Mother in law in the wild

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[Music] [Music] our apartments are pretty nice meant to help people who don't make enough to afford housing but make too much to qualify for aid it's mostly young families and older couples in our neighborhood cul-de-sac of four apartment buildings each with two floors four apartments on each floor so each building holds eight apartments total some have two bedrooms some three some one our apartment building is two bedrooms anyway onto the story last night i wasn't feeling super great so i had my husband run down to my car for me to grab my purse and take some garbage out the walls aren't crazy thin but the hallways echo and if the door is open you can hear pretty much anything said outside of an apartment and sometimes outside of the building if the front door is open hubby walls the trash out grabs my purse and is holding the door open for an older woman he thought maybe seventies that he had never seen before this woman side dies him and comments that the purse doesn't really go with his outfit he laughs it off states he is just getting it for his wife wishes her a nice night it's probably around seven or eight p.m at this point not too late for a visit but kind of ify if the people you are visiting work early mornings apparently she was there to see our neighbors across the hall i have only met them no more than 10 times in the year we have lived here they are an older gay couple with an even older dog and i'm a sahm with a little kid our paths just don't really cross you know we have seen each other enough to say hi in the parking lot but not enough to feel comfortable inviting them over for mimosas yet that has since changed i'm going to be asking them to brunch tomorrow because damn their night sucked anyway this bee starts pounding on the door loud enough i heard it while putting my daughter to sleep with our door closed and her room door closed then we hear the screaming again not paper thin walls here i know you are both in there living in sin i just want to talk to you why won't you answer the door for your mother no answer i'm pretty sure the one guy was already at work and i know the other works at like 5 a.m so he was probably already asleep this goes on for another 10 minutes maybe i got my kiddo to sleep commented that i was surprised the guy's dog hadn't started barking and my husband who has had more interaction with the neighbors said the dog was pretty deaf so she was probably sleeping too we had just started discussing calling the police because duck no were we getting in the middle of that when another neighbor who also works pretty early opens her door what the duck is wrong with you get out of here if they wanted to talk to you they would have now go away some of us have to work in the morning then this gem drops from someone's awful mill my new church pastor says he can cure these two of their wicked ways i'm trying to do jesus work here they can be good of this demon that has possessed them both and i saw it guys the perfect opportunity i opened the door and said i'm going to be doing lewis work and throw water on you if you don't get out of here i'm also going to be calling the cops leave now cue the cbf and discovery down the stairs i'm baking some muffins today for an ape lady and inviting the guys to brunch this weekend those poor dudes edit because sentence was weird also no keys required to get inside building mailboxes are inside etc so didn't just let random person into our building he was being polite in holding open an unlocked door for crazy lady update i'm not sure what happened to my post but i just copied it and i'm placing it here guys gals and everybody slash thing in between grab a drink it's gonna be good llama noms you need something hefty to wash it down okay so i heard guy get home and then i hear him leave with dog there is nobody else home on our floor right now due to vacancies and work schedules so i'm not worried about being overheard i reintroduce myself and i ask if he is aware that had an attempted visitor last night cue confused look and then the saddest most defeated look i have ever seen on a person ever as i describe said visitor as seventy ish gray shirley temple haircut annoyingly screechy voice and a need to threaten cop intervention and a hosing for her to leave he sighs with a slight tremble duck she found us again oops sorry for the language i laugh say no apology necessary and could we talk for a couple minutes my little one is okay for me to stand outside my door for 10 minutes and that's all this is going to take he just nods and is quiet and so i start talking my best thing i apologize that we didn't send her packing sooner but stayed that neighbor lady and i did indeed get her gone and i for one have no problem doing it again he just nods then shakes his head we are going to have to move she will be so bad we will get kicked out again i meet his eyes tell him no he won't and remind him to call the property manager he isn't the first to have this problem and i'm sure won't be the last just let them know i have no problem screaming over her crazy and calling the cops on her and he has friends in us then i invited them to sunday brunch you know because us jesus hating heathens have to stick together said with a wink he finally smiled and i told him i threatened to dump water on her but i was a little afraid she might melt into the floor that got a laugh so he and his not yet husband are coming over for brunch and i'm sure i will have stories part 3 anyway b came back last night again no one answered no dog barking etc neighbor lady came out again as did i as the millis trying to find out who lives in the apartment alaro i'm so sorry we seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot do you know if so and so or what's his name live here neighbor lady yelled to gtfo and slammed the door in her face i acted like i had to think about it while my husband under the guise of taking more trash out went downstairs he already had looked up the non-emergency line for our police and had it ready to go he also went downstairs took a video of her car in our parking lot and a picture of a license plate so as i'm stalling her he comes back up asks us to smile and took a picture of her and i together and then went back inside i had been letting her ramble about how her son was possessed by some wicked demon and this other man just used him and that she has been dealing with this for 20 years yada yada yada i took a deep breath and told her that i thought she was despicable i don't know who she is looking for but she needs to stay away we have everything we need at this point for the cops to intervene and to have a good night the face was amazing just like she couldn't figure out why we weren't helping her and i shut my door locked it and we emailed the pics to ourselves as well as the video husband gets off early today so he is going to go next door and explain what happened our property manager is still gone until monday or tuesday and we don't want to call the cops until we know what neighbor guys want we will be suggesting a cheap video camera at least on their door and explain that we will be sticking up for them and that this isn't their fault we will also be printing or sending them the stuff we got last night part 4 guys guys you won't believe this [ __ ] this be our mail comes anywhere between 11 and 1 depending on packages i'm expecting something from amazon so i head down at 11 to see if it's there yet my three-year-old lives mail so i had to sneak it in if i could because it's a christmas gift anyway she was hanging around the mailboxes she looks up sees me on the stairs and books it to the car my hubby took a pic of last night so now we know it's hers i went outside to see if the melody was there because i know exactly what she was doing she wanted to see what names were in the mail since the box only has a last name and i'm guessing it isn't her sons i see the old bat hunched down in the car seat behind the wheel like i can't see her the stupid woman i make that motion you know two fingers at my eye to you thing on mobile so can't link but moms know what i'm talking about i can see you and i'm watching you i see mail lady and she comes in we have talked before i say the lady out there is trying to see the names on the mail and could she just exercise a little caution she laughs says oh hell yes i will be sure to let the sub no too i say we are going to try to have this avoided next week but we still have three days of delivery at least she is cool with it i walk mail lady out the door and wave and smile at mill she gets a furious look and screeches out of the parking spot hubby gets home in a few hours and he will be sure to give them an update i'm going to recommend a p.o box for a few months just until she can't come around anymore this is three days of crazy showing up and row shouldn't be out of the question part five she ducking called the cops on me she doesn't know we have a kid at home but she called and said i was on some kind of drug and chasing people out of the apartment building cops got here and my three yo was a little star struck they sat down i offered water or tea they declined explained why they were there and i started to laugh i said other than main lining coffee i have no drugs i asked if they could describe the person who reported me they said no it was anonymous and over the phone so i went ahead and filled them in on the whole debacle i even showed them pics in the video and explained the mail thing eyebrows were raised but no comments except a long whistle i stated my husband would be home in a little while and that we were going to talk to the neighbors then about what has been happening i also suggested they call the male people because i had spoken to the carrier this morning then i just had a feeling you know where this feels like a setup and that something would happen so i asked an officer to accompany me out the door we have two sets of stairs one leading from one door the front and one from the back i asked the one to go down the back and walk to the front and just stay right out of sight i would bet dollars to doughnuts she is out there in the car i asked the other to walk out the front with me while my kiddo stayed inside the apartment in her room nap time saved my ass for once because she never naps but willingly went down the one officer was already outside watching from around the corner when the other came down with me he got in the car and started to drive away as soon as he was out of sight she drove her car right up to the parking spot he justificated got out and started screaming at me i don't know what she said as all i could do was just laugh and laugh you guys she pushed me as she started spitting in my face because she was screaming so much and the cop came around the corner of the building and arrested her i'm pressing charges for assault we are having the cops come back tonight so they can get acquainted with the neighbors they wouldn't tell me specifics but they did say she has a bench warrant out and she also popped up on a missing person case so i'm assuming she managed to get away from her handlers the car had to be towed and i'm having a piece of cake and a beer for my super hard work lol edu to at thanks for the gold and also i'm not a superhero i like to think everyone who has had a shitty experience with a parent or in-law would do the same just trust your gut i wouldn't have confronted her like that if i didn't have other people around keep yourself safe and don't go looking for trouble part six okay so we just had a 45 minute sit down with neighbor guys i'm going to call them ng neighbor guy and ng's husband ngh for simplicity okay so we started with sorry our kid is attacking your dog do you have some food i can let me kid think his treats because she wants to give your pet treats and the noms began at least for the dog and my llama so we went through everything that happened and they were quiet they also served us a fantastic tea maybe lavender in it i must get some anyway when we showed them the picture ng began to cry i mean quiet but tears streaming when i explained about the mail ngh got pissed got up was pacing and pounding one fist into the other open palm when i said she called the cops on me they both were startled enough to start tripping over their words apologies attempts at explanations etc i waved it off i grinned i got to tell them she had been arrested ng started crying again this time loudly so i explained i did not need any background if they didn't want to i told them the officers would be back at seven which is a couple hours and suggested they both be home for it they have taken off today tomorrow and saturday for one of them so they can be home while this all gets figured out i explained about the cheap cameras documenting the works i asked about in row i suggested we talked to the property manager tuesday all four of us i vowed that her actions would not be reflected on them and that we have been here a whole year with nari a problem this isn't on them it's on her ng begins the story starting by saying that the mill isn't a mill at all she is his aunt when he was born his mother was 20 and she was 28 and had just found out that she was unable to have children they don't know if it was a husband or her but something was going on she cracked she walked into the nursery which you could totally do back in the day and walked out with him as a two-day-old newborn his mom and dad moved him repeatedly and aunt would always find him when he came out as gay both his parents totally supported him aunt wrote him a letter expressing her dismay that he would never father her any grandchildren clearly the delusion is strong with this one the last place they lived at was a very posh very nice town house they were in the process of renting to own when art showed up she apparently had been released from another mental facility and somehow knew exactly where to find them i guessed a family member had told her but ngh insists she has skills at getting info from all sorts of sources so it was probably something else he stated that both of their families despise this aunt as she had pulled some other shady [ __ ] since the baby napping incident it's also why they haven't gotten married yet they want a completely drama-free event and are waiting until she dies she rammed her car into their garage door and broke all the windows on the lower floor next door town house included she turned the hose on and pushed it through a window and let it flood anyway the whole that actually owned the property evicted them kept their deposit and did some other shoddy stuff so they are in litigation with them at the moment still because it took them six months to find a lawyer who would represent them against this hoar im guessing other lawyers live there so that was considered a conflict of interest this ice into large metropolitan area and college town means crap renters rights to be honest they have lived here for two years aunt has been in and out of mental facilities apparently she was released and they were not notified they had a row at the town house but forgot to update it when they moved because they had been fighting the move and everything they will have the officers update it they are happy to talk to the property manager with us and we are still doing brunch on sunday they were both very reluctant to talk about anything and i'm not going to push so this will be my last update hope all your llamas don't get to my hatches part 7 okay so we just finished our visit with the police we don't have to do anything she is being held on all the trajec without our compellent because the cops saw her she stole her caretaker's car which was not reported until caretaker came back after a vacation yesterday i believe temp agency did not know about the car as normal xretica lives a block away and aunt only has the mental health person there part-time a family member is supposed to be the rest of the time a cousin actually who accidentally left an address book lying around at some point that's how ann got the address said cousin has also not been checking up on aunt apparently there is a matthews issue there police left after getting info 4-0 advising us to call if we see her she will not be released as she started threatening suicide and is now watching the local hospital they will be sending her back to her previous mental health care facility until lawyers figure it all out also advised me in particular to avoid her if i see her as she made some pretty serious threats against me okay so here's where actual mama comes in the cops left they called ng mom and told her what they were told mom was terrified for her 40-plus year-old son and his partner she asked to be out and speak a phone she thanked me profusely said that it was the first time any neighbors had ever stepped up other neighbor lady is getting a gift basket we refused and just asked them to be in the pastries on sunday apparently aunt has kidnapped ng at least 12 times in his life starting when he was two days old she would disappear with him for a day or two then come back like nothing happened it stopped once he was about four or five and able to say no mean it and run away from her then mom dropped this bombshell aunt did have a child who was taken by the state and she didn't know about this at all said cousin was being starved as an infant because she refused to use formula and breastfeeding wasn't enough this happened when mom was 15 or so and the birth was very botched leading to being infertile she begged me to protect my family and hers by calling the police whenever anything strange happened so now we are hoping to meet everyone for the 4th of july weekend or whatever [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Girl
Views: 17,053
Rating: 4.9141326 out of 5
Keywords: reddit mil, reddit mother in law, reddit wedding, reddit girl, reddit, reddit marriage, mother in law, crazy mother in law, r/ mil, r/ girl, r/ wedding, r/ pregnancy, r/, r/askreddit, askreddit, askreddit mil, mil, askreddit pregnant, askreddit girl
Id: TfSK_4oqQsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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