I Pay HUGE Rent For My Parents But My Sister Lives There FOR FREE Because She's A GOLDEN CHILD

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redditors who have spoiled siblings what is your relationship like background i graduated from college four years ago and live at home with my parents my sister graduated two years ago and also lives with my parents we both got jobs pretty much straight out of college i paid my parents 800 a month in rent since my first paycheck this is a throwaway and it's still fresh and i'm really emotionally charged right now last night my parents were talking loudly about their financial problems in the living room i overheard and i offered to help by paying more in rent i was thinking nine hundred to a thousand dollars since it covers utilities phone and internet my parents were grateful now prior to this i never asked how much my sister pays in rent i always figured my parents charged us the same so absent-mindedly i asked a follow-up question me how much is my sister paying for rent my mom nothing a long pause me what do you mean she doesn't pay rent my dad visibly angry your sister doesn't pay a thing my dad explained how my sister recently bought a brand new car and hasn't paid insurance on it so my dad had to pay for it she doesn't pay rent she doesn't pay utilities phone or anything so for the past two years she's been living rent-free while i've been paying my parents so later that night we had a family sit-down talk my sister didn't want to pay rent especially at how much i was paying she offered a hundred dollars my parents suggested she paid 300 i pay 800 which my sister and i both rejected the conversation ended with this sister i'm trying to live my life these were her exact words which annoyed me the most to holy moly so my sister storms off to her room and it's now me my parents in the living room i'm extremely upset at this because it's massively unfair my mom is upset that everyone's angry at each other and my dad's angry my sister won't pay rent and she won't move out and both my parents don't want the police involved so i say my part before leaving me i'm not going to pay any more rent until she does it's only fair right and if i do pay rent i pay whatever she's paying my mom what if she pays 300 and do you pay 800 me no my mom but we really need the money me that's too bad i get up and go off to my room so this morning my dad comes in and tells me that i'm an idiot for not paying rent that i should pay rent because it's the right thing to do and all this crap i'm like what's the problem make my sister pay rent my mom who's listening in you've seen her she won't listen to us me well that's too bad my mom really angry well we wouldn't have this problem if you didn't try to make your sister pay rent that was the last straw that blew it for me i slammed the door on my parents as i'm typing this my parents are in the living room discussing how both their children are rotten and it was better back in the home country slash back in their day when kids listened to their parents i guess it goes without saying that i am proposing but i should mention my girlfriend doesn't know i will be i picked out a ring i think she'll like she never wears rings and isn't a massive fan of diamonds so i found a really nice gold one with an emerald that's surrounding by small diamonds she loves green and gold jewelry and i spent a long time finding this one it's a created emerald which i think she'll prefer because she definitely wouldn't want any sort of conflict duels the ring is cheap it was 300 and has actually gone down to 180. i mentioned this to my sister who said i was an idiot essentially apparently she'll be showing it to her friends some of whom are engaged who will know about rings and clarity and such she says they will see that it's cheap and it will be embarrassing for her i'm 90 sure my girlfriend doesn't know much about jewelry and clarity i could probably get a similar ring that's more expensive i certainly wouldn't know why i'm paying more i don't think she would either however i am starting a new job soon and was going to buy a new tv for 250 i kind of realized i'm willing to spend more on myself for a random treat yourself present than an engagement ring and i started understanding my sister's perspective a bit more we'll be 19 next week for starters my sister got a job as a flight attendant for a regional airline a few weeks ago the day after thanksgiving she'll be moving to her airline's base and going through flight school i'll admit that i kind of freaked out and applied to a similar job without her knowing and as a result i'll be joining her but working as a flight attendant at her sister airline so we'll be twins and flight attendants but more like fraternals since we're working for similar but separate airlines my reasoning is that we've shared a room our entire life and so we can do the same now we can share a bank account keep sharing makeup we can share outfits share jewelry we've always shared and we can keep doing that we've never been apart and so that's why i got the job i don't want to be different now i've always been clingy and i don't want her to be different from me when we've been the same person for so long last night she decided to explode at me and our mom with our dad on her side there of the opinion that i should let my sister have space and let her grow up without me but we've been together since conception i don't want that to change now our mom thinks that it's normal for us to be together and be matching and she's the one who encouraged me to get the job and helped me apply i applied to my sister's airline as well and if i get a call from them in the next few days i'd have the opportunity to operate flights with her she thinks it'll be a big adventure for the both of us our dad thinks that i'm taking her dream single white femaleing her and unable to let go of her he's of the opinion that i should resign ahead of time and find something to do on my own instead of forcing my sister into something that she doesn't want to do with me he's absolutely furious along with my sister and they're both refusing to talk to either of us i'm the eldest male 29 years old of my siblings and as most people can probably relate to also the forgotten while my younger sister 20 years old was my mother's favorite since birth she was also the one to get better grades popular in school participated in tons of school activities and pretty much outshines the rest of us me and my wife got married on april 24 2019 a small event not too big because millennial pocket change and broke parents and in-laws my sister's now fiance was accepted day one of dating as family my fiancee was given a 20 kids lipstick set for christmas while this dude received two hundred dollars worth of christmas from my mother the same year my fiance that i have been with for five years wasn't allowed at my grandmother's funeral in the family section to console me but her boyfriend of two months was first born eldest with a smaller wedding versus favorite child's big blown-out wedding six days before our anniversary feels like the one thing that my mother would remember about me will become overshadowed by her favorite and forgotten and dismissed like everything else am i the idiot for wanting my mother's favorite sibling that outshines me and my wife in every way to move her extravagant wedding so that so that we actually have something that makes us feel special and excited edit just to show how little my mother thinks of us she wore a tie-dye shirt and worn out jeans to my wedding we had a family dinner this evening my family has four kids in total me my elder sister 29 years old younger sister 24 years old and youngest brother 22 years old extended family attended our family dinner so all of our significant others our cousins aunts and uncles etc during the dinner my elder sister and youngest brother got into a mild disagreement my sister seemed at least to me to be coming across as very aggressive out of frustration and losing said argument the two of them were too absorbed in their argument to realize the rest of us were getting a bit fed up eventually my sister got really fed up and said shut up i'm not going to argue with a 22 year old virgin my brother hadn't done any personal attacks up until that point it was completely unprovoked i think it might have been the drinks as my sister is a meme drunk anyway i immediately told my sister to grow up and that she was making an embarrassment of herself she replied by saying everyone knows he's a virgin and she didn't say anything wrong this annoyed me as my bro definitely has confidence issues and doesn't need to be made fun of like this so i responded by saying how she slept with well over a hundred men while she was in college and that since everyone in the family knows this it's not a big deal right turns out her husband didn't know this amazingly i genuinely assumed he must have known he left the party angrily saying my sister misled him about her past family is blaming me for their marital problems i refuse to accept i did anything wrong my sister bullied my brother in front of everyone all i did was give her a taste of her own medicine my husband has three older sisters and two younger sisters but they are all very close in age he is the only guy i've always sensed his sisters don't like me but they're very fake and passive-aggressive about it they'll act all nice when they're alone with me but when they all come together they try to purposely exclude me and will go as far as either completely ignoring my husband when he's with me or trying to pull him away from me at their family gatherings so that i'm left alone his mom is a saint and is the only reason why i would still even consider showing up at any of their little get-togethers but after the one last night i doubt i ever will again in short they were all very rude the whole night again being very passive aggressive and just straight up ignoring both my husband and i i don't know why honestly i'm very shy so i've never been super open with them or anything but i've always been polite to them and open to getting to know them anyway i've pretty much decided i want nothing to do with the sisters anymore i know this hurts my husband because he's very family oriented and grew up close with a few of them but i also know that if it comes down to it if i say i want nothing to do with them he won't want to either because even he sees how rude they've been to me on multiple occasions for absolutely no reason i guess i'm just having trouble trying to figure out where to draw the line between no longer showing up to their family gatherings at all and trying to decide which ones are important for me to just stick out for the sake of my mother-in-law since she is very dear to my husband and i i'm also currently pregnant and i know my mother-in-law and my mom are planning a surprise baby shower for me together obviously his sisters will be involved but i'm seriously reconsidering even having a baby shower because i don't want them to be a part of it i do not want them there and i do not want them to be a part of our baby's life i know a lot of people will try to say i'm just hormonal and overreacting because apparently that's the first thing everyone thinks as soon as someone even mentions being pregnant but rest assured that i am being very vague here this has happened with every single guy i've dated or been interested in i've only had three relationships before my current one with john my twin sister sarah has tried to interfere with all of them two of my exes cheated on me with her the third we broke up for other reasons but sarah still tried to seduce him he was a good guy and always had boundaries with her but that didn't stop her from trying to the point of sending him nudes multiple times then claiming oops wrong person when he told her he wasn't interested when that didn't work she also tried to break us up by lying to my ex and our mutual friends that i was cheating my ex didn't believe her but some friends did so yeah that was fun to deal with there are so many other situations like this she either gets guys who are interested in me to sleep with her or ruins my chances with them by making a bowl to make me look bad she's ruined some of my friendships lying about me too told my best friend in high school i was gossiping meanly about her and went so far as faking text messages i don't know if she even actually wants these people for herself you might think it's obviously jealousy but sometimes i honestly think she just gets a kick out of messing with me anyway i finally got my life more together after wasting the first couple of years of college on being depressed and a gaming addiction i met my boyfriend john at a campus organization i haven't told sarah but he ended up meeting my parents by accident today i don't have much contact with them but they decided to come for a surprise visit they live over five hours away and do this a few times a semester even though i've said i don't like it but that's for another post john was in my room with me when they got here i had no choice but to introduce them he knows i was holding off on having them meet because i don't have the greatest relationship with them sarah lives at home with my parents while going to college locally i'm certain they're going to mention meeting my boyfriend and then cue her insisting on coming with them the next time they surprise visit me also stalking my social medias to try to figure out who he is i've tried to explain the issues i have with her to my parents they think i'm overreacting they say she just wants to know what's going on in my life to be involved yes that is the problem her involvement i became engaged about a month ago yay i am in the planning phase and trying to come up with my bridal party i do not get along with my twin sister shocker our relationship isn't what you see in the movies background i consider her mean and inconsiderate and she sometimes bullies me and she sometimes bullies my fiance lately for our birthday we do our own thing and do not see each other but we will call slash text each other birthday wishes when i picture myself getting ready in my bridal suite i do not picture her by my side i had two engagement parties and she did not show to either i need advice should i get over myself and include her in my bridal party she has never made an effort to get to know my friends or should i have a frank conversation that i am hesitant in including her and i probably don't intend to although i would like her as a wedding guest i feel like she will have one of two reactions she would react angrily slash apathetic or she would be hurt and quickly try to improve our relationship honestly i feel like her reacting apathetic indifferent is more likely my twin sister 20 years old female is a college student and an instagram model on the side and started doing youtube vlogs to further get her name out there i'm not sure if all of her videos are vlogs but that's what she calls and titles all of them besides vlogs documenting what she did that day some recurring topics are her hair routine makeup routine plastic surgery experience what's in my purse bikini try-ons and some other click-bait titles i'm a guy and she's my sister so none of those interest me i'll only watch her general vlogs about what she did that day if i'm really bored out of my mind we don't live near each other so the only vlog i've been on is the one we put makeup on each other whenever i ask her what she's been up to she would say i should know if i watch her vlogs i say ain't nobody got time to watch a 10-minute vlog of her buying groceries or curling her hair she says i should support her and watch her content she says our little siblings parents grandparents and our cousins watch her vlogs religiously i don't want to hurt her feelings and tell her that her vlogs bore me so i always say i'll try to watch them when i met her today at the airport she began vlogging me when she asked me on camera if i had finally started to watch her vlogs i said i have she then asked me if i thought her new dog ruffles was cute she never posted about ruffles on instagram or sent me pictures no one in the family told me either i assumed ruffles appeared in her vlogs and said he's a real cutie she then said i was lying about watching her vlogs and she never got a dog she called me an idiot on camera off camera she also expressed more playful anger at me for not watching her vlogs i said i'll try to start watching them and then she called me out and said i won't i can't wait to be in her vlogs these next few weeks sometimes it feels like a movie we don't look alike at all she looks after my mom's family and i look after my father's side his family is not very flattering in the matter of looks we're the complete opposite of each other she's very beautiful has great hair and a killer body i almost don't have a waist and the little i have is asymmetrical because of scoliosis my face and hair are a mess she's bi and has dated a ton of guys and girls i haven't even had my first kiss yet and i have literally zero friends i've always had better grades at school than her but that doesn't matter now that we're at different colleges it doesn't matter if i'm smarter than her i'll still be the one who will die alone i hate to go out with her because some guys will literally break their necks to watch her pass by and that makes me feel awful it sucks because we have the same age but she's experienced life in a so much different way than i have i don't wish ill to her she's a great person and i love her but oh god why did you have to make my life as this bad joke it was my bachelorette party weekend my best friend is my maid of honor and my sister is my bridesmaid that's my entire bridal party two people well both my sister and my best friend flew into town for my bachelorette party and i decided to make my first dress alteration appointment for when they were in town it will be a good experience for them to see the dress since they couldn't be there when i got it i said it will be cute like in the movies and they will cry and be blown away by how beautiful i look i thought to myself well my best friend had those reactions she cried and was supportive and told me how beautiful i looked my sister however made a moment that was supposed to be so special miserable by a single sentence i said something along the lines of oh you do have to take it in a lot there it's because i have small breasts though and i have been doing keto and like by the way i have been doing keto and have lost about 20 pounds and i was talking to the woman doing my alterations and my sister says and i'm not even kidding you well let's be honest you've always had a tomboy figure um wow i have never been so thankful for the fact that extreme confrontation makes me unbearably anxious and let's be fair i have a way better body than her i am under 200 pounds i am 5 foot 10 inches tall i have small breasts but i am girly this comment also came after two days of insults another example being wow you really need a pedicure i responded with a hard wow that's a nice thing to say about your sister while she is literally wearing her wedding dress my best friend looked at me shocked and said um no you look really gorgeous and the lady doing my alterations looked me in the half tear-filled eyes and told me to not listen to her you look beautiful you are beautiful strangers can be the most comforting people [Music] [Music]
Channel: ASK GURL
Views: 113,516
Rating: 4.893116 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit, askwomen, askreddit girls, reddit women, reddit girls, askreddit real voice, reddit stories, justnomil, r/aita, r/tifu, ask gurl, reddit money, reddit parents, reddit family, reddit parents love my sister more, reddit family drama, reddit spoiled sister, reddit golden child, reddit parents hate me, reddit parents demand i pay rent, reddit sibling, redidt spoiled siblings
Id: yona_uJ8lKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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