Harness the Elements and Max Your Damage - Morrowind Guide

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when to use each element or effect is one of the best lessons that you can learn in Morrowind so in today's video I'll be talking through what those four elements are how weaknesses and resistances play into Elemental damage and of course telling you the pros and cons of each damage type so without further Ado let's get into it so first off when I'm talking about Elemental damage and Morrowind I'm really only referring to four specific effects in the game and that's going to be fire damage Frost damage shock damage and poison yes marwin considers poison an element no I don't know why I don't remember that tribe of Benders in Avatar but I you know it's been some time since I've seen it so maybe that's an element now I don't know check the periodic table the science people probably know now why is it important to know that these effects are specifically Elemental damage and not considered normal magic of damage like most other spells in the game that's because resist Magicka the effect that we're also familiar with of having our spells cast and fail on an enemy does not apply to element mental damage in fact it only applies to the more general effects that we're used to such as burden absorb Health drain Health damage Health damage fatigue everything of that nature but fire Frost Shock poison are only affected by a resistance of that specific type so fire is not affected by resist Magicka it's only affected by fire resistance shock is not affected by resist Magicka it's only affected by a resistance to shock and how that plays into the damage that's done you can see in the formula here so resistance is important to keep in mind and something that you should certainly pay attention to when you're adventuring in Morrowind and we'll get more into how each element can be most effectively used here in just a little bit and in addition to the practical uses Elemental effects just look really cool I mean come on who can say no to that I can't I know I can't maybe I'm weak I don't know all jokes aside though having the right damage for the right situation and the right creature that you're trying to kill is going to be very important in Morrowind especially once you get on the higher difficulties and having a single spell resisted or reflected onto you could mean certain death yeah I've had to look at uasp once or twice when I'm playing the game maybe more than once or twice moving on from all my past mistakes let's talk about our first element for today's video and that's going to be fire ah yes classic fire the thing that's resisted by 75 of the inhabitants in Morrowind and by that I mean the dark elves they all have a 75 resistance to it and they're the most common humanoid on the entire Island so probably not the best for Overland fighting or trying to kill ordinators or guards you may want to save the fire keep that in your back pocket if the thing you're trying to kill walks around on two legs full color in the face because what fire is really used for is the exact opposite of that which is killing Undead in fact there is no Undead in the game that has any resistance to fire so if you're trying to burn down some bone Lords break up some bone Walkers fire damage is going to be your best friend so if you're the kind of Adventurer that loves to spend time in the ancestral tombs definitely keep fire on your person just don't use it against Dark Elves that's the main thing oh and chalk don't use it against shalk either totally mean to it don't know why this random beetle is completely resistant of fire it's just that kind of game but aside from shalk you actually don't have a lot of creatures in the game that are completely immune to Fire and not only do most creatures have no immunity or resistance to fire at all but fire also has one of the most efficient Magicka costs of the elements in the game so if you're trying to make a spell for cheap fire is going to be your best friend and I'm not done yet fire is pretty cool we're starting strong here with fire there's also something in Morrowind called spell travel speed so if you make a targeted spell a ranged fire spell it will travel at 1.25 times speed to hit the target So in theory using a fire spell should be easier to land because your target would have less time to move out of the way since it's traveling to them faster so fire unless you find dark elves or shalk or the other things that I said a tier now moving on from fire we're going to talk about its evil twin brother and that it's going to be frost which also shares one of the most efficient magic costs in the game fire and ice it's almost like they're a pair that doesn't go together but is commonly talked about together that was the commentary that was the commentary you came up with God I gotta start writing scripts but the official magical cost is kind of where the pros for frost end because if you have any intention to do the blood moon DLC you should know that all Nords in the game are completely immune to frost damage so that frostbite or massive Frost AOE spell that you have is just going to be completely resisted by them every single time and then additionally in Blood Moon most creatures also have a built-in resistance or immunity to frost which makes sense giving it's a frozen tundra with ice giants and wolves and all that good stuff so don't use Frost when you're in blood moon it's just not going to be very effective for like every other enemy you come across additionally pretty much all Undead also have a resistance to frost so if you're a fan of again going into ancestral tombs Frost is gonna pretty much do no damage because all are either complete immune to it like skeletons completely immune to it or mostly immune to it things like bone Walkers bone Lords sitting at a 75 resistance so just leave the frost at home and on top of that like fires the fastest traveling Elemental spell in the game Frost is going to be the slowest traveling Elemental spell in the game with a spell travel speed of 0.8 so it only travels at 80 percent the base speed a ranged spell would travel in Morrowind so Frost leave it to the Snowman probably not the element you want to take out on the road with you except for a couple Edge circumstances one of which is fighting flame astronauts or shalk but that's pretty much it now moving on from frost we're gonna have probably the best element in the game and that is going to be shock only about half Undead are resistant to shock and when we're talking about creatures only not humanoids in PCS Gods Etc there's actually only three in the entire game that have an immunity to shock which are going to be our hunger your storm astronaut and then the advanced steam Centurion that we come across in tribunal so unless you're trying to like shock the man with the Lamprey face or a guy who's literally made out of lightning or a machine yeah you're gonna be pretty much okay Landing shock it's going to be highly effective every time now the drawback to shock is that it is one of the most Mana inefficient of the elements being the third most expensive for spells crafted using this effect however it is not the most expensive that goes to poison which we'll talk about in just a second but honestly I have nothing bad to really say about shock you can't go wrong if you can afford the big Mana cost that does come with creating a spell with this type of damage although fire is still better for Undead I just do just want to say that Undead equal fire everything else shock them you'll be okay and now moving on to everybody's favorite poison ah yes we know it well from the traps and the mini save games that have been destroyed because of it God I hate poison although it's fun to use on other people just to get back at Morrowind give it a couple swings back across the cheek you know what I'm saying old boy old lad but poison is going to be one of the least effective from a damaged perspective pretty much all Undead in the game minus a few Undead that are just placed in certain unique locations are all completely immune to it additionally argonians are also completely immune to it and red guards are 75 percent resistant to it and on top of that poison is the least Mana efficient for spell making element in the game it's even more expensive than shock Frost and fire so it just doesn't have a ton going for it except for the cool little green Cloud that just swirls around them very pleasantly that's still satisfying I mean how could it not be so poor poison if I had to choose it would probably be at the bottom of the barrel probably even worse than Frost because you have argonians red guards and all Undead that are immune to it so that's pretty big drawback although Frost and poison are they're pretty close to each other so with poison out of the way that wraps up the four elements I wanted to cover in today's video I hope you learned a couple situations where you should depend on one element over the other and it makes your next run through Morrowind a little bit less of a headache than it can be again like I mentioned especially at higher difficulties when things like this really do matter I'm serious it gets pretty brutal up there when you're just buffing flat base HP across NPCs it gets gets pretty tough but that being said thank you so much for watching if you have any additional questions comments things you want me to dive into for Morrowind or Oblivion as I'm gonna start working that in on the channel as well be sure to drop them down below and as always thank you for watching and I'll catch you on the next one [Music]
Channel: CoffeeNutGaming
Views: 13,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morrowind spells, morrowind guide, morrowind mage guide, morrowind spell guide, elemental damage, morrowind best spells, morrowind crazy spells, openmw, morrowind in 2022
Id: MQtHjtpBRJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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