From Being In A Cult to Meeting GOD In Heaven & Facing Judgment!

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hi randy kay here welcome to the heaven series my guest is is going to share with you a story that i think is going to leave you in awe it's going to leave you in awe i was introduced to jojo morris and asked him to appear on our show because he has a very novel uh story and account that will bring you to the the very throne room of god uh he suffered a um an incident that i'll let you uh hear about or him explain and then he'll tell you about that but uh welcome to the show uh jojo it's great to have you with us thank you so much randy mr randy for having me on it's an honor and privilege and i'm really really excited to get to know you and the team better and have this incredible relationship appreciate well like likewise thank you you know uh we may have some breaks there i know jojo travels quite a bit and he's in a space now where as some of you can empathize with the wi-fi is not the best but we're going to get through this and so um we will uh start right in now and we'll be sharing information with you you see in the background with his um it's called it's he'll explain how he got to that name for that site but we'll list that in the youtube and of course spotify and other uh ways in which you can reach out to uh jojo but jojo i'm gonna hand this over to you because you are so great at articulating uh sharing the the account that you had and the story is absolutely dramatic i mean i've never heard anything remotely like it so um i'll let you let you kick this off wow praise the lord and i just want to say for anyone listening hearing the sound of this this is a sign for you to stop what you're doing and invest this next bit of time to just like soak this in because god wants to encounter you miraculously and i always like to start with the word word of god and this is in acts 2 verse 17 it says this is what i will do in the last days i will pour out my spirit on everyone and cause your sons and daughters to prophesy and your young men will see visions and your old men will experience dreams from god and that is what god is doing in these last times and this is this is basically my personal experience of how i received a vision from heaven so it all starts in the beginning 1995 my parents had a little baby in texas and my parents were in a very mainstream home growing up no one looked at us differently we did what every regular american did you know american did we went to movie nights on friday we went to the malls on the weekends my dad worked a corporate job no big deal but at eight to five my parents moved from texas to oklahoma at that time and they went to these homeschool conventions and nothing's wrong with homeschooling but they found this group there that grew their own food grew their or so their own clothes and really had a different lifestyle they stood out like little pink stickers on you know the side of a white wall so you had you could see them from a mile away and so my parents were fascinated with these people's ways of life and they started asking them questions and my parents must have liked the questions because less than six months later we joined the church and i distinctly remember one sunday we're in this this house and there's cows outside there's chickens clucking on the front porch you know and i'm sitting on my dad's lap as a five-year-old and i go to play with his ring because i did that every sunday with something you know a little bored toddler and it wasn't there i said dad why isn't your ring there he said well son we don't believe that anymore and i look around me and there's about 20 other farmers with overalls on and hearing like preaching and i was basically swept into a whole new way of living at the age of five years old and i have eight siblings four brother or three brothers other than me and four sisters so my my family has eight siblings in total so we got a very vibrant family for the next 15 years i would suffer from the worst demonic night paralysis attacks as a child the first one i remember when i was five years old happened every single night and mind you i've been very um whipped heavily as a as a young child and a lot of it was the direct influence of literature my parents always want the truth and i love that about my appearance and they tried to raise us so well but it just went overboard with all the other churches they went to and everything and so growing up i was in constant fear of saying anything because i was scared that i was just gonna get whipped for it and multiple times i would have these awful anger tantrums as a child where i would just rage out of control as a you know six seven eight year old and even up to the age of 13 was just my anger was out of control and i had a very hateful relationship with my younger brother at the time and i had a friend would tell me he said man you really need to get this straightened out because you guys are going to be enemies for the rest of your life and when i turned 14 i repented of that and renounced that spirit and that spirit of anger left and at the age of 14 was also the same year i gave my life to jesus but the crazy thing was was when i was 14 i went and called everyone i knew in the church it was just on fire like i felt a difference in my life but everyone was like oh beware be awareless this is pride in your life you know you should you should be careful not to get too excited because there's gonna be trials and tribulations and everyone was throwing rocks or doggy doo doo on my day i was so discouraged as a as a brand new believer that everyone was so cold like there was no joy of the lord but there was one woman who was about 15 years older than me when i called her up she said jojo god has a unique calling for your life don't let anyone discourage you and i've held on to that she actually wrote me a letter and i've held on to that for years so now i'm 15 and it goes from being really full of joy to completely religious i was the person you saw on the street holding up signs you will grind your teeth inhale um all people that do this and this and this will be you know blanketed like to hell and and it made people angry it made so many people mad it was not allowing people to encounter god's love and then that leads them to him and i thought that was the right thing to do and i felt good about it because i thought i was doing god a favor and so 15 16 17 i'm in these groups just full blast i'm preaching i'm leading the young people i'm put into a position of authority because of my gifting of being able to talk with people and it was a very very dark time because during that time my older sister got excommunicated from the church kicked out completely we weren't allowed to visit her if we did visit her it was monitored we had to be with either my mom or dad and i always wondered like what happened to my older sister and it was only literally because she started celebrating fourth july she said that she didn't want to wear a dress anymore she wanted to wear pants she still loved jesus she still loved to worship him and it was just really strange from i couldn't log it in my mind so so so that jojo if i can just ask a question through that so here you are in a very restrictive almost occultish environment and it's funny you said that holding up the sign you know repent uh you know whatever that is or or um go to hell something like that and you're in that environment where you think god is essentially um looking to judge uh those at the first sign of any any degree of sin whatsoever that's that's where you're at at this point as a young as a young person around 15 years old yeah and during this time i got really radical like i would judge people all the time and mind you i still had a lot of fun moments but i really went heavy on that so at the age of 18 my parents are done with the mennonites and the reason why is because they didn't have enough mission efforts and so we went from being with the mennonites which basically live in their own farms have their own finances and everything to living with the hutterites which is a very tight-knit group they stem from austria their first language is german a beautiful people group but they have everything in common it's a commune it's a village where you do not make your own money everything goes under the common pot and so from age of 18 we went from super strict to completely concentration camp but yet in this village that we lived in i loved it it was so much fun because it was so closed the young people knew everyone in that village not much outside contact at all and those years was where god started speaking to me at night i would wake up at night and i would have a song on my heart and i didn't know what was happening it felt like this warm sensation in my body and i would grab a pen i'd grab a paper and write down a whole entire song in 15 minutes and i'm like i tell my younger brother like this just happened and i had a piano in my room at that time and songs just started flowing and i would teach those to the choir and then kids would run through the colony going you know give your life away for something that will last those one of my songs i wrote and and people are like where did you hear that song was it on the radio because if you listen to the radio you would be punished and talk to it was illegal to listen to the radio no outside music out loud and they were like oh jojo taught us the music and so they would come to me and like why are you teaching our children music and then i would always like hey this is gonna glorify god and they were like okay but my parents were very upset at it because they thought i was being rebellious and so they my elders and the parents they both basically started telling me that jojo this is of the devil if you keep making this music you're going to go straight to hell and now i was in fear for my own soul and so i started slipping into this really dark depression at the age of 19 i'm playing hockey we're doing a little practice rounds on eyes my helmet's coming in my friend's bringing it and a hockey uh got a little excited someone slap shot at a hockey puck and it went right into my face and i'm standing on the ice with my face just punched in um my teeth were in the back of my throat and i'm standing there feeling like almighty god has judged me and i didn't know why i said i have i'm i'm perfect i have done nothing wrong like i was a pharisee of the pharisee yet i thought i was perfect in god's eyes because i had no sin and yeah i thought god judged me for something and i was so confused i'm laying on the emergency table going what did i do wrong that started a season where i would call it my mind conf my inner fight my inner dark knight of the soul that i started going into i just started questioning everything god why do you let kids starve why do young mothers get beat why do young why do fathers and men lose their jobs like these real life questions that we like why do we pay taxes like these questions that we all want answers for i always i pay my taxes but i went into i slipped into a dark spiral the colony stop sending someone with me to town and that was the first mistake because that gave me once a week about six to seven hours of free time that i didn't have so i would start listening to the radio secretly i would scramble the channel before i would get back and then i would go to meet up with pastors in the town nearby and this is in minnesota god used that time to not only cause what was supposed to be a three-year recovery it happened in 12 months my orthodontist like my smile was a million dollar smile and they were like this has never happened with us and every time i would come in it would be weeks ahead of what they had told me and so they would just readjust everything how it needed to be and so not only did i experience that miraculous healing but inside i started becoming so dead because i thought god hated me for something i was so confused like i was upset at god for giving me a gift and then slapping me on the face for it i'm like who are you like what's going on and so one night i went home it's cold windy i opened the door to our house and there's raging a raging fight in our home and it was about the music i had written and my mom wanted my dad to throw up my guitar and my dad was trying to tell my mom that it's gonna be okay he was gonna talk to me and i went to leave i was just gonna dip i was like i'm not hanging around for this and my dad stopped me he's a jojo you're causing our marriage issues stop writing this music and i tried to explain like what was going on it just did not work out and so i just ran to my bedroom grabbed a pillow and cussed got out for the first time like i i was so angry at god i go into my bedroom and i i go to sleep that night nothing happens a week later we always had a three o'clock break and randy i'd always set the hot water for the tea i love drinking earl grey tea and i would always set like either a 30 minute to 29 minute timer so i could get back to work on time so i set my 20 minute timer and just flopped onto my bed the moment i hit the bed and laid there for a split second i heard my neck crack and i couldn't move i was absolutely paralyzed and i start panicking moments later i see the back of my head and i see my whole body and i'm standing next to my bed looking at my body and it's not moving it's just frozen and at that moment my hearing just went berserk i started hearing supersonically i started hearing stuff it sounded like miles away and i started hyperventilating no no no no no no i can't be dead this is not true and i remembered that i wanted to be dead previously and i did not like how it felt to be trapped outside of my body so i tried to get back in connection irrationally did not work so out of desperation i just went right through my wall i went right out through the bedroom felt like a light wind past me and i went out screaming for help in my community there was a woman walking to our communal wash house in the middle she had a baby on her hip she was pulling a cart i was help me help me my body's in the bedroom and she had this glaze looking right so you couldn't even hear me or she didn't know i existed while i'm screaming for help randy a person walks sue me and i'm now paralyzed in fear thinking like now i'm trapped outside of my body and i can't i can't do nothing about it like there's nothing i can do and i do this dream check where i pinch i'm like this has to be dreams i pinched and i felt pain and that's what that's when i realized okay now i am locked out of my body and everything was crystal clear like i have lots of dreams but this was so crystal clear and i could think i could logically process okay this is happening that person can't see me this person can't see me in that moment of desperation that angel shows up and he says it's time for judgment and i'm like okay an angel shows up to you and declares at that instance you are apart from your body you're in a in a spirit body or you have a body that that you can feel and sense but somebody walked through it so obviously there's there's kind of a transparent nature to it and then there's this angel that is with you and speaks to you declares to you tell us about what that little angel looked like it's incredible so he when he shows up in my mind i'm terrified but he stood up to me he came down landed right next to me to my right he was glowing like luminesce his skin had a glow to it he was a little bit darker complexion than me and he said in one line it is time for judgment that's all he said and it was a deep voice and it was reassuring but yet he needed me to make a decision i could run but i needed to actually make a decision and so i i looked when i later on i got a better look at him but this angel had huge muscles he was a warrior angel um made some people feel uncomfortable about that in the butt in psalms it says that god wraps his mighty arms around you and it wouldn't surprise us that some of his angels represent that and i didn't see any wings but this we have the ability to lift off the earth and so moments later i made the decision to leave because i was i couldn't do anything else we left the earth and as the earth goes into this like google earth globe view we pass these levels and there's demons pouring off of these three different levels that we passed and they're screaming at me jojo don't go with him don't go with him come with us they were inviting me to go with them and they're pouring down over the face of the earth and there was these huge light beams that were shooting up from earth like these giant spotlight some flares and they would dog pile on them but it was like playing guacamole the minute they would dog pile on one in guatemala another one would shoot up and then in africa one would shoot up in the u.s another one would shoot up and they would march across the face of the earth trying to stop these lights but they weren't winning it was a war against good and evil the light and the darkness and i at that moment realized that the light was the good on earth that god had placed there moments later the earth spins out of view it goes into a tiny speck and disappears and my body collides in a wall of water now i'm suspended in this wall of water and the angel goes from being to my right side to the front of me and that's where i got a good look at him i can see him through the water and he says you need to let all that is from earth out of you you cannot bring any of that where we're going am i you're telling me to let my air out i'm like no way i'm not letting my air out and i realized i couldn't breathe in because this whole time i could breathe normally so i decided to let a little bit out and the bubbles just disappeared into thin water or whatever it was and he noticed i was still holding on to he said no you need to let everything out and it was a complete moment of surrender the same moment of surrender i had to do on earth i had to do it again the moment i left that last little bit out and surrendered to the fact that i had to let it all go we were instantly transformed through this wall of water and the throne room was before us and it was a giant structure and it was glowing it's about a bit bigger than a football stadium from when we started going down to it and moments later we had this like crazy like falling feeling whenever you get go over a hill and a car real fast you feel that tickly feeling it was a very strong feeling like that we touched down in the throne i'm looking down and mr randy there are these tiles about a foot by foot and they were embossed with like emerald and gold and pearl and these crazy carvings that an artist had spent hundreds of hours making and that was just one tile and it was clear but yet we could walk on them like they were filled but yet you could watch the artwork 3d and that was the floor of the throne room i looked to my right and there's hundreds of thousands of angels all standing at attention of every nationality just like marines none of them had an expression on and i'm like what is going on i looked to my right and i looked to my left and there was god sitting on the throne i knew it was the father because his face shone brighter than the sun the angel i could see some features his eyes glowed but i could see his features but god his face shown so bright i was like having to hide my face from it and he's sitting down and he's holding a coffee mug and he drinks out of it i'm like this is not right the creator of the universe is sitting on his rear end while the earth is burning and my job super religious still like i'm still i still have my full nature i'm still judging god and i like there's babies dying on earth there's people that can't pay their rent like how dare you and i'm thinking this moments later this surround sound voice booms from every direction came from the top came from the bottom came from underneath me said let judgment begin deeper voice than the angel but it shook it came from the outside in it just shook me i'm like okay and three huge hologram screens popped up my life started playing from the beginning all the way to the end and i didn't let me ask you this question jojo so the voice that said let this judgment begin was that the voice of god or was that the angel speaking no implementing that it sounded i clearly understood at that moment that that was god initiating judgment that was not the same sound of my angel it sounded different and i i'm imagining jojo that you because of what you came from a very legalistic environment that you were expecting at this point god to render a judgment of condemnation perhaps to you or was there fear all what did what was your feeling at the time when god was declaring judgment over you that you were in for it absolutely i was terrified and like people don't understand how afraid you can be when there's no other options in life like pretend you're going 80 miles an hour and you have five minutes to watch that last two seconds when you hit a cement wall that's what it felt like and there's nothing you can do to stop it there's no way to turn there's no way to stop you're already going 80 miles an hour and you're about to hit that semen wall but if you freeze frame it that was a terrifying feeling of just watching everything unfold and god showed me specific memories that i have not even seen in pictures growing up and so i my life started from the beginning my parents were holding this little baby born born in texas and they had an in-home birth and i'm watching them they love me and then all these bad memories start happening getting whipped my sister getting whipped way worse than i did you know my dad's struggling because he tried to start a farm he's quit his corporate job for a while and tried to do a farm and it was a disaster and then he goes back to his corporate job and the discouragement he was feeling there's just one bad memory after another and i'm watching it all and all that heaven is watching it me doing shameful things as a young person i'm like ah please don't show that but everything was on display moments later i'm you know going from work to take that nap and i lay down and my neck snaps again the screens fold up and everything goes away and i'm like that was it so it wasn't confirmation again and so now this surround style sound voice booms out again is his name in the book of life and i'm like i forgot about the book of mine because in revelation it says whoever is not found in the book of life will be cast out of the presence of the lord into hell and long story short i'll speed through here it took hours to read through these names and i wanted to claim the name so bad but i had to surrender again knowing that the same angel that came brought me into the presence of god was the same angel that would could take me away all of a sudden i hear these electrifying words jojo and god leaps off his stone and now he's facing me he's he's a little bit taller than angel but he shoots me at this like rainbow fusion hug and he goes jojo this whole time you thought i was judgmental this whole time you thought i was angry with you but i'm here to show you who i truly am and he just started ministering to me and gave me this huge hug and blasted all of what was on from the bitterness the hate the feelings of regret the feelings of lying cheating all that stuff i had felt growing up just started watching it disappear he i could see all the pain from my bed wedding that the huge mountains of shame that i carried as a teenager being the only man that was wetting his bed into his like 19 and 20 year old years i he i saw him heal me of all that pain and shame that i was going through i started weeping and realizing that god is not this judgmental god that i've known this whole time he's a god of love he's wanting to have a personal relationship with me and i'm weeping and as i weep i start these huge droplets would fall and he would catch them they wouldn't hit the floor and i look up i'm like god why aren't my tears hitting the floor and he's like i've caught every single one and in psalms it says he's caught every single one of our tears and put him in a bottle he says that to david i believe is david i saw as much jojo and my uh experience with jesus in heaven so you know i confirm what uh or affirm what uh what you've just said yeah and so now we're having this like father-son moment and he's just loving on me and he reveals to me that the music he had given me to write was from him my desire to minister to other people was a direct desire from his heart he goes on to reveal some incredible things about heaven the inventions that happen on earth how he instigates these ideas and we just start rejoicing that angels are singing holy holy holy is the lord god almighty praise me to the land that was slain and they were just shooting off these huge mega launchers and all of heaven turns into a party riot these angels that were super stern like stiff looking things they were just roaring with god's glory and there was this music that was booming over heaven like the sound of many many bands playing together it sounded like a hundred to a thousand voice choir i've tried to say it sounded like a hundred thousand voice choir but i've never heard that but i can't compare these sounds it sounds like three bands are playing at once and all of the heaven is booming with their joy scene and god is ministering to me healing me wow after he finishes the healing process he tells me he says jojo i have two things i want you to learn and this like i feel i get emotional every time i talk about this because god loves it when we can live our fulfillment for eternity he wants us to actually be enjoy doing what we want to do for eternity he says i want you to know my word and i want you to know music you're going to do music and i was happy when he said you're going to understand my word you're going to know my word but then when he added music onto it i was blown and so he took the word right just flipped it over and there was like this filing cabinet behind that all the meanings behind the word righteous to be clothed with to do it's an action it's a verb righteous it's not something you just bang people in the head with it's a lifestyle and so on my mind's just light bulger is going off election right now i don't feel any pain all the the bitterness all the pain that he that was me before was just go on the old jojo was gone and so now i'm just 100 communion with god just having an awesome time angel my guardian angel the angel that took me from earth i realized was my guardian angel because this angel started telling god about memories that happened earlier in my life and god would just stop and listen and go wow and what happened next and god is all-knowing but god showed me how intentionally what he is and how much he loves to actually listen to it like it's the first time he's ever heard it and i was like you're you're hilarious like you already know all this but why do you care so much and i realized that since he is omnipresent he revealed to me that he felt all of my pain every single thing i felt hurt with in life he felt it personally and that most people don't realize it if god can be omnipresent that also means he feels everything at the same time and i was like i judged you i'm so sorry he just forgave me and he's like it's okay or it's a new sleigh it's a new beginning and the k the gates of heaven opened up he saw me a woman angel she came to my left side and my guardian angel and this woman angel started teaching me music lessons god prompted it and when he spoke since the moment i heard my name in the book of life from that point on i heard his voice within me it was like my thoughts when the surround sound voice would boom it also spring from my heart and it gave me like an adrenaline rush to be in the presence of god like it was like the craziest feeling of joy and i was just laughing and so god sends us on we go into the kingdom and there's this huge hill and on the other side of this hill i heard this massive city being built and i heard children laughing i heard babies that had not been given a life on earth they were given a new life in heaven yeah this this is this well this is something that you know we've talked uh jojo to uh other guests and even my own experience about the children speaking i can't tell you how that much that resonates with people who have lost children and um you know uh the babies are that have not been born that that they are and i and i love your party in heaven you know the celebration off of uh from one lost soul you know and that was something i experienced as well just this grand celebration in heaven that you're talking about god god like went after the one and when jesus every time i read the story in the bible when it says like god jesus left the 99 and went after the one that was me i was saul on the road to damascus destroying his body and he decided to like give me this vision and change me and so just to finish up what i experienced in heaven here we're walking into the kingdom god i'm hearing children laughing i'm hearing these babies you know i hear their voices and i hear people that are older talking about plans and what they're doing with the building structures and everything and i realized that all these people were living a fully fulfilled life after the two lessons they just opened the concepts of the five-part harmony the temper homage is a i could talk about that for another hour um the lesson was abruptly ended and i'm awake i woke up with my alarm going off 29 minutes later and i yell into my pillow no no no no no please god no i don't want to be gone from this and i felt the weight of the earth dropped back on me my hearing closed up so i could only hear like this and i but i felt different inside i had this like joy this like the depression was fully gone it wasn't until a month later that i actually been fully healed at that moment of all my bed wedding and all my celiac which is i had 20 years of just non-stop bed wedding which has plagued me there's no medical explanation for it so i woke up that i woke up from that vision a changed man and since that moment on i've just been my number one goal is to glorify god in everything i say and do and to spread the love of jesus and i hope this message blesses someone that if they're feeling hopeless and they're feeling like they don't have purpose god wants to have that personal connection with you and if you cry out then he will answer you amen to that you know i i believe uh jojo that there are people listening to this right now that are going through a liberation in their own lives and your story speaks so profoundly to the power of god to reveal himself to us in terms of the the depth and breadth of his love to to not wanting to condemn us but to restore us and to redeem us uh by what he he's done for us and and you realize that i'm curious jojo now so here you were how old at the time by the way that this happen i just i just turned 20. i have a journal entry and i could go back and get the exact age but it happened in 2016. leading into 2017. and you're still a young man now it's still fresh uh in your spirit um in your mind yeah at least um and and so you're still coming back to this religious environment this religion so what happened i mean we've had guests that have come on and they've you know been former atheists agnostics those who've been believers in christ and they start telling people about it but but you're kind of s stuck i guess if you would if you might say in this in this environment still what did you do with it i mean after you had this experience yeah so originally i thought that god had called me to revive the church because i felt like there was there was already revival breaking out once i shared this testimony a lot of the young people related to it some of the young ladies said i feel like god is calling me to go get an education to become a nurse to become a missionary doctor the elders quickly squash that they're like nope you need to stay home you need to wait for the lord to tell me first before you can hear from god and i saw these young people's dreams being crushed and about six months later i had actually escaped and the thing the reason why i say escape is because when you work for free when you are in an uh arena like this where you're in a bubble like i had to figure out how i was going to get my own cell phone plan i had to figure out how where i was going to sleep after i left and thankfully nine years before my sister had gotten kicked out and i got in contact with her and she said listen you can bunk up at our house until you get on your feet and i called it's funny i got it i got to share this with you i called a construction company in oklahoma and the person answered was the owner he said you know hello you jojo yes sir and he's like i heard your mennonite i said yes sir i was mennonite for most of my life i'm with the hotter rights and i said you're hired i said what why am i hired he's like well you told me you're a mennonite all right i'll see you in two days hung up okay this is amazing god how did you line this up so i got a great job in oklahoma doing like tower crane operating stuff like that so moving on from that it was very painful because everyone around me felt like i betrayed them the leadership felt like i betrayed them my parents felt like i'd stabbed them in the back for all the stuff they've invested into me and my heart was not to ever do that my heart is to follow after jesus but i cannot be in a culture i cannot be in a society that number one does not allow women to speak we are equal we are joint heirs in christ we are sons and daughters of the king we're all going to have equal inheritance in heaven there's no reason for us to oppress someone here on earth secondly the the spiritual giftings like definitely they shy away from the supernatural and i'm praying that god revives that group but i had to make a choice to leave and it was like waking up from the matrix being a tomato plant in antarctica where you were under in a greenhouse your whole life and you just get planted out in a harsh cold like i never watched finding nemo i had no clue what movies were i had seen a few but like did not have any references for anything and so 2017 may 10th i made that daring escape one morning got in the car and i left with a few things in the vehicle i made that 10 hour trip to oklahoma started life all over and god has blessed me he's restored the years that the demonic ice cold grip of religion took away from me those 15 years he's completely paid it over and it's been so powerful that friendships i've been able to develop the spiritual mentorships like god is a god that will restore what addictions have taken away and what religion has taken away he's all about restoration so true it's about relationship not religion and we don't discourage we encourage those uh who are part of our circle if you will of uh broadcasting and enter we have thousands by the way jojo of people who contact us routinely and they're going through some of them tremendous suffering uh right now having gone through this period of uh covid and all of the things that are happening in their world across the world and one of the things uh that they struggle with is and we recently got a message in fact uh this morning from a man probably about your age and he said you know i deserve to be condemned the life i have lived you know i've you know i i've divorced myself from other people i i no longer have any friends i don't have any hope and uh it really came to our attention that uh he was he was trying to hold on to a religious aspect for his salvation and not a relationship aspect so how to speak to that individual if you will that might feel that rel those rel i say religious confines but they're really our own confines that we place upon ourselves that say you know i have to live up to god's standards which is impossible really speak to that person who is who's really in the shackles of their suffering right now because of that yeah and a lot of times people are in religion and it wasn't their fault to begin with so i speak i speak into fear versus love i speak into the darkness versus light and this is the illustration i'm going to use for religion versus relationship it's the difference between organic and synthetic look at god as an all-knowing understanding being that not only made you in his image but he wants to have that daily connection with you and it starts with just us simply saying god thank you so much for today gratitude i feel like was the first thing that really helped me break off the chains of religion religion loves to live in fear oh one day if i mess up i might go to hell or if i do this i might go to hell it's always a fire insurance-based policy instead of like a relationship like action and so for anyone that's struggling with religion it is the worst demonic influence i now see it as the worst demonic influence of all time because religion is what put jesus on the cross the pharisees put jesus on the cross and all that jesus wanted the earth to know was that the father loved them that they could be free from sin and when he died on the cross he paid for our sins so he no longer had to be chained into darkness and knowing that god's jesus has paid for that debt and you can work for a million years but you're gonna it will never repay that debt he's already paid it so now accept that free gift it is a free gift for a reason so just say thank you jesus for this free gift and ask god to reveal to you how to walk in that and get connected to a vibrant community stay away from people that are controlling in a religious setting go after the heart of the father where you can feel it you can see it and you can watch the miracles that happen because it's supposed to be alive it is alive i've experienced it yes likewise many of us yes that's that's a great answer to that i'm curious uh jojo what your relationship is like with your family today i mean obviously you respond you're you're espousing a relationship with christ that is very different and apart from uh from is the family still involved in in this uh religion and how did they respond to your leaving and what is your relationship today with them yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna do it in three different phases um when i left about a year ago and now is that okay yes sure one when i left it was an absolute dumpster fire it was broken relationships it was lots of angry words a lot of angry calls i basically had to like like get a new phone new number and everything um and then about a year into it i had to set healthy boundaries with my parents my mentor cj ellis and lisa ellis they're in reading california now they mentored me when i was living in oklahoma and they said jojo you need to set boundaries with your parents because it was getting away it was getting more abusive verbally and so i set those boundaries and my relationship just went and it was so amazing last year june a gentleman interviewed me youtube picked up my story and it started trending on their homepage um that story generated so much attention that people started calling my parents and asking them why they raised me the way they did and my intentions are not to throw my parents underneath the bus my intention is to draw people to the love of christ relationship went back into the dumps again so basically anytime i'm quiet the relationship is good anytime i speak out the relationship is bad but recently today i'm learning how to walk and step because it's my heart my dad wants to do full-time missions i believe that i'll be able to support him one day and make that dream come true because my dad is a powerhouse i love him and i know that if that dream can come true for him we can put the past aside but my wife's family is so loving her family has really adopted me and that's where i've gotten a lot of deeper connections i've had two different individuals in my life that have adopted me as their son like spiritually so i have some great earthly spiritual fathers um so it's been a bit of a rollercoaster but i'm really just trying to navigate it with respect and honor yes and we pray in love if your father is watching this your mother or anyone in your family we want you to know that uh those that are in our circle our family here are um just not praying any condemnation or judgment over you we know that you uh desire to serve god wholeheartedly yeah and so we just pray blessing over you and and love uh and i hope you hear that i know your son just uh spoke it your uh brother uh just spoke this that he loves you and uh therefore there is therefore no condemnation for those who are in christ jesus so i hope you hear that and so i ask that our audience pray as well for them that there will be a family reunion that will truly be one of uh celebration uh together so and i believe in in christ that that uh that will happen uh wholeheartedly because you know it's it's funny uh jojo that those who uh practice a form of uh let's say christianity and that was a term actually it was coined by the roman empire you know and uh and that and that was something constantine when he went into battle you know he called it was a derogatory term christian was a derogatory term so i i hesitate they called themselves the way or believers at that time in the early church um and it was very interdependent with one another as as we should be as a body of christ uh i wanted to our audience also to know that uh jojo's been kind enough to offer uh he has an event going on in new york but we have the live stream excuse me which is happening uh on february 23rd we realized that some are watching this uh after february 23rd uh but uh this will be recorded for you as well so jojo will be joining us live uh this is a question and answer period it's a it's a ministry where you can speak to us uh with with all of the relevant issues and and we're there for you we're live and we're talking with you and we're hearing your comments and we have a team of people who are trying to call out the comments and and things of that nature so jojo will be our special guest we uh have a guest with us in these live streams and jojo will be our special guests also uh we have the afterlife 2022 conference it's the first christian uh uh afterlife conference which is happening april 9 8th and 9th and we have a host of different speakers we haven't approached jojo yet but we want to invite him to participate in that as well uh we will be having guest speakers uh sid roth from uh it's supernatural we'll be having john burke new york times best-selling author i will be hosting the event and we will have a number of speakers who have had been transported to heaven have been like the road to damascus experience that uh that you've described jojo and many who have clinically died like yours truly who have experienced heaven uh with uh with jesus um and it's funny because you know a lot of those people tend to be on the older side because it's easier to die when you're when you're older and i think you know we're just closer to it but all of us are going to be there and we love that you are speaking into a generation of the realities of heaven because the truth is that this life as the bible says is like a mist so whether you're 20 years old or whether you're 99 years old uh it's still in the perspective of eternity this is a very short period of time and uh and we need to learn about heaven don't we i mean the heaven is teaches us the fullness of of god and and what we should be living as because one of the things i want to just uh end with this uh account that you haven't mentioned yet and that is people think of the clouds you know in heaven and you see all the you know the pictures and all of that you know walking in the clouds which is a total distortion of what heaven is like i love how you have spoken in the past jojo about what people are doing in heaven because that speaks to the relativity of what they're doing in heaven to what they're doing here in this world so share that if you will uh before we close absolutely about what people are doing in heaven yes because they're not they're not walking on the clouds right absolutely and if people think that you suck on a lollipop with a little golden ring on your head i'm so sorry to shatter that that's not what happened and when i was in when i when god opened the doors of the of the throne room into the kingdom of god it was like i went from reality to a whole new world in front of me and i could not see the city because it was over the hill but i could hear it and that's what god blessed me with was a an ability to hear things and it painted a picture i don't know if anybody's watched um any like movie shows where there's there's a person with that's blind that person can really hear what's going on a room because they tuned into their senses so well but what i heard was people discussing how to build these huge structures like i'm assuming they might have been engineers in their previous life they got it gifted with that engineering that construction ability and now with unlimited resources they were building these massive structures and i wish so bad i would be able to have seen that but for what god allowed me to see i'm grateful because what i heard was these kids that were playing they must have been playing tag or something really fun because they were giggling they were laughing i heard joy and heaven loves music so there was a lot of music happening and that was something that i may be uncomfortable at first i was like oh this is the elders wouldn't approve of this because i was never allowed to listen to anything with a drum beat but yeah heaven was beating to the beat of god's heart it was drawn me to that beat and i realized that everything in heaven is in tune with god's heart it was like it was just going this is massive symphony going so there's people playing music because it was live it wasn't just this recorded music it was a live performance and somehow they had this broadcast system and mind you this there was not a sun or a moon in heaven like it was all illuminated and it says that in the scripture and so i really encourage people to dive into the scriptures because i waited four years to go public with this because i wanted it to get checked i said i don't want to be spreading a weird gospel i want this to be so people can encounter god's love and i can get lost in the details and talk about those for hours but god's desire is for you to know that this earth this experience is a blip compared to what he's designed you to do your brain is operating at a micro amount of the capacity it's designed to operate at so just imagine with a fully operating brain the amount of genius you are in heaven and it's just phenomenal yeah that's a great description jojo and i think it's very important that people grasp on to this concept because what you do and this is something i concur with in in my experience in heaven as well i saw artists that could render masterpieces and i knew that they weren't uh monet's uh in the world that is during their life on earth but that had been their talents their abilities had been exponentially increased in heaven so they could produce such wondrous mighty works because they were truly in the fullness of god in heaven and so all of these things were there were partial impartations of talents and abilities in this world were magnified to the umph degree in uh in heaven so people could teach better the people could draw betters who said sing better create music better could all of these things that they were doing build and and so on and so forth so heaven is anything but boring but here's the i think the take away this to what you just shared it seems jojo and that is that we need to work as unto the lord colossians 3 23 because when we do that we're using our talents and abilities as you're doing jojo for the lord that is being magnified to a kingdom uh perspective that is in other words we're producing works that will be everlasting into heaven that will continue into heaven and some of the works quite frankly that are produced as unto the world you know as i did for a number of years climbing the corporate ladder and things of that nature those things yes god can use those but we need to ensure that we're glorifying the lord in all things that we do as unto the lord because those will be utilized in heaven to to a tremendous extent so jojo it is again wonderful having you we look forward to continuing this relationship with you and uh we will if you want information on the live stream maybe after the fact if you're viewing this or at the afterlife 2022k uh conference go to we'll be streaming this also uh through the it's supernatural network this will be going around the world uh also we'll be going to israel our friends uh in israel uh we want to tell you that shalom and uh we welcome you uh because you are beloved of yeshua the hebrew name for uh for jesus so again jojo so great to be with you and we'll continue this conversation live in a moment so thank you again jojo any parting words before we close this may jesus be glorified to build the kingdom of god and uh i'm so honored to have been here and i pray that everyone that listens to this is just magnet just blessed beyond measure no doubt they have been god bless you until next time be of good cheer because heaven is in your future that's right for now thanks for listening please like and subscribe and if you'd like further information go to our website at where our mission is simple to share the great news of god's love
Channel: Destiny Image
Views: 19,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spiritual warfare, pastor alan didio, mario murillo, bible study with me, prophetic word for today, prophetic word, larry sparks, destiny image, encounter today, holy spirit, lana vawser, Sid Roth, it’s supernatural network, end times prophecy, prophetic word for today from god, prophetic word for me today, Bill Johnson, jesus christ, 2022 prophecy, prophetic word for 2022, nde, dream from god
Id: MoP_A3ajxm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 5sec (3185 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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