Timber Born Experimental What's new and UNLIMITED Energy!

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the following video has been approved by the jd marketing team it is rated jetty for intense use of the word damn and many beaver related puns this video may not be suitable for all beavers good morning and g'day mate welcome back to timber born with me jd today we're talking about the experimental branch of timber bond yep that's it the devs have dropped an experimental uh branch they are starting and things to the game now you might be saying yippee i've been waiting for this i've been waiting for this too but there's a couple of things we're going to have to cover because there's a chance it might break some of your game so we're going to be covering the experimental branch now at the same time i will mention the devs are still tweaking things number of things there's been a number of patches already to some of the things they've added some of the old things that they've tweaked so more tweaking is happening uh but we're gonna be covering what is in the patch so far at the same time i will actually remind you guys i will be doing in the future some follow-up videos some follow-up videos going over the new timber types that we've got the new food types we've got same as we've done previously doing experiments on which food is the best or at least the the most compact um along with which timbers are the best so you know more details like that i will be doing some follow-up videos like those in the not too distant future sort of after things calm down a little bit so if you want to see those videos by all means click the subscribe button at the same time i'd very very much appreciate it if you find this video helpful to do me a favor and click the like button that way hopefully the algorithm picks it up hopefully other timber born players get to see this video as well and hopefully they get to get these warnings before their base is absolutely ruined with some of the minor changes that devs have added yeah there have been a bunch of things added to the game but most of them are for late game you have been warned so you don't need to rush out and grab this patch yet unless you're already playing around in the endgame but few things we need to cover um and these are going to be changes to the base game so base game and it's something i've done every single one of my playthroughs so far i've been putting berries in the riverbed there's a catch with that if you put berries or trees in a riverbed now they'll actually flood so any food or wood you have planted in a riverbed will flood now which means you need to take that into consideration on top of that water wheels good old water wheels uh power water wheel now has 90 hp per horsepower or beam power all depends on you look at it divided by cms so cubic meters per second yes uh which you can see because i have a dam here i don't have a lot of flow uh we're doing exactly zero that that's a perfect example hang on let's get some flow in this river all right so with some perfect example perfect example ah these berries are flooded and they will die in seven days if they stay under water okay you've been warned um so if we get some flow we can see that my water wheel is now spinning and it's spinning fairly quickly i actually have a fairly violent river here and i'm only getting 150 horsepower um yeah the water wheels are suddenly a whole lot less effective compared to what they used to be uh in every play map i've done so far i'm getting about an average of 100 if i'm lucky on wheels that used to be doing 200 or 180 so big difference so something you need to keep in mind uh next thing we want to talk about is the lighter light is a nice easy building like i said it is super late game actually requires some of the new resources that are late late game so lighto it gives beavers fun now we are going to quantify some of these things so if we come into a beaver we can see in previously they would have a carousel for fun now they can also have a lido for fun now carousel used to give them a working speed of 15 a lighter has a working speed of 5 yes they do stack but you have limited time for your beavers to sit down and relax at the end of the day to try and get all their bonuses you know yeah yeah you might need to cut some things um but yeah lido is one of the new buildings it is uh under the ledger um it requires 40 logs 20 planks and 10 of the treated pine legs like treated pine planks we're gonna get into those as we go through some of these updates but it it's a brand new building it's gonna require some tweaking next thing we have is we have a couple new plant types these are designed to be actually planted underwater we have spatadoc and we also have cattail now cocktail and spatterdock both require a brand new building which is an aquatic farmhouse which funnily enough you don't actually put on the water you put right here on land uh it takes two beavers as they did previously and it lets you plant the new two types of food which is uh the cat towel and the spatter dog so the cat tail is eight days to grow and gives you three cattail roots and the spatter dock is 12-day screw and gives you three spatter dock now question is what do you do with these two things well one of them goes to the grill one of them goes to the grill the other one goes in the gristmill so we should go look at those buildings because they've also had a change uh as we can see from our grills now we have a couple of options so normally grills would just do a grilled potato you actually have a current recipe that you need to set for each one of your uh grills and as soon as you get this patch every single grill will need to have a new recipe or a recipe set for it same goes for the grist mills and also the bakery so we have grill grilled potatoes good old grill potatoes love them grilled potatoes next one we have is grilled chestnuts we're gonna get in the chestnuts in a second and then we have grilled spatter dock so the spatter dog can be grilled one sputter dock turns into three grilled spatterdock uh and the other option is our cat tail roots turn into cat towel flower cat tail flower we can turn the cocktail crackers so there's one lot of flour to gives you four crackers uh and that was one uh root for one flower so yeah the cattails not too bad uh as for the other option we have a maple pastry so we have in the bakery we have good old bread of course with the cocktail cat towel crackers and then we have maple pastries we're gonna get to maple pastries there a little bit more we'll get there uh they also require wheat flour so wheat flour plus some maple syrup yep finally we have maple syrup okay so next thing we probably want to talk about is gonna be the taper shack tap a shack run by ma run by the eagle beaver here uh eager beaver here so when we have uh not chestnut trees let's go with a maple tree maple tree after a maple tree is fully mature has to be fully mature it then starts making maple syrup and as you can see uh these trees are not covered with acid including the pine trees it's not acid it's it's or poison this represents our maple syrup or in the case of the pine trees it's pine resin so these lovely trees uh make maple syrup now i haven't done an experiment on it yet but i do believe it requires a fully grown tree to then be fully grown for probably 30 days which is a long time uh speaking of 30 days we do have how to change the maple trees which is going to affect every single one of your games um rather than taking 24 days to great grow they now require 30 days to grow they take a very very long time to grow now um especially playing on hard mode with droughts that get three days of water 30 days worth of droughts bad things happen so maple is um a lot harder a lot harder and maybe not as effective as pine anymore on top of that we do have a brand new tree that is the chestnut tree so the chestnut tree it takes twice as long as the pine tree gives you twice as much wood also makes chestnuts so if we click on a chestnut tree right here it is slowly growing chestnuts and again same story it seems to be have not confirmed that if the chestnut tree takes 24 days to grow it takes 24 days to have chestnuts chestnuts can be picked by the good old gatherer flag run by bieber uh and the gather flag can pick up berries or chestnuts so that's a change now it doesn't say in the nutrition tab anymore it doesn't mention berries anymore so i'm not sure if chestnuts can be just eaten raw i'm assuming they can but again we're going to be doing a follow-up experimental video to cover that in more depth next one we're going to talk about is mines okay we now have mines mine's taking gears and treated pine and will give you metal ore so now there is an infinite supply of metal ore on the map there's a catch it's only on new maps you can go into editor mode and technically add an or patch to an existing map but that that's the technicality technicality that you can put them in but generally they only exist on brand new maps so something to consider and on top of that it does take 10 beavers to operate this building and you have to constantly supply it with both gears and treated planks we should probably jump on a treated planks and explain them we have a brand new building it is the wood workshop it is going to require oh oh and the mine doesn't require any power which i was really surprised about okay uh wood workshop wood workshop requires 250 horsepower is gonna require planks and also pine resin to give you a treated uh treated plank so remember our pine trees over here you're not only gonna have to grow them for wood you're then gonna have to leave them alive and not chop them down to run a type taper shack over here so they can gather sap from the pine trees and syrup from the maple trees once they have some pine resin they can add that to their normal planks and we can get some treated pine planks handy normally used in waterproof buildings speaking of waterproof buildings we have this lovely building here and as it's the end of the day the beavers are using it is the mud bath mud bath is a brand new building it's uh comes with magical mud no idea where the mud comes from and when you provide it power the mud bath has bubbles again i was sure the bubbles are coming from somewhere else but it turns out beavers use mechanical power to make bubbles in a bubble bath as for its additions it gives them again fun working speed bonus of 10 and only requires 50 horsepower compared to previously uh leisure we had the carousel 400 horsepower for the carousel to run 12 beavers at a time whereas the mud bath is eight beavers on 50 horsepower it is going to require uh well gears treated by a lot of treated planks and also water so it's a building actually going to require water to get the building built it doesn't need water to maintain it just to get the building built uh next one is going to be the observatory so the beavers have become knowledgeable they've started staring into the skies and of course an observatory is going to give them knowledge again it is going to require power it's going to require another 300 horsepower beaver power and over here it is going to require a lot of planks a lot of gears and uh also pine resin which is a weird combination and if i can find a beaver thanks for just breaking that up timber and just storing right through my conversation so uh it covers the knowledge tree so knowledge uh books used to give you a working speed bonus of 20 but books were consumed the observatory is a working speed bonus of 10 so not quite as effective but you can run many many beavers uh or many many observatories uh providing have the power to feed them all uh next building we have is a smelter so when we're actually mining uh in a mine we get out a brand new resource which is going to be metal ore no longer scrap we're actually getting metal or metal or is going to have to come in here and we're going to consume metal ore with two fuel logs for a change to give us one metal block so it is a new way of getting unlimited metal uh which is very very good because as playing as the iron teeth i found it very very frustrating that once the metal was gone on the map i had no more options and there was some very expensive buildings uh on the map for metal uh on top of that story story's been updated we have many many many more things to add um obviously we have treated pine we have spattered off we have pine resin uh metal ore uh maple syrup maple pastries grilled spatudok grilled chestnuts chestnuts themselves cattail root cat tail flower cactus crackers and that's it so you have a number of more things that you have to find storage for it's getting close to the game where you need to actually say okay once we have x number in stock map wide or or or um district wide just stop producing that please just just pause the building auto magically for me because it's i've had some colonies starved to death because they had food but nowhere to store the food because it was full of other crap paper number one that i'm thinking of yes okay and then finally the biggest one yet we have the pump the mechanical water pump now mechanical water pump is under water it is very expensive okay 100 gears 50 treated pine and 50 metal very very expensive to get is going to let you pump water up a maximum depth of four and is much more effective than uh the good old beaver run water dumps and i know the number one question people are gonna have is can you make a perpetual energy machine using the water dumps can you pump the water up to then run it through uh some good old where are they uh good old water wheels to make power and have a infinite power loop and the short answer is yes uh as you can see i am pumping the water up here consuming 700 and 700 1400 horsepower to then pump it up again for another 1400 horsepower so it's like 2800 horsepower um and then i am running through a lot of water wheels uh looping it all the way down and then finally kicking it back out this trough side and for all the water wheels running flat out that is all the water that's making out the other end on top of that it's not quite well it's never water negative a water neutral um water is evaporating on every single one of these tiles constantly in fact actually it's probably a perfect example as i've turned these off we can see this is a whole lot more full and as we slide to left uh these are a whole lot more empty because they've been built and then i've turned them off until i got a system that worked but yes this took up a lot of room and it's making 4 300 horsepower and i'm using 2 800 to run it so it it has given me like 1500 beaver power for free um and you can see you know the first one's doing 56 horsepower and the last one's doing 39 horsepower they're not efficient they're not efficient and if i add more pumps at the front it seems to start flooding so maybe there's ways to optimize it i'm not particularly sure uh i did also need a lot of windmills to kickstart the system or a lot of beavers running on wheels because i need to fill up this first layer with some water to then fill up the second layer to then run wait for the water to run all the way through the system and then once it got to the end pump oh slide back out and come back in here upstream so it could come back down the pumps a second time but yeah we're getting there uh in fact we're slowly drying out thanks thanks droughts okay so uh that is i think all the updates did i miss anything uh grill gristmill bakery uh water has changed a lot um so we did mention the water wheel on top of that that's another change uh we can see the first wheel's doing 56 horsepower then 51 then 49 and then 47 47 46 46 46 46 hang on 6 7 9 75 okay so what actually happens is the water slows down as it passes through every single water wheel and the way i have to speed it back up because i have to drop it by tile and as we can see i've had to build these drops in to make sure that the water doesn't become stagnant and i don't lose all the speed it has been making a perpetual machine has been a lot more frustrating but it can be done but it is one of the many many changes um in fact actually let's just run a quick experiment right here so i can demonstrate let's get in [Music] some water wheels and yes i'm planning creative mode so i can get this done as quickly as possible and uh let me just flush the river so river's been flushed i've removed all the water on the map i do want to mention uh that the the lovely plants uh the lovely underwater plants die real fast without water like point two of a day uh i don't even know if my river can get down here fast enough uh you're doing 200 horsepower that's not bad uh and that's dry it then needs to be under water okay so if we can see this water coming down of course it happens at night time we're gonna see it hits the center center block at the same time and as it flows through we're going to see the water on the left keeps the speed whereas the water on the right is slowly going to lose a little bit of a little bit of a leeway actually they've changed again see like i said it's still very very much experimental the devs are definitely doing things we can see that the the right hand water the right hand water is a little bit slower sometimes but that used to be a lot worse i found after running through about three or four wheels it would be one tile behind another three or four wheels two tiles behind so on and so forth uh but this is where i'm gonna leave it for this little video just just talking about what's come in the game um there are a lot more changes to do the devs are adding things left right and center um and yeah they are still tweaking things as people play with experimental and leave feedback so if you have feedback for the devs by all means jump on their discord jump over to steam leave their d leave your feedback there at the same time like i said if you click like on this video if you found it helpful very very much appreciate it and if you're interested in some a little bit more in-depth analysis so how the chestnut trees compared to the maple trees compared to the pine trees compared to uh the good of birch trees in like wood per day and how many how many forests we need to plant them all and how many uh lumberjacks we need to chop them all down by all means click the subscribe button we will also be doing the exact same experiments when it comes to food um now we have obviously we already had carrot potato wheat and berries can't forget berries they were pathetic never mind but now we have two underwater plants to play with and of course we also have maple pastries maple patties whatever they call um so we have a few new things we're gonna need to look at but anyway i'm gonna leave it here thank you guys so much for watching do hope you enjoyed and i hope to see you guys in the very next video and by all means up on your screen probably right about now is a link to my let's play my let's play where we're doing timberborne on hard difficulty it is um definitely definitely hard and i'm hoping not to try out any beavers at the same time you may see some of the beaver names mentioned or seen in this episode they're actually featured over in that let's play because i enjoy beaver puns i'm sure you do too so every beaver has a punny name anyway that's it thanks for watching bye
Channel: JD Plays
Views: 7,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JD, JD-plays, JD-play5, JD plays, Australian, Australia, 'lets, play'
Id: 3az2SJEXgTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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