What 5 Star Weapon to Choose From the UL45 Weapon Box - Wuthering Waves

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yo so in weathering waves once you hit Union level 45 you actually get a weapon box and you get to choose any five-star standard Banner weapon from that weapon box there's one weapon for every single weapon type in the game so let's go ahead and take a look at what the best options are from this weapon box and every player is going to want probably something different out of it so let's go ahead and get into this so obviously this video will not only cover what you might want to go for on the level 45 weapon box but also what you might want to go for on the standard five-star weapon Banner because obviously that's what you're also going to be potentially going for the weapons from the festar standard Banner are also the same weapons from that weapon box yo I just want to button real quick and say something I think that is very very important I think that once you get enough of the five star characters in this game that you want to actually have that rather than continue to pull on the character Banner that you should probably get like a couple of weapons from the weapon Banner or at least consider getting a couple of weapons from the weapon Banner because at least in the early stages of the game you know that when you are pulling on the premium Banner that when you lose a 50/50 you're going to end up getting a St standard fstar character anyways so I think it's actually more important to potentially get like a couple at least of these fstar weapons before you go back to potentially pulling for more characters because let's be honest to get all of the resonance chains for every single character is going to take a really long time but just getting one copy of a weapon does not take that much time and the weapon Banner is actually very generous there's no 50/50 if you get a five star in the weapon Banner you get the weapon and you can choose the weapon that that you want as well so definitely something to consider sorry to interrupt all right so let's go ahead and take a look at the static Mist I think this weapon is absolutely correct obviously there's only one weapon type meaning there's five weapons out of the standard Banner that you could potentially get and there's only one of each type of weapon in that box but this is an incredibly strong weapon I think it's easily one of the best weapons you could go for out of that box now some of you might not be into gun characters but if you are into gun characters this weapon is super duper strong it has a flat attack stat and a crit rate stat if you level it all the way up to 90 you'll have 588 attack which is very strong and you'll have 2430 crit rate which is massive and makes it much easier to build the character especially in the early stages because having crit value is very very hard to get in those early stages of the game like we're in right now and it obviously turns into more damage at the end of the day pretty much no matter whether you're in the late game or whether you're in the early game and it also is very important for uh these gun characters to get something like this because this is literally the best gun weapon in the entire game right now and we've already had drip marketing for patch 1.1 we don't know yet what's going to be coming in 1.2 we should be learning soon probably like anytime between now in the next week when they kind of changed up yin's Banner it also sort of changed up their promo schedule a little bit so we're not sure when we're going to get the patch 1.2 drip marketing but for the foreseeable future at least right now this is quite literally the best gun weapon weapon in the entire game again we could be getting something off of a signature weapon in the future but some people aren't going to be able to do that or Justify going for that and this is a incredibly good weapon to be able to use in the meantime so let's go ahead and look at the passive rank one stormy resolution it increases the energy regen by 12.8% and when the outro skill is cast it increases the incoming resonator's attack by 10% stacking up to one time I don't know why they include that if it only Stacks one time they could just literally delete that it doesn't matter and this effect lasts for 14 seconds so basically you want to build up to that outro skill use that outro skill when you're switching to another character right and then you'll give that next resonator that comes in a 10% attack buff and you'll also have energy region of 12.8% that's obviously the passives on it so this is obviously something that can be used on you know a gun character that's known as like a DPS character but it could also be used on a sub DPS character or even a support character from the gun type of characters we have in the in the game right now so obviously this is a good weapon for somebody like chisha this is a good weapon for somebody like mortify this is a good weapon for somebody like Alto I believe those are the only gun characters we have in the game right now correct me if I'm missing somebody but obviously any gun character could utilize this whether they're a main DPS sub DPS or a support type of character it's the best gun in the game right now I think on average there might be some Nuance to that there might be some goofy builds or like switch builds you know like hot hot swap builds that might want to use a different type of gun as you can see from this I'm going for it on my banner PS and out of the weapon box I'm probably going to be going for the emerald Genesis so I'm going for these two weapons the emerald Genesis and the static Mist just so that you guys are aware of what I find Value in in this game right now all right so since I just mentioned it let's go over the emerald of Genesis right now this at level 90 will have a flat attack set of 588 and at level 90 it'll have a crit rate stat of 24.30% we don't have to go over again why that is so strong on basically any character early game or late game it's very powerful and just you guys are aware the gun and the sword are the uh the weapons that have those effects you're not going to see that crazy you know attack and crit rate on the other weapons we'll go ahead and look at those in just a second well let's look at the passive ability that this has first storming resolution it increases the energy regen by 12.8% when the resonance skill is cast it increases the attack by 6% stacking up to two times this effect lasts for 10 seconds sorry I had to burp um so this effect um just you guys are aware uh most characters will probably be able to get both of these Stacks but some characters cuz you know you have to about think about the future may not necessarily be able to get both Stacks depending on what kind of character they are because you have to be able to use your resonance skill twice within 10 seconds to get this buff so depending on coold Downs of characters you might not get both Stacks so it's 6% no matter what and it's going to be 12% if you can get there right so this weapon can be used on characters like Rover it can be used on Chang Lee who's going to be coming out in patch one .1 who's going to be a sword character just so that you guys are aware you could use it on sanwa you could use it on Don Jin you could use it on yangyang basically any character that uses a sword can utilize this weapon because it's built to be able to be used on basically anybody whether they are a DPS a sub DPS or a supportive style character it can be used on basically anyone which which makes this weapon so darn good basically anywhere and it's the best sword in the entire game right now when Chang Lee releases in patch 1.1 she will have a signature weapon coming out with her and that weapon will power creep this weapon for many DPS characters but because of the energy regen on this weapon this might end up being a better character for a lot of sub DPS characters it just sort of depends right I just wanted to let you guys know about that that it is the best right now but for DPS characters it might get power crapped in 1.1 by Chang Le's weapon all right so let's go over the cosmic ripples because I think this weapon is very relevant considering yinlin is out right now and we also have characters like Vina and Encore and all sorts of other characters that could be used using rectifier weapons such as this one right here now at full level Max Capacity level 90 this will have a flat attack stat of 500 and it will have a attack percent stat of 54% so like I was saying you're not going to see that crit rate stat on every single one of these standard five star weapons in fact you're only going to see it on those two we just went over earlier let's read the passive stormy resolution it increases the energy regen by 12.8% when dealing basic attack damage it increases the basic attack damage bonus by 3.2% stacking up to five times this effect lasts for 8 seconds and can be triggered one time every 0.5 seconds so this weapon is the second best weapon in the game right now for yinlin so a very very solid choice if you can uh if you want to go that route however without the crit on the uh stats for this weapon you may want to consider the battle pass weapon I believe it is let's go ahead and take a look at it right now the battle pass weapon for yinlin is uh this thing over here it is the augment it has a crit rate stat on it which makes it a lot easier to be able to build the character this is what I'm currently using on yinin right now because I was a little bit unlucky pulling for her so I was low on resources pulling for her signature weapon but this is basically a dumbed down version like not as powerful of a version of her signature weapon so this is definitely very solid choice to go for if you wanted to go that route unfortunately that would mean that you'd have to buy the battle pass with which is uh 10 bucks and you get you know all of these bonus rewards and other stuff like that including a weapon box that allows you to choose one of these weapons here this weapon is also very very good on Vina it's also very very good on Encore one reason why it's so good on Vina is because Vina actually scales off of attack so this is incredibly good on Vina and obviously it's good on Encore Encore uses rectifiers like this as well you could also use the augment we were just taking a look at on Encore 2 I have a friend who's using that weapon on her it's very very strong and I'm probably going to use that other weapon on her too because as good as Cosmic ripples is um you know what I mean I'm going to probably be going for either that gun or the sword it just depends on what characters you're Ming and what characters you see value in that you want to build whether you go for this or something else but I really appreciate having the crit value in my substats personally it makes it much easier to build the character and in turn usually turns into more damage so let's go over the lustrous Razer next because I think this weapon has a lot of relevance right now as well because a lot of people ended up pulling Gian and they didn't necessarily go for his weapon or a lot of people have pulled Karo because they wanted to use Karo with yinin for example there's a obviously a lot of other reasons why this weapon is relevant but those are the main ones in my eyes right now at level 90 this has a flat attack stat of 588 and it has 36.4% attack and that's really really strong however again it doesn't have that crit value that you really want to see in my opinion on a weapon for this early stages of the game but it is very strong if you can get some really good crit value in your substats from your Echo etc etc and the passive increases the energy regen by 12.8% which like you're going to see that on like all of these weapons right but this next part is usually different when the resident skill is cast resident Liberation damage bonus is increased by 7% stacking up to three times this effect lasts for 12 seconds so this is actually pretty good on gon as well because he really wants to use his ult which is the resonance liberation that's a lot of us call it ultimates or burst still because we're so used to other games but in this game it's called the resonance Liberation and that's where most of gon's damage actually comes from it's where a lot of karo's damage comes from as well in fact this is known as karo's best in slot weapon right now now that does mean you have to get really really really cracked really really god tier substat rolls on your echo in order to make this thing really really work because if you're not creating it won't be as strong now obviously in the early stages of the game many of you might not necessarily be worried about crits right now but it's something that we should all be building towards so this is a very very powerful weapon however um it doesn't give us that crit value that we really really want as I said though this is technically karo's best in slot but you have to get some really crazy roles in order for it to be able to be as powerful as it could be its potential is very high however um I still see the value in something like gon's weapon that has you know crit value on on it or you know some other weapon that could be coming in the future this is again another weapon that has a battle pass uh you know uh that could be used instead of it let's go ah and take a look here so this Autumn uh what is it Autumn Trace is another weapon that has crit value from the battle pass that you could potentially use yes that means you have to pay the $10 for the battle pass to be able to get that weapon box from it to be able to use but this is a very very solid Choice giving us that crit value off of it that we really really want allowing us to potentially be able to choose a different weapon from that weapon box that we might be able to use on another character that also has crit value such as that sword or that gun now let's go ahead and go over these Abyss surges this is the last weapon we need to go over for this weapon box so we're almost there now this weapon at level 90 will have a flat attack stat of 588 and it will have an attack percent stat of 36.4 five and the passive ability for this is the storming resolution uh increases the energy regen by 12.8% when hitting a target with resonance skill it increases the basic attack damage by 12% lasting for 8 seconds when hitting a target with basic attacks it increases the resident skill damage bonus by 10% lasting for 8 seconds so this weapon is a pretty solid choice but again it doesn't have that crit value that you'd really really want to see it could be used on characters like Jan Shin it could be used on characters like Ling yangang or even characters like Yan wo but Yan wo might potentially want something different because he is more of a hybrid style character Chan Shin is similar as well but this is obviously a very solid choice for her Yan Wu might be built you know what I mean for something more janky that like could potentially use something like a four star or a three star instead I'm just mentioning options you have now again as another option The Surge abysses is pretty solid however that there's another option for us from that battle pass and I'm going to just keep comparing to the battle pass weapons cuz they're typically very strong as well sorry that I keep doing it for anyone that doesn't have the battle pass um but that this does have a crit rate version not version but it has a crit rate option from the battle pass the stonard it has a crit rate value that is pretty solid on it and it makes it a lot easier to build characters and typically turns into more damage wall breaker when resident skill is cast increases the casers resident Liberation damage by 18% lasting for 15 seconds so if you guys have ever played Gian Shin or lingyang they can get a lot from their residance Liberation damage bonus so this is a very very solid choice for those characters we were just talking about so definitely don't feel like you're settling for something if you end up using this instead this is actually a very very solid choice so let me know what weapon you're going for off of your level 45 weapon box and let me know what weapon you're going for out of the weapon Banner because you can choose what weapon you're going for right now as you can see I'm going for the gun now I'm going for the sword but just by clicking a couple of buttons anyways if you like gacha gaming weathering waves hunai star against an impact consider leaving a like And subscribe to the channel it really helps out and I'll see you guys in the next one peace out
Channel: Pancake Breakfast
Views: 75,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zEZaKk6aKPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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