How to Throwing Weapon - Morrowind Build and Start Guide

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throwing weapons are one of the Hallmark features of marwin one of the features that the developers seem to have forgotten about over the last 20 years but that doesn't mean they aren't worth your time in the game that introduce them so in today's video we'll be teaching you everything you need to know about throwing weapon the associated skills and how to get some of the best items in this slot in the entire game let's get into it so first things first before we talk about the weapons themselves we of course need to teach you how to use them and we can start there by making sure that you can land all of your throne hits because every time you throw a weapon well that is sweet sweet money going out of your pocket so you want to make sure that every single one of these hits especially in the early game look what I found in my pocket look I used celery right here now in order to do that we want to level our Marksman skill as much as possible as this is the skill that will be taken into account in our hit chance formula along with our agility however just like bows and arrows although Throne weapons have their hit chance Modified by our Marksman skill and our agility attribute well their damage is actually controlled by the strength modifier so if we want to deal a lot of damage with a throwing weapon we want to make our strength as high as possible so somewhere between your adventures and target practice make sure you're leveling up some strength skills as well because a lot of the base game thrown weapons in Morrowind do lack in the damage Department which is why we'll be using a plug-in that we'll be talking about shortly to kind of close that Gap but before we get there there is actually one more thing I want to mention about throwing weapon damage because looks are a little bit deceiving when it it comes to throwing weapons let's look at our damage formula you can see in here there is a slot for our bow damage and our Aero damage along with our other modifiers that we mentioned things like strength Etc well throwing weapons differ from this are typical range damage formula in one way and that's because there is not a bow and an arrow that can be added together to then find our in damaged number instead whatever damage you see in your inventory when you hover over a thrown weapon that is instead doubled acting as both the bow and the arrow in this formula so even though our star here may have a damage of one to four in reality it is actually two to eight so although that is still a pretty dang low number it is a little bit better than it first looks because this wasn't the case man things would be to say the least now before we get into our build and talking about the throwing weapons themselves a final thing that I would like to mention is well just a friendly reminder for damage in Morrowind especially again since we're dealing with Expendable items here and that's that the damage range that you see on your throwing weapon such as one to four here that is actually not a dice roll chance but instead the damage range of charging up your attack so if I click my mouse one time it's gonna be a one if I hold and fully pull back my attack and then release well then it will be a four and that is also not the only thing that charging your attack handles when you are using a throne weapon so if you look at the video here you can see if I just click rapidly the weapon I've thrown actually has a shorter range and Dives farther down below the Crosshair than the fully charged attack that you can see here so if you want to be as accurate as possible and deal as much damage as possible make sure you're fully pulling back before releasing every one of your darts stars or throwing knives so that you have the easiest Adventure possible and are the deadliest warrior that you can be because if anybody saw that show in their childhood well you know you want to end up there now with the reminders out of the way let's hop into the game take a look at an example character build showcase our plugin that I've been alluding to so far and finally end with an incredible bang as is typical how-to video fashion see you in varnville ladies and gentlemen our example build today begins with the selection of the name because as I've always said in every how to 95 of the power comes from the name I mean your name kind of defines your destiny I mean just look at Elon musk's Kid X Ash EA 1758 I mean the kid's gonna turn into a walking calculator I mean names do have power and talking about power our name today because we're all about throwing weapons and one of those in the game is a dart well then we need to be fill the power Taylor the greatest lad to ever leave the United Kingdom and one of the greatest Arts players of all time I mean just look at that guy what an absolute Chad wouldn't you just want to freaking grab a pint with old Philly boy over there just don't wager any any money on the darts that that's not going to end well now for our race selection here there are a couple of different ways you can take it for throwing weapons now if your primary focus is maxing that hit chance well then your best selection is going to be the what elf as they get that plus 15 to Marksman there in the skill bonus again the highest bonus that we can get from race selection is 15. they also start with an agility of 50. so they are going to be very very effective the most effective character at Landing their hits from character creation but like I mentioned before in the video agility isn't the only thing that matters to a throne weapons build in fact strength is just as important because that's what defines your damage so if you want to say screw the hit chance I'll train it myself later on it is a very intriguing path to go either a red guard an orc or even a Nord for their high strength attributes although the Red Guard is probably the most intriguing if you're planning to go this path because of the adrenaline rush ability that fortifies your agility and strength both for 50 points and again those are the two attributes that we care about most when doing our throwing weapons build so if you want to go damage and fireworks at the start here I can recommend the Red Guard or you know something like a Nord or an orc if you don't really care about Landing those shots and then if you just want to be nimble quick evasive Shinobi fighter go ahead and pick the wood elf now for creation of our custom classroom thinking about a throwing weapons character the first thing we want to do is Select our specialization as stealth because if we look at the items down here boosted by stealth well there is marksman to help with our hit chance as well as things like light armor sneak short blade things that are typically more of like a ninja focused playstyle and if you're going as a throwing weapons user well that's that's probably what you're trying to do so let's go ahead and take our specialization as stealth if only for the Marksman gain that we do get now for our favorite attributes we can leave this first one as strength because again that is modifying our damage boosting up that strength not a problem for our second one let's go ahead and select agility keeping that hit chance nice and high because again every single one of those darts knives or stars that we throw that's money in the bank all right and we want to keep as much money to ourselves as possible and not you know throwing them into our enemies even if that's the only way that we're going to be killing them with this character now moving on to our major skills the only thing that we really need to do is leave Marksman as a major skill I'm kind of taking my own view of this with a more like a Shinobi kind of Ninja Stealth build but you can take a throwing weapons user and do it any way that you like so as I mentioned starting out with Marksman as a major skill to get that early boost help with our hit chance moving down to short blade for those times when we run out of ammunition and have an enemy in our face moving down to light armor again sticking with that kind of Ninja theme along with acrobatics and Athletics to keep us Nimble moving around like the ranged character that we are for minor skills I took Spirit as a way to help us level our agility and again another alternate weapon skill Spears awesome forever arranged characters because it does keep us at arm's length security illusion hand to hand and sneaky then again all supporting that kind of ninja-esque Shinobi play style helping us to remain sneaky light-footed and giving us Out Of Reach of all those badass Orcs And dreamor Lords that we do not want up in our face and that we would much rather avoid and then you know slaying a star from the darkness to take them down moving on to our birth sign here there really only is one incredible choice and this is pretty typical for any ranged character in Morrowind and that is going to be the lover mainly for its ability mooncalf which fortifies our agility by an additional 25 points again accuracy is so very important whenever you're doing a throwing weapon or range build because every single piece of Hardware you've thrown it in me is Cash we want to keep as much of that for ourselves as possible and additionally The Lover's kiss ability here paralyzed for 60 seconds great disengage from combat and a way to get out of a tight situation when you do run out of ammo so here we have our example character build for hour throwing weapon focused character fill the power Taylor a Wood Elf blood dardest born under the sign of the lover with a agility of 85 at the beginning speed of 50 Marksman of 50. so we're gonna be nice and light on our feet very very evasive and Landing all of our hits and although our strength is only 40 here at the start the items that we'll be picking up from the plug-in that we are going to be making our way to will certainly make up for that so now that we have our character built let's head to vivec and show you exactly what the area effect arrows plugin is all about ladies and gentlemen welcome to vivec this site of our area effect arrows plug-in store that will take this playthrough from you know slightly infuriating if you're using only the base game throwing weapons into absolutely broken and honestly meta shifting and some are game breaking so thank you Bethesda for that one now before we got here of course we did our normal census and X ice limeware platter trickery selling it all to a real at the trade house over there and now our pockets are lined with a good bit of gold and our blood dardest is ready for a shopping spree so let's head down to this lower section here of the foreign quarter uh excuse me guard looking looking good buddy but you will now notice a new store right here and you can see that this is our drain the Fletcher so let's head inside and see what Todd has prepared for us now first things first when you enter yes that is a Daedric Longbow and yes you can buy it here crazy right buying a Daedric item from a shopkeeper yeah that's that's something you only do in the DLC right but believe me the fun doesn't stop there because again this is about throwing weapons this is not about our bows and arrows so let's talk to Aura drain ignore that fifty thousand dollar bow and see what we have in store or so once we pull up the barter menu you can see there is a horde of ammunition here for our character to use everything ranging from glass throwing knives to Long bows Enchanted arrows our drain really has everything that a ranged character needs and the best part of this plug-in is not only the items that it presents to us but the fact that every single one of these items at least the ammunition not the weapons fully restocks so you can buy out all of these items close the barter menu open it back up and they will all be back this is incredibly rare in Morrowind in fact there are only really two main restocking Merchants available early in the game for throwing weapons if you are playing without this plug-in and that is cirola sakis and ebenhart who has a restocking supply of silver darts only and a lot less mod in Caldera who has a restocking supply of steel darts and throwing knives only so if you're not using the plugin be sure to go and see them they'll be able to hook you up with at least some restocking ammo however getting back to the plug-in there is a lot to take in here as I mentioned but I will direct your eye to a couple of my favorite items the first of which is an absolute standout Superstar you really really want in your inventory and that is the Viper star attack two to five but with a poison four to seven points for 10 seconds so this is dishing out a ton of damage over time and only for six gold this right here is the Crux that will just absolutely blow this character into the stratosphere this is such a strong weapon and as long as you're fighting people that don't have resistances to poison it is a standout all you have to do is hit them with a couple of these stay Nimble stay quick running around you'll pretty much win any fight so we'll be adding those to the inventory if you want something unenchanted there is of course the glass throwing star value of 20 attack 2-9 although for the price they are far overshadowed by any of our Enchanted items here so only go that route if if you just want to use glass throwing weapons for role play right they're certainly not the best that our drain has to offer now after the Viper Stars a must-have for the inventory I will hover up here and you will see our dire storm style of weapons and what these are are massive area of effect Elemental spells so you can look here at the dire Firestorm Dart with a fire damage 6-14 in 20 feet again only for eight value that's absolutely ridiculous such a steal when you compare that to the glass throwing star our Dream really knows how to make a bargain but another thing to note is the difference in price between the darts and the Stars so you can see here this is the exact same effect fire damage 6 to 14 points 20 feet but the star is 10 gold more expensive per item so I would say especially in the early game whenever you're shopping be sure to grab the darts because they're just so much of a greater deal so I'm gonna grab some entire Firestorm darts these are going to be great against Undead and then I will also grab the shock Bloom darts here as that's pretty much the most versatile Elemental damage type with really only Nords having resistance to it now with those three stacks in our inventory that's 62 items there cost of 439 here at the beginning go ahead and buy that and then I'm like I mentioned just gonna fill the rest of my inventory up with Viper stars because like I said they are an absolute standout these things are just totally overpowered and now we're pretty much set up to Take On The World here I have 50 Viper Stars 21 Firestorm darts 21 shock Bloom darts this alone should showcase the power of the area effect arrows plug-in again you get a Daedric Longbow that you can buy which is crazy and then you have a totally restocking Merchant for a lot of amazing throwing weapons with insane enchantments for an incredibly low price when you compare this to what's offered in the base game it really does make sense why Bethesda added this in because throwing weapons as a playstyle were honestly pretty weak with not a lot of options to restock your ammo and this plug-in really changes that and makes it completely optimal now before we continue on our journey we actually are going to want to do one last thing and that is going to be head up to the top of the foreign quarters and visit the Mages Guild and we are actually going to want to teleport our way back over to balmora here we are with flakasia faclassia I don't even know don't don't get me started but we're going to travel back to balmora and once we are in balamora we need to talk to Moraine dren and grab the water breathing spell now I do need 50 gold here I mismanaged my money a little bit but that's not too hard to find so let's maybe just uh head up here join the Mages Guild yes I would love to grab our restore magical potions our fortify willpower potions actually we'll just go ahead and take everything uh head back downstairs and with those items back in our inventory we can actually just sell some of these willpower potions back to the orc over here grab 68 gold and then boom there we have our water breathing spell and a inventory full of standard restore magic potion so let's grab the water breathing and then we can actually just head back to vivec here and once we are back in vivec we need to make our way down to the ground of the foreign quarter and out to the boat so I'll catch up with you there but now with our pre-complete you know we have to end every how-to video with a bit of a display of power right we have to end with a bang and to do that I'm gonna go outside of the city here and rest until I get a dark brotherhood assassin to attack me because I want to head to tribunal at level one because tribunal has the strongest throwing weapons in the game and we're gonna go get them so let's go ahead now that we are out of the city limits let's go rest actually let me make sure my Viper stars are on and spam rest oh there we go the second one we got a rat too but look how strong the Viper stars are okay one hit one hit only and dead look at one shot at the freaking dark brotherhood assassin at level one when I'm telling you that these fighter stars are way too overpowered for six gold I I seriously meant it I mean look at this that case in point that ladies and gentlemen is how we're gonna go to tribunal at level one so now that we have opened up the tribunal quest line and our passage over to mournhold we're gonna head to ebonheart and I'll catch you on the mainland so here we are in mornhold city of light city of magic let's go ahead and make our way over to the great Bazaar ignoring Gaynor over there the freaking destroyer of worlds I guess proof that boosting your luck into the stratosphere makes you pretty much unbeatable in this game but what we're gonna Wanna Do Is head to the great Bazaar take a left over here because down in the sewers we will be finding a quest that brings us to the greatest throwing weapon in the game and what better time to get that then at the low level of one I mean that's that's how how-to videos work right and oh hold on our first tribunal enemy oh come on missed a couple shots there we go one more come on just Land one hit there we go okay that was the most evasive ghost I think I've ever seen that was ridiculous as I was just applauding the wood elf just a moment ago for being so accurate I am gonna conserve my fatigue here and stop running because we are working with a finite amount of ammunition here so let's move forward oh we have a group here so this is where our area of effect is going to be really nice [Music] look at that okay there we go the double hit look at that oh my God it's of course shooting freaking cannonballs that is insane oh my God you should not be able to just buy this at level one but here we are once we come to this cross in the road here we need to head down continue our adventure I am gonna rest again all right now that we have our health back let's head in let's just keep it nice and slow nice and slow because unlike using a melee weapon every time I swing my fists that's money out the door um and because of that I'm gonna ignore these rats they they are they are not really worth my time and we're getting close to our objective anyway so let's keep walking keep walking and right up there we will find our Quest Giver I've come for the dots beware the black Dart gang Adventurer they've robbed me of everything I hold dear well we're looking to Rob them of everything they hold dear so let's see what she has to say they ambushed my lover and me in the temple sewers Verona held him off while I ran when I turned to look back Varner was down I just kept running now Varner's ghost comes to me at night begging me to come to him to rescue him he says he has a message for me but I can't go down there I can't face the black Dart gang Werner was a great fighter but with one Dart he was dead in seconds they'd kill me for sure and ladies and gentlemen most people will be dead in seconds from the black darts which is why we're gonna go get them so let's sign up for the quest and we need to now go find variner's ghost and variner's ghost is in the temple Plaza sewers and the only way to really get there is to head back out to where we were so instead of sitting here and showing you us backtracking all of our footsteps we're gonna cut to the Sewer great where we entered okay here we are back in the great Bazaar and now what we want to do is head to the temple and to do that again we just need to head back in that courtyard with ganor and ignore the sound of the bugs that are constantly grating in your ears at mournhold and then as I say that they stop that's hysterical there's that Morrowind magic that we all know and love they're back again apparently they're only there when you're when you're looking it's you know it's one of those things but like I mentioned we are here at the temple let's dive into the reception area take a left over here to the office of the Lord Arch Cannon and then we want to follow this hallway all the way to the back of the house because we need to find a sewer grate in the basement that Alam Alexia has been hiding from us like her intentions with sothasil so we just entered the Hall of ministry we're keeping going we're keeping going now we're turning left just going as far down as we can and there you have it the more and hold Temple basement let's hop in and then in front of us you will find another two are great so this is the mornhold temple sewers now the first thing we need to do is find variner's Ghost and to do that we need to ignore these rats if they will let us okay there we go thankfully we are quick enough as a little night Nimble what else to outrun them the go es a little bit more of a problem oh come on come on oh staggered that's not good that's not good can I get through can I fit oh they're blocking me oh okay this is going poorly the Stagger of the rats was too strong and now that we're out of fatigue Gotta Fight for our lives here one down oh come on just one more we have zero health oh my God we did it with our last shock Dart okay yeah that'll do thankfully that's a one and done okay well that didn't go as planned but that's what happens when you do things at level one that you should not be doing like I said let's keep going we took a left over here and we're making our way down this hallway and variner will be over here to our right and he is a ghost so don't attack him because you do need to talk to him if you want to complete the quest so here we have werner's ghost and stranger listen I have a message I must tell you my name is Verona I was killed by the black Dart King I beg you avenge my death their Hideout is an old mornhold Temple sewers West oddly specific burner than just talking in map names but I digress many have died fighting them but there is a mechanism that can flood the room drowning the gang find a lever that looks like a torch holder near the East End of the chamber but whatever you do don't get too close or you will join me in the afterlife and that is all Verona has to say so we can leave now all we need to do is make our way over to the spot that he mentioned with the old mornhold Temple sewers West so let's head up here keep walking keep walking keep walking and sure enough here we have old mornhold Temple tours West now that we are in the west sewers I will show you where the black Dart gang is hiding however you will also be reminded very very shortly why we grabbed that water breathing spell back at the start because as Verona mentioned there is a way to cheese this actually and all we need to do after we cheese it is collect our spoils so let's at least show now where we will be going and it is not that far away just around the corner here but let's pop a Crouch so that they don't find us because they are incredibly strong there they are the first two members of the black Dart gang and behind them of course is their Sanctuary Hideout whatever you want to call it but like I mentioned there is a way around this although you can certainly beat them at level one with fighting you will conserve their ammo the most by simply drowning them because they won't be wasting the ammo oh throwing it at you but you certainly can do it I actually did this on stream not too long ago you can catch that over on the second channel so if you're in the mood for a very challenging fight at the start go ahead and try your luck at fighting them the Viper Stars will carry you through it but if you're looking just to get the items and get on your way well that secret lever that variner mentioned is right here and all you have to do to get the most powerful throwing weapon in the game is click it and wait okay so there you go water levels Rising as you can see it's just flooded the entire map so what we want to do let's step outside let's rest twice so let's just rest for 24 hours rest for another 24 hours and once that's out of the way let's try and get our spell on here right it may take a little while as we didn't take alteration at the beginning you can also use a water breathing potion if you have one of those okay there we go spell on now we just need to swim our way over to the black dark gang and collect our spoils and there we have our first black Dart gang member let's make sure our water breathing gets back on oh come on we're oh we're running out of breath come on oh okay just in time but let's search them and here you will find the best throwing weapons in the game bar none so let's look here first you have the black Dart a poison 10 point for 120 seconds Dart this is going to deal ridiculous damage over time and it ticks for two minutes so this can pretty much take down anyone that you want it to as long as you land the hit so you maybe want to save these until you have a really really high Marksman skill really really high agility because this is an incredibly valuable tool to have in your back pocket moving down you have a bleeder Dart damage Health five points for 120 seconds another ridiculous damage over time Carmine Dart damage fatigue 20 points for 30 seconds with a poison of 10 for 30 seconds the fine black Dart poisoned 10 points for 120 seconds attack one to ten find bleeder Dart attack 1-13 damage health 5 for 120 same with the Carmine Dart and here you have some of the darts with just ridiculous attack so here's the fine spring Dart with attack 55 to 110 and keep in mind those numbers should actually be doubled so it's really a hundred and ten to 220 attack so this thing is like freaking throwing a nuclear warhead at someone like this that's ridiculous if it hits them they're they're gonna feel it okay and then finally we have our normal spring darts attack 50 to 100 and then our steel darts you know nice and basic attack two to five but as you can see here the black Dart gang they have some serious gear that that you want so take all of that and then you can swim around to the other members again just make sure to keep refreshing your water breathing there are actually two more down here so let's grab the rest of the loot here let's find the last guy you pretty much just want to keep spamming our water breathing because our alteration is trash oh there's the last member come on now let's get that spell on there we go loot the last guy and now we can just simply make our way back there is a little back passage over here that you can take although it is a little longer so you're just going to want to keep spamming spamming that water breathing drinking your potions and going about your way but ladies and gentlemen there you have it freaking tribunal level one black dark gang complete and to turn this quest in all you have to do is run back to the first lady that we spoke to so instead of again showing you all the backtracking we'll cut there now and show you the ring that you get at the end of this Quest because you've already done it may as well get all the rewards alright so here we are back after avenging narissa's husband let's see the item that she has given us they're dead you killed them you killed the black Dart gang it's a miracle please take this Werner gave it to me it belonged to his family I'm sure they all would want you to have it you have my thanks and the thanks of Verona's family and his spirit and all the victims of the black Dart gang werner's rings has been added to your inventory so let's take a quick look here at variner's ring which is a charm 1 to 50 points for five seconds on touch so something that will work out nicely if you're ever trying to barter you know pop that on someone get a little more disposition just a nice little additive to have but there you have it ladies and gentlemen now you have all of the most powerful throwing weapons in the game at the low level of one you have already shown to tribunal that you are certainly ready for it you've even accomplished a little bit of vigilante justice so the people of mournhold should be singing your Praises by the time all this is over so that's gonna do it for me here folks be sure to stop by the second Channel or twitch to catch me live and see more long-form content and play tests for builds like this in the flesh I hope to see you there thank you so much for watching and as always I will catch you on the next one
Channel: CoffeeNutGaming
Views: 18,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morrowind, throwing weapons, morrowind marksman, morrowind 2023, how to morrowind, coffeenutgaming, morrowind guide, morrowind build, morrowind best start, morrowind streamer
Id: yfmapK1KkPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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