The Most DISTURBING Messages People Got

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what's the most disturbing text message you got [Music] are you a friend of username you are why he passed away this message came from the account of that friend so i thought i was getting pranked it still feels so unreal losing a friend you met online i only met him in person once but i drove 10 hours out to the service anyways i'd known him online for five years he was only a few years over 20. i'll miss that man [Music] my mom please call me me every time oh god dad is dead friend texted a colleague i locked the keys in the office only predictive texts changed keys to jews you shouldn't have refused me i'll force you to kiss me the next time i didn't recognize the number and have no clue who it came from i did suck him off so i may have gotten herpes sent to me by my dad followed by that wasn't meant for you a second not disturbing but devastating was grandma just went into hospice if you want to say goodbye you need to fly out tomorrow got that text on a tuesday flew out wednesday grandma died on friday morning emergency alert ballistic missile threat in boeing to hawaii seek immediate shelter this is not a drill would have got to be the worst one surely probably when my abusive ex contacted me years after me cutting him off acting all friendly and asking if i'd like to get coffee and talk sometime he was very emotionally abusive manipulative and a gun nut so no thank you i told him in no uncertain terms to lose my number then blocked him one night just as i was drifting off to sleep my phone buzzed with the message we're watching from an unknown number i just replied prepare for boredom [Music] if you are not home in 20 minutes i'll gut your cats and hang them from the ceiling from my husband while i was in the hospital [Music] i got a message in the middle of the night from an unknown number telling me to stop sleeping with their husband albeit in somewhat stronger language i'm pretty certain it wasn't meant for me as i wasn't sleeping with anyone's husband i replied saying i didn't think the message was meant for me and never heard anything more my mom was in the aiku back in the fall due to covered restrictions i wasn't able to go visit her i got this text in the middle of the night find me please move me to haiku sec flipper i bed i have oh call button can't adjust bed no contact w a human please comma please i know she was confused from medications and i could delirium is a thing but i can't shake the fear that was behind this message and it's the last one i have from her as we ended up needing to remove life support a couple of days later i have had two one was from my mother and it said come straight home after school i called her my grandma had died the second one was from my then boyfriend and it said i love you he had killed himself grandma in heaven very sad grandma did not die he was referring to her enjoying herself at the family cabin while feeling some stuff my mom once texted me my full name and said call me immediately not a text message but in my photo gallery found a peepee pic that had no idea where it came from did not recognize it nor the bathroom that it was taken in it was terrifying to think someone got into my phone and put it in there that happened over 10 years ago and i still don't know how it got there hey reaction mammoth my name is john i saw you on tinder a while ago but my account got banned shortly after so i never found out if we matched your dog is so cute too comma is that a mastiff question mark i screen [ __ ] your pictures because you are so hot i showed them to a co-worker to see if he knew you turns out he does and he lives in the same building as you he gave me your room number and assured me he would let me in the building tonight so don't be frightened when a rondo is knocking on your door btw i'm dtf if you are see you later ex-boyfriend 23 at the time saw me walking around with my then boyfriend holding hands so it was obviously not just some acquaintance came to us to say hi was casually friendly just a regular encounter later that evening he sent me a text message saying he was shocked i had a new boyfriend and defeated anything to hurt himself it was my fault i saw him a few years later in a shop so he seemingly didn't do anything though a few years ago i asked a girl out and got refused later on that day i got a message from a guy who was going to same school with me saying i heard that you like my girlfriend with a lot of swear words fun fact they were not dating he was a really childish ass back then a text from my best friend saying i think i killed him we had been at the bar for a few hours beforehand and i'd just gotten into bed when i got the text i tried calling but he never answered i ended up driving to his house and he was asleep in bed he swore that he never sent the text and it didn't show up on his phone either when my son was around eight months old my husband sahd used to take him for walks in his baby carrier around our neighborhood park one day he texted me guess what i found floating in the pond i guessed a turtle i was wrong it was a dead body [Music] 10 people's licences and social security cards it's all good my dude before he shot and killed himself and his lover hours later it was me who accidentally sent the creepy message a friend asked me to send him a screenshot of an article we were talking about but i only realized a few days later that i typed his number incorrectly so some poor stranger got a screenshot of a news article titled translated from another language how two depressed people apparently decided to become serial killers with the article preview reading because they became a couple two patients had to leave the psych hospital while watching horror movies they apparently decided to become serial killers and murdered a woman i would have been horrified to receive that from an unknown number without any context i know you're there jen stop deleting my texts for a while i had been getting spam texts from different numbers just the usual stuff like fake raffles or links but they all called me jen i just deleted the messages and moved on but this one made my blood run cold my name's not jen my phone was on do not disturb woke up to read a bunch of messages from an ex that would have set off alarms had i read them it was followed by a text from her mom about how she had to take her daughter to the er course she tried to kill herself reading through it all hours after it happened was terrifying even though she was nearly 700 miles away i still could have contacted someone who could have helped i want my biological baby it's my dream can you donate your sperms in future if i choose you of course i don't mean to have hanky panky in all and i will be in closed secret no we were not dating [Music] this was actually a voicemail message not a text message from my mother she said there's blood everywhere and then got cut off immediately calling back it turned out she phoned me while watching csi and a particularly gory scene caused her to exclaim that and drop the phone i received an image of a smiling guy sitting naked on a five-gallon bucket with a banjo strategically placed between his legs this was randomly sent to me from an unknown number i got into a big argument with my father in person i walked away from it in the middle of one of his rants he proceeded to blow up my phone with text messages which i ignored for a week when i finally did read them and start responding it quickly devolved into him detailing all the ways he felt my brother was responsible for our parents divorce he called my mom an idiot 2. i ended up blocking his number that was in april of last year and i haven't spoken to him since my mom texted dad had a heart attack and then her and no one else in the family would answer their phones i live across the country i was flipping out crying and repeatedly trying to get a hold of someone not until half an hour later was i told it was actually my grandpa who had heart problems it was a minor attack and he was fine i went off on my mom and told her never to text something like that again she got mad at emmy throughout my life she's texted disturbing poop like that to everyone ever deaths and health problems and accidents etc are never something to text about died yesterday thank you it was my ninth grade chemistry due to thinking that he was replying to a colleague about his 80ish wio mum who had passed away the day before unfortunately he wasn't a savvy with phones back then india was still high on blocky nokias back in 2009 and it led to me and amp by then crush being scared poopless for a whole day good times i'm pregnant was up there it was disturbing mostly because i knew she was lying still made for an interesting couple of days we need you to work tonight look after the cats for me please a friend of mine was going through a hard time and sent me like four paragraphs of poop about how hard it was to go through i was dead tired though so just before bed i texted her i'm so sorry you're dear to me shiloh good night i woke up to a tirade of angry texts so i went back and read the text i sent i'm so sorry you're dead to me shiloh good night freaking order correct my boss drunk texted that he loved me at 3am on a sunday edit this got some traction and i think people might be drawing their own conclusions we're both straight dudes he just has a bad alcohol problem someone texted me asking for a dirt bike but the thing is i use imessage and no one has my email they then proceeded to show stalking behavior creepy a few years back i got a series of texts from a random alberta number it said something along the lines of we'll send these to your family and then a bunch of photos of some person who looked absolutely defeated in a shower covered in fesses then the same person performing or a hanky-panky on a cow it was super disturbing and i went to my local police right away they took the images and messages from my phone and took a statement but i never really heard of what happened after that amber alert my brother's best friend's daughter didn't end well centopex valerie turns out that it was my brothers and cousins pranking me good times last call not text bit from my mother an hour before she died at least i got to tell her i loved her e-i-e-i-e-i-e i i i'm not kidding the message i was supposed to get but did not i was at a friend's house in high school and my mom was going to pick me up after work i noticed she's outside get my stuff and get in the car she's a little irritated because she wants to get home and i took a minute to see her and get out there she's like i texted you why did it take so long i told her that i didn't get anything or i would have been ready already she insists pulls out her phone to show me the text be ready i'll be there soon okay cool but to the wrong number normal with context for me the intended recipient but i'm sorry to whoever got that message out of the blue and probably kept checking through the blinds or something the rest of the evening i got one about three weeks ago from a longtime friend of mine she's been having a rough time told me i would never speak to her again and thank me for being her friend i think she killed herself she has contemplated it before and brought it up a few days prior i didn't see the message until a couple hours after it was sent i don't have her current address or even city just number i don't have contact information for her family number is now disconnected emails don't get read the disturbing part to me is not knowing and not having any way of finding out if that's what happened not to mention such a short message to tell me what's up and goodbye from someone i've spoken to almost daily for a bit over 15 years a couple weeks ago i was getting texts from a man who claimed to know who i was and he was demanding very explicit photos of me i ended up blocking his number but it still bugs me that i don't know who he was alerts in the middle of the night are scaring dude especially when it was two streets away from you hi there look if you enjoyed the video well why not go ahead and hit that like and subscribe to reddit stories in fact if you want to see even more responses to this thread well then take a look there's the link in the description below and remember show some love to those authors while you're there and i look forward to seeing you next [Music] time [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do so
Channel: Reddit Stories
Views: 1,181
Rating: 4.8499999 out of 5
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Id: SGRRrOO6q90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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