Mother Angelica Live - SIGNS, DO YOU SEE THEM? April 1 1997

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[music] Man: "Mother Angelica Live!" brought to you from the Eternal Word Television Studios in Birmingham, Alabama. [music] <i>Mother: See in you the love,</i> <i>the compassion of Jesus.</i> <i>The most glorious work of all,</i> <i>to praise God in His Kingdom.</i> <i>Anyone moved by the Spirit...</i> <i>Anyone who lives in love,</i> <i>lives in God</i> <i>and God lives in Him.</i> [music] <i>What a wonderful thing</i> <i>is our Church.</i> <i>This whole network</i> <i>is built on trust.</i> <i>The essence of evangelization</i> <i>is to tell everybody,</i> <i>"Jesus loves you!"</i> <i>We're all called</i> <i>to be great saints.</i> <i>Don't miss the opportunity!</i> [applause] Mother: Thank you, thank you. Well, good evening and we have a wonderful, wonderful group of our family with us tonight. They're everywhere and, everywhere here. It's amazing how our seats multiply. [audience laughs] I didn't think we bought that many but they just seem to grow. We were sent... Well, you can't put 2 things in one place, can you? [audience laughs] Some people don't need enemies when you've got friends. [all laugh] Anyway, we have 50,000 of these and an opportunity of getting in 150,000, and what are they? Wonderful--and everybody here's going to get one free. Not so you. [all laugh] But it's almost free. I want, I really want you to have it. If you just get one, you have to send a postage, or one stamp. If you get 3 or 4--and I would advise you to do this... Why? We need to get this out to all the people in America. Why? It's a Chaplet of Divine Mercy. The Senate's going to vote soon on partial-birth abortion. I don't understand why it says partial when the boy, when the girl or boy is murdered, he's murdered. What do you mean "partial"? Partial what? Anyway, I understand they need 8 votes and that to me is terrible! We have a Senate that is almost, 8 votes, might pass it again. [heavy sigh] It's hard for me to understand that our senators are that close to passing murdering a tiny a little girl, little boy, about to be born in the worst way. Not even Hitler did that. Our country needs mercy, just needs mercy. We're not catching on. I never saw so many floods in this country. They're everywhere! We're not catching on. I want you to really make a little apostolate for yourself, maybe for Pentecost. If you get 4 or 5, if I send you 4, they're free but they're not free. Do you understand? [audience laughs] You understand what I mean. Ya'll understand what I mean. [audience laughs] If you, if you want 4 of them, it costs 55¢ stamp. Is that right? Where are you? Thank you. I had to have a vice president here to verify that it costs you 55¢. [audience laughs] But it's hard to put 55¢ in a letter. [all laugh] Very good, huh? [audience laughs] So a little soft collection, a little quiet collection. [audience laughs] I don't care if you just send 55¢ 'cause I've got to pay for these to get it to you. However, please, it's a wonderful little thing and it's has a little powerful, powerful prayer for mercy. The whole thing is the whole novena here of, of the novena. I said it 3:00 on Sunday, the entire 9 prayers, the 9 chaplets in an hour. And not that you have to do it--say it once a day. Say it for your family, your friends, those that are ill, those that are sick but those that have left the Church and haven't gone to Confession in years and years and years. Don't be afraid of men. Our Lord said, "After you're killed, you can't do anything else." Be afraid of God. You say, "Well, I'm not afraid of God. I love God." Then you don't need to be afraid but some of your lives are not too good. So you got it. I'll remind you before the show's over. 55¢ if you want this. If you just want one, just ask for it, I'll send you one. But try to spread this around to all the people, especially in this country. If the Senate doesn't approve, I hate to say, whoa, what I think's going to happen. So I got this off my mind. That's what I was supposed to say. Now, one of the problems today is that we do not see signs. We don't see any signs. I'm not talking about the signs of the times. I mean, they're right in front of our face and we don't see them so I'm not going to even mention them. However, there are signs that God gives us in our personal life, personal life, every day and we don't recognize them--signs of His love, signs that He's saying, "Hey, turn around; you're not in right direction," signs of His beauty; signs of His providence, oh, His providence; signs of His displeasure sometimes-- but in a sweet way. He doesn't condemn. He doesn't do that kind of thing. He pricks your heart. Someone wrote to me not too long ago, led a rather shady life, this person was sitting in their living room and they heard, as loud as you're hearing me, and the Lord said to them, "If you only knew how much I love you." Wow! That person's life changed like that, changed around. That's a sign. Signs of God's love are all around us. You're here tonight as a sign of His love, to me and to Him because you came so far to learn more about Him, to fill your heart with hope again. Victory is around the corner and we need to know that. So I want to take one of my favorite parts of Scripture because here are 2 or maybe 3 exceedingly imperfect men. [laughs] [audience laughs] I'm not a feminist. [laughs] I have nothing against men. I love them all. Now, this is the 21st Chapter of St. John's Gospel if you'd like to read it--but some people don't know how to read Scripture. Don't read Scriptures like a newspaper. It's different. I'll tell you how some people read Scripture. Let me see something here. I don't want to spoil the whole thing tonight but if you read Scripture like a newspaper, you're going to-- I'll just take the resurrection of Lazarus. Here's how most people read the Scriptures. They say, [monotone] "There was a man named Lazarus who lived in a village at Bethany with his 2 sisters, Mary and Martha and he was ill. "It was the same Mary, the sister of the sick man Lazarus who anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped His feet with her hair and the sister sent this message to Jesus, 'Lord, the man You love is ill.' "On receiving the message, Jesus said, 'This sickness will end but not in death and through it, the Son of God will be glorified.'" [audience laughs] Do you have any idea what you read? [audience laughs] No. I hear people. I hear them at the lector on Sunday Mass. You want to say, "Whoa!" [audience laughs] But that, you can't read it like that. Well, let me see if I can really mess you up tonight. [audience laughs] Our Dear Lord gave us an imagination. Don't tell me you don't have one. Oh, somebody walked down the street and you can imagine, oh, you can imagine anything you want about that person because it just works like that. You go to Mass and most women don't wear hats anymore, and so when you do see a woman with a hat, she's very distracting. You wonder why she's wearing 1, what is she covering? [all laughs] But that's imagination. That's all that is, it's pure imagination and we shouldn't do that. So, I'm going to read a little Scripture to you and use, use my imagination and try to bring out to you signs that these men totally missed. It says here--what do you know, I got the wrong one. [audience laughs] I didn't want this one. What did I want? Oh, am I in trouble--and before the whole world. [all laugh] Oh Dear Lord! There it is. Thank You, Jesus. [audience laughs] The Lord knows how to humble you and even when you, when you try hard. Okay, we're going to take the road to Emmaus. It' says, "The very same day," that's the day of the Resurrection, "2 of them went on their way to a village called Emmaus..." Now, here is where your imagination should start to work. What do you do? You see a road, you see 2 men and you know where they're going. "…7 miles from Jerusalem and they were talking together about all that had happened." Now, that's easy to see, isn't it? You see a couple men, walking down, they're talking fast, obviously upset. "Now, as they talked this over," what were they talking over? The whole Passion of Jesus-- the Agony in the Garden, how Judas, one of His disciples--think of that. What were they talking about? They were disappointed. They saw the Master scourged, crowned with thorns. Now see that in your mind. What were they? Well, you know what they were talking about and then go on, "Jesus Himself came up and walked at their side but something prevented them from recognizing Him." Why? There were so disappointed. Now, you've got to stop here and say, "Why didn't they see Him?" They were so disappointed or He disappointed them in such a way, they were blind, heartsick, and they didn't recognize anything. Have you ever done that, huh? Have you ever been so grief-stricken and so heartsick that you can't see God--you can't see God in the tragedy, you can't see God in that cross, you can't see God in the situation? Why? You're enveloped in that grief. You're enveloped in fear and God is out the window. You don't see Him standing right next to you. They didn't see Him. Where was their mind? In disappointment, in anger, in frustration and that's a sign they missed. All of this, Jesus told them at least 3 times, "The Son of Man will go to Jerusalem, He will be scourged, crucified, on the 3rd day He will rise." Now, don't you think you'd remember that? Only ones that remembered it were the doctors of the law and the Pharisees and the Scribes. Now, isn't that odd? They remembered and the disciples didn't. They missed the sign. They didn't hear Jesus. But hasn't Jesus said that to all of us? "You will have persecution." He promises you persecution. The Christian faith is only from God 'cause only God can promise you misery [audience laughs] and expect you to take it! Only God can say that. Nobody would follow any other person if he just promised them misery. The world promised you everything and it's all wonderful--but it's all a lie. It's not wonderful. Life stinks sometimes and you can't do anything about it. That's the way it is. So--by the way, this is Luke 24: 13-35. So now you've got to ask yourself, here I am--I have cancer or I have a headache or I have a migraine or I lost a loved one or 100 things, thousands of things happen to us. Look beside you. You're going to feel these things, you're going to be hurt by people, you're going to be disappointed by people but all of that is part of a giant jigsaw puzzle, a beautiful picture, a degree of glory God has destined for you from all eternity. This little black spot is part of that puzzle. It's part of that degree of glory God has destined for you. You see by these men, they didn't see the point. Why would the Son of God have to suffer? Don't you ask that question? Don't you say to God, "Why do I have to suffer?" We can't say that anymore. We can't say that. He suffered. I am not above the Master. He did not ever promise us health, happiness and wealth. He never promised us that. So now let's go on, see another sign and see how they missed it. He said to them, "What matters are you discussing as you walk?" [laughs] 3 cheers for Jesus, I tell you. [all laugh] I think that is so funny. [laughs] If it was me-- thank God it wasn't me-- I'd say, "What are you, nincompoop? "Don't you understand this thing? [audience laughs] "What's wrong with you? "You were with Him 3 years. "He told you he was going to go through this. What's wrong?" That was me. What does Jesus do? Hey, He's a Gentle Jesus. He says, "What things are you talking about as you walk along?" [heavy sigh] This is cute, they stopped short. Do you ever stop short? You're walking briskly and somebody asks you a dumb question and you stop short and say, "Huh?" "Their faces downcast." Poor men, don't take much, huh? [audience laughs] I notice all the women are smiling here tonight. [audience laughs] "Then one of them called Cleopas,"-- they weren't brave enough to say who the rest were--"You must be the only person staying in Jerusalem who does not know the things that have been happening these last few days." Smart-aleck. [audience laughs] How do you like that? [audience laughs] "Who are you? What do you mean you don't know what's going on?" Who were they talking to? The One Who went through it all. They didn't see Him. Does Jesus ask us sometimes, you and I, "What are you talking about on the way? "Are you wasting time? "Are you talking so much about your neighbor that you can't see anything good in them? "What are you talking about on the way?" "On the way," we're all on our way Home. This is not our home. [heavy sigh] When you die-- next Tuesday you all have to turn on your TV. I'm going to have a priest on next Tuesday who died suddenly in an automobile accident, a head on collision and he was face to Jesus. I'm not going to tell you any more, but it's awesome. He almost didn't make it. In fact, Our Lord said, "You never served Me; you only served yourself." He was going down in that place and Our Lady interceded for him. He's coming here next Tuesday. Tell all your friends to listen. Why? Because as a young priest, he didn't see signs either. He saw the world, he saw pleasure, he saw a lot of things but he didn't see God. God was right within him and standing beside him at all times. It's a great witness. And what did Jesus say? What a Man. "What things? [laughs] Oh, "All about Jesus of Nazareth," they answered. Now, let me see and let you think now--this is why you've got to use your imagination. What they say now is also unbelievable. They said, "…Who proved He was a Great Prophet by the things He said and did in the sight of God and all the people." How many times have you and I questioned God's love for us because something happens it's hard. Hasn't He proven His love for you over and over and over and you didn't see it? Hasn't He showed you a million times His love, His mercy, His goodness and you didn't notice? Hasn't He told you a 100 times and a 100 ways "I love you," by all the nice things, by a sunrise and sunset, a time you walked on the ocean and you felt so close to Him? Why do you forget that when a tragedy happens? We're all like these disciples here. They said He was a prophet. That was their first mistake. He was Son of God. They were there when the Lord said, "Who do you say I AM," and Peter said, "Thou art Christ, the Son of the Living God." They heard that. Haven't you heard that Jesus is really and truly in the Eucharist? Haven't you been raised like that? And somebody comes along, "Ah, it's all a symbol." Why do you doubt? He's right there. You say He isn't or somebody who's lost their faith, pray for them. They're in grave, grave danger of losing their souls. But we're just like these men here. We're no different. Then He says, "And how our chief priests and our leaders handed Him over to be sentenced to death and had Him crucified." They were there. They were there. 3 years they spent with Him. Many of us who have been in the Church more than 3 years. We've been raised in it, baptized in it, many of us Christian from birth, Catholic from birth. We've heard it, we've memorized that Catechism, we have it before us and we still don't believe. Isn't that awesome? Well, they're not free. [laughs] Look what they say next and this is not all. [laughs] Boy, when you make a fool out of yourself you go the whole way, do you know that? [audience laughs] I mean, none of us stop while we're ahead. We are constantly opening our mouth and proving our ignorance. He said, "This is not all. 2 whole days have gone by since it happened." Uh-huh. They heard Him say He would rise. Oh, haven't we heard the Church say over and over and over all the awesome truths in our faith? "And some women," [laughs] oh things haven't changed much. [audience laughs] "And some women from our group have astounded us. They went to the tomb in the early morning when they did not find the Body." They just said He was going to rise, this is the 2nd day and He said He would rise. "Well, they did not find the Body. They came back to tell us they had a vision of angels..." Little angels. I mean, why don't we get something big? Like what? "Who declared He was alive..." Now, can you imagine a lack of faith with all that knowledge? They heard what He said and they believed it and what are they doing? It wasn't the way they wanted it. Women had to declare the Resurrection. Well, they were there. These guys were snooping way in the back, hiding. They saw Him. They didn't want women telling them, and angels. Come on, let's have the Father or some biggie up there, you know, one of the elders. How about Moses? That would've been great if Moses would have come along and said, "Hey everybody, here He is!" Angels? Aren't we like that? Hasn't the Lord told you often, "I love you. I will take care of you. You're the apple of My eye?" Do you believe that? You've heard it some way and somewhere all your life in some point. But when a tragedy comes, you say what these men said, "Well, He doesn't do it the way I thought He'd do it." Well, are they through? [laughs] No, no. "Some of our friends," --now they don't even believe their friends. That's pretty bad-- "went to the tomb, found everything exactly as the women had reported," but then they saw nothing. What do you want? Do you know? What does he want? The women came back, said He was alive, friends, probably the Apostles. They wouldn't want to say the Apostles said it. They said "friends." Obviously, the women weren't friends. [heavy sigh] Even Jesus, I think, has the point of enough is enough. He said, "You foolish men." That's more like something I would say, [audience laughs] except I wouldn't have said foolish; I'd have said something else. [audience laughs] "So slow to believe the full message of the prophets." Do you and I believe the full message of this Gospel where He promises persecution, where He says, "I have to carry My cross, My burden." He didn't say I'd lay it down, didn't say someone would take it away from me; He didn't say He'd come down and console me. He said, "You have to carry that cross, you have to be meek and humble. In this day and age they eat you up. Yeah, He said, meek and humble. "Learn of Me," He said, "for I am Meek and Humble of heart." That's not what you see on TV. It's not what you hear, it's not what you see the world doing. You don't see governments anywhere doing that. They hate people, they hate each other and they fight wars. Makes money, raises the economy. Who cares? We kill babies, we want to smother the elderly and where are we? We've lost it. We don't know what the full message is. Abundant life--there's no abundant life here. What are you talking about? Abundance is grace, abundance is forgiveness, abundance is mercy, abundance is redemption. I have an opportunity and you have an opportunity to be like Jesus, to enter His Kingdom. That's abundant. This is a short life. Somebody said to me the other day, so and so--I forgot who it was--is 78. I said, "Gees, getting up there." [audience laughs] And I thought, hey, I'll be 74 this month. [audience laughs] I'm getting up there, too! [audience laughs] But inside I don't feel I'm up there. [audience laughs] I'm ready to fight. We have to do that, see. We have here people like the disciples here who didn't want the suffering of the message He preached. "Blessed are you when they speak all evil against you for My Name's sake." Today we succumb, parishes succumb to the modern thought, the liberal thought but it's empty, it's empty. Look at it. It has not doctrine, no leadership, nothing. Who are you following? They ran away. "So, then starting with Moses throughout the, He explained the passages throughout the Scriptures that were about Himself." "He came unto His own and His own received Him not." That's what John says in the Prologue. In the Old Testament, Jeremiah, Isaiah's prophesy the worst is going to hit you. "You're a worm and no man." You accept someone like that as Messiah? He's crucified on a cursed cross. A person died on a cross was considered cursed by God. Do you accept that? Do you expect suffering and pain as a part, precious, precious part of our heritage and our gaining of eternal glory? I have to be like the Master. I cannot be anything and neither can you. How many times have we heard it at Mass. How many times have we… What is it? Is the Mass only a Banquet? No, it's a sacrifice. Jesus knew that the Father knows and knew that you and I would have wanted to be, I hope we would have and what happened? We couldn't, of course. So He came, comes to us every day in the Mass. It's not another Sacrifice. It's the same one but we're present now. To God everything is present. There's no past, there's no future. It's all now. Well, let's see what happens to these poor men. "When they drew near to the village where they were going, He made as if to go on." [laughs] That's cute. He did that one time walking on the waters. Do you remember that? He pretended He was going to pass them by. They said, "Jesus, help us." Have you ever gotten in that position? Yeah. I do it every couple of months. [all laugh] When you see those 30 second and one minute spots, that's exactly what I'm saying, "Help us!" But He wanted them to say that. If you don't get that in this passage, you're going to miss the beauty of the compassion and heart of Jesus. He pretended and they said, "Wait, wait, wait! Don't go." When you feel God is away from you and you feel guilty, He's just saying, "I'm not leaving you." Tell Him, "Don't go Lord. Stay with me." That's what they did. What'd they do? "They pressed Him." [laughs] "They pressed Him." We all want to be pressed to be with people, to know them and to love them. He pretended to go and they pressed Him and said, "Oh, stay with us. It's nearly evening and the day's almost over." So He went with them. "Now while He was with them at table,"--ah, now this is important. "He took the bread and said the blessing and He broke it and handed it to them and they knew Him." They must have went, "Ah!" They were there. There were at the Last Supper. If they hadn't been, they would not have recognized Him. Somebody fall? [audience laughs] No. [laughs] Boy, I must have scared somebody out of their wits. [all laugh] Oh, you did that. So what happened? "And He broke It and handed It to them. Their eyes were open and they recognized Him." And what happens? "He vanished out of their sight." [laughs] I bet they were scared to death. Good for them! [audience laughs] "And they said to each other, 'Did not our hearts burn within us as He talked to us and explained the Scriptures?'" Hasn't that happened to you? You're desolate or lonely or tempted and you open this Awesome Book we call the Gospels or even the new Catechism and something burns in your heart. You say, "Yeah, that's right. That's true." Truth is always consoling. Half truth and lies never consoling, never. They leave confusion. Now, here is what's so important. I want you to listen to this now because today is one of the greatest sins against God today, besides lust is you do not recognize Him. We don't recognize Him because this is what it says, "They set out that instant and returned to Jerusalem. They ran another 7 miles and they found the 11 assembled who said to them, "It's true. The Lord has risen and appeared to Simon." And then they told their story--and now this is what's important--"and how they recognized Him in the breaking of bread." They didn't recognize His voice, they didn't recognize Him standing with them, walking with them, talking to them. They recognized Him when? At the Eucharist. Isn't it awesome that we today do not recognize His Presence in the Eucharist? Is it because our faith has been shaken by so many who have lost their faith, who are out to corrupt our faith? Is it because we don't pray enough? Is it because we really don't go to Him in humbleness of heart and say, "Lord, I don't believe, help my unbelief? "Lord, I've lost it. "Give it back to me. "Lord, I want to see You. "I want to recognize you. I cannot live without You." Are we saying that? Why don't we any longer recognize Him in the Eucharist? He's there! What a gift, hah? God loved us so much that He couldn't bear to leave but He had to. He said, "The Spirit won't come." You're all here tonight. In a day or so, you won't be here and I won't be with you and He couldn't take that. He loves you so much, He couldn't take that. He said, "No, I got to go but I want to stay." Only God can figure that out. When you go, you're gone and I'm here. That's the way it is. But He couldn't take that. He wanted to be with you always. So He designed this awesome doctrine. It says doctrine in the 6th chapter of John, this doctrine He preached that He is really truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. That's how they recognized Him. Isn't that awesome? Do you? Do you recognize Him? Well, ask yourself that question. Read this passage yourself-- 24th chapter of Luke. Recognize Him. Go tell Him you love Him. You have to know He knows you. You have to know that. Well, that's the end of that event. We have a call. Hello. Female Caller #1: Hello, Mother. Mother: Where are you from? Caller: I'm calling from Clearwater, Florida. Mother: Wonderful, and what is your question? Caller: Well, my husband passed away in November. Mother: Ah, I'm sorry. Caller: I have not been able to bring myself back to church. Mother: Well... Caller: I watch Mass on TV with the chapel of the angels. Mother: Yeah. Caller: I just can't bring myself to go back to church 'cause I get so emotional. Mother: Why can't you go back to church? Caller: Because I get so emotional, I just… Mother: Do you cry? Caller: Yes I do. Mother: That's okay. Caller: Well, I mean, I just, it's just so hard-- and I want to go back. I really want to go back very bad but I don't know how to go. I only moved down here a couple of years ago. My husband and I went together all the time and now I have nobody here and it's very hard. Mother: Well, sweetheart, you have Somebody there. Jesus is at your side, just like He was with His disciples. Your husband knows now that He is with God, he knows why you should go. I'll make a bet he's praying for you that you do go because now he sees the truth. He sees how Jesus is in that Sacrifice and Jesus is in the Eucharist and he knows and he's pleading for you in Heaven. "Please let my wife go back to Mass and receive this Awesome Gift." He knows and he still loves you. He's there, he knows. And Jesus is waiting for you. Every time that church door opens, He's hoping you're coming through. You say, "Oh Mother, every Mass, every Sunday hundreds of people go through." No, no, no, don't judge God like you do people. To God, every one of us is as individual as if no one else existed because He's God. I can't judge God by man. He's waiting for you and He cries, too. Every morning He waits for you and every time that door opens, He hopes it's you and your husband does, too. When we die, we see God and we know ourselves, [snaps fingers] like that. It doesn't take time. We knew everything we did, we didn't do and we most of all see the love of God for us--that kind of love we never knew existed cause we didn't pray enough, we didn't read enough, we didn't think of God enough. He knows your husband wants you to go back and give him --if he's in Purgatory, and I hope he isn't--you give him solace. If he's in Heaven, you give him accidental glory. It means you make him happy for a second or 2, whatever that is in eternity. It doesn't increase his glory. It, [snaps fingers] a snap of more joy. Go ahead, make your husband happy. Most of all, go back and make Jesus happy. The Mass on TV is not a substitute. Many people are shut in, they can't get to Mass and that's a great consolation to them, but you can't receive the Eucharist. So please, go back. Go to Confession, huh? You'll feel like a bird. I'll make a bet, you won't be as lonely and you will feel your husband's presence more--most of all, you will feel the presence of God. If you want to be happy, there's strength in God's love. You're not alone. We have another call. Hello. Female Caller #2: Hi. Mother: Hi, where are you from? Caller: I'm from Connecticut. Mother: Wonderful, and what is your question? Caller: Um, I have an illness and I can't work and I feel no self worth and I feel empty inside. There are some things that I do but is there anything else I can do to feel good again? Mother: Sweetheart, you're very blessed by God. Many people have illnesses that make them feel, well, unproductive. That's your most productive time of your life. Those are signs we don't see. That's what I'm trying to get over to everybody. My productiveness is not in building a network. Productiveness comes from pain and suffering. Don't mean you always have to have pain and suffering but getting up in the morning can be a pain! [audience laughs] I find traveling very difficult, and you can't turn around, honey. But God has put you in a position where you're like Him. When He was on the cross, He was fastened by nails. He couldn't move and when He did, He could breathe for a few seconds. But as soon as His Body fell, are we saying He was not productive? Salvation came from that cross. You, my dear, have been chosen by God. How do you know? Many a priest will be saved because of your pain. Many of religious that have lost the faith will come back. Many people away from the Church for years and years and years and suddenly they get a grace of conversion. Somebody earned that. Maybe it was you. It isn't that you have to be a contemplative but just know that from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed, every pain, every heartache, that empty feeling that we all get, that feeling of being unproductive, that's the world. Don't you let the world say anything to you about being unproductive. The Son of God was Productive and He lost everybody but His Mother, one disciple and an ex-prostitute. Not a good batting average, [audience laughs] except for His Mother and She stood there like a Woman, accepting everything He had and gave for you and me. I would go, or ask somebody to get you some good books. If you write to me, give me your address, I'll send you some of the books the Lord has given me to write. Just read, read your Scriptures, say your rosary, know you're important to the world. You're important to the world. All of the elderly, this is the best wine of your life. You're not sitting there watching your arteries harden. [all laugh] This is an important time in your life. Now, is your time you could… "Well, I'm retired." Well, we all know that. You look like a grouch pot. [audience laughs] You don't have to tell me you're retired. [audience laughs] You don't have to follow your wife around the house every 5 minutes. [audience laughs] Give her some peace! Go out and pray or something. Old people today--that's the world. They make you think, "Oh, how old are you?" "50, oh my! [audience laughs] You are getting there!" Yeah we're getting there. [audience laughs] So what? I mean, this is stupid-- just plain stupidity. You are valuable till the moment you breathe your last --and be sure somebody don't pull the plug and help you out any. [audience laughs] I went to a hospital 2 weeks, not too long ago. They keep pushing this Living Will. I said, "Hey, I'm living. I don't need a will. [audience laughs] I don't need one of these things. What do I need it for? I've got, I've got 31 sisters and if I'm under a machine, I want to be there as long as I can so I get rid of this Purgatory. I don't want you helping me go down a little further because I don't have a chance in this life to get rid of it. That's not for you to decide." We're all getting ready for everybody to go. Well, we don't want them to come. [audience laughs] We want them to go. What kind of society do we live in? Well, sweetheart, don't you let anybody tell you. They don't think the thoughts of God. They think the thoughts of men and that's not good. You are valuable to the whole world and when you get to Heaven, you'll see all t these people coming towards you and you'll say, "Oh Lord, who are those?" He'll say, "Well, those are all the people you saved." "Me?" "Yeah, by that pain, by that age, by those aches and pains, by being loving and cheerful." You have also a great advantage to be a good example to youth. I think that old people-- and I don't know how old are you, oh what are you, 42 and you're old today? I don't know. They keep getting closer and closer. All you guys better worry. [audience laughs] A man came to me looking for a job. He was only 50. He was too old to work. I said, "Are they nuts, or what?" He's got more brains in his little finger than these college graduates have in their whole body. Who said he's not useful? We don't think right. He's got experience. You can't replace experience with a book. We don't think right. Don't think that way honey. You are valuable. All of you out there, first thing you know you'll be 35, you're going to be too old. But because of abortion and birth control, the whole world is suddenly going to be old. We are destroying ourself very slowly, but it's coming. I think we have time for another call. Hello. Male Caller #1: Hello, Mother. Mother: Where are you from? Caller: I'm calling from Chicago. Mother: Wonderful. Caller: I'd like to ask if possible, how does one go about finding a good spiritual director to help them see the signs of God in their lives and to discern God's Will? Mother: It's very difficult today. I hate to say that, because sometimes our priests were not formed many times in seminary with a spiritual life. They really have to live the life before they can direct. You don't get it all out of a book. It comes from being in the Presence of the Lord. So I got 3 minutes. Guess what I'm going to do. [audience laughs] You're right, [audience laughs] absolutely correct. I want to remind you to get these chaplets here because I think the world needs them. With all these floods and, [heavy sigh] the Middle East situation, it's just so much, so much. It hurts your head. I want you to get this Chaplet of Divine. Everyone here, I don't want you to go unless you get 1. I got a lot of them here, I think. If I don't, if you miss any, I'll give them to you tomorrow. But I want you to get these, 55, is that right? Where's the boss here? 55¢ if you order 4. Thank you. If you order 1, what is the postage today? 32. God knows what it's going to be tomorrow. [audience laughs] But you better act this week. It may be 40¢ next week. [all laugh] I'm offering you a bargain. You don't realize it. [audience laughs] Anyway, it's very important. Give them to your neighbor. Oh, give them to your family, give them to the one that needs it the most, even the one that kind of ridicules it. Put it in their pocket. Maybe if you go downtown in these malls, lay one on the table. We used to give mini books away that way. This man was in his company and he was going to commit suicide, he was a janitor. Somebody had thrown on the floor a little mini book the Lord gave me called "Jesus Needs Me." He picked it up, changed his mind. So I would, if you can afford a couple of dollars, I'll have to keep some, you know what I mean? [audience laughs] What are you going to do? We've got to keep this place going. Anyway, I want you to get 3 or 4 of these or even one, say it yourself, We want to pray for all our callers tonight and all of you that need Jesus. Please come back. All of you living outside the faith, all of you living in sin, please come back. All of you who haven't been to Confession for years and years, please, come Home. He's waiting in that Tabernacle, even if you can't find it, He's there somewhere. Today we play hide-and-seek --He's hiding and we're seeking. So you feel in some churches you go in, say, "Hey, where are You, Lord?" Not here. You see Him because you open the door. Remember, He's waiting for you. Bye now. [applause] [music]
Channel: EWTN
Views: 176,706
Rating: 4.8648329 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television, MA902799
Id: LEe4gy4BQcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 32sec (3392 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2015
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