Unleash Destruction with Morrowind's Daedric Crescent – How to Find it and Lore Explained

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okay back up back up back up he just can't hit us one paralysis and we're dead he resisted he didn't resist but he was staggered and three shot kill three shot kill this is ridiculous okay ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Bal Mora channel it's kind of like the Travel Channel but a lot more Ash uh pointy objects and death so pretty much all the amazing things about television rolled into one except it's well it's Morrowind so first we have an absolute Ripper of an artifact one of my own personal favorites uh just from sheer power and uniqueness and we'll be showing you how to get it and telling you a couple cool things along the way so let's first begin by heading into the balmora Guild of Mages and head downstairs to speak to Marine dream our good friend over here I hope I got your name right probably butchered it like I do every other name in this game but that's not important because we need to click spells and then we need to hover down to water walking because today our Quest takes us to the land of tell fear an island off the coast that has no way to get to it by fast travel so you are going to have to either levitate water walk or switch swim your way over there because actually doing it all natural without any alteration spells on you is going to be a little bit tedious when you think about all the slaughter fishes in Dro involved in that kind of Adventure but since we now have water walking well we can make it over there quite easily so let's head down to travel head over to sadrithe Mora which is going to be the closest that we can get with fast travel before heading to telfir and then once we are down here let's go ahead and make our way outside let's head all the way to the bottom of this staircase here and you'll see the wooden arch door to Wolverine Hall which puts us at this very convenient uh dock I mean I don't I don't really know what they're using this for but once we are down here let's go ahead turn to face this rock and then open our map because we actually want to head to this island here which will house tell fear again there's no good way to get there aside from water walking or levitating so this is the best that we can do so let's go ahead get our water walking on there we go and then now let's go ahead while we are in route to tell fear and let's let's share a little bit of lore about the Daedric Crescent as it does believe it or not have some interesting history behind it now first the Daedric Crescent first appears in the game battle spire and was used by the forces assaulting the battle Spire As Weapons despite this it never actually appears as a model in the game and instead only appears as a image on a loading screen main menu and UI so shout out to Bethesda just for calling back to a random weapon wasn't even in the game but they brought it back for Morrowind so that's pretty dang cool but that isn't the only interesting thing about the Daedric Crescent because after the battle at the Battle Spire when the Empire won the invasion they rounded up all the Daedric crescents that had been left behind mind when they slaughtered them in masses well they actually destroyed every Daedric Crescent that made it onto Tamriel or so they thought because one Daedra Crescent escaped and ladies and gentlemen I think you can guess where it ended up so here we are now at tell fear a nice red herring of a boat that doesn't actually fast travel you anywhere laughing at you as you just walked all the way from freaking sadreuth more that's a damn dirty tricks devious that boat's probably an illusion that battery only he has a henchman that just ferries him around and the guy's just invisible or something I don't know that sounds like something devious would do that the man is only slightly unhinged but now that we are at telfir let's go ahead head inside to the Onyx hall and then we just want to make our way upstairs to that man we mentioned before old devious fear and fear not pun intended if you do not have a levitation spell because if you walk into the room over here on our left you'll C2 standard Rising Force potions which are perfect because that is exactly the amount of times we will need to get up and down here so let's go ahead and pop a potion fly on up here and then once you're at the top level we will want to go to the room with Mr divyath himself and then there are a couple of ways you can actually get the Daedric Crescent now the first if you have a 100 Point open Spell on You well you can look at this chest right here the small ornate lock box and just pop the lock yourself and help yourself to the next item you will find but we're not gonna do that today today we're going to show the old-fashioned way because I looked around on YouTube and none of the videos actually showed how to get it normally so I I want to go ahead and fill that Gap so what we're going to do is look behind diviath and over here you will see divyatz 637th key let's go ahead and grab that and then we need to head back down into the core preserium because if you talk to devious and his fellow henchmen in here they will mention that they will allow you to plunder the dungeon should you prove yourself worthy enough to do so and the only thing that they ask is that you not harm any of the corporate's victims uh healers I I don't know really call them Monsters Just just don't hurt any of the Corpus creatures okay once you're in the Corpus cerium but as long as you do that well you are welcome to loot this place to your heart's content which we will do because each chest that we unlock starting with the 637th key is going to give us another key and another key and another key eventually leading us back up to that small ornate lock box so let's go ahead open the old gate here in the corpusarium and then we want to hang a left and oh here we go okay just remember we we cannot attack these people so you need an employee some Speed Run tactics boots of blinding speed some something to make you a little more evasive because if you attack any of these Corpus creatures at any point well then everybody and tell fear will aggro you and try to kill you and we want to avoid that because diviath is pretty strong but here we are our first chess the heavy Dwemer chest click it open and here we will find key six seven eight so let's add that one to the inventory and then let's head back over here avoiding Frankenstein okay so far so good I'll take it the good thing about all the Corpus creatures is that even though they're not technically zombies they're basically zombies in the sense that they move incredibly slow and are really really easy to get around I mean those things move slower than my geriatric Grandma I mean come on Grandma's running laps around the lame Corpus I guess that's why he's lame I mean just look at that that that's not first round draft pick okay but our second chest let's hop down here ornate Dormer chest again and inside well you will find these 738th key all right let's add that one back in now we want to head up avoiding the lamo Corpus over there not getting picked and pick up basketball let's open that gate we need to lead these guys out of our way okay it took a little damage there but we need to lead him into this room so that we can get into that room over there so I'll just lead him over to this skeleton well that guy he he must not have listened to the don't attack any of the Corpus people I bet tibia killed him and just threw his damn body down here that sounds like something devious would do but once we're in the room let's go ahead another chest boom 802nd Keys you can see we're moving up the rungs here all right we went from 600 to 800 and we will continue going oh God where'd that third guy come from okay come on come on in here I'm like the Pied Piper dude [Laughter] I don't know why that's where my mind went but you know he led things around rats zombies the same difference but once we've exited that room we need to go to where we originally were so here is that Central hallway that leads to the bowels of the Corpus area and we don't want to go there quite yet instead we want to make our way to the left path here again there's our friends down the hallway over there and as we continue down left there was that original chest that we opened we want to avoid it make our way around this lame Corpus here hop our way over to another heavy Dwemer chest pop it open and ladies and gentlemen 897th key okay we're almost to a thousand which is the number that we are shooting for so let's head back this way and we are almost done here don't worry there we go let's head back down this Hall I know we aggroed the whole freaking gang there they're probably waiting for us yep there they are uh okay uh hold on let me pump up the Jordans pump up the Jordans all right let's let's be evasive here Speed Run Speed Run days okay there we go thank God all right I used to speedrun back in the day uh not not really Morrowind that seriously but other games I have a little skills tucked back in there somewhere but now we're back in Onyx Hall here at the bottom let's hang a right and then boom here we have our next chest another ornate chest click it open and there we are 1008 key and now we are one away from the one that we actually need so let's throw in the thousandth I'm glad there's not a thousand chests I mean that would be a lot okay there's already enough thousand would be a little extra but totally in line with diviath uh but the a thousands key actually serves two purposes one is the next chest and the other is the golden door so bam pop that open and there you go you now have access to Delina mandus who is tied to a quest for House Raider and so good to know if you have any Warrior intentions about you but oh damn it the welcoming Party come on guys don't let me let me off easy guys come on Argonian help me I know you're their caretaker but play him a song or something make them make them relax okay okay run run run run run run run okay all right we're free vote like a butterfly sting like a bee call me Muhammad Ali that's the terrible rhyme but here we are corpusarium battles for the final chest let's hop in and luckily it is not far from the open so let's again avoid our lame Corpus ogre demon Zombie thing that makes my grandma look like a D1 athlete and here we are heavy Dwemer chest pop it open and you'll find devious 1092nd key which is the final key we need to get us the item that we have been searching for the mighty Daedric Crescent so let's head back up to divyath and get prepared for the fight of Our Lives you'll find out why in just a second but pop back to the corpusarium Juke Juke Juke Jive come on Duke oh look at that I am XFL ready AFL XFL there's too many damn xfls I wouldn't give myself an NFL my character has like a speed of 50 so hey but the XFL I heard the bars pretty low maybe I can maybe we could pull that one off I'm pretty tight with Mr Mr Dwayne Johnson I'll I'll do his Morrowind build or something if he uh as long as he lets me on one of his teams but here we go the Hall of fear once again and let's pop that potion fly on up to devious where are you devious my darling that was a little weird I don't think he would appreciate that he'd probably just kill me all right but here we are devious I've plundered your dungeons now I'm here for your small or an eight lock box using your thousand and 90 second key open that up and inside you will see the Daedric Sanctuary amulets as well as a 1155th key which actually leads to a another artifact I'll probably make a video on in the future spoiler alert but you may just want to take that too but let's take the amulet because that's what we're actually here for and then now we need to prepare for the fight of our life now remember how I said that the Daedric Crescent was linked to the forces that fought at the Battle Spire Fort mayroon's Dagon well there was a certain General that was uh part of those battles actually serving malag ball not sure how mayroons and malag crossed forces there but hey I didn't write the lore well that General was known as drag ass Velar and you actually defeat him in ESO while he's defending some of the dark anchors and he also then goes and loses the battle of the battle Spar so not a great General but he has locked himself away in a special Daedric tomb slightly beyond the Realms of existence known as magas Villar you can only get there via teleporting with this amulet which sure sounds like a prison to me but there's no actual lore to back that up but to me the guy's exiled and we're about to go make his day a whole lot worse so open your inventory grab the Daedric Sanctuary amulet and let's go make this guy again regret ever existing so I'm gonna pop the amulet on you will then see would you like to travel to Magus Villar and before you hit yes just know like I said this guy is incredibly strong mainly because of the Daedric crescent's ability to paralyze so if you're a high level character probably shouldn't have too much of a problem as long as you have some resist magic but if you're a low-level character you're going to want to do what I'm going to do here and that is exploit sujama because there's not really another great way to get around this guy unless you have like the astronaut sign and can just avoid those paralysis instead you just want to kill him as absolutely quick as possible because he will annihilate you otherwise now with that in mind let's go ahead click travel and here we are now I'm going to first put on my ancestor Guardian I do not want to get hit as a single hit from the Crescent is essentially sudden death because of the paralysis then I'm going to come grab 30 tsujama and if you've never used sujama exploit before which I actually have not ever shown on my channel it essentially boosts your strength into the stratosphere while ruining your intelligence but who needs to be intelligent when you can just two shot and one shot everything that's what I say so let's grab our sword and then hope this goes well we just need to get lucky and essentially hit him one or two times before he hits us with the Crescent okay back up back up back up he just can't hit us one paralysis and we're dead come on boom okay there we go thank you you have defeated the Lord dragas Velar the Daedric amulet that brought you to this place disappears from your inventory but is replaced by velar's own weapon you now wield the Crescent blade and there we go ladies and gentlemen we are now the proud owners of the Daedric Crescent which is amazing because this weapon is absolutely broken like you will see right now let's hover over here and we will see the Daedric Crescent a two-handed Long Blade that has chopped 15 to 40 slash 20 to 50 thrusts 5-15 with a value of 180 000 gold and cast win strikes disintegrate armor 5 to 30 points for one second on touch and the absolutely broken paralyzed for 10 seconds on touch I cannot stress to you how insane this item is with that paralyzed as long as you are not fighting an enemy then has resistance or absorb Magicka like this is an absolute Game Changer you immediately win every single one-on-one because you just stun lock them you have to land one hit every 10 seconds pretty much any build can do that but let's pop it on here give it a look and I guess it looks kind of long blady you know when you when you back up I don't know what else it would be it's certainly not a spear but Crescent Claymore not exactly the same thing in my head but fair enough now like I've mentioned since the beginning here this weapon is absolutely broken and to make that point very clear let's hop over to the vivec arena and give you a little showcase on what this thing can do ladies and gentlemen here we have shuring hard hard Grand Master of the Fighters Guild versus one random level four player who just happened to have a lot of tsujama and stole a datric artifact who will win well I know where my money's at so let's get after it here soon let's see what you can do one shot paralyzed I think you know how this is gonna go boom yep yeah okay yep there okay there you go ladies and gentlemen this thing's ridiculous if you're fighting anyone one-on-one it's it's already over Shoring is a level 23 Guild Master of the Fighters Guild but you know showing didn't have any fancy armor let's try something a little bit more difficult how about that now Shoring went down pretty easily but now let's try someone else known for their Warrior prowess the arch master of House Raider and bulvin Venom Boven let's see what you got not a lot apparently and ladies and gentlemen this is how every one-on-one fight goes with the Daedric Crescent it is absolutely insane this is the archmaster of House Raider and all right this guy even has the ability to resist some magic and here he goes oh doesn't even it gets two shots in and well yeah the rest is history this thing is insane okay this thing's insane and he has a nice Daedric die Katana let's take that I mean not that we're going to use it now that we have the Crescent but still a badass weapon all right so we did the Fighters Guild we did house raid around but those are just normal boring sword and board Warriors okay what about the Mages and that's why I figured we'd invite old tribonius Artorias out here just to see you know of this Daedric Crescent thing really is as powerful as we all think it is so tribonius hope you got that will in place cause uh well based on the other evidence you're probably gonna need it three two one he resisted he didn't resist but he was staggered and three shot kill three shot kill okay jeez I mean there you go that's all the evidence you need three shot kill we have a strength of 57. this is ridiculous okay ladies and gentlemen I think that's about all you need to see go get the Daedric Crescent it is absolutely insane and take down every one-to-one fight that you pretty much will have to worry about at least in the base game of marwin that's gonna do it for me here thank you so much for watching be sure to stop by my twitch Channel and my second channel here on YouTube and as always I will catch you on the next one
Channel: CoffeeNutGaming
Views: 13,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daedric crescent, morrowind, how to find the daedric crescent, morrowind best weapons, morrowind daedric weapons, daedric crescent lore, morrowind lore, coffeenutgaming
Id: y-sVzBLDOhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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