Entitled aunt demands my mother to exchange daughters

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[Music] okay recently it was Mother's Day and I was talking to mom on skype to wish her happy day and celebrate with her when we talk about this again I must clarify English is not my first language for which I apologize if there are mistakes a long time ago more than 20 years ago my mother had just joined my father and his family she was a very hardworking person she studied and worked in addition to helping my father's family every time she could since she did not have family everyone loved her for these qualities at the same time my uncle had married a woman let's call her Li's like my mother Liz had grown up in a poor and toxic family but she was not at all as hardworking and kind as my mother nor so beautiful Liz always envied my mother she may have been married to a rich man and I had a better economic position than my mother but fall as it was not enough she wanted to be admired and loved just like my mother so she always competed with her although mom did not know that she was competing until she left the family Liz always tried to steal credit from my mother or make my father look bad to the other members of the family and when she did not succeed she would cry like a little girl so that someone would take her side one day my mother announced to the family that she was pregnant everyone celebrated in this angered Leigh's a couple of months later she announced that she was also pregnant clearly she was competing with my mother again over time it became known that both Liz and my mother were going to have girls and they were very excited Liz always talked to everyone about how her daughter would be saying that a girl would have the white skin of her father the green eyes of she and brown hair I do not know where the brown hair would come from but well my mother only hoped that I was born in good health my mother never stopped working even while pregnant while this stayed home nine months pregnant without doing a the first to be born with me I was born healthy Liss did not even hold me when I was introduced to the family she was still talking about her daughter a few months later my cousin was born and it was her endless his pride went to the bottom her daughter was born very similar to her with dark skin and straight hair and the brown eyes of the father nothing to do with the white girl with brown hair and green eyes that she wanted even so my cousin was beautiful when my mother arrived at Liz's house she left me with my cousin in the crib and while she had coffee with my aunt and le's she noticed how she paid me a lot of attention she always approached the crib and tried to play with me ignoring her own daughter I was born identical to my mother with very light-skinned black hair a small pink mouth and big brown eyes Liz always complimented my skin and my eyes to which my mother was grateful she also tried to outshine me which my mother did not see with favor since she neglected my cousin and attending to me was my mom's job one day Liz approached the crimp to see me she asked my mother if she wanted to change her daughter's mom knew she was not joking even so I try to make it look like a joke Liz insisted and my mother left her smile the conversation went something like this it shows that you like my daughter very much and I like yours if we exchange them we will be happier I have a good economic position and I will be able to give her everything she needs what she needs is her mother you give your daughter what she needs and I will give mine the same but only to my true daughter I do not intend to give it to you your daughter does not seem like your daughter she adapts more to our family she has a more delicate appearance that will fit with our way of life do you plan to deprive her of that mine on the contrary adapts more to your lifestyle not it will be difficult to work do you know how our and stupid you just heard yourself I'm not RR I'm only telling the truth I need this girl besides there will be no difference they are almost the same age and I doubt that the family cares I need this girl for the simple fact of being mine she is my daughter I gave birth to her you planted that girl of a comfortable and happy life just because of your selfishness what kind of mother are you anyone would be happy to exchange children with me my mother already angry about this ended up screaming at her a better mother than you because I fight my daughter and I do not treat her as an object as you do now I will give my daughter everything she needs and you feel your daughter with the happy life that you presume but not try to treat the girls as objects attend to your daughter and I'm going with my child and don't even think of throwing a tantrum over this my mother and I left that house and for a long time she did not let us see or visit me nor did she let them leave me alone with her for fear that Liz would steal from me Liz believed that she deserved a white daughter because according to her she adjusted more to her status yes as ahran stupid as it sounds and that my mother was selfish for not wanting to exchange since then Liz tried to make life impossible for my mother bothering her at work and inventing accidents and even slander to blame her she had also stolen some photos of me and presented me as her daughter to her acquaintances and friends something that was soon known it was a lie when they visited Liz's house Liszt did not mistreat her daughter but she always yearned to exchange babies this continued until my uncle and Liszt divorced a few years later she left the country and rarely contacted her daughter shortly after the divorce the kind of person Liz was known and of course my mother also told about the exchange of daughters now listen a black stain in our family and is hated even by her own daughter no one has ever told her my cousin about the exchange that her mother wanted to do PS despite all my cousin and I grew up as sisters and we got along great I'm very happy to have the mother I have and that this exchange would never have happened having a mother like that is really disgusting and I'm very sorry for my cousin this is the most manipulative and ugly literally ugly classist our person I've ever met I've worked in customer service and do politics in a totalitarian government so it's safe to assume I've already seen the worst of the first she is married to my uncle let's call her Mary Mary has pulled a lot of entitled stunts over the course of her life I probably have over 100 stories that I can share that I know of I don't talk to that part of the family because it's toxic as doc but there are a few family gatherings in which we meet one of those happened yesterday and I got reminded of her golden trays so thought you would enjoy raging with me her entitlement shown yesterday as she tried to make herself the best friend of my current boss who's married to my cousin and he's filthy rich brought a friend of hers who was supposed to be strictly quarantined because she is high-risk tried to outshine the one month old baby who we were all there to meet with her already grown-up daughters who live all met tried to become the host of the party in a house that wasn't hers going as far as to search and serve food from the refrigerator that wasn't destinated to the party servings and to top it all off we were also there to pray for my cousin's mother who died last week I don't participant Christian stuff but she was my favorite aunt and like a second mother to me so the moment of appreciation was very important to me to my cousin my other aunts and Mary's husband his sister turns out Mary decided that since we were there to remember the dead ones it would be a nice thing to not only take the role of the main person leading the prayers but to also include a picture a big one of her mother that she pulled out of her purse and put it in front of my aunt's picture covering it almost completely and start with a speech of her of how she missed her mother who died 10 years ago and literally just Serap about my aunt's death but I'm not here today to tell you that story oh no I was just venting since I have so much to tell and so little time I figured it would be best if I started with the oldest tale I know of the time she asked my mom to sell her my brother while she was four months pregnant good ol Mary is infertile she has two daughters one was conceived in vitro and then introduced into her womb the other one popped out of nowhere literally we suspect she bought it out from someone since she has a record of trying this but whatever before having her first daughter when I was around 10 years old my mom broke the news to the family that she was pregnant yay Mary wasn't happy with this because she as of then had been trying for years with her husband and wasn't able to get pregnant she always had this sort of completion with my mom and with everyone because she has this need of being the best one in everything she must have the most money have the expense east clothes being more successful in her career having the happiest marriage going to the most exotic places that she wasn't the best she was the only one with no children out of the seven siblings of the family my aunts and uncles and she was also one of the oldest wives so imagine her jealousy when the youngest one directly below her husband was going to have a second child while her and her husband was still chilled free the horror her status so she put my mother aside one day and told her you know it isn't fair that you get pregnant before us it wasn't fair for you to have up before your brother since he's older than you but whatever it can't be helped if up was a broken sea or something but you know we've been trying for years now and we are just exhausted and we are not comfortable with trying those artificial methods nor having a baby without our blood so since you're family and we know you are not in a financial position to take care of another baby right now what would you say if I offered to pay for everything pregnancy related and after the baby is born I would pay you amount for keeping it as your brothers and ice baby of course my mom said no she told me roughly how the proposition went years later but only because I was the one that found out why she was so pushy about buying my brother because this wasn't just a one-time thing no she tried constantly to convince my parents to sell them my brother throughout the next five months and even for some months after he was born you see my father is a son of immigrants he has European bloodline and is very handsome Mary also has a need of proving to everyone that she has royal blood and aesthetics are everything to her hence the need to show herself as the best of the best in every aspect of her life and she will not hesitate to do anything to achieve her goal of being the perfect woman with the perfect life this includes pretending she has white jeans she doesn't we live in a very heavily race mixed country she was born in one of the least developed states in a humble family in a small town with only town people that has been working under the Sun for generations so all of them have dark skin she married my uncle who comes from a family that has lived in an island for generations and who is also the most dark-skinned one of all of the siblings there is no way she is going to have a baby who is white but my mom is one of the most light-skinned between her siblings and she married my dad who has Italian and polish jeans and I was born with a very pale skin and smooth hair mare isn't her husband's hair are what we describe as bad hair not in an offensive way but that's how it's called here it's basically super twist didn't thick hair there was a big chance my brother was going to be born european-looking you already know where this is going right one day I was minding my own business while in their daughter's birthday party and I happen to wonder close to where Mary was talking with someone didn't know her and I heard how she openly complained about how her daughter was black and how she wished she managed to convince my mom and dad to just give her their baby because having a white son world solved our of her problems it is so hard to move up the stairs of society when you have a black family and not only that but having an ugly daughter isn't going to help either there's no way she will marry a rich man how is she supposed to pay her retirement there was more said that I can't remember at all and yes my uncle approves of her behavior and patronizes it they too dark-skinned people believe in white supremacy oh by the way forgot to mention that the daughter that popped out of nowhere one day is white and looks nothing like Mary nor husband I'm currently pregnant with my first child in both my mom and stepdad have been terrible to me and my partner the entire time told us we would be unfit parents because we are and married yet legitimately screamed at my partner for knocking up their little girl even though we planned the pregnancy I finally decided to cut contact with them a few months after I found out I was pregnant having a child can already be a stressful time and having them around to make it worse was not something I was okay with if they can't be nice to my partner then they don't get to see our baby plus they are the kind of people who don't wear masks in public and actively choose to be in large gatherings with no social distancing so them seeing a newborn is out of the question one day I sent my mom a very detailed ml of why she is not allowed to be a part of my life anymore and will not be seeing her grandchild to make things even better I also noted that we will be moving across the country shortly after she is born to be closer to other family members so not only as she cut off but we are literally moving far away and never coming back she responds by showing up at our house at 11:00 p.m. screaming outside our door about how it is her baby and she deserves to be there for it I tell her to duck off and eventually she leaves months go by and she will text me randomly asking about technical problems with her with the router or something and needs help little things like that don't mean much to me and I sent her the info she needed my cousin also had a virtual baby shower and sent my invitation to my mom's house accidentally so my mom came by to give it to me things slowly came to a point that we were fairly amicable with each other but I still stood my ground about our bound there is and nothing else had changed she knew this then she sends me a video today that blew my mind she we decorated her entire guest room to be a nursery Cryme changing table $400 worth of newborn clothes toy chest stroller a car seat for her car and the list goes on in the video she is in tears saying OMG I can't believe my baby is going to be here soon this is where she will sleep where we'll change her little diaper these will be her toys is she psychotic her baby sleeping and living at her house what so I call her up immediately and I reiterate that we are still moving across the country soon and that she will have no contact with the baby before that her response oh okay we will see about that genuinely confused what part of you will have no contact with this baby does she not understand or thinks will change in the next few weeks when she is born is she planning on stealing her from us I'm at a loss for words when my wife and I were still married we got plans made up with an architect to build our dream house for us and our two kids on this nice piece of land I owned but during the construction our relationship deteriorated very quickly within the year we got divorced and I got to keep the unfinished house my plan was to try and sell the houses because I was drained and didn't have the money or energy to deal with construction anymore so the house basically just sat there unfinished for three years because no one wanted to buy an unfinished house I'm now engaged and my Finn K is pregnant so we had to move up our plans to get settled in a house unfortunately after looking in our area we couldn't find anything that would meet our needs I brought up the unfinished house I had it had more than enough room for all of us as it had four bedrooms in two offices I did make sure to explain to my fiance that my ex was the one that had done most of the planning for it with the architect in case that made her uncomfortable she didn't mind at all though because it was way better than the other options we had so I got in contact with a new contractor who went out and inspected the house and he said it was solid to continue work on a lot had already been done so he got quoted with two months for them to finish it which would give us plenty of time to get settled in before the baby arrives there were a few setbacks but the house got finished a few weeks later than expected it's been a couple weeks since then and we have it all set up just right the nursery is perfect for our baby in my two older kids love their new rooms before I only had a two-bedroom apartment so they had to share a bedroom they have to have been mamas too but their bedroom is much bigger there the one at mile department was pretty cramped so they didn't like staying over at my place much now that they've got bigger rooms all to themselves they're really happy here the problem is they've asked if they can stay here the majority of the time now instead of their mom's me and my femme K don't have a problem with this but my ex does we were discussing it when she broke down and started yelling crying saying I was insensitive to move in there in the first place because it was supposed to be a home for our family and now we are going to all be living there as a family with someone else when she did everything to make it perfect she said it's like I'm basically taking her kids away and replacing her as their mom I wouldn't say we are replacing her but the kids do like my vmk a lot so I think it's causing some jealousy issue I think since they're teenagers now I feel like they should have more privacy and some say in where they live [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Ask Girl
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Keywords: reddit girl, reddit pregnant, reddit pregnancy, reddit entitled parents, reddit family, reddit, r/askreddit, r/ girl, r/ pregnant, r/ pregnancy, r/ entitled parents, r/ family, r/, askreddit, askreddit girl, askreddit pregnant, askreddit pregnancy, askreddit entitled parents, askreddit family, entitled parents
Id: 0p_29qaN26U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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