GIANT PERCH Catch & Cook!!! Fried Nuggets BACKWOODS STYLE

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as I think of fish just surfaced like right in front of me Oh what is that or two giant [Music] [Music] hey guys welcome to another episode of Northwest fishing secrets we are currently in the middle of the woods I'm we're currently on our way to a lake and we're gonna try and catch some fish there I have only fished this Lake once in my life and that was yesterday it was a total disaster I got there late ended up fishing all day not catching anything torch I mean shredded my pants completely I was not wearing underpants and then I also fell in the water I don't see any leeches on me yet so I know there's fish in there I don't know if it's only bass or maybe there's something else there if we can catch something else I'm hoping for like pan fish or perch or something like that because we're gonna do a catch and cook either way let's go ahead and get over to the water find an access spot try catch something let's check it out there's a big dead snake right here that's a UH a garter snake got garter gardener yeah either way he ain't doing too good we're gonna put him right back where he was there she is guys so we're gonna be nice and quiet we don't want to spook any fish I do believe that the fish know what's going on on land they can feel the vibrations they can feel it if we're talking loud or screaming and stuff we have one rod set up with a slip float just a little ultra light ugly stick with a pan fish hook on the bottom and the other rod is set up with essentially like a little almost like a little Ned rig it's just a little jigging rod I think we'll start out maybe throwing the jig a couple times and we'll switch over to the bobber baby guys I'm just so happy to be out here in nature select my happy place now we're gonna be a little more quiet as we're approaching the water you see that there's a fish right in front of us probably just a log but I felt a bump check out this technique guys if you have a spot with a lot of overhang and it's hard to make casts you can flick your presentation out there just make sure that you have your bail open like this grab your bait like that you don't want to grab it up here because when you flick it that hook might come and get your finger so make sure that that hook point is already away from your finger see that we're loading the rod tip and then we're just gonna aim the rod in the direction where you want to shoot it we're gonna try our bobber setup now I'm seeing these fish I can't entice them with the the jig so check it out we got a bunch of worms and some bugs that I collected at home I'm gonna try and slide his body up on that hook there we're just trying to hide that hook shank which I believe helps especially when you've got picky biters like these fish might be and guys I'm seeing fish here surfacing all over the place I'm seeing a lot of them right in between the branches but there's no way I can cast in there and I don't want to like risk casting in and then you know hooking a fish and breaking off on it and then it'll swim off with a hook in its mouth don't want that happening so we're gonna move on just along the shoreline and try a few more spots here it's really hoping for a hungry big perch here somewhere how is that even possible guys it was horrible got her set up back and we got check the line yeah feels good we got through another worm on there we lost half our bait you know I had one of these little worms that Wiggles around more to entice these picky fish good our worms ready again I just stopped getting stuck on all these branches guys I don't know what it is I'm cursed right now I just keep getting stuck in every branch possible because I think of fish just surface like right in front of me you guys hear that that's a woodpecker I am trying to figure out why these fish won't bite can figure it out they're right in front of me could have to do with the debate the presentation of the bait make sure when you guys are done with your snacks that you pack out the wrappers right and a lot of you guys always ask me if I carry a gun when I am out in the woods by myself yes I knew this is a Ruger GP 100 it's a 357 magnum revolver like I'm afraid of or anything of the woods I mean I love it out here but yeah there are bears there's Cougars not really worried about it the main thing if you are carrying a gun or bear spray or a knife whatever it is that you choose to carry just know how to use it be safe with it don't hurt yourself or others that shouldn't be hurt with it but I'm curious like what do you guys carry if you're in the woods you guys carry a gun if you do what do you carry if you carry a knife what kind of after you carry bear spray electric shocker or something you're gonna shock the bear when then come I'm just kidding guys but I'm curious like what do people do we're gonna switch to a smaller bobber we might be spooking fish more so than we would with this little guy whenever you guys are cutting fishing line and have like the little tags just throw me your tackle box don't leave them in the woods guys love you little guy there we go now we got our bobber on our main line next thing we'll need is just a few split shots on our leader that so I just threw four on there we're gonna test and see if that's enough weight now we're using a smaller hook so that hopefully the fish just can't see it maybe their little hook shy today that's making a lot less noise as it hits the water I really like that oh fish always tangled what is that Oh - giant perch a giant giant perch we got we got him giant tanker of a perch geez Wow on freakin real guys I look at that giant sail of a dorsal fin that this guy has that is a beautiful beautiful fish guys that's a tank or perch real tanker perch I'm excited to eat this guy I did a poll on Instagram yesterday whether we should do a bass catch and cook or not and I was kind of expecting to probably catch a bass here and it was an overwhelming yes on doing the bass catching cook but I know that several of you voted no so you're probably relieved that we're eating a eating a perch here today instead we're just gonna like try and catch another whoa this worm is going crazy haha to catch another perch because they always come in packs that's where that last one was another giant perch Oh Oh guys check it out another freakin monster monster perch it was like I saw a fish feed right in front of that tree where we caught that last perch it was between some branches and I knew there was no way I could cast in there so I ended up just dipping that worm right in between those branches and the moment that worm sank down and the bobber touched the water the bobber just kind of kept going underwater so I realized oh crap that's a fish so I set the hook and immediately this another monster monster of a perch look at that he just couldn't resist it un-freakin'-believable when there's one perch there's always more all right so we're gonna go ahead and fillet this perch now we're gonna use this little Gerber mini cleaver no I'm not sponsored by Gerber or anything I just thought this thing was cool [Music] so these guts here we can just throw them right in the lake that way the little crabs and other fish can eat it now perch up really thick skin so these guys are pretty easy too easy to skin you're not gonna accidentally cut through it check out an icon through your finger through there perch up super big scales very firm to so you can like scrunch the skin like an accordion mmmmmm this is looking good guys we got two big old perch fillets so this little mess kit here it's a red camp kit it's a loom anodized aluminum super lightweight super high reviews it's like the best reviewed one on Amazon so I'll leave all the gear links to everything I'm using in the video description below as well as on MW fishing so the way to carry your mask it is just store all your stuff inside so inside we've got the camp stove we've got a little sponge we've got spatula lighter not gonna need the sponge right now oh and look at that there happens to be some Danish sea salt inside who would have thought so it's got up little pot and a pan so and then these are some little handles that fold out right there now the stove we're gonna use is an MSR pocket rocket - these guys have like the highest heat output for their their size [Music] I think came out with authority they're just gonna pour some frying oil in here I'm gonna turn that down a little bit I don't want to burn the oil what we're gonna do now too is I have a delicious lime here slice that baby in half dump all the fish in this pan we're gonna add just a little bit of Danish sea salt some black pepper we're gonna use this Franken Tennessee original anchor bar buffalo wing sauce oh yeah we're in the woods I'm just my pants to wipe everything down kids don't do this at home now this trash bag here we're gonna use to bread the fish and we're just gonna use it to like pack out our trash as well I'll hop that thing's getting geez and for breading we're gonna use the Louisiana products fish fry this stuff is absolutely amazing I think honestly after trying so many different ones I don't think there's a better one in the world than this you dump it in that trash bag all right then we're gonna take our fish jump it in there as well blow into the bag now I just have a shaking party in there all right guys that perch is excited to get into the pan so we're gonna set that aside all right here go the first little volunteers look at them look at that that only needs like another second guys like ten seconds it was perfect that ladies and gentlemen is a fried perch guys there's so many birds and bunch of ducks just flew by there I'm still seeing fish surfacing out there right in front of me - I mean this is just a beautiful place so let's go ahead and screw it on a little bit a little bit of line screw a little bit we're gonna just full-on douse it alright guys this is super crispy looking we're gonna start with a little tail section right there see how this tastes first bite dang guys Oh a that wing sauce you can definitely taste it in there the salt the pepper guys honestly perch is probably one of the most delicious fish in the world I'm not I mean I'm really not kidding this is I mean I'm starving right now because I've been out fishing and hiking all day but man this is just it's just amazing firm white meat and guys of course feel free to subscribe to my channel if you enjoyed this video I take you guys on adventures like this every single week and that way you do not miss my brand-new uploads that being said we will see you next week for the next fishing adventure and until then you all know it fish all baby [Music]
Channel: NW Fishing Secrets
Views: 478,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yellow perch, perch, yellow perch catch & cook, panfish catch & cook, how to catch yellow perch, how to catch perch, how to cook perch, yellow perch fishing, nwfs, nw fishing secrets, northwest fishing secrets, washington fishing videos, washington fishing, giant perch, nw fishing, backwoods, tanker perch, catch clean cook, catch & cook, panfishiing, big perch, perch fishing in lakes, washington perch fishing, backwoods fishing, catch and cook, bass fishing
Id: eEoZmsUXBW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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