Mother Angelica Live Classics - ENEMIES - 2/1/1994

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[music] Man: "Mother Angelica Live!" brought to you from the Eternal Word Television Studios in Birmingham, Alabama. [music] <i>Mother: See in you, the love,</i> <i>the compassion of Jesus.</i> <i>The most glorious work of all,</i> <i>to praise God in His Kingdom.</i> <i>Anyone moved by the Spirit...</i> <i>Anyone who lives in love,</i> <i>lives in God</i> <i>and God lives in Him.</i> [music] <i>What a wonderful thing</i> <i>is our Church.</i> <i>This whole network</i> <i>is built on trust.</i> <i>The essence of evangelization</i> <i>is to tell everybody,</i> <i>"Jesus loves you!"</i> <i>We're all called</i> <i>to be great saints.</i> <i>Don't miss the opportunity!</i> (applause) Mother: Well, thank you. It's so good to be with you tonight. Every Tuesday night we have a lot of fun. We've got a nice big audience and it's good to see your family from different parts of the country. So I asked them, "What do we talk about?" I was going to talk about enemies, since I keep piling them up. (all chuckle) I've been called everything in the last two weeks from Judaizer to a heretic. (audience chuckles) I haven't figured what Judaizer means yet. (audience laughs) I know it was the ones in the Old Testament that were very strict to the law. Is that it? But I don't know what one is. I'm not a Jew. So they're really mixed up. But the Lord said in St. Luke's Gospel that, He said, "When they say all manner of evil against you for My Name's sake, then dance for joy. " Now, how do you like that? So we've been having a good time lately. (all chuckle) So bring them on. The sisters come in and say, "Hey Mother, here's a great one." Then we read it and we have a good laugh and then we pray, pray. That's what we need to do. Then I asked the audience, "What do we talk about tonight?" So somebody said, "Holy Spirit," and then somebody else said, "Divine Providence" and I said, "enemies". Shows you where I am. (audience chuckles) Well, let's have a little bit of both. We'll have a spiritual smorgasbord. We'll take enemies first. Let's get rid of those. (chuckles) We don't really appreciate enemies and everybody has an enemy. By the way, if you want to know something about the Holy Spirit or you have a problem with your enemies-- I hope you don't have any, but in case you do--or the wondrous Divine Providence of God, call in and we'll try to answer your questions. Now, in Matthew 5:44, the Lord says, "Pray for them, do good to them, bless them." Well, why would we do that? I'll bet you there's not a person listening who hasn't had a deep hurt in their life. For example, if you're divorced, your husband left you and you have four or five children you have to raise now, that constitutes an enemy. Enemies are not always soldiers of another nation that you're fighting in battle. Most of those people don't know anymore about what they're fighting for than you do. A country declares war and you go and you do your duty and they do theirs. So sometimes if they're vicious, if they're so terribly cruel--like Hitler was, Stalin, and now in Croatia--that would constitute an enemy. Most of us have people who hurt us very deeply. Unfortunately, all this letter writing and articles in newspapers haven't hurt. So I can't really call them enemies. Somebody has to hurt you to be an enemy and everybody has something, I think. Whatever that enemy has done to you--some people have gone to jail unjustly, some people have been swindled or embezzled and lost their business, their home-- whatever it is, there is in the heart a kind of dislike or a bad part of it could be a hatred. And hatred can turn into a fire and fire turns into unforgiveness, a total lack of mercy. Did you ever have that? Did you ever have that temptation? No--yeah? Well, if you're honest, you'll say "yes." And today in the Church, we have people that we could consider enemies but they don't even know they are. I think an enemy has to know he or she is one. But all our good liberals they're destroying something we love and that would constitute an enemy but I don't, I think they're sincerely wrong but they don't know that. But an enemy that we're talking about tonight is someone who has deliberately done you something evil. If you've been raped, for example, or mugged-- anything that has caused you great harm--now, what do you do with those people? Well, the Lord said, you have to pray for them. You have to bless them. Listen to that. And you have to wish them well. He said, "Love your enemies." And He said, "If you love those who love you, what credit do you get?" That's easy, isn't it? "But if you love those who hate you, then" He said, "you'll be like your Father in Heaven." Oh! And you see the difference? But why does Jesus say that? Why does He say, "Don't let the sun go down on your anger." I thought that was nice talking about the sun. In the summertime you got an extra hour to be angry. (audience chuckles) Oh, that was good. You know, He gave us a time to kind of elastic. In the fall, it's not too hard because you've got one less hour and it gets dark by 4:00. But you do have that opportunity to be like God, Who lets His sun shine on the good and the bad. But what does it do for you? That's the important thing, you see. If you hate someone, for whatever reason and it begins to turn into a evil hatred, revenge--you wish they'd slip on a banana peel, break a leg, if they got hurt in an accident, you'd kind of say, "Ha, ha, I knew you deserved it"-- that kind of terrible stuff that gets deep in the heart. Well, the Lord said, "Don't let the sun go down on your anger because once it begins to eat at you, you suffer." The person that hurt you may be long gone and having a good time and you're in there being miserable. Does that make any sense? It doesn't make any sense. And not only does it eat you up, it, it makes you worse-- it could make you worse than your enemy. Why? Because it begins to be a, you wake up with it in the morning, you go to bed with it at night. You start feeling bad. You get ulcers. Why? St. Paul was my kind of man. Well, not really. (all chuckle) That's a figure of speech, do you know what I mean? He said, "Be nice to your neighbor and you will pour coals on their head." In other words, you're going to bug them if you're nice to them. I did that one time and they go so upset. "Why are you so nice?" I said, "I don't know. I'm just trying to do what the Lord asked me to do." "Why aren't you getting mad?" "I don't know. I think this whole thing's ridiculous." But inside of you is such an anger--and some people are hurt terribly, terribly unjustly, unjustly and you have reason to be angry. That is the clue. The devil sometimes tempts a person to hatred and then he brings on a little bit of truth. He says, "Well, you've got a reason to hate. This person was really unjust to you." What they did is true. And because it's humanly true, then you think you have a reason to hate, a reason not to forgive, a reason not to bless your enemy. Well, you see, maybe that enemy is not enlightened, their conscience is not enlightened. People can be sincerely wrong. I was sincerely wrong one time when I got on a plane and we were beginning to eat our lunch and the captain came over and said, "Well, ladies and gentlemen, we'll be in Miami in an hour and a half," and I, I dropped my fork. I said to Sr. Joseph, "Did he say Miami?" She said, "Yeah." I said, "We're not going to Miami." (audience chuckles) And she said, "We are now, Mother." I couldn't believe we were going to Miami. I thought he made a mistake. So I said--I called the stewardess and I said, "Where are we going?" And she said, "Miami." "Oh." You know, it was one of those confusing things where you go through the gate and this goes to one city and this one goes to that. Well, we took the wrong one (audience chuckles) and nobody noticed it. I think because of that now they make sure. They look at your ticket and they... So I said to the stewardess-- by that time I might as well have been funny--and I said, "Can you turn this plane around?" (audience chuckles) She said, "No." So we went to Miami, and we went... We were sincere when we got on that plane but we were in the wrong direction. So I had to call up the people who were waiting for me in another city and said, "Hi." "Where are you?" "I'm in Miami." "What are you doing there?" What a terrible thing to have to admit, you got on the wrong plane. (audience chuckles) It's not bad if you get on the wrong bus--but the wrong plane! But Sister and I were very sincere when we got on that plane, thinking we were going in one direction and we ended up another one. So that you can merit, so you can be more glorified in His Kingdom, you look more like Jesus, so we can resemble and become like the Father who is Compassion and Merciful, every enemy gives you the opportunity for high glory--not for your sake but for His sake. And Our Dear Lord forgave His enemies on the cross. Can you imagine that? Well, we can't imagine that 'cause none of us have that kind of forgiveness. I was reading a wonderful book today--kind of scary, but I like scary books. It was called <i><u>Thunder of Justice</u></i>. It's all about chastisement. I know you don't want to hear it. I'm not going to talk about it. I feel sorry if you're not ready for it but I'm not going to say a word. (audience chuckles) I mean, if you don't repent and get your life in order, you may, you may experience the book, not just read it. (audience chuckles) It's a very good book. It speaks a lot about Our Lady, Mediatrix of all Graces and Co-Redemptorix. It's a, really a very, very wonderful book. But as I was reading in there, I realized we don't listen to the Holy Spirit. You didn't think I'd get it in, did you? (audience chuckles) I could just feel you saying, "She's not going to do it. She's not going to do it." When Our Lady appears in some many places-- LaSallette, Lourdes, Fatima, everywhere, almost every country--all with the same message--"Pray and repent, change your life"--a very simple message but a message that is given to us. I figure since Our Lady is coming so often and so long, there has to be a very serious thing coming. But I felt very good today. I'm on an eight-day retreat and I thought talking to you wasn't going to break it 'cause we're talking about the Lord, and that's what a retreat is all about. I'll tell you one myself; one time at lesson some years ago, I decided we would go around and pick out one fault in each other. (audience laughs) I bet you'd be too chicken to do that. (audience chuckles) I bet your wife would smack you right across the face. (audience chuckles) Anyway, we decided we would say, "Okay, you do this and you do that." So it came to me, and everybody's a little reluctant, you know, to say their superior has some faults. Well, I know that. So, I thought, "Come on! Come on!" So, the sister said to me, "Well, Mother, all during lesson, you do this." (audience laughs) Isn't that annoying? (audience chuckles) And I was doing it at the time! (audience laughs) And the funny thing of it was, I was saying, "I never do that!" (audience laughs) And I was doing it! That's why my book is so terrible. Well, I've been using it for years but I like, I don't know, I get to thinking and I do this. I didn't know it. Well, that's how it is with all of weaknesses, our faults, our sinner condition. A lot of you commit a lot of sins but you don't know why. You just seem to fall into it. Your conscience is not enlightened enough to know, "Don't put yourself in occasion… Don't do this. Do that." You don't want to do that! But the Spirit is working in the world. He's trying so hard through His Spouse, Our Lady. When we insult God, when we tell God we don't want Him in our souls and we commit one mortal sin after another and we do all these terrible things in this world today. Oh, I know, my liberal brothers say everybody's one big happy family. (heavy sigh) How come everybody looks so miserable? (audience chuckles) Do you have to be able to do everything you want, commit any sin you want to be happy, to be one big happy family? Nah. Happiness comes with a total union with the will of God in my life, you life, no sin. Well, the Spirit is going to come again like He did at Pentecost and we will know ourselves and then we can say, "I'm sorry, Lord." Just as I have to forgive my enemy, you have to forgive your enemy, God is forgiving us. Because if we offend Him over and over and over, we really constitute being an enemy of God, the Most Loving Father, the Most Compassionate God. So the Holy Spirit is trying hard by all these visions of Our Lady to give you light, to call you--to call you to repentance, to call you to a new kind of living, a new kind of life. It's wonderful. We have a call. Hello. Female Caller #1: Hello, Mother. Mother: Where are you from? Caller: I'm from Boston, Massachusetts. Mother: Oh good. Caller: I'm sorry, I'm a bit nervous. Mother: What is your question? Caller: Yeah, Mother, I've been watching. I love you. My question is this. I'm from Nigeria and I have a problem with my mother-in-law, a real problem. She doesn't like me. I had miscarriages and I had one miscarriage earlier this year. I had surgery done and all she could say when she called was that she told me to leave the son's house, that if I don't leave, I will never have a child. My father died in November and she could not talk to me. She did not go for my father's burial. I said to the son, I said, "I forgive your mother for all she's doing," but my problem lies, although I said I forgive her, I know right inside my mind because I remember all she did to me, all she had said to me and I wonder if... (crying) Mother: I know. It's hard, see. Caller: And I wonder if I'm on the right path. Each night I pray, I say my rosary, I pray for her. I say, "God, to touch her heart, make her..." Mother: But that's forgiveness, sweetheart, you see. We don't always… If we're going to wait to feel forgiving, we're going to wait a long time because it's okay for you. It's good for you to keep saying your rosary and say, "Lord, please forgive my mother-in-law." I often wonder what happens to mother-in-laws. They all seem to be in the same boat. Are there no beautiful mother-in-laws? There has to be somewhere and I'm sure there are many beautiful mother-in-laws. But for your sanctification and maybe her salvation, God has permitted this. Does she live in another country or another city? Caller: No, she lives in Nigeria. Mother: And you live in America? Caller: Yeah. Mother: Forgive her. (audience laughs) Sweetheart, that many miles away, I wouldn't have a hard time forgiving her at all. You're going by telephone calls. There's one thing--a telephone call can hurt just like anything else, I know. But when you get a phone call or you phone her and you get all these insults, remember that is your opportunity to say a prayer for her salvation. When somebody's so angry inside like that and so hateful, they're in bad shape. They're not like Jesus. So that's what's, that's what you have to realize. So take that as an opportunity of forgiving at the moment and know that she suffers more than you do because there's something inside her, probably jealousy. Jealousy is a terrible, terrible sin because it just ruins marriages, it ruins families, it ruins friendships. It's the devil's best tool, the one he uses most. But don't get, don't get so involved in that. You're allowing your mother-in-law that's how many miles away from you to ruin your life, to make you uneasy, to make you angry, to make your life miserable. Why, somebody that far away? You can't, you can't have friends all the time. Everybody is not going to love you. The Commandment is you love everybody. The Lord never told us everybody was going to love us. It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter. You love her by praying for her. And when you're off of that phone, out of your mind, out of your mind because you've done what God wanted you to do. Now, forget it. We have another call. Hello. Female Caller #2: Hello, Mother. Mother: Where are you from? Caller: I'm calling from Norristown, Pennsylvania. Mother: And what is your question? Caller: I have the sound off, Mother, so I don't know if you'll answer this. Mother: Okay. Caller: If someone hates you and you've done everything you can to remedy that, is it enough to pray for that person or must you seek them out? Mother: Well, the Lord said, "Go three times if you can." Sometimes you can't go two times because they're too obnoxious. If you've done your best, I think I would pray for them. Some people, the most charitable thing you can do for them is leave them alone. That's the most charitable thing you can do to some people. But pray, pray and ask God to bless them. I know, it's going to come out of your lips so hard but do it. Even if you say, "God... bless...him." (audience chuckles) Even if it's that hard, say it. It's okay. But I would, I would leave it alone and just pray. You, you can't always make some things right but you can help them to get more graces. You can love them in your heart, though they don't love you back--and that's the important thing. We have another call. Hello. Female Caller #3: Hello Mother. Mother: Where are you from? Caller: Louisville, Kentucky. Mother: And what is your question? Caller: Well, you've been talking about enemies tonight. Mother: (chuckles) Yeah. Caller: I really don't have enemies per se. I am my worst enemy. Mother: Oh, you are? Yeah, that can be. How are you your worst enemy? Caller: Well, everybody's had things happen to them in their past, but a lot of things that have happened to me, I just, I've forgiven the people that have hurt me and I honestly believe deep down in my heart that I have. But I just, I can't seem to forgive myself with a lot of things. People say, "Do unto other as you would have them do unto you," but for me, it's reverse, "Do unto yourself as you would do unto others." I'm a very giving, loving person but I just can't seem to love--I don't know if it's a feeling of unworthiness in God's eyes. Sometimes I feel like that's what it is. Mother: God doesn't feel, doesn't feel you're unworthy. He, He came for sinners. He said, "I didn't come for the virtuous. I came for sinners." He came to forgive, to show compassion. If God has forgiven you-- and if you've gone to Confession, He has--why torture yourself? If the Good God Who is so offended by us forgives so easily if I'm sorry. He doesn't hold a grudge. We judge God by ourselves. When you feel in your heart that you can't forgive yourself, that's a little bit of pride on your part. I hate to say that. You need a little humility. You need to understand that whatever you did, you might have done worse if you had the opportunity. Most people are good or many people are good because they lack opportunity. (all chuckle) God did not allow you to have these opportunities. So we can all see, "There but for the grace of God go I." We, all of us are capable of anything. Do you want to hear something really funny? If God hadn't called me out of the dregs when I was 18 and showed me He loved me and healed me, I would have been one of those flaming feminists that I'm always cracking about. (audience laughs) I really think I would have. I'd be carrying these plaques, "Let's hate men!" (audience laughs) Where I was is not where I am. Where I was without any light or knowledge of God or experience of God is now irrelevant. It doesn't matter. It's gone. Our Lord said to Angela Foligno one time, "Why do you live in the past? It's dead." It's like shooting at a dead horse. How many times can you kill a dead horse? (audience chuckles) You keep shooting at a dead horse. He said, "The future is unborn. You just have the present moment." You have forgiven others and God has forgiven you. Get off that merry-go-round and say, "Jesus, I accept." The greatest joy you can give Jesus is to say, "I accept Your forgiveness, Lord." He died on the cross to forgive you. He forgives you. You say, well, "My sins make me feel unworthy." We all feel that way. We have to feel that. That's called humility. I've just got to watch, I don't get in that situation again. But your enemies have forgiven you; God has forgiven you; you have forgiven your enemies. Now if you just forgive yourself, the circle will be complete. We have a call. Hello. Female Caller #4: Hello. Mother: Where are you from? Caller: San Juan, Puerto Rico. Mother: Ah! And what is your question? Caller: Well, yes, Sister, at the beginning of the program you were talking about forgiveness. Mother: Yeah. Caller: And like many other marriages, mine broke up over an affair with another woman. Mother: Yeah. Caller: And though I pray for their salvation, I also pray for justice. (audience chuckles) Do I have to pray for them to be happy together or what do I have to do? (all laugh) Mother: Well, being the Italian I am, I don't know if I could do that, either. But I don't think that's a part of forgiveness. What you need to do is to pray they come to their senses and realize Light, Light, Light, "Give them Light, Lord." That's what you need to pray for. "Revenge is mine sayeth the Lord." You don't, you don't need to hope for any kind of misery. They're already miserable. They may look happy but unless they've killed their consciences, there's always something in here. You can bury it, you can try to forget it, you can drown it with alcohol or drugs but it's there. The moment it isn't there is the time you begin to worry. What I would do is forgive them as you do or you did and ask Our Dear Lord to give them Light to see they live in sin. And that would be an act of love on your part. We have another call. Hello. Child Caller #1: Hello, my name's Daniel. Mother: How old are you, Daniel? Caller: Six. Mother: And what is your question? Caller: Can you tell me how come God picked Mary to be the Mother of Him? Mother: Well, when Our Dear Lord, when it was time for Him to come and live in our midst to redeem us, the Father had to create--not pick. I pick what's already there. If I was going to pick somebody to win a basket of fruit, I would pick them from people already present. So Our Lord didn't pick Our Lady from a lot of other young girls. He chose Her--there's a difference, big difference. He chose Her specially from all eternity with very special gifts, very special graces, very special everything so that this Creature, this Woman would be the Ark of the Covenant for the Son of God, the Eternal Word. So She had to be Utterly Pure, Holy, all the things, the One closest and most united to God from her conception. So He chose Her very special. Did your mother ever--this is a very bad example but it's all I can think of. Did your mother ever go and pick out a car and she knows exactly what she wants. She's not going to pick a truck if she wants a station wagon. She's not going to pick a two-seater. So she looks very special, she reads everything and she sees, "Is this what I really want?" But your mother picks a car among many cars. Not so with God, He chose His Son's Mother with special care. Tonight we were going to talk a little bit--and we are now--on the Providence of God. God's' Providence is infinite. Infinite Providence, made, created this Particular Woman with very special gifts just for His Son. So although Our Lady is a Woman, She's "nature's Solitary Boast." That's what Longfellow said. She was something and is something above everyone else--above angels and mankind--very special. Now, Our Dear Lady Herself has an enemy, huh. If you look in the Book of Revelation--if you look in Genesis, start at Genesis 3:15 when Adam and Eve fell--disobedient, that's what they were. We say, "they fell." He ate an apple, well. It's a funny thing about the apple and I don't know why I just thought about it but I'll tell you. Pope John XXIII, when he was a cardinal went to one of these big banquets. Sitting next to him was one of them ambassadors or diplomat's wife, scantily dressed. So some fruit was passed and Pope John handed her an apple. (audience chuckles) He said, "Have an apple. It was eating the apple that Eve knew she was naked." So Pope John was telling this. You're all kind of slow tonight. (audience laughs) Anyway, I thought it was funny. (audience chuckles) But our Dear Lady-- way back there, the Lord, when He cursed Adam and Eve and literally told them to leave the garden, He said to the snake, "On your belly you shall go the rest of your life." He looked at Eve and said, "You shall bear children in pain." And He looked at Adam and He said, "Only thistles will come when you plant, and rocks. "By the sweat of your brow will you eat." And then He said to the serpent, "About the Woman…" The Lord gave me a book on Our Lady. I'll be glad to send it to you if you want it--it will cost you a little donation--um, called <i>The Woman</i>. "And I will put enmity between thee," that's satan, "and the Woman, and She will crush your head." Well, I think in this century that's going to happen. I think Our Lady--because radical feminists have degraded women. They have degraded women. They're supposed to hold them up but you haven't. You have degraded every woman in this country. And Our Lady who is a Woman, She is the One--not a prince, not a king, not a man--a Woman shall crush the head of satan and he will be bound in Hell forever and ever to come back because of that One Woman. I think She'll do it in this century. She too, has an enemy. But when we have people that hurt us and sometimes we only think they're or sometimes they do, the enemy of Mary is the same enemy of God--satan. She calls him now "the shining darkness, the deceiver." Be careful of deceit. There's a lot of deceit in the world today. They make you feel you're going to have it all and everything's going to be wonderful. It's not. So She is going to crush the head of satan. We have another call. Hello. Female Caller #5: Hello. Mother: Where are you from? Caller: Mother Angelica, I'm from New Berlin, Wisconsin. Mother: And what is your question? Caller: I have a question more to do with Divine Providence. Mother: Okay. Caller: Um, I have a teenage daughter who's 16. This weekend three acquaintances of hers from one of the local high schools out in the Eagle Palmira District were killed in a car accident, a head-on collision. Another car crossed over the center line and three of the four kids in the car were killed almost instantly. She's having a hard time understanding why God allowed this to happen. I tried to explain to her that we live in a sinful world and satan is the reason, um, for these things happening. And she said to me, "But God is more Powerful than satan. He could have stopped it." I'm wondering if you could please help me to explain to her. I think she's just having a hard time understanding a Loving God that would allow something like this to happen. Mother: Well, I would imagine Our Lady looking at Her Son on the cross in such terrible condition, had She not been so united to God would also have had a hard time. Things like that that we can't explain and are very hard and people we love are suddenly killed, they're gone, we have a tendency to blame God. One of the reasons Our Dear Lord died on that awesome cross and Our Lady gave Him to the Father for us-- that's why we call Her the Mediatrix of All Graces, the Co-Redemptrix because She stood there beneath that cross. I would imagine all the apostles had a hard time. "If This is the Son of God, what's He doing there? "He raised others from the dead. Can He not release Himself?" In fact, the Pharisees said that very thing, "If You are the Son of God, come down and we'll believe You." We are all, many of us, victims of other people's bad decisions and sometimes we've victims of violence because of other people's evil. Our Dear Lord suffered from jealousy, injustice, the hatred of others and He was put to death only because He raised a man from the dead. They were after Him every time they saw Him heal somebody. Instead of believing, instead of going to the Scriptures and saying, "This is the One," they said, "We have to get rid of Him." Somebody said that about me in the paper the other day, "We have to do something with Mother Angelica." Well, they said the same thing about Him. Your daughter has to look at Him on the cross and know that God--let's go through just a few little things here. Their suffering and their family's suffering is all waiting for them in the Kingdom. We have to keep Heaven in view. It isn't lost; it isn't wasted. You and I and your daughter don't have the slightest idea what's coming. Will there be an atomic war with this new leader in Russia? Maybe Our Dear Lord permitting it--not ordained it--He may have permitted it cause this was the best time for them. This is the time they would have had the greatest amount of merit, the greatest glory and they have seen God face-to-face, rather suddenly. But He is not only a Just God, He's a Very Provident God. And since they were the victims of some accident where somebody either hit them head on or slid or whatever it was, we must say with tears in our eyes and a broken heart, "Thy Will be done." It's difficult and I think we have to understand that we are finite creatures and we cannot possibly understand the mind of an Infinite God, we can't. There's where it's our opportunity to be humble and know that His Loving Providence does do the very wisest thing at all times. We have another call. Hello. Hi there. Child Caller #2: Hello, Mother Angelica. Mother: Hey, how old are you? Caller: I'm 10. Mother: You're 10. And what is your question? Caller: I'd like to, could I ask you a favor? Could you pray for my family and for my vocation because I've always wanted to become a nun since I was nine years old? Mother: Well, I'll pray for you and your family. Is there something specific you want to pray for your family? Caller: For my dad because he, sometimes he has breathing problems, sometimes he can't breathe very well and I would like you to pray for that. Mother: Okay. Let's do that now, okay. "Lord Jesus, I just ask that You pray for this child that You have given the desire to, to be a religious, a Spouse of Christ and to bless her mother who raises her in the way of the Lord. "Bless her dad, give him life that's fortitude and strength so he can overcome the weaknesses that he may have. "Hail Mary, Full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee." All: "Blessed art Thou amongst woman and blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb, Jesus. "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen." Mother: We'll pray for you. I have a sister here who wanted to be a nun when she was 3 years old. However, she didn't enter till she was 30. So in between there, whatever happened, I hope it doesn't happen to you. So as soon as you're out of high school, run. We have a call. Hello. Female Caller #6: Hello, Mother. Mother: Where are you from? Caller: Hello. Mother: Where are you from? Caller: I'm calling from Minneapolis, Minnesota. Mother: And what is your question? Caller: I have a question about the Eucharist. Mother: Oh, yeah. Caller: Okay. I understand the Church's teaching, that the Eucharist is the Real Presence of Christ, Body and Blood. Mother: Soul and Divinity. Caller: What? Mother: Soul and Divinity. Caller: Well, okay, that's part of my question. Mother Angelica: Okay. Caller: Um, I was going to say, I understand the Church's teaching that the Eucharist is the Real Presence of Christ's Body and Blood because that can be found in the Gospel. But I don't understand why you say that the Eucharist is also the Real Presence of Christ's Soul and Divinity. Mother: Because... Caller: I wanted to know, what does the Church base this teaching on. I'm going to hang up and listen to your answer. God bless you, Mother. Mother: All right. The Church teaches--there are a lot of heresies going around today that, that It's not the Body and Blood, just a Sacrament. Some say, It is the Body and Blood, not the Divinity. You can't separate the Body and Blood of Jesus from His Divinity and His Soul, His Soul and Divinity. On earth He never ceased to be God. That's why when John the Baptist said, "Are You the One or do we look for another?" He gave the signs of the God/Man, Man/God. So you just can't say, "This is the Body and Blood of Jesus." You can't separate the one from the other. You couldn't do it in His lifetime. It's what we call Hypostatic Union and Transubstantiation. So, throughout the Scriptures, when Jesus said, "If you do not eat My Flesh and drink My Blood, you shall not have life in you." Well, you can't make just Body and Blood. The life comes from His Divinity. Jesus is Lord and Jesus was Man. You cannot in the Eucharist, neither on this earth, could anyone ever separate, even for a moment, from the time of the Incarnation He was God and Man. All through His life it was God and Man. And when He comes in that Wondrous Sacrament, the Holy Eucharist, it's just, you cannot separate my soul from my body. We call that death. but my soul is in parts, it's in three different parts and you can't separate that. But my soul keeps my body going. When my soul leaves, then I'm dead. But the Hypostatic Union of the divine with the human is always One. It can never, never be separated. So you receive--and that's the teaching of the Church and don't let anybody confuse you. It's so bad. Go and visit Him and say, "Jesus, teach me. Give me light." Well, would you believe our hour is over? I've enjoyed being with you and the Lord will be with you in His Spirit, His Providence, and forgive your enemies. 'Bye now. (applause) [music]
Channel: EWTN
Views: 75,310
Rating: 4.8099761 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television, Mother Angelica (Organization Founder), MA902721
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 21sec (3261 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 18 2014
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