Mother in law shows up after 6 years of no contact because she found out I'm pregnant (Part II)

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[Music] so left for the courthouse and left behind pre-made sandwiches plus snacks in the kitchen for us she talked to just know who she wore better be on her best behavior then she left just no didn't even wait five minutes but she didn't think that my friend was staying behind you all she thought that my friend was giving sue a lift so left in his car and traded keys with him in front of her we heard a knock and friend walked to the door walked out in the hallway and held it shut behind him i heard him very calmly explain that the rules were as followed his words mama rob stays in bed unless she needs my help you are not to disturb mama opus squish stays in the room with opus he is not to leave the room and if he needs to be walked around the house i will wear him and do that you are to stay downstairs unless i call for you at which point you will wait at the top of the stairs if we need lunch or food i will come get it and you can help me by showing me where everything is if we need laundry done so says you're the best at washing clothes for sensitive skin and folding is that right y'all she wasn't expecting it she was pleasant to him and informed him that yes she'd be glad to do laundry he came back in winked at me and handed her the hamper so had filled up he politely asked that she'd do us a favor and wash everything in that way she had something to do to be helpful he sounded like a parent talking to an eight-year-old child jae-in retreated downstairs with the hamper and we didn't see her for about three hours meanwhile i relaxed and nursed squish got him settled down and needed a nap friend agreed to let me sleep a little he sat at the top of the stairs in a beanbag chair he brought he didn't budge an inch every time jn would look like she wanted to come up master bedroom is on the main floor he chew her back downstairs this happened a dozen or so times she texted my dad and so each time about how rude this man was he was awful wouldn't let her come in when i had asked lies and wasn't letting her help laundry she wanted him out of the house dad told her to get away from the stairs don't wake the baby eventually squish woke up and friend came back in to spoil him while i slept some more we didn't have any more issues until lunch where stepmom was trying to come upstairs to ask what we wanted friend went outside the bedroom and explained so left sandwiches we didn't need a cooked meal those are enough stepmom threw a temper tantrum and got on him about how she's just trying to be helpful she was so loud friend tells me she looked like a mad teenager so he treated her like one he waited till stepmom paused to take a breath and he went off he quietly told her she was being disrespectful loud and rude he said he didn't care if it was her house her husband gave him explicit instructions no one bothers up also that's why he was here my dad never spoke to him this was a big bluff he said march downstairs and give me a hand with making lunch if you're lucky maybe at some point in the next few months you'll be allowed to do anything else with squish stepmom gave up she stopped throwing temper tantrums and texting my dad she went into her room and shut the door friend grabbed us some lunch and as a reward i'll let him hold squish and take cutesy photos for him to brag with he's single and i figure being a cute as the adopted uncle would give him brownie points so came home at three my friend left and gave the rundown on the old hack haunting the downstairs and let us know his apartment was available to us if we needed it so hasn't seen her since dad came home an hour ago and only then did we give them permission to come upstairs and see squish and just no didn't even want to hold him she just had cbf and went back downstairs my dad apologized for her and said he'd deal with her since then we haven't heard from either of them just our tiny family all curled up in bed watching tv i'm sleeping so much better and feel so much better ppt is hard but friend in this community have helped a lot here's to hoping right just gets nabbed in the next few days no news on her yet she's been found she's arrested she's actually done my mill righteous rambles is currently at our county jail we have not had any contact with the police beyond we have her we don't know if she has any additional charges we can go home in the morning i can leave just no stepmother and my dad pack up my baby and finally go home i was hoping she'd be caught earlier but i won't complain that she's finally been found when i find out more information i will update it here thank you all so much for your support and advice i still have a ways to go but hopefully everything calms down immensely update i have news we are currently at our house i'm in my own bed with freshly washed sheets and my sew is currently cooking in her kitchen we spoke to the district attorney earlier who let us know she was found via a dui stop she was apparently drunk as hell so she's got currently failure to appear felony misdemeanor for violating and restraining order dui and evading arrest apparently she tried to run and didn't get very far she was about four miles from her house headed in our direction the arresting officer reported that she said she was headed here to beat god's word into us and to save the baby by taking him home to her house i'm very grateful she's been found just no stepmother and my dad helped us move back home we only had two bags but my dad wanted to help he asked just no stepmother to help him cook us breakfast and when the call came in from the district attorney he asked us to put it on speaker when he mentioned what mill had said just no stepmother looked very shocked she gave a half apology for her behavior but it's a step forward mill has a court date in several weeks but she's currently in county lockup mill will not be getting out on bail anytime soon and when they update her docket with the new charges we can go to the judge to talk to him about our restraining order we've decided we will be seeking a do not contact for ellen mill since they are fm so i fall hurt myself and so decides to rush me to the hospital because i'm bleeding from my delicates pretty hard the doctor in the emergency room was pretty worried about my head as well as the delicate bits i have a concussion and with needing new stitches i'm going to be here for a two days my blood pressure is super low so they are going to monitor that and run some tests anyways i'm not mad about it i've been feeling pretty physically weak and just getting into the wheelchair from our car made me want to pass out low will be staying in my room while i'm here since he's ebf just no strip mother found out that we were here and rushed to help my dad has gone on a work trip and trust me we've already decided to go no contact with the woman after this she showed up and got allowed back to our spot in the emergency room where she promptly asked what happened so explained that i had fallen after slipping on the floor that i was fine but they were going to keep me for a few days so also said we didn't need her help and that she could go home well just no stepmother promptly told us that it was fine which is weird she'd just need to go to our house to pick up those particulars i asked her why and just no stepmother told me flatly that lo would be heading home with her she said that the hospital would not let us keep him overnight and that he'd be better off with grandma than with his mother's we said no obviously the hospital said he could stay overnight because we're breastfeeding just no stepmother rolled her eyes and told me that breastfeeding is useless i'm going to make him into a pervert and she's taking him to her house she also said we are terrible mothers because lo should have been dropped off at her house when we were on the way to the hospital it was stupid of us to bring him we should be thinking of his safety it's a hospital and that she's the safer choice at the moment so paige to nurse and ask the nurse to have security remove this woman from our emergency room at the point the nurse who did hear this whole tirade from just no stepmother grabbed just no stepmother by the arm and dragged her away the entire time just no stepmother is yelling cussing and throwing a temper tantrum because it isn't right to have a baby here overnight and he belongs at home where it's quiet the amazonian goddess of a nurse that led her out of the emergency room and apparently had no problem physically removing her her name is really she's a gorgeous soul security comes back and asks for information on just no stepmother saying she was out in the parking lot threatening to call the police because we were keeping her grand baby from her and it wasn't fair we sign a few papers and they go outside to force her off the property basically she's not allowed in we turned our phones off and also asked to be removed from the hospital's directory before we were moved to a different room haven't bothered to look at my phone it's not worth it to see her freaking out my mother came by earlier and when we explained what happened she flat out told us just no stepmother was a tea and an embarrassment we took some cutesy photos and as mom was leaving she told us very bluntly that she wasn't going to allow just no stepmother as family functions anymore and that we should mention that to dad dad would be more than welcome to attend as the two of them split amicably and dad is a very sweet man but just no stepmother has won the prize of never seeing low at a family event ever again i'm fairly new to this thing so i feel like my story is not even half as crazy as some of these also forgive my formatting i'm on mobile my mom is the just know in our family she's overbearing and completely narcissistic with that being said i love her daily my dear husband and i found out we're expecting our first little one in june and my mom is already having trouble with boundaries her and my dad came to visit when i was about six weeks pregnant and at the time i was not showing the first baby and felt disgusting all the time i asked my mom to please not touch my stomach because i didn't feel good and didn't want to be touched so she does pretty well until we are all sitting in the kitchen she comes up and asks for a hug we don't see them often dear husband and i are military and we live out of state as she's going in for her hug both her hands divert directly to my stomach i yelled at her to get away from me and she freaks out you're not making this pregnancy fun for me how dare you that's my grandbaby and continues on with how i'm being completely unreasonable and rude to her my dad bless him moves her away from me and tells her that she was asked not to touch me and it's her fault she got yelled at a week or so later i called and i brought up that we were thinking of hiring a dollar she then mentioned that as soon as school's out she's a teacher she wants to head down here to be here for the birth i politely tell her that isn't necessary because we are probably hiring a dollar and we don't want visitors until we get settled in at home with a brand new baby she starts pouting about how i want a complete stranger at the birth of her first grandbaby and not my own mother i tell her that if she was there i know she would make it all about her and i don't want to deal with that while i'm pushing a baby out of me she gets super upset and starts asking about when i will be allowing her to visit and if we are inviting mill out of the birth i tell her no we are not inviting anyone and that i will let them know when the time comes closer when we want people here dear husband and i are going to invite them all out for the same amount of time and for the same days so my mom doesn't feel like she's getting shorted on her time with the baby she's not going to be happy because she's going to have to share but we are going to tell her that those other dates take them or leave them the last thing happened today i had shared with her a post about a baby who got kissed on the face and got cold sores all over his little toes from someone who probably had a cold sore while they were visiting with him my mom calls me and tells me how horrible that is and she couldn't even imagine i agree and said that's why dear husband and i will be the only ones kissing the baby everyone else can keep their lips to themselves she then says well you dear husband and the grandparents no just me and dear husband well that might be an issue then cause you can't stop me from kissing my grandbaby yes i can because if you do kiss him her after i've told you not to you won't be allowed to visit we'll see about that click am i overreacting or do i have a justiano on my hands if i do what should i do i spoke too soon about my mill being sane my husband is very family oriented his mom is his world and personally i think it's kind of weird but that's a different topic my husband's little sister is a senior in high school she struggled with school but finally got her act together and is going to get to graduate with her class my husband knows how important the graduation is to her but i'll be 38 ish weeks pregnant with our first baby i told my husband it wasn't a good idea for him to go but his mom convinced him that you always go 40-plus weeks with your first child i had to take my husband to a doctor's appointment with me to have the op tell him that isn't true he talked to his mom and said he doesn't think it's a good idea for him to leave me alone y'all yeah mom i don't think i'm going to go it's too close to baby time well honey i completely understand but i'm not sure your sister will she's really looking forward to you coming and you're going to devastate her it's just too close to ops due date and i don't want her to go into labor all alone well honey she has friends she'll probably be in labor for days you'd have time to fly back excuse me i have friends but that doesn't mean i want my husband five states away when i'm pushing out his kid she's too damn much so i'm moving back to my home state from my husband's home state because dear husband not sure what to call him atm and i are doing a trial separation we both just kinda need to get our [ __ ] together but that's another story so i was talking to him about his relationship with his mom and how i don't want her to use him as a financial crutch anymore and he agreed it's an issue but he doesn't know how to say no because that's who raised him when she's broke she asks him for money she pays him back but it's still annoying because he will be irresponsible and have us go without to help her it's part of the reason we are separating for a bit we were on facetime while he was on lunch at work and well i guess his sister overheard me and him talking and told his mom so she's pissed at me we are currently living with mill and sil so my plan was while they were taking the baby to visit his grandparents my dad who flew out to help me make the three-day drive back and i were going to come to her place to pack and make sure i got everything well she pulled dear husband aside while he was taking the dogs out and told him how dare i even make a comment about her finances and i'm absolutely not allowed to be at the house alone under any circumstances so she's basically making dear husband choose between her and me by making him either stand up to her or make [ __ ] harder on me they had a pretty bad codependent relationship and he still really struggles sometimes because she manipulates and guilts him into her having her way she is a grown ass woman with two 18 plus kids her ex-husband still pays 700 plus a month in child support and she works a full-time salary job she has her priorities extremely wrong always has hers and sills nails done has her hair done lives in the best apartments in town they never have any groceries or cook at home cause she can't really cook so they eat out everyday kind of thing so when things come up needing a new battery in her car paying the phone bill or the electric bill and she short she runs to her son to lend her money i'm hoping this separation will give him a chance to see that it's either her or us for a lack of a better phrase and he can't help her out of every little thing because we have expenses too and she should learn to be more responsible i can't believe how petty she has been and i'm a firm believer in if you don't treat me right you have no right to be around my kid am i wrong for wanting to delete her and sell off social media make them ask dear husband for photos so if you read my last post lo and i moved away from dear husband and mel after that whole situation with her saying i wasn't allowed in her home without her there i decided that if she wants to treat me like crap then she doesn't get to screenshot all the photos i post of lo when i post her on instagram or snapchat she screen records or screenshots everything so she's off all my social media and it's all pretty locked down about a week after we left dear husband said she asked if it would be okay to contact me and ask for a photo of low buddy thankfully said no and because of her behavior he knows i don't want her contacting me period so she hasn't seen a photo or a video of my daughter in a few weeks well yesterday was facetiming dear husband and all of a sudden in the back i hitched so cute from mill dear husband had headphones on so she couldn't have heard her so i think she's been peeking over his shoulder to sneak peeks at her i told him absolutely not and if she can't keep from looking then him and i can no longer facetime and i'll just have to send him photos and videos am i overreacting should i be letting mill see photos of our daughter should i stop facetiming dear husband i don't want mill having contact with lo because when she gets a little older who knows what she'll say about me and today the topic came up of if we both died who would get custody and i said well your mom would never and i could tell it hurt his feelings and he was upset i don't know if i'm doing the right thing being no contact [Music] help [Music] you
Channel: Ask Girl
Views: 32,354
Rating: 4.9272728 out of 5
Keywords: reddit girl, reddit mil, reddit money, reddit mother in law, justnomil, jnmil, r/justnomil, reddit justnomil, r/askreddit, r/girl, r/mil, r/money, r/motherinlaw, r/, askreddit girl, reddit, askreddit mil, askreddit mother in law, askreddit justnomil
Id: CobfzBlpxZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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