3 SPECIES Trout Catch & Cook!!! Mountain Fishing (Underwater Bites)

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go go go go go go let's go see if that guy let's see if that dude will sell me his battery oh oh we're gonna let him eat it oh there we go that's a fish on baby oh that's a decent fish dude hey guys welcome to another episode i am currently out filming future episodes for you guys uh as you can see i'm in the middle of nowhere this is actually the most remote and high altitude that uh i'm i've ever taken you guys for uh some fishing episodes so um the reason i'm filming right here right now uh is because i forgot to film the intro to my last video i was down in southern washington fishing with my friends marlon and jordan from addicted fishing well anyways you guys go ahead and enjoy that i'm gonna make sure i don't die here i'm gonna film the rest of these episodes for you guys that you'll see next week so just make sure that you guys are subscribed and have that notification bell wrong uh that way you guys do not miss these uh upcoming epic episodes [Music] [Laughter] i lost my drone i don't i don't know where it is so we're gonna have to like try and use the auto return to home switch so i'm gonna like it says slide return to home so i'm gonna damn it there we go slid it with my nose okay oh here we go the drone's like she's coming back to us she's doing something oh no i don't know which direction he's coming between all the roads he just went out and sent it here just so you guys know i'm just going to set this controller down there i'm not even holding it she can hear it everybody around here can hear us everyone can hear a drone no they'll hit it what's right oh there it is there it is oh is he gonna make it go go go go go go go go go go go oh here she comes dude is that not exactly where we took it off there she is she returned back to home oh my poor little baby thank you for coming back to us honestly like sometimes in situations like this where i'm trying to make videos for you i'm so much more bummed about losing the footage potentially than the actual like camera oh that got a little intense i have to say i now i'm so we're up in some beautiful alpine meadows right now and we're just looking for some grounds where we can find some berries because we're feeling like picking some berries for a little like dessert after the fish that we catch okay there's like some mountain people living up here check this out it's like a random car you don't look like you're from around here you boys headed from here so the boys are all over on the other side of the road looking for berries over there i feel like i'm going to go against the current here the inner bear in me wants to eat berries so bad sweet very goodness look at this little guy right here this little dude is just calling to us an alpine heaven pill look at the color on that thing so to find huckleberries you need to essentially get to higher elevation areas they're like wild blueberries look at all those berries this is my secret berry bush now again guys i'm just so thankful that all of you are just enjoying these videos you know allowing me to come out and experience this kind of stuff you know like literally this is an opportunity to get to go and show you guys my life what i love doing and this is it i love being in these beautiful places there we go i don't have a bag with me or anything i want to keep a few for like eating them for dessert later so i don't i'm just going to throw them in like in the hoodie just i got my bag right there like a kangaroo i'm gonna give birth to a bunch of little berry babies later hey mr grasshopper look at him oh whoa dude did you see that he did a backflip don't worry mr grasshopper we're just gonna like pick some berries around you you just keep doing your thing check out the smoked salmon freshly smoked last night freshly caught marlon when did you catch that fish it's a king salmon wednesday wednesday dude like literally caught on wednesday smoked last night we have like me and life are up until 2 30 in the morning smoking and i'm eating doritos i'm eating doritos me too all right i always get cut off with the same and they wouldn't let me have any more did we cut jordan off on the salmon um yeah let me let me uh let me just let me just talk about something right now what we're talking about something hey jordan what is there a battery sitting by your feet a battery battery so much for the boat oh you're gonna have a row oh no take one out of the truck so we have a situation guys we brought the boat we've got a little electric trolling motor but we forgot the battery so we're going to say we let's just go ahead and point the blame at marlin marlon forgot the battery 100 i was trying to be polite he's trying to be polite dude so we're going to see if we can buy a battery off of someone there's like a lot of people here i guess we don't have to i'm good at rowing i'm going to swim and troll while i'm swimming you would we would be rowing like this what do we have how close is town i will go buy a battery very long ways let's go see if that guy let's see if that dude will sell me his battery you know ben moon we're in a place where we're done service really got any cash on me i've got like eight dollars we could offer him eight dollars so the boat really can only fit two people at a time so marlon and i were trekking along the shore of the lake to get over to where uh jordan will come back and like pick one of us up at a time to get us out on the island what do you think you think this guy made it this guy like got a [ __ ] break here boys and girls man oh it's like volcanic rock that we're on here everywhere it's got all the bubbles in it that's awesome so as we traverse this lake marlon and i are just gonna like fish and cast a little bit you've got what are you using marlon a thomas buoyant lure it's a spoon it's a style of spoon and ours we got the bullet lure on here nine mil version for a rod what i'm just using is a six foot light action ugly stick and a casking summer 500 reel super inexpensive combination honestly like a lot of bang for the buck so if you guys are looking for like a basic trot fishing or really anything set up um i'll leave some links below in the video description come on oh jeez did i just oh no he's fine he's fine come on nice fast retrieve give him something to chase ah dude a bunch of them jumping right here so we're seeing a lot of fish jumping i saw rainbow marlin seeing some browns jumping we saw one guy ketchup brown so that'd be sick to catch a brown so we're gonna i'm gonna keep casting the bullet lure for a while but uh after that if that doesn't keep working we're gonna switch over to a bobber and worms and then we're probably gonna like do really well come on man marlon i can't not fish this bay with a bobber real quick you guys know me in a bobber when the bobber comes out well then the bobber comes out so unfortunately the boys have all the uh worms on the boat and we forgot to like put some here so i'm just gonna throw on some power bait right now i switched over to a slip float setup so i'm just gonna shape this little power bait kind of mold it over the whole hook like that so i'm fishing about three feet deep let's go ahead and just make it cast oh that like got immediately tangled right there first cast with the bobber oh oh oh we're getting hit there we go that's a bobber down oh we missed him we missed him did he bomb her down right away man not even a minute not even a minute after casting i should have waited just a second longer you've inspired me i'm bringing up a trout magnet bobber here oh here we go marlon's getting out the bobber bobber fishing can actually be one of the more advanced fishing techniques depending on the situation you're in the idea is that with that bobber you're able to adjust especially with a slip float how deep you are offering your presentation so you can essentially put your bait right where you think the trout need it to bite i'm gonna try half of one of these powerbait cubes just a little i want to try and expose the hook tip more look at that look at that there's just trout all over the place here right there right in front of us come on baby oh oh they're going for it just look at this fish jumping all around the bobber oh that one like jumped up i saw him come down towards the bobber he's gonna take it it's gonna go down three two one oh it's wrong man when you got bit like right away i'm like oh this is gonna be easy except the one that bit was the one fish in this bay that's willing to take some power bait oh my bobber just went down oh damn i missed it he's gonna come back he'll be back there he is that's a fish baby fish on oh he feels small he feels a little small little small he's a shaker oh he's not like dwarf small oh yeah there we go there we go oh baby yes oh some acrobatic action he is like giving us a treat that's not too bad dude that's not like that horrible of a trot he just didn't know he's hooked first okay we've got a little tiny bay here that we can bring him into come on buddy come on little guy we'll try oh he's just hooked in the top of the mouth let's see here how he's doing ah he's kind of hooked through the eyeball dude he's not that bad man that's not like a horrible looking trout oh so the reason we're keeping this guy no i don't know if you guys can tell on the camera here but like he got hooked and the hook came out through his eye um so you know we could release him and keep fishing but we're just gonna like since we're gonna retain some fish i'd rather retain the fish that we either injured badly or that wouldn't survive we're gonna keep on fishing for a brown trout i still really want to catch a brown so thank you little trout we're going to spawn come real quick put them out of the misery as fast as possible there we go he's out a lot of people often say that you can't fish powerbait under a bobber because it floats but you can't so we're going to jump in this boat now all four of us here jordan i'll try and like kind of kick us off maybe or something perfect thank you sean it might be really cool right now a minn kota with a battery [Music] all right so we're gonna throw a worm on here now i'm gonna show you real quick how i like to do that i like to take the head part of the worm poke him on the hook like this and then start threading the worm up the hook then let the hook come back out pull the top part over the eyelet of the hook and boom it's a delicious looking worm right there all right bobber's in position lots of trout over there i have a feeling it might not take long oh trout just surfaced right between us and the bobber oh what the heck there's fish right there come on someone's gonna take the worm [Music] oh bobber down that was definitely a oh oh we're gonna let him eat it oh there we go that's a fish on baby oh that's a decent fish dude it's a brown it's a brown baby oh oh that's a decent size i'm keeping them in the boat with them we're going to flip them brown trout in the boat damn so all the effort was worth it i finally got my brown trout of the trip it's probably about like 10 inches not giant or anything but uh we hooked him once again like kind of through the eye so we're just gonna keep him and i definitely wanted to eat a brown trout so i'm i'm just like super stoked bobber and worms baby that's a bobber down thank you for biting little guy we're gonna put you out of your misery now we're gonna eat you in a bit so i want a camera under water so we can see maybe an underwater bobber bite if we can pull it off i just got the gopro set up underwater like right there and then came back and i saw like someone left a beer can just chill in here so we're just gonna pack that out okay so the gopro's right there in front of me unfortunately when i went out to set it up a bunch of like sediment came up so the water's all murky now just how it goes it never never works out perfectly oh well it looks like jordan gets to eat food too oh that's that's a fish that's a fish oh oh he took it six feet on oh he that was definitely six feet under dude come on he's circling it he's thinking about it he's thinking there he is there he is oh oh oh no no no i think he might still be there some things work so much better than others what's one of those things oh there he is again there he is no no no nope [Music] i'll try and lure one into the camera slowly bring him over nothing at all oh there we go that's a bobber down oh man oh it's oh come on oh geez there we go that's a fish on baby that's a fish you think it's a brown there we go dude it is a brown no what the heck is that oh it's a cut through it dude yeah 100 to cut through it i'm keeping that i'm doing three species of trout in one catch and cook heck yeah i don't even think i've ever done a trout trio so here's what you can tell that this is a cut-throat trout you guys see that little marking right there that red or orange mark down on his throat looks like his throat is cut you also see the coloration on him is just a little different in general it's a little more a little prettier i think than the rainbows but he's even got like some beautiful spots on his belly it's really cool oh that's a bomber down come on back come on back come on back right in front of the camera oh that's a fish oh it's a decent fish man oh dude this is like a decent one man this might be my best one of the day this is guys this is a really good fish this is like probably a really good size rainbow here actually come on baby come on this was like the last cast we had a minute left to film oh no not in the rocks come on oh he's like got a little bit of football age going football shape [Laughter] look at that [Laughter] damn he's a hog [Laughter] i hope that this baby here cuts up really nice and red we'll see when we cut them open i'm so curious what the meat looks like on all these different types of fish we got three different species versus one big one because sometimes these big ones after having lived in the lake for a few years and then they start eating crawdads and then their meat starts getting nice and red so come on man what do you think what do we got going here man we got a little a little uh secret recipe it's actually my first time trying it so we're all going to be the judge and i think i'm like nibble on a little bit not yet not yet damn so jordan hasn't cooked anything yet so my belly's just going to keep growling for a little bit that's okay we're about to cook up our fish when you're gutting a fish always start down by the butthole use a nice sharp knife come up between these fins right here now what we'll just do is uh cut his head off just pull off the head know you pull on that head all the guts just come right off with them let's go ahead and just take a quick peek at what's inside the belly here oh he's got uh that's a this is a crawdad claw some more crawdad pieces and little bugs oh interesting there's some eggs in here hell yeah little appetizer i'll keep those eggs we'll eat those okay so here's the meat of all these fish and this is interesting actually so from left to right the meat is brown trout cutthroat trout one rainbow trout monster rainbow trout have you guys already eaten yeah it's really good yeah i had to bring it over too all right here we go here we go i gotta still feed you guys yeah i need to i need a sample of that stuff party started boys and girls all right butter's nice and hot we're going to start with uh you know i think size wise we're going to start with the cutthroat and throw him in he looks excited to go in there all right little guy he gets to join last last but not least i'm actually really excited to have that brown trout in there so we're gonna add some crucial ingredients here number one is some danish sea salt let's not be too shy here there we go there we go a healthy portion guys so let's go ahead and flip these guys over and see what's going on on the other side oh my goodness brown trout oh yes that's where you got your name from buddy and there's the cutthroat rainbow cutthroat brown and i just got these little eggs as a little snack here we'll just throw those in the butter and see what happens to them and almost as important as the salt of course a little bit of pepper oh yes when you add the pepper to fish frying it just immediately releases some weird fragrances that are just like this might actually be a rare sighting of a perfect avocado i cured it in my fridge to perfection it is it is ready oh fish juice and butter all right turn that baby up a little so this pan still has like all sorts of love going on in there and we're just gonna add to that love in the form of some cheese so a lot of you guys on instagram have been sending me pictures of you doing the same exact recipe so if you haven't tried it yet and you think i'm absolutely crazy do yourself the favor put the cheese in first and then the tortilla if i remember correctly we had some eggs in here where the heck did the eggs go oh oh there they are look at that little appetizer right here oh it's a little innocent little trout snack but here's what happened that tortilla and the cheese have become best friends all right so here we go here we go got a couple tortillas on here already we're hurrying because of the darkness that's the rainbow trout that we threw on a little bit of avocado we're just going to do is throw in a couple little some cherry tomatoes these guys came from my sister's garden thank you vanessa for growing these guys for me delicious they're like sweet and here's the secret weapon for this video it is late but you can still recognize what this is they're cheetos baby oh not too many we don't want to drown the flavor of the trout i just want to add a little bit of crunch to this wrap and we're just going to crunch a little bit of cheeto on top of here we got the cheese we got the trout we got the avocado the tomatoes and the little bit of crunchy cheetos on top of there oh man that meat's just coming right off of the cutthroat all right all right the brown just came off of the bones perfectly as well we have some delicious food right here i hope you can just barely see it we've got way over on the left the brown trout then we've got the cutthroat trout we've got the rainbow trout so jordan let's do this together man do you want to like hell it's just like like animals pull these things apart dude i'll just rip it in half yeah let's just rip it in half dude yeah like sasquatch it's fine oh man oh dude avocado you got to get some avocado in there oh yeah the cotto so this is brown trout that's what cheetos done perfectly did i taste the huckleberry in there a cherry tomato ah sweetness oh there's another little tomato pop goes the weasel that's some good stuff like brown trout i could eat brown tread all day long all right let's go uh you know what we're gonna do the the rainbow last obese pink rainbow trout meat last i'm gonna end with that taste in your mouth yeah i wanna i wanna like have the the ride home obese trout taste in my mouth all the way home oh here you go man honors pull that baby squeeze her oh the twist we have the twist motion look at that ground shot all day to the extent of like i wish i would eat the brown shot last oh you'd actually rather have had the brown trout last dude i'm actually liking the cupcake more really it was what color was it was it wider i think the cutthroat trap might have had the widest meat you know i did get a lot of cheese in that bite too so it might have not been fair a little pine needle in there too oh yeah you got bill's character that grows hair on your face but you don't have that problem i feel like dinosaurs and dives right now all right twist that baby there we go all right here we go you know what guys just just because i'm curious i just want to know what one piece of this trout tastes like without everything else almost a little salmony it's funny when they get that fat and that color something changes in that that uh flavor the the medium the small size fish i feel like always tastes better little ones do taste pretty good the babies are nice and tender so if you guys want to see a sick recipe that jordan cooked up at his trap you guys see it you cook that thing up with a white cloth like in the recipe check out addicted fishing if you guys have not actually checked out their channel before they are also here in washington good friends of mine last bite baby now that's a flavor and a memory i can ride at home with so remember guys like comment subscribe we'll see all you guys next week for the next fishing venture till then you all know it fish on baby
Channel: NW Fishing Secrets
Views: 340,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trout fishing, fishing, trout catch & cook, trout catch and cook, trout catch n cook, trout catch clean cook, cutthroat trout catch and cook, rainbow trout catch and cook, brown trout catch and cook, mountain trout fishing, mountain trout catch and cook, nw fishing secrets, nwfs, mountain fishing catch and cook, brown trout fishing, cutthroat trout fishing, rainbow trout fishing, fishing videos, fishing adventures, catch & cook, catch clean cook, catch & cook trout
Id: Sripj988_JY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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