Ridiculous Zero Tolerance Rules At School (r/AskReddit)

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what a zero tolerance school stories do you have my sister almost got suspended in the third grade cause my mom put a plastic butter knife in her lunch one day I forget why she needed it for her lunch one of the lunchroom aides spotted her using it and sent her right to the principal's office and they called my mom to come in a third grader stabs an adult with a plastic knife knife breaks adult looks at them confused this was 10 years ago my cousin one grade lower than me got into a fight at school zero tolerance policy says they are both suspended attached to this policy as if a student is involved in three separate fights within their time at the high school and they were expelled within two weeks of my cousin returning one of the guys friends started a fight with my cousin they are both suspended a few weeks after he returns again another friend of the original kid starts a fight with my cousin in each situation the other kids threw the first punch zero tolerance each time means it didn't matter that is how children outsmarted the zero tolerance policy and why my cousin graduated from a private high school that's really smart of them and really flicked up frick zero tolerance when I was in year 10 grade 9 for Americans we all had to line up to go into the dinner hall for whatever reason they put the menu with what they were serving that day at the front of the queue so I walked to the front to read it as I was walking back a tiny year aid kid grade 7 shouted over to me hey stop trying to cut in the line you dong head I just told him to freak off and mind his own business as it's the kind of school where if it looks like you're giving in to a younger kid without fighting your corner you won't hear the end of it then the little crap rugby tackled me but he was too small to knock me over so I just kind of stood there awkwardly as he tried to kick me after a while I'd had enough so I grabbed him and picked him up put him against the wall where he was standing before in turn to walk off the headmaster was standing right in front of me and he'd been watching the whole thing we both got sent to the reflection room which is like a higher form of detention the only time I got in trouble was for trying to walk away from a fight started by someone half my size who I probably could have hurt if I had one too - thanks headmaster now I know in the future that I should just deck the little bastard instead of being gentle because the punishment is going to be the same anyway in ninth grade I was in a class that had some disruptive students that always caused problems for the teacher but during the semester they were forced to sit at the desks nearest the teacher's desk I wasn't a bad student at all but for some reason I was forced to sit in the front of them I was pee one day we had a substitute and my entire row gave the souther very hard time when the actual teacher came back she forced everyone in my room to detention many other students protested for me even the bad students in my row she said that's too bad from that day forward I help the bad students to not get caught whenever they flicked with her good for you man I always like to mess with teachers if they were unfair to their students not me [ __ ] my niece once had to do a school project about the Voyageurs we lived in a relevant area in the computer lab but so she innocently typed in fur traders call move net whatever of course it was P she got suspended we had to do a project on pirates for grade 12 history could not get research done due to piracy coming up on the school filter left her BB gun in my friends car in high school security saw it and he got kicked out I talked to the principal who was our friend and mentor about reversing the decision or taking the punishment myself he was just as upset as me but he kept explaining that his hands were tied he finally just looked me in the eye and said zero-tolerance actually he used my name afterward so I knew the conversation was over my friend graduated from an alternative school that's flicked up I once got suspended because a security guard found an unloaded airsoft pistol in the back of my truck but let me be clear by pistol I mean those ones made of clear plastic and by back of my truck I mean behind the passenger's seat of a crew cab with tinted rear windows this security guard is really doing his job a mockingly suburban High School's safe for everyone also I had a friend who got suspended for bringing a but a knife to school with his lunch a knife is a knife people there can be no tolerance for weapons or logic and reasoning two people got suspended for fighting off school property with each other also not my school middle local school and it made the news a girl with Down syndrome or on intellectual disability said a popular athlete molested assaulted her in the library and they made the girl write an apology letter to him only to find out later he did do it many times they made the girl write an apology letter to him that is so sad I hope she eventually got justice when I was in 10th grade I was eating dinner with my family and my dad accidentally spills his beer all over my shirt no big deal so I go upstairs and take my shirt off for the night the next day while I'm getting dressed I see that I'm out of clean shirts to wear so without thinking I grabbed the shirt from last night and put it on eat breakfast and get out the door the day was pretty normal until I was called up to the front office I wasn't really a bad kid or anything so I wasn't too worried once I arrived the principal informed me that another student told him that I smelled like beer and assumed that I had been drinking I told the principal about what happened last night and assured him that I had not been drinking he tells me that it still counts as bringing alcohol onto school grounds and for that I was suspended we have a zero-tolerance no-fighting rule in our gymnasium like even if you lay down on your back while you're getting jumped you'll still get expelled happen to get into a fight with a guy I honestly could easily beat down but since I really don't want any trouble with the school or at home I just blocked my head until the principal came by after a minute of discussion he told me that I'd get suspended for a two weeks even when I told him that I didn't hit back so I did what any teenager would have done I think I got loose from the principal and beat the other guy down and took my punishment if you're gonna do the time you might as well do the crime my school had a zero tolerance policy on cell phones and electronic items obviously you can't convince a high schooler to not bring a phone with him/her so the administrators would do raids occasionally in busts and phones each time they didn't give it back until the end of the year I don't think that is really legal for them to keep your cell phone for the rest of the year in high school I got suspended for one week because I had a bottle of prescription painkillers in my locker I was taking them because I got a serious knee injury while playing for the school baseball team I also got kicked off the team and wasn't allowed to participate in any sports at school for the last 2.5 years of my high school education the principal explained to me that they had a zero-tolerance policy to drugs of any kind worst part is I could have went to at least 10 different lockers in school and shown him drugs in there but he wouldn't let me because I shouldn't be snitching on my peers screw you principal vikas I mean usually you're supposed to give the nurse your meds but I'm still on your side they went overboard I went to a very very very crappy school district I mean this place is scum in soo many ways my little brother has a DD and mild autism he's a very nice kid and always has been I mean he opens doors for everyone and compliments people he doesn't even know anyways there was a kid in his grade who was the biggest butthole he was mean to everyone even the poor kids who were his friends he always picked on my brother and his friends calling them [ __ ] and everything else one day we get a Code Red everyone is stuck in their classrooms and there had been a recent trend in girls fighting in the bathroom so everyone assumed that was what was going on number I wish it had been a girl fight I get called down to the office about an hour later my brother and his best friend were walking to class they were at the top of one of the stairwells when got olmec Botsford came up behind them and shoved my brother down the stairs as hard as he could my brother tried to grab onto the brick wall to stop himself from falling and ended up dragging his hand down the bricks ripping his hand apart he still has the scar he hid his face of the tile at the bottom after doing several head the heels rolls down the stairs his nose and lip were bleeding and his back was half so bad they thought he had broken it he ended up going to the emergency room fast forward a week later he's back in school and the principal calls him to her office this be I don't know how this be was ever allowed to work in a school she made my brother shake hands with butthole and make up she said the alternative was both of them getting suspended because she did not believe my brother did nothing to provoke him from pushing him down the stairs despite two witnesses telling her what happened my brother has been bitter over that ever since also when my mom found out he had to shake Bart olmec but that's hand she went to the school and confronted the principal the principal told my mom well maybe if your son wasn't annoying it wouldn't have happened my mom pulled her across the desk and a secretary had to call her or thought her I like your mom there wasn't really a zero-tolerance thing back then but school was over I was starting my walk home and a friend runs by and drops his bag by me and yells to me to carry it we were going to play hockey after school so whatever nothing of circumstance came of it I never heard where he was even running to next day teacher is all POF I go in to see the principal and turns out my friend was trying to pick a fight mind you apparently all he ever did was run after someone but never even got close to them not even the same block there was no fight this also happened all outside of the school so naturally my friend was suspended for a weekend remaining days in that week and because I carried his bag I was an accomplice in the fight which never happened I was suspended for the remaining days in that week there was like two three day vacation for me that I was happy to take it was all crappy rainy days but I was happy to leave so you got punished for a fight that never happened that you didn't know about not quite zero tolerance but my friend's sister grew up in quite a foul-mouthed household with older siblings her first word s were son of a B blurted out in fat Akali for no apparent reason at the breakfast table and when she was quite young first grade some boy pushed her on the playground she called him of the he broke down and cried told a teacher she had to eat lunch on the psychologists office the rest of the year because she was a danger to the other students or something and her mother had to come in mother told them that if they thought that was the most pressing issue they had she thought they should look harder didn't go to the meeting she's a badass in general the boob got in no trouble for pushing her because he told on her first she could have easily beaten the crap out of him I'm in Britain where zero tolerance isn't really a thing I think the closest thing we got to zero tolerance where when teachers would hold an entire class back in detention including the ones who were not disruptive and were doing the work it's seriously pee me off when I was at school it happened mostly during year 7 8 & 9 I'd have been 11 when I started year 7 which is the first year of secondary school in Britain teachers at my school did it because it was to punish the disruptive students they wanted the innocent to blame the guilty and ostracize them so they wouldn't do it again I know a girl who got suspended for having cough drops in the backseat of her car I don't have a story but I was blamed for a fight that happened on a weekend that wasn't even off school grounds this kid who doesn't even go to my school who has a name really similar to mine got in a fight with some kid at my school so naturally they thought it was me thankfully a couple days earlier my friend told me about said fight so I was able to provide some background information to get myself out of blame but they took me to a friggin room with the school cop and some other people and they were treating this like a massive deal it's a fight that happened on the weekend at a scatter park and one of the kids doesn't even go to the same school why are you meddling in on their business my school had a 0 hat policy because of gangs I got suspended for wearing a Coonskin hat I guess I was representing the Davy Crockett gang everyone knows the Crockett's run the east side of this city bully punch his kid in the face kid doesn't fight back because he knows he'll get suspended for fighting kid lets the bully hit him until a teacher gets there teacher gets there and gives a detention to the bully and the bullied my step-brother and his friends all got suspended for pretending to have lightsabers at recess no not plastic ones literally their imagination WTF a boy bullied me for almost an entire year called me fat that kind of thing bye said if he kept talking to me I was going to kill him I got in-school suspension for two days he got a talk from the guidance counselor about how you shouldn't bully girls you have a crush on chewing gum rather looking like I was chewing gum because my jaw was sore from having rubber bands on my braces ended up in an isolation room for the rest of the day and then got suspended for a week looking back now I realize how stupid most great school suspensions are because it doesn't really teach you anything other than the fact that you get vacation for looking like you're breaking a silly rule you've been spotted by the dojo of studying like this video for good grades for the next two years if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check out another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
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Id: 0AeUG-29mbI
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Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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