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all right all mayhem is breaking loose oh my gosh what oh you guys only just picked up that trout head no way [Music] what's going on everybody nick from 618 fishing here and welcome back to another fishing adventure [Music] this episode should be a fun one because i'm heading back to the lost spillway of giants and i named it that because almost every time i fish there i catch a new personal best i'm hoping that train continues and i'll be able to catch some big ones today [Music] i used to dread this hike through the woods because it is very difficult on top of that whenever the ground is wet like it is today it's actually pretty sketchy but ever since i've been catching those big fish out at that spillway it is totally worth it and i honestly look forward to it it's a cool part to the adventure but i am ready to get to that spillway and start fishing [Music] although we have gotten a ton of rain recently there is not a lot of water coming out of that spillway today normally i'd say that's going to make for some bad fishing but with this spillway you really never know so i'm still staying optimistic i'm going to find a good spot and start fishing there is one very important item that i forgot that i know i'm gonna regret that being my landing net but i'm gonna try to work through it and hopefully catch some decent fish i'm gonna start by tossing out a night crawler underneath these waterfalls oh you guys there's some big fish right here oh my gosh i am right on top of them there we go fish on no way it actually works oh my gosh oh i wish i had a net okay i'm gonna get this guy over some calm water easy buddy holy smokes that was crazy looks like some species of carp yes there we go what an awesome looking fish see you later buddy that was a good start but i know there are fish much larger than that one beneath this spillway [Music] [Laughter] landing that last fish was actually quite difficult without a net so i'm nervous for what's gonna happen when i hook into a big fish [Music] oh it's a bluegill awesome i'm gonna keep this guy for bait [Applause] got dark clouds moving in it looks like it might rain again hopefully i'll be able to hook a big one before that rain hits but either way i'm gonna stick it out i move downstream just a little ways but i have a lot better vantage point on these fish from this location i'm hoping i can get my night crawl in front of some of these bigger ones face to see if they pick it up there we go fish on what is that at first i thought it might have been a small mouth but this is a pretty skinny largemouth bass see you later buddy all right guys i spotted a fish let's see if i can get him to go for the night crawler there we go duchenne oh it's a car it's a car no it's off no no no [Music] i've moved even further downstream and i have finally come to the deep water and i know there has to be some big fish out there so i think it's finally time to fill you guys in on what the secret weapon for today is and here it is guys i brought some giant pieces of frozen rainbow trout check out the size of that bait guys all right here we go oh something just picked up the cup bait underneath the bobber fish on oh my gosh this is actually a decent fish i had a piece of cut bait on this rod oh it's a catfish looks like a little channel catfish yes all right you guys there's a fish on that rod all right all mayhem is breaking loose oh my gosh what did you guys see that [Music] holy smokes this is a nice fish what in the world could this be please stay on this feels heavy oh no something's messing with the trout head i've got one fish on that pole i've got a decent fish on the end of this line and now something's messing with that giant trout head oh my god i have not seen this fish yet oh oh it's a big catfish it's a big catfish it's a big catfish no way oh my gosh you guys oh my gosh it's a big catfish this is one of the biggest catfish i've ever hooked no way no way no way no way no way please stay on of course i don't have a net holy smokes that is a big fish that is a big big big fish oh my gosh there's still something messing with that trout head as well you guys this could be a new personal best catfish all right i gotta take it easy come on buddy oh looks like a blue catfish i've caught blue catfish beneath this spillway in the past but nothing of this size okay i'm gonna try to work him to the bank i don't think he's done yet though these rocks are so sharp oh my god please stay on please stand up yes oh my gosh you guys oh my gosh new personal best blue catfish yes i cannot believe it i knew there had to be big catfish beneath this spillway all right i need to get a weight on this fish 12.2 pounds a new personal bus catfish and new personal best blue catfish i am so pumped right now i knew there had to be big catfish beneath this spillway coming in at 12.2 pounds that is my new personal best blue catfish and my new personal best catfish period but those blue catfish they get a lot larger than that last one so hopefully i'll be able to catch an even bigger one but i am so stoked i was finally able to land a decent catfish what in the world you guys i just spotted a giant albino fish i have no idea what that is that looks so crazy at first i thought it was a dead fish no this thing is alive it's right here in front of me that is so wild looking dang i caught that blue catfish on this exact rod using a carolina rig so i'm going to toss it back out there with this big bluegill head hopefully something will pick it up oh you guys only just picked up that trout head no way here we go no they dropped it no no no no no no i can't believe that [Music] what was that holy smokes you guys something actually picked it up oh buddy okay i'm gonna get it back over there [Music] how you doing pretty good yeah caught a blue catfish a little bit ago oh that's a decent fish it's like a channel catfish yeah the fish in here just seems stronger i think it's a channel catfish i'm not sure oh yeah it's a pretty decent one there we go [Music] see you later buddy unfortunately i have run out of time but what an awesome day of fishing i am so pumped that i was able to land that catfish but i know there has to be some even bigger living beneath this spillway so if you guys would like me to come back out and try to catch an even bigger catfish leave a comment down below if you enjoyed this video i'd appreciate it if you left a thumbs up possibly think about subscribing if you haven't i will catch you guys on the next one [Music] right through here
Channel: 618 Fishing
Views: 1,160,948
Rating: 4.8833389 out of 5
Id: 1udzhPK71uQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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