Baizhi Detailed Guide! Best Baizhi Builds - Weapons, Echo, Rotations & Teams! Wuthering waves

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 Hello everyone, welcome to  my complete Baizhi guide. Baizhi is a healer and buffer. Her heals  scales on her Max HP. In this video,   I have covered everything you need to  know about her which includes her kit,   sequences, weapons, echoes,  teams, rotations and more. Without any further ado  let's jump right into it. Starting with her kit. All of Baizhi's healing scales on her HP. Baizhi's elemental skill gives team  wide healing. It has a cooldown of   16 seconds and restores 10 concerto energy. Her ultimate skill restores HP on cast and  generates 4 remenant entities stacks which   is consumed every 2.5 seconds to deal some  Glacio damage and heal all team members.   These stacks stay even when Baizhi  leaves the field. It has a very high   energy cost of 175 and has a cooldown of 25  seconds. It restores 20 concerto energy. Baizhi's strongest buff is from her  outro skill. It restores the HP of   the next character you switch into every  3 seconds for a total of 30 seconds. It   also gives 15% every type of elemental damage  amplification for 6 seconds which refreshes   with every heal.  Her biggest misconception  is that she only buffs the next character   you switch into after triggering her outro.  but that’s not the case. This healing gets   transferred to the character you switch, so the  buff can be given to any character you wish. Her forte circuit helps with filling  her concerto energy bar faster. Baizhi gets a stack of her forte circuit for  every basic attack hit, up to 4 stacks. Using   her Resonance skill or a heavy attack consumes  these stacks. Consuming the stacks with heavy   attack restores concerto and resonance energy. If  she uses Resonance skill to consume the stacks,   she restores a higher amount of concerto  energy. So you would always want to get   4 stacks and first use the resonance skill  to get as much concerto energy as possible.   And if the concerto bar is not completely  filled, do some basic attacks and consume   the stacks with the heavy attack to fill  it completely. More about her rotation and   combos later. Consuming the stacks also  give some continuous teamwide healing. Baizhi's first inherent skill buffs  attack%. After using her skill,   Baizhi will drop a field of Euphonia, that lasts  for 15 seconds. If any character picks this,   they will get a 15% attack increase for  20 seconds. However, this is conditional,   as you won't be able to pick this up everytime if  the field of euphonia is really far away from you.   Sometimes you will have to choose between  staying near the enemy or picking up the   buff. So it's better to stay near the enemy and  pick this buff only if it is near your character. And the second inherent passive  gives healing to the character   with lowest HP when Baizhi's heavy attack hits. Baizhi's intro skill deals some Glacio  damage and restores HP of all team mates. For her skill leveling priority, level  her Resonance liberation first as it is   her highest healing skill followed by her  Resonance skill. Her other skills doesn't   have much healing so you can skip them.  But if you want to maximize her healing,   you can level the forte  circuit then her intro skill. Moving onto her sequences. Her first sequence restores her Resonance Energy  if her forte circuit stacks are consumed by her   Resonance skill. So now her Resonance skill will  restore both concerto energy and resonance energy. Her second sequence increases her  Glacio damage by 15% and healing   by 15% if she has 4 stacks of her forte  circuit. This buff lasts for 12 seconds. Her third sequence increases her Max  HP by 12% after using her intro skill. Her S4 enhances her Resonance liberation. Her  summon from her burst can hit two more times,   that is a total of 6 times instead of four.  The healing multiplier is increased by 20%   and the summon deals additional Glacio  damage equal to 1.20% of Baizhi's HP. Her S5 is amazing. If Baizhi is alive and any  team member dies, Baizhi will immediately revive   them and restore 100% of their HP, just like  C6 Barbara. This has a cooldown of 10 minutes. And her last advancement is more buffs.  It increases the Glacio damage by 12%   for 20 seconds of all characters, when  the euphonia generated by her skill is   picked up. This is great for Glacio  characters like Lingyang or Sanhua. Moving onto her weapons. Even though Baizhi needs HP for more healing, you  should always use an energy regen weapon as she   needs a lot of energy regen. You also need to make  sure that you can get her outro skill on time. So   the best weapon for Baizhi is the Variation. It  gives 51% energy regen and additionally from its   passive, it restores concerto energy after using  Resonance skill. This solves both of her problems. If you don't have it, you can use the R5 Rectifier  of Voyager which is a 3 star weapon. It gives   32.3% energy regen at level 90 and restores  Resonance energy after using a Resonance skill.   It doesn't provide concerto energy regen, but  the resonance energy restoration is also useful. Lastly, rectifier of Voyager can  also be used purely for the energy   regen stats. However the other options are better. Moving onto her echoes. Just like any other sustain support, the best  set for Baizhi is the 5 piece Rejuvenating   glow set with the bell borne echo skill. This  set gives teamwide 15% attack buff on healing   any team member, which Baizhi can easily do.  And the bell borne echo skill provides damage   mitigation and a 10% damage boost. Even if  you don't have echo pieces with right stats,   just use them to complete this set  and eventually replace those pieces. Before moving onto her echo stats, let's  talk about her energy requirements. Baizhi's   Resonance energy generation is quite slow and her  ultimate skill has a high energy cost of 175. Her   ultimate skill is important for speeding up  her concerto generation. So you need to make   sure you have enough energy regen on her. Try  to aim for 100%+ energy regen. Do note that   this doesn't include the base 100% energy regen  of Baizhi. So in total you need to have 200%+   energy regen. This is easily achievable with an  energy regen weapon and energy regen echo pieces. For her echo stats, Go for healing bonus on the 4 cost echo. If  you don't have healing bonus, Hp% also works. For the 3 cost echoes, use energy  regen. And HP% on 1 cost echoes. For substats, look for energy regen untill  required, followed by HP% and Flat HP. Moving onto her team comps. Baizhi is  extremely flexible and can fit into   any team as a sustain support just like  Verina. Any dps can utilise her damage   deepen buff and her heals can help you sustain. For her rotations, you need to fill  Baizhi's concerto energy as fast as   possible to trigger her outro skill and to  do that, you need to use 4 basic attacks   to get her forte circuit stacks before  using her resonance skill. Keep using   her ultimate skill for the concerto energy  gain unless you are saving it for healing. With Baizhi, you have two options. One is  to fill her concerto energy bar in one go.   Or fill it in parts. Filling the concerto bar  in parts means you swap into other characters   to use some of their skills if necessary, and  then swap back to Baizhi to trigger her outro. If you are using her with characters  that don't need any prior preparations,   you can fill her concerto bar  in one go and trigger her outro. So your rotation will start with Baizhi's  ultimate skill. Using the ultimate skill   at the beginning will start it's cooldown  and lets you gain Resonance energy. Then   use four basic attacks to get the stacks.  This should be easy as Baizhi's attacks   have good range and auto targets enemies.  However, it does have a slight delay. Then   use her Resonance skill. If the  concerto bar is not filled yet,   you can do 2 to 3 basic attacks and use a heavy  attack. Before triggering her outro, make sure to   use her echo skill. Or you can use the echo skill  later if you are saving it for the main rotation. If you wish to go to your  other character in between,   you can switch after using Baizhi's ultimate  skill. Then do the necessary preparations and   again switch back to Baizhi to fill her  concerto bar. Then we use her echo skill   and now you have two options. Whether to  switch to the main dps or the sub dps.   Switching to main dps can be helpful as the  chances of being near the euphonia generated   by Baizhi's Resonance skill are high, and you  can pick it up to get the attack% buff. However,   there are some sub dps that needs an intro  skill to reliably fill their concerto or forte   circuit bar like Taoqi, Yinlin, etc. So in such  cases, you can directly switch to the sub dps. One of the benefits of filling Baizhi's concerto  energy bar in parts and rotating to other   characters is that, you will fill some of the  concerto bar of your sub dps during the rotation,   this lets you outro directly to your main dps  and let them pick the euphonia buff. And if   your main dps needs any echo swap cancels, you  can do it during this switch. Then swap cancel   into the sub dps. Fill their concerto and  intro to the main dps to do you rotation. If you fail to pick up the euphonia,   it's not much of an issue, you will be  just losing out on some extra damage. Baizhi can provide teamwide damage amplification  buff just like Verina and also provide an attack   buff from her inherent passive but it is  conditional as you need to pick up the buff.   Now you might be thinking, I already have Verina,  so why should I build Baizhi. She is just a worse   Verina. But in tower of Adversity, you can't  use Verina everywhere as every character has   a limit on its usage. So that's where Baizhi comes  into picture. Aside from Verina we don't have any   other support that can provide similar buffs. So  building Baizhi becomes very useful. You don't   even need to invest heavily into her. Just level  her enough to unlock her first inherent passive,   give her the 5 piece rejuvenating glow set  and one of the weapons that I mentioned.   You don't need to level her skills  unless you care about the healing. And with this, I will end this video. Make  sure to check out my other character guides,   and don't forget to like and share  the video and subscribe for more   wuthering waves content. Thanks for watching.
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Keywords: baizhi, baizhi wuthering waves, wuthering waves, baizhi wuthering waves build, baizhi wuthering waves guide, baizhi guide wuthering waves, wuwa, baizhi wuwa, baizhi wuwa guide, wuthering waves baizhi, wuthering waves baizhi build, wuthering waves baizhi guide, is baizhi good, should you build baizhi, how to build baizhi, baizhi detailed guide, baizhi build guide, baizhi guide, best support, f2p, 4 star, weapons, teams, echoes, combos, baizhi build guide wuthering waves
Id: n5n_wYptkH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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