Mother In Law SPIT IN My Baby's FACE Because It's A GIRL - Toxic MIL Ruined Pregnancy Joy Stories

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people have read it how did your in-laws react when you revealed your baby's gender i have a terrible mother-in-law this woman has been nothing but evil to me i met dear husband in high school we went to college together the whole sweetheart shebang his mom has been nothing but a nightmare and right now i'm so upset i need to vent about this awful trash freshman year of college dear husband was deep in the fog his mom would track him using an app would call if he set foot off campus would constantly text him even if she knew we were on a date she would say god-awful things about me she claimed i was a witch was going to leave him and was only after his money side note dear husband is from a rich family one day she came up to visit she called him and told him dear husband let's go to lunch don't bring the witch with you however she'd just ruin it with her poor people antics i was next to him and heard everything she said i started to cry dear husband looked at me and it was like something clicked in his head he told his mom to not contact him until she could behave this however didn't stop her and she only got worse now dear husband and i are married we were recently pregnant his mom would talk to me like i was an idiot say crap like babies need to be fed often and don't forget to change the diaper like she thought i was too stupid to take care of a baby she threw a fit like a toddler at baby shower because she couldn't bring her precious friends fast forward to due date mother-in-law tries to force her way into the delivery room claiming it was her right as grandma to watch her grandson come into the world we never found out the gender by the way hospital staff kicked her out of the room kicking and screaming i don't know how she conned her way into staying in the waiting area baby is here a girl which she hates i gave my baby girl beautiful name after my mom who died of cancer two years ago mother-in-law hated the name she hated we had a girl he did everything about her i didn't care i was just happy to have my baby she asks to hold her when i allowed visitors i let her biggest mistake of my life this woman spit in my baby's face spitted in her face she said she was gonna be a witch like her mom dear husband kicked her out told her to leave us alone he is absolutely done with her at this point she won't stop calling or texting us now it's been a few months and we won't talk to her family member after family member has come to guilt us but we won't budge she disrespected me my baby my family she keeps leaving screeching voicemails about us being terrible parents she's going to take the baby from me bunch of bulls i hate her it's been a blissful five months i'm free of this horrible woman we are without getting into too much detail past our first trimester so i've been wanting to announce it for a while i decided this would be an excellent way to document how she acted but also how we were being fair i filmed dear husband saying to dear son that he was going to be a big brother this was a happy video with a lot of tears mostly from me we then got my friend to film us telling my side of the family my parents were thrilled and accepted our gift to them an ultrasound picture we also have one for ourselves then came dear husband side as i've said on here before dear husband's family have obligatory weekly dinners that we only recently stopped attending usually these are at donna's place but i won't go there without an escape route so we've been waiting for brother-in-law and his wife to offer to host we contacted them in advance and asked to bring my friend for an announcement he sounded a bit unsure but agreed tonight comes i introduced my friend from high school to everyone none of them have seen her since the wedding and are a bit put off by an outsider attending their special dinner sister-in-law dear husband sister asks where dear son is and we say he is at his other granny and grandpa's house we have dinner and it's honestly not as bad as it could have been mother-in-law barely even looks at us and just asks dear husband where his company will be sending him on his upcoming business trip this is coming from a woman that used to beg for calls every couple of days and grill both of us on every aspect on our lives she hasn't called dear husband for over a month before tonight after dinner we all sit down to chat and i get offered a drink by brother-in-law's wife sister-in-law one i stand up and my friend takes that as her cue to start filming on her phone dear husband stands up too and i say we have a surprise for everyone everyone else in the room looks at us and dear husband shouts we're having another baby sister-in-law one shouts i knew it and sister-in-law one and both brothers-in-law all say congratulations to us mother-in-law sits quietly dear husband gets out an envelope and says mom we wanted you to have this she takes it and inside is another ultrasound she looks at my friend filming and said thank you her face was pretty stoic but i could see her eyes getting wet honestly if the camera hadn't been filming i would have expected a bigger reaction she leaves the room soon after to go into the kitchen while everyone else chats she comes out saw's picture after noticing i take in a few glasses and fill them up having a look around i figure she's tossed it on the counter then when i open the bin i see the picture she'd somehow torn it in half right down the middle i was just so angry and weirdly scared by it what is her problem at first my instinct was to close the bin and say to dear husband later but i realized that this was a golden opportunity to call her out so i fished the pieces out of the bin and walked into the living room me mom-in-law what's this holds up pieces donna looked very shocked for a second but then she looked so angry i was honestly a little worried dear husband asks what she's done to the picture we'd given her and she shouted i didn't want it she started crying then noticed my friend was still filming she really started bawling then and screamed you're just doing this to humiliate me and ran upstairs brother and sister-in-law's her children followed her but their sos dear husband my friend and i stayed where we were my friend said she's fun and stopped filming we leave soon after not bothering to stick around to say goodbye and drop friend off at her house she sent me a copy of the videos a part of me feels defeated she somehow reacted even worse than last time way to lower my expectations on the other hand i feel like we could easily show that to a judge and gpr would no longer be an issue dear husband is furious and sad i'm still angry but a realization i've had makes me smile just a little when little one two turns 18 a few choice words from me and dear husband will make a long since cut out donna wish she'd never destroyed the only picture she had of her real grandchild regarding the relationship between future husbands family and myself his mother and younger sister his father just seemed apathetic have always disliked me i always thought that it was a common case of we prefer the ex since future husbands high school sweetheart lives in the same neighborhood as them and her family are old family friends but apparently it was much more than that so i did what a lot of people suggested and sat future husband down i'd already mentioned the rips and the protection to him and straight up told him that i did not want a child and i would never forgive or accept being tricked into having one he got very upset that i would even suggest that and after some frank and honest conversation it was clear he was not responsible we then talked about how they could have been damaged from it being a factory issue to someone sabotaging them in between future husband buying them and then giving them to me the day after it was at the suggestion that future husband went quiet and said that he didn't want to worry me but it was possible that his family may have had something to do with it he then revealed that he'd been keeping it hidden from me that more or less every day his family says something insulting or degrading about me and continuously beg and plead with him to break up with me he said he made it clear that they had no say in his relationship and their words would never affect him but they always continued i was upset at the time over the fact that he felt the need to shield me from his family but i do understand his actions we decided that he would go home and ask them straight up if they knew anything about it well he ended up calling me at 1am in tears asking if he could spend the night with me because he couldn't stay under the same roof anymore with his family he'd gone home and much like how i did with him he sat them down explained the situation and asked if anyone knew about it both his mother and father future mother and father-in-laws denied it automatically but his sister future sister-in-law future husband sister and his only sibling apparently had a smug look on her face and asked when the baby was due future mother-in-law told her to shut up though seemed keen to know if the protection had been used apparently it wasn't a oh no they may have had unprotected thing tone of worry in her voice more an incredulous request future husband was suspicious and asked again if anyone knew anything to which his mother said she wouldn't say anything until she knew if we had used them he said that thankfully i had noticed before anything bad had happened leading to an oh from future mother-in-law and cursing from future sister-in-law future husband asked sister what the problem was and she replied saying that she'd been looking forward to having a baby in the house because their mother had said that she'd be a wonderful mother figure herself mother-in-law screamed father-in-law cursed and sister-in-law threw her hands over her mouth as soon as she realized what she'd said eventually the whole story came out because future husband felt no need to hide the protection anywhere and had just left them on the side in his room after purchasing them sister-in-law at mother-in-law's request had snuck into his room at some point and poked as many condoms as she could with a pin the hope was that i would fall pregnant be encouraged not to have a procedure by the comforting words of my in-laws who would promise to stand by me and future husband raising our child only for them to call cps on us as soon as the child was born because we were unfit parents if their word alone wouldn't convince them then while i was in childbirth someone would sneak into wherever we were living as long as it wasn't their own home you'll see why later and hide slash destroy any baby equipment we had prepared so it looked like we had no idea how to raise a child they'd even thought about what to do if i had ended up living with them they were going to plant poisonous paraphernalia around my room and call cps saying that they were scared over their sudden discovery and were worried that i would take substances around the baby to cut a long story short future husband grabbed as many possessions as possible told his family they were dead to him and came over here i live in private student housing in the same city as future husband we've sorted it out with my landlord that he can live here with me until the end of my course and we're planning on moving away to wherever his company will transfer him in a few months after i've done my final exams i have been witness to the hundreds of texts from his mother father and sister-in-laws all saying that they were only trying to get me away from him and they had no other way of doing it future father-in-law has even said that he'll buy him a car if he comes home so i know he's telling the truth about this future husband is collecting all of the messages as evidence so we can file a restraining order we're both in shock but we have each other to get through it and we can promise that there will be no children until we can assure that they'll never come into contact with his horrific family my mother-in-law and i don't have the best history but i will never forgive how she reacted the day we announced our pregnancy which was christmas eve my husband is the only child and the complete light of his parents lives understandably so he's the best my parents-in-law have a really crummy marriage not that father-in-law is always perfect but mother-in-law is just flat-out mean to him all the time this puts a bizarre pressure on my husband to always be there for them and act as each of his parents go to person he especially has a massive soft spot for his mom he's never been able to see the negative and always defends her bizarre behavior or comments but even he couldn't handle her that day mother-in-law has been not so subtle about wanting a grandchild to the point where some comments were just wildly rude given she knew we had some fertility problems so we both assumed that she would be thrilled with the news that she'll be a grandma we announced our pregnancy and i do think they were both genuinely excited then to do a mini gender reveal we had them each open a little baby girl dress which little girl clothes are seriously cute af and impossible to not get giddy around this is when the random unnecessary negative comment started and continued for the rest of the day again christmas eve an oh so joyous time of year she said the little girl dress i bought had buttons and i shouldn't buy baby clothes with buttons um lady that was not the point of the exercise she then went on a rant about how father-in-law never held my husband when he was a baby um okay then we show them our work in progress nursery she criticized a sheepskin-like throw rug i bought for not being machine washable why would she care she then said it was weird how the people who built our house installed the nursery closet um okay then i showed her my 3d ultrasound which to be fair 3d ultrasounds are kind of creepy especially when the baby is only 23 weeks and she legit asked if the doctor said it was okay for her face to look like that i was in absolute shock who criticizes their unborn granddaughter's face i was literally speechless as we left the house to go to christmas eve lunch she criticized how narrow our home's entryway would be for kids okay cool on the way to lunch dear husband was telling them about cute places they could take our granddaughter in our neighborhood we live in the city they live 45 minutes outside in the burbs mother-in-law then goes on about how difficult it is to get to our house she doesn't like driving in our neighborhood and parking is too difficult if we want her to babysit we will have to bring the baby to her fine don't see your granddaughter then all of the above happened within an hour it honestly felt like i was sitting in an ocean getting pummeled by waves and couldn't stand up it was honestly just so bizarre we had to spend the rest of the day with them to which i distanced myself as much as possible she had all sorts of other weird negative comments sprinkled throughout including telling dear husband he gained too much weight which is not true but i sort of shut down after the avalanche of negativity that started the day ever since i became pregnant just now mother-in-law has gone off the rails even further over the holiday after behaving horribly to everyone and blaming my female pregnancy hormones when i gently stood up to her mother-in-law's newest obsession is making sure we do not find out the gender of our unborn baby because if we do we'll ruin everything as the first child especially absolutely has to be a surprise even so it's definitely a boy because this family's genes make boys except for you know dear husband's sister and my two nieces but basically she's been berating us every time we speak to her to make sure we don't find out the gender of our baby before it is born she also told all the extended family and all of her friends that i was pregnant between eight to ten weeks despite me quite literally begging her to keep it only between immediate family yesterday she randomly sent me a list of the top 10 baby names from the local newspaper to make sure we don't consider any of them spoiler alert science says we can find out the baby's gender and despite dear husband's supposed boy jeans we're having a healthy little girl guess who doesn't get to know this information for as long as i can remember in our relationship we've both been on the mindset that kids aren't for us we met over online dating and she advertised herself as not wanting children she knew i was of like mind the day i found out that our birth control as being sabotaged was when she invited her mother over now she's always been very pushy with us having children and i've always brushed it off the usual stuff like we'll change our mind we're selfish immature etc my eso always seemed to humor her at least but brushed her off as well anyways mother-in-law was staying over for a few nights and i arrived home early from work friday nights my so usually spends out with her friends i go to take a shower and notice that my essos pills are missing from the counter we're very meticulous at where we put our birth control so it's easy for us to find when the mood strikes us my rubbers are there but it looks like this new box has been opened i only just got them yesterday i open it and to my horror someone has driven a needle straight through some of them apparently they did a sloppy job because they were in tatters i'm fuming why would someone do this i check every bin in the house and find mother-in-law walking back into the house from around the back of the garden she tried to stop me from going to the wheelie bin but i shoved past her and do indeed did my essos birth control in them been lazily covered in compost in hopes i wouldn't find it she confesses to everything rather indignantly saying that she wouldn't have to do this if i thought of her for once and how i'm selfish and afraid to commit to her daughter i'm so angry that i've refused to talk to her until my so gets home she does eventually albeit at 11 pm at which point i'm in bed exhausted from work i'm a pretty light sleeper so her closing the door wakes me i listen closely to the conversation between the two and my so asks if she'd put the holes in my protection like she'd asked mother-in-law confirmed she had but i found out esso breaks down in tears and complains that i don't love her and that i'm afraid to commit to a family what do i do i feel so betrayed that i've been lied to for 10 years i feel angry and lost as to how to deal with this you
Channel: ASK GURL
Views: 95,233
Rating: 4.8983831 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit, askwomen, askreddit girls, reddit women, reddit girls, askreddit real voice, reddit stories, justnomil, r/aita, r/tifu, ask gurl, reddit mother in law, reddit mil, reddit mother in law reacts to pregnancy, reddit pregnancy, reddit toxic mother in law, reddit crazy mother in law
Id: Xcli7rX3dd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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