Things You NEVER KNEW The Purpose Of!

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what's the story behind that fluffy ball on top of your beanie um I don't know what's the real purpose of that tiny pocket in your jeans okay this is seriously getting difficult let me introduce myself I'm tall fishman and you guys are watching reaction time today we're looking at everyday things you use you never knew the purpose of do you know why there are stickers on fruits if you've ever asked yourself that question well so as you guys can see let's zoom in on the sticker the top line is always usually the country and underneath that is the producer whoever actually produces it in that country now if there is one two three four numbers and the first number is four it means the food hasn't sprayed with pesticides if there's five digits and the first digit is number nine the flu is organic yeah if there's five digits and the first number is eight the fruit is genetically modified no now you guys are something new I told you I'm an education Channel now I'm ready let's learn some fun facts with your host teacher the tall fish man you guys don't know who this is Alfredo the most trustworthy sidekick hey stuck Hedgehog hey actually is growing faster than me on instagram he gets more followers why do you guys do that anyways make sure you go follow my Instagram so he doesn't pass me please lo siento thank you but I said a mucho mas Getty they'll get to that's a little uncalled for everyday things you never do the purpose of you guys ready let's jump right into it so as you can see big pocket a little pocket big pocket you can put almost anything now in the 21st century you're probably thinking yeah big pockets for the phone well they didn't have phone back then when they invented the jeans little pocket was actually used for loose change or a pocket watch those little pocket watches that people just pull out to see the time not many people had wristwatches now you guys know the more you know jeans are actually designed back in the 19th century there are supposed to be very sturdy pants for working not fashionable pants isn't that interesting as you can see we got pen pen cap take a look at the pen cap there is a hole at the tip now why is there a hole have you ever wondered why some people think is to prevent it from drying out you don't want the pen to dry out therefore put a hole but that doesn't make any sense because then air comes inside and it can easily dry it out even faster no no it's not made to be a whistle where you blow on it I mean I'm sure we all tried it the hole in the pin cap are you guys ready I'm gonna reveal what it is of course we're gonna need to put our glasses on because we gotta look intelligent the hole in the pen cap is for small children that accidentally swallow the pen cap there is still some way that they can get air flow through the tube due to that hole now if children didn't just start sticking stuff in their mouth that they shouldn't be sticking there would never be a holding pen cap there is no other purpose besides a safety feature in case kids swallow it we're learning so much guys you learned like three things already let's go how about a doughnut and a doughnut hole why is there a doughnut hole inside of a doughnut I'm wondering well I have the answer well it's not so interesting to be honest bakers back in the day had a very difficult time baking the outside of the doughnuts and the inside the inside would always be underdone you know like cakes where the edges are usually crispy ER all it is make a hole inside to resolve the problem now the inside is no longer there it won't be undercooked that's it that is the reason doughnuts have holes and it's been effective ever since now what was the true invention of the sunglasses yeah I like it it's current sunglasses were not meant for the Sun their only name sunglasses long after they were invented they're actually invented by Arctic people they're called dark glasses and they were to protect their eyes from snow very reflective snow which can actually cause a really bad idea JH and then it has become popular in China in the 12th century worn by judges Chinese judges would wear them so they can hide their emotions from the witnesses that's how serious it was and then ever since then they became protection from the Sun I actually never do that I learned something new on this channel leave a like for education for education leave a like can we get 50,000 likes and I'm gonna reveal some more secrets though yes down below leave a like also subscribe click that red subscribe button turn on post notifications if you're brand new to the channel cincuenta mayle magos that yes you'd make new star 50,000 let's learn some more stuff education is fun now you know those annoying red lines on notebooks they're always there I mean now many people use notebooks anymore in school because a lot of people use like iPads Chromebooks all this new adapted tech but before I mean especially not in school that's all we would use is just notebooks now you may think those are four notes that teachers can ride on when she tells you of this sucks please fix this well actually no books in the past we're chewed on by mice and rats yeah I remember schools around for a pretty long time so they were first invented they would get chewed on by rats therefore people start leaving empty spaces on the edges so when it interfere with the written work the edges is usually where the bites were so as long as it didn't go through that line your work is saved now he's just worried dark or googledoc there's no more rat problems so uh yeah not our teachers we can just say fail hey did you guys know that the first golf balls were actually smooth they didn't look like this now every single golf ball looks like this apparently golfer is a nude that the best golf balls actually had scuffs they were old and there were little cracked and they used the same old balls for years because there would be a lot more accurate for some reason so the manufacturers started using dimpled balls on purpose just to try to sell more that's it that's the only reason it's not more aerodynamic or anything like that how about the holes in padlocks they're used to lock gates indoors but what happens when it rains it can cause some sort of rusting and problems when you try to unlock it it can get jammed just because the rain can rust the metal when it seeps through inside well those little holes right there is to insert engine oil so it's easier to unlock yes isn't it crazy I would never expect something like that well now you know why there's little holes in the bottom of lock ever since then that's how they manufacture them now you're gonna turn it in and out no problem oh how about the edges of a coin there's those ridges right there why why can't it just be smooth they start in the 16th century and people would actually cut off small amounts of metal from the coins so they can sell them they were just caught a little small amounts put it all together and then they would sell it and then they would also use the coin just like a regular coin it would have the same exact value then reading was introduced this is reading it's the process of making those ridges on the coin so people will stop doing that that way it would be much easier to tell if someone has been chipping away now is just a tradition the more you learn this is the pure education Channel Wow Wow what is the R symbol and trademarks all it means is this R is an official trademark in the u.s. it means registered trademark and then you can sue anybody you want for using your trademark how about utility knife which is actually a lot more complex than you think take the end cap off and then you can take off a blunt blade with the end cap you have a new blade you see these little ridges right here they're all meant to be new blades just cut it off and you got new one as you guys can see here we got a serrated edge almost every single tape measure has one serrated edge is to make an indentation in the wood or whatever it is you're measuring creates a mark to the length you want and then if you guys can see that little indentation the little missing piece of metal is actually used to give you stability you just nail something into a wooden board or wherever it is you're measuring use that annotation and now you can pull the tape all you want and you don't have to worry about someone else holding so there you guys have a measuring tapes a little smarter than you thought originally the design is totally better than what you expected a soda can when you open it there is a hole the holes are provided so you can stick a straw through and it wouldn't just go around when you trying to get it as you can see this hole right here I can just take a straw right through it and then be able to drink it you'd have to flip this around though just like that and then you stick the strong the more you know it's always like a life hack now every single gas tank has a little gas sign symbol and then a little arrow that follows it either pointing to left or to the right that shows you where your gas tank is in case you forget you know you don't remember where the gas tank is in your car you're tired this is a friendly reminder you guys remember those little kits of cups if you guys love in and out they always have the little ketchup cups well they're not only meant to carry ketchup they're also meant for dipping you're supposed to spread them open and then you can dip anything inside the condiment is then spread out you can even dip your burger in there your fries you don't have to worry about such a small little cup it's almost it doubles as a paper plate and the same applies to those Chinese food takeout boxes you can unfold them and spread your food like a real dish the beanie pom-pom is not just there so you can squeeze it it's not just there so it looks cute there's actually a real purpose as to why it's there and we all think they are created by the Vikings remember the Vikings no you don't remember them but if you don't know what Vikings are Vikings because it was such an old design you gotten in the wool they were fastened at the top so at the top they all came together and then they were wrapped around to give you that little pom-pom shape that way you don't have to see it you just take a pom-pom on top and then sew it in no it just looks like a cool design instead of something hideous also has a secondary purpose when the Vikings were below deck on a ship so they don't hit their head when they stand up it would provide extra cushioning in case they do see that would be prevented if they had a beanie with a pom pom you guys know that a hole at the end of your power pan is actually used to hold the spatula or spoon whatever it may be and any leftover drip this goes directly in the pot a genius invention that you probably never utilized it can also be used to hook it up on top so you don't have to put it in a cabinet we of course all know the tic-tock dispenser now if you don't take tacks just come out and have a little lid where they dispense perfectly one at a time a black gate on a microwave there's sometimes little dots on a microwave that kind of hurt your eyes when you look through it it's called a Faraday shield it's to stop microwave radiation from escaping the microwave and basically turning into the hole no I'm just kidding but I can actually cause some sort of damage is there to protect you did you guys learn something today if you did please drop a like follow Alfredo my Instagram Twitter Alfredo and also make sure to get some of your Thomas merch at Thomas brand comm first thing in the description yellow design and we even got more colors here again Thomas Frank um if you haven't gotten your hoodie yet supersoft you won't regret it I'll see you guys soon before you leave check out my second channel free time my friends and I post on there three times a week but you guys learned something new subscribe to the channel have a great one andum peace out [Music]
Channel: Reaction Time
Views: 9,473,737
Rating: 4.9238133 out of 5
Keywords: reaction time, reaction, time, react, reaction time channel, reactions, reacting, reacting to, teens react, elders react, kids react, tal fishman, family friendly, kids, kid friendly, facts, learn, learning, game time, free time, funny, funniest, hilarious, timeless
Id: 9NptEv3vook
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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