Mother in law gives adults only magazine to my son (Part II)

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[Music] edit i believe we are going with stench as a name for this disgusting creature my mill hopefully [ __ ] but we'll be able to help out with this but for those who didn't see my last two posts my family is going through the worst weekend ever after we discovered that mill tried and thankfully failed to give my underage son p to answer some questions yes the police are involved yes we've spoken to a lawyer yes allocs are changed and our house is secure yes she will never ever lay her eyes let alone anything else on any of my children again as for us there are five of us in this mess myself my husband our twin girls t1 and t2 who are older teens and son who is in his mid-teens now i originally described mill as a bad smell in mine and husband's marriage because even when she's not around we are always vaguely aware of her presence today i'm starting to get that feeling again in a big way even though we've not heard a peep out of her since husband dreamed her out via voice a mail on friday so we spend most of friday evening trying to do damage limitation calling the lawyer and the police and trying to contact our social worker my son is adopted and has issues so we have a lot of involvement from social services to support him saturday was a continuation of that and today we are trying to be at least partially normal even though i don't think that's really possible with everything that's going on for me this whole thing has affected me so badly that i actually lost track of days and thought today was monday i even got up at six and tried to get husband to get up and help me sort out the kids he looked at me as if i was nuts and told me to go back to sleep and we ended up having a bit of a row about it until he convinced me that it was actually sunday i feel quite bad about it but the kids thought it was hilarious when husband told them anyway on to the smell yesterday afternoon we got a couple of random high how are you style texts from people we know not friends just acquaintances from church and things like that we didn't go to church today so it would make more sense if they'd been in touch today to ask where we were but no this was on saturday now husband and i have nothing against people getting in touch for no reason but it seemed that more than one of them would have the idea to get in touch on the same day so close to such a horrible incident in our family's life husband and i agreed that these people are fishing for information and hence must have heard something from mill that makes them think that drama is afoot we didn't reply to any of these messages in case anybody is wondering because we have much more important things to think about about an hour ago i got a missed phone call from mill's sister ale ale lives a long way away from us and we don't really see her very often because of the distance i have never had much of an issue with her because frankly i don't really know her all that well even husband has never had much contact with her over the years so i listened to the voice email left it was painfully mundane in a way that makes my skin crawl she was just calling to say hi she wanted to know if she could borrow our bread making machine sometime because she's been reading recipes on making bread she hopes son whom she's spoken to maybe twice in his life is doing okay at the moment and isn't being a problem for us sounds pretty innocent right only why would a woman who lives three hours away by car want to borrow a ducking bread maker from us it would cost her more in petrol to come and get it than it would to buy a new one at argus how does she even know that we have one mill knows my friends she tried to borrow it once but it was too big for her to sneak out of the house without being noticed and why the duck is she asking me about son when she has never showed any interest in his life at all why not ask after the girls my twins as well right because that call wasn't really for male at all i could practically feel the stench pouring out of the phone while i was listening and i'm 100 convinced that miller's using her sister to try and scope out what's going on i believe mill has already had a visit from the police telling her to leave us alone so already knows we've contacted them my gut feeling is that she is trying to gauge how much [ __ ] she is in read a lot and thought either myself or husband would spill our hearts to a woman we really only see at family events like funerals husband is currently out of the house with sun and t1 and t2 because in our family it takes four people to visit a hardware store and then pick up chinese food for dinner husband is actually out buying some stuff for a security system for the front and back doors and i suspect the kids are all eager to have a say in it i sent t1 a text asking her to tell husband that his aunt called and not to answer the phone if she rings him too t1 sent a message back saying husband thinks his phone is in his sock draw why but if he does hear it ringing he'll ignore it currently my plan is to add ale to the restraining order that we are applying for i have no idea if that's legal or possible since all she has done is ring us and not say anything about what's going on but if miller's trying to conjure up some flying monkeys then there's no way we are going to let them know anything in the meantime i'm lying on the sofa enjoying some very rare peace and quiet something that pretty much never happens in this house even at the best of times so things are happening and a lot is going on right now i will make a proper update when i can but at the moment everything is really up in the air i'm pleased to report however that we have had no more contact from stench's flying monkeys and the woman herself is worryingly nowhere to be seen we are now 99 sure that she has fled the area and may be staying with her sister but nothing is certain as i said i will post a proper update soon and if [ __ ] but can't catch you up you can find my other posts under my username so this is definitely beck most of my dealings with stench are to be honest and some of them are really quite vague and mundane this one stands out though because it was a complete what the duck moment and it still lurks me even to this day so this little fail happened a few years ago not long after stench moved to the area neither husband or i were entirely thrilled that she decided to move to the same town as us but at the time it was a mild annoyance and she wasn't being too much of a problem about a month after she moved we invited her over for a roast dinner because it's a sunday tradition and we try to be nice people i cooked all of it normally husband would help but son hadn't slept much the night before and was needing a lot of attention so husband was on child duty and i was cooking stranger things have happened stench turned up 45 minutes earlier than we'd asked her to and decided to spend her time loitering with me in the kitchen trying to tell me about her married neighbor that she quite liked the look of she occasionally asked me if she could help but if i tried to take her up on the offer she didn't seem to hear me that was very annoying but we managed to get everything to the table and sat down to eat it was roast chicken because at the time son would only eat chicken as a meat option stench complained that she had been hoping for lamb which was out of season then looked incredibly confused when husband explained that son only eats chicken and we'd rather all have a meal that everybody can enjoy then her phone rings a polite person would ignore it or make some excuse stench just hopped right up to take the call and left the room so she could talk loudly to one of her friends about how she really can't talk because family dinner they then proceed to carry on talking for about 20 minutes now family meals in our house have always been fairly dynamic and we don't exactly eat fast when stench returned to the table myself and son still had meat on our plates and the others had not long finished this the girls normally have second helpings of veggies so lunch was far from over stench says nothing when she comes back just grabs her plate and walks out to the kitchen i assume that she wanted to reheat it in the microwave which is understandable but no we all hear a funny scraping sound and the very distinct sound of the metal bin lid closing itself a few moments later stench comes back in with a completely new plate of food new clean plate newly carved chicken newly spooned vegas more gravy she then sat down with a really glum expression on her face and complained that there were no more roast potatoes she had four of the damn things on her plate before but for some reason had chosen to throw them away husband asks her what the duck she was doing throwing out perfectly good food and she gives us both this really vacant blank look like her brain has stopped working for a few seconds then says you can't eat chicken that's been left out you'll get salmonella now that may be true if it's been out for hours but it's not true if the chicken has only just been dished up from a freshly roasted bird and is still warm on the plate and let's not forget this seemly lethal meat is the exact same meat that she just carved herself another helping of from a bird that was also sitting out just on the baking tray in the kitchen husband explained that she was wrong that it was the same damn meat and told her that she just wasted perfectly good food over nothing he was furious because he is always really aware of food wastage and hate it stench and ate in silence for the rest of the meal she left after pudding without even saying goodbye to husband just completely blanked him and fled at the first opportunity later she sent him a [ __ ] text complaining that he had humiliated her in front of me and son once again omitting the girls and that she wanted an apology husband texted a reply saying he wanted the potato she had wasted nothing was ever said about it again which i consider to be a win for husband after that husband and i agreed that we would no longer have her over for dinner because we didn't want the kids and son in particular to get any funny ideas about food poisoning or wasting food so we started going to a local country on a sunday instead and immediately discovered that not having to do a ton of cooking and washing up on a sunday is awesome whether or not you have a crazy melon toe the twins still remember this meal incidentally and will sometimes taunt each other by hissing you'll get salmonella at each other if they leave anything unattended for more than a few seconds we can't get a restraining order on stench until she is formally charged with something stench can't be formally charged with anything until the police have spoken to her and questioned her the police can't speak to stench because she has done a runner my initial reaction to this is that somebody with nothing to hide would not go on the run just because their son yelled at them on the phone because of this husband and i are deeply concerned that this may not be the first time she has acted inappropriately although we are fairly certain that our son hasn't been the target of this luckily sun's behavior growing up means that he has never ever been left alone with stench this was not always deliberate just the way things worked out between her visits and his needs she did used to ask if she could have him overnight or babysit him when he was younger but it husband and i always said no because we thought she wouldn't be able to cope with his behavior and we knew he wouldn't cope with being away from the family home i cannot fully express how happy i am now that we made those choices back then despite that we are not being complacent son already has therapy regularly and we have informed his therapist about what's going on on the off chance that he shows any signs of a son has also been interviewed by the police as they are understandably concerned that she may have tried something like this before we also informed son social worker and she was outraged and has also spoken to son son isn't enjoying any of this because it's embarrassing for him and it's upsetting his usual routines so he has been on his worst behavior uncooperative and surly he's also had some fairly impressive meltdowns and is currently out of school because of it his school is aware of what's happening and has been very good but there are limits to what they can handle now in the past there were two incidents that would have lead husband and i to go completely no contact with stench and i will write about each of them later but we were talked down from that by social services and so on therapist these incidents happened when sun was a lot younger and neither of them were in any way yes sun has attachment disorder and we were told in no uncertain terms that even though stench had behaved appallingly son would be more distressed by her being cut out of his life than by having her still in it we listen to that advice even though we now regret it when we spoke to sons current social worker i brought up the fact that we had wanted this woman out of our lives years ago and the social worker took that to heart so now we are also undergoing an investigation from social services to see if their advice was appropriate in practical terms that means i'm going through several tons of paperwork and asking us lots of questions i don't think the investigation is a bad idea and i know they can't really delay it now that a problem has been identified but with everything else that is happening it's a lot of stress that husband and i and the kids really don't need right now other things we have done installed security cameras this has turned into husband's pet project he has a basic system in place but is still looking for better cameras and solutions as he calls them i believe he's also been lurking around home defense contacted every single place we could think of where stench might try to contact us or the kids this includes schools doctors specialist clinics therapists everything was password locked anyway but now we've changed all the passwords too and warned them not to give out information via phone to anybody with a female voice so now husband has to do all the contacting instead of me but we'll live sent an email to the local vicar informing him that there is a legal issue going on between us and stench and that the police would like to speak to her we have been intentionally vague since we know she tried to recruit some fm's from the local parish but we've made it clear that we won't be back to church until we know that she has spoken to the police we have not yet had a reply we contacted husband's relatives by email to tell them that stench is not welcome in our home and that if they see her they ought to either contact the police or encourage her to speak to the police herself we are 99 certain that stench is currently staying with or close to husband's aunt stench's sister we have no proof other than the fact that the aunt contacted us out of the blue the other day asking odd questions we have already told the police this and given them the answer dress but that's all we can do one of husband's cousins on his mother's side has two boys who are a bit younger than son husband sent the cousin another email going into more detail about what happened and warning the cousin not to allow stench near his kids until this has all been resolved cousin replied basically saying what the duck but also said that he was asked on wednesday about helping a relative move house on short notice he said he wouldn't be able to help we think it might have been stench husband and i are booked in for counseling together but it's been hard to find the time between juggling everything that's going on we have offered the same to the girls and i'm especially encouraging t2 to talk to somebody since she is taking this much harder than t1 so far neither are interested but the offer will always be open sadly they are slightly too old for me to force them into it we managed to speak to phil we managed to meet up with him on friday for a proper talk and first of all he is ducking furious as we all are we asked him specifically about why he bailed out of his relationship with stench and why he took husband with him husband was about 10 rather than leaving him with his mother it came down to this phil was really uncomfortable with how stench was parenting husband when phil was away for work there was nothing expressly overt just some odd behavior that he really didn't like he said it was like an instinct that told him not to let it go on so he packed up and moved husband as far away from her as he could husband asked him why he never spoke about it or warned us and phil said it was because he could never prove anything and never saw anything that was actually her and he didn't want to put poisonous ideas into husband's head if there was actually nothing going on half of me understands completely and the other half wants to smack him in the face for keeping quiet if husband is happy for me to share the details later then i will but it's his childhood so it's also his choice neither husband or myself have slept properly since this happened sun is now back to being hyper vigilant and has been alternating between deliberately staying awake all night or sleeping downstairs on the sofa with the tv on we got him a camera to monitor his bedroom door but that doesn't seem to be helping much right now i suspect time and therapy will be the only things that will undo this damage so that's more or less where we are right now i have a ton of beck and other assorted stories to share and i will get around to them all at some point in the meantime all we can do is hope that stench either hands herself in for questioning at this stage we don't even know if she will be charged but i certainly hope she will be or that somebody turns her in meanwhile my family is left to suffer through the [Music] fallout [Music] you
Channel: Ask Girl
Views: 14,238
Rating: 4.958549 out of 5
Keywords: reddit girl, reddit mil, reddit money, reddit mother in law, justnomil, jnmil, r/justnomil, reddit justnomil, r/askreddit, r/girl, r/mil, r/money, r/motherinlaw, r/, askreddit girl, reddit, askreddit mil, askreddit mother in law, askreddit justnomil
Id: P2TQucv5dwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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