HOW ARE THEY FREE? Havoc Rover is INCREDIBLE! Full Build & Showcase | Wuthering Waves

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wait he's dead what the hell hey what's up guys today we're going to talk about Havoc Rover which is a surprisingly broken character the Rover or the main character of this game unlocks a second path once you progress far enough in the main story you get to use them as a Havoc character and they are surprisingly incredibly strong I found this out while co-oping with my good friends at Jeff 77 who kind of carried me just by one-shotting everything we were doing so I decided to take a closer look at this character and found out how broken they truly are and so in today's video we're going to talk about why they're so good how to build them how to play them and then go over some Showcases of me using the Havoc Rover in different teams also talking about what teams you can use and how to get a lot of value with this character keep in mind it's still early in the weathering waves game progression so a lot of the damage you're seeing could be optimized by a lot just by you know leveling higher investing more but even early game even with my relatively low level of investment despite playing a lot my Rover still absolutely destroys even content where I'm underleveled before we begin I want you guys to know that I do stream most nights on Twitch Link in the description if you're interested and with that being said let's get right into it all right so starting things off what does the Havoc main character or Rover actually do and why are they so broken well before we get into that if you're wondering how to get them they are actually freely obtained after you complete the sixth chapter of the main story where you unlock a new type for your main character now with Havoc Rover all your abilities and play style will change and you become very very strong the reason for this is as as follows first of all the Havoc Rover has an insane amount of burst damage the resonance Liberation also known as ultimate just at a baseline has a very high scaling as you can see at just level four it's almost 1,000% skill damage on a 16-second coold down this is a really high amount and on top of that you also have a pretty powerful skill that you can use pretty often additionally a big and core part of your main character or Rover's damage is their Forte circuit also known as their dark surge State this is something that you enter once you're Umbra gauge is full which you can see at the bottom of the screen you hold your basic attack to cast Devastation and you will enter this dark surge State when this happens you will gain wings Start attacking with a scythe and have both enhanced basic and heavy attacks these will deal a significant amount more damage and you'll be able to do these until your stance expires your meter drains and you go back into your normal mode it is also worth noting when you're out of your dark surge State you can gain your Umbra back by using your skill and your intro skill and also normal attacks but typically you're not going to be doing those outside of your enhanced State Havoc Rover will also gain a 20% Havoc damage bonus inside of their surge state which is another bonus that will incentivize you to do big chunks of your damage when you are inside of this buffed State and so while this may not seem like that much because your scalings are so high and also crucially you don't need to spend that much time on your main character like genuinely you will do your enhanced attacks when your dark surge is active use your skill use your alt use your Echo and then swap out procing your outro skill as well this allows you to not not need a lot of feel time and do a ton of burst damage on top of having access to one of if not the strongest active echo in the game at least as far as offensive ones are concerned this Echo is the dreamless which you unlock at the same time that you unlock the Havoc Rover what the dreamless echo actually does is deal six very strong instances of Havoc damage that also have a really high scaling because of this they are good to use on effectively any Havoc character not just your main character but also if you are running someone like Don Jin or a future Havoc character dreamless is an incredibly powerful active that can really just carry you through a lot of early content and also scales really well additionally while it's just good in general it's also for some reason significantly better with the Havoc Rover because of the second part of its effect that will increase the echo skills damage after Rover Havoc cast their ultimate now there seems to be a bit of a mistranslation on how this is worded but from my understanding the damage of dreamless is increased by 50% for 5 seconds after Rover Havoc cast their alt which is a big deal give it how strong dreamless is I'm just playing random background footage of me using this active Echo and it really does chunk enemies HP bars when you factor in that not only is the damage pretty good but also the AOE is huge and crucially the most important part of why this Echo is so good is that you can swap cancel it very very fast if you were to go through the whole animation and stay on your active character you would end up wasting a lot of time just to get this damage however you can literally just press your Echo button start the animation and as soon as your first hit is going off swap to your next character and then the dreamless will keep going keep doing all of its damage and you will not lose any time at all making it effectively a big chunk of free damage that you're gaining again this damage is great at a baseline but also gets buffed with your Rover's alt so you typically want to be using it within 5 Seconds of using your resonance Liberation typically saving that for the end of your rotation but more on that a bit later because of this you end up having a free-to-play character that has a huge scaling on their ultimate while also having access to one of the best active Echoes In the game that not only is really strong but also gets buffed with their ultimate in particular while also being swap canell very easily and is also an active Echo that is always on the Havoc set meaning that it'll synergize well with Havoc characters especially the Rover in particular also if you don't know you can grind dreamless pretty easily by challenging the weekly boss that you unlock after progressing through the story and you can challenge it on the lowest difficulty beating it very fast and then instantly rechallenging going again and again and again until you get a good dream list Rover also has a pretty strong skill as well as buffing their own Havoc damage inside of their dark surge state which will also enhance their basic and heavy attacks allowing them to spend some time on field if you want to while it's typically part of your rotation to do these Basics inside of your enhanced State you technically don't need to if you have something better to do with your time like swapping to another character instead while we will cover exact rotation stuff later knowing that you can just swap in and out of this character very fast and do a ton of burst damage while also being able to get some pretty strong Basics on field with them inside of their dark surge State as well is the essentials of what makes this character very strong additionally not only are they free to play but so is their resonance chain also known as constellations or IDL on from other games right now I believe you can get the first two which will increase their skill damage and also give them a skill cooldown reset when they enter their dark surge State meaning that you can use your skill do a heavy attack to enter dark Surge and then use your skill once again now personally I unlock these two as a rewards for handing in caskets I got through exploring but I believe that we will be able to get more through quests in the future with these future residences actually being really good notably the fourth one decreasing the Havoc resistance of enemies by 10% which is huge and the last one giving Rover 25% crit rate in their dark surge state which is also really big as well additionally Rover has good Synergy with other four-star characters like notably Don Jin who not only is a solid fourstar carry on her own but also can increase your Havoc damage through her outro skill which is just the nice added bonus another actually free-to-play character you synergize well with that I will also be showcasing in this video is sanwa who not only is a pretty solid character on her own both at generating energy and dealing damage but also she has an outro skill that increases the basic attack damage of the next character you swap into and while this isn't as notable as the Havoc damage you'd get from denin it's still great for your enhanced basic attacks on top of sanwa just being a pretty solid character overall and if you get multiple copies of her eventually you'll be able to also increase your team members attack from her six resonance which is an added bonus something else I wanted to mention is that not only can you use this incredibly powerful dreamless on your Rover you can also use it on another character in your team like notably down Jin or another Havoc carry this allows you to swap cancel these dreamless between your Havoc characters and just get a ton of free damage because of how strong the dream List's active effect is now keep in mind that the second dreamless to my understanding does not get buffed by your Havoc Rover's Liberation but your Rover's dreamless will which is still enough to make this really strong now as far as teams are concerned I believe the Rover synergizes very well with d Jin another Havoc character who also gives you Havoc damage deepen on their outro skill and can benefit from the Havoc main characters resistance Shad if you have their fourth resonance which isn't available now but eventually will be for free but even without that you can also run two dreamless run it on both characters a very very strong echo on top of being a solid DPS a solid fourstar DPS option that you can use on field and freely swap out of using their outro skill to buff your Havoc Rover who then can do a relatively short rotation entering their enhanced State using some enhanced basic attacks skill ultimate and echo which you can then swap cancel and go into your next character your last slot in this team is very flexible Vina is obviously just the best healer and damage buffer but you can also use by as a free-to-play Healer or even Jan chin as a shielder and buffer as well who I think is really slept on especially when you factor in their alt damage deepen that they have in their kit that is quite relevant for the Havoc Rover on a similar note I believe Sano is also a really good support for the Havoc VI Rover for the reasons I mentioned earlier she's just a solid sort of quick swap burst support does pretty decent damage through her skill ultimate and also heavy attacks through her forte while also giving you some basic attack damage deepen through her outro skill she's also a free-to-play character and one of my personal favorites because she synergizes really well with other characters as well like Karo and lingyang on top of being good for Rover so a safe investment for me which is why I have her leveled and built and one of the characters that I will showcase alongside Rover in the Showcase section coming up shortly outside of just that though I think the Rover syz well with Havoc characters in general obviously being able to run the dreamless active echo on them as well being able to Quick swap through two dreamless is will just help you clear content very fast genuinely on top of just being a solid character you can fit in kind of wherever now while you can build a team around them to be able to fully utilize the Havoc main characters kit and synergies you can also always just use them in a very quick swap style where you use them primarily for their skill and ultimate entering your enhanced State first but not needing to do all of your basic attack if you have a better attacker to use already in your team again it is nice to be able to use your enhanced Basics on Rover but it's not the main source of your damage so it's okay if you're not doing all of them do note though that you want to enter your enhanced State for the extra Havoc damage bonus you're gaining and if you're wondering how to do that if you don't have energy you can use your skill and swap out and then when you have your intro skill ready you can swap back into your Rover using your intro skill use your skill again and that should help fill up your meter very quickly also in case you're wondering be sure to level what you can with the resources you have unlocking this inherent skill and even like these Havoc damage bonus sort of bonus stats are very important if you can get them and as far as your priority goes leveling your resonance Liberation is very important as it's a huge chunk of your damage additionally your skill and Forte are both very strong especially if you are basic attacking inside of your dark surge State as far as builds go it is very straightforward you really want to be sure to be running the dreamless active Echo as your main Echo it is very very strong for the reasons I mentioned earlier and then afterwards there's a lot you can do typically you want to just run the Havoc damage set provided you are basic or heavy attacking four times to get its damage buff which you will typically be doing but just make sure you're doing this before you use things like your residence Liberation your ultimate but if you don't have a good five piece you can very easily mix and match two pieces of Havoc damage attack percent or even energy regen if you need some to get your alt back more often typically I do recommend just going with a five piece doing a 43311 in terms of echo costs and as far as stats are concerned I typically recommend going for crit rate or crit damage on your for cost cost whichever one you need more of your three cost will be Havoc damage bonus and your one cost will just be attack percent for the sub stats you're looking for crit rate and crit damage are great and so are stats such as attack percent resonance Liberation damage and also to a slightly lesser extent skill damage and basic and or heavy attack damage as well if you are using those inside of your enhanced State additionally energy regen at least a bit of it can be nice how much you need will depend on your team though some teams generate more than others and the game's still new so rotations and energy management will be optimized IED in the future you don't need to worry too much about it but just know that energy regen is a nice stat for comfort and for helping you get your alt back more often so definitely a good substat to at least have a bit of this is the echo build that I'm running and weapon-wise there's really so much you can do pretty much all of the four stars are pretty good because Rover can use so many stats generally though in terms of four stars command of conviction is what I recommend again a free-to-play option you can choose with their best slot being the five star Emerald of Genesis but all three other fourstar swords give you attack percent and are viable and if you have to use a restar like sword of Knight then it can be okay for the time being but I would recommend getting at least a fourar because keep in mind we do have access to two different weapon selectors on top of the battle pass if you choose to get it now for my personal Rover build she's honestly very mediocre but it's still doing really good damage it's still really early in the game I've been trying to M Max her but it's hard cuz I'm low on resources and I also main GN so there's that but I got her a maxed out pretty good dreamless and then my other pieces are kind of whatever like tambourin is only plus 15 not great sub stats roast room also not great sub stats like no crit and only level 20 my other two pieces are also just level 20 pretty decent but not that leveled so again even just by leveling these Echoes I could be doing a lot more damage but that's not really the point of this video and we'll get into the Showcase very shortly you'll see my Rover doing very high damage honestly I just am very low on Echo XP and I feel like if I invest more I get like from 20 to 25 it's going to make my progression a lot harder so I'm going to show you guys kind of what you can expect with this level of investment with that in mind I did change into the five-star weapon that I recently got the standard one which you can choose from the free Five Star selector and honestly it's a really good sword so if you play sword characters a lot I can recommend it something you can get from a selector but also a five star so keep that in mind my four-star free to- playay sword is on my other sword character that I will be using either sanoa or Don Jin my Rover obviously does have you know decently leveled abilities obviously these could be even higher and also has her second resonance unlocked both of these helping quite a bit my ratio is really not that high like 60 to 92 here obviously because weathering waves when compared to other games shows you at 150 crit damage cuz it shows the damage multiplier and not just like your crit damage but anyways you'll see my Rover will be doing a lot of damage and as I said a lot of room for optimization a lot of my Echoes could just be better my gear could be better we're not fully leveled yet so keep all that in mind but even despite that you'll see that I'll be doing a ton of damage and my dreamless will be as well all right now to go over some footage of my Rover in the tower we're starting here with a standard San team my san is very well built that's why I'm using her with Bina pretty standard team characters that are made to burn I'm kind of quick swapping or characters that you know use their burst use their intro outro skill can kind of quick Swap and also buff my Rover right Verina and San both buffer I'm just kind of cycling through my characters buffing them all with things like their intro and outro skills notably Verina who gives you a sizable buff on top of Sono who gives me basic attack damage deepen when I swap into Rover now here I'm just kind of using all my burst to clear enemies and keep in mind this isn't the deepest floor in the tower that I've cleared it also gives you a little bit of Buffs but it's a nice one to showcas case Rover because later on it's Arrow damage bonus Electro bonus so other characters seem better in comparison but as you can see let me just slow things down cuz it's going pretty fast I do clear pretty fast I do start the floor by setting up right I start with my veren's burst and then I use the echo try to just buff my team swap out use my Rover burst now typically I Rover burst inside of my enhanced state for Havoc damage bonus but when you start you don't have that so I'm just like okay let me use everything burst skill use my dreamless swap cancel it go to my sonan use everything just get things going right and son in particular I'm trying to build up my outro skill my conserto energy as fast as possible that's why I stay on her a bit longer than normal boom uh I I actually got it here so I used my echo as soon as my conserto energy was full swap canceled it and the Heron if you don't know does buff the next character you swap into so I use my outro skill buff plus the echo buff I stack them up swap cancel go to my Havoc MC and then I just do normal stuff I skill uh hold my heavy attack to enter the state skill resets use it again and then boom we're fighting the boss I get my burst here before swapping I'm like might as well verse might as well use my dreamless swap through my characters sort of reset the rotation trying to buff everyone using all my abilities it's really not that complicated I'm just skill alt and heavy attack or use my forte on specific characters if needed when applicable trying to swap in and out of characters when I have downtime but mostly when my conserto energy is full to proc intro and outro skills dealing damage and buffing my team here I buffed characters with Vina swapped to my sonano use their abilities go to my Rover and while typically I swap when I have my outra skill what actually happened here was I just used it recently on my sonano before swapping out of her if I go back boom around here I have full conser energy I'm sure I'm going to swap cancel my herin and outra skill boom that I buff my Rover's damage but since all my coold Downs are up what I end up doing is I'm like okay let me use verina's burst let me just kind of take this time to set up again I notice my sonano burst is up I use it or ultimate I'm sorry for saying burst that's a force of habit then I go back into my over and I'm like okay this enem is dead so let's just enter our enhanced State use our ultimate use the Echo and as you can see uh very easy clear pretty good damage with pretty good Synergy among the characters obviously if you want someone to spend more fi time outside of Rover you could use another Havoc character that synergizes well with her notably Don Jin but you don't need to and I've noticed a lot of people hyping up Don Jin and Rover and while it's definitely a good team I also want to show that other teams can work like this one that is a bit more quick swappy and very very strong this isn't the perfect showcase by any means but I'm just trying to show you guys kind of how this works what I'm doing using all my abilities and getting really strong burst AOE damage keep in mind that because Rover's so strong I've actually used them in teams where they don't really fit just as a burst sub DPS use my resonance Liberation My ultimate my skill my echo swap out and don't really need to do much more for them to be pretty strong I use my forte as well obviously but not spending too much F time on them and then there's other teams like this one where I do spend a decent amount of time basic attacking and doing pretty solid damage on them as well oh also keep in mind that sonano is a character that Buffs my basic attacks not my ultimate so the number you're seeing the like flashy clickbait burst number is not going to be as high as the next clip where I am using Jen chin so keep that in mind a solid character a solid support sub DPS but not as flashy as you will see coming up in this next clip I'm using Jen Shin to actually increase my burst damage with her outro skill and my genin is really not built very well she's on very minimal uh investment like level 40 weapons and not level talents but her Buffs still stand so as you can see here I'm just doing sort of normal stuff basic attacking inside of my Rover and when I used my burst it did over 50k which is like pretty insane for just one single instance of damage on top of obviously being able to like basic attack more like I didn't even spend that much time in my Rover if I wanted to I could have basic attacked even longer I also have dreamless that's a big burst of damage outside of my burst which I'm pretty sure I used here yep I dreamless right before swap swap canceling it then if my Jan sh was built she could also act as a sub DPS right get her punches in her skill her forte they all deal decent damage and if I didn't want a Healer although Vina does buff me but I don't even need Verina in this team I could have ran another sub DPS if I wanted to just kind of doing whatever with my Rover obviously being the main carry here and being the one that gets buffed tremendously in case you're wondering the build of my support characters my gen Shin when I used her was literally on a level 40 weapon plus zero artifacts or Echoes sorry literally not leveled at all the only reason I'm using this set is to buff my next character I'm using her just for Buffs and her shield and obviously as I said if you invest into her actually level these things she'll be more than just a buffer also being able to do some damage and just be better overall but even just as a support works very well my Verina also on pretty low investment granted I did start gearing her but again my echo are all not leveled like they're all plus zero except the main Echo that's plus five which is again really nothing my only other character that I have really well built in my Rover team is the one that I usually pair her with which is Sona now before you actually look at my sanoa a quick disclaimer her build is decent it's again not super super invested we're still early game I'm on a four-star weapon that I got from the free selector not like maxed out on copies or even Talent levels but pretty decently invested into mostly used for her really good energy generation solid damage and also basic attack damage deepen which will buff my Rover the warning I have to say is that I am not on the correct set I'm on two-piece energy regen and then I just took two pieces that I have on my GN just because the substats are pretty good obviously the glacio damage bonus would be better or even the five piece of the energy regen set to buff the next character I swap into but again we're early into the game so it's not possible to minmax everything I'm just running her on solid stats sort of saving my resources again not maxed out but still being able to do in my opinion pretty impressive amounts of damage given the investment level lastly regarding Don Jin I was trying to gear her as best I could to use her alongside my Rover but farming for Havoc sets and Havoc pieces was just really hard so she's not that well invested into genuinely some of my pieces are really low level which is why I didn't really include a Don Jin showcase but in case you're wondering yes Don Jin and Rover work very well together and as you can see just by spamming both of my dreamless is you can trivialize a lot of content on top of both characters synergizing well with each other for the reasons I mentioned earlier and so yeah overall Havoc Grover is a character that I really think is pretty broken like not just as a freetop playay choice that everyone has but also just in general on the scheme of things as a burst carry burst support someone you can use on field quick swap in and out of and genuinely just get a lot of value out of I think is a really strong and in my opinion broken character on top of the fact that they have access to a really strong Echo one of the strongest Echoes In the game and so I really like them and hope this video was educational if there's anything I want to add it will be in a pin comment sorry if my investment level wasn't as high as some other people just because it's really hard without like turbo wailing to sort of rush to level everything and there's no rush really I just want to make a good video and I'm also obviously a Jan main so I'm trying to mmax him as best as I can and the next character I want to build actually outside of GN is calaro so if you guys want to see that let me know stay tuned for that thanks so much for watching I hope you enjoyed be sure to build your Havoc Rover if you're interested in them very strong character and as always I'll catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Zy0x
Views: 224,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wuthering waves, havoc rover, havoc mc, havoc, rover, mc, guide, build, wuthering waves havoc rover, zy0x, wuthering waves rover, wuthering waves mc, wuthering waves guide, havoc rover build, echoes, weapons, havoc rover guide, showcase, dreamless, zyox, wuthering waves dps, wuthering waves broken, character, top tier, dps, new, wuthering waves 1.0
Id: dR0drsHqBmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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