Most BROKEN Game Ever Made | Air Control

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It actually looks a lot more genuine, love this.

👍︎︎ 63 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2014 🗫︎ replies

I hope they do something similar with snow aswell.

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/NoMoreKleingeld 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2014 🗫︎ replies

Looks cool. I really hope they introduce season change eventually. It would be nice to see Dun Morogh in bloom, or Barrens during rain season.

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/purifico 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2014 🗫︎ replies

It just disappears 10 meters off the ground?

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/Gamped 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2014 🗫︎ replies

I love rain, nice!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/JaniRockz 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2014 🗫︎ replies

Seems really nice, but... aren't the clouds supposed to be higher? Or their intention is to have rain while on the ground and a clear sky while flying?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/ekzodian 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2014 🗫︎ replies

Definitely cool looking!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Uhaneole 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2014 🗫︎ replies

oh how i missed you rain

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/shaun2312 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2014 🗫︎ replies

Looks good, be cool if you put the old rain effect in there for comparison :)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/taylor1010 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2014 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to air control reportedly one of the most broken games ever made and a lot of the internet is debating whether that was done intentionally to be a terrible game or if that was just some attempt to make a great game but I don't really care because broken games can make me laugh and if this game could make me laugh then it was definitely worth the $6 I paid for it on Steam but I must admit the fact that there's an airplane underwater at the entry screening and aircraft simulator is probably not a good sign for this game a long time ago airline leaders met in a circle with their weapons drawn and then of course war started I was in casual mode air control do you know what does it mean oh oh oh oh this is gonna be a fantastic game I can already tell whoa okay then is that earthbound music what in the world are all these buttons locked cursor lock okay do I need to enter a secret combination some sort of satanic ritual then I need to do how you doing pilot by the way Oh oh this is really good why do I have a health and clips and ammo counter is something about to happen on this airline sir so oh hi well hello all you soulless devil passengers I'm gonna be your flight attendant my name is Mark EMU what can I do for you today wow that Mouse is gonna be very annoying oh hello just wanted to get a better look at you sir do i do I do anything please dear bring this cup of coffee to the old man in the first who who am I talking to what cup of coffee god this mouse is gonna be super annoying Oh boom oh no oh you both Hey oh thank you dear not at all please makeup salon do you see these pillows no do you are their imaginary pillows floating in front of your eyeballs okay pilot I think there's a deranged man in first class also I I'm pretty sure I'm deranged ooh oh that oh is that a pillow okay thank you dear not at all oh hello oh there are more pillows I'll just click those till they go away thank you dear compartment is so clear now why was it unclear in the first place hello magic hey dear could please check out how is it in a pilot cabin Oh Oh was this game made by 4chan collectively like them trying to count to a hundred ok you are ready what am I ready for whoa pilot I'm not that kind of guy okay now it is a time to feed passengers I was reading that oh man oh man cool Cola and meat please meal please no bread Cola and meal please no bread what in the world : meal please no bread what does that mean oh I don't know what you mean Oh God everyone wants Cola and meal please what is colloid meal plays I expect the comment section just be flooded with : meal please no bread : meal please no bread go and mail please no bread I'll be right on that please bring this food to the three passengers in the first bit okay the ones that wanted : meal please no bread no bread oh nice okay give me oh give Cola give meal very good I am proud of you thanks dad take it a small gift from me you got a thousand success points excuse me Oh mod menu zombies Oh zombies art Wars zombies please what is your free time go and speak with them you need to find blacksmith I need to find a blacksmith Oh Oh I do hi oh I need to find the blacksmith hello zombies starting to now think that I should have gone with the dwarves oh hello man what is your name I do not want okay tell me something about you please I am blue Abadie Appa die would you like to help me no anyway will you help me her she will die oh my people are hungry can you please give me some food negative 20 meals and negative 20 colas oh hey catch thank you my dear what the did I do it uh I am Elton zombo's are you our new stewardess no just a striptease er great we needed you so much why would you need me why would you need me I like you plain Oh God I you are in a zombie Confederate on plane much better than the other do you like Dwarves I like Tours we hate dwarves and people we are the best are you we're gonna start a war are you with us no but yes okay oh god what am I done I didn't see you okay I am zombie step I'm 5,000 years old I will have a birthday hundred years later I hope you will come dear you liked words no but yes okay goodbye I didn't see you who are you I'm blacksmith I found you I found you after all these years of searching okay dear yeah Wow well we will we whoo-ahh what just happened why am i back here no why am i back here I just found the blacksmith you can't take em away from me oh hello well you're new what is happening well hello there's a terrorist on our plane you need to find him hint here's a zombie okey hello hello oh hello hi do yes son of a [ __ ] hey money fame girls what do you want shut up [ __ ] I'm a pink horse coke alright okay I'll go with you Frick Frick fastly coke oh dear can you please clean up the compartment oh oh where why how and why and why and where all right whatever come Armand is now clear thank you what no it was not clear it wasn't clear who are you what how are you sir I don't know please tell me why do you need to know so badly okay what are they planing what are they playing nice pan zoom thing I do not know air control do you know what does it mean oops it looks like terrorists are trying to steal the plane you need to stop them then go to pilot oh sorry mm thank you wait where'd my my mouse is a beard Bowie whoa nice load what the hell all right then hello pilot wait what I did try SuperSpeed whoa wait wait whoa whoa whoa hey don't okay I am dead you're on the world's longest plane every girl's dream Oh God uh okay I got this disabled that I have my mouse back well whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo okay all right okay then what do you know that it does mean what I don't know that it does mean check our plane on terrorists hi nice helmet was that a terrorist ba-ba-boom and you exploded just as I imagined you to do that alright Tom do the second floor apparently hello any terrorists up here no okay excuse me why am I here after after what I don't even know oh I'm on the field now alright bring it on you have survived the catastrophe go to the airplane how how did this happen who did this who did this okay I'm dead apparently okay did not notice that can I climb that no okay I'm dead then oh oh oh oh alright then oh oh oh alright then thank you I needed this what is that go to the airplane which one you're not being very specific game I think I'm about to lose my sanity here it really might be crazy to say this I'm starting to enjoy myself I'm starting to have fun whoa find the city land in the city space to launch the engines oh I gotta hold it where were you we will wait whoa whoa hey whoa hey whoa okay pull back on the throttle the liftoff wait aah Oh incoming steady Oh God I'm the terrorist oh I won whoa a one-eyed added light whoa okay why that's moody okay gammy [ __ ] no oh I crashed Oh screw you don't play don't press on game next oh we're apparently the airplane is falling down falling down falling down use your survival instance head towards the front of the plane that's the place of lease result I jumped well then oh why I did not get in a parish okay all right you survived a POW how did I survive the catastrophe Wow your mission is to put the track on the green life bus boy come on get with it truck get the thing to the green light I don't know what that means okay let's go and now I'm on shrooms good lord a low oh I'm going to vomit I'm legitimately gonna vomit I'm probably gonna cut this part out because I all why does it have to be sickly green and now we crashed again why might I ask oh I'm slow in the desert apparently oh hello that's mildly creepy all of a sudden hello sorry helicopters only in fallout 4 okay okay let's go wait wait it's another one of these scenarios but this time third portion okay here we go picking up speed seem to be stuck going left alright don't mind that wow this actually is gone oh never mind it's not nice Oh okay what am i doing now and in fact why am i doing I could swear I just got a helicopter it's my brain melting on my ears let's just finish this cuz why not ba ba ba BOM and everyone is slowly sinking into view oh it's a return to the beginning okay never mind the airplane is seeing you find a way to save the passengers how about screw them save me I'm obviously on some weird drug trip sorry everybody this is our last hurrah so we're just gonna sing ourselves in the death we're gonna be marching through the gates of Hell together arm-in-arm singing kumbaya my lord kumbaya do you wanna build a snowman do you wanna go out and but I live in our little is he really do you black little gravel you out and literally I am or dead Oh doctors I somewhat questioned your medical expertise in this department but don't mind me just gonna clean cleaning cleaning who needed these anyway who even needed these what kind of sick medical conference are you all going okay I'm done apparently well that did a number on okay okay let's go would you survive the hill god who's next who else wants a piece of me huh huh well alright then think I might have reached the end of the game maybe maybe when the developer mind well now okay okay royal star Knights are transporting the gold in his Blayne go and close the shelves apparently whoo whoa Nelly okay let's go Chris space to jump okay I was about to say if you made me played flappy plane on this stupid game I would have been out of here everything else was fine up until that point bring this cup of coffee well that's kind of the first thing I did in this game hello man thank you not at all alrighty then pick up this little on it's just looping over and over it he's gonna live this is gonna loop over and over isn't it oh yeah ready oh no no no y flappy plane hey I'm doing pretty good why isn't keeping scar I want to do very good on this I wanna have good score oh wow good score what I play here's ooh I hear lave lobby boy I have a lobby plane next please ok oops oops looks like Terrace they're stealing I am playing the same name game of a thing before doctors don't laugh yeah ok I jumped out again good for me not floppy plane again oh oh oh oh it's done oh I did it don't say next oh I did it oh I survived it realistic mode updated I don't even know what that is it was part one of the game unless I went to the part two I don't know do I dare I dare all right there Oh oh don't make that end I wanna the game crashed well God for the game that's fantastic for the game so either way that's the end I'm done this game oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I was done I was done with this game Oh No again every season funny I always earth seeds and big kudos to you maybe fans and other world trying to versus alright you know I'm done I don't even know I'm trying I'm done I'm done I'm out here I'm done I'm done to the main menu I'm done that's it thank you all so much for joining me on this incredible adventure that was air control I can see what the internet was talking about now so it please understand that my suffering through this game is a warning to you guys so that you don't have to play it but if you want you it's on Steam it's still there for some reason so there's a secret that I'm not seeing or some other hidden gem in this game other than the great gameplay that I saw let me know so anyway thank you all so much for watching click the annotation for more videos and I've done probably good games and as always I will see Oh in the next video I smell bad I also have bathroom really gosh not virtual reality reality Oh what the heck that's of different magic
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,271,354
Rating: 4.9143863 out of 5
Keywords: Funny Moments, Gameplay, Glitches, Easter Eggs, Gaming, Funny Glitches, Markiplier, Crazy, Insane, Strange, WTF, Air Control, Air Control Gameplay, Air Control Game, Broken, Funny, Hilarious, Random, Games, Silly
Id: L7UwKGWc7gI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 10 2014
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