Alpine Lakes Trout Fishing with LIVE BUGS! Catch & Cook!!!

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oh there you go that's a fish that's a fish Wow right there right there Oh huge no no no we lost it oh we lost it right as we tried to hoist him out of the water Oh guys oh look at this little thing Oh Oh guys guys unbelievable this is it this is it bobber fishing with bugs did you see that I missed it though Oh guys we got one we got one on that tah dragonfly larvae no and we lost them again whoa hello Mouse just ran in the water oh oh oh you the mouse distracted me I am cursed today absolutely cursed so I'm gonna rethink a few things change up my setup a little bit that's what we're gonna do is we're gonna learn how to fish with live insects because it's tricky it sure is tricky I'll tell ya [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys do you remember we are in bear and mountain lion country I'm not really worried about him but you know it's not gonna hurt to have a little bit of extra insurance with you remember cylinder of six I'll probably only put put five in here I think it's just a little safer to carry that way and then remember just close it on that empty cylinder right there so uh let's pack this away [Music] man so if you guys like boats or enjoy me beating my way through the jungle to get to the fishing grounds oh then do you just hit that subscribe button because I am uploading videos like this at least once a week hoping for more about 2 to 3 times a week but again the more people are subscribed and liked the videos the more I can upload because it really does help out the channel and that that is my goal is to do this full-time for you guys one day and maybe we can see each other everyday that'd be kind of fun oh man so that right there actually that slope coming down from the hill that's where the lake is so we are we're almost there guys almost there and this time let's catch something Wow another huge belief that is nuts now this year ah too bad that it's so far gone but this year is a king bullied man the stems aw yeah this one's a little far gone so hopefully we can find some babies around but that's uh these are such delicious mushrooms I grew up mushroom hunting in Germany oh and there it is that's what we're looking for baby king bolete oh man that is so awesome yeah I used to mushroom hunt in Germany I lived there for 18 years and grew up with it so I do know a lot of mushroom species that we can eat and this is one of the most highly prized mushrooms so what we're gonna do here is just cut this bolete off right there by the stem look at that no worms inside we left the stem in the ground that way we're not damaging the mycelium because it's got a huge root system and you don't want to bug that so what you want to do when you're collecting mushrooms is I always cut away all that dirt before you put it in any type of bag we're not even gonna put it in a bag because we're almost at the fishing spot that that is such a cool little mushroom beautiful mmm smells absolutely delicious so I really hope we're gonna catch a trout and maybe we can cook this with the trout that we catch that would be awesome all right we're at the spot guys oh I'm so excited so let's see what is going on here not seeing any fish yet guys I just saw a huge trout down there huge trout and absolute giant let's see if we can spot him again oh there is there is you guys see him do you guys see that that is on freakin real huge so we're gonna use the fly Pole and I'll explain why in a second so we're gonna take off the fly reel though and then we're gonna put our spinning reel on there I said little unconventional here but the reason for this is I wanted a pole that I can pack out here which I only have that Daiwa ardeat oh that would be really good for that otherwise this fly pole is another one that packs down to three pieces actually it packs down to four piece of what am I talking about so really compact so perfect for the trails but the Daiwa Rd toe is a little bit too heavy of an action for what we're doing here so I wanted something with way lighter action which this fly pole is gonna give us because I believe that could also be part of the reason why we've been losing those fish that often I mean something's wrong there's a lot of things that we're changing up here this time around alright so here's what we're going to be using we've got a little bobber at this time a lot smaller way more hydrodynamic so that the fish when they pull them down can't feel it as much we're gonna be using four pounds leader the mainline is six pound and then I've got these hooks right here it's uh is that a size six l2 needlepoint octopus see how that hook is kind of weirdly shaped and almost looks like it's bent want that that way when that hook is inside the fish's mouth with the bug and you set the hook there's no way it can't hook up because the tip is gonna want to rotate and dig in sideways there we go we are set up all the way from our hook to our bobber and we're gonna want probably about this depth right here that's probably a three-foot all right so what we're gonna use as bait is we've learned from last time we got to use insects oh I did just from my house brought along some crickets that I found in my yard put him in this little tube here look at that we got a volunteer he's just right up there waiting to go look at that so I think I'll do since we got to keep him alive as maybe hook him through hook him through this belly here there we go working he's still he's not happy but he's alive okay then let's go ahead and cast that out there and see what happens guys it's a trout right under us here right under us I try and position this over it maybe they'll see it oh it came over and checked out that cricket it checked it out but didn't didn't commit to it oh that's unbelievable that breaks my heart I'm almost thinking we might need to head back there and get a couple more dragonfly larvae so let's go ahead and try with those again that trout seemed to be crazy for those who there's a dragonfly larva there kind of me sitting right there gently pull this wood out they usually like to latch on to it look at that see coming right out of the water then we grab him got him oh there's a second one there's a second one alright he's hiding under that rock he's hiding under that rock we hit look hit the jackpot guys we got dragonfly larvae for days that rock very gently slowly flip it over you'll see they'll try and run to the bottom of it but they will continue holding on to that rock look at that there he is got him so and then do make sure that you just place the rocks right back where you found him same with any branches that you pull out there we go pull one of these little guys out oh yeah he volunteered he came right up to the top so I think he he wants to go hang out with his trout buddies so we'll just do is spear him here just through the side go that way is still nice and alive there we go that's in the spot oh crap guys I I missed it there is already a trout that grabbed it Wow I mean right away within seconds to decide here there we go yeah we're just gonna cast him right in the same spot so I'm curious what do you guys think should I let them gobble on it longer leave that bobber underwater for a while or just set the hook instantly at this point I'm very open toward some community advice here why is it that I feel like those fish only bite when I'm not paying attention just during that split second when I'm not watching as a trout feeding on something over there so I hope he's coming this way trout are always migrating at least well there we go we got one on got one on got one on my drag is set super light remember we got very light gear here we look at that look at that eat oh there he's pulling out a little bit of line she could not resist that dragonfly larva oh come on come on come on come on come on Mandy's our strong fish up here guys these are very strong fish beautiful look at that oh look at that oh no no no come on come on oh we lost him we lost him right there I was about to net him guys I'm crushed I'm absolutely crushed this is so frustrating but luckily we still have a lot of time left so let's try this again the fish are biting right as I grab that net tried netting him there guys you did see I tried netting him I think that right there wait if if anything that right there me trying to net that fish and it did get away though that was the first time we tried to net a fish here so that deserves a like if you haven't already liked that video please for that right there give me a little like maybe that'll give us more luck to actually catch something here this time but seriously just a little like in a comment on the video even if you're not subscribed helps out a lot what it does is that helps with the YouTube algorithm and gets it so that more people can find this video guys we got a fish on Oh jumped oh wow that's a huge trout jeez oh that is a big trout unbelievable in the net in the net go Hey it's just on freakin real look at him hooked him right there in the lip right in the lip I am absolutely trembling right now I am shaking beyond belief this has been guys this has been three days in the making over the course of two weeks to finally catch one of these trout oh it's a giant - oh what's up let's go this is go on let's take a close look at this fish let's just take it just away from the water I just got to take this fish just a little bit away from the water oh wow Wow look at that this is unbelievable beautiful beautiful huge trout haha see that's why we pulled them away from the water guys these fish have a lot of energy and we could still lose him so how about this let's let's block this fish go over there we're gonna start up a fire and start some cooking I am starving and we are gonna cook this guy up along with that King bolete that we found earlier and let's just have a little alpine lake feast up here and I will let you guys enjoy it with me yes finally guys oh this fish means so much to me three weeks in the making fly-fishing spinner fishing spoon fishing insect multiple different kinds of insect fishing a total of easily over cheese I mean we're we're approaching probably 24 hours of actual fishing 24 hours of fishing think about that and it finally happened after losing probably 15 fish if not more total now obviously if you guys want to catch one of these the most important thing for you to do is to make sure it bump that like button just kidding well not really please do just go ahead and tap that like button just a very gentle tap if you guys don't mind helps out with that YouTube algorithm and that way more people can find this video and the other videos that I make seriously it helps out a lot thank you but seriously if you guys want to catch a fish like this the most important thing is to just simply get out there it is so beautiful out here and there are no other people around me I've probably got multiple square miles all to myself I haven't heard anyone I haven't seen any cars ever since getting off the main road so I know that I've got this entire force to myself right now how can you beat that what we're gonna do now is just make a little fire in a super safe spot down here on the rock and then we're gonna prepare a little bit of some ingredients I've got some yummy stuff with us and we did find that King believed mushroom so we're gonna cut that one up fry it up with some other things and then let's get creative I don't know what recipe we're gonna do here we're just gonna start throwing stuff together all right now that is a clean fish look at the color of that meat you know what we're actually gonna do is since this fish is so big we're gonna fill and because my pan is not big enough to actually fit this entire fish in there so so let's do the best job we can here with this knife [Music] look at that meat guys Wow look at that filet no that's uh that's not bad for a trout sign what we'll do is uh actually one of my subscribers super shout out thank you you taught me cut off that head first and that's gonna make filleting that second side a lot easier so I'm gonna try that that way the reasoning for that beam lays flat versus having that head giving it an awkward angle those pin bones oh and another one beautiful so I'm gonna go ahead just rinse these fillets off real quick all right these fillets are both clean we're just gonna go ahead and lay them out so they can dry just a little bit we're just gonna clean around this area just a little bit just to make sure that we don't get anything else smoldering all right so to start the fire we've just got some little fire-starting tablets and a lighter all right we have a little bit of black pepper look at that we got some flour tortillas of course some of my Danish sea salt a lime look at that a little bit of some some shredded cheese look at this this is the mushroom that we found last time over there I dried it up brought it out King boletes are delicious when you dry them up first they unfold a bunch more flavor of course a brick of butter and an onion and then of course we have our belief here that we found earlier today [Music] oh man that's looking so go ahead look at this all right look at that look at that let's get some smoke going to get these mosquitoes out of here oh yeah baby that's fire now when you're making fires here just and no matter where you are just be mindful of the regulations and burn bans currently in effect it's currently okay to have fires but that goes away quickly once it stops raining for a while awesome so while this fire burns I haven't actually had anything to drink all day so I'm gonna go down get a little bit of water here in our insect container Nowell and then we're gonna test out what's called a life straw I've got one of those with me never tried one before it used all sorts of water filters but that's kind of a classic here's our here's our life straw side I am so thirsty I've been up here for 10 hours have them drink anything she's been so focused on fishing I kept telling myself once I catch a fish then I'll drink water until then no time for it alright so this end up here that is your drinking end and this right there that's the business end it looks like there's a cap on there then there's a little filter down there or any Styrofoam filter and then there's many other filters throughout this LifeStraw that gets the water super pure so then I'm just gonna pop this off it tastes really good [Music] [Music] [Music] your mushrooms take quite a while to cook so we're actually gonna throw them in even before the onion there we go and then let's go ahead and start throwing in those audience [Music] they're too young I do like my pepper [Music] and result so I cannot drip all the butter onto those tortillas here that King bleep from last time we were up here that's dried up and it's so it's so dry that you can actually crush it to just a fine powder look at that see powders right up so we're gonna use this kind of as a seasoning I love dried King bleep all right then we're gonna take this first fillet throw it in there that's so long it won't fit all the way they might have to cut off the tail so while that meat side cooks we're just gonna keep seasoning it with more wild mushroom powders right on here isn't a fire person nice smoking mushroomy flavor throwing a little more of that sea salt oh yeah there we are all right since these are almost done and go the tails [Applause] Wow all right I think I think we are ready to roll all right we're gonna go ahead and enjoy dinner now look at this we've got these amazing tortillas here and some delicious trout that we just caught less than an hour ago still nice and hot throw that little tail in there while that fish is still nice and toasty there we go and then we'll just squeeze a lime on there oh yeah all right man that looks bomb this is the Alpine Lakes trout taco oh and I can't wait to try this it's been a long day I'm hungry let's see what this is like that is good just full of full of fish I mean overloaded with fish look at mushrooms in there with those onions and the wild mushroom in there I mean two wild mushrooms one fresh one and one dried one so we've got two different types of flavor from those mushrooms the fish is super juicy very flavorful it's just so crazy that in the three days that I've been up here not a single other person no one on the trail no one in the woods no one on the road definitely no one at this lake now this is a public place but right now it feels like it's my private pond filled with huge trap so I guess you know tell me what do you guys want to see next I'm still working on that Tiger musky for you guys it's been a it's been a challenge I did episode one and I'm I want episode two to be the actual catch so I'm not going to show you guys days and days of fishing forward and not catching it I've been out fishing more for salmon as well trying to catch a king salmon unless you guys just want to see me come up here in the lakes more there's some other really beautiful ones some super high altitude lakes that I want to go check out and catch some trout out of there's one leg that I know I mean it's ridiculous it shouldn't even be real how many Trotter in that Lake so if you guys haven't already go ahead and smash that like button do subscribe if you guys want to see more videos like this out on the boats or out in the mountains it's all about catching and eating some food so I'll see you guys next time until then fish on [Music]
Channel: NW Fishing Secrets
Views: 757,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alpine Lakes, Alpine Lakes Trout Fishing, Catching Trout with bugs, how to catch trout, how to catch trout with bugs, how to catch trout in a lake, how to catch trout in a pond, how to use insects as bait, lake trout fishing, nw fishing secrets, catch & cook, catching fish with bugs, how to catch trout with worms, catch and cook, trout fishing, bobber fishing with insects, hellgrammite, hellgrammite fishing, larvae fishing, alpine lakes wilderness, alpine lakes fishing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 10sec (1810 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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