Unemployed Pregnant Sister-In-Law Wants To Kick Me Out Of MY HOUSE Because She Needs Space For Baby

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what is your entitled sister-in-law story i'm a 24 female and i still live with my parents but so do my brother 30 and my sister-in-law 25 they have twins already they don't really take care of them because my parents who have recently gotten their title as grandparents take most of their time to spoil love and care for them as they did with us growing up i would say their connection with their grandparents is better than with their parents now that i'm working from home i find myself babysitting the kids sometimes too which i don't mind but i would much prefer it if my brother and my sister-in-law spent more time with them instead my older brother had the audacity to tell me to move out get married soon so they can take my room as much as i would like to i'm not financially able to afford to move out either maybe that puts me on the same level as them my older brother doesn't have a great job and has been temporarily placed his job on hold so he has been collecting our country's unemployment stimulus check i've lectured him to elevate his skill sets during this time to find a better paying job to support his family rather than spend his now free time on mobile games whereas my sister-in-law has been a homeworker and has been relying on my brother's income and her dowry she doesn't do much at home besides watching youtube videos and spend money i know this is a harsh judgment i don't have many expectations for her career-wise since she is only a year older than me and spent her early 20s to motherhood but she hasn't worked in over three to four years so when my sister-in-law told me that she was pregnant again very early term i told them everything above and that they probably should take more precautions in the future since this already happened acknowledge their current situation and perhaps even consider a procedure because they really cannot emotionally and financially support a third child they have not told my parents because they are worried about how they will react the reality is i don't want my parents to feel guilty and financially provide for their budding family when they should be reaching for retirement and enjoying life to its fullest am i wrong for telling my sister-in-law to reconsider her third child the people in this story are me female 26 my husband 27 his sister 23 and their parents so my parents-in-law i've known my husband since we were young and since i first met him he was an incredibly kind generous and modest man to illustrate this even though he struggled financially in university like most of us he never asked his parents for money he had a crappy old barely working phone until he had enough money to buy himself a new one even though they offered to buy him a new phone etc etc this is mostly due to his family struggling financially while he was growing up his sister however is the polar opposite to him with the lack of a nicer word she is the epitome of a spoiled brat while my husband was working hard to help around the house and get good grades my sister-in-law refused to do any chores whatsoever she always threw fits to get what she wanted even as a grown-up she would literally slam doors and cry if her parents didn't buy her the newest iphone or gave her money for new clothes how she got away with this behavior all her life is absolutely beyond me now fast forward to about a week ago my husband and i recently moved into our first own house which we are incredibly excited about as a housewarming gift my parents-in-law gave us a beautiful antique rocking chair that belonged to my husband's late grandfather my husband was especially touched by this because he has many fond childhood memories connected to the rocking chair as soon as my sister-in-law found out about this she called to ask my husband if she could have the chair instead he gave her a firm no and thought that was it the next day however she turned up in person and threw a classic fit she was crying about how my husband only got the chair because he is her parents favorite child how that is so unfair and how he needs to protect her against that at this point i admit i just about lost it i told her that this had nothing to do with favoritism but just with the fact that her brother is a homie a winner now while she still lives in her childhood bedroom getting her parents to pay everything for her that my husband worked himself off to get where he is today while all she did is demand people work for her and if my husband was the favorite child i would completely understand it if she always showed such awful behavior she immediately left and hasn't spoken to us since i'm usually a very calm and peaceful person but i feel like my outburst was justified my husband however says that i went way too far i've been with my husband since i was young and he was 20 his sister is four years younger than him three years into our relationship we got married i'm 28 now i gave birth eight months ago and i'm currently six months pregnant with our second two years ago my husband's sister lost her flat she had a two-year-old so i of course agreed to let her stay with us rent for her is 200 pounds a month which barely covers her food and we specified she would have to tidy up after herself and her child because my husband and i both work full-time i've been off for a while now i'm still working from home though but no longer go into the office and while his sister has never been the tidiest she did the bare minimum she now does absolutely nothing apart from making a mess my husband helps out sometimes but bless his heart he can burn water and he has no backbone meaning despite only having one child at the moment i'm tidying up after two three if you count his sister my husband wants to give his sister a break since she's not been late on rent and helps us out sometimes so we can have a day for ourselves we pay her 11 pounds an hour for that since getting pregnant with our second all she's done is talk down to me we've had some heated arguments my husband tends to stay neutral i'm sick of her i've mentioned it to the both of them if she isn't out by january i'm leaving if she continues giving me attitude she can leave by october my husband is now upset for alienating his sister who's trying to get her life back on track saving for a house considering going university and working at this stage i don't care if she starts tidying up after herself i'm done but now i'm wondering if i'm being harsh and overreacting my husband's youngest brother just got married to a woman he met two weeks ago and we invited them over to get to know her she seemed very nice and friendly until she called me a nasty woman and told me i'm a horrible mom so what happened was we were sitting at the table having some tea and chatting while our husbands were lighting up the grill and having beers outside when she asked me what our kids looked like they were at my sister's house for the weekend so i get out my phone and show her a few pictures she kept saying how cute and handsome they are as she was scrolling through my phone i noticed she hit the back button on my phone and click on what i thought was the file labeled my babies until her face contorted to this weird disgusted look and i reached for my phone to see what she was looking at and she pulled it close to her chest and started walking toward the back door i jumped up and asked what's wrong and for my phone back and she turns around and starts on a rant about how inappropriate i'm to have dirty pictures in my phone and how my kids must be suffering because their mother is nasty our husbands come inside to find out what's going on and she shows my brother-in-law the pic she was looking at my juice box all while still going on and on about how could i have such nasty dirty photos in my phone for the world to see a they were in a file labelled private b they were for my husband's eyes only c i'm a grown-up woman and every now and then i wanna surprise my husband with something i will thankfully my husband grabbed the phone and told her to leave his brother apologized over and over and took her home i feel like i did this to myself and i'm so embarrassed that my brother-in-law has now seen my undercarriage but more upset that she said that i'm a bad parent cause i have those kind of pictures in my phone those were for my husband's eyes only and i normally expect when i show people pictures on my phone if they get lost navigating it to give it back instead of clicking on a file marked private my husband got a call that night from his brother saying he had no idea she was like this and he loves her and wants to make it work but she's demanding he cut ties with us immediately what am i gonna do my husband has a few brothers he doesn't talk to anymore because they junkies and thieves but his youngest brother is almost like a son to him they are 12 years apart in age and he helped raise him and now because of me he might lose him i don't know what to do to make this right i will absolutely not apologize for taking rated x picks for my husband and i will not accept someone like her into my family's life but i don't want him to lose his brother edit thanks everyone for the comments i feel so much calmer and less embarrassed after reading them all a few things have happened in the past few nights and i wanted to let you all know my husband went fishing with his brother and guess who decided to tag along she said if she can't go then he can't either and my husband said okay and off they went he told me she didn't say a word to either of them and when the subject of what happened at my house came up she told my husband you know you can do so much better than her he laughed at her and said you know what's funny i was gonna say the same thing about you to my brother and she got mad and demanded he take them home so they packed up and left when he got home he tried to call him but both our numbers are now blocked we've realized that he is gonna have to work this one out for himself as a lot of you said that two weeks isn't enough time to really get to know someone and this marriage is doomed we figured that it's only a matter of time before he realizes what it cost him to marry this women i really wish i had better news to update but hopefully one day soon i will he knows we are always here for him for mother's day my mother-in-law and her wife wanted a zoom call with all their kids so we did it that morning and it was pretty cool because i've never met my husband's step siblings before his stepsister just had a baby five weeks ago all i really knew about her was that she is a very type a perfectionist type my mother-in-law told me before the baby was born sister-in-law told them that her baby would never cry because she'd researched everything and knew exactly what to do during the group call she asked if she and i could talk privately after the whole group so we did and she said she wanted to talk to me since i have two kids and a four-month-old baby she said her baby wasn't gaining weight and the doctors were worried she said she wanted to breastfeed only and had a schedule but he still wasn't gaining i told her all i could say was to make sure she stayed hydrated suggested some foods that are supposed to help she said she knew that already i said in that case i'll just say maybe not be so strict about the schedule kind of take cues from the baby about how long to let him nurse i also said formula is not the end of the world and my oldest actually had some at the hospital but went on to nurse just fine for 18 months then she started asking me about sleep training which is where things started going wrong she said that she'd been sleep training for a week now and it wasn't working that her baby cried the whole time and last night he threw up because of how hard he cried i asked what exactly she was doing and she said she gave the baby a bath fed him and put him in his crib with a sound machine and then she left she said she checks on him every 15 minute but does not pick him up i saw myself flinch on the video so i know she saw it too but i promise it was an involuntary reaction i asked if she had consulted her doctor about sleep training especially since the baby wasn't gaining weight she snapped at me that she knew what she was doing because she had researched it she just wanted to know how did i sleep train my kids i told her my husband and i don't believe in that i'd never done it and couldn't help her she started crying and said that i was calling her a terrible mom and all she was asking for was advice but i was questioning and judging her i told her that wasn't my intention but if i was being honest i did feel like she was putting too much pressure on herself and her baby and making things harder when they are already hard to start with i started to ask her how she was doing to see if maybe she was depressed when she disconnected the call i'm wondering if maybe i shouldn't have said some of the things i said especially at the end i texted mother-in-law this morning to see if they'd heard from her since then and they said they had i'm still worried though so a little bit of context for various reasons my brother sister-in-law and nephew moved back in at our parents house shortly before everything started i still live here because i'm only 20 and haven't moved out yet mostly because rent round our ends is mad it's a big enough house but with not going out and things we're all kind of living on top of each other i work as an emergency medical dispatcher it's a pretty stressful job at the best of times however on wednesday i was on a late shift and during it i got two upsetting calls which made it even worse than usual i was pretty drained when i got home in the wee hours on tuesday night i had gotten to keep it from my favorite pizza place and i had a couple of slices left all i wanted to do when i got home from this rough shift was to eat my pizza watch some futurama and go to bed when i looked in the fridge though my pizza was gone i knew before even asking my sister-in-law was the one who ate it she has a real bad habit of deciding any food she fancies is fair game and eating other people's stuff without asking we had a problem with it a little while ago when she ate some cupcakes dad made to take to work and on at least two occasions she's drunk entire bottles of wine mum bought i'll admit it annoyed me off more than it should have i went into my brother and sister-in-law's room and woke her up to confront her about it i told her she was selfish and inconsiderate and i can't stand living with her she started crying and my brother just yelled at me to get out they've not spoken to me much since my mum has said that she understands why i was annoyed but i overreacted dad doesn't agree he thinks it was deserved my sister is a lesbian and married her wife a year ago they receive financial support from my parents they are wealthy and generous have good jobs and as such have decided to have a baby currently her wife is about six months pregnant and the two of them are visiting for holidays i'm in college so i don't see them very often yes my parents give me financial support as well everything is fair and square but i'm really excited for their baby my sister and her wife had been dating since their senior year of college and were friends since childhood before that i'm seven years younger so i was kind of left out of the loop i never knew my sister's wife until they got married and even then i was swamped with my first year of college so i didn't really ever get to know her i was really excited though for this trip since we'd get some one-on-one time together our parents live about two hours away from my sister and her wife and i flew in from across the country we're all staying with our parents who are not yet retired my flight got in yesterday late at night so i slept in my parents went to work my sister went to go do some shopping my sister-in-law stayed in with me but i didn't realize she was around until she came downstairs while i was making lunch she's pretty obviously pregnant and i haven't seen her since her wedding so i was really excited to see her she was not i said hi and went to hug her and she backed away i apologized and she just kinda looked at me weird and went looking through the fridge i tried to make small talk with her so i asked when she was due she gave me a really weird look like i'd asked what her cup size was and then just said much and kept making her food i said i was really excited to have any sore nephew then asked if she wanted a boy or girl she sighed really loudly said she didn't care and moved on my sister had mentioned that her wife had ptsd due to a previous pregnancy so i worried that might have been it i tried to shift the subject and asked how her work was she set her knife down really loudly stared at me for 30 seconds then said fine and went into the dining room without saying anything else throughout the day i kept just trying to interact with her offered to get her a drink while i was in the room she just muttered no asked what she was watching you wouldn't know it it was a simpsons said i was really glad she was spending the holidays with us a very begrudging year really i thought this must just be how she is then my parents and sister came home and she was super cheery and nice to them my dad was asking if they had names picked out and she just wouldn't stop chattering on my sister said she wanted a family name and her wife insisted on a unique name my mom pointed out that my name is isn't very common but it's also a family name same as my grandmother and they should consider it i said i wouldn't mind having a niece with my same name and my sister was really enthusiastic about it her wife gave me a death glare i just ended up getting the silent treatment at dinner i asked if she would pass the potatoes and she didn't listen i repeated myself she ignored me and then my sister told her i had asked for her to pass the potatoes suddenly she was all bubbly and giggling guess i didn't hear what do i do should i tell my sister directly challenge her i have very positive relationships with my parents and my sister and i want to be really involved with my niece nephew so i really don't want to go 100 no contact or anything how can i try to resolve or at least get over this update as of this morning so we all had breakfast together i sat across from my sister between my parents with my sister-in-law kitty connor to me my sister-in-law actually spoke to me but it wasn't all that positive she asked if i was seeing anyone in kind of a snarky tone i said no school was really busy i just didn't have time etc she responded well not everyone finds someone my sister tried changing the subject asking my parents whether or not they'd gone to their winter home yet they are those rich people my sister-in-law was so nice to them she was saying what a gorgeous house it is how grateful she was to have been able to take a vacation there with my sister last month my mom is easily flattered so once my sister-in-law got started she started gushing about her and it was just a mush fest after breakfast i offered to go take our dogs for a walk when i came back my parents had left with my sister to go shopping again and my sister-in-law was the only one home she asked me how i was liking college and i said i was liking it a lot i major in pre-dental started talking about it a bit and she rolled her eyes i apologized for over sharing and she said no it's fine you just have a problem with reading the room i guess then she walked away when my sister comes home i'm definitely going to tell her about it [Music] [Music]
Channel: ASK GURU
Views: 286,245
Rating: 4.8693719 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, askreddit stories, askreddit women, askwomen, askreddit girls, reddit girls, reddit women, reddit sister in law, reddit mother in law, reddit in laws, reddit family, reddit sil, reddit sister, worst sister in law, reddit drama, reddit family drama, reddit spoiled, reddit entitled, enetitled sister in law
Id: M24lMysxdkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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