My Biggest Tips I Wish I Knew Before Playing Wuthering Waves

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these are all the tips I wish I knew before playing withering waves Rapid Fire Edition let's get started something that a lot of players early on didn't realize is how many animation cancels there are in this game I want to show you an example with my calaro if I hit three times I can do a charging attack where he'll slam down and he'll do this animation but that entire ability can still function even if I swap characters so if I was to do the same thing and I was to attack this Target and get these charges I can now do a charging attack swap off and he will still do that animation and do all the damage there is multiple characters in the game that can then do their own attacks do their own damage or heal while those animations are happening this happens all over the place and there's multiple characters that can benefit from this my Gian can send out his monkey and then I can swap off and it will finish the attack I can send off this bird and it will still slam down and do all of the damage and give me Buffs and I would highly recommend you start trying these things with your different characters weekly bosses have special materials that you need for big upgrades for your characters you can only fight three bosses each week so plan ahead here's how you find out what you're going to need for your characters each of these middle passes will require weekly boss materials but even these upper upgrades of attack and crit or whatever ends up being on your account will need them as well so if you're getting closer to to the next resonator rank where you can unlock these you may need multiple weeks to max out one of your favorite characters if you don't pre-form these things in the weeks leading up to it then you're going to be sitting there needing multiple weeks to do it and in the case of some characters getting multiple uh crit percentage or crit damage percentage this is a lot of damage for your account start planning earlier rather than later and get these done your data bank is insanely important and I want to give you a tip to Max this out sooner than you might think now as you level up you start getting the ability at level five and level 10 to get different Rarities of these different Echoes well what you can do is you can go in once you've gotten to level 10 or 15 and you can go down and track the ones you don't have now I've caught all the different Echoes and there's still a few that I need to upgrade but if there's a missing one and you can start getting blues or purples of them you will get all the previous entries so it's a very quick way to level however I've got a massive tip that's going to change everything there's nothing you can really do with all your old green and blue Echoes so once you hit datab Bank 15 what you can do is start doing data merging and you can merge your old Echoes and you can start getting purples and Golds and sometimes you get an echo uh extra like this and I shot up from 15 to nearly 18 just because of saving all of my old Echoes and doing this at the very end obviously you want to hold on to any ones that might be good but this is a way to massively speed up your progress however there's one problem that might be holding you back in your data Bank I'm sure many people are doing these Milestone quests anyways but these have data Bank experience and if you don't follow up and do all of these quests you actually can't progress properly with your data bank there's enough experience in here that it will hardlock you at level like 13 or 14 and you have to go back and do these there's some that are a little bit obscure but most of them you'll get naturally as you're playing through the game and leveling but if you're locked and you can't figure out how to up your data bank it's probably because of this experience right here now I'm Union level 35 right now and a lot of people are coming into my stream saying well how is that even possible well the answer is always do your daily quests you always want to do those daily quests because this is a massive chunk of experience 2,000 experience a day doing these daily quests but I did something already that honestly I don't understand understand why people get so tilted about if you look in your inventory from doing things like your Milestone quests you may have Crystal solvent this gives you energy now you can save this for later on if you want to use your energy for different things there's weapon upgrade materials or boss fights or whatever it might be but I used a lot of mine I still have a few left over but I just used them and I upgraded my characters and I didn't care once I hit Union level 30 30 I just started spending them because yes they would technically be more valuable waiting but if you use them you will just get to a higher World tier sooner and then all of your daily energy is more valuable sooner it doesn't matter stop stressing out about this stuff the difference in base stats of a five-star weapon is pretty insane if you look at just my verdant Summit 374 base attack if you look at something like this bad boy at level 60 it's only 215 I didn't realize how important a five-star weapon is for your overall base stats and damage and it can take any character to the absolute Moon I'm not going to recommend you go spend a bunch of money but it is something that is kind of eye opening and I want to explain one thing I think that in this game weapons are going to be an important thing long term I'm not saying to get Gian and get his weapon but I do think that in this game unlike others you want to get fstar weapons and it's actually why I've been pulling on this Banner instead of the character Banner another copy of Encore or G Jan Shin or something that would be cool and all but I think that a weapon upgrading my main you know gun using DPS is going to be more valuable and so that's what I'm doing personally I don't think everyone should do that if you like playing with all the different characters but I like being strong and I'm noticing a bit of a an issue with the weapons not being great but I do have a recommendation for weapons for you in the southeast side of the map is the depths of elusive realm this is a Rog like game mode that I would recommend you go check out sooner rather than later especially if you are around Union level 30 because once your characters are leveled up you can go in here and this is a rogu like mode none of your Echoes or things actually matter and if I go to challenge this even though there's different IES here if I go in here they give you test run characters that you can beat it with no problem uh it's very easy to do once you learn how to play and you pick some good passes you can jump in and beat this and you can get some God tier echoes in the very early game let me show you now in the case of my Gan I was able to pick up an arrow damage piece from the Sierra set and it ended up rolling pretty darn good and I've had this on since that moment like the second day of playing I got a huge boost to damage you could do it for Electro you could do it for ice whatever you want to do you can choose two different three star Echoes with the main substat and set that you want this is a game Cher for your damage did you know that if you're exploring and trying to get 100% in all the regions you can actually click this little compass in the bottom and it will show you what you're missing approximately there can still be a couple more chests even though it says 100 on this but things like the viewpoints there's only a couple in each region and if you find the other one you'll be done so if you're trying to finish off all of your progress for the exploration this is a great way to figure out what you're missing and this is really important because not only can you get a bunch of asite there's some other tools that are insanely good there's the loot mapper that you can get for free and this is just a spammable thing I can go like this it will tell me are there any chests in the area Yes No Maybe So and you can place them all around and I can just Spam these bad boys I can move 10 ft I can place another one it will delete the old ones and I can make my way through the map finding all the chests but what about the other tools there's Waypoint placements that if you want to go farm a particular Echo you can place this right by their spine and with the casket soner you can find all the little casket chest that you need to turn in there's hundreds of them and I even marked them all down on the map as I found them I put little stars for all the ones that I found but I was still missing quite a few well I used the casket and there ended up being one right here on the very top of this thing uh like 5 days into the game I still didn't realize there was one up there so it's a great way to finalize and find the last ones right now it won't even work because I've actually found all of them I can't actually use this but this is a great tool so get your exploration done now as you start doing some of the endgame systems like Tower of adversity and the boss fights you're going to get some different currencies and there's quite a few options for things that you can turn them into my recommendation is to get Echo experience there's things like asterite you should absolutely get but Echo experience is a big limiting factor in the game if you want to progress long term Echo are extremely powerful and you're going to be running low on this stuff long term I would prioritize this as one of the key things that you are focusing on the other thing is going to be these tuners and things like that now I want to explain one other thing it could be very tempting to pick these up but these are actually just skins they're not actual festar um Echoes even if I was to purchase this all it does is change um the appearance of the one Echo when I summon it in and use it which for me isn't as valuable as actual progression so for me I'm loading up on things like tuners and I'm going all in on prog uh progression and my account actually getting stronger now Echo experience is so limited that if you do have a bunch of your oscillated Coral there is argument to be made that you could buy these and this is actually going to benefit your account in the early game to get up and running if you can get stronger with your Echo you can push further in the tower which allows you to get more asterite each reset to essentially get more polls and replace this I understand some people might not want to do this they want to save this for the monthly resetting poles I get it I understand it but for me as crazy as it is I'm actually going to be buying that I want to progress my account as fast as I can and level up multiple Echo so that I can push the absolute hardest endgame content possible and my hope is that the economy of polls will make up for it one day now what about Afterglow Coral now I'm a degenerate Gambler so I've been buying pulls to try to get the weapons and try to get the characters however a lot of people are hoarding them and saving them because you can get limited characters off of this and I've already spent hundreds of this stuff I don't think that I could have actually got gon's Wave band or anything like that but I have been doing polls on the banners now this is a decision that you need to make for yourself but there is one argument that I want to make because I've done more polls on the banner I have gotten multiple copies of the characters but with some of these limited or or or rate Up characters some of them are cracked some of them are insane and because I've done extra polls I've gotten more copies of someone like uh mortify or Mory or whatever his name is and I actually almost have a maxed out one he's got 7 Seconds extra duration on his ultimate which is crazy now when I use his skill he just shoots out four extra sh shots of his ultimate for free and I could do this a whole bunch even though the damage is reduced and if I get one more copy all of a sudden he provides a 20% attack boost to everyone on my team every time he alts this is a five-star unit this is potentially better than some five-star units and I understand that I could get these copies eventually one day I would get him even if I didn't pull on gan's Banner with the raid up but to have him now this strong is valuable to my team the same thing goes for someone like dun I don't have a ton of copies of her it just hasn't worked out and I haven't gotten lucky but this unit especially if you start getting some of these extra copies she is a five-star unit she will out DPS most units in the game and she is absolutely cracked so yes you can get a wave band and you can make gon stronger but doing the polls can also lead to multiple other support units being stronger as well so I kind of feel like I would rather do the pulls because I could also pull him and get another copy right I could lose the 50/50 I could miss that is going to happen but for me I like pulling and and building my entire roster rather than just buying one copy of one character I wish I would have paid attention to the shops a little bit more seriously in the very early game at the weapon shop or the weapon Crafting Shop if you talk to the guy here you can actually buy character Ascension or skill Ascension materials at as well as weapon asentia materials now you can only get 10 of each of them and they're kind of the basic lower tier one but they're relatively cheap and they're super worth it in the early game so you don't have to use wave plates on this stuff but there's two more shops that are very important and I know most of you know but I really want to break this down because it saves you a lot of energy so you can bring multiple characters up to level 50 and 60 without ever really needing to farm this stuff you can max out your skills or at least your first few upgrades on multiple characters for free let me show you so the souvenir shop is something that you'll be able to max out sooner than you might think there's multiple things that you can get in here and I understand that there are pulls available a lot of people want to get these bad boys and they want to pull as soon as they can but there are upgrade materials that instead of going in and spending energy you can just upgrade these skills or your weapons and that is a lot of progress to make you'll max out this shop eventually right now all I can really do is get shell credits if I happen to find another chest or two but this is something that I prioritize progression first now if you really want to ascend a character and you don't want to go hunt down a flower you can use this shop that's just down below the pharmacy has all the different Ascension materials for your account and that's what I did instead of going hunting down these flowers I just bought them because I was going to need them for my characters it does get a little bit expensive if you're doing it for everyone but if you're a couple off just go buy this and Ascend your characters and keep progressing dressing in Tiger's MW there's a shop that you can open up by doing the exploration Quest here it's one of those green quests now it's a multi-part quest that you're going to need to do and there is a 24-hour Gap in between but what I'd recommend you do while you wait is every day just come down here and collect all the little um ore that you can find you're going to need quite a bit of them to get the gear from the shop but let me show you what you can get tiger M shop has upgrade materials a tier higher making them even more valuable to get and they're free they've even got weapon experience material as well as a free craftable weapon that you can get it's going to take you multiple days to get all the ore for this and it's not something I prioritize because of the characters I'm using they're not the most valuable thing ever but it is a pretty good option for me the next thing I'm working on is the weapon experience material so I can max out uh all my characters once I hit the next World tier but that's just me now you can track down every echo in the game and you can detect them and it will show you where they are on the map but I have a recommendation for you that is going to change your life when you're hunting down all these different units there's a few that I would recommend you keep your eye on even though you're tracking these The Stonewall bracer is very easy to recognize because it's just this walking Golem and these are for the energy regen set the same thing goes for the spearb bear as well as the chase r which is just a car with legs all of these are from the energy set and pretty much any support in the game and even healers can use this set and benefit it's very recommended to just kill them when you see them because eventually you're going to get every single element energy regen HP percentage whatever you might need by killing all these and you don't really need to track them uh because you're going to notice them all over the map while you're hunting down other things or specific things for different sets do this and you're going to be very happy that you did a week or two weeks from now when you've got tons of perfect energy pieces and while you're exploring there's multiple Echoes In the game that actually are quite a bit faster than running or walking or can help you Traverse around the map a good example of that is the infernal Rider this boss can be used on any character and you can hold down the button and drive with a motorcycle it's much faster than running around and if you can already kill everything and you're not really struggling for damage just equip it on all three characters and you rotate through each one riding a motorbike almost like you've got a mount in game now with the Tower of adversity once you clear a floor it does save that these units have cleared it but it doesn't force you to lock in that gear so I can use Gian mortify and yangyang on this one side but I can also use the ex exact same weapon from Gian on my Karo and all of the Echoes on my Jan Shin because of this you might be surprised at how much damage you can do with some of your supporting units and on some of the lower floors where the enemies are lower level you might be shocked with the units that you can clear it with if you use stuff like the energy set Echoes you can take a character uh you can take their Echoes and all you need to do is change out some of the ele elal ones and still have a functioning set I can take my crit rate one and give it to a different unit I can use my energy regen give it to someone else my attack to someone else and they're going to be a functioning unit a very strong unit especially if they use the same weapon so what I'm starting to do is pull all of my Echoes and I'm putting them on uh J shin and she's going to be able to do enough damage to clear some of the early floors allowing me to still have energy to use my main DPS units on the hardest level 90 bosses my recommendation is to try to get some very Universal sets like the energy set that anyone can use or the attack set that anyone can use and it will allow you to push pretty far now I got Gian on my second pull so I ended up building him but if I didn't I was going to build the MC because spectral MC is pretty darn good but little did I know that Havoc MC is absolutely crazy and only only going to get better now we don't have all the different copies of the character but they're going to get even stronger as the game goes and I can't wait to get these things to start getting a juicy 25% crit rate in your alternate form now the beautiful thing is you can pair This MC with someone like Dan Jinn and there are some insanely good comps out there I win to lose made a very good video about this but I want to just give you a quick breakdown of why it's so good the dreamless echo is actually op like it might even be broken and they might change it it's so damn good it is an instant cast multi-hit attack some Echoes you have to attack multiple times and stay in this form you can't swap off of it but in the case of the new dreamless Echo that joined the game this thing it will do all the attacks on its own and you can swap off of it it is crazy damage boost and so the next character that I'm going to work on is the Havoc MC just so I can abuse that Echo it's not even that the character's good it it's it's the echo that's good the character is good but but the echo's crazy also an interesting thing is with the void Thunder set for some reason there's two different bosses in the set there's the Tempest mephis but there's also the Thundering mephis these are different bosses and you can actually equip either of them as a four cost and that's one of the only ways that you can get crit rate or crit damage on your main stats so you can actually do a four cost a four cost and then three one costs and you can actually get a really good damage boost if you're trying to build for crit rate and crit damage I'm not going to say it's the most optimal thing ever but it's relatively easy to farm this and fight the two bosses then run around looking for Electro damage so give it a try if you have a couple of good boss pieces you might want to throw it on your thunder units and you'll absolutely slap these are the main tips that I thought would help people thank you so much for watching and make sure to subscribe for more if you have any of your own tips I will pin it if I see a really good one down below or even make a community video if I see a whole bunch of good ones thanks again see you soon bye-bye
Channel: Mtashed
Views: 272,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wuthering waves, wuthering waves guide, wuthering waves tips, wuthering waves best character, wuther waves tier list, wuthering waves best characters, wuthering waves build guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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