GREEDY Brother Demands I SELL My House & GIVE Him The Money Because He Got No Money From Inheritance

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people how your families are tearing each other up over inheritance and money throwback because some of my friends are on reddit as well last year i 30 male received news that an aunt whom i had never known existed had passed away she left me her house and a fairly large sum of money in her bank account in her will she wrote that she and my late father her only sibling had stopped keeping in touch with each other over a family dispute years before i was born but she knew that my father had a son me before she moved away to another city she never had children herself anyway my wife and i were beyond ecstatic about it we decided to put the house up for rent we wanted to handle this financial windfall wisely on the other hand when my brother 29 found out about it he became really upset he reasoned that since ant had moved away before he was born she had never known that i had a brother thus deciding i was the only one to whom she would bequeath her possessions he demanded i split the money with him here's the thing history repeats itself growing up my brother and i never got along well he takes pride in his sense of freedom being wild and a troublemaker partying hard smoking going to rock concerts spending weeks and even months traveling the world never settling down in one place for too long i on the other hand am a very organized person i have a stable job which i love my wife is five months pregnant and i can't be happier so excited to be a father nevertheless in a way i think my brother's right and would have split the money between us if she had known that my father had another son i didn't want to repeat my father and aunt's mistakes so i split the money from her bank account evenly with him but it wasn't enough for him he insists that i sell the house as well and split the money from its sale only then it would be fair according to him i refused i told him no the house and money are legally mine it was my name written on ant's will my name only i can't change the past it's not my fault that ant had never known he existed he became furious he asked how i would feel if it were him he accused me of being greedy money hungry avaricious everything you name it he even threatened to bring the case to court but i stood my ground nowadays i have started to feel kind of bad about the whole situation ignoring the fact that legally the house and the money are mine maybe he is entitled to 50 of the house maybe selling it and splitting the money from its sale is the right thing to do the only problem i have with it is the fact that because of his lifestyle he always keeps running out of money he doesn't even have a permanent place to stay and i am the only one he turns to whenever he has to deal with financial problems i mean as his brother i tried my best to help him and to always be there for him whenever he needed me i'm the youngest of four siblings when i was little my oldest sister got sick doctors said she had less than two years to live she was only 19. my dad was pretty successful my mom died when we were kids life changed course completely everything was about my sister my dad quit his job and escorted my sister around the world it was her dream to travel i was three when she was diagnosed but i knew it was the right thing she needed to fit as much life into her time as possible after a year she was doing way better than expected she was deteriorating slowly but the inevitable remained my dad made the decision that she would never have to work that she would be completely free to follow her dreams he called in every favor every friend my dad was a successful guy and if she had a few years they would be perfect i was raised by my brother and sometimes my aunt when i was older i started helping i had to dispense medicine buy groceries cook clean everything her condition made hard we ate the same diet she hated having to look at food she couldn't have i pulled out of school so i could help her full time i homeschooled myself and my sister taught me she got married when i was 19 and i moved home her husband was great they were happy i studied hard i took the a.c.t i scored near perfectly i got into an ivy league university with scholarships work study and fa i was supporting myself my first year went well but college is hard in my second year my sister's health declined she didn't have much time she told me that she knew she was gonna die that she knew our lives had been affected by her condition she knew we'd given up an enormous amount so that she could live life it meant a lot to me my grades disintegrated i drove nine hours every weekend to see her between the time stress and exhaustion i pulled out d's and b's my scholarship is gone she passed in early summer after her death my dad lost it more than ever he isn't concerned about us he hasn't worked in 20 years and doesn't have much left what he does have he's using to retire before she passed she said that she had left each of us her siblings a part of her trust everything else would go to her husband thing is i haven't seen or heard anything it's been months summer is ending and my scholarship is gone i'm panicking i can't pay for school i don't have credit and my dad isn't going to pay i've talked about this to my other sister who asked me if i'd been told the same thing she's confused but she's finished college and has a job and doesn't think we should bring it up i feel like such an idiot for wanting to ask my brother-in-law and my dad about it maybe she forgot maybe it just slipped she was dying but i can't deny i'm a little suspicious of her husband and our dad so my mom and dad moved about five hours away from me a few years ago to go and live by the sea recently with everything going on they've started making plans for what they're planning when they're no longer with us so the other night my mom facetimed me because she's been planning all this stuff and asked me if something happened would i look after my 10 year old brother i said of course i would i'd be more than happy to have him come and live with me as a background i'm 25 married with a two-year-old son we live close to my in-laws because to be honest they're brilliant when we're at work they look after him to save us on child care fees and generally help us with a lot of other stuff well this didn't go down well at all my mom instantly shot me down saying i would have to move to their house and live there to make it easier on my brother i said i understand but that's not possible my job and support structure is here i can't just uproot my life if something did happen my mom started getting really angry saying she knew i wouldn't help them and that they would agree with my younger brother 22 to look after my little brother but not to expect anything from them when they die because i won't deserve it i shot back with that's totally fine by me if it comes with strings i don't want or need anything from them my mom then hung up on me now they're not talking to me at all all i've had is a message from my dad saying that they're both extremely disappointed that i couldn't put my little brother first a couple of friends i've told this to have said i'm in the wrong because i'm not willing to help as much as i can and how much this would impact my brothers but i'm still pretty resolute i've done nothing wrong my mom and dad won big ones at a casino around 25 years back one of those once in a lifetime medium level jackpots around 10 000 most of the money went into bills and a few family fun things over the course of a summer however during that time my aunt and a few of my mother's relatives kept bullying her for cash her relatives kept demanding she owed them some of the cash because the casino trip was with them they invited my folks along and drove them so by their logic they were obliged to part of the winnings my aunt on the other hand just kept begging so she could help out with her kids deaths they are very spoiled kids and over the years have run themselves into the ground financially and every time their mother my aunt digs them out my folks never gave in even though my mother's relatives threatened to sue which they didn't and my aunt eventually just moved on after this no one on my mother's side would go with my folks without making it clear that if they won they would get some of the money needless to say my parents never went with them again and for a time went on their own i was really young at the time and used to not having much growing up because we were very poor this cash really did us a service but the things that stand out to me the most are all of the horrible calls my mother and father got about this money and how i found out later on that these people beyond my aunt all made near six-figure incomes they didn't need the money they just wanted it okay so about a year ago my stepfather-in-law inherited four million from a relative who had recently passed from day one of them getting the money my in-laws have acted as if they are the god rockefellers and that they worked their hands to the bone to earn the money neither worked any meaningful jobs and neither held a job for more than five years in their entire lives but so what i avoid them and they avoid me and i'm fine with it now these are not exactly smart people the first thing they did was run out and get a line of credit and started to spend houses cars watches tvs you name it and during this spree of credit fueled shopping they were outbid on a house by a young couple from out of state their reaction and this is no bull stupid millennials probably had to have mommy and daddy give them the money let that soak in two people who inherit millions talking crap about someone else getting their money the same way but anyway back on track i just wanted to illustrate the mindset i'm dealing with so anyway one day my son and i are invited to watch football at their house and i figure what the hell a little boy's day they have arcade machines and a pool table and all kinds of fun things so we head up now granted my son is a rambunctious three-year-old and he gets rough with things sometimes but nothing out of the ordinary for a three-year-old as a matter of fact the only thing he has ever broken was our tv and that was partially my fault because you shouldn't play catch in the house and i know that and we did it anyway but once again back on track so this guy who hopped into the family and wants my kids to treat him like grandpa and all this looks at me and says you better keep him under control i know he doesn't listen and there are things up here you just can't afford to replace now i'm not a rich man but i'm not exactly poor either but i have been dirt poor before i've been homeless and i've seen some crap and bounced back and i do really value what i have and appreciate the work put in and all of that but at the end of the day they are just things if they get broken oh well crap happens move on with your life but this comment just stuck with me the way he said it the implication that my kid was some wild misbehaving troglodyte who couldn't be controlled just sat with me so after this and a few of his mega 2020 catchphrases i was done for the day and headed home disgusted but thankful to no longer be there flash forward to last night my wife gets a phone call it's her mom they are bankrupt the stock market crash has pretty much dried up their monthly income from their investments so with no money coming in and everything they own purchased on a line of credit they are done for i sat in amazement as my wife hung up i was grinning from ear to ear and asked when the next time they would be down was she said she didn't know but asked why i told her that as soon as they walked into the house next time they came that i felt that it was imperative that i relay to my stepfather-in-law that it was now my house that was full of things that he couldn't afford to replace and that he needs to be extra careful but not to worry because if he pulls himself up by his bootstraps he too can one day have a nice three-bedroom home with all the amenities my dad 54 died last month we had a very complicated relationship he had a girlfriend 60 of 19 years but they never married so i'm in the next of kin heir to the estate whatever he and girlfriend had bought a house together the year before she's selling that now but needs to fix something in order to close she was looking into selling his car and found out that technically i own it now so my grandmother calls me to be like hey you need to sign the car over to girlfriend so that she can sell it to fix the house he meant for it to go to her so okay sure the thing is when my great-grandfather died 19 years ago right around the time they got together i was left an inheritance that was meant to be used for college my dad spent all of it taking himself and girlfriend on vacations to the caribbean living off of it as well as his own inheritance that he got i only stayed with him during the summers so it's not like i was enjoying any of this money he never took me shopping never took me on a vacation that wasn't six flags he barely even paid child support they were both complicit in this my uncles aunts and cousins all got their inheritance but my dad and her spent all of mine and i never saw a penny every time my mother would ask about it he'd say something happened to it i don't know it got lost no it never came through no his wife kept everything etc etc he never once admitted to spending it or even acknowledged that it existed i think my mother talked to the family lawyer at one point and they were basically like well it was left under his care so he can do what he wants with it so i kind of want the car it wouldn't be worth much but it would help me pay off my credit card debt enough to be able to finally start a savings i know she needs it to sell the house and i would be burning a huge bridge by doing this but i am really angry when i think about how i'm being told to do the right thing when they did not do the right thing when they spent my money when i was a literal child i don't know what to do it's legally mine she was the one making payments on it so i get that it's her money but she was complicit when he spent all of my money years ago i also hate that she had my grandma call to tell me this instead of doing it herself like a coward i don't know what to do my grandma says this is clearly making me sick well yeah it's dredging up bad memories of when i was stolen from by my family and had to accrue a crap ton of debt to go to college when i could have had a huge leg up so do i do the right thing or do i do what's right for me i found out i might lose my job due to budget cuts and i'm the newest employee i don't have enough savings to be okay without health insurance for possible months i have some health issues that could put me in a deep hole quick i reached out to my grandma and asked if i could maybe have an early inheritance because i need to still be able to make mortgage payments on my condo i bought three years ago it's only worth forty five thousand dollars so not an amazing place but cheaper than renting she replied back thinking i was my sister that she's already helped me i accidentally found out my mom and grandma gave my sister 50 000 to get out of debt last year my sister makes almost twice as mean a year my mom found out and my grandma and mom said there was no more money left to help me and that she's helped me and my sister my grandma gave me four thousand dollars to help with the down payment on my place i also found out my mom bought my stepbrother a nice house when i confronted my mom about this family secret she said every kid is different and gets treated differently i was like yeah but that's a huge difference how does a step kid that came into the family get a house and my sister gets out of debt and i could be losing my job and be told nah sorry there's nothing for you my mom was super angry when i said it's no wonder i don't have a great relationship with family when there are secrets like this i don't get along well with my mom because she is basically a christian nationalist and i'm agnostic and when we talk she talks about the end times and all that drama she basically told me i need to rely on god for help i said i'd hope i could rely on the family god gave me my sister said yeah it isn't fair but she's happy she doesn't have to have this secret anymore but didn't really go to bad for me she said the money comes with strings i wouldn't want i don't know what she meant by that i assume something to do with religion or lifestyle she is agnostic too but pretends to be whatever for our mom in the moment edit more history of my mom and i's relationship growing up when i was growing up she was horrible and would control food in the house and make my sister and i pay for making phone calls gas car insurance buy all of our own clothes pretty much gave us a place to live but we had to ask permission to use the tv or phone my mom didn't slash doesn't work she gets money from my grandpa's businesses he started and dividends from her grandpa's business my sister and i started working young getting paid under the table at a restaurant because we had to buy our own gas to drive when i was younger my mom gave away my dog while i was at school and didn't even let it be a conversation i never got to say goodbye my mom promised we'd go see the family she gave my dog to that was a few hours away we never did when we did take trips that would be near that town i begged my mom to see her till my mom told me to shut up about it i never got over this it completely broke my trust so here's the thing my dad paid for that house for 20 years after he died it was left on me and my mom's name my mom then got off and the house is mine i've been renting it for years but i had some trouble with the last hosts and i had to kick them out my aunt got divorced almost at the same time and she and her daughter needed a place to stay so i rented her the house at a very very low price it's been about a year since that and i really want to sell the house since i'm not making any significant money off of it and i don't feel like dealing with new hosts my mom really wants me to let my aunt buy it and i'd be glad to but she can barely pay the ridiculously low rent i'm asking for right now there's no way she'll ever be able to pay for the house in less than at least another 20 years that just won't do it for me it's a lot of money that i could really use right now i'm willing to give my aunt a few more months so she can find a place to live so it's not like i'm kicking her out without warning still my mom thinks i'm selfish and soulless [Music] you
Channel: ASK GURL
Views: 227,063
Rating: 4.8598385 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit, askwomen, askreddit girls, reddit women, reddit girls, askreddit real voice, reddit stories, justnomil, r/aita, r/tifu, ask gurl, reddit money, reddit inheritance, reddit family, reddit money drama, reddut inheritance drama, reddit brother, reddit toxic brother, reddit entitled siblings, reddit spoiled brother, reddit entitled brother, reddit relationship advice
Id: 8oCVdVcpr5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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