Mother Angelica Live Classics - 2022-02-01 - Miracles of Jesus

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Man: "Mother Angelica Live!" brought to you from the Eternal Word Television Studios in Birmingham, Alabama. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ <i>Mother: See in you, the love, the compassion of Jesus.</i> <i>The most glorious work of all, to praise God in His Kingdom.</i> <i>Anyone moved by the Spirit...</i> <i>Anyone who lives in love,</i> <i>lives in God and God lives in Him.</i> ♪ ♪ <i>What a wonderful thing is our Church.</i> <i>This whole network is built on trust.</i> <i>The essence of evangelization is to tell everybody,</i> <i>"Jesus loves you!"</i> <i>We’re all called to be great saints.</i> <i>to be great saints.</i> (applause) Mother: Thank you. Mother: Thank you. Well, we just have a great Well, we just have a great group of fans here from group of fans here from everywhere, all over the everywhere, all over the country. country. We’re happy to be with you We’re happy to be with you again today. again today. Tonight we’re going to about Tonight we’re going to about The Miracles of Jesus. The Miracles of Jesus. That’s why people call me a That’s why people call me a fundamentalist. (laughs) fundamentalist. (laughs) I was in a European I was in a European country, they called me country, they called me a fundamentalist. a fundamentalist. I thought, "Well, there’s I thought, "Well, there’s nothing wrong with that. nothing wrong with that. At least you love Jesus." At least you love Jesus." You need to know that You need to know that loving Jesus is the most loving Jesus is the most important thing in your important thing in your life. life. It doesn’t matter who you It doesn’t matter who you are or how much money you are or how much money you have or how poor you are or have or how poor you are or how talented or untalented-- how talented or untalented-- we’re all His children and we’re all His children and we all have a special place we all have a special place in His heart. in His heart. No one can take that. No one can take that. Do you know something, I’m Do you know something, I’m going to get to this in a going to get to this in a minute but since it’s my minute but since it’s my show, I can do what I want show, I can do what I want to do. to do. (group laughs) (group laughs) If you don’t make it If you don’t make it to Heaven, nobody will to Heaven, nobody will take your place. take your place. Did you know that? Did you know that? It’ll be empty. It’ll be empty. My grandmother used to make My grandmother used to make Italian bread and she’d Italian bread and she’d slice it for supper and I’d slice it for supper and I’d wait till she sliced it and wait till she sliced it and I’d wait till she’s gone and I’d wait till she’s gone and I would, I’d take the loaf, I would, I’d take the loaf, you know and I’d take it in you know and I’d take it in the middle, then I’d squash the middle, then I’d squash it together. it together. (group chuckles) (group chuckles) I figured the middle I figured the middle was about even. was about even. (group chuckles) (group chuckles) So she didn’t know it got So she didn’t know it got to be a shorter loaf. to be a shorter loaf. Then I would put olive oil Then I would put olive oil and salt and pepper and and salt and pepper and oregano and I’d run around oregano and I’d run around the back of the house and the back of the house and eat it. eat it. Well, my grandmother never Well, my grandmother never knew it--at least, she knew it--at least, she didn’t tell me she knew-- didn’t tell me she knew-- that I took that slice from that I took that slice from the middle of that bread. the middle of that bread. That’s not how it is in That’s not how it is in Heaven. Heaven. Everybody don’t suddenly get Everybody don’t suddenly get together and nobody knows together and nobody knows you’re missing. you’re missing. God sees that empty place God sees that empty place forever and ever. forever and ever. Now, you don’t want that to Now, you don’t want that to happen, do you? happen, do you? No, you don’t want that No, you don’t want that to happen. to happen. You want God--I just saw You want God--I just saw one of our liberal brothers one of our liberal brothers turn a summersault but turn a summersault but that’s okay. (laughs) that’s okay. (laughs) Oh Jesus! (laughs) Oh Jesus! (laughs) Anyway, you want to be Anyway, you want to be what Jesus wants you to be, what Jesus wants you to be, what the Father created what the Father created you to be and what the you to be and what the Spirit works hard to make Spirit works hard to make you be in His Kingdom. you be in His Kingdom. So please, if you haven’t So please, if you haven’t gone to Confession in a long gone to Confession in a long time, please go soon. time, please go soon. I want to read you a little I want to read you a little bit about this Scripture. bit about this Scripture. There was in the life of Jesus many wonderful Jesus many wonderful miracles. miracles. St. John says that, "If, St. John says that, "If, if all the things that if all the things that Jesus did were written in Jesus did were written in a book, the whole world a book, the whole world could not contain it." could not contain it." How do you like that? How do you like that? What a wonderful Jesus What a wonderful Jesus we have. we have. Well, I like this thing Well, I like this thing about the cure of the woman about the cure of the woman with the hemorrhage and the with the hemorrhage and the daughter of Jairus who was daughter of Jairus who was raised from the dead. raised from the dead. Now, I know you’ve heard it. Now, I know you’ve heard it. It won’t hurt to hear it It won’t hurt to hear it again. again. So, "When Jesus crossed in So, "When Jesus crossed in the boat to the other side, the boat to the other side, a large crowd gathered a large crowd gathered around Him,"--just like around Him,"--just like you’re here, a large crowd you’re here, a large crowd all waiting for Him on the all waiting for Him on the other side. other side. You’ve got to use your You’ve got to use your imagination when you read imagination when you read Scripture, otherwise it’s Scripture, otherwise it’s blah. blah. "Then one of the Synagogue "Then one of the Synagogue officials came up, Jairus by officials came up, Jairus by name, he said, ’My little name, he said, ’My little daughter’s desperately sick. daughter’s desperately sick. Would You come and lay your Would You come and lay your hands on her and make her hands on her and make her better, save her life?’" better, save her life?’" Aren’t these people Aren’t these people simple with Jesus? simple with Jesus? They didn’t go around with They didn’t go around with big words. big words. They went up to Jesus They went up to Jesus "My daughter’s sick. "My daughter’s sick. Will You heal her, make Will You heal her, make her better?" her better?" Is that the way you Is that the way you speak to Jesus? speak to Jesus? You should. You should. "My son is out of the "My son is out of the Church Lord, heal his soul, Church Lord, heal his soul, his mind, his heart. his mind, his heart. Bring him back." Bring him back." Simple. Simple. Well, so Jesus went and Well, so Jesus went and the crowd followed. the crowd followed. "There was a woman who had "There was a woman who had suffered from a hemorrhage suffered from a hemorrhage for 12 years." for 12 years." Oh, that’s a long time. Oh, that’s a long time. It’s a wonder she lived but It’s a wonder she lived but the worst part of it, she the worst part of it, she was considered unclean for was considered unclean for 12 years. 12 years. She could not go to the She could not go to the synagogue for services. synagogue for services. For 12 years she was an For 12 years she was an outcast. outcast. There is more to this than There is more to this than you think--an outcast. you think--an outcast. Well, I like St. Mark. Well, I like St. Mark. He puts details in that He puts details in that nobody else does. nobody else does. There are people who have There are people who have details. details. Did you ever talk to a Did you ever talk to a detail person? detail person? All you want is the story. All you want is the story. (group laughs) (group laughs) All you want is what All you want is what happened, when and where. happened, when and where. That’s all you want. That’s all you want. They come up and they say, They come up and they say, "Well, I got up this "Well, I got up this morning." and you know morning." and you know what’s coming. what’s coming. "I was sitting there "I was sitting there drinking a cup of coffee and drinking a cup of coffee and I decided to go downtown." I decided to go downtown." "Well, what happened?" "Well, what happened?" "Well, I got dressed, "Well, I got dressed, (group laughs) (group laughs) I got dressed and I got on I got dressed and I got on the bus and I went downtown." the bus and I went downtown." And you’re out of breath And you’re out of breath by this time. by this time. "What happened?" "What happened?" "Well, I went window "Well, I went window shopping." shopping." "You went window shopping?" "You went window shopping?" Yeah, I went window Yeah, I went window shopping and I saw all the shopping and I saw all the things I couldn’t afford." things I couldn’t afford." "Fine. "Fine. Why didn’t you look at the Why didn’t you look at the stores you could afford?" stores you could afford?" "Well, I like to look at "Well, I like to look at the things I can’t afford." the things I can’t afford." "Why?" "Why?" "Because it makes me "Because it makes me feel good." feel good." "Fine. "Fine. "Now, you’re downtown. "Now, you’re downtown. What happened?" What happened?" (group laughs) (group laughs) Do you know people like Do you know people like that, huh? that, huh? Oh, you’re out of breath! Oh, you’re out of breath! And then when they tell you And then when they tell you what happened, what happened, (group laughs) (group laughs) it wasn’t worth the it wasn’t worth the whole story! whole story! (group chuckles) (group chuckles) Now, St. Mark was one of Now, St. Mark was one of these kinds of people. these kinds of people. (all laugh) (all laugh) But he did it in the But he did it in the right way. right way. But you don’t find any other But you don’t find any other evangelist doing it his way evangelist doing it his way and I know one person and I know one person probably read this thing probably read this thing only once. only once. See if you can guess See if you can guess who it was. who it was. Now, he says that this Now, he says that this woman had a hemorrhage woman had a hemorrhage for 12 years. for 12 years. "Well, after a long and "Well, after a long and painful treatment under painful treatment under various doctors she spent various doctors she spent all she had without being all she had without being any better for it." any better for it." Oh, St. Luke was a Oh, St. Luke was a physician, wasn’t he? physician, wasn’t he? I bet he never read this I bet he never read this more than once. more than once. (all laugh) (all laugh) But isn’t that the way But isn’t that the way it happens sometimes? it happens sometimes? You spend all you got and You spend all you got and then they say it’s a virus. then they say it’s a virus. (group chuckles) (group chuckles) You say, "What kind You say, "What kind of virus?" of virus?" "Well, we’re not too sure. "Well, we’re not too sure. You won’t die from it." You won’t die from it." "Fine, what do I do "Fine, what do I do about it?" about it?" "Well, time will tell. "Well, time will tell. $40 please." $40 please." (group laughs) (group laughs) I always wondered why I always wondered why we don’t answer, "Time will we don’t answer, "Time will tell when you get it." tell when you get it." (group laughs) (group laughs) That’s what I would say. That’s what I would say. Anyway, so here’s St. Mark, Anyway, so here’s St. Mark, now--he just doesn’t now--he just doesn’t get to the point. get to the point. Jesus healed this woman, but Jesus healed this woman, but he’s go it in for doctors he’s go it in for doctors for some reason, and he’s for some reason, and he’s not finished yet. not finished yet. He’s got to add this little He’s got to add this little thing, ".in fact, she’s thing, ".in fact, she’s getting worse!" getting worse!" (group chuckles) (group chuckles) Do you know what I think Do you know what I think St. Mark did? (laughs) St. Mark did? (laughs) I bet somebody back there I bet somebody back there got worse for it, too. got worse for it, too. Do you know what I think Do you know what I think St. Mark did? St. Mark did? I think St. Mark took that I think St. Mark took that woman aside after everybody woman aside after everybody had gone and said, "Here, had gone and said, "Here, I’m going to write about I’m going to write about these miracles. these miracles. Tell me what really Tell me what really happened." happened." So she goes on and she So she goes on and she says, "I was sick for 12 says, "I was sick for 12 years. years. "I went to all these doctors. "I went to all these doctors. "It was very painful and "It was very painful and they never healed me. they never healed me. They took all my money." They took all my money." He went, "Oh." He went, "Oh." (makes noise) (makes noise) (group laughs) (group laughs) So she heard about Jesus So she heard about Jesus and she came up behind Him. and she came up behind Him. She didn’t want anymore She didn’t want anymore doctors, "So she came doctors, "So she came behind Jesus." behind Jesus." Do you know why she came Do you know why she came behind Jesus? behind Jesus? Because she was declared Because she was declared unclean. unclean. She wasn’t allowed to go in She wasn’t allowed to go in the synagogue and she didn’t the synagogue and she didn’t know what to do. know what to do. So she was so upset, and So she was so upset, and she thought to herself, she thought to herself, "If I could touch even His "If I could touch even His clothes, I shall be well clothes, I shall be well again." again." Wow! Wow! Well, can you imagine she’s Well, can you imagine she’s in a crowd of people. in a crowd of people. All these people here All these people here tonight were all bunched tonight were all bunched together and Jesus in the together and Jesus in the midst and this woman has to midst and this woman has to kneel down on the floor. kneel down on the floor. She could have been crushed She could have been crushed or just walked on. or just walked on. She kneels way, way, way She kneels way, way, way down and she just touches down and she just touches His hem. His hem. Wow! Wow! What happened? What happened? "All the sources of bleeding "All the sources of bleeding dried up instantly and she dried up instantly and she felt in herself that she felt in herself that she was cured." was cured." Ah, listen to this, Ah, listen to this, "Immediately aware that "Immediately aware that power had gone out of Him.." power had gone out of Him.." Now, isn’t that Now, isn’t that interesting? interesting? You don’t realize that when You don’t realize that when you trust in Jesus and when you trust in Jesus and when you pray with a deep faith, you pray with a deep faith, that He will answer you that He will answer you somehow, sometime. somehow, sometime. Power goes out of Him. Power goes out of Him. Isn’t that interesting? Isn’t that interesting? Power left Jesus. Power left Jesus. He felt it. He felt it. He had a physical feeling of He had a physical feeling of something draining out of something draining out of Him and, "He turned around Him and, "He turned around and He said, ’Who touched and He said, ’Who touched my clothes?’" my clothes?’" Oh, I bet you she was Oh, I bet you she was petrified, just petrified. petrified, just petrified. Now, here are these old Now, here are these old disciples. disciples. "You see the crowd "You see the crowd pressing around You. pressing around You. Why do You say, Why do You say, ’Who touched Me?’" ’Who touched Me?’" Impatient. Impatient. Can you imagine questioning Can you imagine questioning God’s question? God’s question? But He didn’t pay attention But He didn’t pay attention to them. to them. He kept looking around, He kept looking around, He kept looking around. He kept looking around. Now, He knew it was God Now, He knew it was God who touched Him. who touched Him. And then the woman came And then the woman came forward, oh boy, frightened forward, oh boy, frightened and trembling "because she and trembling "because she knew what happened to her knew what happened to her and she fell at His feet." and she fell at His feet." Now, she’s got courage. Now, she’s got courage. In her fear she has courage In her fear she has courage to face Jesus. to face Jesus. That’s why some of you don’t That’s why some of you don’t go to Confession. go to Confession. You don’t have the courage You don’t have the courage to face Jesus. to face Jesus. But you never need to But you never need to fear, never. fear, never. The woman came forward The woman came forward and she told Him the and she told Him the whole truth. whole truth. "My daughter," He said, "My daughter," He said, "your faith has restored "your faith has restored you to health. you to health. Go in peace and be free Go in peace and be free of your complaint." of your complaint." Our Dear Lord wants to Our Dear Lord wants to do miracles for us. do miracles for us. Every day is a miracle for Every day is a miracle for all of us, especially in all of us, especially in this day and age. this day and age. Everyday there’s either Everyday there’s either something more terrible than something more terrible than the next that happened. the next that happened. You look at the news, You look at the news, it’s terrible. it’s terrible. It’s either slanderous or It’s either slanderous or they calumniate somebody or they calumniate somebody or more and more terrible more and more terrible things happen and you things happen and you wonder, "Where do I go, wonder, "Where do I go, Lord?" Lord?" Go to Jesus. Go to Jesus. And you notice Our Lord And you notice Our Lord said, "Go in peace." said, "Go in peace." That’s what Confession does. That’s what Confession does. It gives you peace. It gives you peace. All that money you pay on All that money you pay on psychiatrists, well, some of psychiatrists, well, some of you need to go but some of you need to go but some of you just need a good you just need a good conscience, that’s all. conscience, that’s all. Confession is free. Confession is free. Well, while He’s talking to Well, while He’s talking to these people, the servants these people, the servants arrived and told the arrived and told the official, "Your daughter official, "Your daughter is dead. is dead. Why put the Master to any Why put the Master to any further trouble?" further trouble?" (chuckles) That sounds (chuckles) That sounds like some of us, doesn’t it? like some of us, doesn’t it? "It’s too late," like "It’s too late," like Zachariah. Zachariah. You remember Zachariah when You remember Zachariah when the angel appeared to him the angel appeared to him in St. Luke’s Gospel first in St. Luke’s Gospel first Chapter, told him that Chapter, told him that he was going to have a he was going to have a son in his old age. son in his old age. His wife is old and she’s His wife is old and she’s going to have a son and he’s going to have a son and he’s going to be the precursor going to be the precursor and he’s going to be great. and he’s going to be great. And oh, he went on and on And oh, he went on and on and on and on and on. and on and on and on. What did Zachariah do? What did Zachariah do? He said, "Oh, too late, He said, "Oh, too late, buddy. buddy. I am too old and I am too old and so is my wife." so is my wife." Can you imagine talking Can you imagine talking to an angel like that? to an angel like that? I would have wiped him I would have wiped him off the floor. off the floor. (group chuckles) (group chuckles) Thank God I’m not an angel. Thank God I’m not an angel. But Jesus had overheard But Jesus had overheard the remark and He said, the remark and He said, "’Do not be afraid. "’Do not be afraid. Only have faith,’ and He Only have faith,’ and He allowed no one to go with allowed no one to go with Him except Peter, James Him except Peter, James and John." and John." Don’t you wonder why Our Don’t you wonder why Our Dear Lord picked these Dear Lord picked these three all the time? three all the time? I bet the other apostles I bet the other apostles were jealous. were jealous. They’d say, "There He goes They’d say, "There He goes again picking those three. again picking those three. What’s wrong with the rest What’s wrong with the rest of us?" of us?" Well, there was a reason-- Well, there was a reason-- Peter was the Rock, the Peter was the Rock, the first Pope; James was the first Pope; James was the first martyr; and John was first martyr; and John was the eagle, the contemplative, the eagle, the contemplative, the one who saw things the one who saw things no other Apostle saw. no other Apostle saw. "In the beginning was the "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God." God and the Word was God." Nobody saw that but John. Nobody saw that but John. They tried to boil him They tried to boil him in oil one day but it in oil one day but it didn’t take. didn’t take. He just sang all the way He just sang all the way through it, so they pulled through it, so they pulled him out him out (group chuckles) (group chuckles) and put him on Patmos, and put him on Patmos, an island. an island. He lived there till I think, He lived there till I think, I think he came back at some I think he came back at some point. point. But he died around 103 but But he died around 103 but he wrote this awesome book, he wrote this awesome book, the Apocalypse. the Apocalypse. So Jesus had a reason for So Jesus had a reason for picking these three all picking these three all the time. the time. Peter would be crucified Peter would be crucified upside down; James was the upside down; James was the first martyr and John--now, first martyr and John--now, all of you old people and all of you old people and I’m one of you, I’ll be 73 I’m one of you, I’ll be 73 on Saturday in case you want on Saturday in case you want to send a card. to send a card. (applause) (applause) (laughs) However, you (laughs) However, you ought to have great ought to have great devotion to St. John. devotion to St. John. He did his greatest work He did his greatest work when he was in his 90s. when he was in his 90s. So remember, there is before So remember, there is before God no old or young age. God no old or young age. There are only souls who are There are only souls who are struggling in this body, struggling in this body, this temple to be like this temple to be like Jesus. Jesus. So anyway, they came to the So anyway, they came to the official’s house and Jesus official’s house and Jesus noticed all the commotion. noticed all the commotion. You say, "What commotion?" You say, "What commotion?" Well, they hired people to Well, they hired people to weep and wail. weep and wail. That proves that one of That proves that one of my bright ideas is not my bright ideas is not accurate. accurate. I’ve always thought that the I’ve always thought that the Apostles were Italian Jews Apostles were Italian Jews (group chuckles) (group chuckles) because all they could because all they could think of was food. think of was food. But here I’ve got a little But here I’ve got a little negative thing here because negative thing here because an Italian family definitely an Italian family definitely wouldn’t need to hire wouldn’t need to hire anybody to weep and wail. anybody to weep and wail. (group laughs) (group laughs) So that blows my theory, So that blows my theory, doesn’t it? doesn’t it? (group chuckles) (group chuckles) So He went in the house So He went in the house and He said, "Why all this and He said, "Why all this commotion and cry?" commotion and cry?" --definitely not an --definitely not an Italian house. Italian house. "The child is not dead. "The child is not dead. She’s asleep." She’s asleep." Now, that’s kind of Now, that’s kind of interesting too, because in interesting too, because in the Scriptures Jesus never the Scriptures Jesus never called anyone who had died called anyone who had died dead. dead. He only called those who He only called those who lost their souls dead. lost their souls dead. He always said "they’re He always said "they’re asleep." asleep." Even Lazarus, He said, Even Lazarus, He said, "Lazarus sleeps." "Lazarus sleeps." They said, "Well, fine, if They said, "Well, fine, if he’s sleeping, then he’ll he’s sleeping, then he’ll get well." get well." The Apostles, oh dear, The Apostles, oh dear, they just never got the they just never got the point until after Pentecost. point until after Pentecost. He said, "No, no, he’s dead." He said, "No, no, he’s dead." So just imagine that. So just imagine that. Are you afraid to die? Are you afraid to die? Jesus only calls those dead Jesus only calls those dead that have lost their souls. that have lost their souls. "Let the dead bury their "Let the dead bury their own dead." own dead." Ooh. Ooh. But everyone else He said But everyone else He said was asleep. was asleep. Well, they knew she was dead. Well, they knew she was dead. They laughed at Him. They laughed at Him. "So He turned them all out, "So He turned them all out, and taking with Him the and taking with Him the child’s father and mother child’s father and mother and His companions, He went and His companions, He went into the place where the into the place where the child laid. child laid. And taking her by the And taking her by the hand..." oh, I bet those hand..." oh, I bet those people were wondering, people were wondering, what’s He doing?--He said, what’s He doing?--He said, "Talitha koum; Little girl, "Talitha koum; Little girl, I tell you, get up." I tell you, get up." Can you imagine if your Can you imagine if your child just died and all of a child just died and all of a sudden this person comes in, sudden this person comes in, takes her by the hand and takes her by the hand and says, "Rise." says, "Rise." And the little girl got up, And the little girl got up, "At once got out of bed and "At once got out of bed and walked around. walked around. She was 12 years old." She was 12 years old." Now, that certainly should Now, that certainly should be enough. be enough. I think what comes next is I think what comes next is so awesomely God-like and so awesomely God-like and none of us would have said none of us would have said it and none of us would have it and none of us would have done it! (chuckles) done it! (chuckles) He said, "They were He said, "They were overcome with astonishment." overcome with astonishment." They’re looking, and he They’re looking, and he said, "Don’t tell anyone." said, "Don’t tell anyone." (group chuckles) (group chuckles) How are you going to How are you going to hide that? hide that? (group laughs) (group laughs) But the next thing just But the next thing just I think is awesome. I think is awesome. He said, "Give her He said, "Give her something to eat." something to eat." (chuckles) I think even (chuckles) I think even Jesus had a little Italian Jesus had a little Italian in Him. in Him. (all laugh) (all laugh) I tell you, who would think I tell you, who would think of giving that kid of giving that kid something to eat? something to eat? She probably hadn’t eaten. She probably hadn’t eaten. She may have died of a fever She may have died of a fever or emaciated, and He said, or emaciated, and He said, "Forget the miracle. "Forget the miracle. Give her something to eat." Give her something to eat." He did the same thing with He did the same thing with apostles and disciples at apostles and disciples at the river, the Sea of the river, the Sea of Galilee. Galilee. They came in, they had They came in, they had nothing and He had fish. nothing and He had fish. He made breakfast for He made breakfast for His apostles! His apostles! Now, He tells--this awesome Now, He tells--this awesome moment of raising a girl moment of raising a girl from the dead, He thinks from the dead, He thinks of food. of food. Why? Why? That’s where we are. That’s where we are. Jesus came down, down, down, Jesus came down, down, down, down from His level to ours. down from His level to ours. So thoughtful is Jesus that So thoughtful is Jesus that He thinks of this awesome He thinks of this awesome miracles as nothing but miracles as nothing but "Give her something to eat." "Give her something to eat." Why are you afraid of Why are you afraid of Jesus? Jesus? Why are you afraid? Why are you afraid? It’s a mystery, isn’t it? It’s a mystery, isn’t it? It’s a mystery, that we, who It’s a mystery, that we, who should have miracles in our should have miracles in our mind and heart and be so mind and heart and be so awestruck by the miracles awestruck by the miracles of Jesus. of Jesus. Some people in today’s Some people in today’s world, these theologians or world, these theologians or whatever you call them, they whatever you call them, they try so hard to take away try so hard to take away every miracle that Jesus, every miracle that Jesus, explain away every miracle explain away every miracle Jesus performed. Jesus performed. All of you, those of you in All of you, those of you in hospitals listening to us hospitals listening to us this evening and those of this evening and those of you who are at home sick you who are at home sick and lonely, don’t be. and lonely, don’t be. Give your pain to Jesus. Give your pain to Jesus. He gave His for you. He gave His for you. Don’t be afraid to die. Don’t be afraid to die. If He raised this girl and If He raised this girl and got her something to eat, got her something to eat, His arms will be out His arms will be out for you. for you. You have a Loving Jesus, a You have a Loving Jesus, a Jesus Who came down and wept Jesus Who came down and wept and cried and bled just for and cried and bled just for you and me. you and me. Why are we afraid? We have a call. We have a call. Hello? Hello? Female Caller #1: Hi, Mother Female Caller #1: Hi, Mother Angelica. Angelica. Mother Angelica: Hi, where Mother Angelica: Hi, where are you from? are you from? Caller: I’m from New York. Caller: I’m from New York. Mother Angelica: Great and Mother Angelica: Great and what is your question? what is your question? Caller: Well, first of all, Caller: Well, first of all, I want to tell you that I want to tell you that I’m enjoying your show I’m enjoying your show this evening. this evening. My question is, Sunday was My question is, Sunday was the Feast of Divine Mercy. the Feast of Divine Mercy. Mother Angelica: It was. Mother Angelica: It was. Caller: Yeah, it was and the Caller: Yeah, it was and the priest at my parish didn’t priest at my parish didn’t mention it at all. mention it at all. I was wondering if you would I was wondering if you would know why? know why? Mother Angelica: (heavy sigh) Mother Angelica: (heavy sigh) (group chuckles) (group chuckles) Do you really want to know Do you really want to know what I think? what I think? (group chuckles) (group chuckles) Well, I can’t tell you Well, I can’t tell you what I’m thinking ’cause what I’m thinking ’cause they’d beep it off of TV. they’d beep it off of TV. It’s a grave injustice to It’s a grave injustice to the people. the people. Do you know what bothers me? Do you know what bothers me? When you take away devotions When you take away devotions from the people and you from the people and you don’t teach them the faith don’t teach them the faith and the beauty of Jesus and and the beauty of Jesus and the spiritualities in the the spiritualities in the Church and Her doctrines; Church and Her doctrines; most of all, you don’t teach most of all, you don’t teach the Eucharist--if you the Eucharist--if you robbed all the banks in the robbed all the banks in the world at one time, if you world at one time, if you took away every possession took away every possession of every individual all at of every individual all at one time--it’s nothing one time--it’s nothing compared to what you take compared to what you take away from one person when away from one person when you don’t teach them the you don’t teach them the truth. truth. I hope he forgot, but some I hope he forgot, but some churches didn’t even have churches didn’t even have Holy Week. Holy Week. So I wouldn’t say on So I wouldn’t say on purpose but maybe he forgot, maybe he didn’t. maybe he didn’t. But I think you need to But I think you need to pray for him. pray for him. Next year, I’d get leaflets Next year, I’d get leaflets and books and give them out and books and give them out in front of the church or a in front of the church or a block away. block away. But I would petition mercy But I would petition mercy upon him and the whole upon him and the whole parish and ask Jesus-- parish and ask Jesus-- He’s very Generous. He’s very Generous. Jesus is Awesomely Generous Jesus is Awesomely Generous and He will give them the and He will give them the graces if you ask Him that graces if you ask Him that they might have had. they might have had. Mercy Sunday is a great day Mercy Sunday is a great day because the Lord gives great favors on Mercy Sunday. favors on Mercy Sunday. I took my retreat this Mercy I took my retreat this Mercy Sunday and it was awesome Sunday and it was awesome just to sit in the chapel just to sit in the chapel and just to see this Awesome and just to see this Awesome God Who humbled Himself in God Who humbled Himself in the Eucharist to be there the Eucharist to be there and giving all these people. and giving all these people. We have 3 Masses and 3 Holy We have 3 Masses and 3 Holy Hours and people coming all Hours and people coming all day long just to see Him day long just to see Him pouring out His grace, His pouring out His grace, His mercy, His goodness, His mercy, His goodness, His compassion, His love, His compassion, His love, His forgiveness on so many forgiveness on so many people. people. I wish I could answer that, I wish I could answer that, honey but we can’t. honey but we can’t. We have another call. We have another call. Hello. Hello. Female Caller #2: Mother Female Caller #2: Mother Angelica? Angelica? Mother Angelica: Yeah, where Mother Angelica: Yeah, where are you from? are you from? Caller: I’m from Kansas. Caller: I’m from Kansas. Mother Angelica: And what is Mother Angelica: And what is your question? your question? Caller: Today my son and Caller: Today my son and his wife miscarried their his wife miscarried their first child and 5 months first child and 5 months ago my other son and his ago my other son and his wife miscarried their wife miscarried their first child. first child. I would like to know what I would like to know what the Church’s teaching is the Church’s teaching is on where these babies are. on where these babies are. I have read that Our Lady I have read that Our Lady has all the little aborted has all the little aborted babies and I can just babies and I can just picture that. picture that. Also, I would like to know Also, I would like to know the doctors say that a lot the doctors say that a lot of times these miscarriages of times these miscarriages occur because there was a occur because there was a deformity or something deformity or something like that. like that. Well, we know God has made Well, we know God has made the child and God doesn’t the child and God doesn’t make mistakes but yet, we make mistakes but yet, we know He allows things know He allows things like this. like this. So I just would like your So I just would like your opinion on why these things opinion on why these things happen like this sometimes? Mother Angelica: Yeah, I had Mother Angelica: Yeah, I had the experience of going to the experience of going to a dear friend of mine’s home a dear friend of mine’s home and she was in the hospital, and she was in the hospital, had a miscarriage and the had a miscarriage and the Lord gave me a prayer Lord gave me a prayer for her. for her. I don’t remember the whole I don’t remember the whole thing but it went something thing but it went something like, "You have a child in like, "You have a child in Heaven." Heaven." And you know, if a child And you know, if a child miscarriage, the first thing miscarriage, the first thing you ought to think of is, you ought to think of is, "I baptize thee in the "I baptize thee in the Name of the Father, Son, Name of the Father, Son, the Holy Spirit." the Holy Spirit." Make that intention. Make that intention. But that is a child. But that is a child. The Church teaches it is a The Church teaches it is a human being from conception. human being from conception. So you have a daughter So you have a daughter or son. or son. I talked to someone one time I talked to someone one time and they said, "We have had and they said, "We have had 15 children." 15 children." And I said, "Whoa, 15?" And I said, "Whoa, 15?" "Well, 5 are in Heaven." "Well, 5 are in Heaven." "Wonderful." "Wonderful." They knew they had 15. They knew they had 15. So they haven’t had the So they haven’t had the opportunity to hug them or opportunity to hug them or to bathe them or to kiss to bathe them or to kiss them, but they will see them, but they will see them in Heaven. them in Heaven. They will see them and they They will see them and they will touch their hand. will touch their hand. They’re saints in Heaven They’re saints in Heaven because they never committed because they never committed a sin. a sin. When these people die-- When these people die-- all of you that have had all of you that have had miscarriages--oh, you’re miscarriages--oh, you’re going to be surprised when going to be surprised when you go to Heaven. you go to Heaven. You had a child, just didn’t You had a child, just didn’t have an opportunity to see have an opportunity to see it but he’s there or she’s it but he’s there or she’s there. there. If you have any idea what it If you have any idea what it was, name her or him, pray was, name her or him, pray to them. to them. They will thank you for all They will thank you for all eternity for bringing them eternity for bringing them even this far. even this far. So I hope they too will So I hope they too will rejoice that God has given rejoice that God has given them each a child as real them each a child as real as I’m sitting here tonight. as I’m sitting here tonight. Pray to them and ask them Pray to them and ask them for the things you need and for the things you need and we’ll pray the next ones we’ll pray the next ones are twins. are twins. It won’t hurt. It won’t hurt. We have another call. Hello. Hello. Female Caller #3: Hello, Female Caller #3: Hello, Mother Angelica. Mother Angelica. Mother Angelica: Yeah, where Mother Angelica: Yeah, where are you from? are you from? Caller: Conchita from Caller: Conchita from Woodbury, New Jersey. Woodbury, New Jersey. Mother Angelica: And what is Mother Angelica: And what is your question? your question? Caller: I love you. Caller: I love you. Mother Angelica: Thank you. Mother Angelica: Thank you. Caller: What it’s about Caller: What it’s about is abortion. is abortion. What it is, we storm, we What it is, we storm, we storm the White House but storm the White House but it don’t mean a thing. it don’t mean a thing. We get letters from them We get letters from them saying "We can’t do this, saying "We can’t do this, we can’t do that." we can’t do that." But we call them and we But we call them and we try to. try to. But I think the doctors, But I think the doctors, the doctors don’t have the doctors don’t have any conscience, they any conscience, they don’t have no conscience don’t have no conscience at all. at all. They do it for money. They do it for money. That’s all they do and I That’s all they do and I don’t know what’s going to don’t know what’s going to happen to them when they happen to them when they face Our Lord. face Our Lord. Mother Angelica: We need to-- Mother Angelica: We need to-- we need to pray for them. we need to pray for them. And I met a doctor one time And I met a doctor one time who had 30,000 abortions and he said he didn’t know. and he said he didn’t know. He said, "I never believed He said, "I never believed that that was a real baby." that that was a real baby." I forget what happened one I forget what happened one night that he began to night that he began to realize they were all realize they were all little children. little children. He really repented a lot. He really repented a lot. I think a lot of it is I think a lot of it is ignorance, a lot of it ignorance, a lot of it maybe, it’s, they make maybe, it’s, they make oodles of money. oodles of money. But it never does them But it never does them any good, I’m sure. any good, I’m sure. Somewhere, some place there Somewhere, some place there has to be a conscience. has to be a conscience. They’re misguided, They’re misguided, misinformed. misinformed. And if they don’t have a And if they don’t have a kind of faith in God, kind of faith in God, then it’s. then it’s. If we did that to animals-- If we did that to animals-- I read where this celebrity, I read where this celebrity, and I won’t mention her and I won’t mention her name, loved to eat ewes, name, loved to eat ewes, little baby lambs, little baby lambs, before they were born. before they were born. So they would abort these So they would abort these lambs so she could have this lambs so she could have this kind of lamb that she likes. kind of lamb that she likes. I can imagine the animal I can imagine the animal societies all over the world societies all over the world in an uproar, an uproar, in an uproar, an uproar, that they have to abort a that they have to abort a lamb so she can have the lamb so she can have the meat she wants. meat she wants. Isn’t it awesome that we Isn’t it awesome that we don’t care about a human don’t care about a human being with a soul made to being with a soul made to the image and likeness the image and likeness of God? of God? (heavy sigh) (heavy sigh) We do strange things today. We do strange things today. Our values are all Our values are all messed up. messed up. We worry about things we We worry about things we shouldn’t worry about. shouldn’t worry about. Oh, don’t send me any "I Oh, don’t send me any "I love my dog letters" because love my dog letters" because I love your dog, too! I love your dog, too! (group chuckles) (group chuckles) But your dog is not a But your dog is not a human being and if you human being and if you wouldn’t do to a dog, wouldn’t do to a dog, you shouldn’t do it to you shouldn’t do it to a baby! a baby! I think this is so because I think this is so because the whole world has lost its the whole world has lost its realities, its values that realities, its values that are God-like. are God-like. You know what Our Lord did You know what Our Lord did to the Tower of Babel. to the Tower of Babel. Well, we’re much worse Well, we’re much worse today. today. Their pride was great but Their pride was great but we’ve gone beyond pride. we’ve gone beyond pride. We take the place of God We take the place of God now, and some people call now, and some people call themselves god. themselves god. Well, if you could look at Well, if you could look at yourself in the mirror, yourself in the mirror, maybe you’d catch on. maybe you’d catch on. God you’re not. God you’re not. When you lose the reality of When you lose the reality of God, everything turns upside God, everything turns upside down. We have another call. We have another call. Hello. Hello. Hi. Hi. Male Caller #1: Hello, Male Caller #1: Hello, Mother? Mother? Mother Angelica: Yeah, Mother Angelica: Yeah, where are you from? where are you from? Caller: Baltimore. Caller: Baltimore. Mother Angelica: Wonderful! Mother Angelica: Wonderful! What is your question? What is your question? Caller: I have two quick Caller: I have two quick ones but they’re very ones but they’re very important. important. Mother Angelica: Okay. Mother Angelica: Okay. Caller: The first Caller: The first one is, could you reclarify one is, could you reclarify the Church’s teaching on the Church’s teaching on abortion when it comes to abortion when it comes to rape or incest? rape or incest? And secondly, is it And secondly, is it permissible for a nun permissible for a nun to conduct the Mass of to conduct the Mass of the Pre-sanctified the Pre-sanctified on Good Friday? on Good Friday? And if it is or isn’t--I’ll And if it is or isn’t--I’ll wait for your answer--what wait for your answer--what advice would you give advice would you give Catholics who attend such Catholics who attend such services? services? Mother Angelica: Walk out. Mother Angelica: Walk out. You don’t have a choice. You don’t have a choice. She has no right to conduct. She has no right to conduct. It’s a blasphemy for her to It’s a blasphemy for her to conduct a service where the conduct a service where the Lord Jesus dies for our Lord Jesus dies for our sins. I would walk out. I would walk out. There would be no question. There would be no question. I would walk out as soon as I would walk out as soon as she walked in. she walked in. I wouldn’t wait for the I wouldn’t wait for the service--that don’t make service--that don’t make any sense. any sense. If you wait and go to the If you wait and go to the service, you’re condoning service, you’re condoning the one who did it. the one who did it. I guess you’re so shocked, I guess you’re so shocked, the service was over before the service was over before you realized what was you realized what was going on. going on. So I don’t have a problem So I don’t have a problem with that. with that. The Church teaches that even The Church teaches that even in the case of rape, if in the case of rape, if there is, it’s very seldom a there is, it’s very seldom a child is conceived because child is conceived because of the trauma, but it does of the trauma, but it does happen and the Church happen and the Church teaches you cannot kill a teaches you cannot kill a human being even for that human being even for that because no one has a right because no one has a right to take a life that God to take a life that God has given. has given. The event is a violent one The event is a violent one but even at that point we but even at that point we don’t have the right to don’t have the right to abort a child. abort a child. We cannot commit one sin We cannot commit one sin to overcome another sin. to overcome another sin. You can’t do that. You can’t do that. Two wrongs never make a right. Two wrongs never make a right. I know that’s hard because I know that’s hard because some women are scarred by some women are scarred by rapes and incest, rapes and incest, especially. especially. I would take care of those I would take care of those people responsible but you people responsible but you can’t, it’s not a reason can’t, it’s not a reason for murder. We have another call. We have another call. Hello. Hello. Female Caller #4: Hello. Female Caller #4: Hello. Mother Angelica: Where are Mother Angelica: Where are you from? you from? Caller: I’m from Maryland. Caller: I’m from Maryland. Mother Angelica: And what is Mother Angelica: And what is your question? your question? Caller: Mother Angelica, Caller: Mother Angelica, it’s such an honor to be it’s such an honor to be speaking with you tonight. speaking with you tonight. Mother Angelica: Thank you. Mother Angelica: Thank you. Caller: Mother Angelica, Caller: Mother Angelica, I have suffered from I have suffered from migraine headaches for almost migraine headaches for almost 30 years on a daily basis, 30 years on a daily basis, I have been to many, many I have been to many, many doctors and had many, many doctors and had many, many treatments and still treatments and still suffer with these headaches. suffer with these headaches. I was wondering if you could I was wondering if you could give me some Scripture and give me some Scripture and some help in understanding. some help in understanding. Mother Angelica: Well, there Mother Angelica: Well, there are many scriptures. There’s nothing worse than There’s nothing worse than a migraine headache. a migraine headache. If you’ve gone to doctors If you’ve gone to doctors and--have you tried herbs? and--have you tried herbs? Are you there? Are you there? Caller: Yes, I am, Caller: Yes, I am, yes, I am. yes, I am. No, I haven’t tried that. No, I haven’t tried that. Mother Angelica: I would go Mother Angelica: I would go to a, a very good herb to a, a very good herb doctor. doctor. I’m a great believer in I’m a great believer in herbs. herbs. God made them before we made God made them before we made medicine--and God made medicine--and God made medicine, too. medicine, too. But there are a lot of, But there are a lot of, of good herbs. of good herbs. Now, you have to be careful Now, you have to be careful --there are funny people --there are funny people in every business. in every business. But there are a lot of good But there are a lot of good herbs that are really very herbs that are really very powerful in helping. powerful in helping. But since you’ve had it all But since you’ve had it all this time, you have to this time, you have to embrace that awesome cross. embrace that awesome cross. I would unite that terrible I would unite that terrible pain with Jesus when He had pain with Jesus when He had the crown of thorns. the crown of thorns. I would still go for my I would still go for my herbs, if I were you. herbs, if I were you. Go to a herb physician and Go to a herb physician and then what I would do is, in then what I would do is, in the meantime, is give it to the meantime, is give it to Jesus for priests, for Jesus for priests, for priests and religious. priests and religious. We have another call. We have another call. Hello. Hello. Male Caller #2: Mother, this Male Caller #2: Mother, this is Richard from Kansas. is Richard from Kansas. Mother Angelica: And what is Mother Angelica: And what is your question? your question? Caller: Mother, you were talking about the partial- talking about the partial- delivery abortions. delivery abortions. This is something that This is something that bothers me. bothers me. What can we out here in the What can we out here in the pews do in terms of devotion pews do in terms of devotion to Our Lady or special to Our Lady or special prayers or devotions that prayers or devotions that we can say? we can say? I mean, you look at what I mean, you look at what happens and I’m almost happens and I’m almost sometimes discouraged. sometimes discouraged. Mother Angelica: It’s Mother Angelica: It’s overwhelming. overwhelming. I’m trying to figure out I’m trying to figure out how to say this. how to say this. I would pray right now. I think all of us should I think all of us should pray that Our Dear Lord will pray that Our Dear Lord will have mercy on the world and have mercy on the world and especially this country. especially this country. No country has been so No country has been so blessed as this one and we blessed as this one and we seem to have forgotten. seem to have forgotten. We allow and do terrible We allow and do terrible things under the guise things under the guise of law. of law. But laws can be unjust, But laws can be unjust, unfair and even evil. unfair and even evil. I think we’re beyond, I think we’re beyond, right now, action. right now, action. I think God must intervene. I think God must intervene. No political party is going No political party is going to change anything. to change anything. We’ve gotten so far, we have We’ve gotten so far, we have to say, "Lord, save us." to say, "Lord, save us." I think it’s the only I think it’s the only solution is to pray--pray solution is to pray--pray for our country, pray for the world. the world. Something is happening to Something is happening to the world everywhere. the world everywhere. There are wars and wars There are wars and wars and wars and people hate and wars and people hate and hate and hate. and hate and hate. This country is constantly This country is constantly pushing God out of the way, pushing God out of the way, out of the way, out of the out of the way, out of the way, even in the Catholic way, even in the Catholic Church where some don’t Church where some don’t teach the Eucharist, they teach the Eucharist, they don’t teach devotion, they don’t teach devotion, they don’t teach Our Lady, they don’t teach Our Lady, they don’t teach anything. don’t teach anything. So I think the time has So I think the time has come for all of us to pray. come for all of us to pray. I say, "Lord, come, save us." I say, "Lord, come, save us." There is no other way. There is no other way. Well, we’ve only got Well, we’ve only got 2 minutes. 2 minutes. Would you believe it? Would you believe it? It seems like the time It seems like the time passed. passed. Don’t forget between your Don’t forget between your gas, electric or water bill gas, electric or water bill --any bill at all. --any bill at all. I have a little pitch I have a little pitch going on. going on. I suppose you’re tired of I suppose you’re tired of hearing it. hearing it. I’m tired of airing it but on June 14th, God willing, we will be all over South America 24 hours Spanish. (applause) We lose almost 8000 Catholics a day to other religions and no religion. We want to go around the world to say one thing-- come Home. come Home. Go to Jesus. Go to Jesus. There is a God and There is a God and He loves you. He loves you. If you want to do the same If you want to do the same thing, then write to me, thing, then write to me, write to Mother Angelica, write to Mother Angelica, Irondale, Alabama 35210 and Irondale, Alabama 35210 and together we shall not only together we shall not only reach the world, we shall reach the world, we shall change the world. change the world. But we cannot do it alone. But we cannot do it alone. I need His help most of all I need His help most of all and I need yours in and I need yours in particular. particular. So, if you’re tired of So, if you’re tired of listening to that pitch, I listening to that pitch, I know just what you can do. know just what you can do. (audience laughs) (audience laughs) Well, I love you and Well, I love you and I’ll see you tomorrow night I’ll see you tomorrow night with a great guest. with a great guest. ’Bye now. (applause) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
Channel: EWTN
Views: 6,897
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Keywords: ma9, ma902760, ytsync-en
Id: yCDMa2Gtz2E
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Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 01 2022
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