Conquering Peryite's Daedric Quest for Spell Breaker - Oblivion's Mightiest Shield

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Oblivion is well known for having totally broken spell and damage Flex systems and in today's video we'll be conquering one of the game's lesser known Daedric quests to find an item that will help set you up for life without spells enemy ones that is ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the wonderful world of Oblivion where today we will be undertaking one of the many Daedric quests that this game is largely known for in fact in my opinion it has some of the best Stage requests available in the series and some of the best items to boot so while people love to meme on many things about Oblivion I don't think that the Daedric quests are typically one of them however one thing that we can meme on is the city of Brazil what a wretched and horrible place for anyone to subject themselves to however we will be starting our search for the Shrine of the Daedric prince we aren't after today now where will we be going from Brazil because the the first thing you want to do in Brazil is leave Breville I don't think I've ever heard of any Elder Scrolls fan who's incredibly excited you know to spend their playthrough session in Brazil so what we're going to do is head right over here to the lake beside it ignore the door out here that leads us to the Realms of Shia goreth and what we're going to want to do is swim across the nibbon bay up the silverfish River into this little elbow I don't know if the rivers have arms I don't know what else to call it a crook the crook of the river a turn what is that but we're gonna head to this elbow of the river right about here and there we will find the shrine of a Daedric prince that's about as notable as Brazil and that would be the Daedric prince of periite so as we swim across the nibben bay here taking in the beautiful tamrielic landscapes well let's talk a little bit about perryite because period is an intriguing figure that is not really talked about in a lot of the Elder Scrolls lore because well he's largely considered the weakest of the Daedric princes and well anybody who goes by the name of Taskmaster is either an ex-lover that you don't want to contact you or the boss that you hate and certainly don't want at any of your happy hours so for starters periyite is typically seen as a green dragon kind of a mock to akatosh who has also seen as a dragon although a much more imposing a powerful one unlike our lord of pestilence here and perryite is called the Taskmaster because it is widely known among the Daedric princes that perryite's job is to keep all of the underlings of Oblivion in order in the lower Plains in fact he rules over a place called the pits and if you've heard anything called the pits well it's probably talking about New Jersey or somewhere that you really don't want to go which well could be one of the same depending on your your watch time of Jersey Shore yeah the pits take for that what you will another fun fact is that the pits uh that we will actually see during this Quest once we get to perryite Shrine just up the river here another fun fact about it is that the pits has actually only ever appeared in Oblivion so what you are going to see here is the only lore confirmed depiction of the pits in any Elder Scrolls game ever now there is a brief mention of a place called the pits of pestilence in the Elder Scrolls blades but much like everything else from the blades I am going to choose to ignore it because a mobile Elder Scrolls game come on Todd what are you thinking okay it's like the Diablo moment where the guy you know do you have phones fellow kids like give give me Elder Scrolls 6 already okay but put up the damn phones if you gotcha me on another Elder Scrolls game I'm gonna rip the hair out that I totally have under this hat it that you would have seen if you watched the second channel so go ahead and and see my hair over there that was a really weird pitch but there you have it oh that seems oh it's some devilry on our adventure over to perryite Shrine the freaking mud crab okay one shot there I should hope so as we have a archery skill or a marksman skill excuse me of 100 on this uh if anyone is a long time fan of the channel well what you're looking at here is our good buddy Robin making another appearance I've been really trying to bring back some of the historical characters on the channel so many good memories were had as a part of those playthroughs and uh well ladies and gentlemen let me cut myself short there because remember how we mentioned that period is a dragon ladies and gentlemen that is a dragon and our gateway to one of the best artifacts in Oblivion which is hilariously paired with the juxtaposition of one of the weakest Daedric Lords how about that just another you know that's some Elder Scrolls magic for you but key one uh Lavelle Vel remain is unconscious everybody's unconscious what that person's got their eyes closed their eyes are closed what the hell is going on here is this some kind of psychedelic flower wait hold on I have found the shrine the periite but something is wrong with his worshipers they seem Frozen in Time mindless none move or speak you must be level 10 to begin this Quest well thank God I am let's go ahead and do it period oh great task master give me the task give me the sword shield yes let's do it this one moves welcome change so mortal you have found my Shrine and you have seen my followers they don't look good it was prideful and foolish and it has had its consequences yep my followers are trapped between worlds their bodies here on this plane their souls I would have you reunite the bodies and the souls let's do it we'll transport you to the plane of Oblivion in which they are trapped the pits period has told me that five of his followers in an attempt to get closer to him have transported their souls to a plane of Oblivion the Daedra would like me to travel there and carry their souls back to this world I should approach the statue again when I am prepared to go so here we are in the pits the only depiction of them and the entire Elder Scrolls series as I mentioned before how about that and now we are tasked we have to find the souls of period's followers so let's go ahead and make our way through the dark dank infested pestilence written planes that this Dragon man has sent us to what could possibly go wrong I mean come on oh we got a Scamp there's that 100 Marksman coming into effects look at that oh my God oh we got some Clan fears luckily Robin is a complete sud I mean come on Believe It or Not Kids you know having the additional ability stack on in Oblivion as you go novice journeyman Master Etc well it does add up because look at this damage over two shotting people oh okay our first real test to Dre Moore Lord oh oh we stunned him we knocked him back Dodge Dodge damn he looks really cool in the darkness look at that freaking armor ow hold on hold on back up back up oh okay there we go let me search him okay Daedra Heart Dwarven arrows command humanoid you know what I always wondered why can I pick up the shield off the draymore Lords but I can't pick up the armor is is that like their body is that like a skin is it like calluses like would I have to carve and try more out of their armor to steal it what's up with that okay what what's the lore reason why can't I take daedric armor off of it Daedra I don't know riddle me this Todd you man of mysteries um but there we go there it is the soul of one of period's followers let's let's quickly get down there come on I'm here for spellbreaker get over here soul of illville Romaine got quite the forehead on you don't you buddy all right I will return you to period I have captured the soul of evil Romaine I wonder what it feels like to capture a soul is it like like is it like in I don't know Yu-Gi-Oh or something like can I now summon ilval Romaine how many attack points does eval Romaine have that's what I want to know oh flame astronaut let's see are my arrows oh are my arrows effective against fire they are even though they just bounce off of her it them I don't know whatever works I guess boom Clan fear down all right we are moving up to Mount Doom I expect there are Hobbits in the vicinity one more gnarled than the others let's see I've been playing a lot of Lord of the Rings magic set so oh we stunned the Daedra who op boom getting a skill to 100 is as powerful as it sounds and oh my God there's our second Soul ladies and gentlemen second Soul okay right next to the burning Hill fires that looks like this man was banished to California I hope you're doing okay buddy air TS get over here let me put you in my deck I have captured the soul of artius and that can now Fusion summon him along with the high elf watch period like I don't I don't know why I'm on this Yu-Gi-Oh thing watch period really just be getting me to assemble like this is his version of Exodia he needs his he needs his five followers that he can beat subokivo I think this is just his deck like I said hero of kavach you must assemble me the cards that I need to complete my Fusion summoning deck all the Yu-Gi-Oh players are probably just cringing back into their seats now clearly clearly seeing that I'm more of a magic the Gathering guy than Yu-Gi-Oh I watched the show I read some of the manga back in the day I'm I'm cool I'm hip all right well seems we have reached an impasse here uh am I gonna die trying that's a lot of lava do we just go for it did we just go I think we just go for it okay uh three two out go go go go go go go go go we're swimming in it and you're telling me lava is as deadly as it looks [ __ ] you Todd I want my money from 2006 back okay so I did wait and I gotta tell you you know the pits the pits looks pretty good actually during the daytime why does it have a daytime isn't this supposed to be like hell shouldn't the skies be raining Eternal flames and and miasmas I don't know this just looks like Phoenix now like or or like this is like the base of a volcano at some Hawaiian resort I mean look at this we got the fire dancers we got the freaking reptiles that you can pet on the beach side like what is this I don't know if the pits deserves its wrap it's looking pretty good yeah I'd definitely take this over Jersey come on okay so here we are we're working our way closer to the third follower getting back our Dwarven arrows we've come across this like land bridge just plowing through all these freaking dream Mora I can see how he presides over the lower levels of the Daedra here we're not we've only seen one dream or Lord we're getting fire in astronauts Clan fears we're getting the bottom of the barrel no storm astronauts no draymore Lords no Wing Twilights I mean perryite he's living up to his reputation here uh oh look at that we do have a whole bunch of fire astronauts up there though and somebody burning at the stake I guess even weak Daedra princes you should not make fun of no just they'll just burn you or in the case of perryite they'll you know make you part of a Skyrim quest and spit green puke out of your mouth that's cool too I mean that's what more could you want as a follower of a Daedric prince okay boom one down there we go come on we just need to keep raining hell down upon the fire astronauts ow boom there it is all right now we gotta get our Dwarven arrows to be honest that's the best thing about the astronauts is it just bounces right off and doesn't stick in them so you just get all of your ammo back but there he is there's a guy was talking bad on the forums that you should have learned buddy don't talk bad about the David princess on the Reddit man that's that's what happens you get a spike through your lower back I mean it could have had worse placement that's a bad thing that's Silver Lining on but hey all right moving on soul of Murray welcome to the periodic deck of followers I've captured the soul of Miri and perion has taken one step closer to the Duelist Championship I I don't know what they call the you again I'm out of date on my Yu-Gi-Oh I don't know why I keep going on this line okay continuing through the plane of Oblivion here reptiles dastardly dastardly reptiles we have one person left here in the pits Robin is just massacring these people they never stood a chance I'm telling you kid Marksman and Oblivion it's a good time the staggers very very worth it here we go our fourth follower the soul of K1 the bald monk himself bald like many monks apparently piousness is directly related to hair loss you heard it here folks just like the amount of pirates is directly related to global warming the last Pirates there are the more the global temperature rises that's all I'm freaking saying okay that's all I'm saying you get holy you lose your hair you kill all the Pirates the global temperature goes up that I mean come on causation is correlation people don't fact check this all right just just take it for what it's worth I don't know all right we got one follower left he's over here on this island let's hop over this wall look at that Olympian Robin himself flexing that high acrobatic score let's not touch the lava we know how that went last time let's hop up here snipe this clan fear snake attack oh missed the other shot oh I look like a pansy now you bastard you you're ruining me it's right at the end of the video come on okay there we go here we go our fifth follower the soul of Merin the seal and now we shall return to periyite and get our item I've captured the soul of mirror in the seal I have found all of the souls of perryite's followers lost in Oblivion period was to open a gate for me when they were found I should head back to where I entered this realm all right so now we need to jump back across and find our portal home to get an artifact that many have sought for over the Aeons of tamrielic History because ladies and gentlemen it is a doozy that is for sure and sure enough there we go our ticket home looking wonderful this beautiful portal here let's hop back out of the pits I was just getting sick of the air pollution down here I've returned to the Mortal realm and The Souls of perian's followers have gone back to their bodies I should speak with the Daedra again and look at that ladies and gentlemen the life we have restored although we are helping the literal Daedric prince of pestilence one of the few Daedric princes thought to be completely and truly evil I mean at least we saved a couple Mortals I mean that's pretty cool right sure they're cultists do a truly evil God that causes pandemics and plagues and oh my God it's snowing look at that this is probably nuclear fallout but what little do I know let's get the damn artifact perryite we have returned you have returned my followers mortal troll order is restored and foreign here we go ladies and gentlemen spellbreaker has been added to our inventory perryite was grateful for my help he has given me spillbreaker as a reward one of the most sought after storied in both lore and game shields in the Elder Scrolls so let's take a look here at spellbreaker so you will see here spellbreaker a value of Sixteen thousand five hundred a weight of 18 defensive six with a reflect spell 30 on self constant effect and why this is one of the strongest effects in Oblivion is because by using items like spellbreaker the mundane ring the escutcheon of coral it is possible to make yourself completely immune from all damage in Oblivion both magical and physical pretty broken I must say I'm certainly gonna do a video on that in the future although there are some others already out there that are incredible so there in you have it spell breaker largely unchanged from its appearance in Morrowind another cool thing about spellbreaker and has appeared in every Elder scroll's Mainline game so how about that and it's likely done that because spellbreaker is actually the shield of the Dwemer King rorkin that was built for him when he was fighting these strongest Mage in the history of Tamriel shalador so if this Shield is strong enough for the literal King of the dwimmer rorkin and was made specifically to fight the strongest Mage in all of tamrielic history well then I think it is more than good enough for your next character in Oblivion so go ahead run on down to the shrine of periite take a visit to the pits and ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for stopping by be sure to catch me live on Twitch playing Oblivion doing quests like this exploring mods over there and on my second channel here on YouTube and ladies and gentlemen I will catch you on the next one so if I helped you guys does this does this like does this mean I'm in the cult now okay does does anyone want a duel thank you
Channel: CoffeeNutGaming
Views: 5,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oblivion spellbreaker, spell breaker, oblivion artifacts, oblivion daedric quests, peryite, oblivion playthrough, oblivion 2023, elder scrolls, oblivion artifact guide, coffeenutgaming
Id: ES7N7ytcVbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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