Eating RAW SALMON EGGS by River!!! | Coho Fishing | 4K

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There we go that's a fish! That's a fish! You can see what they look like... Guys these eggs, you can just eat them just like that. Look at this. Hey guys what's going on! We're down at the river again. Really awesome, just ran into a couple subscribers up in the parking lot! Who would have thought that that would happen. Right here there's a ton of salmon stacking up in a hole and I'm talking kind of loud because that river is ridiculously noisy behind me. But a lot of salmon that seem to stack up there. There's rainbow trout in this river. So we're gonna fish bobber and eggs, jigs, spinners try all sorts of stuff here today. I did bring my underwater filming gear along so we're gonna try and get some super-sweet underwater shots of some salmon bites here for you guys today. So let's not waste any time we got about three hours today to fish see what the heck we can do if we're gonna do a catch and non cook a catch in raw eating salmon caviar at the river I brought some cream cheese and crackers so I hope you guys stick around and enjoy that with me alright guys let me show you the setup real fast if you are brand new to this channel first off my name's life welcome to another episode of Northwest fishing secrets where we fish and have fun in Washington State this year is bobber and egg fishing the basics are I've got a whole video on exactly how to do it so just if you're really interested in that go to my videos find the bobber next 101 video but for right now this is the basics I've just got a heavy braided line on here then I've got a little bobber stopper @ ID on one up on the line and you can adjust how deep the bobber is that way then I've got a little bead I've got my bobber another bead a high-quality swivel an inline weight then we've got our leader I'm using 15 pound fluorocarbon with a couple little weights here just to keep that make that hook sink a little faster then we've got down here just a little knot trocar it's an owner hook owner it's an owner hunk and I've got an egg loop tied on there the cool thing about the egg loop and I hope you can see this here in the video poke myself there but you can push a little loop through that eyelet boom and now you can spear your eggs onto the hook put the loop around the eggs cinch them tight and it'll hold them on that hook a lot better got our nice juicy eggs these are actually from last year literally last September so they're over a year old they're chinook eggs cured with my secret cure that I gave away in my bobber and eggs 101 video so again if you're curious about I'd have some really good eggs that actually catch fish check it out so here I haven't pulled it tight yet I just speared those eggs onto the hook a couple times now we're gonna pull those tight and boom look at that they just cinch right up there so you'll get a lot of casts out of this versus just throwing them directly on the hook let's go ahead and switch over to the GoPro we're gonna go over there try and catch fish okay guys so I am suspecting that the fish are gonna be right here this is a really important before we start fishing we have to make sure to smash the like but but seriously guys thank you so much helps out with that youtube algorithm that way people actually find these videos and I can hopefully make this a career one day right gotta live the dreams so cast that out we're gonna try and drift those eggs right into our hole here nice here I'll try and get the angle better so you don't have a Sun glaring on you but we can see that bobber really well today nice and bright sunshine drifted around that rock well it's so bright out I can actually see what's going on in the river today but that's one thing to keep in mind if the visibility is good for you well guess what it's good for the fish too so you gotta be a little careful all right guys we just lost our eggs here again you know it pains to say this but I think we're gonna switch over to a spinner alright guys we're gonna try our luck with this little number 3 vibe racks blue fox I feel embarrassed and ashamed but I couldn't catch him on eggs even that salmon right there I feel like that fish is laughing at me look at his face so let's see if maybe this here works I'm just giving you spinner guys crap don't worry I know you can catch them with a spinner if you've watched my videos you know my story about this I it's a sensitive topic so I've listened to you everyone said cast a little further upstream some are going as far as saying don't even retrieve let the current do everything we're gonna try and not get that spinner way over in that hole there that's just looking too good over there trying to let it sink that's hard to do with this current that's that I'm just sorry something funny I'm changing batteries and toxic batteries but the video is here this is kind of my little messy station that's just the smell of dead salmon is so bad that burning my nose right now because look what's right underneath me oh it's such a terrible but such a good smell if you know what I mean like you know you're in the right spot whether it's just dead fish never do whatever there you'll pop those eggs right through it and we are ready to fish again okay so let's get real here no more messing around it's time to catch something just drifting that bobber right here in that Eddy action right next to us Oh guys that's a that's a fish right there whoa Baumer down no oh man that was such a sneaky fish it barely even let me know that it bit oh that's a bummer down in the finish what do we got it's looking awfully Trouty here that's a big trout jeez Wow damn guys that's a really big really nice-sized rainbow trout Wow you know I'm actually gonna measure this one real quick because you can keep them if there are 14 inches here let's go ahead and keep it in the water real quick I've got a little creek right here let's see how close we are zero right here that's a 14 inch trout guy's unreal I'm gonna double check the rules here real quick but that is about 14 and a quarter inches beautiful rainbow actually guys this is not a rainbow that's not a rainbow trout that is a cutthroat trout which has they've got the same size limit on this river so still a keeper but I didn't see that until I didn't notice that very very faint marking right there that's how you can tell it's a cutthroat trout as it's got that well that's why where they get their name that their throat is cut it's a red marking we'll call it a bonus catch yeah thank you said right on the button pet 14 inches so alright you hang out here little trot don't go anywhere we're gonna catch up one of your bigger cousins well that wasn't expected guys yesterday I caught a couple smaller trout but didn't think I'd catch a keeper here that's pretty cool oh there you go that's a fish that's a fish oh it's a jumper that's a beautiful Cromie fish too oh wow bobber down baby all right we're just gonna bring it up on the bank here we're gonna bring it up on the bank no matter what this is we're keeping it Wow Wow look at this fish on freakin real guys unreal holy cow this is a monster is that a monster rainbow trout Maivia cut through tight hard to tell I don't think that that mark there is warranting cutthroat truck that's a giant rainbow guys monster rainbow I can't believe this because this is like probably one of the biggest rainbow trout I've ever caught in my life all right guys this is insane oh wow we are about to lose the trout - hey swam out of the net this is a monster it's like oh geez second time we almost lost it all right we're gonna take it away from the water here I've determined it is legal to keep this trout it's right around 17 inches actually just super fat so it seemed like it was a lot bigger so it does not count - the steelhead so it can be wild look at this fish that's crazy big that thing is oh I didn't know that we had a fish on dang that's a massive fish whoa what the heck is this I had no idea that we that there was a fish that I saw the bobber was starting to come up Wow is that a UH okay look we got take a close look here and see what this is that's probably a code what I'm thinking a pretty dark coho spit the hook already alright guys are you thinking what I'm thinking that's right it's caviar time let's go ahead and keep this fish here and I'll show you guys how to make that alright guys check this out this is a beautiful small female coho and I know what you're thinking like dude she's so dark she's litter spawn what's wrong with you let's do today we are not going for the best meat quality we are going for the best caviar quality I don't know how many of you know but you can't eat salmon eggs they're actually quite delicious now I'm not encouraging everyone to say aye let's go and kill a bunch of spawning salmon to eat the eggs it's just if you catch a salmon anyways and it's God it's a female don't throw the eggs out guys you can use them either for bait like we are or you can eat them they're so delicious it's really simple they're so simple that we're gonna make them here at the river in like less than five minutes so let's go ahead and get started okay guys so I have my little bag of goodies here for the caviar really it's just going to boil down to this we just need a container we need some salt I use just kosher salt for it and some crackers and I've got some cream cheese and I literally that's it so we're gonna do for now just set these up crafter's aside we're going to take this kosher salt here a little too much water all right so we've got just the salty water here we're gonna mix it up as much as we can oh yeah this is a super dissolved here oh yeah salty okay guys I'm going to try and do this without dropping her in the water and losing her but we're gonna angle her up look at this you guys see that eggs are straight-up just dropping right out or I'll squeeze some in my hand so you can see what they look like isn't that just crazy all right so we're gonna dump those in there as well okay so we're just gonna strain off these eggs here like I said then we're gonna put in just a little bit of fresh water again toss them around in there for a second then we'll add just a little best salt toss them around into salty brine here again Oh dropped a couple eggs they're gonna waste any look at that and that is a fresh salmon caviar right there you'll know that they're done when they are beautiful and clear like that full of color guys these eggs you can just eat them just like that look at this they pop in your mouth like little delicious fish oil fish eat pearls salty fish for homeschoolers let's go ahead an get a couple crackers with sorry crackers with cream cheese ready okay now all we're gonna do is drizzle some of these eggs on these crackers there we go got every last one of them on there doesn't that just look absolutely fantastic check out that catch we've got that coho a trout that's almost the size of the coho big old 18 inch looks like a rainbow trout and then we've got a 14-inch cutthroat right there okay it's really dark I'm sorry guys I kind of pushed it till the very end here for you but hope you still enjoy it oh there we go that fresh salmon flavor man that's good guys so good it's imagine like boba tea but the little Boba's top and they're filled with salty delicious like salmon fish flavor amazing like a savory little palpable Boba's on cream cheese and crackers oh you can't go wrong with it it's so good hey so while I was wrapping it up down there by the river I just noticed my camera died so I have no idea where I lost you all I wanted to say was thank you so much for watching and join your support being subscribed I love doing this for you guys seriously it's been a ton of fun it's gonna be a ton more fun here this winter and next year we will see each other for the next adventure until then fish on you
Channel: NW Fishing Secrets
Views: 1,278,906
Rating: 4.7979565 out of 5
Keywords: eating salmon raw, eating salmon eggs asmr, eating raw salmon eggs, raw salmon eggs, salmon caviar harvesting, salmon caviar, salmon fishing, bobber downs, salmon catch and cook sushi, salmon sushi, salmon sashimi, can you eat salmon eggs raw, raw fish eggs, can you eat raw fish eggs, bobber and egg fishing, salmon caviar recipe, coho catch & cook, coho salmon catch and cook, roe, fish eggs, salmon eggs, can you eat fish eggs, catch and cook, fishing, fish eggs asmr, ikura
Id: Q9CSNgQ7lsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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