How to Archer - Build and Start Guide for Morrowind

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if you're the type of player that prefers rooftops to roads or bows to blades well then you're in luck because in today's video i'll be breaking down my recommendations for your next archer or marksman build walking you through character creation and of course showing you how to get some in-game loot before kai's kosaids even knows your name if that sounds like a good time to you then sit back relax and as always thank you so much for watching let's get into it all right of course always got to pick an incredible name to start so we are going to channel our inner robin hood we've already done robin on this channel uh so i can't i can't cop out that easily go check out the oblivion play through if you want to uh instead we're gonna bring in a bit of um my own youth and some of the the lore surrounded that and go with little john that's right robin's faithful sidekick and the early 2000s club banger that we all know and love maybe not all he owes a little bit maybe a little bit of destruction all right so to start here with our race selection when you're doing a marksman or archer style build there's really two main ways that you can take it one is going to be the tried and true kind of more stealth focused sneaky archer you know night lady kind of skulking in the darkness and robbing everybody and killing them from afar character type and then on the other side we have our more hybrid warrior archer like mongol warrior or like an arcane archer or something so there's two separate main paths that i'm going to talk through and of course you'd want to select a different race depending on which one you go for now if you're going for our more traditional style archer you know doesn't want to get involved in combat wants to stay away and just snipe people uh from the shadows or from afar there is one class that stands head and shoulders above the rest and that is going to be our wood elf to start explaining why let's take a look at our skill bonuses off the bat we have a plus five in acrobatics plus five to alchemy plus ten to light armor plus 15 to marksman again 15 is the highest skill bonus that we can get during our race selection in morrowind so you always want to see that when you're gearing up for a certain style of build and then we also have a plus 10 to sneak so straight off the bat from our skills here you can see immediately this has everything we need in order to be a sneaky archer we have plus 15 to marksman so we're going to have a really easy time landing all our hits plus 10 to sneak to help us stay in the shadows of course when we're being an archer or a marksman-style character we're going to be very light on our feet so that we can disengage from combat and stay out of the range of people who are trying to to rush us like like an orc with their with their berserk on or some steam centurion or something that needs to be right up in our face to attack us keeping our weight low with the light armor going to be very helpful and then again plus five to acrobatics is great because this will allow us to jump up onto higher obstacles and then shoot down on people it's super easy when you're a marksman just to hop up on a really tall rock and then just pepper whatever creatures on the ground if they don't have any way to deal with you they don't have any ranged options you just kind of immediately win the fight by default yes now coming down to their specials it's a it's a little interesting here we have our kind of boring run-of-the-mill 75 percent resistance to disease as i've said in all my other videos this isn't very exciting additionally we have beast tongue and beast tongue is command creature five levels for 60 seconds on target this is okay it doesn't really have any great practical uses of course you can charm a creature that's attacking you and to stop attacking you but but again this is creatures this is like your knicks hounds and your rats and this isn't really going to be a massive boost as all the real challenges in the game are of course from other characters not necessarily creatures however one fun thing that you can do with this is you can actually charm the creeper using beast's tongue and have the creeper follow you around so if you want to have a nice little mobile gold shop or move the creeper to another town for whatever reason you can charm them with beast tongue and take them along with you another thing that makes what elf incredible is archers that you can't see here is that on their attribute bonuses they start with a 50 in both agility and speed which back end many of the skills that we want to use when playing this style of character so that gets our sneaky more traditional archer out of the way if you want to stay in the shadows be light on your feet take advantage of that plus 15 to marksman that you get what else is the way to go now if you want to go more into the hybrid style archer or marksman kind of like a mongol warrior like i said earlier you're going to want to look into the dark elf and the argonian and we'll start with the argonian so if we look at our skill bonuses here the first thing you're going to notice about the overcoating is they don't actually get a buff to marksman so why are you recommending them as a good class for a marksman well it's because they get a buff to pretty much everything else that a marksman wants we has plus five to alchemy plus 15 to athletics again getting that maximum bonus that we can when selecting our race and athletics is going to be great when using a marksman because we want to be fast on our feet and be able to run away from people that again get up close to us we get plus five to illusion and illusion magic pairs great with this play style as you'll be able to cast things like you know invisibility and sanctuary make yourself harder to hit easier to uh to disengage additionally we have plus five to medium armor mysticism spear and unarmored and then spear in my opinion is the best weapon to pair with a marksman-style character the spear has the longest reach of any weapon in the game so if you do run out of arrows you can still kind of backpedal and keep an enemy at arm's reach to where they can't attack you back if you have a spear and you're handling your movement correctly additionally we have our resist disease here kind of standard on a lot of these races uh we have a 100 resistance to poison which a lot of traps in the game are poisoned so if you like to chance it and roll the dice on those traps this is going to be uh very helpful and then we have a fun little add-on of water breathing here and then again like the what else the attributes that you don't see listed on this page are that the male argonians start with again a 50 to agility and a 50 to speed the highest that we can get when selecting our races initially and the same as the wood elf so this sets them up to be incredibly effective archers and i do say the male argonia in particular because the female argonian actually is more geared towards spell casting uh getting their boosts to intelligence and willpower instead now the one drawback to this race and why you might want to consider the dark elf is if enchanting is important to you as beast races can't wear boots so you lose a potential enchantment slot and a piece of of your overall armor rating that will be missing if that sounds like something that is a deal breaker for you or a hindrance to you then let's move on and look at the dark elf which would be my other recommendation for our more warrior style archer so let's start as always with the skills here we have plus five to athletics great for being an archer plus tend to destruction awesome if you want to be a more like arcane archer style or a spell bow plus five to light armor of course my most recommended armor type for this style of play plus five to long blade if you don't want to use a spear which is awesome plus five to marksman plus five domesticism and then plus ten two short blade so as you can see they're more set up to be that offensive style hybrid archer then when i attack from afar and then get up close with the long blade or or destruction spell and take the fight to the enemy themselves additionally down here in specials we have a racial ability called ancestor guardian that pairs incredibly well with being an archer and this is sanctuary 50 points for 60 seconds on self every day now the way sanctuary works for those of you who may not know is by actually adding a modifier to your chance to dodge so the higher you cast your sanctuary the greater your chance to dodge an actual incoming attack is so this is very helpful when you're a marksman and something that you definitely want to have at your disposal for when someone does get up in your face because being an archer you're of course going to have very low armor rating and typically the classes that pair well with a high agility and high speed also come with a low endurance so you're going to have a lower health pool probably just around 30 points or so when you start also down here we just have something that's nice to throw on top a resist fire of 75 make yourself a little more tanky and fire spells are very common in the game so always good to have now for the sake of this video and for just myself personally i typically play the more traditional style archers instead of the hybrid warrior kind of specs so i'm actually going to take a wood elf and then let's see if we can't get a good fade that's already done all right yeah that's the face that's the one can we get to i mean that's obviously what we have to do here all right little john the fargoth clone what elf hey sometimes sometimes serendipity just hits oh one thing that is kind of hysterical about being a wood elf is you're freaking tiny look at this look how tall this guy he towers over me i'm used to playing like nords and orcs these incredibly tall athletic characters and i'm this sprightly little forest creature oh yes now as always with our race selection out of the way we want to come in and make our custom class and as everything in morrowind ninety percent of the power is derived from the name so you have to pick something that's totally witty and and not dumb at all that you'll regret in a couple months when you watch this video back again now to start here with our specialization we want to pick stealth and this is whether you're going hybrid or not honestly because stealth is going to give us a boost to everything that a marksman style character wants now for favorite attributes there are actually a couple different opinions and and certainly viable builds out there number one of course you always want to have as agility agility is going to affect your chance to hit your target mainly so you want to have the highest agility that you possibly can when you're a marksman-style character so that you can pepper down your enemy before they ever reach you you don't want to risk missing them and having them get up in your face when you only have 30 or so health points to start so agility kind of a non-negotiable for a marksman style character is of course going to be pick number one now pick number two is a a little more open it depends on what you kind of prioritize personally and i'll kind of break down the debate here for you and the three real options are are strength endurance and speed so to start with strength strength is actually going to scale your damage and yes even when using a ranged weapon strength does increase the damage that you do i mean i guess drawing a bow takes a lot of effort so the farther you can draw it the more damage you do as i guess the the logic that bethesda had there so if you want a nice early boost to your damage and want to make sure that your damage scales effectively you want to continue to level up your strength attribute as you play your marksman style character so if you worry about your damage output this is a the best option when starting your class now moving on to speed the kind of argument here is that this is what backends all of your more movement-based and stealth-based skills so our sneak our athletics general movement speed and again if if you prioritize that aspect of your playing versus just raw damage output you know you may want to consider speed as your second attribute and then the case for endurance is honestly the same case that it has in every single build you're you're going to be a marksman so you're going to be very squishy so if you want to have a higher health pool when you start getting a nice little boost here of 10 points to your endurance is going to help you with your survivability i personally would not go this route although i've seen lots of people recommend it because the whole point of being a marksman or being an archer unless you're going for that hybrid warrior style build is to stay away from people your health pool should be your least of your concerns you should be more focused on evading positioning killing an opponent before they ever reach you because i mean that's that's what being an archer is man come on if you want to be a warrior go go play a warrior i personally 7 out of 10 times would go with strength just because having a high damage output in marlin is is so important if you hit but every time you're you know just kind of chipping away at people you're going to end up using a lot more arrows or bolts just going to take a little bit more time to you know mow through some of those enemies for lack of a better term but if you're really gung-ho on going that stealth route speed also a great option that was that was a mouthful so now with our attributes out of the way let's move on to our major skills here and without much saying it goes that marksman has to be number one now next i would recommend you take whatever style of armor you want to use whether that be light or medium armor again i'd personally recommend light armor after that i would recommend sneak and i think this is even worth considering even if you're going the more warrior style as as starting any kind of combat with with a big critical hit or being able to uh sneak around enemies that you're not particularly geared for when you are a marksman character it's just going to save you a lot of hassle so i'd take sneak an alternate here if you're going the more warrior side would be a maybe an additional weapon skill or or whatever type of magic you're interested in using mainly next i personally would take acrobatics so that you can jump and reposition during a fight again the fight is pretty much over if you have the high ground in morrowind if you can hop up on a rock and the enemy just can't attack you you i mean you've already won and then in fifth year i would take a backup weapon skill so that when you do have the inevitable situation of not being able to get that range kill you do have a fallback plan so here i again would personally take either spear or long blade if you're doing it for flavor reasons and you're doing that in a kind of night blade route short blade is of course incredibly viable thanks to the blades so they're paralysis but again i'd personally go with a spear so i'm going to take spear here so there we have our major skills in place let's now move on to the minor and with many builds tomorrow and this is kind of where the real flexibility and and diversity is able to come into play this is where you should really make the character your own i'll give you my recommendations here but tailor this uh to be the kind of character that you want to play whenever you're building in morrowind think what does this skill do for me and how does that affect my play style you know you want to be a potion maker where regardless of what i put here in minor skills be sure to always take alchemy if you know that you're going to want to use lots of levitation spells regardless of what i put here remember let's let's take alteration raising minor skills still assists you with leveling up in morrowind so whatever play style you're going to do whichever skills you're actually going to use when you're playing are what you really want to take here that being said if you're going the traditional archer route like i have kind of talked through so far let's go ahead and take athletics as number one next let's take alchemy i think this is just good on any character being able to to create potions when you're especially in the late game is going to give you a big leg up and save you a lot of gold next i would personally probably take security again i'm kind of building towards that more traditional sneaky archer route and then in a similar vein there i'll take illusion again mentioning things like sanctuary invisibility chameleon calm things like this that are going to help us with our skulking or disengaging from fights then here in this last spot i'll personally take restoration but again make this build your own another thing you could put here is conjuration uh the conjured bows and armors and weapons in morrowind are incredibly viable especially in the early game so there you have it archer definitely not the same as the spy specialization stealth favorite attributes of agility and strength and then our major and minor skills here i think we're looking good i think we think we nailed it on that one and what now moving on to the birth sign with our custom class out of the way there's really only one standout kind of way above head and shoulders above the rest uh option here for a marksman archer style character and that is going to be the lover and now let's take a deeper look as you can see first we have abilities of moon calf this is going to fortify our agility by an additional 25 points so if we take this and we have started as a what else we get that 50 agility off the bat we take agility as a favorite skill and we take the lover ants our birth sign will actually start with 85 agility off the bat so we're pretty much going to be missing none of our shots if we have our fatigue high we'll also be starting with a marksman around 60 something i believe we'll take a peek here on character creation in a second but this is going to make it super easy to hit enemies in the early game which is just a fantastic way to start additionally in the powers here we have the lovers kiss and this is going to be an excellent tool to disengage from combat when you find yourself in way over your head as you can see we have paralyzed 60 seconds on target we do have damage fatigue 200 points for one second but again let's let's not think about using this in the heat of combat think of this as a disengage tool or as a way to get that final kind of blow on an enemy that you needed maybe you need an opening to open up your inventory get yourself sorted chug a few fatigue potions and then land just one or two more hits before you get blown out this is going to be your ace in the hole paralyzed just hope that the person doesn't have reflex and there you go let's take a peep at the stats we have little john the wood elf archer not the spy under the sign of the lover we have a starting health of 35 and then let me direct your eyes right down here to our agility of 85 that's just massive i mean that that is the highest starting attribute that you can get based on your selections through character creation uh in the game so having 85 is pretty awesome that means you built this character exactly for what it needed to be the wood elf born on the side of the lover with an agility as a specialization was meant to be an archer so let's click okay and then get into the fun part of these videos which of course are going to be finding some overpowered items really early but that being said let's go ahead and get underway and we are going to start of course by selling our limewear platter to old ariel oh hold on hold on i always forget to do this i'm not going to forget this time mr fargoth here's a ring handing in the ring to fargoth uh actually will raise the disposition of arielle over here at the trade house so you're going to get better prices when you're selling your initial limewear platter and we'll see that now we have an 85 disposition with harley so that was actually great that i forgot to do it as now you can see the difference here but let's go ahead and barter sell our limewear and boom we get like an extra 160 gold just for waiting and giving the ring to fargo all right now moving on to our first item of course gotta find something pretty incredible to start off here we are going to head oh god it started raining you uh we've got to head to balmora and then from balmar i'm actually going to head to the mages guild and we are going to take the mages guild guide over to aldrune now once we're in aldrune we're actually going to need a couple of rising force potions for this first item here so let's go down here talk to our man i still can't get over how short we are look at that this guy towers above us it's ridiculous look he's looking down at us like like a scorned parent like come on all right let's just grab our rising force potion and then let's head on our way out to a silt strider the one silt strider i don't know why i said a it's not like there's many choices right okay let's go to the siltstrider in aldrune and then we're going to navigate over to margon and you can see it here and then once we're in margon we're going to head west and we are going to be looking for mile kishishi i believe that's how you say the name and there we will find probably the best bow in the game i don't know why i said probably it's just it's just gonna be the best well in the game i guess you gotta argue that some of the pre-enchanted ones are are as well but okay it'll have the highest base damage in the game how about that go away ah no oh i forgot to get a weapon i forgot to get away all right evasive maneuvers evasive maneuvers i bought a potion and then didn't get a weapon we'll kill him on the way out we'll come on the way out okay well what we want to do is stay up here um on the mountain oh god pop the potion let's just go ahead and pop the push i was about to eat it down that mountain but what we want to do uh if this cliff razor would shut up is get up here to what's called the forgotten galleries of mile kishishi head inside and then head up to this upper area and then boom sure enough daedric longbow if i can grab it we also got some rising force potions to get us down and then a scroll of the gambler's prayer i don't even know what this is attribute luck oh yeah that's pretty cool now the good news is as you saw us pick up we did actually grab two exclusive rising force potions uh from up here so if your rising force wears off and you kind of get stranded up here at least you can make it down but that's not what we're interested what we're interested in is the daedric longbow which has attack 2 to 50 weight 24 and a value of 50 000 gold to start off so let's go ahead and equip this and then uh i'm not gonna equip the arrows i actually don't want to waste those look at look at these these are each 20 20 smackers of pop we'll actually buy some arrows uh once we're once we're back in town but a great way to immediately start your marksman build ooh now hold on hold on we do have a pretty good we do have a pretty good acrobatic skill i wonder if we can make it over hold on i think we can make it over here i bet we can jump and then bounce off that pillar and not die from the fall so hold on hold on this is what acrobatics is all about three two boom look at that and there it is folks don't even need to burn a potion perfect okay okay there we go it's this bow run got a little too exciting i didn't i didn't plan for it to be this interesting oh god okay well let's just head out of here let's head out of here no no no no oh we're getting mobbed we have eight arrows we were not prepared for this okay i think i lost him yeah i lost him on the geometry i'm a speedy little wood elf you can't keep up and ladies and gentlemen that's why we build the archer the way we do so when that happens you're out of there you're out of there scot-free baby i mean look how nimble and quick i am let me eat your organs that's canon by the way all right now that we've set up our longbow based archers and marksman let's go to the other side of the fence and worry about crossbows now for this we're going to go to first aldrun we're then going to go to balmora why walk when you can ride and then finally we're gonna go back to vivec now once we're in vivec we're gonna head on down to the boat over here and once we're at the boat we're going to travel to tel brenora now in telbranora there is a group of ruffians about the place and one of them just happens to be unfortunate enough to have a dwarven crossbow so we are going to of course murder and take it from him now this is pretty hard to pull off so just try and kill the one that you need to kill and then just come back and finish him off later so let's go ahead and see if we can't wait all right up on here pop a sneak get our eight arrows and then we're aiming for that little bit of guy right there let's see how this goes boom there we go one shot okay so he's dead i i said one shot it was really two shot but he's dead he's dead um now we just need to worry about not dying okay that didn't work hey but you get the idea all right so hold on hold on let's let's try this again try this again crouch pull we have the ability to one shot can we one shot oh we only pulled him and there we go ladies and gentlemen that's how it's done and there you have the best crossbow in the game dwarven crossbow attack 30 for 30. so you're getting 30 points no matter what which is actually kind of awesome you can potentially argue law of averages and whatnot it could be better than a dedrick longbow but i'm not gonna do the math on that somebody else should but let's take our arrows back loot this grab our bone mold boats another thing keep in mind playing an archer uh bolts arrows different darts throwing knives everything it's all separate ammo sources so if you are switching between the two you'll need to keep both on you let's see what else he has here oh he also has a silver spark axe that doesn't really help us um but he does have a full bone mold curious so if you're going the medium armor style of this build boom there you go this is two birds with one stone you get the best crossbow in the game and you also get a free set of bone mold armor so you know i hope you don't miss that guy just know it was for a good cause i'm gonna go and literally save the world so uh you know it was for a good cause i promise i promise all right so there we go we're up to a pretty dang good start we have the best bow in the game we have the best crossbow in the game we've only been playing for like 15 minutes let's go ahead and of course in all of my builds end with an incredible my constant effect and a little bonus for you here at the end so let's let's hang on here so first we are going to go back to vivec speak traveler speak traveler and then from vivec we are going to want to go to aldrune and then after al june we're going to want to go to cul and some of you may already know where we're heading once i said the word call because would you like to go let's be honest there's not a whole lot going on there all right and now that we are in cull we are actually going to head down to the boat over here and then we are going to make a nice little trip up to the wonderful wonderful land of soul stein now once we're at fort frost moth in soulstime we're going to try and make our way to thirsk and for this we're just going to head straight out of the fort down to the river and then once we hit the river we're going to follow it north until on the right we find the mead hall thirsk now if you've seen my killing vivec at level 1 speedrun or challenge run this probably looks a little familiar to you but if not then this is going to set you up with an incredible constant effect item and honestly the strongest arrows in the entire game i love how i was just sitting there talking and meanwhile we are getting uh just demolished hold on do a little beast tongue here and now he's happy now he's chill now we're cool oh sh get him fight fight get him never forget to use your abilities folks come on don't quit making those noise i feel bad about this no oh my oh okay the wrong wolf won that wasn't supposed to happen damn it i should have just ran away honestly i should have just ran away oh well okay let's try this again let's reload all right take two to the river to thirsk let's see if let's see if second time ain't the charm okay this is going well we've made it to the river we've made it to the river we've managed to avoid detection thus far i feel like i need the mission impossible music for this okay now that we've gone to this kind of bend in the river here you see that scouting party that means we need to move more right up into the uh up into the hinterlands over here now you see these big pillar of rocks uh up here on the mountainside that is the sign we're on the right track and they're right in the distance is thirsk all right now we've made it to thirsk i'll flash the map quickly just to show folks where we are but these items that i'm about to show you are easily the best items in the game for an archer and it'll be pretty self-explanatory why so let's head to the hollow tree stump open it up and then boom the ebony arrows of slaying damage health 5 000 points on target yes you read that right if this hits an enemy it will do 5 000 points of damage no matter what it just has to land that makes this the strongest weapon or ammo or whatever you want to call it in the entire game one shot of these can kill both vivec and almalexia and any other enemy that you could point it at so use these sparingly as there's only five but there's just nothing more overpowered for an archer than these things this is the granddaddy of ace in the holes but in here the ebony arrows of slaying aren't all we also have two gloves one is deceit fortify sneak skill 20 points constant effect and treachery fortify security skill 20 points constant effect and you thought we were done we're still not done we're still done like that sounds good but what you know sneaking's pretty marksmanly security's pretty you know nightbladeish but but what does this have to do with being an archer and i will again direct you back to this inventory screen and it is the ring of the raven eye fortify skill marksman 20 points nige 20 points constant effect value 3 000. that is right so not only do we get the strongest arrows in the game that can literally point shoot kill anything in morrowind we also get a constant effect ring to buff marksman 20 points pretty pretty crazy and then you know just to top it all off there's also a chameleon 100 dagger in here called shadow sting just another cool 5 000 gold not too bad this hollow tree stump is easily one of the best loot spots in the entire game and it's crazy because it's just it's just right out here in the open if you can weave your way through all the enemies uh up the river here in soulstime you're just set up for the meanest archer build in the game it's crazy absolutely crazy so let's let's take a look here with the buffs on there we're now at 70 marksmen level 1 85 agility 50 speed and we have the best longbow and crossbows in the game at our disposal not too bad not too bad so as always thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this bill i will certainly be doing others if you have any ideas requests comments let me know down in the comments below i always love to see what the community has to say so thank you so much for watching i've been the kavanaugh you've been yourself and i will catch you on the next one
Channel: CoffeeNutGaming
Views: 55,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morrowind, morrowind builds, morrowind character creation, morrowind gameplay, morrowind tips, morrowind beginners guide, morrowind beginner tips, morrowind beginner build, morrowind 2021, elder scrolls morrowind, openmw, morrowind archer build, morrowind marksman build, morrowind bows, how to get daedric longbow, how to get dwarven longbow, ebony arrows of slaying
Id: SYVo77lkMro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 43sec (1903 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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