More Funniest Kid Test Answers

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What's up guys? Welcome to Reaction Time. Today, we're gonna continue onto the second part of the most hilarious kid test answers. Of all time. So, basically these are kids, you know.. They're innocent, they don't know much.. I mean, at least that's what some teachers think. These kids are actually a lot smarter than you think. And they come up with really funny and witty answers, and that's what we're gonna be looking at today! This is the second part because I already did a first part if you guys wanna go check that out! The link is gonna be down below... With that being said, let's get right into this video! As instructions are "Draw a plant cell and identify its most important parts." Ok so this kid.. Literally drew a jail cell for a plant.. I guess that's what he thought when the instructions said a "plant cell." "No windows", "iron bars". And oh my god this is so cute, look at the flower it has a sad face. Oh my god! Explain the phrase 'free press.' When your mum irons trousers for you. It is free. Hey there's nothing wrong with that, don't even mark it wrong. I love that one. Mike saw 17 blue cars and 25 green cars at the toy store. How many cars did he see? Explain how the number sentence shows the problem. Alright so he wrote "17+25=42" And then he had to explain how he got it, so he said.. "I got the answer by talking in my brain and I agreed of the answer that my brain got." *laughter* I got the answer by talking in my brain and, I agreed on the answer that my brain got. Hey. Hey you know what's 17+25? Oh it's 42! Alright thanks man. I agree, I agree. Alright the question asks "Would you want to swim with the boy in this water?" Circle "yes" or "no". He said no. And explain your answer. No, because there's trash in the water and he's chubby. The teacher actually said correct for the trash in the water, but the chubby she said "Not very nice." That's kinda mean. You're gonna grow up to be a bully. Kind of a d**k, dude. So the instructions say "write," and then it says less than symbol or greater than symbol. But, for a lot of people, they don't know what those symbols mean and it just says "write or." So, I mean this kid, just decided to write "or" The whole thing. Just "0.5 or 1" "3.2 or 3.02." Or, or everything. I got 100%, that's right. Find "X". Here it is. Right there. This is so easy, I don't know why people say math is hard. It's so easy. God. People are just so stupid. Answer this question. "Miranda can't see anything when she looks down her microscope." "Suggest one reason why not." He wrote; "She is blind." ... "Oh my god." "In which state do the particles show the most movement?" He wrote California. "In which state do the particles show the least movement?" New Jersey. I don't think she meant state like that, but yeah definitely California and Jersey. I think they meant more like solid, liquid, or gas, but state could work. Uh, not the state I was talking about. So, this was apparently a Spanish quiz or something. The instructions were "Use commands to tell your sister the following things." So basically, he apparently just had to write in Spanish, and this kid said "I don't have a sister." I don't have a sister. Come on! Why are you telling me to tell my sister to do things if I don't have a sister? You're a stupid, stupid teacher. "Fill in the solutions." "Directions: Read each of the problems and come up with a solution for each one." So the problem is you fell on the playground and scratched your knee. Solutions. Get up and deal with it. I think the teacher was looking for something like go get a Band-Aid or something. Um, get up and deal with it. Like this kid just broke their leg. He was just like Get up and deal with it! Alright guys, that was it for the funniest kid answers. I mean, this was Part 2 so I really hope you guys enjoyed. If you wanna see a Part 3 let me know. You all suggest more things, just email me at, the email is gonna be down below. So with that being said, thank you guys so much for watching, I really appreciate it. I'll see you guys next time on another episode. Until then, have a good one, and peace out.
Channel: Reaction Time
Views: 8,828,141
Rating: 4.9110422 out of 5
Keywords: Reaction Time, Kids React, Elders React, Fine Brothers, Kyutie, Children, Family Friendly, Cute, Adorable, Best, Top, Toys, Interesting, Facts, Learn
Id: WLT-_56oEiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2016
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