When Did You Realise Your Teacher Sucked?

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when did you realize that teacher you loved was actually an ass [Music] when he'd shamelessly flirt with high school girls this teacher was the girls varsity basketball coach and every year there were rumors about him having hanky-panky with a couple of them i'm sure most of those rumors are exaggerated but one girl admitted years later that she had hanky-panky with him on multiple occasions when she was 17 stroke 18 this was in the late 80s the teacher was about 35-40 at the time and married [Music] everyone loved one of my high school music teachers well i should say all the students loved him a lot of the rest of the department would put on a brave face but then stories started circulating about how he'd freak over his co-workers without giving it a second thought but when you're a student you don't really know the ins and outs of faculty politics or at least students shouldn't comma fast forward a number of years a couple years after graduating from college i wind up back in my hometown as a music teacher the popular high school teacher had gotten his administration degree and was now the principal of the building i was assigned to work in and he was terrible terrible completely incompetent rude and unpleasant tried to use his physical size to intimidate people in a building mostly staffed by women i have stories someone who was vaguely aware of the history but not the specifics once said to me oh isn't it so nice that you're working with one of your favorite teachers now i told her the truth every good memory i had of being one of his students was erased by what a horrible principle he was when he got drunk and beat the poop out of his then-girlfriend for turning down his marriage proposal edit forgot a detail he locked her into her bedroom and ripped the phone out of the wall before leaving her brother found her the next day i started out thinking my art teacher was alright then i drew something and he started laughing really hard and exclaimed to me really loudly so the whole class could hear this looks like something a five-year-old drew [Music] i basically didn't have history class in 10th grade because the teacher was so lazy and apathetic the students loved that we had free days every other day and most of the class when it wasn't a free day was him putting a random movie on while he sat on his computer [Music] when my history teacher cheated on his wife who was a teacher at the same school with another teacher and took her and her kid secretly to disney world before ever taking his original family there sat when he popped up in the local paper for being announced this guy was that teacher that everyone wanted as their teacher in primary school up to age 10-11 he was funny he made jokes he wrote his own assemblers and school plays we all thought he was such a cool teacher not like the other stuff he teaches and i remember he always used to give special attention to kids in the class who were perhaps a bit poor or a bit slower academically seat them in front of his desk and give them extra coaching and encouragement and at the time everyone said how nice he was for doing that but with hindsight he was picking them out and grooming them absolutely turns my stomach i was recently talking to my little brother about a high school teacher we both had my brother thought the teacher was an and the teacher did not like my brother either the teacher and i got on really well i was trying to figure out why our experiences were so different and the answer was obvious i was also an insufferable the teacher and i both bullied people to assert some kind of dominance i was an awful teenager he was a worse adult eater whoa thank you for the silver there was a teacher at my school who everyone loved he'd always try make lessons super fun well he got a new job and tons of us wanted to keep in touch with him because we all viewed him as a cool guy i think i was 14 at the time he left my school and every now and then we'd exchange emails but nothing much was said that's noteworthy when i turned 17 he emailed and i was pleasantly surprised as it had been a while since we last spoke he mentioned he wanted to visit my hometown in the summer i assumed to see family then mentioned there was someone he wanted to meet eventually he said it was someone he really missed and then said that it was someone from school he didn't say it was me outright but i began to feel really uncomfortable and stopped replying eventually he wrote telling me to just forget it he's really sorry and tried to change the topic i blocked his email and never told anyone even now old school friends reminisce about how cool a guy he was and i keep quiet because what do i say anyways that's my weird teacher story when i asked for an academic reference after leaving school for eight years she was my head of year and history teacher for four of those called me a star pupil we had in jokes i gave her gifts at the end of each academic year but suddenly three years after i left she didn't know me well enough to write one i was really disappointed in tbh a little heartbroken i complained to some school friends who mostly weren't surprised and said they'd all found her two-faced and didn't like her back then i was the only one who thought she was amazing and inspiring later in life i've had university lecturers happily give me references without batting an eyelid five years after completing their modules i had a teacher in grade 5 that i thought was really cool i met him again in high school he kept getting transferred from one school to another because if he got angry at a student he would hurt them i've seen him pick up a student and desk and throw them rumor has it that in the previous school he broke a student's collarbone my english teacher during my finals he was always the cool teacher like watches with us funny videos of screaming goats during the break cool back then my english was awful i struggled with holding a conversation but i really tried so one day we had to write this essay where we had to compare the relationships and the great gatsby with relationships in any other novel we were allowed to choose i compared it to the triangle between harry's parents and snape i gave it to him to read and he said it's pretty well and he would like to give me a mark on it he even underlined the language mistakes i made so he wouldn't have to subtract points for bad grammar i was excited because i desperately needed a good mark and was proud of my work i corrected the whole thing he even approved it and took it with him the next week i got it back within four plus one is the best six is the worst the plus means it was close to and three claiming that the content of the essay was awful the same content that he applauded earlier when i had my final english exam he was one of the supervisor he came to me and whispered that he would be surprised if i would be good enough four and five i passed with a three and now i'm somewhat fluent in english frick that at the start he was a bit of a ledge a down to earthwood working teacher taking us through craftsmanship one lopsided shelf at a time then the next year he changed he got into the habit of dropping a pencil on the floor in front of his choice of 13 year old girl and would ask them to pick it up for him he'd get a good look up their skirts as they bent down then he went away for a few months and came back with bleach blonde hair and an eyebrow ring then he went away again a few weeks after that and didn't come back at all he left my high school happened to land at the school where my mom taught and she told me how he was let go for having hanky-panky with a student i looked him up recently and he's now teaching college when he got caught grooming young girls turns out he isn't mr perfect he is a narcissist that prays on people by convincing them that he's perfect he was arrested for child porn possession he was pretty cool to me really encouraged my writing then he banged a student a few years later and went to prison [Music] me and a couple other girls had a favorite male science teacher he would always chat us up about stuff going in his entire lives this was grade nine two years later he'd transferred to another school and been arrested and charged with sleeping with two minors he'd just had a baby with his wife really changed how we thought back on our chats with him he named his daughter after one of us my math teacher in fifth grade put me in a corner in the hallway for like a month every lunch because i once asked the whole class to be quiet and that was disrespectful my dumbest thought i was getting my own quiet space and went there more often which i guess brought the attention of another teacher and he said your punishment is done you can leave i wonder how many more times i would have had to go there and eat lunch all alone if he hadn't said that drama teacher super popular with everyone and charismatic he borrowed money from students with the promise of being paid back it was supposed to be for snacks items that class needed he would later claim he never took any money in the first place that was a hard 100 lesson i learned i had an app english teacher in junior high that i loved i had a 98 in her class and truly enjoyed her teaching in our school our english teacher would hand out the student of the month awards my football coach had nominated me however i didn't know until she brings it to me one day in class when she handed it to me i was shocked and said something like wow student of the month i've never received one of these before and she said without hesitation i know you definitely don't deserve it i paused for a second and said excuse me thinking maybe i misunderstood her and without blinking she said i don't think you deserve that it was then and there i realized how much of an ass she was i immediately replied with well i don't give a freak what you think which of course swiftly landed me in the office despite me advising the principal what she had said i was hit with the classic were not talking about her it still to this day blows my mind that she was able to get away with that sorry about grammar i am at work and had to type this out quick well there was a teacher i liked because he was very animated and kept the attention of the class but one day he said something slightly sexual to me and i was caught off guard he didn't come back the next year i don't know exactly what happened there in year 6 around 10 stroke 11 years old we had this really cool teacher he was young and really enthusiastic we were his first class after qualifying anyway he often brought his partner wife into our class to help out as she was a qualified hell parade she was also really sweet and always happy to help anyone several years later it all came out that our teacher was cheating on his wife with another teacher from the school it completely destroyed his reputation and his family i believe he left the school shortly after but i'm not sure what happened to the other teacher i had a mma coach at community college who taught me self-defense and he was super chill my self-esteem raised so high after those terms and i was actually enjoying working out for the first time in my life he didn't teach how to defend yourself from someone who you thought you could trust but offered you illicit substances and touched you inappropriately while you're incapacitated which he apparently did to one of his underage students and is now in jail for i had a teacher that was really nice to children tear up my work in front of me and shove it in the bin because i hadn't colored within the lines well enough for her i was three stroke four ruined art drawing for me for life for me it was the other way around teachers that i hated were actually awesome and i hated them because i was just lazy and they wanted me to be better at it for example i never liked biology in our school we had a range of 12 in terms of your mark where zero means you did nothing and you didn't even try and 12 you did everything perfect and on biology exams i always got 3-4 i just wasn't interested in it but teacher believed that i'm not stupid but just not interested and later i found out that he was upset that he couldn't make it interesting for me anyway there was one topic that actually was interesting for me and on exam for this topic i got 11 stroke 12 and teacher wasn't even surprised he just said i wish it was always like that with you he was middle school teacher so in high school he wasn't our biology teacher but still if school had any internal trips like hiking he was there and in one of these trips i actually got to know him closer and understood how awesome he is and how he loves his subject when he got arrested for texting inappropriate things to teenage boys when he made 80 of our grade about coming in and recording our choir concert and i sent him three emails saying i couldn't go in and i got a zero on it because he never responded to any of them my fourth grade teacher was a bomb he was funny and smart and creative he was a ventriloquist and would give all spelling tests using his puppet he also had a pet rat named dean steen then one day he suddenly wasn't there in the school sent home sealed letters to every family a couple days later i saw his mug shot on the news he went to jail for molesting preschool age boys when she outright forced me to admit to a crime i didn't commit my friend stole a bar of cooking chocolate on baking day and hid it in my payback even though she got caught and i was on the top field playing with the other kids she came and found me and said to explain myself i had no idea what was going on with my poopty friend saying please pedro please tell the truth and i kept saying i don't know what you're talking about so she said well let me explain it for you then told me that friend put it in my bag because i told her to i said nearly 10 times i didn't do it she said to me you're not leaving until you admit it i didn't steal it i still think about it sometimes yes i said i done it to get out of the situation ended up having to tell my mum and headmaster both overweight but funny enough they both seem to believe me my mum was there and miss thompson pressured me into admitting i'd done it again straight after in the car my mum said why did you say you did again and i told her because she forced me to looking back i wish my mum stuck up for me the reason she forced me to take the blame the reason she didn't question it because i was the fat kid was my favorite to my most hated this was in primary school edit it really feels good that people agree cheers for reading hi there look if you enjoyed the video well why not go ahead and hit that like and subscribe to reddit stories in fact if you want to see even more responses to this thread well then take a look there's the link in the description below and remember show some love to those authors while you're there and i look forward to seeing you next time [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
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Id: Xs-xQRDzU8c
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Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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