r/maliciouscompliance | I handed in my 2 week notice and watched the CHAOS...

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hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel just a quick reminder that we have a giveaway going on all this week so if you're interested in entering and don't know how stay tuned until later in the video and i'll tell you exactly how to enter that said let's jump right into our first story of the day by young cream puff and this is my two week notice i worked at a local golf course for about seven years from when i was 13 to 20. when i had first started there my mother was the manager of all things food and beverage until that summer because she took on a different job working there for so long put me in line to be the new manager however i was not willing to take the position because i was enrolled in college and wouldn't have the time for it and considering my mother worked 100 hour plus weeks sometimes in our busy season i wasn't willing so they brought in addie to replace my mother as food and beverage manager and i was another regular employee the golf course also has a general manager who we will call chad chad sucks he was creepy towards all the girls that worked there and had a terrible temper one similar to a toddler we never saw eye to eye on anything especially his management style and was always getting on my case even though i was the only person on the food and beverage side of things that knew what was up and how to do anything including addie so this brings us to the story i was working in our little restaurant serving our golf leagues that come in one league in particular liked to stay really late like 12 a.m to 1am but i never really minded as i got along well with them and i became good friends with a lot of the members and they were always buying beers and shots so there was never much of an issue with it when addie started there chad decided to change up our dining room policies to close the restaurant at 10 30 pm this personally really aggravated me they were paying customers and i was happy to serve them and i was the only one that was usually serving them but chad kept going on about labor costs which if anyone reading this knows anything about serving i wasn't making much hourly and was relying on tips to make money so they put this into place and i tell chad it's his responsibility to tell the league they have to leave at 10 30 and not me he didn't and guess what the league members were pissed first mistake and he would not often or honestly never stay to help with the leagues but was adamant about the new hours as she is about to head out for the day she tells me that i will be training two girls in the restaurant that night we have about 80 extremely needy golfers in the restaurant at once on this night in particular i barely had time to train one but she did not stay to help out with that looking back on it it was definitely not my responsibility to train anyone either but i was willing to help out as she was still getting adjusted to the job and she knew that and took advantage of that second mistake then mentions to me that if i am not clocked out by 10 50 pm then i will not be paid for any work after the fact third mistake i ended up training one of the girls on our point of sale computer and told her she was done for the day and that she can clock out and continue to train the other girl for the rest of the evening so when the leagues left at 10 30 there was food on the floor bathrooms weren't cleaned trash was not taken out the tables were moved from their normal resting place and the drawer wasn't counted i told the girl i was training to move the tables in account of the drawer well it's 10 50 now and i'm not working for free so we clocked out and left could i have done more absolutely but i needed to prove a point the next morning i had many missed calls from chad and addie i didn't have to come in for two days so i just let them keep calling so on the next shift day i had i finally called chad back he told me to come in for a meeting with him and addie when i get there he gives me a story about how he had to come in and clean everything up with addy and why would i ever do something like that i told him that addie not only had me training two people on our busiest night of the week alone but i also had to be out at 10 50 or i was told i wasn't being paid after going back and forth about how addy was just kidding and i shouldn't take things so seriously i had finally had enough of chad in his antics i told them i was putting in my two weeks and the looks on their faces were as if i had shot someone right in front of them it was awesome i continued to work for the next two weeks doing everything i was supposed to and training addie on any little detail i could think of before i left after my two weeks was up i ended up getting calls from addie and chad all the time because nothing was going right i was asked again by chad to take addie's position on and addie was calling me telling me how impossible chad is to work with it was truly beautiful to watch all the chaos unfold even after i left addie ended up quitting a month after because sir and chad couldn't get along i don't miss much about that job or place but i do miss my regulars every day if any of you all are reading this i hope you're doing well so if you were in ops position and they told you if you worked past 10 50 you're not getting paid for any time past that and you knew the place was a mess the drawer hadn't been counted all these responsibilities hadn't been completed would you have still just dropped it and went home do you think op is right for doing that let me know in the comments down below our next story is by tangible autism want me to work faster got it boss i was working for an undisclosed large shipping company at an undisclosed airport for about two years love the job not really hard work mostly teamwork and communication first year during winter i get an invitation to join the de-icing department the winters around here are awful and planes cannot leave without the ice during the snow or icing conditions i absolutely loved it so much so that i did it the next year this year however differed once di starts we usually only do de-ice things until spring we never have touched another job during the winter season the ice is very important and difficult to train they don't want people gone because of injuries from doing other work cue our new upper management new guy comes in on his first day and says that we are going to be taking turns on the mat large place inside the gigantic warehouse where the cargo containers inside planes are taken to be unloaded these containers usually number in the three to four thousand pound range the entire dis crew has a fit and we started paperwork with our union rep unfortunately she can't do anything about it on day one so i get stuck on the first crew on the mat now it's dead middle of winter and easily negative 20 fahrenheit outside and i am dressed for the weather so once inside i start removing layers hey what are you doing i hear from my boss who is watching me try my best to get my coat off i'm removing layers i want to stay cool just start working don't work too hard he responds i'll give him credit he was a decent guy wanted the work done i shrugged and started working unloading a bunch of boxes alone in the container working slow and steady you and lane 41 you need to work faster you're behind it's the manager for the mat yelling at me from above i'll overheat and i don't want to sweat i've got the ice after this was my response he took much offense to this as not wanting to have sweat freeze to you in the wind is apparently bad if you don't up to the can of the time limit i'll write you up his smug response has malicious compliance written all over it i nod and go back to work at a breakneck pace i was pissed and more importantly i was in a hot container in a hot warehouse in hot clothes and mostly dehydrated i worked until i stopped sweating the first sign of dehydration and potential heat stroke by this point i was 3 4 done with a container and about 15 minutes had passed i need a break can i go get a drink i yelled up at the manager on the catwalk you have five minutes to finish that can no breaks he responded without even looking at me at this point i should have reported this violation to my union rep no breaks equals angry union rap i decide that the military instilled me with enough discipline to continue so continue i did three minutes later i was on the ground suffering from acute tick head syndrome one ambulance ride one talk with the union rep and a meeting with the regional manager from the company in example the man in charge of the entire system in that particular area that particular manager is no longer working for the company and the ice doesn't have to work odd jobs again really the only thing that ended up failing them was kind of the union thing but it's kind of like buying something online you usually can't expect it to happen on the first day although actually some shipping has gotten pretty good so maybe that's not a good analogy at least opia is okay after experiencing the heat stroke the next story is written by car ride i can't pass you with that broken mirror when i was growing up dad had a friend that had an old delivery van he bought from a carpet company you know the kind late 70s early 80s no back seats worked sporadically and had lots of room for stuff he was very generous about lending it out to folks he knew that we're moving the van used to have windows in the back but over time these had been removed or covered up at some point this meant that it had a rear view mirror inside the cab and at some point one year it got it cracked but who cares because you can't see out the back anyway right so the time came to take the van through a missions and safety inspection and he gets to the point where they are checking the blinkers and such and the guy sees the mirror inside the cab inspector says i'm sorry sir i'm going to have to fail your inspection your rear view mirror is cracked but you can't even use it the back windows are not there anymore i'm sorry but i can't pass you with a broken mirror so if that mirror wasn't there i would pass yes friend reaches up rips the mirror off the mount and tosses it in the back of the van okay problem solved the inspector was a little flummoxed for a second but then shrugged and passed him modern problems require modern solutions or maybe i guess in this case older problems require older solutions either way i guess it was just a situation where a little bit of that redneck diy can come in handy our next story is by another will i will take you and your company to the cleaners so a bit of backstory i work for one of the uk's largest internet home phone and tv providers i deal with tech support sales general customer relations and so on now my company only supplying home phone services opposed to business phone lines is important to the story as you'll soon find out so a customer calls in to express his rage that we've been overcharging his phone bill for months i used to pay 10 pounds per month but now i'm paying 70. checking his account he'd downgraded from paying a set 10 pounds to make unlimited amount of calls to a pay-per-minute plan and due to making 90-ish calls to the same number per month he had been charged for the usage per minute which racks up huge costs of course he's furious states he doesn't use his house phone to make calls so he shouldn't be incurring charges he only has his house phone to divert calls to his business as his house number was being used as a business line we should have told him this would happen a typical line from customers in my industry he wants a refund for the 210 pounds in charges he's incurred due to his own error for those who don't know much about phone calls etc when you divert a call from line a to b it is actually line a customer's home phone calling line b customer's business phone in order to transfer the line to them and therefore counts as making a call therefore still charged per minute i inform him that diverting the call is the same as his home phone calling his business and this is why there's charges i also inform him we provide domestic and not business lines and that using the line for business is a breach of his contract with us so i can't refund him for the charges long pause on his end and then i practically hear the foam coming from his mouth as he starts screaming at me that as a customer of six years i'll take you and your company to the cleaners if you even think of cancelling my contract and if i don't get my charges back i will sue for loss of earnings and the stress you will cause me the loss of my effing customers and blah blah blah being an experienced agent i'll usually warn customers three times about abuse and then will disconnect the call however through the whole experience something isn't sitting right with me about the info he's giving and how his bill is so darn high from diverted calls all to the same business number so i ask about the volume of calls that are coming through and what business he's running by this time he's so furious and acting like an invincible big man and so sure he has grounds to sue if we disconnect for breach of contract terms that he reveals he's running a call center with 36 agents using our phone line service basically his customers would call his house phone number he was paying us for it would divert to his call center where his customer service agents would then answer the diverted calls and arrange boiler repairs and installation etc this of course is a huge breach of contract and a massive cost to the company i work for usually at the point a customer telling us i use my house number to run a business it's not huge it's more along the lines of a designer dj hairdresser freelance it who gives clients their home number because they don't have an office etc this guy however takes first prize for his audacity of running a call center from our services so i tell him that i'll speak to another department and call him back you know yes mr customer i'll see what i can do mr loyal customer so i speak to our compliance and fraud teams to investigate the breach of contract the fallout they issue him with a 31 cancellation letter informing him that 1. he has 31 days to find a new provider before we cut him off for breach of contract two because his line rental was still within a minimum turn contract he has to pay early termination charges 18.99 per month for the 15 months left of the contract equals almost 285 pounds additional charges to him 3 he will not be receiving the disputed charges because he's broken his contractual agreement with us funny thing is if he was nicer i'd have let it slide i've never emailed compliance on a customer except this guy good riddance that's a ballsy move trying to run a call center off of a home phone line dude was really trying to skirt around some costs and there's absolutely no remorse to be had for this dude and he was trying to thread illegal action like he actually has some kind of footing like op said like he was this big invincible man but like everything he did was completely blatantly wrong and the whole thing crumbled as soon as they kept blabbing their mouth so quickly now i just want to give you info on the giveaway so if you want to be in with a chance to win 30 in amazon gift cards all you have to do is leave a comment pertaining to something you saw in the video on any video we upload this week and i will pick a winner from a random video on sunday night after the last video has gone out and announce it on next monday's video so feel free to comment on every video from the week to better your chances of winning again i do want to stress that the comment has to be related to the video so you can't just leave a random comment and expect to win and whilst you're at it why not like the video because it helps more than you know and our final story of the day is by drago rn you want a horn you get a horn when i was 16 i took my driver's license test in a 1976 gmc van it's a big van luckily the text didn't require parallel parking my dad takes me to the dmv and i meet the guy who will take me out for my test this guy is arrogant and kind of snotty from the first the first step was for him to check out the vehicle and make sure the blinkers and lights work etc the last thing he checked was the horn which unknown to us has to be working but the horn had been on the fritz lately and it didn't work when i pressed it the guy refused to take me on my test i know he was only doing his job but he was rude about it and quite annoyed that i was wasting his time so i went back to my dad who was obviously surprised that i was back so soon and i explained the situation my father with a gleam in his eyes said he wants a horn he'll get a horn my dad went out and bought and installed a horn for an 18-wheeler as you know those suckers are really loud and i returned to the dmv a few days later for another chance at a test so the tester goes through the same process blinkers check lights check etc until he came to the last item which was the horn for this he was standing about three feet in front of the van i lay on the horn perhaps a second or two longer than necessary and the guy literally jumped backwards at least three feet of course my dad and i had a good laugh the guy was taken down a notch and i passed my test i will never forget my dad's malicious compliance and i continue to tell the story as an example of my late dad's awesome personality and of his love for me and i will never ever forget the look of that guy's face as he jumped backwards after the scare of his life some of the most beautiful malicious compliance stories are ones where they ask you for one hundred percent of something and you give them 250 percent in return and you just blast them away in this case with sound waves but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which one and why in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and subscribe if you haven't and make sure to click the bell to turn notifications on too so you'll never miss an upcoming video no matter what you did whether it was liking commenting subscribing thank you for supporting me right here on the story time channel it all helps the channel grow immensely so thank you so very much for supporting me i hope you all have a wonderful day and until next time i'll be reading even more stories to share with you guys right here on the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 248,082
Rating: 4.8986731 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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