Satsang: Adventures in the Non-Happening

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I don't know [Music] No [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh namaste welcome everyone to satsang this morning welcome welcome welcome and big welcome to all of you who are joining from wherever you are for this morning's satsangh via broadcasting service thank you for being here our wonderful namaste Mooji Baba namaste I am very thankful to you I just want to clarify from my position well what I have discovered where I am finding myself I I cannot believe it that how it can be so simple carry on am i right I hope you are it feels first of all that it is very simple is true in fact I don't know if even the term that it is simple is really the right thing but initially for the fact that we put so much effort it seemed then to say it is simple seems appropriate but in itself it's simply that truth always is ever-present stable imperishable uncreated and is the root truth of yourself simple in that respect you can say like that so I just warn you are my guru you examine me yes yes you say that you cannot believe it is so simple yes and but you will not say this often you will not say this often oh it's simple but it's so simple it says no you are in when you go through the door you've been outside you come home you open the door maybe the lock is a bit tight aside but once you're in you cannot say I'm home I'm home I'm home unless you've been for a long way long time away which it can seem like that I'm home it is so great to be home like that it becomes somehow it is so totally accepted yes it is okay to say yes it is it is so simple but more I have just the gratitude in your heart may stay a bit longer and then like this you're here it is natural you can say it is simple and natural it's the most natural when discovered all other things seem sometimes all our efforts seemed unnatural now this is natural yeah then maybe it's my mind it says you have to go deeper and deeper but I cannot find anything other than this it's everywhere where should I go now well how much do you should I go it's if I am NOT giving attention to my thoughts and my mind and it is I am there is no seer there's only this is perceived this is true the deeper and deeper is something else the self has no depth has no width has no height it cannot be described in those terms so deeper and deeper is only if there's a sense of a person still the remnant of some identity and device will say you need to go more deep and that might be believed or something but you have seen correctly and you are in your true seeing and your true place so what can I do where deep where when this is everywhere present how can you go deep in the infinite who are you you must be something traveling traveling you see that's not true I simply am here but sometimes it's arrogance which I can say that the mind comes that I have found it so please remove that arrogance and ego which yes you must make use of that and and watch that mind will still come even after the great seeing mind will still come to see if if there is any business you know like that he's going to come and check in with you I mean like you may say that what was it you said just now what did the mine say it's I have found it yes I have found it now yes yes and sometimes it says that you have not found it you have to go deeper whether you have found it or you have not found it you remain an I who succeeded or an i who failed you are no I you see this now it I wonder if this is too subtle it is not too subtle you know you are the consciousness nothing is more subtle than you so you can catch out all the subtlest ploys and schemes and cunningness of the psychological or you may call the Maya mind you can catch it out and as you are doing that you you're also becoming more refined in your powers to discern the subtle the subtle potential deceptions and catch them out and we should not say oh please let it stop let it stop because then you are becoming another identity you face each thing yes you know somehow these things are coming and they need to be checked in because what is the mind shopping for to see if it can pull from the formless the infinite formlessness if it can pull a shape called the you again pull you back into the state of personhood so these things is how it goes you see we have done really well or you know we did it or I did it I think I if it says we it means he and you if it says hi it means you the person has done something but you have seen that the person trying to do something is itself an image appearing in the image less awareness yes I hope by now so many are grasping this it's not it's not a teaching to be land but a teaching to be proved true experience you're seeing whoa it is then because of this you can say but it is so simple and yet if I retain identity as a separate person it is as difficult as trying to jump from the earth and touch the moon is not possible like that so something else the mind we have been relying on the mind to catch the mind and I gave example one time of one of sri ramana maharishi's example that to do so it's like putting a policeman's uniform on a thief and then sending this fake policeman to go and catch the thief who is himself is there any better disguise than that the thief is given a policeman's uniform and say you must go and catch this thief yes sure you know and you begun blowing his whistle forever and ever to say yeah this is we got a really good policeman soon we're going to catch the thief but no thief is coming and then it says one time there's a line up in the station they're trying to identify which one is the teeth they think the thief is here somewhere and one of the people trying to identify is also an X crook and he's looking and no it's not him no nothing no it's not this one ah policeman is in the queue - is he I know this guy then what will happen to this fake policeman what are you talking about shut up or I'll shoot you isn't that it and then you said no no this one this one this is the one it looks like policeman but is a thief who is going to catch this one you are going to catch him the thief in this case is the ego identity that we have been so long associated with to the extent that we even protect it because by long association we are not sure which is he and which is yourself anymore it makes you feel vulnerable afraid all these things so we protect this vulnerability thinking it is you satsang has ah stood him meaning you have chew your own scene now come to see but but I am this itself this intelligence how can there be anything else without this pure consciousness it is at the root they cannot be one single thing existing or perceived to be existing before consciousness consciousness is there first you have found that this consciousness how could you know if it's not you thank you but what should I do foolishness Jen foolish question what should you do now that you have found I am ask it don't ask it because it will be useful somehow because sometimes this mind is coming so yes yes mine will keep coming why keep coming he will keep coming as long as he feels he stands a chance is he mind will keep coming for as long as he feels a standard chance which means what there must be still some subtle possibility that we are gonna get identified and at times you will even a journey and awaken being may for moment or two a short time also get caught in its own Maya first but then because there's no root anymore a quickly record recovers you see so maybe for a short time there will be some sense of being deceived you know somehow you forget a moment some time we feel identified with phenomenon and it happens and then something wakes up very quickly by itself it doesn't name need alarm clock the alarm clock is already in you something just recognized no it's not true and it dismounts from that so if you say why does it keep coming why does it keep coming you see this is a personal response you keep each time it come you check out somehow and you see actually it's not true and like this you are refining your ability to discern the subtle plays of the psychological mind [Music] Thank You Mooji Baba yes there is one vendor question yes my husband who introduced me to you to you do you think that it's deep his name is deep and you try these things that what if you have to go deep deeper and deeper I just request you to allow him to ask his question okay okay all right it's okay where are you so join your wife there yes what is behind your reasoning to say she or we must go deeper and deeper meaning what so first of all I like to thank you for inviting me and thank you from whole of India yeah for being the living Buddha this century I always tell my wife that she's my guru also and she identifies disciple also yes both ways so many times when she discusses with me sometime I don't know it's correct or not and I smell something I say he may be whatever you are feeling whatever you were saying that I have found it I have perused it still there is something hidden in it yes and and then what I you say and I say to go deeper in the sense you drop you catch this one also you destroyed this one also there is no perception there is no percepted also there's only a perception so this is what I always try to point her not always but sometimes yeah and clarify again that you you are saying to her that when she says like I found it but she's already explained the feeling I have found it is just a colloquial expression of no she's not kidding I found it is that what you meant GZ she said she's talking to her husband you know I found it now I see so you must know you know each other I'm gonna get him 12 minutes and after that the weather and she says I found it you say explain what you mean you found it just the oil it's not personal that ie isn't somehow you found it even the I who would say I found it it's seen now that that is not the true place did she explain like that did you explain like this yes no very clear to me now she is in the right position yes yeah okay and what about you I talk I always feel every time I come to you I dissolved some portion of my personality is dissolving from last one year and 15 days back I told my wife that we may be coming to three months you might find changing inside me in the sense that you might feel that oh this husband is not what he used to be he's changing very fast and you might see that in me my interest might change I may not be the same person because I'm s well feel that I'm dissolving very fast and I might each a stage where I might I might cease to be a person and I don't know I might be just like you had said to the race back in assertion that if you stay in peasants and the present is totally empty and I can totally feel it now and I always try to beat any time in emptiness so the last words you have read you said sir that if you are in a present movement yes present movement is always full of emptiness yeah as soon as you test some thought it becomes pass so what becomes past the thoughts or the presence whatever the state you are in yes whenever you test some thought or you some test some concept or it does something like dis key I have these or I am feeling this emptiness now it becomes past so it is not that hmm okay can I come in now a little bit because a few points very important let's start with the last one when you come to full clarity full proof that there is only consciousness everything all the other things appearing are imagined actually no I'm not putting this out as teaching because people might think oh I must do this no you come you arrived at that clarity it doesn't mean that you dismissed the world in some cynical way but the one who was living the life pursuing trying to get and so on something has happened it's being some are replaced by such a profound seeing and being that still your form is still in the world you still somehow moving in some way but internally it's like you're like space moving in space that may not sound so attractive but it is the self itself meaning that you have come home to yourself you still be able to speak to evaluate to discern to be even more kind more open wider understanding wise happy all these things are there you see and of course in any true relationship that you have it must have space for growing and changing people must grow and they must change is your love wide enough to accommodate that change sometimes people they you know you're changing say oh you're changing yeah I mean like no I'm not a stone that core is like a trees always gonna tree we are living beings of course yogurt to change but you are changing with in love and you're changing with in truth you're not going to be one minute you know somehow a horse is going to turn into a rabbit or something it's not gonna be like that the change is going to be beautiful and yours your spouse your wife or husband should appreciate that change if they are not able to appreciate that change if it's a genuine change and then they must look towards themselves they may say well whoa you know like I'm holding on to a self-image about you rather than being alive to the truth that you are constantly blossoming into the deeper and deeper states of realization and I should follow you and learn from you it is set in this country the ideal relationship is that the husband will be the Guru to the wife and the wife will be the guru to the husband also meaning that people who are genuinely alive to the truth they will learn from each other and they will grow together mighty trees with some space also to to somehow accommodate each other's change so that is of course very beautiful thing isn't it so last point my point is that I feel that still the mind is waiting outside to get in so I have faulted well it shows that it's outside yes so I am cautious mine is waiting to come in means that it's outside it's okay let him be outside he doesn't have the door key to come in after knock hello you looked so no no no no thank you not today what about tomorrow [Music] you see so is going it's outside trying to come in your point is that yes it will keep on trying until it in fact it is helping you to train your wisdom is getting much more refined and then when it is so powerful it demands attacks or approaches it will get it will frustrate its growth it will give up its prayer the mind also coming is in service to your transcendence when you see improperly but if you start to regard it as your enemy and yourself as a victim then already you've gone into identity with it you follow that surely sometimes it happens that in even in a relationship this is amazing about life even in a relationship to people also are actually committed to the same path then one of them jump high and the other one start to feel a bit jealous or something you know it has happened I have experienced that that one time you know husband was very jealous that the wife was already you know so somehow becoming more clear he's feeling afraid maybe she's going to leave me and you know and competing in the end I had to retreat and they couldn't come together he says no I'm not going to come on the same retreat at her I want to come by myself this type of thing so watch this is mr. - or even boy I tell you I see something so like this being inspirational for each other thank you thank you we we have squeezed the toothpaste completely out of apps yes sir because we have to do it's out some points like this when it becomes very very subtle you know then we say we cut off the bottom of the toothpaste and we squeeze them out these are all the stuff bring him out completely so is there any harm if it sometimes I pee I take the role of mr. mine from my wife who check you're conscious of it you're Devils out that kept they say yeah it's ok it's ok and then you push a bit you test something and then when she defeats you you see when she when she defeats you you must acknowledge aha it's very good thank you thank you okay thank you love you saw in very great very great leaving today okay you come then them to that microphone over there namaste thank you so much for giving me this opportunity oh yeah mustering the courage to stand before you I have been fooled a lot by this fake policeman for a very long time yes and I've caught him you caught him okay what you got to do with him I'm going to just kill him yes it has me Oh Lord it has drowned me in the in unending never-ending struggle of rules characters and I took everything so seriously it has fooled me so nicely so you should get an award no and then you kill them laughter I want to say something because this is a very understandable reaction no but supposing because as I said the mind in its psychological approach to you to deceive and to to you know cunningly distract you some so to speak now is there anything good about it or not let me carry on in the sense that it can only attack or intimidate the idea you have of who you are your self image it cannot attack and transcend what you truly are because what you truly are is pure awareness it has no second it has no competitor you see the devil as we say is no match for God you know it's not like you know this God in the devil the devil is something much much lower God means supreme consciousness so if this force which we call the mind has a certain range within which he can operate and that range is when the consciousness that is appearing in human aspect believes itself to be the person it thinks itself to be yes and the dreamer the pursuing things which are perishable thinking itself to be great thinking itself to be nothing all of these things that we go through isn't there a place for the mind the mind is gonna keep biting at this one no you're not good enough you're not this you're not that he bites bites bites bites and it's biting compels you to go to higher ground where you are free from his molestation higher ground or means to become in such a way to a place where you are above and beyond the range of his attack and that place can only be your true self then would you prefer if in the state of personhood a state of delusion there was nothing to threaten it so you would just continue living in your dreams and your delusions and there's nothing to challenge that you see where I'm going with that so to some extent the mind is he's not trying to help you that's not his role hmm he's trying to defeat you as tough as long as you take yourself seriously as a person it's very smart yes yeah very smart very smart but who gee I want to clarify something from you this is my third season here although I spent short durations but every time when I went back from him a storm a tornado just hit my life all three times all two times this time is he had to see but all my detachments or attachments I would say my attachments were challenged and with your help and of course my husband's help i stabilized in that state and I could see myself taking that decision okay this needs to be detached enough what needs to be detached the relationships the very close relationships the storm was blowing against that or against the truth it was blowing against that yes we must understand something now because very often when a great moment of seeing some profound seeing take place of this nature I often you may have heard me say a storm is coming what is this time to test your seeing it's going to come and we often experience like whoa is like you know something is compelling you to act from the person to live from the person to feel attacked as the person you see but you have to remember but even the strongest storm is still only a movement in there unmoving awareness itself it can anything be so strong that it blows away not just your conviction but your proof of seeing and that's how you will be tested otherwise maybe you leave and you just become bit complacent I've done it top of the world but something comes and shakes your this mighty oak is shaking branches are breaking off like this so you what is it was to be done maybe something feels now that I've conquered the mind and no I am that's the end of things from now plain sailing I can book my place in heaven everything is fine but somehow this term come and the storm comes what you-me is up to you to see that the storm comes to weaken you or to strengthen you and you choose easy if the storm comes you still you know yeah you didn't really do it and you know you're about to lose everything everything you have you are going to lose now who is it speaking to what's left of you for the mind to be intimidating then he's still showing that perhaps here and there you have your little stash hideout someplace and he's gonna blow those up you're looking oh oh yeah do you have a chance to see huh yes this can be seen you see and the earlier talk we had just now something got left out I'm reminded of it now it is like if you have really seen why should the mind be coming in this type of thing and you know these things are still been a mine is still coming yes it's fine the mine is coming he still has last work to do he stopped the fork the floor clean now now if floor is clean is about to dust the mirrors also hmm as to sort of shake out the curtains and everything is he don't worry about let him stay he cannot stay longer than you you are not staying you're here he is a visitor he can only come and go so like this you're you are using all these things to to clarify just how how perfect the self is actually it is not it doesn't have anything it's a touch to to protect attachments now that may sound a bit cold but you know my attachments mean that I care is there anything caring more for the world for the universities than the south if we started to dig a hole here with the big machine and we go right right down to the center of this planet you may find some feature moving there boo boo boo he puts it down and provides also some means to which it can live and enjoy its existence or so how much more taking care of you who have within you the capacity to introspect and to contemplate to meditate to discover I see we as much as we are too much locked into our own self-image we are blind to the truth of who we are something brought you here and in this environment is intensely focused on looking at what we are not and to try and see what we are I put that to be the the most auspicious discovery possible in the human Kingdom a human being awake you see there have been many many so-called great human beings you know Napoleon Bonaparte Alexander the Great all these mean where are they what does the world remember the ones who are awake because they are alive by spirits the Buddha was 2500 600 years ago today that there are new Buddhists joining the order Christ 2,000 years 100 years ago there's still many Christians are coming the Holy Prophet from the Prophet Muhammad still war Muslims are coming why is it like this it cannot just be on dry mental teachings there must be a force inside a spiritual force that touches the heart of a human being and let them flower into that beauty that never fade that one and that power is in you that is your true self in your power and this life is for finding that and this is what is happening more and more you're seeing her for so long I thought I was this one you know losing and finding and getting and you know all of these things accumulating afraid trying to protect and I see that within my own self not from somewhere else within the same body it's flowering a deeper understanding of life and ice-t-- feels still when I've surpassed that old identity I feel more me like the less you are the more you are what the paradox you be your bit afraid oh no no no if I take that risk I'm becoming more empty I don't want to be empty and thence but something encourage you when you somehow find that Oh more emptiness and oh it is so beautiful thing is so beautiful even why because this whatever this is is the very source of beauty you see we value things because we value some things that has quality and so on that's fine nothing is wrong with anything in the world permit man made our labrum no but to be attached to them and to feel that they make you a better wiser that is not true yes by all means we can enjoy there's beauty the the supreme has made somehow the world beautiful for the eyes of all those who live on this planet you see not just for human beings you know a cow has also something's fine beautiful and worms also find something beautiful maybe not the same beauty also and so unique also so all this is not because look you know it's not important you look even that fly a fly the most excellent of that's why it's called a fly a fly is he lives on poo and if you watch a fly you see him you know clean look at some things oddly you can see them with your naked eye under microscope they are full of color iridescent beautiful something is here that says it's beautiful it's beautiful and your eyes become more and more able to perceive the beauty when your heart is clean clean of arrogance and clean of ego like that this happening also by itself it's happening just sitting here actually with open heart open mind and somehow seeing how the paintings are resonating somewhere within yourself and all this is changing the quality of your perceiving is changing the the joy inside you is heightening what are you doing understanding is the key also it shows you your true position all this trouble is caused by living in the wrong position believing ourselves to be the living the limited sense of personhood or ego when you are also the immensity as the pure self so this we say we come here not just to talk about but to discover and to prove it also one last thing I would like to clarify like I had a personality which was very expressive and you can say talkative I used to react to the reactions or I should react very eagerly I would say yes but in last 2 to 3 years I have I have seen myself or it is seen that I have been transcending yes the topics the discussions whether it is in family or in office they no more pull me they no more attract me even if the attack is directly on this body mind it doesn't it doesn't affect so I don't again I don't know and the more important thing is that I don't feel any lack that as a like a patient tells to a doctor about the entire thing so that the doctor can analyze so I am telling you everything I don't feel any lag and like you said it is addictive to be in this kind of state where you don't need anything yeah but what happens Mooji is I want to know that in the similar situations where I used to react earlier and something wrong is being said or done not to mean in the scene I am just feeling like withdrawing and not arguing and I just feel disconnected so is it that is it the trap of mind is it suppression or is everything fine everything is fine you have outgrown some more you know more aggressive tendencies because the ego has subsided you know and the reactions have softened not necessary there's a detachment in you so it's like you're not taking things so personally these are great signs great signs that the ego defensive Ness is melting it's something much much more broad and than that it doesn't mean you don't have feelings does that mean that if something's you'll feel and surprisingly also sometimes but your emotions will become purified not just reactionary you see so there's more wisdom more stability yeah it's it's transcendent is good term it means that you're not so if you are a very emotional person people can upset you very easily they just have to say a certain thing and they just watch they see how much you you you go off on that one but no it is a natural distance it's not even there there's not even time to take distance as it happens you are already still you see it maybe earlier you may find that somebody say something and you feel 1 2 3 4 you know and now not even this is needed not even count back they say and it's like well that's different I used to this wouldn't I would not let that pass in the past now that's past yes something is just here and that is the spaciousness that is the self before someone throw stones and it's like pain your blood now it's like they are throwing a stone from underneath the water and you're seeing a look at that it's very good it's very good and it will continue becoming even more refined without any cynicism some something sees that and it's I can't tell you how great it is it's right it's very good and you are much more free or so you're more spacious because you would not have liked it when as someone goes ping you go pump to touch you know some people were very sharp you and they're not giving you one inch you do this inner that is it but I never feel good fuel you know you're not getting on top of me my you know it's tough but now you can say they can do something is different that doesn't mean that there won't be a reaction that catches you it's okay it's alright it's okay no problem it's so much more space in you for that so much more space beautiful sometime you look inside you cannot see where can a reaction come from where would anger come from who is there to be angry even about that you may find even that but also this is a living the living spirit is inside don't make any sets or premature conclusions about anything something can free like this today tomorrow feels a bit like this it's okay it's okay you're okay with don't try to you know control the world let it flow something has taken care of it and you move at that level very good thank you thank you some things happen in life that they happen so powerful that you don't have time to learn instantly you're changed some the impact of some experience is so powerful you don't have time to grow instantly you changed but we really will ask for that type of grace so God in God's wisdom gives it to you so quick it's already you're in a new fresh place higher place also okay the hands are growing I think they're gonna get less and less and less and less last two days last two days for everybody in the blue shirt she says I'm keep choosing the blues not consciously okay not intentionally thank you master thank you just like you said key something sometimes happens please give you something like very impact and something happens you don't have time to learn yes or you get something yes so like this timeless silence and was fastnesses there yes was there because I am following you for last two or three years last time I came you said keep quite so I just kept quiet and this timeless silence and was vastness for something is dissolving and dissolving yes yeah and in last Sunday's something happens and the tail is fallen that observe this bigness also this observes this silence also that which observes silence yes beingness oh yes it's the last thing yeah there's nothing beyond this yes even if I tensions see it sees it it's seen by it yeah it's before that attention thoughts are there but no thinker now yes just comes and goes Wow look at that very encouraging is he yes that which even even the subtleties of the the sense of presence the sense of being peace the joy all these are also perceivable even the sense of being by which we rely upon this is I know I exist I exist here even that also is seen also that which sees it there is nothing behind that to see it there is nothing in front of that to see it it alone knows itself rare where is one who come to dancing and yet it is the most natural one point it will become the most obvious everything else is like strange work it is taking care of everything that it manifests and everything in manifest is itself and it is beyond it is not an it it is not an it it is not a form it cannot be measured it cannot leave because it never came it just is I would put that about all the things that we can discover with the intelligence that exists potentially in the human form of consciousness with all that we can do travel also to other planets go and live in the bottom of the sea all these things nothing compares to this because all the planets all the galaxies all the universes can only exist because this is and that may sound like a huge thing to say and yet in a sense it is the most simple I don't know if simple simple doesn't stick when I say simple it doesn't stick on to it when I say it is all pervading the label doesn't stick on to it where is it or where is it not and yet it causes all display of delusion and life and death and growth and transcendence and unity and diversity all display all this language dancing consciousness and the game is constantly changing in the eyes and the mind of that which perceive it as you become more subtle in your understanding that it's like we go to higher altitudes of the game each time you're raising consciousness it's like there's one plateau where the rules are working in a higher way the manifestation is more subtle becoming more beautiful and again more understanding come and on this level everything is even more beautiful until one time there are no levels I don't want to put it at the mercy of time to say after this thing and then after that thing and somehow is just a kind of refinement beautiful to hear this sharing this testimony is he yes the mind will come the mind is their thoughts may come the breath is still moving the life force is still the animating power behind the visible universe all this is there but it is inside the great the great seeing the great knowing the great is the great is what is I cannot explain further and it's good we cannot talk about it you can only find if we could talk the mind would live in the talk but now here the mind is run out of oxygen he can't breathe here here is only for pure pure seeing pure experience and don't put any pictures to what I'm saying because the pictures will not be it the words are not it there are only some kind of Klu the rest the magic allottee of the consciousness will somehow convey that which we are speaking about it's more here than you in your present self conception because we are using the instrument of the mind which is an inadequate function to grasp the self if we talk more about here it will seem like it's to a solution we can't catch it you know very good what more we can say what more can he say it's none more need to say anything somebody may ask ok well now what then you've come to the supreme state of seeing then what you do then what is of value to you do you just sit around and you know look at your fingernails or something what you do you see then something activities activity is not in conflict with truth activity perception is not in conflict with truth and yet I cannot describe you are truly enjoying yourself the right people say enjoy yourself but not like this you're in the joy of your own self everything was a joy enjoying something else this is not enjoying else there's no duality in this enjoying I better stop now if you go on then I will mislead you thank you master thank you there are some thoughts and some desires but I surrender everything in your feet now master yeah thank you thank you so very good adventures in the nun happening something okay thank you thank you very great okay somebody there around about there yes you then simile yeah I think invitation is more than enough and every day in the invitation I'm reaching to a certain place but before a few days I got this doubt that you said you mentioned that there should be three things like the first word in the dynamic world and the second one in the observing the whole thing and the third aspect which is perceiving the whole thing is it compulsory that the whole thing should happen or just the invitation is enough invitation is enough I love it when I hear people come as you are not the first somebody has come recently and say you know Mooji the invitation is enough you see okay okay then be with that be with that if there is some other space in which it wants to play then it will show itself but fully grasp fully comprehend fully grasp the the the what the invitation is pointing to you see then you can forget about first bird second bird third position all these things they may come back in some way to reveal the good the delicateness of a certain kind of seeing that you may want to enjoy then this is fine but if you have come to that ultimate place then within it is contained actually and potentially all the steps in the in the world of phenomenon you know all the steps to reach it are inside it somehow in its play in its great dream so if the invitation is pointed and somehow it takes away all the resents of the force responsibility for making this universe into something you are seeing it brings you to that ultimate place the more the more phenomenal you are the more tangible and physical you are the more your work will be physical also the more you are spirits even the physical world is formed spiritually perceived spiritually some people ask you're afraid of death you know say yes because to attach to a physical form but in your understanding you are discovering your own formlessness and in your formlessness death doesn't have any meaning actually and it is true nothing against the farm thank God for the farm thank God for the buddy the senses have the ability to think and reason all of this make use of them if they feel alive for you every part of God's universe is good and useful it depends on how you are maturing in your seeing you're becoming more subtle then your world is not diminishing in terms of its scope it's not that the more you are aware of who you are you're coming into a tiny little world it's not timing the world and there's no immense men's well it's not like that at all joy is your world peace is your world love is your world unity is your world harmony is your world bliss is your world not shapes shapes okay - they're also made from this and from love one more thing Mooji and whenever I'm in that space the mind comes and I don't know which part of me says that I know that this is true this is false is that discerning correct yes it's discerning it's not the final design meant you say whenever I'm in that state so it means that you are visited there your common goal you have season ticket or something you come and go to this state sometimes when I'm there but when I'm not there but you must look and prove for yourself is this is it limited so that I can leave it and return to it the I who lives it also is imagined in it and the I who returns to it is also imagined in this you must confirm take time and sit with it don't think that what we are saying here you come to Rishikesh for a few weeks or so and you I got it I got it - no like this no throughout your unfolding time and space something keeps on just refining and growing much more clear it's burning the possibility of delusions is burning all this you know the the the attractiveness the the the potency of the of the alluring mind to call you into shape is destroying that in the most beautiful way it's not a violence it's a beauty it's transcending the lower states of consciousness you see but you said rightly also there at a certain stage one might find oneself saying like yeah you know the mind is coming and saying you know well you know like you need to concentrate more to become closer to the surface and that's not true this is true yes and if this is not something that this includes he also includes the mouth and the voice and the mind that says this then this you are you see mind is calling and knocking to see anybody in the house then somebody opens ha nice to meet you you remember me you see like this so this will happen this will happen it's like your ex is in the neighborhood little SMS just passing by any chance of a coffee and you remembering that's just we know where that's going we're not going down there says yeah but I've got your favorite chocolates okay just a quick top mind is coming to see any business come out to play you remember this place remember how good time we had there someone really connected with that [Music] yes so like this you you know for a while there's because maybe there is that play of you know coming when when I'm here so the minute you say when I'm in the state the mind goes uh you understand what I mean by that you know when I'm there I'm strong so then he's going to come to you sees that you're not a full time let's come out to play a little bit yeah when you see if when you see these are not techniques of speech this is the depth of solid understanding and confirming you see but but this is not an excursion this is not a coming and a going the play of comings and goings are within the realm of the changeful and that is fine I don't have to try and make what is by nature changeful unchanging why waste time it doesn't work anymore than trying to make that which is unchanging change work so see things in their correct way you have come to the place of total stillness but there's no one being still you found peace but you're not a peacekeeper you're aware you are the awareness but you're not somebody being aware you see why I say this and the subtlety because the mind is there also it's all great the mind is there helping you in a sense you can decide if it's help or whether it is obstruction and depending how you use your discernment beautiful when you have conquered you look back and you say wow it's a magnificent game and magnificent when you have not conquered it oh my god so life is so unfair at this point it's just that the watchfulness is there and everything is happening there is a place within you where you can easily also admit nothing is happening suppose I would pull two people from from the group and say please come here and you sir you please come here please tell us for you what's happening this one may say Oh Moochie that's a very unfair question is so many things happening right now how can I begin to speak about it there's just uncomfortable things are happening okay okay one moment what about you what's happening for you nothing nothing is happening would you and I say thank you you're both right because here unless or until the mind says something happens experientially nothing happened what's happening some ants walking up the side of the pole oh look there's so many ants ants are walking here there's one two three here you see you can be like this if you have this type of mentality another one is rooted in the silence of their own self and all different things are moving about to say okay what's happening is it nothing is happening really yeah but the people are walking is we have what makes that a happening here it's not happening for me what is happening yes life is there that's moving about but what do you mean by happening maybe things are happening but nothing is happening to me and who are you this I cannot describe and all of this and I'm none of this and then beyond so you don't have to answer in this way to everybody you may answer to somebody like that somebody you might answer like that and they go huh that guy's cuckoo completely so it's not the you personally as answering from the wisdom come because the self is not responding to impress anything always to nature always to give to raise up thank you so much okay okay start maybe we'll finish before she gets to the microphone Thank You Mooji I just want to expose myself lots of different feelings calm and feeling of peace sometimes nervous sometimes lots of mind play but it's all observed and and just want to check in with you and yes well you said it already in that it is all observed now tell me what it means what is the significance is there any power in saying what it is observed yes tell me explain the observationally anything just just servation yes so if there appears to be in the coming of the mind some little troubles or whatever like that it will depend the outcome will depend on how much energy comes from the place that you really are and then somehow raise up the noise of that or you see yes yes but if you stay as just a weakness of this you may find that for a while you're kind of witnessing what's going on but this thought is is not diminishing it's kind of growing is going for a walk in your head somehow and you're gonna oh let's see where this goes and somehow so slowly getting pulled into that with your attention but if you are established in the self you may find that even this you can do and it means it does nothing at all to you yes have you noticed this thing yes yeah that even that you can do you know sometime at the early stages we may say look you know best don't go any further down there stay but when you are totally you know beyond doubt you're simply here everything you can you can maybe go way down there way way way way way way somehow but you're still always here you travel a thousand miles but you're still here another one they move one centimeter and there are my god why did you move is it how you know the difference now yes you are here and everything is in the mind suppose you're sitting for meditation and you sit your invitation everybody and then you find yourself walking down the beach and it's a pebble beach and you see in beautiful pebbles just pick this one up just beautiful you know you put it in your pocket you walk mercy you keep seeing more and more and more peppers you know after a while your pockets are fat and bulging and you're walking down this Beach keep walking you can't stop because you see more pebbles and no your pockets are full then you get makeup tie in your t-shirt you start to put them there you're walking walking walking all the while your body is in the satsangh down the beach then then one moment something comes don't you hear like a bell in your head and you've been walking for now maybe ten kilometers how long will it take you to be go back in the whole thing you're here did you have to walk back ten kilometres it shows you how mind is like that you can be drifting drifting drifting but you're yeah yeah your farm is here the self is here but with the with the feeling of traveling and we're doing this that's how our world is made that's our life is made largely dreamed largely made up inside and believed to be a fact and this is why I say it is true that what you're feeling is what you're feeling but it is not true that what you're feeling is truth somebody may find a high is true because I'm believing the things that my mind create or someone tells me but has it ever occurred is this a truth and what is truth true you can say there can be millions of this is true and this is true but what is truth truth cannot be that which is changing and changing and changing coming and going it cannot be that it must be that which is unchanging and yet it's never stale never stagnant it is without it nothing else can be what can be that it's not your body it's not even your mind it must be something earlier than mind and this is what you are here finding out the finding of which puts an end to death death means what not that the body will not go but that which you are found can never go can never die mine will die stories will die but even die but that which is cannot die fine dance while the body is warm use it to find it imperishable thank you it's very nice thank you for saying I think there was someone came up just behind you okay you say now and recei namaste namaste hello it's amazing the the truth that resonates that what you say just really grabbed me and yesterday satsangha or the afternoon the afternoon Sangha with so many countries here how your truth must resonate with everybody is just amazing so that's just a little side note to say thank you I came really really really really really fart in California to ask this question about prayer yes because the invocation says that can it be influenced can it be manipulated can what be manipulated the invocation the implication the the invitation or invitation can it be what can it be influenced influenced can it be manipulated and and I wondered about prayer yes because something in my life okay before I come to the prayer let's go back to can the invitation be sabotage or can it be manipulated in some way by what it will be that what what did you say can it be what in the invitation you are the questions is can it be influenced can can it be that okay can it be influenced right can it be manipulated that's yes yes that's and for you what was it doing well because I think of prayer as being something that I can do to influence I see yeah it's a bit slow there I see I have a daughter that's really sick with cancer and she's a biomedical engineer professor and she's looking for she's trying to make her own chemotherapy and she's going to every doctor and she has a new tumor just yesterday in satsang I see - right up here what's gonna control her breathing her spinal cord and before I could even go with her I had to come see you because I to get very emotional and to be helpful in a situation I need to have so about prayer yes it is very very powerful especially with faith with faith meaning that what we found because many we know the miracle of prayer we know very well and also because sometimes people have been very very sick and been prayed for and they recover in very miraculous ways also it happens cannot guarantee this one is going to be like this but there are signs also that come my prayers are very broad you know I'd also prayers come not just for the physical well-being of someone because we always include that but also for your spiritual maturity and for their awakening with it themselves irrespective of what the physical outcome will be but we always include prayer for well-being and for recovery if it is in in the will of the supreme written like that and it it works but it cannot it as I say it often happens that you know you see I'm very cautious to talk about this that if often people in in the Sangha they they ask for prayers for their loved ones or something and somehow the energetic responses are more stronger somehow for people who are in the Sangha it seemed like the responses in a positive way seems to happen when prayers are made on their behalf sometimes people will come and ask like that but yes prayer is very very important but prayer if the best of prayers is rid me of ego and merge me with you that would be a great prayer we pray for things so and for people this is natural thing you pray for their well-being pray for their success people wants all kind of prayers people went to prayer for their business the one prayer for their health one prayer for their holidays or one prayer for so many things also and that's fine I know it's not that permit but it gets tired of it but chief amongst prayers is the one who pray with me from ego and much much me match my mind with you that would be the highest prayer other prayers are answered or we may feel I feel all prayers are answered to some extent but I don't know if we have the maturity to really perceive the answers because we want things to go the way we want them to go naturally from a human perspective but suffice to say for now a prayer with a deeply expressed and one who has faith muscle gives power to prayer so it can be influenced it you know this is a very very very subtle question if I'm to answer it correctly it is not that it that whatever way it goes it was already written in a stand whatever way is supposing you know someone over here is in a certain state and it's clear that it seemed they are going to continue then they'll drop the body and so on and then someone prays please we pray on behalf of this brother this sister that they their life the life force stays and that they recover and be fully healthy and whatever water and it comes to be then you say was God influenced by that prayer you see well it's not something that happened now it is already written that this will be like that if you say someone has asked me about freewill do I have free will or not free will and I say actually if you say I have free will so I can if you ask me a question or an opinion I can change my mind one thousand time and just before I answer you under one thousand time I change it again and say one thousand at one time then the response can say that was also destined whether you can accept or not Susie so from a human level we think you know Wow but we created a shape that wasn't written and it's happened no nothing can surprise the supreme it is all no matter how unique it said also not one hair falls from your head without the will got now so in that we your mind has to be wide enough also to appreciate you cannot surprise the supreme self so if in your heart you feel I make this prayer and also automatically my in hearing what you speak my heart also go with you in this prayer you understand so like that and then I leave it it's good and it's okay for me to know that you're with me because I say so yes thank you yeah you see many people in in a kind of Christian language spiritual language and way prayer and healing and so is very very strong manifesting very very strongly these days for instance in different religions the emphasis may be different not so much on restoring the body and preserving the life force in a body but more becoming awake to what is true and everlasting and the possibility that oneself can awaken to one's unity with that rather than a state of grace acting upon a sense of separation so that unity also is very very high that you are discovering yourself beyond your person and to come to recognize the spaciousness and of that which is that you can come to see that you are not just a form because all forms are limited in time and space because time says all that you see or imagine belong to me I devoured them only one thing I cannot devour is the awareness from which I come so all things that are a form they are subject to change they're not stable that one who has awakened to the timeless within themselves it's not bound by time and so all the varying religions are showing a different aspect of the supreme all of them together for a thousand years of evolving cannot convey this much of the immensity of the supreme you cannot come to the end of that supreme consciousness however much we study however much we evolve at best you can come not to the mind you can come to harmony and unity with that but you cannot study it to know it it is as though it says you can get all the greatest minds together and you cannot reform one second of my reality but if you love me I am all yours and I am you you cannot buy intellect grasp that which manifests intellect and even the sense of knowing but nor despair you can come into harmony with that a oneness with that and that is the great opportunity of a human form of all sentient beings share the same one DNA as pure consciousness unbound joy unending existence I say we only live once but it's forever you only live once but it is forever you can keep changing forms until some maybe one time not changing form no need for form I won't talk about these things too much when we are ready to absorb maybe if you words will come for now what we have shared is more than enough and whatever is required to attain this understanding you have in abundance already but simple simple pointing simple recognition all that I perceive through the mind and the senses is a traffic of sensation flowing by including this body is also part of the flow but that which is in this body this is the unchanging self the word unchanging should not be taken as a limitation it is the limitless one it's the limitless one and what grace what love what joy to be sharing about these things and that we can begin to confirm experientially the reality that we went on this morning in meditation I was marinating in the last yesterday's satsang the last guy that was trembling and I felt the same thing and you were saying it was contagious other people were getting it too so I just really accepted and and yes because sometimes I feel like I've got trauma trapped inside of my cells and I can't I need your help to completely dissolve so thank you so yes yes this love this piece made become contagious again in this world meaning that people are so drawn to it when I say we are the seeds of awakening in a sleeping world it means each one coming into that understanding even just moving in life even just moving in life wherever you go a garden will grow there the garden of something something something something beyond the senses something will grow there whatever I touch seems to just be golden but yet in my mind I don't feel like I'm yes the mind is gonna become smaller and smaller and smaller thing for you it seems when we are identified the mind is big big big big big big big when you're not identified with personhood mind becomes small small small small small thank you so much okay good good good good thank you let's have some music can we have some music today you ready okay okay [Music] very good [Music] nice company [Applause] [Music] you [Music] I was caring this way for so long thinking I was someone there was wrong I got down on my knees and pretty and I asked God to show me the way he sent me my master to help me see that I am empty and I am free he sent me my master who had the key and with his words came clarity [Music] don't take shape don't take shape don't take shape still the highest place stay in the eyes [Music] don't take shape don't take share don't take shake stay in the highest my eyes [Music] the place of zero nowhere to go nothing to be open your eyes and see open your eyes and see zero nowhere to go nothing to me open your eyes and see open your eyes and see [Music] when I was her day life was a burden cuz the mind was inside loving everything that was a kirpan it's so disturbing this mom's version but this deception has been corrected my perception resurrected there was a time when Tom was a prison but timelessness is inside living this is the gift of wisdom the gift to see life without division this is the grace of the master so we don't chase after the fakes that often capture he takes us to the pastures where we taste this rapture of this grace that's pure don't take shade don't take don't take stand everything's clear nothing to fear my eyes [Applause] [Music] don't take shape don't take don't take shape [Music] everything's clear and nothing to fear never than me are always right here open your eyes and see open your eyes and see see you nowhere to go nothing to be open your eyes and see open your eyes and see open your eyes and see [Music] [Applause] I mean so much [Music] okay okay give it to words your hand salutations frustrations to my lord the pointings you gave to me on 28 february and the invitation then a very next day worth the few nails required in the coffin containing my unconscious body ego an unconscious world as if these nails were not enough yesterday Sriman came to the stage and said that you have written as second edition book which has been corrected and written nicely by you again I have never read that book earlier but somehow I was in consciousness but I came out from the coffin what happened bought the coffin and I purchased that book grabbed that book and I was tempted to purchase two more mullahs 6th and 7th mullahs also and then went to my room in my where I'm staying and went inside the coffin and you know what I opened the book and what I read you know 5:50 it came I am not joking you are outside with a hammer with a nail again and you are saying the ego is not alive enough to be killed it is a ghost you should expose it as an apparition apparition is a dead man ghost also and it will vanish whereupon it will vanish when you see with your truth lie in the light of your true self to ice true seeing in the light of your true scene I closed my book I was home again then again I was tempted to open the book and what I saw [Music] hoonjae geez with his nail again and a hammer and what he was saying the one who follows the thought is also a thought the one who follows the thought is in thought when one knows both are thought he is home I again went home again I was tempted to open the book and there was ramana maharishi's standing with that nail and a hammer and what he said was the final the thought Who am I will destroy all other thoughts and in just like a stick used in the burning fire this thought Who am I will also get destroyed and then will arise self-realization but this apart you know very well on that day I had come to you here as a snake with a new skin using your words your analogy but the old skin was also touching and with me and I was identifying myself as the old skin but speaking about the new skin only you understood it very well and you were you tried your level best with all the pointings at your disposable to disconnect put the skins but I am sorry I could not understand on that day but this realization came yesterday morning very very clearly thank you very much you are the ashtavakra of 21st century thank you very much [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Music]
Channel: Moojiji
Views: 68,416
Rating: 4.8993711 out of 5
Keywords: Mooji, Papaji, Ramana, non-duality, truth, love, meditation, Satsang, God, Self-realization, awakening, duality, self-inquiry, soul, self, enlightenment, Buddha, Krishna, Shiva, devotion, yoga, Jesus, Christ, ego, prophet, spirituality, spirit, guru, Liberation, sahaja, maya, peace, awareness, bliss, sacred, I Am, eternal, mantra, wisdom, contemplation, time, nirvana, supreme, divine, surrender, seeker, reality, presence, philosophy, freedom, being, eternity, suffering, grace, negativity, life, desire, practice, mind, mindfulness, possessed, depression
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 9sec (6909 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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