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this is your moment now is your time so prove yourself [Music] make all right now that I got your attention with that quick intro I'm going to show you everything you need to know about Barina my personal build weapon Echo skills personal opinions and overall what she brings to the table so without further Ado let's hop right in all right so here we have our Verina and just to tell you a little bit about this character she's a great all-around support unit who specializes in healing and attack Buffs you do want to build her primarily with attack and energy regen her healing and Buffs do scale with attack and energy region is going to be all around the best stat for this character you also want to put a little a little bit of HP and defense overall damage reduction so she can survive those hard fights with bosses now here are the stats for my Verina and even though they're not the best they're pretty good for what she needs to do right now she's currently sitting at 15,000 HP 1,000 attack 900 defense 221 per energy regen 50 crit rate which is boosted and I'll tell you why later and 166 crit damage overall very solid her energy regen is amazing and it makes her even better and the fact that she requires very little on Field Time makes that even better now when it comes to the weapons my personal opinion and the one I like the most is going to be variation now I do want to say there are other options in the game and there is even an option that you can go out and farm and craft that is amazing and I'll show you where to get it later but the one that I really like is going to be variation variation is a really good weapon it is a fourstar but it offers energy regen pretty big amount of it too and the skill when resident skill is released restores concerto energy by 12 this effect can be triggered one time every 20 seconds guys this weapon is honestly amazing really really good you can also go for things like Cosmic ripples rectifier of Voyager which everybody pretty much has and on top of that there's a weapon that like I said you can go out into the open world and get that is going to be really really good and if you don't have any of the weapons I mentioned if you don't have this one for example I personally would go out of my way and go get that other one it would take you like a few hours a few minutes and you can get it really quickly now the next thing I want to talk about is The Echoes ladies and gentlemen once again the stats you mainly want to focus on are going to be attack and energy regen after that HP defense all that is pretty damn good now the set that we're going for is going to be the healing set this is going to be the best set out there as it will give you some damn nice bonus so make sure you're getting yourself the rejuvenating glow set as you can see the two-piece gives you 10% healing bonus and the five piece increases the attack of all party members by 15% for 30 seconds upon healing allies now the best Echo the best active Echo for Verina is going to be the bbor turtle now this turtle is really freaking sick you can see what the turtle does here but borne Shield provides 50% damage reduction and 10% damage boost for the current team member and disappears after the current character is hit for three times so on top of the fact that it is going to provide damage reduction by a who in 50% it's also going to give you 10% damage boost amazing active Echo without a Shadow of Doubt the best Echo that you could possibly go for on Barina and once again these are probably some of the worst rolls I did roll HP and defense but we didn't get energy regen and we didn't get attacked so what you want to see here is energy regen attack HP defense and then anything else is really good as long as it's percentage keep in mind you always want to go for percentage now the next Echo we're going to talk about are going to be her three cost Echoes and for her three cost Echoes ladies and gentlemen you must go for energy regen main stat that is going to be the number one priority for her three cost EOS these are going to be insanely good these will give an insane amount of energy regen as you can see right here 32% energy Regen and if you're able to get yourself energy regen subset you're going to get almost if not 40% energy regen per Echo so keep that in mind now as you can see right here once again we did not roll energy regen but we did roll attack so we're kind of balancing it out I'm hoping to work on these a little bit later but right now she's doing an amazing job granting some insane insane Buffs so having this right now is fine this is one of those characters where you don't have to heavy invest this much because they do offer so much with what they already do now once again her other three cost is once again energy regen and we did get attack percentage in here and then the other stats are just absolutely horrible I will be rrolling this but once again energy regen and attack percentage and energy regen substats are all you really going to need now for her one cost attack percentage all the way because her heels do stack or scale off attack percentage so you want to make sure you get your self attack percentage when it comes to her one cost and like you see right here we do have energy regen and we have 10% energy regen so if we go back to the three cost we would have over 40% in each one of those Echo if we were able to roll energy region on them so energy region is a must on all your Echo really nice right here we have defense percentage energy regen and then the other stats are all fine and dandy but the main stats are going to be attack percentage main stat with energy region substat and then we go on to the last one Costco and once again we have energy regen with attack percentage ideal so we have our three cost EOS with attack percentage and we have our one cost EOS with energy regen we couldn't get everything on them but right now they're balancing each other out and working decently these aren't God roll Echo like my calaro I know you guys saw the video but they're very very good and these are going to get you a very long way this is going to be the optimal build for Verina the optimal Echoes and I know there are people out there that are thinking of using different Echoes simply because they haven't been able to get this particular set another set that people can go ahead and use is the moonl clouds Echo this is not a bad set whatsoever and you do get the turtle with this as well now I did forget to mention you want to get healing bonus on the turtle getting healing bonus on your turtle is going to be huge because it's obviously going to increase the amounts of heals that your Vina is going to be able to do and the reason this is also a decent set is because it gives you energy regen plus 10% and after using your outro skill it'll increase the attack of the next resonator by a certain amount now keep in mind this is of the next resonator it won't be the entire team like the healing set does so it's not that good compared to the other one that is why it goes second in slot compared to the healing set now that we've covered The Echoes let's talk about the skills guys Arina is a very simple character she's going to be very little time on the field and she's going to be buffing you you already know that we have the turtle that's going to give you Buffs right your Echo and now let's talk about the actual skills the main thing you want to focus on here is going to be her forte circuit now you want to get this as fast as possible this is the most important thing you want to activate when you get your Vina gift of nature when Verina cast heavy attack some flower blooms midair attack some flower blooms resonance Liberation arboreal flourish or outro skill Blossom the attack for all party members is increased by 20% for 20 seconds guys another way to give your party an attack increase this is absolutely vital for all Verina so if you get your Verina this is the number one thing you should go and unlock now obviously we have the grace of life which is really good but we're going to talk about that a little later because we don't have the ability to unlock it just yet but basically what it does is that it protects a party member from Fatal damage and grants him a shield with strength equal to 120% of vena's attack once again her Shield will scale with attack that is why you want her attack to be as high as possible but as you could see she is pretty damn nice when it comes to attack scaling and if we go down over here her outro skill Blossom Verina heals the next character or other characters on a team and activates an outro skill by 19% of her attacks per seconds for six seconds that's a pretty damn nice heal all characters on nearby teams gain 15% all type damage deepen for 30 seconds so once again even more damage these skills are what allow Vina to deal so much damage we have her outro skill which pretty much what you want to do is get her on the field and as soon as you can get her out of there so she gives your characters that all type damage deepen is really really good and then when we have the gift of nature that is another way to give your characters even more damage and then we have the turtle so all these things will allow you to constantly give your character even more damage now after this I'm going to be honest with you nothing else matters you can level up whatever the hell you want you can go for the resonance Liberation you can go for the resonance skill you can go for the intro skill you can go for the basic attack it's all up to you really but two things that I will advise you do is level up the healing bonus increase these are going to be really nice because they will increase how much you heal you can also level up the attack increase this is going to be really nice just once again it's going to stack with how much you healed and later with that Shield but the number one thing and I can get tired of saying this because some people don't know about it is getting your inherent skill gift of nature that's pretty much everything you got to know about Barina she fits on every single team that you could possibly think of so I'm not going to sit here and tell you what team she's good on all of your teams now before I end the video I'm going to show you where you can go about getting getting a weapon that is insanely good and you can literally Farm out in the game so let's hop right in all right so here we are in the tiger Mall mine next to shei Lang's or shop so you're going to talk to this dude and he's going to give you the option to go into his store and buy items with the ore you pick up in the game as you could see right there at the right corner and he's going to sell you the ignite weapon Supply chest now this is really good because it's going to give you the option to buy the rectifier number 25 right off the bat so let's go on in purchase this real quick there we go now let's go on over to our inventory and I'll show you guys why that is so freaking good right now and why you want to go out of your way and buy that as fast as you can so here we are and we can see the weapons that we get from here but the rectifier number 25 is actually going to give you energy regen ladies and gentlemen and while the skill is not going to be that good the fact that it gives you energy regen right off the bat and you can get this within a few minutes of going out and grinding The Ore is going to be amazing remember to use the maps to find the ore as fast as possible I have a video on where to find the maps so that's going to make things that much easier but yes this is a weapon that you can grab for your Vina as fast as possible and it'll instantly give you a gigantic boost to your energy region but wait there's more let's go on over to the next place I want you guys has to know on how to improve this weapon now if you go to jenzo you're going to be able to go to the crafting station right next to unle way and craft yourself dupes for your weapon giving you even more stats and you also need materials that you can Farm in the world or farm from a boss to craft this weapon it is going to be a little harder to get the material from the boss and it is going to be quite expensive when it comes to your actual currency but overall this is going to give you the opportunity to get a weapon that over time time you can actually dupe and it's not bad at all even if you don't dup it right off the bat getting that much energy regen on a weapon is going to be really good and it's going to be much better than stacking something else on your weapon and even if she does stack with attack it's much better to have that energy regen than a weapon that gives you attack that gives you defense or something else so that's going to be it for this video if you did enjoy it hit that like button subscribe turn on Bell notifications I would really appreciate it join the Discord we have an amazing Community going on and don't forget we go live with weathering waves every single day here on YouTube and on Twitch for now thank you for watching and I'll see you guys on the next one peace
Channel: SkullCJay
Views: 43,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wuthering waves, wuthering waves guide, wuthering waves tips, wuthering waves best character, wuther waves tier list, wuthering waves best characters, wuthering waves build guide, verina, verina build, is verina good, calcharo build, calcharo guide, calcharo wuthering waves, wuthering waves new, wuthering waves news, wuthering waves update, Wuthering Waves, Wuthering waves guide, Wuthering waves re roll guide, wuthering waves free summons, TECTONE, MTASHED, WUTHERING WAVE GUIDE
Id: refFkBLGIp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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