push harder, you must run after this, you must stand on people's heads
to get where you are', you will suffer until you give it up,
when you are frustrated by all the promises your mind makes,
but never delivers on. Stay here in this. And you will find,
this is not in conflict with life. I'm not asking you
to sit all day in your room like this. In fact, at some point, you are going to see that actions, reactions,
interactions, life and activity do not interfere with this at all. In fact, they flow much more beautifully when you are aware that they all flow from here,
and you are here. Please don't let yourself miss this! This is the opportunity. This is the best thing
I have to share with you today. Thank you Adele. [A.] Thank you, Moojibaba. Thank you. [Mooji] Love you, love you, love you. [A.] Love you too. [M.] Whatever is in this letter,
I'm going to take a look at this. Whatever is in this letter, this letter exists
in That which I have just shown you. Whatever is going to come and unfold in life, can only unfold in this
that I have shown you today. Don't overlook it. Because of the bad habits of the mind and being, we tend to go back to the old ways. It is easy.
It is easy to keep doing foolish things. It may seem very difficult
to focus on your own being, initially. Only because of the build-up
and the momentum of bad habits. But I am asking you only to look. I am not asking you to pick up
any spiritual gymnastics. But to bear the resistance, at first,
of the carnal mind. It is not much,
if you stay in the place I have shown you. You will see
all your seeming problems dissolving. They never existed in the first place. Only because you believe in them. One of the greatest transcendences of the mind,
the ego-mind, is to begin to see it, see its superficiality. When it loses its significance for you,
it's over. Copyright at 2020 Mooji Media Ltd.
All rights reserved. No part of this recording may be reproduced without Mooji Media Ltd.'s express consent.
Mooji the real MVP!! π
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