(More) Rules That Backfired 100% After Being Implemented (Funny Reddit Stories)

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what's one rule at your school workplace has implemented that absolutely backfired my high school band girls from wearing any shirt that exposed their brass straps because seeing a brass strap would give high school boys evil thoughts most of the girls in school responded by wearing the same shirts they'd always worn without bras as a teenage boy it was a happy couple weeks the school tried to the mandate that all female students wear bras until a male teacher asked a fifteen-year-old if she was wearing appropriate undergarments or not she called him a pervert her parents who thought the whole dress code things was a stupid as most of the students threatened a sexual harassment suit against the school everybody in charge panicked and it all went back to the way it was before they tried to change anything common until a male teacher asked a fifteen-year-old if she was wearing appropriate undergarments or not this is my favorite tale of the thread the thought of the owning chasm that opened up beneath this rules are rules and makes me chuckle during our general meeting last week the owner of the company went on a bit of a rant about negative reviews off management on a popular jobs website with a green logo he demanded that we stop posting negative reviews immediately and shamed anyone in the room who had done so as you can guess people double down and posted their grievances on the same day as the meeting the green logo company doesn't take too kindly to that sort of behavior seriously they will terminate service if management is caught doing that report it because of rumors of a drug problem in the school there was the administration decided to drug test students the media jumped all over that violation of our civil rights or something the initial statement was that anyone who failed the test would be kicked out of school after the fortieth or so kid failed they change the policy to mandatory meetings with the counselor after the 100th kid failed they hired another counselor our school just brought in drug sniffing dogs that would randomly come into classrooms the thing was the Sheriff's Department would always be parked in front of the school before the first bell with clearly marked k9 cars so anybody who had drugs would see the cars and just skip school that day absences increased massively no personal conversations the office would be silent for hours and motivation took a huge nosedive if the owner heard a personal conversation he would call the person out and yell at them God that owner was a Willie glad I got out I took over managing a group whose previous boss had this rule productivity skyrocketed the part I'm most proud of is the employee I was warned about being lazy and belligerent became one of my best assets all it took was to treat him with respect my old boss tried implementing an incentive scheme for the underperformers while anyone who consistently did well receive nothing three others quit within a month we used to be allowed to stream music et Cie on our computers spot if I was an approved program and would come installed on your computer but someone complained about productivity despite us always doing our work and so the band's streaming of any kind on our computers but now everyone just listens on their phone so you walk around the office and nearly everyone has their phone out now so it looks even worse when sponsors come into the office you know Pandora Spotify and YouTube are easily my best work friends banging out emails all day without listening to music would be borderline unbearable work instituted a point system for being late or calling off sick a crew too many points and you get written up fired if it continues they doled out the same number of points whether someone was a minute late or called off altogether and if an absence lasted up to five days it was still only one absence so anyone who overslept or encountered heavy traffic and was running late would just stay home for the rest of the week after several months they decided that being late was only worth half a point in our office we're not allowed to have more than 14 consecutive days off so one guy booked a cruise for a month booked off 14 days then one day back then another 14 days off he called in sick on his one day back we weren't allowed to be friends with kids and grades above us but we could be friends with kids in grades that rule didn't last long turn to your left and shake hands with a person standing next to you at an industrial site I used to work for they introduced an absolutely no overtime policy the people that most commonly worked overtime were the maintenance guys they had to cut out their preventative maintenance in order to make their hours while being available for all shifts it took three months of daily breakdowns before they decided to try something else boss insists at lunchtime is from 12 o'clock 12:30 p.m. no exceptions lunch is not paid time the second day he comes in hot to trot with something for me to do between 12 o'clock and 12:30 and needs it done right away I look over at my clock which says 1209 or whatever and say you said yesterday that lunch is from 12 o'clock to 12:30 no exceptions and went back to my sandwich if I don't get paid from 12 o'clock to 12:30 there's no way in heck I'm working for free college removed shares in cafeteria so people won't hang around now people just don't eat at the cafeteria it's a ghost hall and most of the food is thrown away daily really sad god forbid anyone socialize in a building of the college they're paying for while eating food they are also paying for Florida 14 school in Laurel mo late 80s early 90s are fairly small rural school went from k-8 so we split lunch times in our gym cafeteria for some reason our school actually invested in a noise control system because we could apparently be quite loud during lunch and I guess the teachers got tired of trying to keep us kids quiet itch and eat this new piece of equipment was mounted high on the wall and looked exactly like a stoplight when it was green we were free to talk if it became yellow we were to be careful of how much noise we made if it turned red it would buzz loud like when the game clock runs out at a basketball game installing this thing almost immediately had the opposite effect they desired it became a game to us we would only get quiet in order to make it go back to green then as a large group we would progressively get louder we would stall it out at yellow before surging our collective voices to make it hit red and be used zze at which time we would all cheer laugh and get quiet again to reset it to green good times that's why they frown on putting breathalyzers in bars turns it into a competition any support call lasting longer than 25 minutes must be reported to higher-ups for review I if you have too many no matter if it's your fault or not you get a disciplinary review I implemented the rule of politely hang up on a customer as close to 25 minutes as you can and call them right back I am sorry I am experiencing a small issue with my phone is it okay if I call you right back gotcha outgoing calls are not reported or recorded it's amazing any software related to job weather written inside or outside company time belongs to the company me so if I write and release malware at home it's the company's problem the clause was immediately removed outside company time that has got to be illegal my friend worked as a technician at a place that did installation for telecom sound cable pretty much anything tech related really the techs were paid by work order completion each job had a value that got paid out when you finish the work order the experienced techs could finish more jobs in a day and made some seriously good money they were motivated to work fast to get more jobs done but also to do it correctly because having to go back within a certain time window and fix a problem didn't pay out so it lost money well some new management came in and decided to change everyone to hourly wages their idea to make techs focus on getting the job done right and not rushing it all the really good tech saw massive pay customers and immediately quit the rest of the techs suddenly had no reason to finish jobs quickly since you got paid the same whether you did two installs or ten installs in one day so everyone just started slacking off within a few weeks the orders were backed up so bad installed aides were pushed out for a month or more and when people finally did get their stuff installed it took all day instead of a couple hours that one change completely flicked over the company nothing like greedy management's to completely freak up a good thing no cell phones in high school security collected them when you walked in put em in ziplock bags and locked them up they lost like five people's phones lost had a fella with my old place of work that was promoted to Sales Manager within a few days he drafts up a document which he tries to get all of us to sign basically stating that we aren't working to our full potential and that to make profits all he would have to work even when we weren't working aka taking calls from customers no matter the day or time this resulted in an almost immediate revolt in about ten plus people bypassing him directly and going right to the owner he was demoted then later fired within a week that's one of the potential problems of promoting with him some people think they know how to improve the process cause they work in the trenches all day so they get promoted and start making sudden changes they don't realize that you can make changes but you can't do them drastically beats a place I worked at in high school implemented a zero tolerance policy on employees taking home any food home that wasn't paid for at non employee prices any screw-ups or unpicked up orders trash the local homeless population started flocking to the store and calling in bogus orders because they knew there would be free pizza in the dumpster every night our process integrity people decided every international order over one hundred thousand dollars needed to be approved by a manager at the purchase requisition stage before the sales order could be processed the problem purchase requisitions only generated after the sales order was completed this meant it was impossible to complete any international order worth more than one hundred thousand dollars and they launched this policy unannounced two days before Christmas I ended up staying in the office until 9:00 at night trying to get our data people to create a way for me to order $300 K in parts from Sweden before the holidays I was told this story when I was in the Army by parachute rigger the workday in the army is nine o'clock to 4:30 riggers packing troop chutes had a daily quote off the five shoots once they got good that it these guys could be done by 2:30 which is a very nice workday indeed well they got this new captain who decided that since these guys are getting 35 done by 2:30 then obviously making them work until 4:30 would increase output even more so of course that units numbers went weii down and the 35 and you're done for the day was quickly reinstated no backpacks in the classroom which led to hundreds of backpacks in the principal's office one morning no one gave a Frick about that rule in Germany you need a paper from your doctor when you are such at least three days they enforce them you needed one even if you just are away for one day so everyone had to go to the doctor if not feeling right and of course we were away for weeks we have the same here in Finland my superiors accept that you call them if you have fever or something minor 1-2 days off and mark them as normal working hours rather than going to doctor and get 1-2 weeks of sick laze works for me works for them a big shipping company I worked at for a couple months said we would be working 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. they didn't tell all the new employees including myself that holidays were going to be 7 a.m. to whenever the Frick we feel like telling you to go home around 10:00 to 11:00 p.m. naturally people would get in five to seven hours of work and go on break then just not come back that led to we can no longer allow lunch breaks me and roughly 50 - 70 other workers quit on the spot the deputy head of our school band fidget spinners and rightly so in his defense there were everywhere on the final day of year 11 someone hacked his school intranet log in and edited the bulletin leaving a notice in his name saying that fidget spinners were now not only unbanned but mandatory and that aficionados could come to his office and learn tips and tricks from him real-world heroism stopped giving kickback for walkins sales I work at a hotel and the high management had the bright idea not to give us anything for charging walk-ins late check outs early check-ins and upgrades so now we give them for free whenever we can then some a shot we'll leave that Thea certified as they wear and charged 4x after talking to Y in their TripAdvisor review zero tolerance just created a new way to bully and zero tolerance the fighting did not decrease fights those that started the fight were going to get in trouble no matter what so the consequence didn't matter to them in the first place all this does is encourage the attack to beat the living crap out of the attacker zero tolerance actually made fighting worse at our high school because of this it was actually my rule when I was managing a store my rule was that the closer had to do all the closing work and mark the checklist and I would check it at the following morning however I put a loophole in if you close tonight and open tomorrow you can come in early the following morning I was really the only one who closed and then opened the following morning and I knew that on many of those days I worked ten hours with non-stop managerial work so instead of staying late to clean I like to come and early and do it in sunlight well one day I followed my rule and the next morning I woke up sick and had to call an employee to cover he showed up to a dirty store opted not to clean and then got written up when the owner made a surprise visit I didn't close so it wasn't my job and the owner said you work here in the store is dirty so it is your job I then had to go tell the owner that it was my fault and he still responded regardless of what you did or didn't do he came into a dirty store and did not clean it that's not acceptable I removed my rule change and just made it mandatory to clean before leaving law a few years ago we weren't allowed to stand in groups bigger than four at our school because this old teacher told us it was gang behavior and encouraging gang violence one day my entire year of like 100-plus people got in a massive group screaming gang gang and throwing gang signs on our school field so they had to bring every single teacher out to try and split us apart for a stray 20 minutes best school day ever we did a mass hug around the flagpole then spent 3 days holding any hand of any person you walked by this was after they told us we could not touch anyone you have been visited by the magic exams cat you'll pass any exams no need to comment oh I hope this doesn't backfire actually you can leave a comment and YouTube will show this video to more people if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I post new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot
Views: 1,588,811
Rating: 4.8084865 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest reddit posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, brainy memes, brainydude, just, karma, memes, comment awards, dankify, sorrow tv, backfired, rules that backfired, rules, fails, rule, meme awards
Id: V2SP0sAeaxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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