Mortefi is the "Xiangling" Of Wuthering Waves: Build Guide / Review

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Gamers it is time to glaze mortify this is one of the best units in the game and is the Shang Ling of weing waves in my opinion very good off field DPS but even the onfield DPS is exceptionally good when you start getting copies this character becomes sicko mode absolutely gross and I want to show you why in game some of them might not seem as obvious at first but when you start implementing them in game they become busted anyone who has heav attack damage as a big part of their kit like Gian in their ultimate or Jan Shin in her charged attack they're going to benefit and make mortify or mortify uh even stronger but even just as a sub DPS as a unit on field this guy can dish out crazy damage but some of the copies will take it to the next level specifically this one here which allows you to send out your ultimate randomly uh while using your uh skill which also can be reset when you have an afor Forte gauge meaning you can spam out eight shots of your ultimate even though they reduced damage this is really good DPS and extending his ultimate by 7 seconds is an absolute GameChanger allowing you to use multiple units on field uh and benefiting from this Burning rabs or just being on field yourself doing damage using your skills and still having 100% up time for your other main DPS so I want to explain kind of why this all changes once you get to uh C4 as well as C5 the other ones are really good though C3 gives you um you just a bunch of crit damage so if you build crit rate does it exceptionally well you get energy from using your Echo skills allowing you to get into your rotations quicker but also this Burning rabs here uh when using someone like Gian who in my case has two uses of their skill or using someone like Karo who has multiple uses of their skill him just joining in using his ultimate without any damage penalty is busted it is insanely insanely good so uh I want to show you kind of the rotations of this guy and how he works I want to also go over his build I'm using the Cadenza which is just a you know a fourstar weapon it's got the energy regen as well as this conto energy I'm going for the five star gun on this guy because he does so much damage that I've been pulling on the normal Banner trying to get the festar gun that's what I want to use optimally on him because I want all that damage um as for his Echoes he has got the moonlit set I'm not sure if this is going to be optimal but I'm currently using this set because I just don't have the energy to farm the fusion stuff right now but I've got crit rate with some crit rate resident skill damage absolutely terrible piece I've got this piece with Fusion damage crit damage crit rate some attack and attack pretty good piece we've got another energy regen piece with crit rate skill damage and Liberation as well as some attack I'm good with this one as well because I just want use my ultimate as much as possible and then we've got some half built pieces with some crit damage some resident skill and then I I literally it doesn't matter him just existing is crazy so I can make him stronger and I'm already glazing this guy all right some of that value is coming from these copies these copies make him exceptionally good and when I finally get this one oh baby absolute Game Changer 20% more attack for the team so how does he work um I'm using him in this team a lot of the time because Vina has a a great buff that Buffs up the entire team and gives them damage so if you don't know why Verina is so crazy her outro skill doesn't get deleted swapping between characters and it's a 30% bonus all right so Verina is is is Juicy also on this bad boy again it doesn't get removed swapping characters so by using ver I am buffing mortify who is then doing exceptional damage and then swapping over to Gian mortify off field is doing exceptional damage and and benefiting from this so that's why I've been pairing them together that's why most people are using Vina so that's what I'm using for my healer and then with this bad boy I want to show you kind of why he's so crazy uh and then we'll we'll swap over to Gian and kind of show the full combo but if you look at my skill and I send this out I will also send out those uh extra ultimate skills and as you can see my cool down is 6 seconds 7 Seconds whenever I get my um Forte gauge filled it gives me another more powerful attack that will also send out my ultimate and now you might notice the cool down is off my ability here I can use it again so it is a separate cool down the Forte skill and my actual skill and so depending on your rotations and if you're using things like your uh Echo you can have uh some really good rotations where you're sending out a skill you're getting out another one like I'm running up to the next mob of enemies right and if I attack this enemy I've only got a few seconds left before I can use my skill again and start the rotations again all right so the the straight up damage of him with his skill and with those extra joining in Liberation attacks because of his C5 and with the crit damage solo I can do like 3,000 damage with his skill sometimes now the other big thing is is because of this C4 and this Burning Raby lasting longer I can use his ultimate for the entire gon ultimate but because it's lasting longer I can also in some situations say all right you know what I'm just going to stay on him I'm going to use my skill I'm going to build up my gauge really quickly get another skill off and now I'll rotate in to Gan and I'll use his ultimate and I'll use all his heavy attacks and if I was attacking all all of these attacks from mortify will come in see right see all those extra attacks going in those ones are joining in doing damage to the bosses and it's great but the outro skill is also something that we need to discuss because it's a massive heavy attack damage deepen so on Jan Shin on Gian this is a huge damage bonus for 14 seconds the entire duration of his ultimate is going to benefit from this heavy his entire ultimate gian's ultimate is going to benefit from from this Burning damage that he's sending out periodically during the fight and when you mix those things together it is just gross in some of these bosses when I'm taking a bunch of damage or I need to heal because the ultimate is lasting so long now with my dupes even when I'm swapping to Verina and healing it's a lot of extra damage to get on the team and so I've been very happy with my decision to build this character and I'm very happy with the copies that I've gotten uh because it does feel like I have this other like you know kind of festar unit right now I'm just going to get his ultimate but check this out all right gon uses his skill right I don't know if you saw the fire tack joining in but you can weave those in with your other attack so if I'm attacking and then I throw a skill in there there's no cool down on his ultimate I'm I'm going to get both things H happening so I can do charge attacks and send that out well cool down went on but it's oh it's so bursty it's so good I absolutely love this guy I'm glazing him so I'm going to boost up gon's heavy damage but also I want you to see all the Mado hits coming out especially when I start weaving skills in between okay so we're going to use this bad boy we're going to go like this we're going to go like this and we're going to swap watch this all right it's just going to be like a one bang juicy watch this as well uh Jan Shin absolutely crazy for this all right just sending out all these marado hits it's it's so so powerful you throw in a counter there she's got her attacks going I'm healing with Verina right I use verina's skill Marcado Marcato all this all this time everyone was benefiting at least a little bit from that ultimate because the extra duration I just can't get over this character and how much damage he can put out 2,000 damage 4100 damage him alone is it is enough to beat some boss like not I'm not going to say beat a boss as solo but but the amount of damage he's putting out there's situations where I just farm with him I just don't even swap off of him cuz he's so much stuff going out I start doing charge attacks and all these marcados are just going out and shredding she's doing good damage but I still have my ultimate here I can do so much damage rapidly charging up her attack sending these marcados I still have it right so you can use one unit use all your skills use your charge attacks use your ultimate you can swap to Verina start healing he's still doing damage he's still joining in and helping and then you rotate back through and you use your skills you get your resets with your Forte gauge and it's this crazy rotation and when you have enough energy regen it feels like you almost always have this damage Source available and for context if you want to see you know how long these things can last we could go like this we could join in here like he just nuked this enemy himself right but I can swap over you know to Jan Shin she's killing this one I still have Marcato I can join in and there's you know he's doing hundreds of damage joining in on these hits and those are normal hits with heavy hits he joins in with even more uh projectiles that are that are going in there so I'm very very impressed uh with the performance obviously the copies that he you know that I have are adding to the value but that's like every character in the game is going to get better with copies and he's someone that damn I want extra copies of this guy he's just so damn good so that's where I'm at um I I would recommend everyone build this unit even if you don't have the heavy attack damage dealers uh he's still going to function in every single team if you have lots of fast attacking units if you have someone like Karo who can use his skill multiple times mortify absolutely busted
Channel: Mtashed
Views: 92,754
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Keywords: wuthering waves, wuthering waves guide, wuthering waves tips, wuthering waves best character, wuther waves tier list, wuthering waves best characters, wuthering waves build guide, mortefi
Id: 0880AOHb70E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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