I Have Come to Teach You Nothing

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Oh namaste welcome everyone to satsang today here at monte sahaja and of course huge welcome to all who are joining us for broadcasting today from around the world and we are very happy for this because it means that we can all be together in the same time wherever you are in the world for this Sunday's satsangh here so big welcome to everybody and look very much forward to how time will not for today yeah very good so ok okay namaste compelled to to step up some time ago you you told me not to hold back and somehow the person tried to figure out how to do that and the only thing I could realize is that the person has no chance to find out how to do that because actually the person with all these years there to to make me not step forward and these days I just feel like what I all I can do is to step up and leave the rest to grace and with this gesture I also want to kind of acknowledge that I don't want to believe in that one anymore I feel shaky standing here but I'm fully reported and what would it mean if you if I took your words as you said them I don't want to believe in that one anymore or I choose not to believe in that vice because we know quite well I think everybody knows the one you're referring to isn't it when we speak that that voice inside that rambles on and is always commenting about what is good for you what you're doing and all the all different it plays a very wide role but somehow you must have come to some point where you're discerning that this voice is not true isn't it yes because not everyone comes to that place of such a clear seeing that you know what this voice is not true and then you say I don't I don't choose to listen to this voice anymore listen you can do follow you may hesitate because you have to here we're saying because if you can and then he's already cut is ready in in some way they have to listen to what you're saying and but if you listen in a space of neutrality then listening is not threatening you see and even if you listen and by listening you feel oh I wish I'd listened because now I feel attracted to the voice I'm hearing then that's also a point of to look into this and to say well to who is in here listening to this that is so vulnerable to to this vice and is this all of me is this what I am is this all of me participating in this exchange or is there another space in which I am more truthfully and perhaps not at all invested in or engaged with that vice this is really intelligent intra special introspection more than to say be afraid I'm inclined not to say be afraid of you don't be afraid of him understand him see how he works this is very good you understand how he works and then see on on whom is his voice the soul so impactful you see these things as you study as you look you'll find that wait a second here but but this is nonsense you know when you believe in this voice it seems to make sense when you somehow take some distance try and understand what this voice is saying and to whom is it who is it trying to influence you know even if you intend to do this and you find it difficult at first quickly you mature in in being able to discern this voice is not true or not you see but you must have had enough experience of it to know that it has at least held you back made you feel shy or afraid to be seen or something so you have a sense of you know some part of its function hmm and now today you say I don't want to be following this voice or listening to this voice okay okay carry on and I feel now this one is not standing here yeah which one is not standing here the one that wants to protect the one that is holding back even though I can feel the energy a little bit but this is the seer yeah the one I I feel like I'm standing here as there's nothing let's listen because there's more in what you have said them then we should just dismiss you know you say that one the one who is vulnerable to the voice that says you know the one who listens to the voice is not here also did you catch that I wonder if you cut it the one who the voice speaks to know because this voice cannot speak to your pure self to your eye yourself it cannot it cannot speak to the God self it cannot delude it no chance it doesn't waste its energy you see so who is he speaking to then you have admitted the one who is speaking to is not here at the moment so it cannot be you because you are here to say that even even the one who listens normally are don't go forward you're gonna look like a fool the listener is not here that listener is not here and it is weakness to be not here who then is here how many of you live in this house that one it might seem in the beginning sometime a bit tiresome to kind of follow this to keep looking but help is there with you in the form of grace you see to just clarify to see that the one the mask you sometime would put on and then by putting it on automatically you believe it is you that that is not you the mask of the one who who is affected by the Serpent's voice you said that one is not here right now hmm what is important is that when that one comes back in the picture you don't leave that you are here to say okay the one those guys are talking together it's insignificant to me and as you become clear you but you start to recognize how much of an illusion it is and how delusion plays and once you are on top of the game of seeing the power is cut you've cut that invisible umbilical cord to the egoic mind and identity and this can happen very quickly I actually wanted to say that it is hard for me to discern which one is true and not but in this very moment yes I don't think they let me tell you something I'm happy you're speaking about it you said in those moments in those moments it is very difficult to discern which voice is true I want to tell you something in those moments you don't have to choose any of those voices you can stay just as yourself even to be pulled into choosing one of these voices is not necessary we feel all you know which is true which is not you you are true you are true truth is not about listening which voice is true none of them is true you are true you are not a voice you are the holy presence in which display is expressing once you pay attention to your own presence these voices will begin to drift away away in the desert where they come from you see you've just exposed another subtle trick you see when they are playing you know I don't know I don't know which one which one left all right hmm neither left nor right you stay put in the space of neutrality that is always with you that is your space that is your space that space of neutrality and as soon as you acknowledge you call off the search this is what one of my masters books is called call off the search we are searching to find that mm-hmm when you realize you are the one you're trying to find huh ah call off the search guys we can all go home it's okay it was painful it does take a little time to well it takes sometimes persistence because the this egoic voice who does not give up by itself it has to be made to give up and he has no compassion for you he's not going to say look poor girl I've bothered her all her life she deserves a break he's not going to say that hmm therefore when you say I am through with listening to this voice that that has power hmm because in the same way that it gained power by you somehow investing energy in listening to what he has to say been pulled off to the side and all of this and now when you again you recognize but that's not true I will not go in this vise then you stop hemorrhaging energy because it's not that he's going anywhere of any true or real significance for you you see yes I can see it only seemingly protects me from something that it doesn't have to protect me from if you know who you are you will not need protecting it is you who give protection you must find out and come to some clear understanding experientially if you are a farm and a name and you were a date of birth and and you are your your organs you might say yes any protecting but if you truly come beyond that because you are then you will see that in an ultimate place which ultimate means right here - it's never just ultimately in the future ultimate means ultimate means clear seeing I am NOT that which grow old I'm not that which gets sick but this is not easy your mind will not accept my words in the beginning because it very much seems to support your belief that you're merely a three-dimensional biological unit that who needs protecting or that your your psychological self or something and then it has a hold on you see because you have identified with what is perishable your identify with time also so then of course the feeling of vulnerability comes and it comes for everybody I'm not setting myself apart it everyone who took on this body will taste for some time the strength of that conditioning that the belief I am this body whether you are Jesus Christ or a prophet Muhammad or a Buddha or Krishna you see and that is the greatness of the experience that you can taste the sense of otherness and differences and not lose who you are and discover who your true self your imperishable self if you were if there was no contest if you'd if there was simply Europe just born bright and that was it then no big deal fact is that you know we are living with the the pull of the five senses and the potential of the mind to be creative and to to you know fantasize to imagine to create to desire to transform all these things are deeply attractive to the human expression of consciousness and you are going to be in this realm and then transcend that's that desire the desire is presented through the medium of the consciousness and the body there is some tremendous transcendence without being cynical about it with us in our if the world is horrible and no it's not horribly are so beautiful and it's not that these things are made to be beautiful to tempt you they are just beautiful but to whom are they beautiful to the one who enjoys them who perceive them a flower doesn't know it is beautiful a cloud doesn't know it is passing a road doesn't know it is going somewhere none of these things don't know anything is you say you know them so in the in the Hindu vast expression ongoingly of life in all of its multi-dimensional facets of expression and beauty and the fragrance of life and all of that for you to taste all of this and to find that which is beyond this that's not a small thing I feel that's what it's all about that in the field of tremendous diversity you find that which is a unity in the field of the changeful you find that which is still very often when we move from one desire to another one or from one object you see we don't say oh you have a really nice watch and you want to you've seen a Rolex in one Rolex and you start to criticize the other one it's not rubbish this one is better who is the one that can say yes I just want this or enjoy and see yes if the world is fine it's just something here was giving too much importance to these things and somehow lost its way and now now that is seen is it I cannot blaming the thing just saying that these things took they happen for me make sure I can taste them and not be not become dependent on them not become confused or addicted and the mine itself that is seemingly trying to deceive you and so on I want to tell you something about mr. mind okay he has to be here for this game to be played because you need the contrast you see mind is doing its job very well God put it here the devil also is putting Mia it work he works full time and very very faithfully to his duties if you think you're going to appear before God and say this is his fault you say listen listen I just did what you allow me to do okay she took the bait I just offered is the more faithful servant than you are because as we say even the greatest salesman in the world cannot sell you unless you buy you didn't run your pocket you didn't steal from you you gave it up mmm because you thought those 10 bottles of perfume was a good deal so you just use that because as I said the mind can only intimidate the idea you have of who you are it cannot intimidate your pure self so the fact that we are going out ouch-ouch is only because you is pulled you up into becoming a person and it's only the person that has these problems the presence or the the inner soul the being does not suffer this it's the person you retake ourself to be that then gets pulled about my temptations and so on so and this has to play for a while because it's true feeling these things that you can discern again wait a second that's not true after 700 mistakes yeah it's not true okay it can play but I have chosen ya say again what your Toby I feel it can go on display it's okay because I have chosen you have chosen to not to listen to that anymore very good this is your power is he and nobody can choose for you when you say that has some power so your life should become much brighter and you know full of aliveness and freshness and spontaneity and I look forward to my exchanges with your friend thank you so much thank you thank you for some reason this I want to take a look at this it is generating a lot of heat I don't know anybody if it's I was checking something is electric or what it's very hot on the back it's the right position that's just as the waving hand come down from whichever I have a question regarding cycle of death birth and death because here people saying that once you are liberated then you go on incarnate again into this form but not into this form anyway so is that your question that's the beginning of the question but you have to be a bit more specific unless the most Pacific um basically of how are you saying that I don't even know I'm asking this question it was just in my mind I think I really what I won't say is that realizing more and more that this mind is just illusion and I'm observing it and my heart is my home really and this up here is just uh something that I was looking upon and it becomes easier to stay in the heart space yes the more you do it the more you are conscious of it the more it becomes effortless essentially gradually it becomes effortless mmm experientially actually the heart it is effortless anyway but becomes effortless for the one who still imagines itself to be a bit separate from it and as you keep observing that the mental tendencies when the mind is bringing is really noise actually hmm therefore practical functioning it is fine you need your mind for that but anything to do with identity and anything psychological it's psychological a relationship it is done it is better just leave them alone if you say I feel more my heart is my home and by heart you mean what my heart I mean emptiness of the mind where I can see that everything is me yeah you can see everything is you sometimes like I mean anyhow if you leave the mines leave em alone get them don't get entangled in in it's curling fingers to come and play and you you are more able to to pay attention to the space where you're looking from and feel the purity of that feel the contentment in that feel the fullness of this then whatever the mind is inviting you to do will feel less attractive for you anyway this is what it's a very natural process as you come to see because very often we feel you know okay curiosity curiosity I know what's going on and so on but it's not pulling you into any harmony you begin from a harmony mm-hmm when we identify only personally you come into a field of disharmony and you know complexity needlessly in fact because it does not help you doesn't make you more happy or clear and in life and so if you can see that and say you know no thanks you are ready in a higher state and then reincarnation and stuff like that won't even trouble you want to worry about it how's this interesting like somehow I know if I put it simple way for most people just like the things that you have learnt already in the past you know you have learned some lessons no you don't have to go and learn them again to you if you really understood something you've passed that experience you've learned from it you've grown you don't have to keep going back over it it only seems like it keeps coming back because you have not gone past it you see like we say a mistake is only a mistake if you learn nothing from it you see but if things come and you you looked at them you say oh yeah okay you know that was finished with this you don't need to go over that experience again you see and I feel that this is the richness of the life you're constantly seeing the things that are sticky for you the tend to pull your mind and so on and then making higher choices or or if not going through with with the invitation being battered about it quite a bit coming out just survive and so okay never again I'm not going again to this in which case that's still good but they say better to keep out of trouble rather than get out of trouble I took me a long time to learn it yeah better to stay out of trouble than to get out of trouble you see so I learned that quite late I was hearing it quite early but I learnt it very late so you save yourself a lot of trouble my mother also one of the rare letters she wrote to me as an adult from when I was old enough not just a young boy anymore she said looking back she said you know I am I'm not wanting to go but I'm ready to go not wanting to leave but I'm I'm ready to leave I've looked back over my life and I've seen for much of the time I wasted it by just picking up trouble and but I know I know what trouble look like no I don't I saved myself from this you see some people think we have to try everything and let life serve you that life so don't go looking for the trouble life will still serve you some and just deal with the one that will have said it will be enough you see like in the same way I say at the same way that you don't go to a restaurant and bring your own menu okay then also come to life let knife serve you will show you the things you need to learn you will learn that and if you learn it really well you find out okay I don't have to go over that again I've got past that experience so if we want to put a very I like to give it in baby food farm whatever you have learnt you've understood you've grasped you don't have to go over there again you've done with it so if you imagine in a life that needs to go on even though physiologically it needs to stop and then somehow we and you have not completed learning all the things that you need to learn then like if you're going from here to driving from here to London and then your car you know it just kind of breaks down dead completely you may have to get into another car and to continue your journey or walk I don't know never but the car helps did their knowledge about I mean more and more life seems like a mystery the mystery mystery mystery I mean like yeah big question mark instead of and it feels like it's more it's brighter it's more alive and more details I see like it gets more interesting to observe instead of thinking but okay so something more Oh probably should say thank you thank you because once we're trapped in a mind state we'd already appreciate this presence this is very true this is virtual because while you're in a certain state that you are so involved with you're not able to assist that state until you are coming out of it when you're coming out you can say oh with the contrast wow that wow I'm really glad I'm leaving that now while you're in it you don't you have no way of processing it this is why you know evolution is so important progressing and you movie so wow that was was trying to leave that for sure now you know this this quality of discernment must be there and and also with that comes a kind of gratitude for life and for your ability to discern things yes it was good also I'd say that sometimes there is full organs here towards other people and just like you know there are no better or can see better than all those or things like that and um is it true no it's not but I thought it's maybe good to say it because it's hard maybe to say it sometimes yes to say that I'm arrogant it's it's there's a lot of space when you say that when you express it you know yeah first then a lot of people can say yeah me too your open door for them yeah that's yeah I like you because he admitted it so something can just yeah it's true you should never think you're not arrogant we're all arrogant then as you begin to really sort of wake up to that and meet you know you see some space because if you keep saying well like I'm really I'm not arrogant I'm never this you feel a pressure building up inside it's better just to admit it you know actually I think I'm arrogant yes about what I don't know but I'm sure I don't wanna go but whether you're here here's to here yes so close so you know Muhammad Ali has just left buddy I think a week ago and it was very playful yeah I actually sometimes yeah yeah annoyed many people because of things you would say but he was not really believing that and when you speak arrogancy he would often do that one of the things he said he says it is hard to be humble when you're as great as I am but now if you hear that the wrong way they you will just say wow this guy is horrible you know but if you hear it and it's playfulness then it just is it everything depends on your attitude if you are just being light you can say many things and pull people's legs and so on but I think I did not mention but apart from everything I said I feel very much the space of consciousness yes dad everything just busses and sorry what happens really what happens when I was commencing about all the hard space and it's more about that spaciousness that comes really it's the signature of consciousness itself if you find yourself in very much lost of claustrophobic states usually the mind is there personhood is there it restricts it compacts and contracts the sense of personhood when you are in a state of neutrality more expensive more global more bright more spaces in you these are simple kind of indicators you see if you are feeling in a state of arrogance a you're in a very narrow place or you know any of these sort of very personal states you feel you know tight the nature of the consciousness is very space space like spacious open limitless Museum formless also once you have tasted that you is very easy to [Music] expose the mind States because you have experienced your your your broadness so the narrowness you'll know how that is again I'm going back into my mind I see okay thank you thank you it good good good yeah hmm yeah okay wait wait thank you thank you good good good all right you really don't have to go can't see you from one can we try to hold the idea that the feeling that you've got five minutes everybody because lots of hands are going up and sometimes in this shortest feeling you get to the point is we will not I will not miss your point and you will not miss my point did you want to come up yes all thing I'm just trying to condense it when the same egoic problem comes around again and again I've been able to witness the emotional reactions that come up with it primarily it's the same old story the belonging where do I belong not belong it it comes up playing the same carrying the same pain okay okay sure one by one now or wait until the end don't wait till the end okay you want me to wait until the end I talked to Lakshmi this morning it was very helpful actually and you know was sharing with her how the first couple of days I was here other than dealing with jetlag and sleeping the body was tired I was really quite content and then the next day it came the same sense of not belonging here in this environment not what belong to belonging and last night I had so many dreams around this theme then I woke up crying this morning from sleep so I I just let the feelings express without attaching to them but when I was speaking with Lakshmi this morning she said perhaps that's you know that's wonderful that you're able to stay as the witness of what's arising but maybe you're cutting the inquiry off too quickly and not following it all the way through so I guess my question is not only how to do that because when I asked who is the one suffering it feels like I don't want a pact answer I don't want to play spirituality I want to literally cut cut it like it's so that it doesn't keep arising and sometimes it stays gone for long stretches of time I don't deal with this and so you think to yourself okay that one's nipped in the bud I don't I'm not dealing with that anymore but certain vaasanas' feel really strong and they just keep coming again so even asking the question who is this this suffering this it doesn't keep it from returning you and I need to come in now because mmm you say when that you don't want to just the playing spiritual and I don't have time for spiritual play and this is why perhaps these are the questions I'd ask you because of all questions that could be posed to you this if you are authentic about it this is as direct as it comes it's not just in any spiritual fluff it is not you know you've got to do this you must do that it's going is cutting right to the chase to the end of the chase it's coming you see so outcome gonna come back to that then you've before that you speak and you say you know the issue has been coming up you know you know of belonging the sense of where do you belong and so on you see so this is my listening because immediately as I see that that as a weight to it has a power to it I know that you're speaking from your person immediately because only the person will feel this type of feeling where do I belong with my fitting and you come here and then you know you feel I don't know if I don't fit in maybe I don't feel like I fit in you see already and these are the things that happen for many people who come to monte sahaja rises because it is so alive with this kind of looking that things are not hidden easily here it will start to come up and so the whatever it is that's troubling you it if it's troubling you is now gonna wait until Wednesday it's gonna start coming up pretty soon okay when you're fresh to see if you can leave early you see to get out early many people come to understand maybe one person left the same day he came or leave so that is to do with some tendencies within ourselves and they flare up when you come into this environment that doesn't really entertain the egoic you know sort of like relationship that we normally operate from as this thing will come apostle and the sense of belongingness maybe you say it's an old pattern ism that's why it keeps coming around many of our weaknesses so to speak they're kind of seasonal they come and they go and they come back and they go because they get served yeah they get serviced here and so we have to look at that the reason why I cut in on you is to try and save you time and to save you pain then you have to catch this if you feel you know you know I don't I feel I don't fit in you may speak to someone and you are speaking them you start to see them for the next six months you're speaking them how you can better be long if you speak to the right person maybe get chopped straight away you may get straight to the point of what it is in you that is coming up the feeling of belonging is the sense this pull to be a person and it will never really get satisfied I'll tell you it will get satisfied for short periods of time then it will come up again you cannot satisfy a vasana or some dormant persistent tendencies they don't just get satisfied long term they get a little bit some momentary satisfaction it will come again like that you want it out isn't it is going to say was that there's a sense that when I'm in the world to say for example at home I don't feel that there's anything really that interest me other than to call to awaken so you say okay I want to go and I want to be with the Songhai and then you come here and the same oh wait don't do it okay so I say you know really it I don't there's a also what came to me was that that's not what I want really what to belong anywhere like it's it's more that that's why I said I'm not saying that you're playing spirituality I'm saying I don't want to play and I'm not interested in being in the inner circle of sahaja I'm not interested in you know saying the right spiritual thing I'm interested in liberation and and for me well the waste no more time let's get on with it because yeah you say the feeling of not feeling the sense of belongingness that's one that will keep catch the attention yeah and in a short time you're in relationship with with this feeling of being left out or abandoned or whatever all the things that come around the sense of belongingness you see then then now we do the enquiry on this one because if you feel not belonging and you know my question it will be you know okay what is it that is suffering this feeling you see now you may be new to this and you may feel you know actually I don't understand the question and that misunderstanding of the question can come because of different things one is that it is so powerful the question because it's hitting straight into into where the problem is being conceived or it can be that who is suffering the question is just is a kind of question you have never asked you would never ask you know you just take it for for granted it's me is my problem I am the one so we can start there I am the one who is suffering from this feeling of abandonment or not being included or something right then you follow this I is try to identify what is this you know where exactly is this one living here in this body this one who feels completely abandoned or doesn't belong or something just try and look for it see if we can identify the one who doesn't belong and just holding this intention in mind without creating an image just looking with a pure question to see if we can find it and you can do that now also you see that sense you may find when you come up here you can't find this person at the moment but this is the kind of probing you have to do now why I recommend this question is that as soon as you are clear about it because it is not just a feeling anymore when you're looking like this there's an intensity that's there with you in looking that when you discover clearly that this person the one who suffers doesn't cannot be found it does not exist it exists only as a thought as I'm going too far now because I want you to be telling me this I want you to look and to admit like all the thousands of people who have looked and I've never been able to produce the one who is suffering because when you look you find that I don't know it's not here I can't find I can't find it it only seems to be here when you already just embrace yes okay here we go again and I'm back into this and you're identifying with it without questioning it strengthens this attack this feeling of attack it stays there and all it does it just masks your a real opportunity which is to go beyond in to to rest in the fullness of your already complete state I guess Yugi if we've had my question directly is this do you just trust that eventually whatever that but I don't care about eventual I'm talking about always the Enquirer we will take you to the place right now not eventually I'm talking about the reoccurrence of that vaasana' it's time if you know I'll go away by itself if you do it successfully now it will come again but each time it will come it will come weaker and weaker you understand until at a certain point it will show up and you will not even have any time for it basically that's how much power you will have retained from this of course in the strength of the attack you just like to have the pill I'm gonna give me the pill and I'm gonna finish it but there is something in your persistent to be a persistent looking and an understanding that is burning forests of delusion in you this is the power you may not get just question answer no it's question and experiencing your answer experiencing the non-existence that has only lived because you assume wait to be there you assume this thing is real but as you look you begin to discover but actually there's I can't find anything how does it come in the dream state and like if it's not when you say something isn't real I understand the ultimate truth in that ultimate state as the self is it's not there I've had that directly that ultimate state of the truth is here but when it comes and if whether it's me identifying as the person or not to just say you know it's not me no I know you're not listen I did not say should be just saying it's not me to say it's not me is only a thought or you know you're kind of you know you're fluffing up what kind of feeling it's not me you're denying but maybe underneath it you think it's me okay you know I'm never going to give you an orgy and next we necessarily huh it's not enough to be determined about it when you actually look in the actually out in actuality of looking then you will see you see okay just on I put I left a key this morning I put a key underneath one of these cushions right I'm just just for quick thing I'll tell you underneath that cushion that he's the red one there now you pass this key for me the key that I put on the dare you I'm talking yes I left the key to the room underneath there yeah look properly you know is it there under that or not you sure yes like that okay he didn't say I say I left a key there if she didn't say I don't think it's there and then well Mooji next time you know I mean it will eventually show up or so no no you looked and I said but you're sure it's there you sure it's not there he says I'm sure look again none I'm sure like this you must be sure like this when you look you have to be sure because if it is there then it will be there I say you say oh you know this feeling of abandonment or loneliness and stuff on you and you ask me but will it eventually goes you know why don't you look now and each time when you genuinely look to me if you find it and even though you may not find it it may still come back in the feeling come back yeah I understand you don't want it but you don't want it combat is not going to stop it from coming back it may come back but each time you look you see you will see but you know after a while so now each time I look is never there so why be worried about sound doesn't exist it's just a fig of my imagination you will be speaking from experience then and not just from assumption where does it come from and what is it it comes from nowhere at all it comes everybody picks up some things we pick up just through life where does all the dust come from under earth where where does these things come from did you remember where you picked up your bad habits you don't know and even some people trying to help you regression therapy and stuff like that and past life experiences and stuff well maybe you don't find where it was you just everyone has to have some junk when you come here you know what the word come from is that you get rid of it because some things that come they are untraceable you're not able to find it you know so you don't have to do some forensic on exactly where it came from the fact is that you know that something comes and you can look where it come from if you look you see where it come from if you look you'll see red come from if you look you'll see red come from it comes from nowhere comes from emptiness and it comes also keep coming back because of memory and identity that's the reason why it keeps coming back because you keep thinking you who you are who you were yesterday you know as a person easy when you follow the simple pointing and advice I give you you will not have to speculate you will simply know it won't be a momentary experience a novel experience that work will you know that's just you know Ford for the moment or something it will be your profound awakening this is why we are here today this is why I am here today speaking with you to see if there's a space opening up in you to see with that depth because the fact is it is here it is the only fact that is really constantly here the rest are only showing up here and there no one again why are you crying no it's just feeling it's just feelings it's just a feeling nothing is wrong with anybody everything you make up you believe your and this thing is happening and but it keeps going on you're creating your own drama everybody's doing it in the same way you're crying you could easily just be laughing it would make no difference except that will you cry you believe it when you laugh you expose it that is it's a sly dance but while we persist in this these states because they come and it's very difficult to shake them off because there's still some identity that persist in us and they latch on to the identity and so they are together somehow creating something but where I'm pointing you to is not in that you're not caught in the bubble of any of these expressions and you know what I'm speaking is really so very simple the difficulty is not for what I'm saying difficulty if there is one is how far you're willing to go and how much you're willing to hold on to your attachments and your ideas about yourself what I'm speaking is baby food very simple because I'm not even asking you to create something but more to look but tendencies and habits they account for much of how we experience things if we have to work with each other they say seven and a half billion human beings current today everybody with their own problems if you have to clean up this world one problem one year for another seven and a half billion years we're dealing a plus new ones coming awesome and yet what you are is not the problem and I'm pointing you into this and it is immediate and it is here but there's so much loyalty to conditioning and to your belief and your identity and even our identity is not consistent and if when you speak your reporting about an identity that is largely what you have in your mind through memory and always changing it is only because something in you is unchanging where you can see all that is changing and that is the most natural beautiful wholesome pure and perfect thing about you everything else is imagined it is so obvious it's a joke actually in one way and yet everyone is suffering you know this whole world has a side to its nature where we seem to suffer and cause suffering for each other it's all due to one ting identity personal identity the belief I am this body what is innocence but it's totally innocence thank God for the body senses are innocent also it's just that seed belief inside that says I am this that the others a lot of energy around itself and you the consciousness adopts this energy and say this is me I'm just looking for a break between you somebody who will just have an opening to see what I'm seeing and you're straight out of this thing we were watching a video last night of a spontaneous satsang that you did hear sahaja and I know that you were talking about how after even some years had passed at the year initial seeing that there was still the thinning away of the identity and I guess that's what my question is not so much you know I know that there's not a formula but wiser for me what what in that what in that that process can we do as the identity is continuing to thin because I'm talking about nothing else why should it be confusing let me speak about nothing else and if I spoke what you feel you have heard yesterday I simply mean that as long as you have this and consciousness and the vital force the potential for Thought activity will manifest not that it will overwhelm you but it will try and reshape itself here and there and I think in a sense it is a good thing because what consciousness is occupying the body and the vital force it needs to do some work and the best of work is somehow to keep a quiet alertness or vigilance within itself to watch for this tendency that the tendrils from the mind might rebuild again into some root system it's very very very very very unlikely once you have crossed over or you're cured from this tendency to keep believing that you're a person I say cured yes the most natural thing and if I speak about these things yes they little things will come but nothing will overwhelm you nothing will overwhelm you momentary you might feel little expressions of some sense of anger or sense of something but nothing at all will topple you cannot is impossible once you know how can you be toppled just there Wireless body's here it has a human fragrance and the consciousness is functioning in it and there's an awareness of this hmm it's not a big deal but when you are suffering it and believing deeply I am this and we think you're talking to your ideas over nice big order then you see that you're well sucked into that type of state and and that's where the trouble come so just keep doing the inquiry basically I mean would properly do it with me when I'm here I do it with you so they get more and more aware of the power of it the immediacy of it don't just do it as habit do the inquiry you could be doing the inquiry a billion times and get nowhere unless your heart is really focused that your urge is to is to really try and find out then it becomes very easy it's very easy it's very easy but not if you're not willing to offer up yourself in exchange for what you'll find another way I can put it where we speak before is that if I put it in this way when when your love for the truth is greater than your love for your ego you are free because sometimes we are fiercely defending and people say you know well gee please please chop me and all this type of stuff and you know be ruthless and don't let me get away and I said you really mean that because a few times when when the ego is challenged whoa it brings armies of demons on me to come and find uh you know when you serve you good I said well they look at this one you say like this you defend your ego even here in sahaja rather to look and see but what is this what is this that's feeling so defensive you know can this be the the righteous self and now it can't and why is identity given so much to this and you will destroy them there rather than be feeling hurt and this this type of foolishness it's easy to be free it's very easy to be happy well it's not easy is to give up your sadness your loyalty to your sadness and to your identity that you will give so much of value to your psychological mind that some loyalty is there that is really astonishing to see us how much trouble it bring you it's just our human thing it plays like that I don't know hey if you ask an existential question like this why it seems so difficult to to really discover this because when you have discovered it you say why is it so appears to be so difficult to discover it and what is appealing about one's ego that's it because you feel that to all you have land all you've imagined as a person you know it is of such great value and then you're gonna exchange it for the great emptiness but deal and it won that but it is not like that as you discover yourself you realize the more you lose as a person of who you are the more you are as you I don't know of any case where someone as a way has awakened to the truth of themself and just felt oh my god I made a big mistake I want my old self back no you may have heard of such things I have not heard I'm not seen but it's also presence like if that were the case did you forget all these things about process and time and eventually and one day you need just forget about that like it doesn't exist except in your mind the future and one day will it eventually become like this and in the past you need to just chop all these things out now like they don't just keep quiet don't even touch one concept that would be something if I could give you something I said don't pick up one concept drop all concept don't pick up one concept don't touch anything again if you can only pick them up if you really need them in this you can do no yeah don't think one more thing because everything is just kind of rubbish just put everything down and pick nothing up including your eye but jump everything and don't pick it and then let me see if I see you suffering if I see you suffering so muchi I need one concept okay okay which one I give you back okay you can have this one but gone there take it I would like someone to take me up and I think you're the perfect one for this don't touch anything keep quiet don't touch anything at all you go and sit down and when you are you know struggling for one concept then I say okay I give you one you can have one if I see you suffering good thank you guru ji suddenly I suffer from shyness so I've written you written thank you for me to read okay let me see a beloved guru ji I leave tomorrow you leave tomorrow I leave tomorrow I am surprised that the departure day has arrived I feel as though concrete foundations were was this what poured in my being when I met you and they have been hardening since and when the wind blows I am not as easily swayed thank you still sadness fear jealousy confusion come right now on the eve of my departure from this shangri-la I feel afraid and tested like Sicilian women of old the person in me is shouting from the balcony without any dignity or restraint I am coming back but don't but don't know when I am ready to walk out of my life but I don't know how just thinking of you I feel like a teenager at the first flutters of her heart also Gogi belief smoke I so I so much want to come with you that my heart to Italy you didn't put no Italy in here okay I so much want to come with you that my heart aches with longing at your only feet you're Padmashree Lucia sends her love lucha very nice great I was thinking of her this morning also go Tammy thanks you for healing her from cancer very good there's no problem here no not a problem is it Oh tell me you know I'm suddenly very shaky and my chest is burning my I feel that the threat of anxiety and I just wanted you to know that yeah the threat of anxiety will make you anxious all day yeah she was there when I was sick last year and she you know we live where we're neighbors in New York and suddenly the thought of going back I thought my god I'm going to get sick again and you know I'm good to be back with the family I know the memory you know not to go with that I know that but this is where I am I know that with your grace without any spiritual gymnastics I've come a long way and I want to be with you here I couldn't stand the place before I don't know why he's to make me feel really I wanted to run away like the people who come but I love it here and I just don't know how it's going to work you shouldn't know how it's not work you should just know it's going to work this is a wonderful thing about life it works it just will have a just work even if you have no script written you know you're coming it simply just works this is and if you are sitting in the place you should be everything is everything is good it's New York it feels good you'll bring you will bring that energy with you now I've told you and I feel better already [Applause] then while you're going back these Italians I tell you either Harbor butcher if you come you better you better come come here come here you better say something sitting I tell you sir they take a microphone speak so the whole week I really wanted to be close to you and that's was pissing me off a lot because I didn't see that much but also you told me to keep quiet so I just wanted to be close to you but not to speak you know just to be close to you but every day I was writing something that I was feeling and it was interesting to see because that didn't make any sense at all every day it was changing a lot and the one that I didn't make sense to the other day and it was like completely and I was seeing my own every day and it was painful some days but it was actually very good at the same time hmm yeah it's very powerful but it's a relief in the end it's painful and it's good and it's painful and it's good but because I ended up with like a book in the end of the week I felt like putting something on a paper which I thought it was like the only thing that was really important here maybe it's not maybe I thought maybe tomorrow I think it's not but can I can you read it it's not big ok Mooji I love you so much mmm the point of situation of the imaginary process everything is what from this place when perceiving a thought and our feeling thought feeling I look for the perceiver I can't find it it's just another thought form and what was being observed vanishes at the same time the letter should finish now now yeah it's you defeat me I said the letter should finish here right as you can see it doesn't even be your being able to see this doesn't make it stop it actually takes me some time to be able to look honestly as I can and during that time the feeling still this is the feeling the feelings are still operating when I look they go but they come back and it's clear to me that everything I feel or think is projection imagination conditioning that shapes my reality of every moment yes if you believe them with my reality like this because it's not reality at all yes I just don't see how this can stop isn't isn't this a consequence of being a human form we imagined everything human world is pure imagination and convention for example I say that Sajha is a beautiful place which seems a fund if my mother came here she will ask can someone please take me to the closest 5-star Hotel if you came here nature to say that coca-cola is tastier than green tea is the same it seems to me that this way of perceiving experiencing by concepts comparisons likes and dislikes is inherent to being a human form all his consciousness but every farm in which consciousness express itself as a unique way of being different forms capacities and qualities like a fish cannot live outside of water or a bird under the ocean like P like what speech peach trees give peaches and not strawberries as it is with human form we have this capacity to feel imagine create concepts and meanings maybe human one's the only form on this planet that I can and even want to realize humans maybe they are the only form in this planet that can actually see that they are more than the form and even one it because the other ones don't have any problem with their forms they don't create see that's it well at least you know you can with this form but still they are this deforms also with all that come the consequences that holds maybe my mind is just creating a big and complex and excuse to the fact that I feel I can't get away from this human thing but if I have to be 100% sure of what I say I might be condemning myself to silence for the rest of my life not bad thing I don't see an end to this we keep creating rules conventions rights and wrongs that all human world is full of this like peach tree gives peaches humans do this I feel all I can do about this is seeing that I am imagining show some compassion towards my imagination and others and keep confirming myself in what I really am if I focus my if I force myself to stop feeling or thinking I feel so much pressure and tension that creates a sense of an impossible mission or even a sense of a problem where there was not any real problem maybe now it's a good time for you to give me the advice I've been waiting for during the last seven days I love you Martin but will you follow my advice though I did something quietly like for real again it's in the beginning I really felt the resistance and I felt let's say I could thing like I just wanted to be there like calm but then I really started to watch again and in the end there's only this perceiving not someone perceiving there is only perceiving not right now also but still that I think because what is aware of the perceiving it slow down don't answer me quick I'm not in a hurry what is aware that there is perceiving the functioning of perception is happening what is aware of this don't give me a word and so just look first and see if you understand what I'm asking if you understand what I'm asking then try and answer me first of all is there not the perceiving of you say that I know that the there's perceiving the functioning what is perceiving what it's to me it seems they they happen simultaneously the perceiving perceives itself who are you speaking as now I don't know it's important to find out because you are they're not commenting you know the perceiving is perceiving itself is this outside of you so who are you then you must find out because you keep leaving yourself out like you're looking at something independent of you if you're looking at something independent of you leave it alone and just show me you introduce you without all the other things let's not get confused by all the other things you can talk about leave them everybody know about all the other things all the thoughts and the feelings the memories the projections all of this you know all of it all all these things you know okay so leave them I just want to see you let me meet you without all your story and all of your stuff I don't know the answer i i i i I don't know what I am I know I'm not doesn't hear me for a minute in your heart leave everything I don't need any explanation about anything at all okay I want this take this chance to meet you just meet you not even to share just meet but I don't want your story or your intention what you've done before what you have attained what you've achieved what you want in your life no this matters for me I would just like to meet you don't even introduce yourself just meet how we gonna do this my request is bigger than any of your talk any of your answers any of your questions bless meet let's go even one before meeting because meeting mean at least two hmm so if a meeting happens something is aware of meeting so let's go before meeting before even a concept of meeting and before the concept of you and me because this we know you you know me and you can I meet you so before you knew about I and you let's go to this place let's be in this place let's see if there's any meeting there yes you do before you learnt anything at all you know what I'm speaking because everything you learned you learnt with some effort but this thing requires no effort and it's not even something we have to do now don't left is not a doing before doing game suppose I could take away all your concepts not leaving you not even what I I will not even leave you with the tie so all your concepts away no well you have no trouble there's no concept on trouble at all you don't have to answer anything you have no questions have to answer anything at all that's all a difference conceptual so take all of this trouble away from you what is here now something is here isn't it something I can't take away everything that can be taken away particularly if I took away everything that can be moved that you'll move it okay then there must be something left that cannot be taken away so this you must know fast and then you can have all the other things afterwards but you add all the other things but you're missing this you're missing to remember this and to know this and this is why everything else is a mess for you nothing matters at all justice I wonder if anybody understand me you don't have to imagine you don't have to imagine what I'm saying you emptied completely other concepts that you've learned or you would like or somebody leave everything leave everything everything everything everything piggy bank is empty completely and then there is smashing now so you're not piggy bank no Bank know what is here easy summer is here isn't it what is the date of birth of this something does it have any parents or religion is it male or female can it be unhappy or confused doesn't know anything about future or past as many as one to participate to see this end of game kind of invitation you can participate the earth can be overpopulated but heaven can never be overpopulated because there's only one there I feel this is what you are searching for and you are not going to be totally happy until you found it only here you're gonna find peace and you're gonna start falling in love very fast full full full then only after sometime I'll show you the bag of concepts that you want if you want you can have them back if somebody come and talk to you you may find talking is happening but you don't know anything at all about it somebody give you something to do you my friend instead of doing but you don't know how you're doing anything at all somehow it will happen no past no past no future and then I'll see if anybody feels sorry for you I want to see what happens for you you're here for some time so we can keep an eye you'll see namaste namaste before we speak anything more that invitation is not finished this invitation is not finished it is the most open thing here it's actually it's timeless so don't bring your back you know bring back to mind and say okay now next it does not know next actually it does not need next it was before past and future I just want to report where I'm seeing from and see if you can help yeah just continue with the inquiry we're just seeing a lot of times it can be seen person a the voice just comes out of nowhere person be reacting to it almost like a person see this vague sense of the person watching not really emotionally involved those are seen however when sort of trying to sort of parse through what is sort of being seen and there's a voice to it and then this sort of I don't know this first of all the things are clear but and also when the from the perceiving place let's just say this is a voice added to it the the person sort of kind of Wiggles back but it's sort of but did you see not oh yes yes all that is perceivable you know you've captured it in the net of seeing in the moment but as soon as the voice is given that it's sort of as soon as what vice mm-hmm there's a voice given to it like for example right now The Voice is given to say that because because you're describing yes yes your voice that is also perceived all that is happening on the screen of consciousness the watcher of the screen can this watcher be watched all that you speak about from any region of time you you can perceive don't take it out of your mind that this is complex is very simply maybe that's why it seems so complex because everything else is like a complexity this is the most natural because it's not even something that's going to happen it just is already here it is not an event events take place in front of it but it does not happen it is not an event because of it the functioning of perception occurs and is perceived also and the perceiving of the perceiving also is seen but that that causes all of these things to appear hmm what perceived that who are you in the light of this looking who where you where are you drop everything about you now drop everything every idea you have about you you must believe it right now and you will know who you are is it possible my invitation is on is it unreasonable drop leave decide this even this idea of yourself trying to understand drop pass or this now don't identify with anything and what are you up for it because I am inclined to feel you must be up for it otherwise I can't be here why will I be here so you you've come so far don't turn back you cannot turn back if you turn back you're keeping the ghost if you're gonna be a ghost be the Holy Ghost don't go back as some kind of something you leave now even the idea of yourself is there just leave it now and you'll see who you are because anything else you see is not as important as you anything that you can see is not as important you as important as you because all of them depend upon you to perceive them and there's no arrogance in this there's no flattery in this hmm the only thing that might sense to get involved in this is who you think you are maybe you decorate yourself with some concepts about you drop all of those now leave everything these words must mean something leave everything and then see what you are no no imagination needed no who are you now you want to keep you as an ego and know everything you cannot write your mind is too tiny even your mind you know you think your mind know you you think your mind know you I'm looking at my hand is my hand looking at me you are looking at your mind also you think your mind know you mind is in a sentient you did not come here to learn a lot of things I am not that type of teacher I have come to teach you nothing or to show you something are you confused by the things I'm saying don't identify with confuse one now so it's not you confusion is not you you're watching something that you believe is important you call confused don't even touch that that is not important look how quickly is going to vanish also it's all made out of air all the stuff you touch them and they come in to become something that's how powerful you are you're believing many things into existence that did not exist so don't touch even any idea you have about yourself because any idea about yourself is a limitation it is not complete it's only you are not an idea but you can play as an idea we have played as many ideas and thankfully to the law of time you've had to drop them because none of them are true in themselves so chop out of them for a moment you think you're going to die if you drop all your ideas who is willing to die for that oh I'm surprised then do drop all of your ideas then and remain as what remains that's not even something you can do you can only discover otherwise you are simply holding on to a sophisticated kind of process something you call process we are nothing to process presence here no process cheese no process meat no process anything no process enlightenment assume while you're speaking the at least it seems like there's nothing going on in the head it's just yes but and then I guess this is by just an image fluttering in front of consciousness but it seems like there's a moment of there's no but either yeah not maybe in the mind so you know this is this can't be real because you know how can anybody live like this you're matter comedy you know it's interesting exercise well Oakland is unreasonably it's not realistic to live how can you live like this you know I have to have a whole of my existence to think out why not try it's Sunday you don't have any huge commitments you must have at least a few hours of Sunday try being nobody for a few hours use their few hours completely well your desire to be somebody has brought a lot of trouble in your life why not just be which you already are and don't add anything to that or subtract anything from that test it out you're here you know you're off duty you here in this place you can try let's call this place your legitimate madhouse for an hour you can be anything you want you can even be nothing then of course you can be something whenever you want but just see how you are when you're holding on to nothing including your sense of who you are from just try because maybe something new for you maybe from as long as you're conscious you've always had to be something always have to know what you're doing where you're going you're filling your dreams being responsible being a good citizen being a a woman being a man being a father being mother being a good child good student good employer good employee whatever you have you have you ever been neutral enough to allow yourself simply be free of all your labels just for a moment and just to see where you are without your tags or labels stressed for a moment and see if that is something that you are going to suffer or not and the beautiful thing is your capacity your ability to think or the reason or two it is still with you I'm not asking you suppress your senses don't breathe there's no technique about it be yourself why do I have the confidence to tell you this because that's what I am and all the other things that must be function they get done too even with the labels but underneath that you're just this you're so this you don't even have to remember it what is so naturally new you don't have to remember or make effort and try it out to see if you become a fool if you walk out in the street in front of a bus or something there or just bump into trees or something see see if you you malfunction when you are this empty or not this sub disappoints to what I'm speaking because until you touch base again with yourself to discover that you can be empty and full at the same time you always have a fear of life you may feel that somehow you know you intended to ask a question and you can't find it or something well that's up to you if you can just drop you could just drop that if you can sense that you're in a higher state and the question cannot come with you in your high state or you can insist that your question has been stripped aside and you're not happy about it in which case you'll go back to that and you take that state these are simple things that we can learn you can learn from quite early they would not do you any harm in fact makes a very peaceful being [Music] Oh yes if you can why not at least try it doesn't require any any strenuous sweaty effort understanding takes care of it you would have to you'd have to do what [Music] that that that would be another mental if we using your mind a mental kind of efforting that's not required she's fine it's not is not required actually to go to some you know sort of sort of physical efforts it's not required it's not required your understanding quietly even you see it doesn't choir turning to the left or the right even so powerful is the understanding here capacity as consciousness that just by understanding and just by a shift of will it's by this imagining we are someplace and we went to see a performance and years oh there's an orchestra playing and you're sitting next to a master musician and he says all the instruments are playing and he says listen to the Valens can't you listen to the Valens Whitney retention go and just listen acutely to the violence you don't have to say to her what he could you slow down please and stop restaurant here devour no you're not to do that and just what did you do what would you need to do he says listen to the valence okay now just a cello what do you do just as you are there something brings focus just to channel and you can hear the cello with everything else going on you can hear the channel what did you do what effort did you make in the same way understanding my words where I am pointing to and right where you are without even blinking your eyes you're free you are you are you are in the midst of your own freedom your mind want to tell you you have to do this deep breathing exercises you know you don't you can if you want but it's not what I'm asking just with understanding you you see what actually it's true there's nothing I have to do mine wants to do something you're good no-no-no finish up finish up come here like you want to finish up like it's your last day your last chance I mean I want to keep on standing you're on target kicked off with what I've told you you should still not be here like this you should have gone past that I told you drop him dropping means what nothing no violence no violence this is true ahimsa drop your ego that's what it would mean hmm don't identify don't identify I was speaking once with one lady from Australia some years ago and she was in a perplexed state and she was talking and bit agitated and we were talking you know you know how many hours this I was in London at a time you know how many hours we are not synchronized in our is a different time zone thousands of miles away just on phone no no no Skype and we were talking and she was agitated I was point directing and then when I saw this I yes now this I say this this and she says thank you how do I know that she had reached this and how did she know thank you thousands of miles different time zone can't see my face cannot see her face but yet in the change of understanding energy field check on the phone this this yes thank you thank you thank you what is this when enough for a moment or whatever you become timeless again you're not just some heavy body with all it's just not that and no no arrogance about it just whoa whoa no trips no drugs no mantra don't wait for your mind to agree don't wait for your mind to go ah yeah that's the that's the one don't wait for him and you will find you are already where you are and what you are and that you've always been justice simply your attention was living in an idea that is not true relatively true you may say partially true or something because your body your person is also a form of consciousness it cannot be without the root consciousness but until you have discovered your root self your root being your source being you'll always be somehow in some fragmentary state fragmented state somehow like this like that yes the war is over they say that some years ago there was the fight and somewhat battle was great he actually was with the air from Japan yes Japanese people Americans were fighting and they say that there's a Japanese some Japanese soldiers you know they went to one island they're living in the in the bush and they become so skilled that living there is he to fight in a bush their defense was amazing but the war came to an end the generals have met and they're signing treaty the countries are celebrating but nobody told them the arts in the bush nobody they are still in war because their mind their countries have stopped fighting they could go home have nice sushi or something but their heart is a booster leave when the message came words finished my guys don't finish where is your war finish when you stop identifying as this person and can you just top identifies the person now I've shown you not by determination I am NOT going to believe I'm the person no you cannot do it it's too deep inside hmm but by looking and seeing that the person can be seen as an idea you have about who you are and that all that you are saying all that you're speaking about they are just some kind of image some psychic image flashing up on the screen of consciousness being watched but who is the watcher of them first you may find a watcher who also has some investment in what it is watching but if there is such a watcher this watcher is also phenomenal it has a relationship with what the rate is looking at when that is seen a deeper place of watching that's impersonal that becomes evident and here you will not you'll find all your questions they thin away they become nothing why because your home your home this is what I'm speaking you are annoying - but you're under the impression that you don't in fact you're all happy but you think you're miserable you're all home but you imagine you're lost this is how it is this is a play it is the play and our belief becomes our experience and your experience become your life and your life appears to be true I like that the last time I spoke with you I said something and you picked it up and you worked with it but now one more step so to speak a step let's step a step last step you see when I told you don't touch that leave that even your idea of yourself don't pick it up so that you don't have to imagine but you know but what will happen if no do it and you will know and you'll tell me the answer yourself thank you okay hmm from the soldier beloved Mooji I am deeply grateful to be here touched by the pretty flowers on the pathway and the kindness and loving welcome I received when I arrived you speak powerful words of truth and wisdom your teaching is direct you are full of love open kind and gentle yet forceful when needed although I can be confident my deepest intimate feelings are shy I have private conversations with you in my heart hence why I write for when I speak it does not seem to sound the authenticity of my heart all deep wounds have surfaced here yet are quickly seen and fading I also feel traumatized the last four to five years please let the music of my heart express its love to you the melody inside of me is infinitely true master of my heart you know I love you Samuel although I can be confident my deepest intimate feelings are shy I have private conversations with you in my heart and why I write for when I speak it does not seem to sound the authenticity of my heart you recognize that when you're speaking also it's particularly microphone enough yeah I've always recognized that since I was a child yeah and that's why I like to sing I write poetry because then it feels I play or dance play drum or dance because then I feel I can express but there his speaking voice it just doesn't do it for me it doesn't feel there's something you need to say that you're not said I think once you have said it and then other things well what's been going on in my head so much is a Hawaiian saying oh oppa no no which is I love you I'm sorry please forgive me that's what it means yeah I love you I'm sorry please forgive me that's the song no it's words no that that's just him you said there's something that I needed to say yes and that was something else that I wanted to say to you oh because that's how a particular device sounds particularly oh sorry about any transgressions that I've had over the time here in life really oh maybe this is why it's good for you to say because you know I don't hold anything against you or anybody another question as well which is I am infinite comfort consciousness so as infinite consciousness why do I separate myself into all these beer I know it's to taste myself but why do I make it it seems to be so difficult for many people to be liberated it seems that there are not many souls especially in this time how the you go that free themselves why would infinite consciousness that I am make that so may it would seems that it's made difficult some but why would I do that as infinite consciousness well you cannot just make sweet things it's like if you go to a movie and it was all people like looking at each other crying hello darling nobody would go to this movie it wouldn't even be a MOOC I wouldn't be a B movie or C movie or a D movie it has to have some contrast some car chase a bomb here somebody gets shot in the head or something you know our relationship falls apart somebody deceive somebody it has to have the full drama of the human experience also and it's in that feel that we grow because you have to exercise your power also can I sing for you is that to avoid saying the rest alone it's the master of my heart yeah I did write this about 20 years ago so I know all the masters and gurus are one so I dedicate it to all those that helped to liberate not even the masters and gurus everybody no one ever we all are yeah yeah yeah it's just adenoids we're catching that yeah we think we don't sing their song again pain master of my heart you know I love you so let me play a part in your never-ending show and I will give my all to thee my each and every breath let me lay upon your knee until my hour of death and I will listen patiently to stories you have told let me lay upon your knee and see your face of gold master of my heart my heart you know I love you so master of my heart my heart you know I love you so you've turned to be inside of my Lord with loving tenderness now I know what my life's about I surely do feel blessed the golden light that shines so bright inside of me is yours where you reside it is inside you've opened up the doors the doors of truth have opened wide embracing me in bliss a joy unspoiled that hasn't called within for me to kiss master of my heart my heart you know I love you so master of my heart my heart you know I love you so the golden key you gave to me has opened up my door you so deceit remove the weeds so I could feel some more I see your grace in every place your beauty does abound for I did see reveal to me your wondrous lights and sound so let the music of my heart express its love to you the melody inside of me is infinitely true master of my heart my heart heart you know I love you so master of my heart my heart heart you know I love you so [Music] [Applause] thank you how are we doing you're tired no okay you come first and there's such a sweet urgency right now and it's peace your grace is so abundant and what I know I can do or the intellect can do is to to hold off identifying and then there's this electric emptiness that just clears everything out and then it's only when you decide to shine through and it's it's not pulling in it's not I don't I don't know how to say what it is I just I have to come up here to just keep keep it going forward because it's it's it's now it has to be it has to be now not in the sense of I'm the one that feels that it has to be now but there's just this this is just the role that seems to be needs to be played and every time there's a contact with you something gets spoken and when there's there's no power in the word it's seen right away there's something in the way you reflect instantly and it's just ah so much discernment and clarity coming from you so I don't I don't know what I don't know what's next I don't I don't know anything I'm just here and I know it's you suppose there was no next because next is not outside next to some idea in that mind because you see the the trees blowing outside and so on but you don't touch next I see well which trees you next one to blow you don't touch next so if you don't touch next things are just what they are my next is a concept in mind but what will be the next thought what's going to be my next life what's what it's going to be the next chance I have these are all concepts if you don't touch any of this you find that the life flow is just a stream you don't have to you're just always the sense that you're always here you always here wherever you go you're always just here you see so the only thing to be seen is not in next it's always in here it's always just yeah is to see what is here but that's not necessarily see it as something separate from you but just to see that of course if you look on the surface you'll see different forms you say well I mean I'm not this person yeah I'm not like this but beyond the farm you know because forms come and go they come and go they don't do anything to you they come and go yeah your perception in your perception you see forms you go come and go colors come and go light come and go shade come and go all things come and go and you are still here but for what we are speaking you have to go beyond the form of things and this is why very often in meditation people close their eyes because you close your eyes to everything on that's on that side of the eyes you have closed the windows of your mind now and then in this when you close your eyes you stop seeing everything that's outside when you close your eyes what do you see you don't see lungs and kidneys and stuff like that on the inside that's not inside in the world of feelings and thoughts and you know contemplations you may say in the inner realm but even that in earnest is still outside of something and that thing is that inside nor outside it can see simultaneously the sense of outside and inside what is this thing thing less Thing Thing less thing what is here when the eyes are closed and when eyes are open it's still here makes no difference really two eyes close close our eyes you say thank you car talk because people say I get distracted close my eyes and we're into meditation then what you see you see worlds and and planets and space but that's also something you see it's still object something is there before even space because it perceives space also it perceives perceiving it sees seeing but that doesn't mean it's a thing is it a thing that is seeing and how can it be answered in you you have to look how you know you know that which is seeing everything that's called else every other every I every every notion everything every subtle thing it is seen that which is seeing all of this can it be seen this question is going to be one of your final questions in this body it's the most important question in the human Kingdom because it's showing who is the perceiver of existence itself can you say the ultimate seer is over there just not this man yeah the ultimate seer is over there but who is seeing the quadrants yourselves or there isn't always right here hmm is it the body that's saying it's over there you know the body also is seen the emotion is also also seen mmm memory function of intellect all these are seen the senses the the imaginative functioning all these are seen who is the seer is it different from you who are you as anybody ever asks you this question in your life even your parents they don't ask you this question hmm there are some of the most close people to you in the world and for most people not for everybody hmm or your beloved your your beloved beloved your wife your husband your children have they ever asked you this question who really hire you mummy yes I'm your mum yeah but really who are you there's anybody who asks so now is a good time beyond the roles we play a mother and father and you know a technician and doctor a meditator and priest no no it is this is what you do that's the role you play you who are you very uncomfortable question who finds it uncomfortable I am here even before the answer I will give you I am here my answer will not convey Who I am to you because I will also watch my answer coming who are you hmm this is one thing that's definitely worth reflecting on meditating upon it marinating in your seeing looking looking this is gonna be the highest benefit if somebody gave you 1 million euros race every year is still not as good as this what I'm telling you but that's all in my opinion you married the best price in the world and a good cook good still not as good as what I'm telling you [Music] maybe one time you will tell me it is too early it's not as good nothing is as good as what I found out this I found out that everything can go now because I found that where everything come from yes and this is I've worked with this question so much can the perceiver be perceived and there's so much grace in it and what seems to happen is it's the attention is like flying into the Sun of the self and it's just melting and melting and then it comes to complete quietness and it's this is the role of the question is just to just slowly dilute this itch it's giving this tendency to contemplate they're not necessary slowly for some people yes in in some flaw in the instant of it happening is it it can be once it's work with a bit it can be instantaneous yes but there's it seems there's the instantaneousness of in that individual inquiry but then there's also the gradual thinning away over of all these different vasanas or things that Amida that's after you see so you come to the front door then you can go into the kitchen you're in the front directors you're in dowse so inside the house instant you don't have to show any ticket now you don't have to press the buzzer but you're inside you're under here playing yes yes and when there's this complete quietness and it doesn't happen it doesn't happen under my volition of will but I can retain this quiet or this is second there now all this is secondary now all this is secondary no these are still things happening find that which is not a happening or our life we are running after one happening after another happening when will you take rest even sleep is another next whatever is happening after is not your business that automatic is happening you are there before the beginning am I talking fair Italia or what no of what value is all this that I'm telling you what what's the value of it hmm I have nothing to give you what's the value of it [Laughter] this understanding saved my life saved me from life and saved me from death just like you we're living in the theater of consciousness all you talk and do this thing and then after they undo this old mine somebody's gonna love you know sometimes you can say things to people because you have a feeling they don't know and they mesmerised but what if you spoke with someone and after you tell them your best no house and have guns they say yeah and what you have delivered your highest speech you have shown your most beautiful up-to-date resume stumped by the president and they say yeah okay yeah what what is that's essentially what's happening here is a one to come to you to just be to give you a front door key to my heart basically and open and and and not have anything predetermined to say but it's coming out in this way yeah this is what has happened and this is but yes I know I know I'm sorry it doesn't sound very good but it is like that we are all inside each other's hearts you're trying to let me in have already here I am there with you saying come come in remember I told this story now if I went I feel like telling a story like lighten things up a little bit not a pretty light the pretty light now that the remember I told you about when one man Sufi master meditating he is meditating in meditation then suddenly he finds himself at the door of God at the door of kelana at the door of Allah so it knocks on the door and the voice says who is it and he says it is I my lord the voice says go away there is no room for two in here Oh instantly huh Mike what God has rejected me and he's there shuffled up his sweaty huh oh Allah reject a larger what to do but he finds himself in meditation again and he's thinking why how could God how can God reject me and he finds himself again at the door of Allah but he had meditated about it no who is it it is you my lord so one day you remember what happened we were down there in the making this shed and I just made the door and the door had a little window in the door isn't it and then they were outside and they they were knocking on the door is that it and I said who is it and they said it is you and I said I don't believe you because people are very smart today it is you only as we ruminate we'd pondered deeply over it we contemplate it not once or twice but it is so sweet but I can say it is a fruit that keeps getting sweeter and sweeter every day but it never gets over sweet you start to just a feel for it you simply love to look perhaps the greatest joy for them is to keep contemplate maybe the greatest joy for the self is to contemplate itself which it can do in the expression we call life also very good I'm surprised how much the time is flown today you know because when did we come three you know it's ten to six time flies when you're having fun yes very good very good you can do it yeah woody I just it is half a sense to to to be quiet to stay quiet that anything that I can say it doesn't it doesn't refer to it is like this it is very good it's one of the highest southern answer to keep quiet to stay quiet does that mean to not speak only it means don't even think I mean don't even touch any words and nothing is coming out in the mind something you're aware of it but somehow you don't follow you don't follow it don't follow that vibration of thought you know why who is able to follow this advice though you see the reason why - - not for it the the thought because it would always take you to more noise and only the one who has been in for a while begins to value the silence that is the natural silence not the not the one that doesn't speak there's an unspoken silence or a non-speaking silence where somebody simply not speaking and we say that the person is quiet but not necessarily because some people they are not speaking but their energy is noisy isn't it hmm they're not speaking but somehow you don't want to say that is hmm another one can be speaking and but somehow it is something very silent about them but this is not speaking or keeping quiet is really not raising any thought now the story goes at one time it says in the days of Tabata that one in those days there were these groups of debaters that it was going around and they were having you know philosophical on debates openly and each of these people they had followings also and they would go and challenge each other to some debates and then whoever wins then what happened is that the loser will have to join him along with the losers team as to join now the winner if this was right and they would debate philosophy and on different things about life and he said that one particular man he had grown very big following because it was a master debater and then he comes and he approaches the Buddha Gautam Buddha and he said to him I want to debate with you because I hear that you are very wise person I wanted to be with you but if I beat you then you and all your followers must join me and similarly if you beat me I and all my followers will join you and I have a lot of followers so everybody was really wrong to put on so the Buddha said to him in all of your debates have you found out who you are and he said why do what you mean by this is it no you do have you found your say you're a winner and all these things but who are you yourself who wins have you found out he says I maybe not I don't know the Buddha says I will take up your offer but first because I have a lot of work to do I have a big following to make it worth our while you see I'll make this deal with you you come and spend one here with me after this year you challenge me and I will accept your challenge and if you win I will join you and if you lose you join my people then he said yes I will do it but I says one more thing before you come while you are here you must not talk I won't accept any question from you or any debates with you nothing you simply keep quiet at the end of this time I will sit and we will debate and I know to have a good debate so the man stayed he agreed and he stayed and then somehow he found many times he wanted I have to speak with you please don't know you you agreed you don't speak after a certain time had passed he did they came and they met and Buddha says now I am ready to accept your challenge the man says they are teeth yes your teeth if you have stolen my tongue you have stolen my heart you've stolen my mind how can I debate with you you have not done anything you've not spoken one word to me and I cannot find one word left in me can you be quiet like that if not then speak and empty what you have inside you speak it out say this thing I am having trouble or this or keep quiet yes keep quiet I will not say for even one year I only say keep quiet whatever the thing comes and you may have to do something in your life you have to move this body you have to exercise you have to eat all these things are ok if someone says good morning how are you yeah I'm fine I'm fine you have not broken your silence because you are not trying to engage anybody simply responding is happening like this but you're not taking any credit or responsibility for that you're still quiet you lose interest in conversations even though they still happen you're not looking for anybody to talk to you're not lonely you're not lonely you're not speaking with anyone because you're lonely you not speak with anyone because you're bored you're not speaking with anyone because you're needy then such a person you want to hear what they have to say so this would be the real silence you see they match his time in Rishikesh two years now one Baba they call him Moni Baba hmm they come on him in silent one silence sad or Swami but he goes around with a blackboard and pendente where I was writing you want to talk with me actually there is a salad at all he wants to talk than at least why not just talk I mean it is okay I saw you know the righted right not you also save yourself a lot of trouble this silence is it takes you to another silence the the effort silence of not speaking gets you to be more contemplative but it should bring you to the silence whereby whether they are speaking or not speaking it makes no difference because you're speaking and your non-speaking comes out of your absolute silence this is be a beautiful thing and you will know if you are being true or not you will know if you are being true or not you'll be able to observe yourself much better once we were making you know we're making one silent guided meditation were recording it and there was one p1 period in the silent guided meditation where it was I was not speaking at all for that maybe maybe four or five minutes which feels a bit long you know four or five minutes it'll seem a bit long he was like what's happening yeah yeah so they decide to cut it and make it shorter but when they cut it they made it too short so then I said no no this sounds too short just energetically it feels too early it should be more long so what we did was they tried to just record silence like a digital silence when they try to record digital silence was a big difference between the two silences when was the silence where it's just not speaking and thing hmm you can still hear maybe a bird but still silence in fact it's even more silent the digital silent absolutely nothing but it's not nice it's kind of funny silence so it's not the same one is a living silence one is a dead silence you can't let to mix your silence the Buddha's silence the Christ silence is a living silence there was nobody there being silent it was not a performance he didn't have to remember is being silent we also have some time silent retreats why silent retreat so that each one can be allowed to be in their own space without somebody asking you so how are you finding it are you enjoying how do you find in the satsang yesterday and because some reason no no I don't want to talk right now so we agreed we will have Salim retreat in that farm but of course that is not the real silence we are talking about it is only an assistance it's only an aid to say leave people alone because some people are serial gossipers you know they can't keep silent and they after a while you start to see that they're there they got some words they want to have to speak it out and they're looking for somebody to see who will be a good victim energy and they can't keep it but even if they didn't do it for a few days they'll also become more quiet and then many people after just seven days when they go back they say oh the world is so noisy I don't know what what are we speaking about there's nothing to say just after several days of keeping quiet they feel or you know everything is so noisy everybody's making so much noise everybody's making so much noise and then after two weeks they're also making so much noise that silence is only an aid support to find the true silence in which you can work and make a noise just inside listen but still there the power of your presence is emanating a real silence and great beauty it's not a psychologically self-conscious silence you're not even aware you're being silent this is the real silence yeah well this is this is a very deep with I have to be silent inside of course because many thoughts are coming all the time and I've been struggling quite a lot with this with with the fact that there is like that the windows are closed from here to the was outside but inside it is it's been happening and hurricane and thought another of things no like III really want to stress my my deep gratitude to this because it's been a very good thing although I've been in a war inside that somehow grace this morning many many times but tell us the last one was this woman this morning that I that I felt you know although I was working in the kitchen with a lot of movement and and no is thought and everything but so how the person vanishes and I felt is not that I felt III this person but I I could I could like sense the the power of herself somehow and I felt myself like totally free yes feeling that it is a matter what what happened outside or what happened with the thoughts if the thoughts come and go but but but these presences is always it has always the same power and and and of course a little while later III I see I see that the this this power was like the minis in a little bit Paris till I said to myself but is there because is it is it is perceiving this this vanishing so this is this is this is my my my deep longing I am completely in in love with this with this with what what we are speaking about that that you are pointing again and again and and you say is here and it is here it seems to be like different dimensions have happening at the same time and when this is happening here is so clear to me it's so clear yes this you said something that strikes me you say I'm falling in love with it if you mean that you're falling in love with it then I'm not gonna be worried about you at all you fall in love with it but don't let the sense of to stay because really in love with is once the marriage the love once the marriage does know what to stay like to you see we have the saying we love to taste the honey you don't want to be the honey no we want to taste the honey mmm you don't want to be the honey but in this fullness you taste the honey and you are the honey I saw you see so this this falling in love I just love it I love it then this love is gonna take care of you completely it's going to gobble you up and that is gonna be the sweetest gobbling he's gonna swallow you up and so the sense of separation so there won't be any longing left it will just be totally perfect and and and I feel very clearly that that grace is is here with me all the time as you are you were with me all the time because even though sometimes they did this person is is coming but the grace is never never land on me is there yes is there anywhere yeah it's impossible to live without grace grace is another name for yourself grace is always there not always recognized it's always here the grace is taking care of you you think you are taking care of you if it was you taking care of you you'd be dead a long time ago all the times you've been driving on the street and can and grace took you home nestled so many things but you don't call it Grace's life same and as I wasn't want to say also one more thing that I never seen in my life one human being in in this form with with with such a love that to happen that you are showing and giving to us all the time and for me is really really inspiring and I am I I I met with you one with the whole universe I have lost forever what do I say thank you love you love you love you love you love you this is all love actually it's all love in one of his one of his very beautiful expressions the service to or self-discovery that is love and this love never leaves you this love is you actually we can only grow much more into the full light and focus of what I'm speaking you're falling in love with this and you're marinating and contemplating this is just becoming more and more clear more than what here that is it thank you very much moody thank you I love you love you love you love you thank you thank you that's and somebody will play some music now because this is yes Wow how the times are really really I've got some fast batteries in this club today all right you are you're leaving tomorrow is that why you're looking so happy goodgoodgood yes [Music] come to love [Music] come to the come to [Music] come to [Music] come to my come to [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] good [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] glutton Oh Oh [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] good good include guru [Music] [Applause] the Lord is sitting the world the and spin [Music] this is [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] good I'm good Oh good [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh good No [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we will take a break now and those of you who have to leave you're welcome for us to take some chai I think to some chance be prepared there is a second portion of satsang where I get a chance to read some of the letters that come each week some of them are sore from the last retreat also I have not to read as yet but I take that time to look through them and you're very welcome to stay if you want to come back we'll come back and say 20-25 minutes is reasonable in 25 minutes and I'll see you here then okay thank you [Music]
Channel: Moojiji
Views: 68,845
Rating: 4.7787418 out of 5
Keywords: wisdom, sahaja, surrender, self-inquiry, Portugal, advaita, Self-realization, devotion, prophet, sacred, yoga, awareness, Shiva, ego, Satsang, love, Liberation, Mooji, enlightenment, mantra, truth, soul, peace, maya, duality, seeker, God, Monte Sahaja, bliss, spirit, self, nirvana, I Am, awakening, presence, reality, guru, meditation, divine, Ramana, Krishna, non-duality, contemplation, Jesus Christ, supreme, spirituality, Buddha, philosophy, freedom, being, Papaji, eternal
Id: ROHrczqobsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 200min 34sec (12034 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2016
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