ADVANCED Calcharo Guide! Best Builds - Playstyle Tips, Rotation, Echo, Weapons! Wuthering Waves

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I know many of you picked Rick shirt daddy seph off as your first DPS character he may seem easy to play but there's a lot more to it he is actually quite complicated and you can do different tricks to increase his DPS more which I will explain in this video this video will cover everything you need to know about him including his kit equipments teams rotation sequences and more without any further Ado let's jump right into it starting with his kit calero is quite similar to G in as you want to spend most of your time inside of his residence Liberation so his basic attacks unfortunately are not used unless in the outer world you may be familiar with basic attack skill basic attack skill basic attack skill combo but it is not efficient the skill can be casted up to three times in a row dealing Electro damage each skill cast restores four conero energy that is a total of 12 energy in his resonance liberation state calero will deal in a initial instance of damage and enters into ripped shirt Daddy Mode it is called deathblade gear State while in this state his basic attacks gets enhanced this damage is still considered as basic attack damage his Dodge counters deal increased damage which is considered as resonance Liberation damage it replaces his intro skill with necessary means which does the same thing as his normal intro skill but deals a lot more damage it has a cool down of 20 seconds costs 125 energy and restores 20 conero energy now let's move on to his 4day circuit calero can hold up to three cruelty Stacks each resonant skill hit gives one cruelty stack casting a heavy attack while in possession of these Stacks will consume these stacks and let him do a special heavy attack called Mercy which deals higher damage than the normal heavy attack and restores resonance and conero energy and his resonance liberation state the cruelty points are replaced by killing intent each basic attack hit in his liberation State restores one killing intent which can be stacked up to five times when he has five stacks these Stacks will be consumed and his next basic attack will be converted to heavy attack death messenger which has a high multiplier and restores conero and Liberation energy the death messenger damage is considered as resonance Liberation damage and makes up for most of his damage karo's out row skill leaves behind a phantom that deals damage it has quite High multipliers from his first inherent skill after casting heavy attack Mercy that is the heavy attack after three skill casts outside of his burst calero gains 10% residance Liberation damage bonus for 15 seconds the second inherent skill just reduces his damage taken by 15% for 5 seconds after the heavy attack death messenger that is after the heavy attack after doing five basic attack hits in his liberation state hits an enemy and his other passes gives him crit damage and attack percent when unlocked moving on to his talent priority as I mentioned earlier most of calero's damage comes from the death messenger attack of his 4-day circuit and his liberation state so both his 4-day circuit and Liberation takes the top priority followed by his Elemental skill followed by his basic attacks and intro skill you can skip leveling his basic attack as his Liberation has different multipliers tied to it for the enhanced basic attacks the intro can be skipped as well as it basically gets replaced after using his resonance Liberation moving on to his Echo set the top two sets for calero are the void Thunder that Buffs Electro damage and the lingering tunes that Buffs attack percent both the sets are pretty good for calero you can even mix and match two piece sets for his Echo skill this is the most important part at first glance the Thundering mayy seems to be his best options as it provides the best Buffs 12% Electro damage bonus and 12% Liberation damage bonus most of the content creators also recommend this however this is actually his worst Echo skill because the buff applies only when you land the final hit this Echo performs up to six strikes and is extremely slow nor can it be Swap canell this skill can sometimes cost you your entire run so don't use it we have other really better options The Tempest mayy is a much much much better than the Thundering mayy even though the Buffs are a bit worse but it doesn't cost you your entire run its animation can be swap canell as well the mech Abomination skill from the lingering tune set is also amazing this skill provides 12% attack boost and basically has no animation which makes it one of the best Echo skill the flaus is also a great alternative as it can be swap cancelled more about the swap cancel in the rotation section it deals some good damage and restores 10 concerto energy which is quite good the electr Predator is also a decent alternative as it has no animation it summons the monster that fight alongside us and Deals some nice damage it has a cool down of 8 seconds which basically means you can have 100% uptime on it with all that out of the way the best set will either be Electro set with the Tempest mayy skill the lingering tune set with a Mech Abomination skill both are pretty close in damage even the void Thunder set with flaus is pretty close if you don't swap out after calero takes the field the lingering Tunes can be slightly better due to how the set works it keeps stacking the attack percent buff for four times as long as you are on field in quick swappy play style it gets a bit worse the electro set with Tempest is quite consistent even in a quick swappy type of play style so Tempest Mayes with the void Thunder or the mech Abomination with the lingering Tunes both the sets are pretty close use the one on which you have better Echoes the void Thunder set with flaus as your main skill is also not far behind before starting with the stats let me first cover his energy requirements for calero try to get around 120 to 130% energy region it would be better if you can get the required amount of energy recharge from the echo substats which is quite easy as his energy requirements are not that high but if you don't have any energy rolls on your substats you can go with an energy recharge piece on the three cost Echo using yongyong and the team can help reduce his energy requirements for his Echo stats you will need crit rate or crit damage on your for cost Echo I recommend using a crit rate piece as getting crit rate is more important there's no point in stacking crit damage if you don't have crit rate and he gets some crit damage from his minor passes as well and for the three cost Echoes you can either go double Electro damage or mix and use one Electro damage and one attack percent Echo double Electro on threepiece is about 4% better but we all know how difficult it is to get them and on one cost Echoes you will need attack percentage alternatively you can use an echo pattern like 44111 because for void Thunder we have two four cost Echoes of the same set one is Tempest mayy and the other one is thundering mayy or if you are mix matching the void Thunder and lingering tun set this Echo pattern can also be used crit rate on one for cost Echo piece and crit damage on the other one or crit rate on both can also work if you lack it from your substats and attack percent on the one cost Echoes this pattern pattern performs worse than the 43311 pattern but it is a decent alternative as it is much easier to farm for substat energy region until required followed by crit stats then attack percent then resonance Liberation or basic damage bonus or flat attack moving on to his weapons you will be pleased to know that cero has some good fourstar weapon options that are not much worse than the five-star options you may think that the verden Summit is his best weapon as most of the content creators recommend it but that's not the case the lustrous razor is actually his best in slot if you manage to get all the three stacks from its passive it provides a lot of attack percent additionally from its passive it provides energy region which lets you build more offensive stats from your Echoes and it can provide up to 21% resonance Liberation damage bonus which is amazing for calero as his Liberation damage makes up for 50% of his total DPS after that we have gan's signature weapon which is only around 3% worse than the lustrous razor with all Stacks so if you have pulled this weapon it is a good option and you can select a different standard five-star weapon from the selection Banner or from the free weapon selector box for your other characters the broad blade 41 and Max refinement is his best f2p weapon option it can be crafted and taken to its Max refinement easily however you need to make sure you can keep his HP above 80% to maintain the buff up time so so it can get inconsistent if the opponent is very aggressive the BP weapon Autumn Trace is a great alternative it provides crit rate which is very useful it is more consistent than the f2p weapon so it is practically better Helios Cleaver is another great alternative as it provides a lot of attack percent helos Cleaver doesn't have any annoying restrictions like the broad blade 41 so it can be a better option and lastly for the three stars you can use the guardian broad blade or broad blade of Knight as place holders till you get the better options moving on to his team comps unfortunately the best team of cero is currently not available once yinin comes out which is in few days his best team will be calero yinin and a support preferably Verina Vina can be replaced by baiji if you don't have her J youngen is currently the best buffer for calaro as her out row provides a huge resonance Liberation deepen this is amazing for calero as his Liberation damage makes up for 50% of his total damage on top of this buff she provides other utilities like crowd control Shields and some heals mortify is also a great character to use as a sub DPS his heavy attack damage buff is not utilized here but he makes up for it with his good off field damage sanua is a decent option as she provides basic attack damage deepen but as basic attack damage makes up for around 25 to 27% of Cero's DPS she is worse than Gian however she is a good alternative if you don't have ginen don't invest too highly on her or ginen as you will be switching them out with yinin soon if you do plan to get her byi is a similar option to Vina for damage deepen in heals yyong provides crowd control and energy restoration which is quite good here are some of his team examples KERO ganssen Bina cero mortify jinen calero senua B you can also run curo with a secondary DPS who can be played with a quick swappy type of play style like both Havoc or spectro MC Mora sanua Etc Havoc characters are great as they can hold the dream list that can be swap canell now that we know his best equipments and teams let's go to his rotations and combos just a quick reminder if you are enjoying this video so far do consider supporting my channel by liking and sharing the video and subscribe to stay tuned this section is going to be quite long but make sure to watch it till the end as I will be also touching up on some other ways to maximize his DPS let's first start with the basics we earlier took a look at his kit and now let's see how this all comes together I will first start with his combo then move on to team rotation his own combos are quite simple the first one is the elemental skill combo three skills into a heavy attack and the other one is resonance Liberation then basic attack spam now let me show you his team rotation for casual players I will be first showcasing The Tempest May's Echo rotation sadly I don't have ganen so I will be using calero sanua and Verina you can check out my Vina guide for her detailed rotation so I first start by filling Vina's conero energy by half or more then switch to Sona and do the same fill her concerto energy bar by half or more then you can go to calero and use three skill in a heavy attack if the enemy is too aggressive you may not be able to complete this combo but it's okay just make sure that you can get his Al back on time then swap to Verina and fill her concerto energy bar completely by using her skills in ultimate verina's ultimate can be skipped if it is not ready make sure to use her Bell Echo skill as well then I directly swap to cero triggering his intro then use his Echo skill and swap cancel it by going to sanua use her skills and heavy attack for filling up her concerto bar before switching out I use her Echo skill which is impermanence heron and swap cancel it by switching to calero use his resonance skill once to get a stack of the Void Thunder set then use his Liberation and basic attack spam using the resonance skill once before The Liberation gives one stack of the Void Thunder set and the other stack is gained from the first death messenger cast even though the death messenger's damage is considered as Liberation damage but it is still a heavy attack so casting it gives a stack of void Thunder for the mech Abomination Echo the echo swap cancel of calero is a necessary you can swap directly to sanua after Vina use sanu's skills and fill her conero use the Heron Echo skill and then swap cancel to calero use his Echo skill use his resonance skill then Liberation and then basic attack span however you can swap directly to calero after Vina then again back to sanua use skills in echko and swap again to calero for double intros skill cast this rotation will be much better after his first Liberation cast as it Buffs his intro skill and if you are using the flest echo skill use it at the end of your rotation the rotation will go the same except you won't be casting the echo skill at the start but at the end when you use the flest echo skill hold it for a short while and swap to your next character this will swap cancel this skill and by the time you use the echo skill calero's conero bar will be filled and his out row will be activated dealing a huge chunk of damage I am pretty sure that Jen can follow a similar rotation there are various rotations you can do this is just a general example just make sure to swap cancel Echoes with long animations while also making sure you have all the necessary Buffs given to calero if you didn't know you can swap out cero during his ultimate without ending his ultimate State calero's death messenger has quite a long animation you can swap cancel it by switching to your secondary DPS so you can go like uses Liberation then the next hit will be the death messenger during the animation of the death messenger you quickly swap into your second DPS quickly deal some damage then go back to calero then again during the next death messenger cast swap out to secondary DPS deal some quick damage this helps to keep calero safe as he is vulnerable during the Deep messenger cast however it needs precise timing there's actually a video on Billy Billy showcasing a quick swappy calero yland team it goes something like this first the user fills up their ultimate skill in conero energy bar then start with calero intro then skill then ultimate into his death messenger immediately swap cancel death messenger into yland cast yland skill and basic swap to calero five basic attack death messenger and swap cancel to yinin two basic attacks again switch to calero five basic attack and last death messenger then swap cancel it by going to yinan use her skill swap back to calero Echo and outroot to yland it would be better if you just see the video Linked In the description the the death messenger swap cancellation really pushes calero off his limits and can make his DPS much higher if done correctly but it is extremely difficult as you have to do all this while also having to dodge enemy attacks which can get very frustrating and lead to less DPS so for most players I would recommend just sticking with the normal rotation and lastly moving on to his sequences talero has got some decent sequences the S1 just provides some resonance energy which reduces his energy requirements his S2 increases his resident skill damage bonus by 30% for 15 seconds after casting his intro which is not that useful would have been better if it was Liberation damage bonus the third one increases his Electro damage bonus by 25% in his liberation state the fourth one provides team wide 20% electrod damage bonus for 30 seconds after casting his out row this sequence is not utilized much now but after Yan's release it will be a very strong sequence the fifth sequence just increases his intros skill damage by 50% which is decent and his best sequence is obviously the last one with every death messenger cast he will summon two Phantoms each dealing Electro damage equal to 100% of calero's attack this is considered resonance Liberation damage which means it will be buffed more with all the Liberation damage bonus that we get on calero and calero can do three death messenger during every Ultimate window so these Phantoms can be summoned for his early sequences are not that good he starts to get some good upgrades from his S3 and with this I will end this video I have made bill guide for other characters as well you can find their links in the description make sure to like the video and subscribe to my channel for more weathering waves content thanks for watching
Channel: 12th Harbinger
Views: 104,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: calcharo build, wuthering waves calcharo build, wuthering waves calcharo build guide, calcharo build guide, calcharo guide, calcharo build wuthering waves, wuthering waves, wuthering waves guide, calcharo, wuthering waves calcharo, how to play calcharo, how to build calcharo, calcharo best combo, calcharo best rotation, calcharo combo, calcharo rotation, best echo for calcharo, best weapon for calcharo, echo, weapon, dps, best dps, bets build, calcharo team comp, teams, wuwa
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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