Mother Angelica Live Classics - 2022-02-15 - Good Things Happen

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♪ ♪ Man: "Mother Angelica Live!" brought to you from the Eternal Word Television Studios in Birmingham, Alabama. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ <i>Mother: See in you, the love, the compassion of Jesus.</i> <i>The most glorious work of all, to praise God in His Kingdom.</i> <i>Anyone moved by the Spirit...</i> <i>Anyone who lives in love,</i> <i>lives in God and God lives in Him.</i> ♪ ♪ <i>What a wonderful thing is our Church.</i> <i>This whole network is built on trust.</i> <i>The essence of evangelization is to tell everybody,</i> <i>"Jesus loves you!"</i> <i>We’re all called to be great saints.</i> <i>Don’t miss the opportunity!</i> (applause) (applause) Mother: Well, and we are Mother: Well, and we are going to talk about Jesus. going to talk about Jesus. You know, He’s the One to You know, He’s the One to talk about because He talk about because He loves us. loves us. He loves us enough to die He loves us enough to die for us. for us. I’ve had all kind of I’ve had all kind of wonderful things happen this wonderful things happen this week. week. About four or five people About four or five people have sent in the mail have sent in the mail relics. relics. I’m a, I love relics! I’m a, I love relics! I look at these little I look at these little pieces of some saint’s bone pieces of some saint’s bone and I thought, "By golly, and I thought, "By golly, they made it," you know. they made it," you know. They’re very, very blessed They’re very, very blessed objects because they’re objects because they’re reminders to us. reminders to us. And you know, we say, well, And you know, we say, well, "Why do you want relics?" "Why do you want relics?" Well, people use to snitch Well, people use to snitch St. Paul’s handkerchiefs. St. Paul’s handkerchiefs. Do you remember that in the Do you remember that in the Acts of the Apostles? Acts of the Apostles? They take his handkerchief, They take his handkerchief, so they were healed by his so they were healed by his handkerchief. handkerchief. Don’t get any ideas and Don’t get any ideas and sending your handkerchief sending your handkerchief anywhere. anywhere. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) But that is the, really But that is the, really the origin or the origin or the beginning of relics, the beginning of relics, meaning a person who lived a meaning a person who lived a very holy life but then God very holy life but then God worked even through that worked even through that relic. relic. So I want to thank all of So I want to thank all of you. you. Some of them didn’t have any Some of them didn’t have any name or address. name or address. It’s very hard to thank It’s very hard to thank somebody who doesn’t have a somebody who doesn’t have a name and address. name and address. You know, it’s almost You know, it’s almost impossible. impossible. Well, it is impossible. Well, it is impossible. So if you’re listening So if you’re listening tonight, I want to thank you tonight, I want to thank you for all those marvelous for all those marvelous relics. relics. There are many people in There are many people in this country--I learned by this country--I learned by these four gifts--who do have these four gifts--who do have relics, and they’re getting relics, and they’re getting old--not the relics but the old--not the relics but the people. people. (all chuckle) (all chuckle) The relics are already old. The relics are already old. But they’re afraid, they’re But they’re afraid, they’re afraid they maybe don’t afraid they maybe don’t anyone to leave them to. anyone to leave them to. They’re afraid their They’re afraid their children will not children will not understand. understand. So here’s the plate. So here’s the plate. Send them on! Send them on! If you have a relic of If you have a relic of anybody or anyone or anybody or anyone or anything that’s very anything that’s very valuable in a relic and valuable in a relic and you’re getting old, you you’re getting old, you don’t know what to do with don’t know what to do with it, send them to us and we it, send them to us and we will be sure that they are will be sure that they are put in the right place. put in the right place. Now, since we have begun Now, since we have begun this program with gifts, this program with gifts, it’s a wonderful--and I it’s a wonderful--and I hope we can get a lot of hope we can get a lot of these pictures made because these pictures made because I think it would be good for I think it would be good for your children, a constant your children, a constant reminder that you do have a reminder that you do have a guardian angel. guardian angel. And Our Lady is constantly And Our Lady is constantly up there, constantly as up there, constantly as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix of Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix of All Graces to protect you, All Graces to protect you, to guard you and to lead you to guard you and to lead you to Her Son Jesus. to Her Son Jesus. That’s what She does. That’s what She does. That’s Her only work. That’s Her only work. Now, tell me tonight, what Now, tell me tonight, what has God done in your life? has God done in your life? What has He done in your What has He done in your parish? parish? What has He done with your What has He done with your children? children? What happened in your parish What happened in your parish or with your children, for or with your children, for example, that was example, that was supernatural? supernatural? Something that maybe your Something that maybe your angel or your guardian angel angel or your guardian angel of your son, what kind of of your son, what kind of blessing did you have from blessing did you have from the Lord? the Lord? Something you remember, Something you remember, maybe years ago when you got maybe years ago when you got a light that maybe changed a light that maybe changed your whole life, when you your whole life, when you got an inspiration that got an inspiration that changed your life, when you changed your life, when you read a verse of Scripture read a verse of Scripture that gave you a deeper that gave you a deeper meaning of God’s Holy Will? meaning of God’s Holy Will? In all things we must do the In all things we must do the Will of God. Will of God. There’s no question of that, There’s no question of that, in all things. in all things. And sometimes the smallest And sometimes the smallest inspiration. inspiration. I can tell you a million I can tell you a million little inspirations that little inspirations that went into this building, went into this building, went into everything and how went into everything and how the hand of God has worked the hand of God has worked in wonderful ways. in wonderful ways. We have had a lot of We have had a lot of terrible things going on in terrible things going on in the world, in the Church, in the world, in the Church, in our families but God is not our families but God is not without grace, not without without grace, not without great generosity. great generosity. And in the middle of chaos And in the middle of chaos and tragedies and everything and tragedies and everything else, He brings forth His else, He brings forth His grace, His gifts, His grace, His gifts, His inspirations, His love. inspirations, His love. I’m going to tell you how I’m going to tell you how this studio was built while this studio was built while I give you a chance to call I give you a chance to call and say, "This is what God and say, "This is what God had done to me, for me. had done to me, for me. "This is what we’re doing in "This is what we’re doing in our parish. our parish. "This is what we’re doing in "This is what we’re doing in our family to pray for poor our family to pray for poor sinners or to pray for the sinners or to pray for the world." world." You know, the network, the You know, the network, the producers and all the staff, producers and all the staff, they kept saying, "Mother, they kept saying, "Mother, we need a studio. we need a studio. "We need a studio. "We need a studio. "We can’t produce unless we "We can’t produce unless we have a studio." have a studio." So I asked our or So I asked our or maintenance man to put white maintenance man to put white rags around some trees. rags around some trees. And he said, "Well. And he said, "Well. how many?" how many?" And I said, "Well, just go And I said, "Well, just go 50 X 100 and put around 50 X 100 and put around these trees a white rag.: these trees a white rag.: And some bishops were coming And some bishops were coming by, about seven or eight of by, about seven or eight of them for Fr. Bognano’s series. them for Fr. Bognano’s series. And one bishop said to me, And one bishop said to me, "What are those white rags?" "What are those white rags?" I said, "Well, we need a I said, "Well, we need a studio real bad and we don’t studio real bad and we don’t have the money, so it’s a have the money, so it’s a reminder to the Lord that reminder to the Lord that that’s where we need the that’s where we need the studio." studio." (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) And he said to me, And he said to me, "Don’t you think He knows?" "Don’t you think He knows?" I said, "Oh yeah, but it I said, "Oh yeah, but it don’t hurt to remind Him." don’t hurt to remind Him." (audience laughs) (audience laughs) And he looked at me and And he looked at me and he said, "Does it work?" he said, "Does it work?" I said, "Yeah!" I said, "Yeah!" "Oh," he said, "that’s "Oh," he said, "that’s interesting." interesting." So, nothing happened. So, nothing happened. Another week passed by and Another week passed by and the man came down. the man came down. He said, "What are those He said, "What are those white rags?" white rags?" So I told him my story and So I told him my story and he said, "Interesting." he said, "Interesting." The next day he comes down The next day he comes down and he said, "Look, my wife and he said, "Look, my wife died," and he said, "and I’m died," and he said, "and I’m getting close to it." getting close to it." He said, "I’ll give you He said, "I’ll give you $50,000 to begin." $50,000 to begin." So, we took down the trees So, we took down the trees and I bought boots and and I bought boots and shovels for all the people shovels for all the people working here and we began working here and we began to dig the foundation, to dig the foundation, 50 X 100. 50 X 100. Well, it didn’t go very far, Well, it didn’t go very far, you know. you know. So a friend of mine came So a friend of mine came along and he said, along and he said, "What are you doing?" "What are you doing?" I said, "I’m building I said, "I’m building $50,000 worth of building." $50,000 worth of building." "That big?" "That big?" I said, "Yeah." I said, "Yeah." He said, "That’s not going He said, "That’s not going to go far." to go far." I said, "Well, I’m further I said, "Well, I’m further ahead than I was." ahead than I was." (audience laughs) (audience laughs) Isn’t that true, hah? Isn’t that true, hah? I mean, all I had were trees I mean, all I had were trees before! before! (audience laughs) (audience laughs) You know, men, men don’t You know, men, men don’t think straight, do they? think straight, do they? I mean, they don’t think the I mean, they don’t think the way women think, you see. way women think, you see. And to me I was ahead. And to me I was ahead. At least, I had the trees At least, I had the trees down and I had three big down and I had three big foundations and I thought, foundations and I thought, "Well, I’m further ahead "Well, I’m further ahead than I was a month ago." than I was a month ago." He said, "Why don’t we He said, "Why don’t we raffle a car?" raffle a car?" And I said, "Oh, where are And I said, "Oh, where are we going to get it?" we going to get it?" (audience laughs) (audience laughs) "I’ll get one." "I’ll get one." I said, "Fine! I said, "Fine! Great!" Great!" So nothing happened for So nothing happened for quite a while, and this man quite a while, and this man used to go home to Mr. Serra used to go home to Mr. Serra who had a big Chevrolet who had a big Chevrolet company here, and it’s Mike company here, and it’s Mike Renda. Renda. And he said, "You know, And he said, "You know, "Mother Angelica needs a "Mother Angelica needs a car. car. We need to raffle a car." We need to raffle a car." The man was horrified. The man was horrified. He didn’t know me, didn’t He didn’t know me, didn’t know the monastery and could know the monastery and could care less. care less. And he said, "No!" And he said, "No!" So poor Mike went every So poor Mike went every week, he’d go back asking week, he’d go back asking for this car--and it was a for this car--and it was a brand new car. brand new car. We weren’t looking for a We weren’t looking for a little jalopy, you know. little jalopy, you know. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) Finally the man said, Finally the man said, "Look, I’m going to go and "Look, I’m going to go and I’m going to see my mother I’m going to see my mother in California. in California. "I don’t want to see your "I don’t want to see your face when I get back. face when I get back. Do you understand?" Do you understand?" He said, "Yeah, yeah. He said, "Yeah, yeah. "Don’t get excited. "Don’t get excited. I just want a car." I just want a car." He said, "Well, you’re not He said, "Well, you’re not going to get a car!" going to get a car!" He said, "Okay!" He said, "Okay!" So he goes to California So he goes to California and he’s there drinking a and he’s there drinking a cup of coffee with his cup of coffee with his mother and he said, "You mother and he said, "You know mom, everything’s know mom, everything’s going crazy this day." going crazy this day." He said, "A man, a perfect He said, "A man, a perfect stranger walks in my office stranger walks in my office and wants me to donate a and wants me to donate a brand new car to some nun." brand new car to some nun." (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) And his [mother] And his [mother] looked at him and looked at him and said, "What nun?" said, "What nun?" He said, "I don’t know, He said, "I don’t know, some Mother Angelica." some Mother Angelica." She said, "Who’d you say?" She said, "Who’d you say?" He said, "Mother Angelica!" He said, "Mother Angelica!" And she looked at him and And she looked at him and she said, "Give her that she said, "Give her that car!" car!" (laughter and applauds) (laughter and applauds) She said, "When your She said, "When your father died, that was the father died, that was the only consolation I had. only consolation I had. Give her that car." Give her that car." So he comes home, he don’t So he comes home, he don’t know where the guy is, don’t know where the guy is, don’t even know his name. even know his name. So good ole Renda gets back So good ole Renda gets back again, you know, he’s again, you know, he’s undaunted--good, undaunted--good, hard-headed Italian--and he hard-headed Italian--and he gets the car. gets the car. So we got $23,000, so So we got $23,000, so we keep going up. we keep going up. See, we never stop. See, we never stop. We just keep going up a We just keep going up a little at a time. little at a time. And now we’re building And now we’re building $73,000 worth of building. $73,000 worth of building. So then I get a letter in So then I get a letter in the mail and it said some the mail and it said some foundation and it said, foundation and it said, "We’re going to give money "We’re going to give money to television entities. to television entities. "Would you like to give me a "Would you like to give me a proposal?" proposal?" I said, "Whoopee! I said, "Whoopee! Here we go." Here we go." So this is a very, very So this is a very, very special roof. special roof. It’s made almost like an It’s made almost like an erector set so we didn’t erector set so we didn’t have any pillars or posts have any pillars or posts around. around. And so I filled out this And so I filled out this form and I was absolutely form and I was absolutely positive that I would get positive that I would get the money cause they asked the money cause they asked me for a proposal. me for a proposal. So I ordered the roof, like So I ordered the roof, like $25,000 worth a roof. $25,000 worth a roof. Well, some month or so Well, some month or so passed and they wrote me a passed and they wrote me a letter saying, "Well, we’re letter saying, "Well, we’re sorry, our budget kind of sorry, our budget kind of ran out and we can’t give ran out and we can’t give you the money." you the money." And I thought, (gasps) "I’ve And I thought, (gasps) "I’ve got this big roof coming." got this big roof coming." So I was invited to So I was invited to Washington, DC for a state Washington, DC for a state dinner. dinner. And there was a cardinal at And there was a cardinal at our table and they said, our table and they said, "How are you doing, Mother?" "How are you doing, Mother?" And I said, "Rotten." And I said, "Rotten." (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) He said, "What’s the matter?" He said, "What’s the matter?" So I told him my sorrowful So I told him my sorrowful story about the roof. story about the roof. "Oh," he said, "how much do "Oh," he said, "how much do you need?" you need?" I said, "$25,000." I said, "$25,000." He said, "Ah, I’ll get it He said, "Ah, I’ll get it for you." for you." So he leaves the table and So he leaves the table and calls up this man in calls up this man in Pittsburgh and he says, Pittsburgh and he says, "He’ll send you a check "He’ll send you a check Monday." Monday." So I said, "Thank You, Jesus. So I said, "Thank You, Jesus. We got the roof." We got the roof." Well, we put the roof on and Well, we put the roof on and it was leaking everywhere, it was leaking everywhere, see, because it wasn’t see, because it wasn’t finished. finished. But you see, we started. But you see, we started. And I learned from that that And I learned from that that God doesn’t give you the God doesn’t give you the whole building at one time, whole building at one time, you see. you see. That’s kind of the new way. That’s kind of the new way. See, get all the money See, get all the money together and if you’re doing together and if you’re doing something for the Lord, the something for the Lord, the Lord works one step at a Lord works one step at a time, one step at a time. time, one step at a time. So, one day I was in Atlanta So, one day I was in Atlanta and the roof is leaking but and the roof is leaking but I was happy. I was happy. I was happy. I was happy. We had a building and I We had a building and I didn’t care how much the didn’t care how much the roof leaked. roof leaked. Eventually, we’d get it Eventually, we’d get it fixed. fixed. And the sisters called and And the sisters called and said, "Mother, there’s an said, "Mother, there’s an elderly couple here and elderly couple here and they, they insist on seeing they, they insist on seeing you." you." So when I got home, I So when I got home, I invited them and they had a invited them and they had a kind of old car and so, I kind of old car and so, I spent the afternoon with spent the afternoon with them. them. And we fed them with I And we fed them with I showed them around and I showed them around and I said to the sisters, "Let’s said to the sisters, "Let’s give them a box lunch," you give them a box lunch," you know, "They don’t look like know, "They don’t look like they can afford to go to a they can afford to go to a restaurant and got a long restaurant and got a long way to drive." way to drive." So, we took a shoebox and we So, we took a shoebox and we filled it up with whatever filled it up with whatever was soft because I thought, was soft because I thought, you know, elderly people you know, elderly people can’t always chew apples, can’t always chew apples, you know what I mean? you know what I mean? (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) So I gave them some bananas So I gave them some bananas and bologna and all this and bologna and all this good stuff. good stuff. So we sent them off. So we sent them off. And Monday I get a call and And Monday I get a call and this woman said, "My mother this woman said, "My mother and father-in-law were there and father-in-law were there on Saturday." on Saturday." I said, "Oh yeah, we had a I said, "Oh yeah, we had a great time!" great time!" She said, "Well, we had a She said, "Well, we had a Board Meeting this morning." Board Meeting this morning." I said, "A board meeting?" I said, "A board meeting?" (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) You mean that old couple, You mean that old couple, that old couple had that old couple had a board meeting? a board meeting? I didn’t tell her that, but I didn’t tell her that, but I was thinking it. I was thinking it. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) And she said "Yes." And she said "Yes." She said, "We decided to She said, "We decided to give you $150,000 to finish give you $150,000 to finish the building." the building." Well, if you’d have had a Well, if you’d have had a feather and hit me with it, feather and hit me with it, I’d have fell over because I I’d have fell over because I though there were an old though there were an old couple on Social Security couple on Social Security and they must have laughed and they must have laughed when I gave them Bologna and when I gave them Bologna and bananas. bananas. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) But that was how this But that was how this studio was built. studio was built. We had, we started with We had, we started with nothing and we ended up with nothing and we ended up with nothing cause that’s exactly nothing cause that’s exactly what it cost to finish it. what it cost to finish it. That’s why I’m so sure, you That’s why I’m so sure, you know, that God wants this know, that God wants this network for you, for the network for you, for the people to feed, to feed you people to feed, to feed you the truth with love, with the truth with love, with compassion, with all the compassion, with all the good things that God has good things that God has for us. for us. It also shows all of us that It also shows all of us that trust in the Lord is the trust in the Lord is the most wonderful, wonderful most wonderful, wonderful virtue we could ever have. virtue we could ever have. Because trust kind of is an Because trust kind of is an offshoot of faith and hope offshoot of faith and hope because it says literally-- because it says literally-- and all of you need to hear and all of you need to hear this because we’re all in this because we’re all in the same boat. the same boat. Some of you have lost your Some of you have lost your jobs and some of you have jobs and some of you have children that you pray and children that you pray and pray and pray for and they pray and pray for and they never seem to have a never seem to have a conversion experience. conversion experience. And we get so disheartened! And we get so disheartened! There’s where you got to There’s where you got to keep praying, you got to keep praying, you got to keep working, you take keep working, you take advantage of every advantage of every inspiration and you trust. inspiration and you trust. You trust in the Lord. You trust in the Lord. If you’re doing His work, If you’re doing His work, you need absolute, total you need absolute, total trust because if you’re trust because if you’re working for Him and He’s working for Him and He’s asked you to do something asked you to do something you need that total trust. you need that total trust. But you need it in your But you need it in your families. families. You needed it in your You needed it in your churches. churches. You need it in your work. You need it in your work. And no matter what happens And no matter what happens we can say, "Lord, I know it we can say, "Lord, I know it is Your Will. is Your Will. We’ll take care of it." We’ll take care of it." We have a call. We have a call. Hello? Hello? Caller #1 (male): Hello, Caller #1 (male): Hello, Mother. Mother. Mother: Where are you from? Mother: Where are you from? Caller #1: I’m from Chicago, Caller #1: I’m from Chicago, Mother. Mother. Mother: What is your question? Mother: What is your question? Caller #1: God be with you Caller #1: God be with you because you’re inspiration. because you’re inspiration. We have a new pastor and he We have a new pastor and he has returned all the altars has returned all the altars back to the front, taken the back to the front, taken the seat back from where the seat back from where the priests sat in the middle to priests sat in the middle to the side so that we can see the side so that we can see the Tabernacle. the Tabernacle. He returned all of our He returned all of our beautiful Stations of the beautiful Stations of the Cross and new statues, had a Cross and new statues, had a huge picture of Our Lady of huge picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Guadalupe. Mother: Hey, there we go. Mother: Hey, there we go. (all applaud) (all applaud) Caller #1: And come Caller #1: And come Holy Thursday, come Holy Holy Thursday, come Holy Thursday we are dedicating a Thursday we are dedicating a chapel to the Sacrament of chapel to the Sacrament of Perpetual Adoration. Perpetual Adoration. Mother: Isn’t that great? Mother: Isn’t that great? Caller #1: Thank you, Caller #1: Thank you, Sister, for your inspiration. Sister, for your inspiration. The only thing I ask now is The only thing I ask now is please pray for those older please pray for those older priests and consecrated priests and consecrated religious who are against it. religious who are against it. Mother: Oh yeah. Mother: Oh yeah. Well, there’s where you need Well, there’s where you need to keep fighting the good to keep fighting the good fight, you know. fight, you know. But that’s good news, see. But that’s good news, see. It good news that people are It good news that people are rising up to the occasion. rising up to the occasion. That’s what we need to do That’s what we need to do and that’s real fruit. and that’s real fruit. Isn’t that great? Isn’t that great? Can you imagine going into a Can you imagine going into a church like that today? church like that today? Isn’t that wonderful! Isn’t that wonderful! And we’re going to pray for And we’re going to pray for you and that courageous you and that courageous pastor. pastor. No matter what anybody says, No matter what anybody says, (makes noise.) (makes noise.) (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) We have another call. We have another call. Hello? Hello? (laughs) (laughs) Caller #2 (female): Hello. Caller #2 (female): Hello. Mother: Where are you from? Mother: Where are you from? Caller #2: Wyoming. Caller #2: Wyoming. Mother: Wyoming? Mother: Wyoming? Wonderful! Wonderful! And what is your question? And what is your question? Caller #2: I just had Caller #2: I just had a comment. a comment. Oh, about four years ago, I was Oh, about four years ago, I was living in a lot of sin and I living in a lot of sin and I wasn’t Catholic at the time wasn’t Catholic at the time and didn’t plan to be one, and didn’t plan to be one, although I had a really good although I had a really good friend that was a priest. friend that was a priest. And I decided I needed to go And I decided I needed to go to Confession to him, to Confession to him, although I didn’t really although I didn’t really understand it, just to get understand it, just to get the burdens off my soul. the burdens off my soul. And I went and spent the And I went and spent the weekend with him and after weekend with him and after Confession I just felt Confession I just felt really, really wonderful and really, really wonderful and went up and knelt before the went up and knelt before the crucifix and thanked Jesus crucifix and thanked Jesus for, for forgiving me. for, for forgiving me. But I told Him I still But I told Him I still didn’t want to be a Catholic didn’t want to be a Catholic because it was too, it was because it was too, it was too hard. too hard. I thought, all the, you I thought, all the, you know, the prayers and the know, the prayers and the regulations and the holy regulations and the holy days and all that kind of days and all that kind of thing. thing. (all laugh) (all laugh) Mother: You don’t have to Mother: You don’t have to worry about holy days worry about holy days anymore. anymore. Caller #2: Anyway, as Caller #2: Anyway, as I knelt there, I was right I knelt there, I was right in front of this huge in front of this huge crucifix and I heard in a crucifix and I heard in a very loud voice, "I never very loud voice, "I never said it would be easy. said it would be easy. "Take up your cross and "Take up your cross and follow Me." follow Me." Mother: Praise Jesus. Mother: Praise Jesus. Caller #2: And since then Caller #2: And since then I have been Catholic. I have been Catholic. And I received another And I received another miracle the same day. miracle the same day. I was an alcoholic and I I was an alcoholic and I decided for this priest to decided for this priest to give it up as long as I give it up as long as I could for his special could for his special intention. intention. And four years ago this May, And four years ago this May, I have never taken another I have never taken another drink and never even drink and never even wanted one. wanted one. Mother: Thank You, Jesus. Mother: Thank You, Jesus. Caller #2: And I guess Caller #2: And I guess my encouragement is for my encouragement is for all the 10 or 12 years all the 10 or 12 years that I was searching, I that I was searching, I always felt that Jesus was always felt that Jesus was so far away and that He was so far away and that He was kind of on the other edge of kind of on the other edge of the cliff and it would take the cliff and it would take such a long fall to get to such a long fall to get to Him. Him. And I was too afraid. And I was too afraid. And I found through that And I found through that experience that you never experience that you never have to worry, that He’s have to worry, that He’s there and He’ll never let there and He’ll never let you fall and He’ll only lift you fall and He’ll only lift you up and all you have to you up and all you have to do is trust in Him and He do is trust in Him and He will just bless you with will just bless you with abundant graces. abundant graces. Mother: You see, what we Mother: You see, what we don’t realize and all of don’t realize and all of you big sinners out there, you big sinners out there, you say, "Oh, who are you say, "Oh, who are you talking about?" you talking about?" A lot of people out are big A lot of people out are big sinners, you know, meaning sinners, you know, meaning you really strayed all the you really strayed all the way from God. way from God. You’ve got to realize that You’ve got to realize that though you have strayed from though you have strayed from Him, He has never strayed Him, He has never strayed from you. from you. That’s the important thing That’s the important thing you see. you see. And if you just give Him a And if you just give Him a chance...! chance...! Some of you listening right Some of you listening right now, you’ve had abortions, now, you’ve had abortions, some of you have stolen some of you have stolen money, some of you have money, some of you have lied or slandered other lied or slandered other people or guilty of people or guilty of calumny and you, you may be calumny and you, you may be were cruel to your parents were cruel to your parents or your parents abusive to or your parents abusive to you, all these very hurting you, all these very hurting things. things. Why don’t you just kneel Why don’t you just kneel down now and say, "Lord, I down now and say, "Lord, I want You in my life. want You in my life. I accept You as my Lord and I accept You as my Lord and Savior and I, I want you to Savior and I, I want you to forgive me." forgive me." And if you’re Catholic, go And if you’re Catholic, go to your nearest priest to your nearest priest tomorrow--don’t wait. tomorrow--don’t wait. I mean, you carry a load on I mean, you carry a load on you, a load of sin that is you, a load of sin that is unbelievable! unbelievable! You need to get rid of that. You need to get rid of that. There’s nothing in this There’s nothing in this whole wide world like a whole wide world like a sinner who goes to sinner who goes to Confession, is totally Confession, is totally absolved of all their sins, absolved of all their sins, and walk out there, out of and walk out there, out of that box like, whoo! that box like, whoo! Free see, free. Free see, free. Alcoholics, drug addicts and Alcoholics, drug addicts and some of you are just plain some of you are just plain lukewarm, you know, just lukewarm, you know, just plain lukewarm--you need plain lukewarm--you need the Lord more than anybody. the Lord more than anybody. We have another call. We have another call. Hello? Hello? Caller #3 (male): Mother. Caller #3 (male): Mother. Mother: Where are you from? Mother: Where are you from? Caller #3: Rockaway, Caller #3: Rockaway, New Jersey. New Jersey. Mother: And what is your Mother: And what is your question? question? Caller #3: Well, Caller #3: Well, actually, I have a comment. actually, I have a comment. I’d like to publicly thank I’d like to publicly thank God and Jesus because I put God and Jesus because I put my trust in Him in a my trust in Him in a situation and He’s come situation and He’s come through more than I could through more than I could have ever imagined for. have ever imagined for. I was really searching for I was really searching for true Catholicism. true Catholicism. I wanted to deepen my faith. I wanted to deepen my faith. And I’d go to the Masses and And I’d go to the Masses and I would just be I would just be disillusioned by the people disillusioned by the people who just didn’t seem to who just didn’t seem to believe in the Real Presence believe in the Real Presence and just the whole and just the whole atmosphere with drum on the atmosphere with drum on the altar and all these new altar and all these new innovations that really... innovations that really... Mother: Who was on Mother: Who was on the altar? the altar? Caller #3: Drums. Caller #3: Drums. Mother: Oh, drums. Mother: Oh, drums. I thought you said drunks. I thought you said drunks. I thought. I thought. (all laugh) (all laugh) Caller #3: Well, no, Caller #3: Well, no, they were beating drums and they were beating drums and it just wasn’t reverent and it just wasn’t reverent and it just didn’t fill my soul. it just didn’t fill my soul. And I had friends who were And I had friends who were more traditionalist but they more traditionalist but they were outside the offices of were outside the offices of the Church. the Church. So I felt uncomfortable So I felt uncomfortable going to their Masses. going to their Masses. And I prayed, and lo and And I prayed, and lo and behold the priestly behold the priestly fraternity of St. Peter... fraternity of St. Peter... Mother: Oh yeah! Mother: Oh yeah! Caller #3: ...took cover Caller #3: ...took cover a local parish and oh, a local parish and oh, Mother, I mean, I’m sure you Mother, I mean, I’m sure you know but I wish every know but I wish every Catholic could have the Catholic could have the feeling of attending a Mass feeling of attending a Mass that is traditional and that is traditional and leading the traditional leading the traditional prayer books. prayer books. I can’t thank God and Jesus I can’t thank God and Jesus enough for that fraternity enough for that fraternity and the bishops that allow and the bishops that allow them to work and the great them to work and the great work that they’re doing. work that they’re doing. Mother: The, the Mother: The, the Fraternity of St. Peter Fraternity of St. Peter --some of you don’t --some of you don’t know what, who they are-- know what, who they are-- belonged to Archbishop belonged to Archbishop Lefevre at one time and Lefevre at one time and then they came back to the then they came back to the Church and they’re growing, Church and they’re growing, growing. growing. And I’ve got to get one of And I’ve got to get one of them here’s some time for them here’s some time for the live show because the live show because they’re very fervent. they’re very fervent. We have to understand when We have to understand when we say traditional, we’re we say traditional, we’re not talking about not talking about old-fashioned conservatives. old-fashioned conservatives. We’re talking about people We’re talking about people who are Catholics, you know, who are Catholics, you know, they’re just plain old they’re just plain old Catholic! Catholic! You can be so, you can be You can be so, you can be more conservative than the more conservative than the Holy Father is, you know, or Holy Father is, you know, or you can go the other way and you can go the other way and be so liberal you’re almost be so liberal you’re almost on the brink of atheism. on the brink of atheism. But the Church is True. But the Church is True. The Church is Holy. The Church is Holy. The Church is always the The Church is always the same. same. It’s changeless and it goes It’s changeless and it goes on and on and on. on and on and on. That’s what we mean by That’s what we mean by traditional. traditional. I am a traditional Catholic I am a traditional Catholic --this habit proves it. --this habit proves it. I don’t really have to say I don’t really have to say it but every true Catholic it but every true Catholic is traditional, see. is traditional, see. So we have another call. So we have another call. Hello. Hello. Caller #4 (female): Hello. Caller #4 (female): Hello. Mother: Where are you from? Mother: Where are you from? Caller #4: New Jersey. Caller #4: New Jersey. Mother: And what is your Mother: And what is your question? question? Caller #4: Well, it’s Caller #4: Well, it’s not a question but it’s not a question but it’s something related to what something related to what you’re talking about. you’re talking about. I have three children, each I have three children, each one of them has a guardian one of them has a guardian angel with their name and angel with their name and each one of them has their each one of them has their own patron saint. own patron saint. Three weeks ago my youngest Three weeks ago my youngest son, who’s 2 1/2 came into son, who’s 2 1/2 came into my husbands bedroom and said, my husbands bedroom and said, "Mommy, I had this dream." "Mommy, I had this dream." All the saints came down All the saints came down from Heaven and kissed him. from Heaven and kissed him. The last one to kiss him was The last one to kiss him was Jesus and then there was a Jesus and then there was a young saint who went back to young saint who went back to Jesus and was asking Jesus Jesus and was asking Jesus to help my son. to help my son. Immediately my heart fell on Immediately my heart fell on I said, "James, what do you I said, "James, what do you need help for?" need help for?" He said, "Well, Mommy, I He said, "Well, Mommy, I didn’t understand the rest." didn’t understand the rest." Well, we went on with the Well, we went on with the day. day. We didn’t pay much attention We didn’t pay much attention to it. to it. That afternoon he was almost That afternoon he was almost hit by a car. hit by a car. He ran out in the middle of He ran out in the middle of the street. the street. He never heard any brakes. He never heard any brakes. The car never touched and I The car never touched and I don’t know how he got across don’t know how he got across the street but he’s fine and the street but he’s fine and I just kept thinking, "Thank I just kept thinking, "Thank You, Dear Lord because You You, Dear Lord because You tried to tell me but I just tried to tell me but I just didn’t pay attention but You didn’t pay attention but You saved my son." saved my son." Mother: You know, there’s Mother: You know, there’s that, that a phenomena that, that a phenomena but it’s getting more but it’s getting more and more common that and more common that young children; 3, 4, 5, 6 young children; 3, 4, 5, 6 years old are having years old are having visitations from the Lord visitations from the Lord or their guardian angel. or their guardian angel. It’s amazing! It’s amazing! And we don’t pay any And we don’t pay any attention see. attention see. We think, "Oh, that kid’s We think, "Oh, that kid’s just making up something." just making up something." but he’s not. but he’s not. I wouldn’t just take for I wouldn’t just take for granted he’s making up granted he’s making up something. something. And this time you realized And this time you realized that Our Dear Lord had a that Our Dear Lord had a special, special gift. special, special gift. And that reminds me of one And that reminds me of one of the attributes of God. of the attributes of God. I think if we all understood I think if we all understood this one attribute, oh! this one attribute, oh! sanctity would be around the sanctity would be around the corner! corner! And that attribute is to God And that attribute is to God every individual is an every individual is an individual and it’s as if no individual and it’s as if no one else existed. one else existed. There are wars everywhere, There are wars everywhere, there are all kind of there are all kind of problems in our country, in problems in our country, in the Church and here all of the Church and here all of Heaven--or at least a great Heaven--or at least a great part of it--our guardian part of it--our guardian angel and Our Dear Lord angel and Our Dear Lord Himself and some special Himself and some special saint appeared to this saint appeared to this little kid! little kid! Wouldn’t you think he had Wouldn’t you think he had important things do? important things do? I mean, isn’t that your I mean, isn’t that your attitude though? attitude though? You know, a lot of people You know, a lot of people say, "Well I don’t bother say, "Well I don’t bother God with this, you know. God with this, you know. He’s got so much to do." He’s got so much to do." Well, you’re not talking Well, you’re not talking about Mr. Jones. about Mr. Jones. You’re talking about You’re talking about Almighty God! Almighty God! Nathaniel must have been out Nathaniel must have been out of his wits when Our Dear of his wits when Our Dear Lord looked at him coming Lord looked at him coming and said, "Behold a man and said, "Behold a man without guile." without guile." I bet he said, "How do you I bet he said, "How do you know me?" know me?" "Oh," the Lord said, "when "Oh," the Lord said, "when you were under the fig tree you were under the fig tree I saw you." I saw you." I wonder what he was doing I wonder what he was doing under that fig tree. under that fig tree. Probably praying to Yahweh Probably praying to Yahweh for some gift or something for some gift or something he needed. he needed. And there is Our Lord while And there is Our Lord while He’s talking to everybody He’s talking to everybody and discussing everything and discussing everything with everybody else, He saw with everybody else, He saw Nathaniel. Nathaniel. And I think this is a great And I think this is a great example, when you speak to example, when you speak to God, when you talk to Our God, when you talk to Our Lady or Jesus, They only Lady or Jesus, They only hear you. hear you. You say, "I don’t You say, "I don’t understand." understand." (heavy sigh) (heavy sigh) You don’t understand. You don’t understand. Who expects you to Who expects you to understand? understand? (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) You know, you’ve got a You know, you’ve got a brain as big as pea up here brain as big as pea up here compared to God. compared to God. It isn’t even that bit. It isn’t even that bit. It’s like a grain of sand. It’s like a grain of sand. And we don’t understand And we don’t understand divinity. divinity. We don’t understand, and we We don’t understand, and we can’t. can’t. We have a beginning and we We have a beginning and we have an end and God never have an end and God never had a beginning and He never had a beginning and He never will have an end. will have an end. He always was. He always was. It used to set my mother It used to set my mother crazy. crazy. She’d say, "Who made God?" She’d say, "Who made God?" I said, "Nobody made God. I said, "Nobody made God. If somebody made God, then If somebody made God, then they would have to be before they would have to be before He was." He was." "Well, who made Him?" "Well, who made Him?" (audience chuckles) Nobody. (audience chuckles) Nobody. He always was, always is, He always was, always is, always will be." always will be." I AM. I AM. And Moses said, "Who shall I And Moses said, "Who shall I say sent me?" say sent me?" He said, "I AM," sent you. He said, "I AM," sent you. See, never, never a "was" See, never, never a "was" with God. with God. I hope this little incident I hope this little incident teaches you and me, too, teaches you and me, too, that when I pray, when you that when I pray, when you pray, when you ask pray, when you ask forgiveness for your sin forgiveness for your sin the Lord promised in this the Lord promised in this wondrous book, "All of wondrous book, "All of Heaven rejoices." Heaven rejoices." Why don’t you all make Why don’t you all make Heaven happy tonight, huh? Heaven happy tonight, huh? Why don’t you let the angels Why don’t you let the angels rejoice that you have come rejoice that you have come back Home? back Home? Come back to Jesus. Come back to Jesus. Jesus is Our Friend, Our Jesus is Our Friend, Our Brother, Our Love, Our Brother, Our Love, Our Savior. Savior. Come back to Jesus. Come back to Jesus. We have another call. We have another call. Hello? Hello? Caller #5 (female): Hello, Caller #5 (female): Hello, Mother. Mother. Mother: Yeah, where are you Mother: Yeah, where are you from? from? Caller #5: I’m from Caller #5: I’m from New Mexico. New Mexico. Mother: And what, you’re Mother: And what, you’re in Mexico or New Mexico? in Mexico or New Mexico? Caller #5: New Mexico. Caller #5: New Mexico. Mother: Oh great, okay. Mother: Oh great, okay. Caller #5: I wanted to Caller #5: I wanted to tell you two important tell you two important things, Mother. things, Mother. One is when, I had a One is when, I had a daughter that was born 3 daughter that was born 3 months premature and we months premature and we fought with her 3 months fought with her 3 months after that. after that. During that time she was During that time she was dying and I was hysterical dying and I was hysterical and I was praying and saying and I was praying and saying rosaries and asking God to rosaries and asking God to help her. help her. And it wasn’t until I went And it wasn’t until I went to the hospital and I looked to the hospital and I looked at this baby and I said, at this baby and I said, "God, Your Will be done." "God, Your Will be done." Within hours that baby Within hours that baby started becoming well, started becoming well, again. again. 5 years later she comes in 5 years later she comes in from school and she runs in from school and she runs in the door and she says, the door and she says, "Mommy, mommy look, look!" "Mommy, mommy look, look!" And I said, "What, Angel? And I said, "What, Angel? What?" What?" By the way, her name’s By the way, her name’s Angela Michelle. Angela Michelle. I said, "What, Angel?" I said, "What, Angel?" And she said, "Don’t you see And she said, "Don’t you see them?" them?" And I said, "No! And I said, "No! What, honey?" What, honey?" And she says, "The angels on And she says, "The angels on my back." my back." "I was coming in the driveway "I was coming in the driveway and they wanted a piggy back and they wanted a piggy back ride so I gave them a piggy ride so I gave them a piggy back ride." back ride." This is my baby, my Angela This is my baby, my Angela Michelle. Michelle. Angelica: That’s so true! Angelica: That’s so true! And you know, when this And you know, when this gentleman I talked to about, gentleman I talked to about, he didn’t believe in angels he didn’t believe in angels and he use to kind of and he use to kind of ridicule me for believing in ridicule me for believing in them and he had this great them and he had this great experience it Italy where he experience it Italy where he saw everybody’s guardian saw everybody’s guardian angels. angels. He said that the kids in the He said that the kids in the back of the bus were kind of back of the bus were kind of horsing around and the kids, horsing around and the kids, the angels were up in this the angels were up in this hat racks you know and they hat racks you know and they were just having a ball. were just having a ball. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) We have to realize that the We have to realize that the Church Triumphant is real. Church Triumphant is real. The Church Triumphant is The Church Triumphant is real. real. We are the Church Militant We are the Church Militant because we’re always because we’re always struggling, always fighting. struggling, always fighting. And then there is the And then there is the Church Suffering, which Church Suffering, which is Purgatory. is Purgatory. Whether you believe it or Whether you believe it or not, it’s there, you know. not, it’s there, you know. Well, I’ll see you there! Well, I’ll see you there! (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) But the Church Triumphant But the Church Triumphant is always present, always is always present, always there, always praying for there, always praying for you, always loving you. you, always loving you. We have another call. We have another call. Hello? Hello? Caller #6 (male): Yes, Mother. Caller #6 (male): Yes, Mother. Mother: Where are you Mother: Where are you from? from? Caller #6: I’m from Caller #6: I’m from Birmingham. Birmingham. And I wanted to thank you And I wanted to thank you very much for at least very much for at least bringing me back to my bringing me back to my senses. senses. I’ve always gone to a I’ve always gone to a parochial high school, grade parochial high school, grade school and part of college. school and part of college. And I traveled from And I traveled from California to Hawaii and California to Hawaii and then finally back home here then finally back home here and found your show by and found your show by accident. accident. You brought me back to a lot You brought me back to a lot of things that I remember as of things that I remember as a child. a child. Mother: Thank you. Mother: Thank you. Caller #6: And when things Caller #6: And when things started pulling me together, started pulling me together, one of the people who one of the people who worked for me joined worked for me joined your convent and at that your convent and at that point I finally, I’m in a point I finally, I’m in a position where I can help position where I can help supply you with props and supply you with props and things that you need for things that you need for your shows. your shows. And I just thank you very, And I just thank you very, very much. very much. Mother: Well, you’re Mother: Well, you’re welcome. welcome. You’re more than welcome. You’re more than welcome. And this is the wonder of And this is the wonder of God’s providence, that Our God’s providence, that Our Dear Lord uses the media, Dear Lord uses the media, the electronic media of the electronic media of today. today. See, He wants you so badly See, He wants you so badly that He uses this crippled that He uses this crippled old nun and all these people old nun and all these people and all the kids in the and all the kids in the world and He uses electronic world and He uses electronic gadgets and satellites and gadgets and satellites and cable systems everywhere to cable systems everywhere to reach you. reach you. He’s goes through all that He’s goes through all that trouble. trouble. And for you it was a grace And for you it was a grace and for that grace we thank and for that grace we thank God. God. We also thank you for We also thank you for responding to God. responding to God. It has made Him very happy. It has made Him very happy. We have another call. We have another call. Hello? Hello? Caller #7 (female): Hello Caller #7 (female): Hello Mother. Mother. Mother: Where are you from? Mother: Where are you from? Caller #7: I’m from Chicago. Caller #7: I’m from Chicago. Mother: And what is your Mother: And what is your question? question? Caller #7: Oh, I just have Caller #7: Oh, I just have a comment. a comment. I think the first caller I think the first caller that you had, we’re from that you had, we’re from the same parish. the same parish. Mother: Uh-huh. Mother: Uh-huh. Caller #7: Yeah and it’s Caller #7: Yeah and it’s a beautiful church and a beautiful church and I hope everything goes fine. I hope everything goes fine. I have another little thing I have another little thing to say, Mother. to say, Mother. I was blessed with 2 I was blessed with 2 beautiful kids--a boy and beautiful kids--a boy and then a girl. then a girl. And when my son was in 6th And when my son was in 6th grade, he had some kind of grade, he had some kind of attack. attack. He had, he received that day He had, he received that day a scholarship from 6th a scholarship from 6th Grade, a principal Grade, a principal scholarship and we were scholarship and we were ready to pick him up for ready to pick him up for lunch and he got some kind lunch and he got some kind of attack. of attack. We took him to the hospital We took him to the hospital and they said it was a Grand and they said it was a Grand Mal Epileptic attack. Mal Epileptic attack. I prayed for Dear Jesus and I prayed for Dear Jesus and I prayed to Blessed Mary, I I prayed to Blessed Mary, I prayed a rosary every day prayed a rosary every day for a whole year and till for a whole year and till this day, he’s a senior, he this day, he’s a senior, he hasn’t received one. hasn’t received one. Mother: Praise God. Mother: Praise God. Caller #7: So I do Caller #7: So I do believe in Our Blessed believe in Our Blessed Father and Our Blessed Father and Our Blessed Mother. Mother. Mother: You see, that’s Mother: You see, that’s the beauty of, of prayer the beauty of, of prayer and the power of prayer. and the power of prayer. It’s so important that we It’s so important that we know that every prayer is know that every prayer is powerful! powerful! I think that prayer of big I think that prayer of big sinners is even more sinners is even more powerful. powerful. Do you know why? Do you know why? It’s that strange voice. It’s that strange voice. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) I really do, that strange I really do, that strange voice. voice. The Lord said, "Who’s that?" The Lord said, "Who’s that?" (audience laughs) (audience laughs) And the guardian angel says, And the guardian angel says, "I never heard that one "I never heard that one before, Lord." before, Lord." (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) He said, "Where did he He said, "Where did he come from?" come from?" "I don’t know. "I don’t know. It must be one of those big It must be one of those big ones down there." ones down there." (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) So then He says, So then He says, "Everybody in Heaven, "Everybody in Heaven, shhh! shhh! "A big sinner is about to "A big sinner is about to speak." speak." And that big sinner says, And that big sinner says, "Lord, have mercy on me, a "Lord, have mercy on me, a poor sinner. poor sinner. "I’m sorry Lord. "I’m sorry Lord. "Sorry for my sins, sorry for "Sorry for my sins, sorry for my life, sorry for all the my life, sorry for all the graces I didn’t heed, sorry graces I didn’t heed, sorry for ruining other lives, for ruining other lives, sorry for not knowing You, sorry for not knowing You, sorry for ignoring You, sorry for ignoring You, sorry for all the many, many sorry for all the many, many sins that I cannot even sins that I cannot even count, sorry for the things count, sorry for the things I didn’t do, sorry for the I didn’t do, sorry for the good I omitted, sorry about good I omitted, sorry about the omissions in my life, the omissions in my life, when I omitted going to when I omitted going to church and omitted being church and omitted being nice to my family and I was nice to my family and I was not kind, I did not give not kind, I did not give anything to the beggar I anything to the beggar I passed on the street, sorry passed on the street, sorry for my arrogance, sorry for for my arrogance, sorry for my rudeness, sorry for my my rudeness, sorry for my lack of compassion for my lack of compassion for my neighbor, sorry about always neighbor, sorry about always thinking of me instead of thinking of me instead of You, sorry for letting other You, sorry for letting other people think that You don’t people think that You don’t even exist because I was too even exist because I was too proud to admit there is proud to admit there is Someone greater than I. Someone greater than I. "For all of these, Lord, and "For all of these, Lord, and many more I’ve forgotten, many more I’ve forgotten, I’m sorry." I’m sorry." Can you imagine what Heaven Can you imagine what Heaven would be like at that would be like at that moment, if They heard just moment, if They heard just one person in this whole one person in this whole wide say that? wide say that? I can imagine! I can imagine! So I made a little examination So I made a little examination of conscience for you of conscience for you tonight. tonight. I think you need to do that. I think you need to do that. You know, you’re loved by You know, you’re loved by God, but you’re not God, but you’re not necessarily God’s gift to necessarily God’s gift to humanity, you know. humanity, you know. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) So we have another call. So we have another call. Hello? Hello? Caller #8 (female): Hello. Caller #8 (female): Hello. Mother: And where are you Mother: And where are you from? from? Caller #8: Omaha, Nebraska, Caller #8: Omaha, Nebraska, Mother. Mother. Mother: Wonderful. Mother: Wonderful. Caller #8: And I found Caller #8: And I found out that you visited out that you visited our Poor Clares here in our Poor Clares here in Omaha. Omaha. Mother: We did. Mother: We did. Caller #8: I keep close Caller #8: I keep close contact with them. contact with them. Mother, what I’m calling for Mother, what I’m calling for is to attest to a true is to attest to a true miracle. miracle. I had a grandchild born. I had a grandchild born. He weighed one 1/2 pounds, He weighed one 1/2 pounds, 12 inches long, and they 12 inches long, and they abort babies that are even abort babies that are even bigger than this. bigger than this. Well, his liver went Well, his liver went haywire, went bad. haywire, went bad. He started turning black. He started turning black. His doctor was a Catholic His doctor was a Catholic doctor, Dr. Zack. doctor, Dr. Zack. He said, the only thing that He said, the only thing that would save his life would be would save his life would be a transplant, but he was too a transplant, but he was too little. little. I said, "Dr. Zack, you’re I said, "Dr. Zack, you’re a Catholic--do you believe a Catholic--do you believe in miracles?" in miracles?" He said, "I do." He said, "I do." I said, "Then we’re going to I said, "Then we’re going to pray." pray." And we sent prayers to you, And we sent prayers to you, we sent prayers to we sent prayers to Medjugorje, all over. Medjugorje, all over. This baby now will be 2 This baby now will be 2 years old coming in July, years old coming in July, Mother. Mother. This is a fantastic miracle This is a fantastic miracle and I thank Our Lord! and I thank Our Lord! And there have been so many And there have been so many miracles and I’m sorry I miracles and I’m sorry I didn’t get to see you when didn’t get to see you when you came to visit our Poor you came to visit our Poor Clares here. Clares here. Mother: Well, I thank you Mother: Well, I thank you for telling us because for telling us because people need to hear, people need to hear, once in awhile, about the once in awhile, about the miracles in other people’s miracles in other people’s lives. lives. And I know everybody here at And I know everybody here at some point had a miracle. some point had a miracle. Sometimes you just avoided Sometimes you just avoided an accident if you’d had an accident if you’d had been somewhere a minute been somewhere a minute earlier or a minute later, earlier or a minute later, you know. you know. Miracles are, are so hard. Miracles are, are so hard. We’re not talking about the We’re not talking about the miracles of Our Lord--but miracles of Our Lord--but those happen today, too. those happen today, too. We’re talking about those We’re talking about those personal, marvelous things. personal, marvelous things. Now, I cannot say that Now, I cannot say that putting up this building the putting up this building the way we did it was not a way we did it was not a miracle; but I can’t say, miracle; but I can’t say, you know, some big angel you know, some big angel came down and fluttered his came down and fluttered his wings and all of a sudden wings and all of a sudden there was bingo! there was bingo! a big, a big building. a big, a big building. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) Well, that didn’t happen, Well, that didn’t happen, either. either. In that miracle, meaning In that miracle, meaning God’s providence, is always God’s providence, is always miraculous, always. miraculous, always. God’s’ providence provides God’s’ providence provides step-by-step and there were step-by-step and there were suffering. suffering. You know, there’s suffering You know, there’s suffering in miracles! in miracles! A miracle of conversion-- A miracle of conversion-- here’s a man who called here’s a man who called tonight and had left a lot tonight and had left a lot of the things that were dear of the things that were dear to him and all of a sudden to him and all of a sudden he gets light. he gets light. That light is, is a miracle! That light is, is a miracle! It’s something that God It’s something that God Himself does. Himself does. Now, God may have used this Now, God may have used this person or that person, many person or that person, many times this network or one of times this network or one of the programs on this the programs on this network, but it’s all in network, but it’s all in God! God! God always performs this God always performs this miracle. miracle. I think when. I think when. Every time I look at a Every time I look at a picture of somebody it says, picture of somebody it says, "Married 50 years," "Married "Married 50 years," "Married 60 years." 60 years." That’s a miracle. That’s a miracle. (audience laughs) (audience laughs) Today, it’s a miracle! Today, it’s a miracle! In my grandma’s day, In my grandma’s day, everybody stayed 40, 50, everybody stayed 40, 50, 60 years. 60 years. I mean, if you got married, I mean, if you got married, you got married. you got married. That was the end of it. That was the end of it. Today it’s a miracle. Today it’s a miracle. I’ve said this 100 times, I’ve said this 100 times, and it bears repeating. and it bears repeating. Do you ever notice people Do you ever notice people get married and they’re get married and they’re married for 50 or 60 years, married for 50 or 60 years, you look at their pictures, you look at their pictures, they look alike? they look alike? (audience laughs) (audience laughs) Did you ever notice that? Did you ever notice that? They either got skinny They either got skinny together or they got fat together or they got fat together. together. They did something together They did something together but they look alike. but they look alike. See, love is what does that. See, love is what does that. Love makes us look alike. Love makes us look alike. And that’s the whole essence And that’s the whole essence of Catholicity a of Catholicity a Christianity is "I want to Christianity is "I want to look like Jesus." look like Jesus." See, we want to look alike. See, we want to look alike. We want to think alike. We want to think alike. We want to act alike. We want to act alike. We want to act like Jesus. We want to act like Jesus. We want to think like Jesus. We want to think like Jesus. We have another call. We have another call. Hello? Hello? Caller #9 (female): Hello. Caller #9 (female): Hello. Mother: Where are you from? Mother: Where are you from? Caller #9: I’m from Caller #9: I’m from Ware, Massachusetts. Ware, Massachusetts. Mother: And what is your Mother: And what is your question? question? Caller #9: Well, first I’d Caller #9: Well, first I’d like to, you had said how like to, you had said how has God worked in your life. has God worked in your life. And a year ago this month my And a year ago this month my 14 year old daughter tried 14 year old daughter tried to take her own life. to take her own life. And because of that it has And because of that it has really forced my husband and really forced my husband and I to look at where we have I to look at where we have been going. been going. And it has brought us back, And it has brought us back, basically, to make a long basically, to make a long story short, the Word of story short, the Word of God. God. And I just, in my reason And I just, in my reason prayers, the Lord has spoken prayers, the Lord has spoken to me to pray to God the to me to pray to God the Father of Abraham. Father of Abraham. And my question for you-- And my question for you-- because this has becoming a because this has becoming a big concern for me--is that big concern for me--is that in the Old Testament, God in the Old Testament, God does talk about curses and does talk about curses and blessings. blessings. And that He is a God of And that He is a God of justice and that if you obey justice and that if you obey Him He will bless you and if Him He will bless you and if you disobey Him there will you disobey Him there will be His justice. be His justice. And He does speak in terms And He does speak in terms of curses. of curses. And I just wondered if you And I just wondered if you had anything or any had anything or any background for a Catholic background for a Catholic to, to study a subject like to, to study a subject like this? this? I had never heard of it I had never heard of it before. before. Mother: Well, in the Old Mother: Well, in the Old Testament when a lot of the Testament when a lot of the Revelations that Our Lord Revelations that Our Lord gave us were nonexistent, gave us were nonexistent, not even understood or not even understood or heard of, the whole concept heard of, the whole concept of God was if you were good, of God was if you were good, you were blessed by God; you were blessed by God; if you were not good, if you were not good, you were punished by God. you were punished by God. Also, if Our Lord loves you Also, if Our Lord loves you or you were good, then you or you were good, then you had many children, had many children, particularly many sons; and particularly many sons; and if you didn’t, then you were if you didn’t, then you were cursed by God. cursed by God. That concept, though, is That concept, though, is nonexistent in Christianity. nonexistent in Christianity. There is no question of There is no question of chastisement. chastisement. I think the whole world is I think the whole world is getting ready for one. getting ready for one. But Our Dear Lord is the But Our Dear Lord is the Lord of Mercy. Lord of Mercy. And from the time He had the And from the time He had the Incarnation to this moment, Incarnation to this moment, there has been mercy poured there has been mercy poured upon us, mercy upon mercy. upon us, mercy upon mercy. The angels sinned once; The angels sinned once; Hell was created. Hell was created. All of this time the All of this time the Israelites disobeyed in the Israelites disobeyed in the desert and they went in a desert and they went in a circle for 40 years. circle for 40 years. Not even Moses saw the Not even Moses saw the Promised Land. Promised Land. So you did have that kind So you did have that kind of severe, almost, but God of severe, almost, but God was still merciful. was still merciful. He was still good to His He was still good to His people. people. He forgave them over and He forgave them over and over and over. over and over. In the New Testament the In the New Testament the whole reality of Jesus whole reality of Jesus coming and saving us is coming and saving us is mercy but not presumption. mercy but not presumption. I can never presume on God’s I can never presume on God’s mercy. mercy. I must accept His mercy if I I must accept His mercy if I am a sinner, if I have am a sinner, if I have committed a sin. committed a sin. And Our Dear Lord has given And Our Dear Lord has given us this marvelous Sacrament us this marvelous Sacrament of Reconciliation or of Reconciliation or Confession. Confession. And we have all these And we have all these wondrous Sacraments and He wondrous Sacraments and He has this marvelous of all-- has this marvelous of all-- He has never left us, He has never left us, you see! you see! When the Ark was gone and When the Ark was gone and everything was gone they had everything was gone they had nothing and then they had no nothing and then they had no sacrifice, no prophets. sacrifice, no prophets. But Jesus came, He loved us, But Jesus came, He loved us, He suffered for us, He saved He suffered for us, He saved us, then, He left Himself us, then, He left Himself with us. with us. He left His Church guided by He left His Church guided by the Spirit. the Spirit. He left us the Eucharist-- He left us the Eucharist-- that weapon we have to that weapon we have to become, the grace it comes, become, the grace it comes, the life that comes to us the life that comes to us through the Eucharist and a through the Eucharist and a protection from the enemy. protection from the enemy. So we have all of these So we have all of these marvelous Sacraments, all of marvelous Sacraments, all of them being an act of God’s them being an act of God’s mercy. mercy. See I can presume and say, See I can presume and say, "Well, I commit all the sins "Well, I commit all the sins I want and God will be I want and God will be merciful." merciful." That is presumption. That is presumption. It’s just very bad. It’s just very bad. You can’t do that. You can’t do that. But God has left this. But God has left this. When we fall, we can rise When we fall, we can rise again very quickly! again very quickly! And He forgives and forgets. And He forgives and forgets. So the Old Testament, a So the Old Testament, a punishment for everything, punishment for everything, God has replaced with mercy God has replaced with mercy and redeeming love. and redeeming love. Remember, you have a Remember, you have a wondrous Savior in Jesus. wondrous Savior in Jesus. Love Him and ask for His Love Him and ask for His forgiveness. forgiveness. Bye now. (applause) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
Channel: EWTN
Views: 13,132
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Keywords: ma9, ma902724, ytsync-en
Id: gd1XOhmDoig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 15 2022
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