Morrowind's BEST (and Most Mysterious) Boots - Morrowind Artifact Guide

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these are the best heavy armor boots in all of marwin and today I'll be showing you exactly how to get them let's get into it ladies and gentlemen our journey today begins in the wonderful city of Vic city of Lost Children city of lost souls city of lost me for years coming here but don't worry you won't get lost today because we are starting in the foreign quarter and making our way over to the tel vanani Canton in order to find our incredibly awesome amazing 10pce boots which without a doubt are the best heavy armor boots that you can find in marwin as you will shortly learn their stats are insane the location is incredibly easy to get to and it's more than doable on a level one character so if you have a heavy armored Berserker in your future or a warrior already within your ranks well I think you know what you need to do the next time you load up this game but back to the topic at hand you can see there is the four and quarter we went across that little Bridge hung a left at House Raider and we are currently in the VC Arena Canton and directly in front of us is the talani Canton with a wonderfully uh placed Bridge right there on the other side to allow us onto the mainland now as we're making our way over there as is tradition in these videos well we've got to talk a little bit about the item itself and well the first thing you should know about the tin paste boots is that that well we really don't know anything about the 10pce boots this is a lore rabbit hole that I tried to go down I searched and scoured the internet I'm talking the forums the Imperial archives every Wiki I could get my hand on and the tin past boots no one knows where they came from why they're here or or what their purpose is so ladies and gentlemen I would love to give you some lore here as we make our way up the coast towards Omani Manor but there is really very little I can say besides we find them at the depths of a dri Shrine named ballell which translates in our beautiful common tongue to City of stone what does that have to do with the tin paste boots again I have no idea the things as you'll see are freaking made out of leather they're as strong as dri boots if not stronger and well that's that's all we have to go on so in a rare occurrence well a good old coffee is stumped here so ladies gentlemen if if anyone watching this please I I don't care if you're a a freaking bull NCH if you have the lore on the 10 paast boots well then I would I'll I'll pay you a freaking Omani Manor here uh if you could let us know down in the comments where these things come from cuz like I said I'm stumped and you know that doesn't usually happen with marind however now that we've reached the coastline I will quit having an existential crisis about something in this game that I don't know you know leave it to freaking Elder Scrolls Lord to do that to you right long time time fans out there are like it's not the first time cuffy sure as hell won't be the last have you tried playing Daggerfall you know you think you think marwin you think marwin is confusing this little maneuver is going to cost us 51 years but anyways here we are we are right behind Omani Manor and I'll give you a look here at the map so you can see exactly where we're positioned we just need to make our way over to this little side Island there and you can see where we started over there at the telani Canton in um so I'm just going to make my way across these little Hopper Islands here and then once we've done that well we need to start worrying about this dri Shrine in front of us and well again I got to tell you this is another confusing thing about the tin paste boots cuz this is one of the few dri shines where well all the killing has already been done for us as you'll see ball fell has actually already been cleared out by members of house telani and the Mages Guild so not only do you not have to worry about going incredibly far out into the wastes and order to get these boots well there's not even a dra here to hunt you as you can see aard the wild is not actually so wild he doesn't really live up to his name right in front of him he says he's a Berserker let's talk to this guy you know I'm a I'm a barbarian and hireling of great heal Tani well does doesn't even care so again this all just plays into the fact that these are the freaking best heavy armor boots in the game they're incredibly easy to get their stats are ridiculous and we'll show you here soon and ladies and gentlemen not only is the trk to get there super easy well you won't even face any resistance on the way it is a little easy to get lost here in ball fell so as you can see I walked past the wild one over here uh there's going to be this fireplace here on my left and then I'm going to sneak between this wall go past this cover of mushrooms and uh cres weed there and then we come to the door here and well our our Quest is already almost over so let's take a step inside and like I mentioned the the adventuring has already been done for you and in fact there are the folks responsible um but again for some weird reason there's another mystery here because there's all these people here house telani the Mages Guild they love powerful artifacts I mean you know how Wizards are they just gather their freaking filteries and turn into liches and do all this crazy stuff in every fantasy Universe I've ever seen except for an ball fell because there there has to be an underlying story here because right through this door let's take a look ball fell inner Shrine click it open there's no one there's no one here not a freaking soul and ladies and gentlemen there's only one level dra enemy okay we have a wing Twilight we are a pretty highle character uh but if you're if you're doing this at level one this is going to to be a Scamp some similarly leveled easy dra and there we go that's that's it how freaking awesome is that but then again why didn't the Mages come in here why didn't the Mages get the strongest boots in the game and why is there a shagor at statue here I I mean there's so many Mysteries I just can't I I'm going to lose sleep tonight okay thinking about this cuz this kept me up all day already actually you know maybe that was the maybe that was the four cups of coffee but but you know that's that's a story for another day let's get the 10 paste boots here we go we have 100 gold and a grand suum and I know what you're thinking coffee this is a dri schwine and marwin this has to be trapped ladies and gentlemen it's not you can take all this gold take the grand soul gy you're not getting sniped by anybody this is about as easy as it gets now the hardest thing that you will encounter on your way to get the 10pce boots is this right here a lock level of 70 freaking five so you got to have a little a little bit of alteration under your belt but once you do well let's let's see what happens here boom lock has been taken off with a open 75 Point spell and a little fun fact in case you haven't seen my how to Thief video it doesn't really matter if you're doing this at level one you see this trap here it's pretty strong trap could knock you off your feet well every trap in Marland has the same difficulty rating to pick it so even though our character here has the incredibly low security rating of eight let's put on this apprentices probe and I we'll have this open in no time just just watch this first try you can't you can't script these things how about that okay that's awesome if that doesn't prove you know you should never be worried about traps just keep a couple probes on you no matter what your security rating is you're going to knock through any of them but let's put this away open up our chest here and ladies and gentlemen the best heavy armor boots in the game the tin Pace boots you see they have an armor r rating of 200 that is because our heavy armor skill is very high on our current character their base level is 80 which actually puts them right in line with dric boots so again if you're talking heavy armor it does not get better than this especially when you take into consideration they have a condition of 800 a weight of 60 H pretty heavy but again exactly the same as dric boots and a value of 140,000 and a cast when used effect fortify attribute speed 20 points fortify Athletics 20 points drain fatigue 5 Points and a slow fall of 1 Point all for 120 seconds so what is activating this going to do for us well it's going to make us faster which is great if we are a heavy armor character and then of course if we have a slow fall of one point active well that's all you need in order to protect your character from any amount of fall damage so you can take your Scroll of auran flight up to the thousandth floor you know just pop this thing right before you hit the ground and ladies and gentlemen you will be a okay so now that we got him on let's take a quick look here and as you can see the mystery freaking continues because not only are these boots made out of what appears to be leather that is somehow competing against dri literal armor like dri metal you know what what kind of leathers used on that this isn't a GU you know this is what is Shag gorat's skin is that why it's under the statue I don't know but not only are they met out of leather they're like cobbled together in some strange way so there's clearly some Hidden Lore that we just don't understand behind the 10pce boots and well in a way I think that makes them even cooler I do kind of like it when games leave these little tidbits for us to find and don't necessarily explain themselves so I guess although it's going to keep me up tonight good good on you Maro and devs for you keeping the mystery alive but on top of that another fun little fact especially if you're playing on a version of marind that does not have the marind unofficial code patch installed or you're not using a texture replacer for armor well then there is a bug that is in every base version of this game Game of the Year Edition latest patch oldest patch it doesn't matter where when you put on the 10pce boots despite their incredible stats well they make your feet disappear just like the story behind them and you'll be walking on freaking clouds as soon as these guys get on your feet which is a little ironic seeing as they're some of the heaviest boots in the game now before we close out the video let's see if we can tell any difference because you know 20 speed 20 Athletics not the biggest change in the world but when you're wearing heavy armor every little bit counts so here is our base walk speed you know just moving across here nothing crazy having a good day good day well now let's pop our 10pce boots and there you go a a pretty visible difference and change I might say with of course that wonderful slow fall effect on it just remember that if you're going to pop these during the heat of combat to take some fatigue potions because this is going to be draining your fatigue as well when you use it but there you go ladies and gentlemen another little marind artifact for you to go find some fun facts and one of the most confusing dric shrines in the entire game I still can't believe that these dungeon delvers these adventurers well they stopped one room short imagine that if that isn't a freaking metaphor for life I don't know what is so whatever you're trying for you know don't stop now because the 10pce boots could be right around the next corner thank you so much for watching if you liked what you shall be sure to check out the second Channel where I have re-aired the coffee talk series I'm going to be sharing a million thoughts about Starfield over there prior to you know releasing some of my thoughts here on this channel as well so if you're interested in that kind of indepth pray lude video be sure to subscribe over there and as always I will catch you on the next one
Channel: CoffeeNutGaming
Views: 13,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ten pace boots, morrowind, how to find ten pace boots, morrowind artifact guide, coffeenutgaming, morrowind showcase, morrowind 2023
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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